Tliurflay, December 13, 1923. i i . inK uAiui nbvvo. HOLIDAY SPECIALS 4 DOLL DOLL- Height 10 inches, composition jy, n,uvjl)(f eyes. joinUM nl knee, hip. neck, shoulder, elbow anil wrist. Kxlru hiiig, natural curly hair. Hegular price SD.OU SPECIAL," u formerly atkerli?l, only $1.50 TEA SETS Lithographed F.iianielvvare :i cups ami saucer, covered leaMl. open sugar. Hegular price Special 75c A I ti (it 1 1 1 1 1 in 2 eup ami saucers, 2 spoons, cream jug ami tray, largo ciivereil teapot and trav, Megular 1 nrics 2.(to. Special $1.00. .Special prices iiImi on all other lines of dolls ami children' leu tsets. eMcAs.Jjd A gift That's always acceptable Syvtilg' Sets in Leather llase with pi -By lining and goodimhljly French or Tortoise Shell Ivory accessories. inrluuTJigcis.nrs, needle, colored silk-, thimbles, crochet h(Hk, tic,- From $5.00 to $10.00. ALftnt'lire Sets in Lealh-r mid Leatherette Bolls, each with n conipl'le net or first grade Manicure implements From $2.00 to $24.50. OUR XMAS CHOCOLATE8 HAVE ARRIVED. Molrs. Gainings. Page mid Shaw's and Willard. in fancy mid plain boxes From 75c up to $4,50. Our fancy boxes are prettier rind the assortment is greater than in recent year. ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The RU- Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. We Prepay Mall Order. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Run! no Shale or rocki coal guaranteed! prompt delivery. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. Phone 100. GIFTS THAT LAST Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours: li a.m. to 0 p.m. ypen Kvcuiiigs liy Special Appointment. ' 11 11' A Wonderful Stock of Wrist Watches The newest Wri-l Watch we have is u Miiall INK. (iold VnMi which can he used in three differ-'iit way. , By a very simple atlnclimeiit it can lie .vulu its a finger ring, changed in a minute wrist watch, or hung a a pendant round the neck. Price $80.00. Wiiltham INK. white gold .1." jewelled Aicjijgmi shape, $85.00. Griien solid I IK. gold adjusted, $55.00 to $75.00. A .special value octagon UK. solid gold '1.1 Jewelled ribbon watch, at $28.00. --"Other watches rrnm $15.00 to $38.00. We personally guarantee each one and wilMiave. the faclory exchang uny that are not satisfactory. Bulger & Cameron, Ltd. HAD A WEAK HEART WAS VERY NERVOUS FOR THREE YEARS MUa It-Mr I'HWMill, Zralaiidla, Sak.. writes: -I ui.h i !,. you know huw much k.kI Ml m,ii rii' U-in and .Nerve rill han done for iik. Vnr nearly IIiii-k Iran I ua. iri lally run down, had i weak heart, and a ao iit-rn.iiii thai oineiimra I would altiM,t rami away. I heard or iinnv ihh.pIh wh'i had n-roiu- ineiided )nnr Heart and ( l'llla, o I derided lo rle Hm-mi a (rial. After I lud ued two Ixixen foiniil they had done Hie rood, and afler having taken five hoxtt I waa nmipb-trty relieved. I raiiiiot reeoiinneiid vimr Mil. iii and I would adrlft anyone havlnr a weak neari or troubled with iiertuuMii-ai tn ue them." Mllhuin II.. X. fill, are SUc a hoi at all dealer., or mailed dlrert on receipt of rl hy The T. Mlluuni Co., I.ltnlted, oroiiio, on. J In the Letter Box ! SCIENCE OF WIND VERSUS CREDAL BELIEF Ivdilor. Daily News. A good illuslralion of Mortal Mind versus Divine Intelliueiice. is like a man satisfied with an arlificial pool, when the mitflitv ocean wails isue. Like I he fish in Hie sea. w(e live ami move ami have our being in an inexhaustible ocean of "Divine F.I her," "Divine Mind"' or if you will "Divine Intelli gence." Ami it is the recognition of this Irulh alone that makes free Pilot of old .anted: What is Truth? And the Master of all Gri-al Masters, who tty the way alone could answer this mies- lion. "I am the truth!" II is the Chris! and mil the creed. The truth in word and Iced. 'V.redo," I believe. "Scio.' I know.. This is life F.lcrnal llial I hey iiiighl know Thee, the II ly true God and .lesns, Hi I'.hrM. whom Thou hast mmiI." Mv worlliy friend, who ml ilreosen his teller "Impotence of Science," if he would iertnit me lo reinin.l him Ih.vt it i not the lini.oleiue ,,f Science that in at fault, hut rather Hie lnixtfcnce f Mortal Mind or Intellect, fail- iiit ti he guiile, hy Divine In lelligence. "If any man is will- in i.