Tuesday. November 13, 1983, Iamily BANKING 1 - i! J.. ' -4 i' HtrflPtS afafaHk TN kwping -with iti practice of extending to ' its ctutbmers every proper banking accom. BnxLuion, the Bank of Montreal directs attention ' to the fact that many husbands and wives h maintain Joint Accounts with this institution , ; convenient arrangement whereby either may jkposit or withdraw aj the occasion demands. i Chequing Accounts for the purpose of dealing with household accounts may also be opened. It is the aim of tht Bank to be h helMul tn matter UnanriaL ( t II. ST. 0. LLF., Manager. Prince Ituperl Ilrancli. BANK OFMONTREAL Established ewer 100 years Have You Tried? - Rupert Brand OCKEYE ALMON. . andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage. Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERt SATURDAY SPECIAL f Allen's Creamy Toffee 50c per lb. ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. Rexatl Store I Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth. Phonos 82 and 200 DENTISTRY jv Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CA8H CHEQUES. Agents For: JN. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01. BAD BLOOD PIMPLES AND BOILS Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Mla Irt-iift A. MlllifWit. Slariwr. Out.. rli. : --I ihoiirht ,t wfM write ami IHl yim t,i ilii- eiM-rinire ami Ix-m-nt I liave derived from Uunlork MihkI lllllrra. 8wh few month airi I waa IriHiblml llli bad bl'MNl ylilrh tjfnke out on my fare 111 tlie nature of plmplm, bulla anil rlnir worm, aiul I rot no bail I really did not know what to do. I a. aiamed to r anywliere, and the Itrhlnr'aiiil biirtilnr raumil aurh a terrible M-n.alloii I i-ould not ny relief day or mailt. . One day a friend advl-d loe to u.e Hurdoili MoMl'Mier. I ied one Ixdtle ahd frit (uile a relief, and by I lie llini l nan liken J IxillleiTI Mat'entniiletely I rannoi pralae H.lt H. eivMirli and I liope anyone afrilrted like I will irel the miih- iM-neflt I received." Murdoik Ii.hI Bittera U manurartured only by TIk T., Mllburn Of.. Limited. Toronto, Hot. K. A. Hood wax a iiaxoeiijrpr for nnci. uvcr on the 1'rince Ilu-wrl. Sunday evening. , Anyi'lfi I'iikiioIIo wan a jutx-senger leaving for Vancouver on (he I'rincc Huinrt Sunday (veiling. (iiiidon 11. Ilolib. 'llic" Hur'nx Lake !i a id wan- .man, wax a iia'i-cener for Vancouver on J lie I'rincc Ituocrl Sunday evening. Clmrlex Slewarl, Ituggle.x and MuifKurd or t lie riwivincial dry ixniad roJiirneil -xnulli on (lie I'rincc Hujiert Sal unlay evening. I.. O. I.arMin called for Vancouver u Hie i'rince lttiiert Sunday evening to Join Mrn. I.aren vvlio ix at iireccnt visiting iu (he xoulli. Mojiirliiml I'rinVe of Wale.x, arrived in iiorl lliit morning from Kelrliikan having on Imard 117 Imxex of xaltnon and lialihul for Iraiixxliijimcnt Jliixl over Hie Canadian .Vntlnnal llailwayx. , Aliotil I50 wax realized by Ho- Muniripal Chajiler, Imperial Order Dauulilerx of Ihe Kmiire, nl Hie l'opiiy Day lag on Saturday for I ho (ireal War Vel-eraiift' Axeialioii'x dixalded veteAmx' fund. Ciijil. and .Mrx. Odemau of thlx cily ami tdlipr Salvolinn Army olllcer from .Norllierh II. C. and Alaxka wlio have been at Vancouver attending the annual Army eongre-xx returned to Ihe cily lay Ihe I'rince Huper' Salunlay evening. Over Ihe week-end they proceeded from the cily In llieir various posts. (tee l)i mi, who will .-erve xix monlhx nl Okalla for having drugx in IiI.h poxxo.x.xioii, and Ole Marlnixcn, l'eggy Stevens and May linger, each of whom have been M-tilenced lo lx months for liquor celling, were taken xouth on Sunday evening. Ser geant Ilailey wax iu charge of Ihe men ami Mrx. W, II. Vickcrs cxeorled t lie women. HE DID HtS BEST "So." Mobbed lllma 'axeline- ovilch, "Ivan Nincxpotxkl died iu Willie! Do you say he uttered my name ax tie wax dying?" Pai l of II," replied I lie re turned xobller; "part of it." - New York Wurld. They're Buying Already for Xmas Many people have started looking around for some special gift for someone I hey wish Iu please. If you, would give us the order now we would be able to mane up or procure lor you any special or unusual gift We carry a stock of un mounted diamonds and oilier stones and have an up-to-date smiill manufacturing shop tu' do your work nl home. Wc promise to pleuse you. Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. 4 i. . . . un,UI e.o. Dir.r Ttinirp 1 y I . Local aid Persotal n.c. Undertakers. . Phone 41. Hayaers, Undei Ultra. Pboue -' - Order your coal from Casey. L'hpne itcd 523. tf Interior Pasteurised Milk. Prince Hupcrl Dairy, '' Phone lilack 2IG. Tom Ma fsfin of Itev. until after (he Christmas holi days. tf Choice Creamery Uulter, 7 lbs. for 3.u0. F.' W. Moersch. I'lioneaa.-i , ...4tt Mr. and ,Mrl C." II. Sawle ar rived lit t lie city laxt evening from .New Jlazeltim K. .V. Valentine i-penl the hoi I.