We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COL. LECTION OF RENTS The Satisfactory Services given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybbavn 6 Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 5S0. Service and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage y Phone 8. Cartage, Warehousing, and 'Distributing Team'or jMolor Service. lCoari?.vid and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. HOTEL HUDSON 773 Seymour Si. (Near Hudson Bay Stores), VAMC011UKR, B.C. G. WesleMuftf, 'Manager. Late of WihnHeg, Brandon uhd Moose Jaw. Modern-Fireproof-Central We ApnrecWte Your Business. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. F.litnlnate Ihe draught around your wfitdows ani use, less coal. 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. (Has and Mirrors of all kinds, T. ROSS MACKAY. ' Phone Blue 106, BELATED MEMBERS OF TOUR PARTY ARE HERE Five Masairhvsetts Forestry Aoriation Exrnrsioniiti Arrired from Ketchikan by GisboaU Five m'emhers of Ihe Massachusetts Forestry Association tour party which has hern visiting Alaska in the course of a tour to National parks and forests in the Northwestern States and Alaska arrived front Ketchikan by the launch Hawkeve, ('.apt. Day, at 1.40 this morning. The party had intended arriving here on the Princess Alice on Saturday afternoon, but were delayed in the north and had to engage the launch to bring them here. They report having had a rough passage from Ketchikan to this port -and they were all very clad to arrive here safe and sound, and put up at tlie rrlnce Itupert Hotel. They are going East on tonight's train and will stop oft at Jasper Park. Originally, the party consisted of 30 members but all of them except these five have already gone south. Those here are Mr. and Mrs. G. It. I-ethurn. of Doston; .Mrs. II. A. Maurrr, of New iorks Mrs. C W. Hetter. of Philadel phia, and Harris A. Ite.vnoUis. of l!os-ton. Mr. Heynnlds has been in charge o( the tour. HEAD OF METHODIST I MISSIONS IN CITY Dr. O. Darwin Preached if' Loral Church Last -Night It On Tour of Inspection to North Dr. (). Darwin, superintendent of Methodist missions for the province of isntlsh Columbia, preached last nicht at the regular service in the local Meth odist, (Jiurrh. He arrived from Hazel- ton a ixl Smithers by the evening train arid will leave tonight for Port Simpson. He is on a tour of the north and later Lieut. Col. aud Mrs. It. .V. Stewart, of Scotland, who have heen cruising in the neighborhood or the city for the past three months sailed this morning on the Princess Louise for the north. They are going through In the Yukon and Central Alaska where they will spend Ih winter. A trip down the Yukon Iliver from Dawson to Nome is Included in their itinerary, They will go from Nome to Seattle by the outside passage and expect to be buck in this city in June next year. PREPARING TO VISIT RUPERT DURING