- 1 he made willinsr (that is i he coned remlerintri. he shall miow i i lip iioeirine or rattier whirh is more correct, "The I'rulli." "Divine I'ritteinJe." This comes not hy human reason hut hy 'Intuition, or If you will. 'npiraliii," lo sum up: The two redcciuinir factors in the re- ueneraliiu of our hrother man are Intuition and Divine Love. I am, JAMES J.. IIIIEWSTKH Tile's Store lor Special Prices on all lnuc MirnishinitM. c ANNOUNCEMENTS Methodist Church Hazaar, December 15. Third Avenue, next Iti-iiMUi s SJudio. -- Public School Concert Den. IK-1 9. -- High School Xinas. Concert, December 1!0. Hill (in I. D. D. K. Tea Daiisaul in Klks Home, New Year's Alter- noon. Queen Mary Chapter I.D.D.K. Dance on New Year's Niuht. .January I. I9;M, in Klks" Home. Plus 1o Per Piece r i a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service AH of your washing 84 par cant or your ironing varythlng rtturntd dry You limply touch up faw outer garments tuch aa walata, blouaaa, houaa draaaes, with hand-Iron. Phone ua today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. Local awi !PersooaI U.C. Undertakers. I'hone 41. Nayaera, Undeitakara. Ptaoue 35h if Uahy buzzes, tricycles, etc. I'.H. Music Store. Toys and' Fancy Goods. Spec ial reductions at Tile'g. If - Don't forget the .Sons and Daughter Whist Drive Friday night. Live Turkeys. Up-river birds. .No deposit required. Sherman's. I'hone 81. 291 If you study economy China- ware ami Dinner sets at reduced prices at Tile's. If St. Andrew's Society regular monthly meeting tomorrow at H p.m. l ull attendance requested Try NAXOOSK-Wellington or lelkwa Coal. More heat. Less soot. IMiilpott, Kvitl & Co. tf There are. only a limited number of tickets for the Trades and Labor Council Ilantiuet. Secure yours at once. Toys, Xrtias Cards at half price, .nias stockings, laree size 50c. Large slock of Fancy China and Glassware. Denny Allen Co. 296 Fred Itiffou returned to the elty by the Prince George yes lerday affernoon. He was married recently in Quebec and his bride arrived with him. MH ICF-Winners or Turkeys at I he recent F.Ik's Carnival can eel a 10 lb. fresh killed Turkey-ami extra I lb. Harvest Coffee by leaving their tickets al Farmers' Market. 293 . Joe Fadool, who formerly con-dueled the Asia Trading Co here and who is now in the manufacturing hu.incss in Van eotiver, is in the city registered al the Central Hole). . a) -a At Ihe meeling"of (he ch'ool boanj las! nip hi 'a report from Ihe supervising principal slated that Ihe tidal attendance for the month was 675 pupils, an average percentage of 97. 1 2. Mis M. I.. Iloftan of llazeltou. who has been on a holiday trip south, arrived on (he Prince George yesterday afleruoon and continued her journey to Ihe interior by (he evening train. G. Salmon, inspector of elec trical equipment for life Cana dian National Hail ways, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday afternoon ami will go Fast on tonight's train. J. Kerr, chief engineer of Ihe Dominion railway commission. unveil in (he city from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday afternoon and left by Ihe evening for Kdiiioiilon eiiroule to his headquarters in Caljfary. - J. A. Stephen, assistant dis trict engineer for Ihe provincial ileparlmeut of public work in Allin ridinir, and G. A. Younjr. road superintendent, sailed last night on the Prince George for Anyox afler havinir snenl Severn I days In the city. Ml'S. J. II. Ilililileli mi. I .l,.n,. i. ter, Miss Xefda INhlileh. returned on Ihe Prince lieonre-vesiiM--' day afternoon from llremerldn Washington. Mrs. Hildilch wn called south on account of the serious Illness of her mother. Mrs. SrhatTer. who died while she was there. T. Moss Maekay of this i!y and C. It. .Gilbert of Terrace returned lo Ihe city by Ihe Prince George yeslerday afternoon from Vancouver where Ibey attended Ihe convention of the Provincial Parly. Mr." Gilbert was elected a dislriot vice-presi dent of the .Association. - Al (he meeting of Ihe school board last, night II was explained by tho secretary that Ihe Hoard would spend by Ihe eipl of the year about $500 over the curtailed estimates but nothing like the amount orisinallv estimated by the board, including extra-' ordinary expenditures and play- grounds. No notification had been given them that these were iMsflllnwcd. I Xmas Gifts For the "Kiddies.'