l.lr rr inntrrt for thr piirrhair, ofi In al liiill (fcXVKX II frI Ionic by Fu t-'i brain. Willi ImiI MrcUrr 1 1 nkiiK "" 1 h ba'ln, uif aiMl rrlrr iiiiii, furl and bwiki, mi I " lu. ami on 1 i:: li IllT- ilHl HI" In::: II II. I '-J.ii-r . rjrif rani' :i l-vy n iiiy riiii main !, wuu inn ini-iirr aim pro. ,. r .liaHinir I) IN" HIrTirH a. ill" ITIIHP li li:' wr, Iisrlliv parurijura apply in lb ir iirrn prim- iinperi. riti: ir Mir 1.1-11, tlr - iiiimI I walril and tnarkrd fi Piirrnaw n itiii i,r rn ami h III ltir iifflr oi h lii'irlur ii-iir. Prior linrl, uy It rnmn of iD'Unl, j, A. xiTiii:nwr.i.t., i. mi-r in-i-rior iif nnrri. TIMBER 8 ALE X 8346. TTKlrr llt b rrrrltrd by I Iff if 'Land! tl Victoria, iw.i later mi Hit ioih day of Annii, llw irrrha.r of Uw X ljt, : Jarkpinr Tl, i Ih .1.W.H aud arra iitjitliunr, liana a. 1 ("-. ar UI b" allow.! for rr-llflibrr particular i( lb Chlrf Twit. MX', nr lioiriri r'rirr. B l. irl, ll.i . TIMBER 8 ALE X 8260. T'MibT lll lx rrlrd liv Ihe f Land al victoria, ihiI later ii mi lb loili day of Anrti.t, lh iureba of l.lcriir X af 40. Ii ..a Jarkpln Ti, im an arra 1 approiluielrly 1H Mille amilh .f ik anadlan athnal Hallway. .. ! Mini Irtrlr, ear ni b elkiwrd for frit lifnbrr. Ittier parfli-iilar of Ihr r.blef Tnr- inria. p...., i.r niitrlrt former. it ip-ri, B f. TIMBER SALE X b385. IM TffKlr t will b rrrehed by lb i.r mihU l Victoria, nui HIT tl on Ihi th day of jr.rtntxT, if lw iurrhau of l.lrrtx-r X ,ini,. titval frrt i.f lrlr I'nlM ! it, mi an arra a1Jlnma l.oilfl. ihi iiismri, I ar II Ij all.ii for rr f llintirr htirr tiarilruUrt of lh rhirf rir i wina, r.' r iuiri'i irir. li!lfft. H.' . TIMBER SALE X 63C8. Il-il T ft.lrl-1 Will I rrrrhni by IIM if r I Jim ai Miu.ru. ihi utrr ItHi in n lit lib lv of pi-mlr. lc llw or U'ram . ai-ra lltialnl in llw tlrlnllv i,f br ikr aixl ii'i-nnimali-lr I S iiiiVm ami rail from Iwit u "Uli.m, L, lltlirr '. Ian.1 lilttrirl. mra il w tiioia fur rf-Iiof iiiiitwr Itlirr tfm ilar. ;f lln Kitirt rrva Jlri..ru, B.' :r Mairki lorwirr, If no pyfi. n 1 . . TrncW. will b trrlJ br tba former, nui lalrr llian, boon uo 111 day :if Autil, I1, fnr Ihr Vil si.rt junoxiit Cbaonrl, Hanrt llriulurk and prure, I )rarf will b allorJ for f- nt iifiiu-r iiwt iriK gifn ui iiiv i-uiri iotfi lluprfl, B.C TIMBER SALE X6341. iru irnurra iu m rrrriTra ur in ih day of AUfuii, ll, fur Iho m an unoauHKl lulrt, I ail Slmra miannrl. fianrr 1, Oiat IHMrlrt. i iiu.aun rrrt nr iruar. iirmiiira. iiaitaru. 1 fnri will br allow rd for llmbrr i iwr itariiruiara oi iiir uuiri riirTV Vi.-lorla, or lb DHIflrt rorrtlrf, Huperl, tt.C TIMBER SALE X814S. aa rt r ainjiai w larvamm aruaa iiiar noon oa in iem ar or auiui. for tt purriM4 of L.tmw0 X IIU, i iu.duu Jin i-inan 1 14. un in am tn fimi I miiai rnam Pininv ia C.n, flanie 1, CoaM Larul Ulilflrl. of timbrr,' pinakai t.kiiAiiifeBfl a a . a rhup rr.ua . Vlrtorta, B.i, or DUlrlct rorratrr, r IlUIKiri. ,11. WL TIMBER SALE X 4725. rM rimrri v III lr I ri flU WJ llr nnn on tl tub aT of Auni-l, ,vuulvup irri ui ii-iiiiii mt fin ni. r Bi?ai Naiin ann nti nr iai tba Mciorii. n.c. or n lit ret ForrMfr. rm iiiinart n C TIMBER SALE X6378 nui ai n Ml aV pi" in M awj laav riri fiiaiafn r4.a llat t Fiat it taaaaiti rn ilit day of