FAIR felkwi Football Team Ha New Mini- ger and Great Interest Is Being Taken In Organltatlon. TKI.KWA, Aug. 13 At a meeting of the Telkwa Athletic Association last week W. Wallace was elected foolhnll mancger in place of K. Owens, who had handed in his resignation. J. firaham was appointed vice-captain hi place of II. Miller who is at Dome Mountain mine. Interest in football is keen now that word has gone around tliat Ihe team is lo go to Prince Itupert to play during fair week. IROYAL ARMS CUP SHOOT YESTERDAY RESULTED IN TIE 1 In the shoot for the Hoyal Arms Cup nt the Mr.Wliotl Creek range yesterday , irierpooii. Allan Davies and William jllrasi tied, each having a score of 42 out of a possible W) for ten shots at the f.H0 yard range. Next Sunday there will Ie a shoot-off between these two men at the same range, the best scorer out of a shots to he declared the win-ner. In the Tegular weekly shoot for the regimental spoon, M. M. Ijmh was the winner with a wore of 81, A. M. Davies was high nun hut he was haudicapied II to l-ainh's seven. The scoring) A. M. Davits M. M. Umb ... W. Hiass W. M. llrown ... It. W. Cameron It. Wilton I). Corker II. E. Hudson 2Hi 31 .11) 21 30 2C 27 30 21 if, 23 32 2G 2.1 25 22 19 29 23 29 23 r 16 16 10 SEVENTEEN HALIBUT BOATS AT EXCHANGE Total of 1(0.100 Americana Pounds PoU Today- Get Uest Price Seventeen halibut boats 'sold catches totalling 1G.1,40I kmiik1s at the Fish Hxrhange this morning. Ten American boats hail 129,1100 pounds and seven Canadians 31,iGA pounds. Americans had the advantage of higher prices for first-class catches while second-class fish in all cases hut one brought )0,'c. Arrivals and sales: (American) Vesta, 12.0IXJ pound, at 13.fic and lie. and Hazel II, -Id.lsKt ouihIs nt 13.3c ayid lOJic to the Pacific Fisheries. Venus, l3,Wiflf iounds at lX2e and lOJic; Oonah, 13.IMHI pound, at 13 le and lOJic; Madeleine J, 13,(i0ft huih1s at I3c and lOJk-, to the Canadian r'ish & Cold Storage t'ja. Nomad. 10,1(00 Munds at 13-V ami HlJic; 1j Paloma. 13.f0 iwunds, at ?.:e and lOJic. jml Chaiiccllor, 1S,'M muih!s at 13 and lO-V, to the Itoyal Fish Co. Clarier. l-VnH) imiinds. at 13.4c ami lOJic. ami Ijiisinfi. I2.(M)0 Munds, at 13-V aud 10-V, to the Allin Fisheries. (CanaJlan) Itoyal, 401) pounds, at 12.fic, ami lOJic; VoUinlCer. 7,fiO0 pounds, at 120 and 10..V, and Thelma I, 400 kiuiiIs, at l2Jc aud lOc, to the Canadian lili Cold Storage 'On. .Margjlu-f. ttKKI pounds, at 12.7c and lOJic, and W. and K, 4,0(K) ihhjiuI. at 1 2.9c and 10c, to the Itooth Fisheries (liiadian I'm. Westerner. 2JMK) k,uiuU, at 12.Sc ami 10.Sc. ami Mab, pounds at 12.0 ajid, J 04c. h he tJiii Fisheries. WHIST DRIVE HP, in the week will visit Anyox ami OceaiiKj)( Tfk tiJXJIJCf I , f A I . . . ki. imikiii was juji receniiy fed to his present position succeitilf ! Dr. J. H. White who was superannuated, He was formerly superintendent of missions in Saskatchewaiu-4ut for the past several years bw-lus LecH-M-iJvrr- I poil in charge of emigration work for the church there.' jWILL SPfiyD WINTER IN KLONDYKE AND -'miHIiS. lT There appoin ppoiiir-j.