-day week-end at Terrace on a grim.xe huntiitg expedition. -L-&. V. J. .N'elxoirund It. L. Ilfown xpent tie holiday week-end at Caxxiar ranch ,at Woodcock. Mixx Mary McLennan formerly of Ihe local' hoxpilal nursing xlatr Is "now at lllairmorc, Alberta. and Mrx. T. J. JHarh, Terrace," ix ,at-lendiug college at. Prince AIIktI, Saxkatchewau. Thoxc failing ,lu get last iseue of (Jovernment Itondg can have orderx filled now. Call or phone T. McClyinont.., tf Mixx Irene Stewart of Ihe local school leacliing xtan pent the holiday weel-end aj. .Cojiper Cily vixiling wilir'Mrx. Leslie Skinner. - f' A. J. Philjin'xiinr 1 tie local fur dealer, returned by last night' train' after 'xIiTndlffg the weekend on huxjne.x at Skcena Croxxing' and Vamlrxdol. Dick Hodgson, . local manager for S. S. Magollln & Co., who ha been at I'rince (5eorge for the past Ihree month ts, returned to Ihe city on last night's train. - IS. (1. lluxhby, i head of Hie Prince lluperf Hy-Prtducls Co., xafled Sunday : night on Ihe Prince Ituperl for Victoria where tip will remain with hi family Mrs. MorU Craig returned by Ihe I'rince Ituperl Saturday evening after spending a few weeks iu Vancouver and Violoria visiting at Ihe latter place with her daughter, Mrx. I). D. Mc Tavish. 0. II. Nelson, formerly of Ihe Prince Ituperl Journal, i Ibis year a member of Ihe press gal lery at Ihe provincial legixlaturo at icloria representing Ihe Vic loria Colonist along with J .Mc- Dougall. Joint Pimler Moxx returned by last night's train from llanall where he has joined the stall of Ihe lloyal Mills. He will -prnd a few days here before return ing lo I lie interior having been ill recently. i L. II. Warner, editor of the Interior News, Sinilhers, return ed by Hie Prince Ituperl Satur day from a brief business t rip lo Vancouver and Victoria and proceeded to Ihe interior bv I rain that evening. Miss htamla Marxlt of the local school teaching stall re turned lo t lie city by last night'. train after having spent Hie holiday week-end vixiling at Terrace with her parents, Itev. and Mrs. T. J. Marfh. C. K. Ilrooks, CN.ll. superin lendent of snpplios and equipment, Montreal; L. C. Thomp son, superintendent for the same department at port Arthur and .1. H. Scot I, Mr. Ilrooks' secretary, arrived from Vaucou ver on the Prince Ituperl Saturday evening and proceeded Last by train. x - Union steamer Caiuosun, dipt. J. A. Findlay, replacing Ihe Car-dena In Ihe northern , service. while (hat vessel I undergoing annual overhaul at Vancouver, arrived from the south at 7 o'clock Sunday evening and left at 8 for Anyox, Stewart and Alice Ann. The steamer U scheduled to .sail from here for the south at 5 o'clock this af ternoon. w cigarettes m - Anglican Church liazaar. Wednesday. Mens' Hooth a special-1 ly. Open afternoon and even-! ing. - -. S. J. Kvan sailed yexlerday afternoon by I lie Princess Mary for Ketchikan. He will return lo Ihe cily in a-'few1 day. John Dyhliavi'i, manager of Hi lloyal Fisti Co., is back at hi duties tin the waterfront afler having been confined- lo hf home for Ihe past 'week on ac count of illness. Chief Constable A. C. Minty of the provincial police force sailed Sunday evening by I lie Prince Ituperl for Vancouver enroule lo Queniiel lo which point hcj lias been transferred. ANNOUNCEMENTS Anglican venibcr ti. (, Llks Home. Church Bazaar, Ko- Sl. Andrew's Ladies" liazaar, November, 10. Presbyterian November 21. Auxiliary Church Bazaar llebekah liazaar, Saturday, November -1. Women of Mooseheart Legion Bazaar. Metropole Hall, Novem ber 28 and 29. 4 lloyal Purple Bazaar, December Methodist Church Bazaar, December 15. High School Xmas. Concert, December 20. 1J Plus 1c Per Piece. J- a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service -AH of your washing 80 ' pt cant or your ironing rythlng rtturntd dry You almply touch up a f.w outtr gartxiants auch l walats, blous.s, houaa dr.aa.s, with hand-Iron. Phona ua today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. CHRISTMAS Greeting CARDS That Are Different. , ' ' . -- Out iit'2'3 line js a dandy. The finest we have ever. shown. Beautiful. dainty designs, new ideas, quality, sentiment, all Ihe very latest. .. Values, not just as good as others, but as in former years, better values than all others. Orders promptly filled at our own Print Shop no middleman's profit. Come and see or phon?, and our representative will call. Illustrated circular in colors with price list ma'ded to out-of-town customers on request. McRae Bros., Ltd. LECKIE'S WORK BOOTS . comfort and long wear The waterproof double soles and glove-like fit of these fine "Leckie" Work Boots make them the ideal footwear for all manner of heavy work about the farm. They offer real protection lo the feet and keep them warm and fre from the effects of treacherous under foot weather conditions. You safeguard your health if you wear1 Leckie's. YOUR DEALER HAS "LECKIE'S." It he cannot supply you write us direct! J. LECKIE CO. LTD., VANCOUVER, B.C. SKockley S Planing Mills Are now Sole Agents 'for the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMEN8ION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR 8HIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone SS3. 11' .it I