page fodh TOE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM? if i 1 ir i 1 t l r ; 1 OM.'DC.HtPt I ( " NVWWAX rMAN COOONtV. L 5jl JI V s. Specials 1 OQCM VUL6A.H TWT Mom -STOTr . I HCVEK 4'!2r?J " -S-- WtLutUvtTOWMT I ft CAR,J NOTKjMCjT -v Tk, -J- .AL Ladle' and Growing Girls. . .Straps or Oxfords, brown or Mack, hi $4.25 Growing Girls PaUnt One Strap Pumps, low heel, $4.85 9UALITY At Reasonable Prices. Family SHOE Store Shoes For The Family. I LV ll ' " COLTS WINNERS r. r- Il J I Here and There I Daily News Classified Ads. OPENING GAME 4N.tH0,UNJ tah,lt of rmm await-rti Boat Engines WRIGLEYS the ufuc( of iuvig(Mn at Kert 9 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdnrtlMiiMnl Tahn for L... V14.tan1 r.l -ort Arthur this sprinr. Ih.n AND PARTS IN STOCK. Intermediate Baseball League Flud ronditiant in Nrw Brunt-ti.vk Started Last Night Score and Maine this tpring were tt FOR SALE Columbian Propellors, 20x28 food Chew your inches down to 12x12 20-13. . well, then use urst liner IS". Foil AI.K. Monan h raiiK-. WANTI.I). Men and Women to SPORT SCHEDULES inches. (di I lie Acropolis Hill pround WRIGLEY'S lo Damir to CanaJUa Psetfle prop-srty Hlle (k healer. AsmirMler learn llarberinic. Paid while Tobln Mronie Phafllng up to lal night the Colls defeated Hie 10 Westrrn Canada by floodt earil. Ihrw pircr parlor leaminK and tools free. Wrltf BASEBALL I W" in slock. lliili School hy a score of 20-1.1 aid digestion. this sprirg)2U0,00U.amounted to approximately mule. Imiiifre. Ilranwiek hm-oirraph. for catalogue. Moler Marber Ssnlor 1 Paragon rteverse Clutch to in the iiiii(r frame of the In- It also keeps oak dinNif room otiile. Colleirc, Vaneouver. M.C J . fit 2K" shaft 'rebuilt . 'icrmedinfe Hasehall I,e.-gvic. The the teeth clean, Caljriry is the leading trlephon NialHiiraNy deeer, bed. wah-In WAXTKH. Five roomel Remlern I-J -lill v.- K. .1-10 lf.I. Clutches rebuilt city on the continent with one Instrument inacbiHe, kila-hen -Orolt., , . number of run scored was accounted breath sweet, wrMiswe, house close .or flat, in. Ilmie IS-St anil Power Gurdie atid to every 4.10 pertoas. Tbo Soti ..( I , Winches, sprocket chains, for by heavy hit I in? hul appetite keen. phones in this rity are automatic. Ulessil. cliair. etr., afl prae- preferre.1 peenMUMfit tenant 4ll s V. K ! 1 In- fielding was nf Itiph order. Gnat CnmJimn liclly new. IrtSW .Ninth Ave. no children. Apply Hat IWJ ti ilwito 77U shaftings, pulleys, pillow Sncrtiteiilar rntehe were made M The pre capita Vi of Canada U FjiI. 1'b.HW lllaei. AIM. 123 I sally Xews t- Mocks, and thrusts. approximately J 16... as remparvd I iy T. Frner in the second in-1 w ih.J2S0 for the United States, Foil S.U.K.- IIomHi1. furNilMr- WAXTKH. KxHsrieiiee i Kns r 1 ninas and hy II. Hihbanl in the ST'iO for Great itrilaia. tSM tot for Lilrben, Uinit anl ll wM for I3-4U1' . RUPERT MARINE eighth inninfrs. The (thiiic was 'ranr and It JO fur AuitraHa. rMH. AIo HeMtintan (tiami. fasnlly.enral Xo biHisewoei.waajilnei. Sssvali I (Fndto v- ailed the eighth I" Jtt--Hviis owing in Canadian Pacific stramers "Mar. kitchen eahei. walenner w as. Pkiine . ,.f 1 durkne. ltd V and "Uetafranaa" docked at St wabiNK (Machine, hftler. He Ironworks Co. Ltd The learn lined-lip lit follow: John with over COO HebridVan Im-miirrants Mr. Oration, 11.1k ShthswI W AX I KI. Fjp-r ieiusH gH fr fils v to Red Deer, Alberta, and CJls 1:. Hitdenich, ; l. Fri- various parts of Ontario. Avenue. tn Ne crsHsao -swsl a. esstetifoe. t- Oroilo (i Waterfront. 