PACE TOUR. Bargains ! FOR FRIDAY AND SAT- UROAY, Dec 14th and 15th. Ctrts High Shoes ta Ilrowu Kti. flat ej. medium round toe. all -ic -rui at $6.75 SUPPERS GALORE. Mail- ywir etcefioa early I., avoid dtappoiaiment . The Ideal tiifl. Family SHOE Sore Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your re-servatayiis for that Otrittmas viit to the Old Land early-Far Ticket. Rale and Information, ee us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybbayn & Hansoa Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread i yotr bet food. Fjtt mnre of it. Kept by the La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We hate just received i car load of up river wtxxl. piirtnWd seasoned nnd dry. Size cot to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 5S0. Service and Quality our Motto. UNDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Pnona CS. Carlare, Warehousing, and Oislribuling. Team or Motor Sen ice. Coal, Sand and Gravel. W Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. I! Loggers' Club Situate in Ibe old Empress Hotel Unilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Weak or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and. Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. " Thurdav r- TW B1ILT -VEW&. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui lit i exeted Jbe jHeared uj. A COBTl. Mayor Nevrtoa x75?- know -oo. coorbwvLL I i I CMi J ijf-& rse A.c.RCAxwEijaTO'TOo 2 S .viT I I MVNOX jvry -icxj-cw ttTT r ' 4 - I I u. i-ekve - , -- POINT WILL BE Municipal Ccurt of Revision Adjourns Pending Test Being of Householders OuaUflcalions ft iethap in laTaar I hi INDIGESTION GAS LADIES' MUSIC CLUB ON STOMACH YESTERDAY AFTERNOON TAtfTN PfiTIBT piiuc irrrD mpiic Kmc wftr atw trrrOitf moa abtf fiantt ta tar maiiirS after nm. ol are lej fir tar r i jibe same, of ' thoe who 14 to nrr sir at ara-r. UbonM Je retained a bow. I kavr ntfa Swr 1mi aa KartJ- . jar m raatwwtr. ii uma akr a awn i . ! !ixf.l hy AM. Ootlart aaki'!1 ieedd hy AM. Prry. lrJ luavffanamtf 4mtj ar Tl Kjmfrwi anr-arfM! tiefore Ihei1"? ' urt w4elinr araiaM T. 4Bra name Iv-irj lalea off, a4 lal- ;rw.l. M aKj j mg thai, tf aeb w aVxee. he FwaMy 4rtNa -a lalm a,r a m4li moM aMea1 I lae Out? t TV" e!v nt- larsior lntwF ff the nxm f ttMxe; " WJS by the who had rf-itlfm! aaler Mr'rl. B of Ibe unerlainlr " Ihe road tax and not the pH lh enMeJ at fle time ol relax. Their naaN haVi fee left 'spiral, to have Jude Voanr lo1 -of an4ber f-wtkm the iwvark of the eity eoajiil -arM !le oelayed. He favored ,tbe teMed is ooart aod Ibe jbe by Mrikinjf off a same and having the jiarty affected appeal. Oily lirttor Jose vra alM) in favor of aeb a rmre. Mayor Aemtoo feM if the narn vrre truei off there axiuld be jul a great a -chanre of having the election uitsel a there wM te if they were re lamed. Even at Ihe ri-t of lime and exieBelo the eily, be a in favor of brradening Ihe fran-ebi. AM. Collar! deemed Ibal Ihe rily bould tafce no chance. If Ibe point were teled. Ihe mal- ller wonM be ettled afely one. and for all He wa nol in favor f acnfcing any person's right but be merely wished to tet (hem. "Neither dil be wih to ojjoe the opinion of the city; Aluilnr whn hail ruled that the Inain