- j- CENTRAL ALASKA was a auce at auspices of Mystic Jewel Unite, No. 42. Order of The whist game was closely nlaved with the first prize for ladies being t FAQ1 FOVH THI DAILY, H1WB Monday. Aiifui t AVe have now been appointed Solo Local Agents for the celohrrfcil Hurlbut Shoes FOR CHILDREN and MISSES and jve now have a'complete slock. Undoubtedly these shoe are Ihe Weal 'footwear for children. Ask about our "REBUILT" service whereby we repair Hurlbut' Shoes and make them a size larger a great boon where crowing children are concerned. Family SHOE Store "Shoes For The Family." BRINGING UP FATHER JAMEts-THE. MINUTE VEvT ( THKT MAGGIE TAKE VVELU- HER. NP. Wajhy fOU TO UE.T ME, A 5f- ' 1 KNOW j VAITIN THRet HOOt- tT NtiAK OUT ONT1U 3Hec4Tt TO EEP- ROPE. I OOtS T fit ii 'TiPl by .Mrs. Halt, and first prlie lor gent's by M. NortiMt. Sirs." Tortroun and Dr. Milling "wmt the conuiUtion pnirs. i Ik- refreshment ,'ninnuttee provnt-d ja dainty supper, after which the prm winners were announced wheu the party broke up at midnight. prince"rge!s ON DRY DOCK TODAY C N. R. Steamer Arrives frm Koatk Three Hours Ahead of Time I Having Made; Changed. In order to go on the local dry dock for a chaiigc of p.orilcr blades, the (LN.lt. stranu-r I'riure (irorgr. (j;L W. S. Mort'hoilse, r: ivcd iu Ktrt from Hit an. Ih at 12 iMMtn, three hours aheatl of lime. The vcsel went up to the dock at 2 and will return to lier berth early this, evening lo discharge her cargo. It is expected she will get away for the south on time at II o'clock tonight. ONTARIO MEMBER OF COMMONS IS IN CITY TODAY William IIUcL. l.ibt ral iiK-mlxr of '.he ud.ral iiarliamcnt for Huron Sojtli Mrs. Itl.vrk ami tlc:r son. Ma'tt-r (,eo,-gc iacK,- were among mi,- pav.i-irgcr-.. aniving from the south on Ihe Trince (irorgu. this afternoon. Tl-y Ure o.i a tour of tUr, Pacific Usist akl will leave miloiiigJu train fe the' F-ast. ir Istact. f'hi a elictetl to the House of Commons In 1H2I. is a fanner j live. rtSeaforth, Ontl . CANADIAN FARMER ! COMING TO DOCK CJ..M.M. Paper terrier Due at Local Shipyard Some Time About End tLe' J!ie of Month. i next .(.XJMJI.i.steanu-r in come Hrbekahs held in Ihe lodge room on to overhaul will I Hk- Jit- local local tin dry1 dock dock for for Wednesday. ibe Ihe CaimrtTau Farmer due some (ime A "j"0 confrst was also arranged for I about the ei!I .of the month. The the devotees of tliat articular game, Karmet-is (tie of Uie smaller -U of ana alter a narti-roughl session the returns proclaimed Mrs. J. It. Mclnlyre cntitU-d to first prize, with the consola tion prize going to Miss S. Auger. Ivd. Murin's score entitled him to first glut' prize, ami S. Ileuiu-t "barked" in to the iMxibie. CJlH.ll, boats ami- is jrN in