tw r l't he wire he Kent lo rihiirslon Harhor asking for more h articular in order to otblilr Mr tdy The despatch received by the News also slates that Wick wn k lle.l titntantaneously when a tree broke Ins back at No. IfaHimr l Hereford ("-amp. The fatality Iwas accidental. TWO HUNDRED AUTOS BURNED i Half Million Dollar Fire at Mont- real Yesterday ! MONTllKAI.. Aug. 13. More ; than 800 nulo were destroyed by flie In l.edous Jeiinlnus earroiKe works In the heart of Mont rent yesterday. The damage Is esllm ated al half a million dollars. LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY'S GAMES American League Cleveland' U-10, Philadelphia 5 Del roil 1-8, New York 10-U. SI Loiiio 3, lloslon . Chicago 10-2. Waslilngloii 7-2. National League HosUm (i-y, Clnrlniiall 10-0. Plilhfilelphia 1-H, Uhicago 5-0. New York "-. SI. Louis 1-2. Itrooklyn 7. Pillsliurg 0. ' Coast League Los Anucles l-il. Seattle 5-1. Sacrameiflo. 4-5, Vernon 2-0. Salt Lake 0-1. Oakland 12-1. Sail Francisco 8-1. Porlland l-0. SUNDAY'S GAMES American League Iiolon 8, Cleveland 3. I'olpJit 5, New York 2. Chicago 0,. Vashlngloii 0. National Leagua I'lllshiii'K 2-0. lhooklyu !! New York 2, SI. Louis 5. Milladelphla 7, Cliicago 5. Wehhm 11. McAfee of Oeorgc- lown sailed for Swanson Hay " the l'rlnce Huperl Saturday Evening and relurned n the Vflace George Uiis aflernoon. I'AIIIS. Au?. 13. The tlrilisli nole inadv puldlo lasl tilpht was rrreie.l with profound disappointment by French opinion. Ibis f cMilriil in i m the coiimuMH of , the iiuirtun? paper" the moderate lone of which fails lo' hido !he fceluiK of hillerm. HANGED CUNO AND STINNES IN EFFIGIES One Man Killed and Ten Wounded When German Police Rushed Crowd BERLIN, Aug. 13. Three times Sundey the Communists at Rothausen. erected a gallows with effigies of Chancellor Cuno and Hugo Stlnnea swinging from them. Pollco tore them down every time and finally rushed the crowd. One policeman and five of the demonstrators were killed and ten were wounded. INVENTOR OF KODAK ON BIG GAME HUNT Qeorae Eastman Was In Town This Mornlnn With His Party Enroute to Atlln Country Sixty-nine yearsof agi hut not lookinur ulay over fifty, (ierge F.aslmiui, mlllioliaire inventor of Ihe Kodak, was in the city in the t PriuceoH Liuiise this nionilii;.' going north lo Allln ffir a hifc game hunt. . Accompanying him were Oeorge II. liryden, Cliicago, and Dr. Albert Kaiser and Dr. Audley Slewan, llochesler, N.Y., from which city Mr. Kastmaii lllhll miiiius. Cl'liCv. party' wi.ll be In Ihe north utilil early Oelobur and will come out on Ihe hod tourist boat of Ihe season.: HEAD ON COLLISION PUKHLO, Aug, 13. Seven railroad traimnen were, killed in it head-on collision between Colorado and ou(liei'n passenger tin I ii and it I'uctilo and Simla IT Ihrougli I rain ill Fowler, Color ado ibis morning, VANCOL'VFH. An. 3 llrilixh Oolutubla woiulhe weileru tuinada crjl'kel chaiiiiiiouidiiji ilefeatin All.erla 253 hi 125 al Ihe conclusion of 1 llieMuurna-meiil wlilcJi laled a weak and in which all the we!-'" ern pwivinces enleml leiinis. Lp lo Saturday U.K. and Allierta were lied fi.r first place. PUBLIC WORKS TO BErSTARTED Immediate Construction of Klt- aault River Bridge and Bear River Road " ' Provision has been made by Ihe Deparlment of Public Works for eon I rue I ion lo start at once on lite Mioauu iucr. nnugc ui Mice Arm and the rebuilt road up Ihe Hcallir evarllhP-1'3.. up the Dear lliver al Stewart, laled II. F. Kergin, M.1..A. for Allin, wio was in ihe city on the Cardcua yesterday afternoon re luming lo Alice Ann from ic-loria where he spent a fortnight pressing for public work in his rmiHtituenry. Oilier work of a le important nature in various parls iir Ihe district is also to be undertaken very soon, Mr. Kergin says . The liriilge al Alice .rm. lor which Die people of that place have been pressing for some lime, will be a Howe truss struc ture of tindier construction. D will provide direct access from Ihe lown of Alice Arm lo