AuruM. KfS, for tha ui Mirnrr tiio, nrar iai sua. ".ii lIV. HflllVT j. lui Miirir, fill 11 l . ....b flAanMA llrinlnrk, ' itl year will be illtfwfd for r- "rinrr parllrulara of Ih Chirr For i irinna, or me Difirici lurtiirr, "r nuprri. n n. RAILWAY Till. if Canadian national milway. art in tnarkn lo purrliaur llirir Tin reftilre lit for IUOJ f.ai.. ..l.liln. i. tnwlnrM fr pro liailway Company thould com-"Ion villi Mr. V, II. Oram, (lniftal "iii, mHiin tot, i:anaiiian anonii Miuiiip. .iiuiiirrai, vhv oh. ui i ' nijiiiHK inin mil Biin , . iiir 'It'ltIV It.r.. ..I l..rtBly.n .f .-.n mi,i iiiainiii t I or m, M.iiu, ilmlirr from wuleti tlia TIM ire lo bn ".. inn ainu hi iiinorr. vUB,ii Tlra, rllhrr aawn or hrwn. Aa far ti .llilA Tl . . . . . ..... nr. iiiiiji iie nronurra on i-an- no .atlon.l I in.. V. II. nflANTi nrnrral Tlr Ayrnt. LAND AOT. 'niwiign lo Apply, IQ rrnaa Land. n " Skrrna l and limrlri. nrrnrdlni Pls or pnn.r fiurnTi. and ailual al ,TIIIU Covr. IMli lt.,.,l I li kit n, j . "'""panon rannrry man, inirna- "I'Piy for IMiriiil.al.m l.i i.iiB-lia.! Iltr -rriiirn laiuiii i:nininiirina ai .. V.'."""." 0,1 ne ouui nore of tap-i.ovr, lliiiicr aimth IK rhalnai IhiMii-a -. " i.iiii inrnr norm i& mains im iiirnrii roiii.U' nr .hiiM in timrr or r "or ieii roniaminir foriy arrn. W. J, JKFFEnflON. tatMA a. a) a aw.la a, a,. a TIB iuty, His"" Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. WEEK AT THEATRE .Mniulny mid TiiPMlay. i'Mii lu in Tlnfe Jump Alip.nl.' Uoiiioily "Kijik Vinlir." I'nilic ii,iirtlf. Vfiiiu r.fimiuiToil. lnof.l)iy mid I litiril;iy. I.illlo Jarkif (SoiVnn In 'Daddy." Oinccilfil hy ' Jackie liiiiinHf In ho his ipl iirlur Hull ItiMim liny. IVrcy aiTiJ Ki-nlif 1itT.!iHtiy SiiMikn." y Ti'lr of llif flay. Fri.l.iy and Saturday find Saturday matinee. I'oju. .Kri in "Jlella Imii- n a Special Vfimedy Tnnible." I'ttx .Vfwx-liaelle Family T Hritjca il.i mil ifnk very hluli. ly of Ihe fjlm "If Winter VW.,M" hill lhoe wlm have iml the liirxik will want In tee II ami mnl people have rend. Hie jmnk. Klinnr' tilyn'n lory Six Day hit le-en done inlo a pie- lure hy C.harle llrnbln, n lnry of uiire.irained paion hi n eng nf dalllnif brilliance. . The Klrrnal Three illulrale the Irianifte of llfo, the man, the woman and the lover. The; Maple Skin. Ihe picluriia-f ion of a novel hy IlaUac.i a film I tint U not likely lo ee the Until in Canada. The dree are much In flhiiy In pa. the It.C. ccnior. llMadway Drnke I a Saturday Kvenlnif I'ihI lory, u drama of Ihe wickcdcM city in Hie wMrhl. JACKIE COOGAN GETS MOUNTAIN OF MAIL Hie daiiKhler of n mining pro -J) JfirKie (mgnii in "Daddy," showing M.Uie Westlioltne Tlienlrt', eiliiesdny mid Thursday. vm,r(y: "WIllifUT fipurp.l iiii Iho ;piiiilali(in it llil rounlry I all Asrtii? Tlirip mul h al lfal five liuioK a many n I hey fig- Itiind." The exrlnmallon wa. iinlmjiloil hy the xishl (if I he hioiinlaiu nf I mall that reaehe the iKipan !iidifiik daily. The number fif ijetlers received 1 rniilanl)' on .the inereare, and it become iieriary, fnim time Id lime, tn iadd other girl to Jackie' iier ooiial mail department. : three Imps ahead !' IS TOM MIX STORY Wonder Horse Tony Plays a; pwraiib raib ill bum Seene Im. Did you ever hear of a hore that nlil in loe