Uie ,:per rarr.vi:g serrice letvriii (K'tswi i an miiu iiiiornia. Arrivals from Ihe south on" the steamer I'rlnce (leorge this aftrrtMMiii hirludetl Miss I. It. liallard. J. Wilutn. I'. Carton. Miss Alice Nelson, T. A. Wal-mui, A. A. Cox. D, ('jini.tK-ll, Mr. im( 'aaaaaaaaW EfmB aaa. power. means JF Wk wstkimf VtL. I fcjjf HAANT SHE H)H SAI.K- t 1 i n j ' . i a in aiicil new am VM tOftR-t (SOT I OOH'T CONC TO TAKE. A. HAP l T IKTX rilT lUTKI, lac. An II. I. Kairnuiul ml SKSK iJrr. I25 cukIi or will dl on lrnis lliinif Lake (iarat'e. Hum Lake, H.a lJ3 ITin SALK.--I have for Male ev-era'l lmali good for leaiire and.' work ai iwreol imial -har- iiuk 1 Uiy . tnusl he sold. ;.i- X. M. .McLean, Oiw lhiy.i. Foil SALK. Friill nlore on Sixth SlreH an a goiim concern, (ioml opiMMlttiiily fnr iierson who can jflve II their full tiinw. Apply Fiiller's (Jroi-ry. ' If (iOOl) Ilmiie nn Orahani Aentie, Seclioii 2 for Male, 7 roonm and hallirooui. Apply Mr. II. J. Sutherland. 1011 S.M.K. IMnins stiile. rocker couch, lahle, ViIlon tub, elc. Cheap. Phone Illue 197. (till FOIl S.U.IL Kilchen ranire and healer - ill pood condition. I'honc Itlack 213. FOR RENT FOIl HK.NT. At Alice Ann, pool, room, harder hop ami cipur Mtore. l.iviiiK room ujislairx, AUo hedn for rent. Apply Art Xlaudin, Ihts II, Alice Arm, I I.C. U)'J Foil HUNT--I'our room fiirnisli-z ed h'tniKalow, complete with all modern convenience!!. Clone in. Apply H.x 132, Oally Xew )Hirt. fO IlKXT riiriiihlted moms, with hot and cold waler, hr day or week. Moderate ralea. Xorfolk Iloorns Phone Jtlaclt 3M. If ISTI'AM Healed Flat fur rent. IJi'Mtier apartinentk. M. M. leplienn, FOIl nr.NT-HotiHekoopliiD; room ill) Sixth Avenue Kan I, Phono Blue 217. tf MOUF.flN four room flat for renl. WeHtenhnver Uron. tf Mrs. I. Ii. (joilkln and diil.1, Miss A. lio.vle Miss II. K. liny. Mltn X. (.11-rhilst, S. Hi II, T. Itosle. T. fiiilhrle, (ieorxv Viili, T. -IrlTerson, M U Sl.irr, Mrs. J. I. Walsh uinl rhlM, Miss Ithotm .VitiiMlirs, (,. II. Howluml, Mr. iiul Mr. 1 II. Thorie. Miss II. Thnriw. ('. II. ' Tl n QU? WANTED WAXTF.O. .Men nud women In , learn barherln. Paid while learning and tool free. Write for rainlotfiio. .Moler Itarlwi (idlfKc. Vancouver, U.C. IIOUSKKHKPRIl wauled.- Middle aped lady ptnferrwl. 'Hirep in family. To take fulr rharpe. Apply hot ISC, Oally New WAXTI'I), SlroiiKad to deliver Kd K-eriea. I.ttll ey'n Ofocery. ROOM AND BOARD PALMKIl HOt'SK. 10(1 Seentlt Avenue West. Phone Me, m. Ftirnishnl nulla. BOARD. ItOAItO. The Second Avenue. TAXI Inlaiuler, 830 Phone 137. tf Tail 67 Phona. Call (ieorgt or 0ut) Rosa Brothart. Five.pasenjer lourinif Car Prompt Day aud NIht Service. Stand; Boston drill Third Avanu HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. For i erm nffdy proprieiret: Mis J C. S. Iiunn. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Monday. Wednesday and Fridays cinnei t 5.30 p ' m. From the East Mondays Thursday and Saturdays 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sundays Monday? Wednesday , F rldnyii miwi.ii rridayn ....... C.P.ll. 11x1iHt 3, rt, and 27. To Vancouver-Monday Tuesilayn, Mail cIomch at I P.M. Thtimday- Saturday Salurdayn C.P.ll. AllRtlfit H ami 29. To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesdayn From Anyox, Allco Arm P. M, 3 PM .. 3 P.M. A.M. 3 p.m: 13. 17, 21 Anyox and Arrandala. Sunday .7 10 P.M. From Port Simpson, Allco Ami Anyox and Arrandato Titt'Mday A.M. To Stewart and Premier I'ri'hf 9 P.M. Sunday 7 From Stewart and Premlor Sal unlay i 1. 'P.M. I tiesdayn To Alaska Points In Dm " Mailer Miller 'of Mir II IK 99 ,..! n w 1. i. . I I 11m m KitaiD t'ltal. or s By George McMa aainsM i limn, ir. uixi r. it. it. mir, aiasier JutcMi Couilon. li,. ..Lrf Jtorrti; ""1 IJ. Mir. Mis, Fm.ieea IIUh.i.on.1, fi. F.l. TAKE mitii'k i'h? lUit iiu.'-i Jlilv Jlilv , ," .. on "" " VIB S ' ! lit d.. 111 my Wl Of 111. 111. I I I I 1 1 -1.1IJ -1.1IJ 111-1..' 1 11, lli .- .- ,1 .1,11,1, rinin, , mniarii iiiniarusim. son, " " ir ii-iieri wiieri or or ailniiiiiair.n..i lutllllilalrallon . ..Rhliii. Mr, ..Ml Mrs. K, JlKiuSw1 OOT ALU CAM 11. on DAY f lfI ffl" 111 II Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advrtlmnt Tnkan for L. th. HELP WANTED SAW.MII.I. ami IMnninsr ,iill Men wanloil. Waifi 10c anil t5c. Al lumber pilrr and Irtirk loaderi) at ronlrart 10c. a thoiiainl. Also men for contract loKk'itti. oawing nt 91.30 skiil.liti; ami ilraying ahoul (tuarlcr mile, 12.0(1. I'nilisl (rain (Iniwer Sawmills Hul-lotl, I l.C. 101 FOR SALE FOR SAI.K. T. 0. Huncait 27 ftwt rai.pl dock emlr "Nancy." 10 h.ji. I cycle cnjrlii', dnublc isnitioti, Murage hat-Icry, gpncralnr, clc. coinplel with dinghy and all accit-Mrics, Plume He'd 390. Vtm S.M.K. Xpw hull, 1C feci by fit feet. Seine hat model. (niHtrticled of first cla.sis material. Ilanrain. Address T. F. JohrfMin, I'.O. Ibis ll 7H. Ketchikan, AIaku. n 8) Conducted In yuur ht'T, cur room., 0ood coniiiilaKlon. m M. M. HEMMINQS, Auttl,. Third Avenu (Dei.ny Allen's Old tun) CHIROPRACTOn R. D. TAS3IE, D.c. " Chlroprgctor 3rd Avenue. p( , n lloiir: lg t t: Phone Ji . Illil'nre . In lee Ua4 LA HO ACT, Miel of ft mi- tl ii mtii Mkt .,f 1 a! T XMIw. (Kit r (UMswnnd. B.r. I ? fr rrmHan In (. 4MHt M rkaM srf M Ukf Sill K tHel: tnme souik l lb. wsi',,r nnria foMoMjr "..f -111); tnrtirv rasl i. j nwnt. inl rMiMStnr OS' . blj Vt ttlh. Jt WrrltJ U4 r.um iiool 11 north rt - - llvnrr wr fl eluln l fluliu ta kliMinm follbnlnt lb lain , . . MiihmMl rrner r ' -cOi ll rhsin la t.i;t Uession. fur an M tn t c I 1 4U ( Mtlla u uft L. . ' Ltf4. 1 tU. V 1 r v t I ( tn ro jst-n. Lao CT N4U f UtMtUa U iM'f UK. In trnt land n. r r liiel at ntwr Hm-f ' tl lb nnrih Mvl . r s Til MoUrr. tfeil ' hosrsMwi, n.c. rirfin ' lor notlna t tar 1 at; k. U IkM x .