7.11. ;,; J. Kelly lb; II. Iln.itl wwres). Apply K. It Oneu IA Heax nf 1 ,. Phone 313. 1 h 1 irn. :'b; S. Anderson. j; (i. The IV23 ramp of the Alpine Hub FOIt SALF...M4rt llnu.- al foctsonery. f I- .fill's s Hulgrr. .11.; II. llibbar.1. If: T. of Canada will be pitched in Larch ;( Ambruse Avenue. Ki Tboe who hud 110 iiaiier -l ed t-: aser. ef; 4. Siinin. rf. Valley, near Moraine Lake, nine im tmlli; Iiimt'MHl or WAXTKH. (Pliable iobl. ol InUrmstflaU their .ye ;ui.I j.iv!.'iidNl 10 miles from Lake Utiw lo the Canadian High School J. Kak, r; X.' slumber. Pacific Korkie. 1111 furnished. WUal oftr Apply Mra. t.ikU. .fdy I Ins. Ml lUily New. I3 fourlli Avenuei U'eet. W Culls v. Steven, V. Kergiu. Summer p; p: Th liKi-ccrlain women (ilanc- TraveHms- S72 knots in twenty. Offioe. 1 S4J J-. (. lb; H. Suga. 2I; A. Mit-.hcll. ed down the car in vain. The four hour, an vr. 'mm. WA.VI HIl TO IIK.VT iaM FWw I While e,t . ; W. Cavalier. 3b; P.! rar went on for half a mile and to 24 knots per boar, the Canadian 'Foil SALIC I tow- boat. bjh Hi lies t Hons. I lot Wf9 IhsHy il Utah si. ;H!ark. If; T. Teddy, rr; II. Ward, then a man nliphlcd. Pacific liner "Knprcst of Canada" condition. s.VtjHi. Apply Ore .tew or nee. IH-Crf-Hs t- ' Irf. "There's a seat f.r one," said recently established a rtrord for laker. Prueee IIiij rt Vwcfcl COAL til Wtilie s.. commercial Teasels the Pacific. WAXTKH.- F.d.Me.g v. on (io-mii r J I". I.aporlewn umpire of balls the conductor. Club. if 1 land strike and J. rtalrliford um-I "Hon I tale it, dear." said one The last link in the yrrst tJUM Hulky.I'bore in g,HM rteasilrlssia, 2 Illeb evi . S7 lured Hie iae. of the younsc women, Jinie man mile scenic tour throoth Western Foil sJAI.H. - I'iano, xtramoihoiie. 7Ji. 10- Catt t. ' . a- The tloll scored three run in will want it."" Canada and the United States will I mn I room mle. beater. PhiHie FOR RENT- AVbHe N be thrown to tm.f1 JM i (real satisfaction? Repeal lhe firl inning, I in the serond, In the momenl of defeat she 30th when open the Bsnff-Windermere on fiHl. 1.11 ?t Hfarli Hct. .. ". onrs ticinst filled eery r in the third, i in the fourth. triumphed, -l'ittidiurir Fun. Mijfor lUchwatu wiH be officially nut itri.i. rurnsiied rooms. 31-fU v. , day for Inone in Itif fifth. :t In It if sixth, opened. , BOARD. wtiti r wtlhe-ul Imard. hm e J in the fevenlh and t' in the GERMAN GOLD IN i eookinK. As housekeeping 7 While K- A of and seed MOAIll). The car timothy rrats Inlander. 80 sullo. Nanaimo-Vellington .Vorfelk eighth. BANK OF ENGLAND, srritrd in Vancouver via CanaJa Pacific Seeond Avenue. Phone 137. tf Mack llooun, phone 3 HUliJVi- - ' The Ilicli Hrhixd wcoreil Railway from Toronto ten days 320. jf tl4s1is . 