iiiakiucrf There a home out In California that not olily aid hi tualer in af fair if Ihe henrt hot aXimlly forces thw-'lovo cmiipofiiii' lit u rnpl Ticluion. "Tony." Ihe ponder horev if the filiua. rn HiUialically play hi role with Tom Mix in Ihe William For production, ".1 Jump Ahead," which i produrled at Ihe Vel-holiiie Thenlre tiriilbt. One nf the cene in HiN swiftly iiioving: lale of the Vetern plain call for oine pxlreme iliplomalic work bi'lwi'cn Tom Mix and Alma limnell, who play peclor . there had been a initin- iler.liuiillnp which fofl wont and n sincere apolopy had not corrected. Mix and Ihe girl were tand-iug on a uiull knoll wilh "Tony" lilening attentively Jiit behind hi master. The hpr.e lowered hi head and hulled Tom into the girl. Mix cautioned "Tony" and, iuoinK I wo feel from (he girl. liirtet hi explanation all fiver nirain . Hut thine were uo. mov ing ral einnigli Tor lony, nml he kepi hulling hi maler until the couple tood at Ihe fool of the Slope. Then either the girl' ene of humor came to the re. cne, nr Ihe onnlant prodding of fhoul jix moulli. ago one off'Tony" added lnpiration to the girl employed to open tliel'lnm' wortl, for a definite un- fan t teller received by Jackie ilerlandiny; un nulckly reached, Coogaii wa heard to remark ' Tony," wilh a .knowing wink "3 JUMPS AHEAD" William fox production Featuring Tom .Mix, to be Miown nt the Weslholnie Thenlre tonight and. tomorrow. TBI daily mcwi r tlntl JferiiM to brag about (he Waf he Iiadwllh llio lailic., Irn(. Ifil oil bflilmi llif trf-Mij.jp walk-IrtfJ artn In nnn,y DADDY IS SHOWN HERE THIS WEEK With the .appearance of 'Dad dy, little Jackie Con (tan about complete the rycler nf htimnn eilinHofi. for , Or" I he 'newest pjc-lure play, written fijr, their hoy by Mr. ami Mr. Juck Conga n, Ihe ynuthfiil gcjiiu I called upon, in one scene, lo miiiihI Hip dppp'. el -of tragic utile. II wa the performance nf tlii role afid icene that evoked from Will j. May hi Iril.ulenf tear and the remark thai "Ihe wmiil ih-piN more piclure like IhU." While "Daddy" nuiii d-plh of IraRedy And palh I main ly devoted li Ihe surface of Minile and laupbler. Jackie, af-lere every flicouragemeal, plod on, amt nfier every inlrorliine find comfort; In The end he achieve complete happine if complete happine I ptpp found! FITZMAURICE'S FEAT Brings Egypt to Hollywood Making Poll Negri's "Bella Donna." were privrTfKcjt.ln see them. In The man who brouphl Kpyjil In Hollywood! That i- the lille (ienrpe Fitzmaurice ha been awardeil because of hi feat in f Ihe production of iHila .Negri's firl American Paramount dc-lure. "Delia Dnhna,"' wliich will he on view al the Welholme Theatre al the week end. A every reader of Hubert llichen" novel know, much of Die action of Ihi tory lake place in KgypL In fact, II happen-"all over F.irypt in a .Nile hoalhou!1, hejde Hie pyramid, fu h a ilia al l.uxor. Shep- liepiT Hotel,' lie camir of an K?lplinn inllllonalre',. the utrepl; and cafe nf Ijrfirfi nnJ life, waste. of the deeii- ' in . " ' ' All Hit and more wa filmad in 'Delia Donna." With the ex- ccplion of Ihe desert, scene. l) r.sypl came to ilollywom, Th'e ri'lirciiiuetninWliif the fam- ou rufn. building and scenery of Ksypl for Ihi Paramount inclure have