Die op posite sido of the river, replacing. u small ferry which has been iiKcd in crossing for some lime. II will be of great benefit lo Iho Illiance lliver minimi country and lok'ulng operations at Hie head of Alice Arm. The new Hear lliver road vvfH induce Ihe old one and will be buill at an easier grade than Iho present one. H will continue from Ihe new bridge which is II WhM Yu Want A TAXI i- lahVP LiUl. P.R.FISH MARKET 'i 'J I nn i ii Phone 671. FOR THE PICNIC in a hurry ff Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Phone U U Roast Ham with dressing, PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Sausage Dally. Best Car and Bait Servloa In tha City. Ratea Reasonable Northern and Central Briton Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited VOI XIII., NO. 100. I'lUNCr! HUTEHT, H.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 11)23. YMttrdtf't ClrcuUlloB 1,60 J. Strtt Salt 8S. PftlCE FJVE CENTS. BRITAIN OBJECTS TO INVASION BYFRANCE GERMAN GOVERNMENT RESIGNS; COUNTRY IN UPROAR; FIGHTING REPORTED British Note Declares Illegal the Occupation of Germany by France Germany Must Pay Much as Able LONDON. A n (f. 13. PETER WICK ! WAS KILLED -Tho Hrilish nole lo France and Del- mill In winch the Haldwui government say il regard! llie mini ccupatioii us illegal under the Versailles Ireuty but is willing In Milium the toinl Kt arimriiiion, nns mauc a uecp impression, z or the most larl it is regarded u creating a new situation . i l. ....... I....... ..a- iti.t-jiltitiitwiiilii .' 1 W ll II lllltl HU uiliiui'imiii " 1 The communication reiterates that Mrilain is still deier-iiiiiied Unit Ocrniany shall iAy"1o the maximum of her capacity" J ul asserts that "what that maximum i should he decided ly an Hnn I'eler Wick John Dyhhavn. wliu leeched word of the accident on Saturday -.rales IIiaI Ihe only 'pier Wick from this city he .low of i it halibut fisherman. lip wn here rercnlly and il i t believed to he him. Mr Dibhavii ha n yd received no impartial tribunal." ror lier own ipart HnUiin wutiM he willing lo loblain from (ieriuauy fur reparation and allil ileitis a sum sqf- (ir)nl Id meet Iter debt to the Lnilfil Slates. The peace tn'aly nolo coulends jthat it only authorizes the ocru- )etpalch Recolved by Dally News ,,a Ion of Ihe leTI hank of Hi" Throws Light on ;cldent: Uliiiic and bridgeheads.' Identity Not Established majority of I Ik1 iiiomiuu . cither wholly ( newspapers approve . . ...I..I. ...... ...I I..' 1.. II. .....I.. 11. Il.lll.ll Intl. r't sneciit' ur'ui" ii i-i iir n iiihiii u "" " rlln- Daily Sew from. (Jucen Char - to France and Delirium. "Tin note tat 1 1' I ity BiV'- Hi'' imme ot t Is- it sliomr but not loo strong.' I.-' . .. i hi., i .. 'i l..... it. . n r i.i.i ii...- WW auuer WHO w mini " ihuip- nyi inv i "'"J. hjra!l JlUjadjjr sini a rleprJalejneni i not i l.ntioli cae wssinaiic WINS. CHAMPIONSHIP ' OF WESTERN CANADA CRICKET TOURNAMENT iul about finished. Con- slruction of the road will slart this year and it is hoped to have it finished next year. LIQUOR PIRATE INVESTIGATION YICTOIUA, vlnclal Mlice Souh Pender gale reports Aug. 13. -A peo posse has gone lo Island lo Invesll-of liquor pirates hitvlng overhauled a Vancouver launch loaded willi whiskey, held up Vancouver men with revolvers liKjk whiskey from them and sped away In a fast speed boat. Oooper II. W'rinch, sou of Dr. II. tj. W'rinch of lliuellon, arrived on Ihe Prince (ieorge this after-tiiKUi from the south and will proceed by Ihe evening train to lliu interior. V vplng with sbLbbvbk' vLiHVBWj2iLLlLiBLHsB bLLLLhI sBsKf tWlHfljP.51 HfWbiSSsl BBSBlasB sBBBBBBBt " jfiBfluikjr" mti ,(" jKrsaHK. BBBBaaBl '"K aJiBBFSiiBaiMraaBiMBBMBBBBBi, WBBBBBBSBVBBBBiBjsBBs bBJBSBBBBjml -BBBBBBBBBiMn )BBBBBBJBJBB. BBBvt JBjBBS)SJBJ BaTiLTiBSHI ; 'LLBsLLBiiBH BBJm&. 4LK. sBBBBBBJBBBf - BBBBBBBBBBBJ BBJhmB, a7iLTHiLriHB : T,eieieieSBlAflliSSBiHB ,MbVbTBBBb f ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBEBBB aLBBBBBBBBBF' SBBBr B BBBBBBBa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsbBBBvaBBBJBBBBBBBt BBBM BBBBBBB9 ' iBTimViiPimTimTimTimTim"v SiFiSTiSTiSTiSTiSTiSTA. 