- 1 cm lr IK i ' M .J a r i -, T H :l: t .f ra mnl, iia eflUlnln U. I l s1 Ter L . Irt nii y tsin, sata. NOTICE. Jioncr i 111 nrriT v.nrt 141 h Pllrsiion will l mt b.U :itf utj nutn 10 li lrtlsio I'rovlne f Brill.h .,i:n.'. v It '' H"rrt Url ln?pnivmn V. vl ta." lulhortflnjr IN" ai.S:f aT Uw Mo. HI. brim a H: UW W. r for horrowint ono llurwtr ' an4 r Itkimand (itta.non.oo 0 urs. beninrfi .In r tot ttw "-'ZSl ln of rrrtiln mulwiyi Willi ri ni iim nntshlnr inl wn-imi e "TS u of wttrr and Uphill, iiul aaK an ii a Itisaert therein, ami .Muxf t""mzZ iw i-.ni,itherrnn1ir. ind rermltltnr intf .... A.M.I"1 CMy to Mts tn1 rVJTj In 1, it ,"""! r in. ran m in. ,-10 P.M.Jfor iimter Mid njUw, and M,W! IH. driKln Ih. 1.1 mil In It I Ihe Tilt. .Mipiisi ;j, n, 13, 17.. 21 will 87. tit From Alaska Points iikuI H ltS. nit rnnrirnilnr wrlxl KSrjuMlt r" A - . . . a. n 1 -,,nil P. inniiirnira oj ine iuri " laiutll In llu Unl.lr,.l 1 at lir?r3Xr' set and ill tisesment " "JT 0 P.M. nnrler and vill.lallnr lirlaW t"" usni in n yunlrli'ii 1, p 'r; ' h.-a Art an r- for - L.. fr frsn ir. It it hornmtnr nvne for a-v th as.. inn roal eoai or of a rirrrlnt nrrrina ' ' H . inipiiiiiiiifii ca i mil .-uiijn 0 n.in,o"r a at To Port Simpson. Alice. ArmlKSlT' '!! XMlUS iM)ifnt if prlortlil ind Be,. ".u, iManii,-.. ...,i....r..i t, , .--lea " P.M. said trlaw ire 10 tm mad pi;it" " fil at the City nf Prlnri tllh tlav of Inlr Hollrltnr fnr the' Apl'- T'S Municipality of tt Cttf 01 unpen. N0TI0K. TUB 1 nr. MATTm 1A n n of an - apr':7i ..tlim H j t Imue of a ppoflill cr"urw l (4 l.oi l.entjr ihi ' r t & .a., .a. ia.1. I ..ik iMlhCltf Ineliitif' PI 11 a ..M, twenty sli !, tioth :,, 1 (It, SutMlltlaiun i4 JI alter mi slilr.nin. laoi Tnan of T frr' Rlllafirtory pr.a.f nf th f ina (.ertirinie or TtlWeorerlnr lulnaJ len tptdured lo me II " J, tf AuriihI H am) it 5.3(1 P.M. t, a rroviiional Orimrit of 1, From Queen Charlotte faint. " I!"" ZXtZv f T'l . 1 " ivtiiiiriir', 1 nn niipiiiaii ml v . "" AupiiJil ft Vntl 20. U daieil in tun Aiitutt, in thc auentMi court .'COLUMBIA. IN rNOBATC. iiiiiiiiMrel tlixni, tand liealMry Offlre. Trlnr "'Vat tlUM, Ll?;. rrtB. n,nirr Bui"- T!. iTiicf OUflH CMlnLOTTC LUISB in iniiuixi ' oilier, 1- 11, .mimitsiii, ir. ii. 11. KM. A(, nriiir,, wirinai ronver. DC, tnllier, ll .... Van- n. MfVom. I'mend I",,'';'" ta Sr. I'm m3 ' ' , ,',.ll. tnwmm ,irif,,ilTl Hi r. UlMI ... V t.l.n ,1 n . !....... , . 11. 81 a a B l-t. , ,a Mrs. W. II. Perry. Major A. Heariiii.' ll r.?",T","' ".!' n.oney. t,Mli. ..Id V.7; ;,'h;r.rn:? of IU. Kohlr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mather und f'm.r to th ln,,l.n1,,dr,L.,.H.f,,,, " 'r"u",,) ,hM,w' 10 rh".'5' rh.Vn il.ilil. It. Know. Angus Mmi.n. (1 F.l. PmoTl f"'D nnrihi Ihenre IP Lnnheri-. Mr. and Mrs. U'llliom klL .W Of Auiusl. 11 i " ,"" ",u Otwtr. It rnaini K.uin. w i- , ...j r, ... . . niMirenirnt. aim sillier ucorgt macb. I lllOS, W. UtRNR. t V. UPl... hi..... B M I .... .iu. numn ai.v.. NDiiea Uiy 11, lllli 0,