fbould le lruet off. Moreover, the proce of leling buld alify Hie mayor" view. Without Cost Cily j-olicilfr Jone fell Ibal .t.K4.i Wra -f -a A laa Ah oaa. avaaf1 ' f Program Devotod to Tan nhau Opera -Second to Sonthora Daraie Music Viwittt jlrrlT anernonn at Uw k-G .f Vis S Irn. Iff Or SlrreU lb firt .art f krrraat of the La4M' Maoral Ctofc si -od iMer tlw eirir Ht li-t. tMwi i mm m 1" Xr lurto aflr rh lite laBawifkat ewi ml rniM -i atkmr -n fcrw tm ;i4xit rrhelra rf rih ma otT the Kl f I. Cw- and adjwuai d rvr rk amaL I nittM wt a eaiel mean f dfling o wtiuldjhim-eir m ratber broV'-a Ea?tih While the Mfe of Ihe late . !.,. MM.tinp r tw wW,.lllT. Miaghoey wa a vepr i... ..i.i H- t,A ,.4bl.r he knew Ihe aloe t4 Mooted on armnsl to the board ! rHaxatK-a to 1- found ta port for eij-Tt --nc- hi nimaw: wa fond of a ramf of and retains on the oosdition 'lyriw a an jof Bordn Pt. cbooL He -talcljnw of l-Vodrd itoei. bow- thai be bad ea tnirociea y ' r.-Trustee McLennan In viit tbHben racing wa btnr boomed school and give a re-.rt. Hen Montreal, be imf-orted a lefl hi wwrk at " the Xore'tfabionav btfd mare?ak Home wbere be wa Itadly n-edcdlHoe. by name. he tnvanaWy ... .. ..... r;:.i.. i..t rR.t Sin ir.... jui then arw aio attenoeo h),iiui-u -- rjnj, .-. meeliRff of Ibe Uard andldl h e len a eon mis ,ni.tJ nuf.liun. H IhmiHl! iJIIM. lli IHrd IBraen IO ihe board h.'Mld i.av hi lill a he one of the bl tborougb- he cooM not afford to work for nothing. ; None of tb ronilcr of the board were in favor of raying lbj bill a, according to them, il wa nol authorized by he bfiard. Trul Montgomery .aid Trulee McLennan wa V blame. if anyone- wa. Mr. MMebll oftfolt, ift Bird, away. MilcliHl A Cwrri had al gi-en hi ervice and had not paid for iL Trul- IarW ail I. W. An- Ibe point bould le teted indron aUo gae hi rviee. hipd rT produced in Ihe pro-mce of oebee and woa prac- licallv all the race in which le ma entered iochjdiag Ihe King' Plate in 1916. Lord hautl ney dd not bl and donated all lii wuMiinr l raemg I cbarhy. He ultimately gave llv The French Olymiwc oonmiit lee. director of forting fedora lbn. club aad cte follower . .... . ... . .M lOJ IUI"1C III rHW urtwn- 1 ft M hwii f I twM ' " . . ... . . . im jrr at mm n rMi v a a L . la ' A. unt it xt Nonday In- mhsHi tie taaa j w srNs hi Mom. tsin Bir r4 "TiM I Aale." lurltlfail fiaAfrte r - Tle eiat4 fatl mt Ihe rr m W.CTTED 'Tlw a .' l'rtakp hy Ike naMer. tboesh Ite mH,, -Iurti CraJie Snajr." ki4 4 bI deire l have any rirM a4 Mr. R. Mas. Mrs. Itr. P. MeMHIaa VH draw tt Mr. Tkm 9 trr faiJ sltiaJ. a t A-aiw-r-n - f- aBi see at the metnc. j Sport Chat Inn and tbeiTOJoksrrcr tJpl n ,k I"1 lhT r " "' . ar I Ibe mailer tWoM be lefl Irtj' XU lai fbfM I"- ar- Toe ..jwn -n Iho hnt- !We ulo were fyfee4 lo oeb sP r njraeiii-eim a' mp i aeer eKf I emtr a txe-e. 1 He -feM that ei',li Tbi wilL of eour-'. IS. r of ihi vwt. fij4e5rT f the A l i-F"n,y fMn'' b in raw aa adverse titer are bt day Wl for frasefaie rather than difrT- jixlnfial i men with retard lboe nitnrrvl wtwx-.h to has "bise asd if Ibe tmarl did notjt" thoe ;rAn wtw part nwr we matre of the eoufiriB the lit a il tol tbefbe road tax. Jeily taW be la Vis? a tepj haelard thi rjl. SCHOOLBOARD REFUSE c in