'isTimBi dFH '.LBBBBBBBBBBB 7 - BBBBBBBBBBBBL BBBj iBBBl liiFiBTiBTiBTiBTiBTX -Jflft- stsiPJBjBTimTimTimTimTimTimTa ' IsTWiPiaClJL. Lert lo right, Kgerluii Wake, Rev. WiiKerlun, Arthur Henderson and William Ash of the Hrilih Labor parly, on tho sleps of l'atou Lodge, which the Coiiuteas of Warwick has loaned to them for their "Chequers." Japanese $ll Gathering Data Reeardine Pnfoeitiwert andihe . J vr & ti . IWJT ' Shipment of Sim jtji Routed (iulhcriiig iiiforirialion regarding, Uh .WltWLvinftlpvel g ii trade between I'riiicc Ituperl and Jaayjiicompeni i I his present service- between Vancouver ami Japan, S. Ta of Die Japaiie-et'ion-iil s 'of fire in Vancouvep was a visitor iou . Faiju to (Ins city at the week-end. ' During his visit heir. Mr. Tnivo was htiy all Hie time and he collected much first hand data of Ihe city and district. Pie vioiis. lo arriving here he visiled points along the line of Urn Canadian National Hailway in the interior. , The chief consideration al Ihe present lime is the movement of lint. Japanese silk across Ihe con-linen t, and lime in lhi appears lo be Ihe chief essenlial, says Ihe visitor. For a number of years Ibis business lias been divided between Ihe Canadian Pacific and Ihe United Slates lines running into Seattle, and every elfort has been made by the railway managements to save even mailers oi minutes in ine movement of the silk specials. which are -dispatched across Ihe continent upon the arrival of steamers, af express speed. As it is a very profitable business! I here is ery reason why Ihe managements should concern themselves, and with this know ledge that t lie Japanese authorities are 'considering the ios-sibility tif a more northern roiilc, there is added reason why they should exert themselves to hold the business. One Way Cargo The shipping emUif the question does not present any ditli- cully to the Japanese, authorities, (liven an assurance thai the Prince Hunerl port . will give them an advantage in the point of lime in Ihe arrival of the silk train in Ihe easl, they are pre pared lo put a line of steamers on Ihe Pacific which will equal Ihe speediest vessels in the (I.P II. Heel. Neither will there he any dillleujly in supplement ins Hie silk willi other cargtie com modities for Ihe outward voyage but the mailer for relum cargo for Ihe Japanese vessels requires more consideration. . hi the com menceineiil II will be . more dilll-cult to secure al Prince llupert I han 11 would lie al Vancouver, hut Ihe Japanese are of Ihe opin ion dial the business through the mnlheru port can be built up They would be prepared til lake lumber and wheal in unlimited quantities until oUierllnes coul lie Introduced. Willi very Utile manipulation, they figure Ihe lumber end of Hie cartroes could be arranged frnU) tha mills With a comparatively nhorl haul lo Prince Huperl, ami with Ihe erec-'ion of elevators of Millie ion I storage capacjly al Ituperl. Ihe whaal cargo could be a.ured. German Government Is Now Headed by Leader of People's Party I1F.HI.IN, Aug. 13. President F.herl has accepted Ihe resignation of Chancellor Cuno and his cabinet against whom there have been popular demonstration in Germany and who at Hie weekend failed lo secure lite support of. Ihe United Socialists. The president has commis sioned Dr. Guslav Slredeniann, leader of the German People's Parly to form a new government. LONDON. Aug. 13. A German cabinet lias Vj new succeeded Ihe Cuno government, -resigned following a voleWif no eonfldencfi II is otlleially announced Ipday. Premier and Foreign Minister. Dr. Guslav Stredeinann 'heads Ihe new -laic f ministers V 4- NO MORE PAYING OF REPARATIONS ONDON, Aii?; 1 iPiThe' German government au- unces thai Hie stoppage reparation payments lo France ami Helgiuiu will J;exieniled lo all Hie Allies. Otherwise llii- finan-iNal, "reform or