1 S.V Nut Coal runs in iltn firol innings. .1 in the after Ontario an order Capital.had been This wired coesti to AUCTION SALES. FtlH HKXT. Four roosne,! m..l Reichsbank Raises From ' " lb1 .'fund. Hie neit two iiinin Deposit era P- : " house, tutes a record in aorvi-e partly furnishesl. Oub-k Fuel Lasts linger were uliul-oul. 111 I tic fiflli. 65,000,000 to 200,000,000 AICIIO.N SAI.i: tomorrow May HlMKOiil A venue. I I HUh Krl. - Ul Cost sain, other N-it .'I in tin' mxIIi, .1 in Die seventh Marks In architectural style the new Mil. at J.30. back of Arthur's Jusloe Coals. and I in lh eislilli Bsiiliea at t Anne de Haupre will Market, Third Avenue. Mr. nili.s..M Heated Flat foe rent My I.OXI MIX. .May t'J. -- The be combination of tbe Roman and Phone 116 or 564. a Clary range, six holes. Fairy iiesner apartments. jj. juj S W'ltUe K.. 2 lleirii-tiiiiik lia raic.l il lp..ji. the Gothic. Tbe atceples in frost CAPTURE BARES RING I Kold in (In- Hank of llnulandi will be 22i fret b rh and inrludiiis Vueen healer, rocker in leather, gtejdieos. Albert & McCaflery foin i5.nmi.imi) in fini.oiiM.nint those in Ike rhaneln the new Haiilu-a dinin- table, dreer. 3 fl FOIt RILVT ll(Hiekeeblnsr rnom 5 Ftokfon- . LIMITED. OF DOPE SMUGGLERS ;roll nuirk. inanliiiM ki-epin ill contain twenty-six altars. r. iii. an.I t ft. a n. fj, 110 Htlb Ateflue ItaL Phone H Seoul- - II While 15 liMi.iHiu.niMi in SwilrerlaiMl. I'hu' The honor of r-nninc the first couch.' OinsoleuHi ruji. lino, niuw Z17. (f Police Claim Gasoline Launches j far lhee depooUe are npt plflKcl ship into Montreal kaibor from the leiim, umbrella stand, mirror 1 1- Faleim -Itf Used to Transport Drugs 'anHiii! loan. If. however. IIip' ocean fell thi ye-- te Captain Kl-mund pictures, camera stand, kite lien MODKIIN four room flat for Hril Aikman, commander of the While S. Across U.S. Border lMar preure on tin' mark which Canadian Pacific earner "Bolinjr-b'oke,' Utensil, etc. II. II. lleotMiinirs. rent. Wclcjihavcr Ilrns. tf If t5 i.UrCoiii For Sale! iivi loi.fd lcnll elMMltd be re a freighter. The "Montroee" Auctioneer. FOH IIK.VT. Frwit 1 U l Villi I Vl. XI .. I ... . . . flat Jn Puillh tl ftslHIls I I ....-1 neweil Mi- Iti-M li-liank will 1111 f the sam line was the first vr,e a .tiaiiet lllcimy Mak.T. alli'.-1'.l .Ii-iik im-i! liinl.le.lly borrow' foreign ex- to carry trsns-Atlsntie passengers AI CTIOX isALi: at Mr. IS. Tea-sier's llluek. dliT. at International Fall. Iian- 1 liaiib't- hill on Ho' seciirily o.'i into tbe port ir t3. llore, corner Third Ave. ROOMS SV1iile H. TWO LOTS what Canadian and I'liitfd State i4!ies.' uold balance. and I'.ialilh hi reel at :':.lo pjut. fl llllrUMi- . Vi The numbtr if stnks snd lock, police ierritx a one of I lie 1110.t .Meantime Hie currency silur.-1 nets in Csnada during 1922 was eS. Thursday, .May 31. Omstslisw HT. KI.MO HOI KI !IM an.1 cohl 0 HeWuts t- on Alfred St. wiih gigantic il"K-iivu?riiiiir KCliernes lion in yenerul i iiHi-lianse.1. At' Tbe number of working men Involved of range, healer, Iml. chairs, walisr I 1m every rwnn. Steam While H. DWELLING in hilnry M-tweeii I Canada and HaToliiiijf. a ik'w "void niarli' In tbe strikes was 4l,0i0 and bureau, table, trunks, kitchen lomled. Ilalea reatwtiahle. 