won Jilgli praise j from the critic and technical expert of the filiii''r')erper who Sport Chat jj Sport event fur the wrek: Monday (lonighl) Inlermediale I .cap in baseball, Colt vs. While Sox ,nt AcMpolis Hill grfiund. Puesday Stuart Shield senior football, (irollti vs. Son nf Kniflaud, at Acropolis 11111 griniuils. Veilni(day 'Trap slrootinjr at Park Avenue ground. Friday (iilhuly Cup senior foot ball, Son of F.ngland v.. Son of Canada. Fresh from Ihelr two victories rxat rmi --MMBMpatIMH Blind Man's Buff VEN in this age of enlightenment soms folks spend their money blindly. They buy with their eyes shut, f They grope in the dark-as truly as if their eyes were bandaged. And all the time a powerful light is being thrown on the,very things they need and want! Advertising is a beacon to guide you in buying. It shows you what to buy where to buy- and when to buy. At the same time, it protects you against jraud and inferiority. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately focus thousands of eyes upon their wares. Theirvalues must be honest and their prces right, or they could not advcrtise.,successjully. D0rt?t pilay blind man s buff with the elusive dblHin Spend a few minutes each day running tfaOlaVl0aOlYla01-f"0 1T1 f V 1 O T- aT V" I V. aTk,- i r aW .Trtotnrf lv-r yKL uoL,iii-uLaj m vino uauci, a iicu kWAMr.mM i ..... .i . i. . i ., Duy me proaucis inau nave provea up in me flight ,qf adyeirtisirg,. Read the Advertisements. K ' S tflSity ...trtT ' " 1 -a taJt,,tjaV4 court, W. M. Nichols and it S., ltullerfield, Vancouver; W. l.aid-law, It. P. Wilmot and J. 11. Clearihue. M.I..A., Victoria; A. K, Siillon, Nanaimo; Mrs. M. E. j.yneh, Sinilber; J. Craig, Soman, Sask.; W. I.. Das, city; W. A. Diimonl, Amsterdam, New IV....I-. 1 1 I ll..l.o.i llnnl.K II . . h , 1 IOIA, villi' II. firr l!' . IM V'MBIJ II, over Ihe Colt which wfre alsnk. '.. , ... . .. . , Iheirfirst win of Ihe season nnd1x!NV,,;k: b ""n;"l ti.a rio.i . i r. n i r.,M n,ni : rora, III.,' .'lis?, r llllirr iiriim- .... .... ....... I M'..l,l..l II.. U'l,ll C... - Ill 1 D.C.; Mis i! . . !rMargare( Densnmre. Red Wing, ii the n lu i termed a ii a i e i haebal league ., .. , . . ,, , ' ... M niiesotaS, J, U Ilovlick, It. G. loader in another fixture at Ihe A. . '..,. ;,.,, , v, n .X .Mpn audi., .lessen, Stewart ; O. AcroMilis iH.,..-- urn Hill ground i- ...ii.i lonlpht. The Sox are making tin hone about the fact that they are nut for their third viclory on Ihi occasion , On Ihe olher hand, Ihe Oolfs are jtl.t a dcfenntiled I lint it i time for Ihcm to win njrnirt. The Intenm'dlale I.ea-Kiier nre warranled in their feeliiifflhat Ilieir matclie slKiuld be heller attended I hail hn been Ihe case recently. The kind of ball they pul up Justifies it, Now that Ihe Senior League basebnll chainplnnshlp 1 prac tically settled for the eiinn In favor of the Son of Canada, fan are expectantly awalling.lhe next time that lliey shall see Ihe local engaged on Iho home ground wilh outside, lalenl. The Fair Hoard i working up a fine Inter-town baseball program, hilt Ihe Inhibition I still more than a mouth away and baseball enthusiasts would like to see a lil-llo action before that time. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupsrt Major M A. liurbnnk, Prince (leorgn; Mr. and Mrs S, S. Mo-gotlln, Prlnc? JluprrtJ Mrs. M, II. llnllls, San Franrlco; It. E. Oossc, II. F. Angus, F. V. Dcl- ,. Taylor, Port Kssinplon; Sliory (lues, Mr. and Mr. II. A. uuesa hnd Mr. II. A. Mmirer, Newi York; W. S. llerlcy, city; (ieorge j'raser, Digby Island; Mr. C. A. t lloalt and Miis lloall, St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mr. Victor II. Jlnndschii'gand, SI. Louis; W. CI. CiMper, v Morlcetnwn; Mr. and Mr, (i. It. Leghorn and II. A. Iteynold. Huston; Mr. C. W. Heller, Philadelphia; John Ireland, Ketchikan. Central A. Hoser and L, Peterson, cily; F. J. tTHearii and Mr. and Mrs. .1. Young, Vancouver; J. Howey and M. (iCTslifield ,C...H.; 0. S. FiUniaurice, Digby Island; William Wnlsoti, Stewart; H. Arni-slnmvr ,Kdiuontoii. miNCI RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. QUttN OMARLOTTI ISLANDS DISTRIOT. Take Nftilr that the Lanrara Fluhlnr k Parklur Company or .NaJrii Harbor Inland to apply for prruilsilon ti )ra the fol lowinr drsrrlbrd foreshore: Comineiiclng it a point 1 1 .SO chain! norihwetierly from the nortltweil cornrr of Lot 1008, Ihrnre In. a norlhrlfrlY Ulrrctlon rbalm to loW watrr mark of Uuon Entrance, thenr ouihweirly and followlnr d low iirr mark SO chains, more or Im. to a point II chilm norlhwesl from th quar trr Lot pom on inn more line or Lot toll, thrnce aouthraitrrlr t thain. ihmce boriheailrrly 10 chiins. mom or ifji. to tne point or cofiantncrnieDi, aim rontflnlnr SO irrn, more or In. 0fld thli 0lh diy or July, lJ. LAN0ARA FI9IIIN0 k I'ACUNa CO. H. B, Bablotton, Anal. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT . Kand PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Rftonday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX .... WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. or Port SImpMn and Stawart Monday, S p.m. Vancounar la Quean Charlotte lalaitde Wadneiday p.m. Skeana Rlr Porta Sunday a-m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.ravr Prlncr Ruprrt .a-p.m. ror P1U.NCE CF.onfiE, EIiMOXio.X, AV1MJ MPKC., all point Kaslrrn Canada, I'nltril swim, A0CN0V ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, 62S Third Ai Prince Rupart. ' Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sail ings f r om Prince RtiiSer t S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, 8.8. PRINCESS. ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and 8eattle, August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29. For Ketchikan, W ranged, Juneau and 8kagwa'y, August 3, 8, 13, 17, 24, 27. 8.S. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, anti' Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. .-Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenLi Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SatlWirs From Prince, Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ooean Ftlla. and Swanaon Say, Taeeday. PJai, For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Atari Bay, and Swaneon lay, Saturday Mad. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walea laland, Sunday S P.M. For PONT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlier Oannerlee, Friday A.M. m nd Avenue. 4. Barmlef, Aenl. Prince Rupert, .C ,1