Germany is''iiupoiute. . : FREIGHTER DUE FRtPAY " - C.'i.M.M. freighter Canadian Freighter is due from Vancouver on August 17, to load district lumber for Japan,, the local ofi fice of Ihe conipanyreporl today Serious Disorders are Continuing in Germany Fighting is Reported BKHL1N, Aug. 13. Several strikers were killed and many were wounded TTi Ihe Hamburg shipyards toddy in clashes willi the police. Disorders at Hie week-end were accompanied by consider- idde plundering of food stores and some, bloodshed is reported loday from various parts of-Ihe occupied area. Al (ielsenkircheii two civilians were killed and fifteen were, seriously injured. LONDON, Aug. 13. Saiigiiinnr'y fighting between Conimil- RESIGNATION OF CHANCELLOR uists and Ihe militia al .Seitz, Saxony, is reported in despatches from Herlin. A large body of Communists stormed t lie Town Hall whicJi was occupied by sol- idiers. The bodies of nine Coin- niunisls were recovered. Thirty were injured ami ihe troops also sustained casuallies. Lt KDIX.K. Aug. 13. The Communists are holding this city after having forced the Sen, ate to retire. Heiscliwehr troops have arrived lo attempt U restore order. PENSIONS BOARD MEMBER RESIGNS OTTAWA, Aug. 13. Tiiy min ister of soldiers civil re-eslah lishment has received Hie res I p. nation of one member of Hie hoard of pension commisloucr mid il is expected It will be ac (cpled. This is regarded as the first slep Inward the reorgartlia lion of the board although it i not known how far the chango of personnel will extend. SITUATIONAT PAPER MILLS Swanson Bay Entirely Closed Down and Ocean Falls Was About to Discontinue. The Whaleu Pulp & paper Co.'t plant at Swanson Hay is eluded down entirely on account 'f vvaler shortage and' he Pacific Mills plant aLOcean Falls is ahpui lo closedown if Iho water- silual ion does, not show an im4 mediate improvement. Tii;n.jiV Die word brought to ll.e clty'by the steamer Osrdeaa vvlch at- rived rtrni the sou'h . yelerday aflerno'u The c'.vans'.M JU'.v ni.'J will be closed down for a month, il Is expected . Several if Ihe employees 'have already left' for the . south, some of tuem having gone last week lo Ihe company's other plant , at Porl Alice, Vancouver Islantl, O. O. Jorgenson, as-sislanl lo the president of the company, and Jlr. HurwelL another execulive, arrived by Iho Canli'iia at Swanson Hay yesterday lit look over the situation. Uj till a few days ago, the Pirt riclrltsiaoHai Wiietv alfons tft one machine but last week the decision was made l-j open up bolh machines again and keep going al full blast till Ihe water ran out . An entire shutdown had been expecled this week but the recent arrival of rain may now niake this unneces- , ary. RENCHMAN BEATS WEBB Swims Ennllsh Channel In teen and Half Houra: Others Fall AMERICAN GETS CLOSE Six- nOVEll, ErtgldniL Aug. l3 F.hrique Tiraboochl, an Argen tinian, swam Hie' English chaiir nel from Cape Griznei, France, to Dover, in 10 hours, 30 minutes. Others who attempted the swim included two Americans and another Argenlinjan all of whom gave 'up Ihe attempt. One American, Charles Toth, failed when only two and a half miles from victory. l'iraboochi beat Sullican's vic- lory of last week by nine hours ind. beat Hie famous Capt. Webb by five and a half, hours. On his arrival on English soil l'iraboochi donned dry clothes and was immediately rowed out lo a wailing steamer, which car ried him back to France. REYENTED FIRE AT VICTORIA YESTERDAY YICTOIUA. Aug. 13. A saw dust fire menaced Hie tieW 'build ings of Hie Marine and Fisheries lepart incut fo 00 minutes yep- lerday and it required all the fire equipment Hn the. city lo prevent Ihe spread of Ihe flames. the amount of damage done by Ihe fire was small. AUSTRALIANS WONAT TENNIS AGAINST JAPAN CHICAGO, Aug. 13. -v Ausira liaus won both single matchei againsl Japan yesterday earnlnir ' the riifhl lo meet Hi'ookline, ,Mas- saclnisells, Thursday and Friday in the semi-finals for lliu Davin Cut . b1 3