17 Falcons - ' the Inited HI Hie. lillk ' ha Imi-ii (oillideil. Illiderl the:,75,276.numbtr of working daya lost ulenil, iools, piw and idark-sioilli I'Imiim. OreoH alll. Kit Herond So Hoouts v- and 2 Greenhouses Oannliiie laiiiirhe plyiutr acros I lie lille. "Ilie lieuUrhe Slauderd! cent of the Approximately time 'is' ws In fifty connection per die. tUry afe, 7 li.p. Avenue Wesl. 3 --While H1.1 Or Owiht will exchaiiire fur Lake Siijierinr ami Italny Lake Hank." Max Warhuri: of ii.iin-. with the rir of tbe coat marine enirlne, lMd of all Jtf Falnnns v W carry uan'otics from Fort Frances miners in Alberts and Uritlsh TENDERS WANTED .11 -Hrt in Is v- h bine nuke Hie aiiifTfrestioii lluilj kinds, pick, shovels, etc. phit-polL Dwelling iiml Lot mfire centrally and I'nrl Arthur In Hie border Columbia which Isated from April A'.;-' ' tin official market for discount-! till the end of FOIt Ji Co., Aiulioneers. IK.NHLItH wauliNl for rlearinu Aug" 3- While : and llieni-e Hot llH'lllCll. into Minnesota, where. in!-' in future for Hie new ((old slmiejis ami roots on Nurse' Sei ii for Particulars they are -il.e, Ihroiisli Hi I'reasnry bills should be e.lali-' Topping the grain shipments from Home site. Tenders to he Hi n--l'alrin - W noi-tliwe.le-ii elates. nrcordiiiK to lisbeil. . St. John nf the 1 121-21' winter sea 5 0- Hchnls I iu Milbunk Hound by Hal June northbound; p.m. unlay, 2. For police. son by slmoit four million bushels II Whit Hot v H Alfred whose dis-l Oliver Typewriter. Laiisiuirph, K'.Jd a.m. ike steamer I'rinre pin Ocular, apply f-it Order were ent IhroiiKli ll.'Hj and establishing a record for h Hecrelary. l7Kaen Wr. Cary Safe. cissioii of tlit currency situation for vsluoie left tdione Jul. mail to Maker, it i rliarKi-d, and port ir,e. single shipment lluperl Ocean Fall iiorlh- 10 Seoul" Fa hate all faded wide attention lia FIRE INSURANCE. lor one ve,i tne mZ-ZJ, rr,ifl the. are rodeit In deeply nolici. ,()ljni, 23 While Hoi -2H taken somewhat new it no 1 ml re-liiinlinj: b-siness through the'Csnadian P. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Five do liar' worth of .Mabel' the prospwls of n-lor-Iny cific elevators up to -May lit totallej 1 j"-u ""' ''''IM I.livir: Falcons ts Whs' put. Dybhavn & Hanson was one order, which, it was revealed, irohl ciiri-eiiefe in irp liiir.ioi ousirls. Tne single shin. "oo; ouromeier :.(; lemiier- lfl.tllKXCKH MAXIf'.i;MKT i.ti.t 31 Hi oil Is vs, Fa meant morphine. ' Clarence" iienerally. He ileelare Hull whe-i wheat menis rerorx was maiie on an alure iic- ea nu.olli. HhampiMiiiiK. ltei.JenHal work Hepl.'in: r of busbtla. Third Avenue. was used to refer lo co- the I'uited Stale IhroiifHi it cargo JS9,7S3 hlOMY ISLAM). - Otcrivasl: a specially. Phone nine a? t . .1 - While i K Prince fill lie 'aim; baromeler 2!). Mr. Coleman. Rupert, B.C. I own deflation led lo the full in HO; temperature I 'Juaiililiea of nvirpliine an.I prices iliiriuv i'.Ut. it inaleriallv WIRELESS REPORT Hi: sea