Miuru , Abl CoHarL -arbBe Bet miihint e name eHeAarilv It -Jrwi. off, feared tb effect -f Ibe foribreimn eJertion tetar . et aide a nrirfat be dae ifjTony Christian jibe name. arere rNamed. B- PAY FOR EXPERT ON BORDEN ST. SCHOOL Falls to 2 Account foe S2S and Udr- pultiar the rity to the) presses Opinion animal, tbi year. The eaon Uvr p-e aad dwel ebe n Hwreenhr -3. mr a frnan !etl swday ieavwsr taro tnore m-rek-ead fr the bird hataler i" wir"e thtr fatrrte diver. Mm. vnodiar a mof4e f day beffre Clirjlma aad jef. Colloct n,,,,,OJr be ofronMiNy to tret Ei the flyfar rame to rwhd off the bHl-of-farc for the Yuietide fe-lile. .Many loeal bnier are w n.H.tnn fcn. rw.f a irwid 'wir to tet t mm their ba,narL.p,m0B of the menben. f the n' np ol the eaiaTu JjuMice to bimelf and bi With the final remark Ibal !ing every effrt toward making ion. the memtwr of the hoard were i a creditable lMminc at the i9H l AM. Perry wa m favor of irheap ru?"' the interview ended. Olymjoc gae hot are under no BRIER MfAarrca -Mea a&d women learn barbering. Paid toil while! - ww. . w m 1 n f iir I . lor cuawpjf. Mtr uarher College, YaMoover. B.C. ' pair lahys imowx CPE- KI Olote taaen by t4aW from eooaler of liatty Xo ofSee. PWe retirrn. FOR SALE FARM FOR SALF. - 10 aore loo and hottoaa land, dart loam oi! Locattn and water!: ... i good yer roajad. Hrr tfcmajcti IHvaporty. Prot ero, frail. rereale. hay. Sett nartood ia oriee. For favther mfofmalioa oppiy . Prottyjolra LawaMll. 0ooa Cbortofte 114. BC. ;A?H aad motor. id iMor ayeajswea. taflaig. pmmy. He. for ate. heiag the oeftttpmewl of EttM-r Haaiag MHI at Cow 'Hay. A Maty I" A. R. Wtllaam Gomoaay at Ibe Malt. 291 FOR SALE. Two droer. beveikd gta; ey eaoaraad psetarr. Yetavay. !-isth Ave. Weil. tt FOR SAIJ1 Lavrg Pboae Oreea iH. FOR RENT FOR REXT. Ijirge baeV. far. Bihed. Apply 410 Pill. Ave. EaL Phoar litwe St;. tf 5TEAM Heated Flat for rent Benr soartment. X. V. Stephens. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander. MO Second Avenue. Pbone 137. tf LOfT LOT. Mink choker Finder pbae retorn m. flatty Xew office. Reward. REPAIRING AXYTHIXG IX CANVAS. Phone P. LeQaire, Com Hay. iapprebeakn a srofec4 of ! reach alhlete rianrag the gaaae aod readMy dm4t I bat France will 4 finih firl. I a the winter port whicfti are M 4k beid al CImuoo- atx Irooi Janaarr ? t Fetvra. ary S. the opiatea i general that France win oofr fdare Ike and American in hoekey. ki4-rng. bob-leigli aad cartmc They are olciaed in feed KkatiRg. Freoeb rugby ew-rl are angurae or wtMag. rec-.J tally it ireat Hrnaun ntamtain tier trern1 deion of not he. ling rejreentefl. ia etaln football everjlMly adinila that On i Tilt V.TKI flaAaa England latd alone and France. tfMui-r. tba. no ebow. Iigland and h- T I cr LOOK HERE MR. TRAPPER. Here i where yi get Ibe Mr rrr- for your fi!r See me fir I and lat before 4Unt? !-tiere I lise v mat- mooer. W. C0LDBLOOM, "1"W Iraof'' Fnend." Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Onod Ikmcbt. Sitld or F.irhanget H. H. HEMMINCS, Auctioneer FraHure and Croeiery. Third Ae. Phon Black I3 and Red 4 IS. TAXI Tail 7 Phono. (Call Georg- or Oust) Rosa Brothers. Pr-7TT,i iseraice and i'stm tor' Iay nr Xtght Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avonue CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. sonct t Rtaxsr mvo ta rlM ax ttluA. Mtute-4 at tb awMk U WOr cul aaat ' miI tMnri aaa fwrwrti em4 hi Taae Urrar V, lfr m nmtU4 o a turv. hrpMV Jttar f Laoa. taad trparuirta. rtrsteta. BjC. tt ont4ot. mi LA0 CT. MaUca latMliM ta aJf U Lm L4 lnlfri tt4 I Taa Mar aw aarkn. Kara, oft ioi mi I oHVoV tTia. itn im trimi at a tm mum ai it amt mmtt, Wvtr tat f aaanoi laa. aar u awi liaiawi una: Mnari wtnnr1 la lawiiiii,. i urn ho al ar al aatA imI it otaa marwat a rnau M nnimv ani at. aM no ik Oartoai arrxk. M, ar to. OiikUJi a winrvtT. warta nonce IDiwi Dm). UUI w c iMrtw M ST.. H ami f a aweam la I Uk aa4 Sa.oa (kSVaw a UT af ler WI awa naw4 Uke wa MHUVatU lM1oo i4 TiaiMaa ladaa lwen . atai na, wmn aad eraMM avia tiaaraa .) atmM m I kair IMtr anatt U lawniMr rM Tt maiet VS Iv 4irW fnaa Uae Ukv at a wt kan IV aaiir aaanbraM rt ,ilxlnli lailiia tttii, ,m lo theJturtUr rnw K. the ba4 rrfbn al WHIaatna Tna-mati. lutuffm ladian oe tfc mmd ua ta mi ii r enen of u)l tmttrt and aa 'V WtriiHm iwmkh ItvrrM and ti ike -Waier Art 1(4 - am t nad la U nre U Wawr TtecHrder at Mare httjn. a.r i H-tit o i. tb rrri Ow atar Id Mi H tld Water tk-ewe or kTlk oanpimttrr tJ Wltrr IUrM w-arllameM Siawnar Vir bcWod - 'ha tairtr dija aner ta Caaadian. aan..vt.n 2. J - TJM' ia rot thu tMrttre t lMwvnne I ,L Itlt W t OOUJUtx. M1ltr(ev loaua Armt, . in MOHTt suencaax oouar or antrisM , COLUMBIA la It" Wattrr 4 thr 4rt t aad tlr Mttrr ,4 thr r.ttte f "r intiaa a Iwonra leJTWir ( TAkl MiTKY i. oa. I aj. Itf 1 I LAihmiImh.. . . ... . 7 , ITw t.niir nr m k Mrv aa "ram .iiuriini" J r irnra" . ana in iiarllr aaur rt.n.. a finali! in iotn and ia the jtrack aod fiebl e-ien-i f'raocr ta nctl rtfierted hi total u?i many hiomts. Advertise in the Daily Xewa. MtarLo!r , UI 'r'" "U'rrdi lT,.,. n Write. adHled to . lalatr arr . rmunrf i. .... . . I toeir tadetitetn ta bm tortliaitb. ' inn w . hi hm; baiei tuu ,,lfc S2er?-,,V, ' ! WaJC i - Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PCX WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdwIlMfiwa! Tkn for La tha QOc j "PICS IS PICS" feut PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE es! of 3fae of AMerka !-T5T by ?prinp4ale Tf-Jo 2&-;41t are Ue tt. LHlerc of 1, IS and 17. Wrfie J. L. Rarre. Qeea Charlotte City. a MISCELLANEOUS. and Tar,.nhn inl to i-rder ad rriir.1 Third Aenue. opswMiie Pi.t Ijioevdry. HMtte (ire - I'. O. CHIMNEY CLEANINC 54Mrtrte Prie OLD NICK Pniw Rupert Cfar Store Phoe Ittoe FiveRoses FLOUR i 1 Wbeo Iktvig 4T -FIVE ' ROSES, , TW Wort.. - : . ; John L Christie i Ager.i i HOME FROM HOME MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser SL S'eim Hearer - Rate t.v l M P.O. Boa 7S. Phone CSI. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORAT0RT, Assayers, Chemists, KtUt lurgltts. te S.'i - TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. THE Valentin DAIRY CW. Mrltr,,;. a - MILK, CREAM AND BUTTER RETH Phone CS7, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Uad" RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpa-Third Avenue. EDSON COAL We can-now Supplf our FAMOUS EDSOM, C0L la any qaantily Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone St.