smooth: slenmer TAXI FOOTBALL jollier driiK were receitil ul the increasil (!; difficulty for papcr- Chelidisin out d..1.'i i.m. soulli-hound: Junior general delivery wicket of Hie curreney couulries 10 return til Sa-m. M p.m. spoke steamer Tail 87 Phone. May 31 -Publli! F post office. They were packed In ,e void .landard. MI LL IIAIIMOIt. - Otercast. (iriifeo :iu miles from Aiiioi (Call (ieorgi or Oust) vs. Colls, Marker rc'e 111,1 j I i, Jiir WTMp-per, Hi further concliisiiji is Hint liKhl we.t wind; barometer .'V.Vt; hound for Anviu; 7:.',.', h.iii. spoke Rose Brother. Fivljiy dollars an ounce AtiiHiicil, by lockitiK up Kold, wil: temperature r. ; light swell; H steamer Princess Mary due in M Five-passenaer Touring Car PHINCt RUPERT Tlt was the uwrape pric- iliurti'ii by in Hie; eml injure herself. p.m. epoke steamer Anyot rross- a.m. soiilhboiiiid. 'rompt Day and Night Kervlea ( Maker, nccoiiliuir lo (he (mlice. Noon Stand: Boston Prill Third Avenue Wf That the Itainy llfver dislricl Tuesdaif, TiMiriuir S445 was the liae of drug supply fur MI LL; fresh AUCTION HALZt. High 11 I i.iiruiK Willi Ktii' tiT 530 ihe ioi lhwe..rn states is alle(feu west wind; barn meter xil.iift; leiu-periituri I ' it ' Ituiiabout 405 I by American police, atlliouvh The Water Shine 17; hevy swell; fnay Conducted in your home or at Low . . a 4i n" 1 . lliiiialioiii. willi ntarlcr 490 1 1 lny haie not hacked Hie Miurce. proof seaward; V.30 a.111. spoke steamer ur rooms. Hoods also sold 011 IH I. r m Kedun, with -.lurl.-i . . 785 ) Maker's arrest resulted roin Chelohsin in Mflhank Hound commission. Wsdnssdsr, Wf Cnupe, with sturli-r . . 695 information laid with police py the " Nujtfet" shine southbound; l(l:.')0 a.m. spoke M. H. HEaiMifjos, Auctioneer, llivh .. il ' ' ChuMi 346 in former pal. who Hided sleuths Hays longest ! It defies all steamer Prince .John croMinu' miro Avenue I 1 l i' Chasi. wlJi Kiartcr 430 111 Ihcir lia.-liiw of him. Oueen Charlolle Round soiilh-tiound: (Dei ny Allen' Old Store) Low i 'I' a-r Tio k 495 weather. lioiu) sfMike steamer Phone black 130 and Green 471. iu 11 Triii'k. Willi MluHcr .. 6t0 FAIR WARNINO Thursday, Wf J1, l:i Oirulo ci'Ossiiijr Queen rjiar. FURS. FURS. l.iuhl Il.lnciy 430 A feminine voice was heard TiUQGET lolle Hound io'hliound. High I H '" l.i-lil llfliv i-ry, with from Iba steps of a crowded car: HFAIl tlii:F. FO'XT. -'"Cleuir; NOTICE TO TRAPPERS, J :.'I-' IL f" l.irt.T 51S "Oil. el n, dear, someone will culm: barometer 21:H.'I: leiiinera- Hoil'l se your furs until you Low ... H 15 ! ' 1 Ford, Out. Kite you a seal." 'jjia next Shoe Polish lilie .it:sea sinoolh. have seen inc. buy every J. 20 ?l P S. E. PARKER liioiiu-iil lu'o young women euler IUOMY ISLAM), Overcast: "ciiptioii of raw furs at best Friday, J"" 1 ,, Dealer, ed. calm: bar.under -"JMi; lemnera- I rices.. Hriiig In your ralcjies iiiith ? ' ; Prince Rupert, B.C. The men were mi their iriftt-lle UAkk BMOWN AND WHI1K Inie 51. sea smooth; Prince.. W. aoLDBLOOM, in 10 p ' ; They read "Th Trappee'a Friend." k"1 papers Btornly Low : Mary out it 15 am. loulliboufiil, Second Avenue, ,,