- Bargains in Toyland at Tile's. tf For Holiday Shoppers. Xmas surprises for Values at Tile's. tf Indian Agent W. P.. Collison and Dominion Constable A. J. Walkinsoii, left on last night's for Yanarvlol on departmental business. At Ihe Holary luncheon Unlay Dr. W. T. Herein, chairman of Ihe program committee, an nounced thai on Thursday next C. II. Ilniip. drtisrgisl. would be tried for a serious breach of Itoiary elhirs in having sold improperly lo "President Hugh Grant and Consul Wakefield a hair Ionic thai was ineffective. Millie McClynionl will preside at Ihe trial, the prosecuting attorney will he Jack Nicholls and Mike McCaffery will be counsel for Ihe defense. FISH ARRIVALS A tolal of 55 000 pounds of halibut was marketed, on the Fish F.xcliatiire Ibis morn inn only two American sehootiersc irrivinjr. The arrivals and sales were: . . , Constitution, 30,00(1 pounds. lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Slorase. Co. at IC.9c and 8e. Atlantic. 25.00M pounds, lolhe Boolh Fisheries Canadian Co. at 17.2c and 9.6c. CHILDREN! IMPORTANT! Santa Claus will open Ihe Methodist Bazaar next their lo Benson's Studio, al 2.30 "p.m. Saturday afternoon. Big Toy Booth. 29 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. Parkes, Vancouver: G. Salmon and A. Sutherland,, Vancouver; G. W. Milchelli Anchor-ape, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Newcouibe, Kdiuoutou. Central J. Fadool, Vancouver; ' Douglas, l-lt I lito it I Here is the place to shop for 'Sterling-' Values PAQE THREE. Yuletide Gifts for Men GIFTS THAT WILL GIVE "HIM" COMFORT AND PLEASURE. My Christmas selection of lliith Grade .Men's Wear is the most complete slock I have ever had and at prices In suit every pocket. Here are a few suggestions, any one of which never fails to please on Christmas morning. Gloves, .N'ecklies, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Dress Shirts, Mackinaw Coals, Boston Garters, Hslts, Gloves in Chamois, lined, and wool, 1'ure Wool Sweaters and Vests, 'Bath Ilobes, Sox, etc. SUITS, OVERCOATS, SHOES. Come in and look around. TH0R JOHNSON Second Avenue. "The Hoover" egg Tel. 3. It Beats, As It Sweeps, As It Cleans Show her that you really do care. Christmas is al hand the season when these thoughts find fullest ami freest expression. Give her a Hoover this Christmas.. Sold on Very Easy Terms. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. Box 1646. THE RADIO SET That Picked up Aberdeen and London, Eng. $160.00 WESTINGHOUSE LONG DISTANCE "RC" SET, complete with three dry cell tubes and batteries, phones, aerial, etc., ready for use. Of with (t-volt storage Uatlery. and tubes, etc., $177.00. Loud speaker, $20.00 extra. Simple for you to install and operate. THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Write for latest price lists of radio sets, parts and accessories. RADIO SPECIALTIES LIMITED Wholesale and Retail. 791 Dunsmuir StreeL Vancouver. The Arctic Studio CHRISTMAS FLOWERS will arrive Saturday, Dec. -'2nd, direct from the Victoria Greeneries. AH orders will he delivered in boxes tied with ribbon. ENGLISH HOLLY in pound cedar boxes, and Plants and Xmas Baskets will arrive on Wednesday, Dec. HI. Everything will be personally selected and special effort is being made to have the freshest and choicest. Stock Clearance XMAS BARGAINS To make room for my large and complete stVtck of Spring Goods now on order comprising th? very latest in Ladies' Heady-to-Wear Apparel, Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Travelling Bags, etc. I have decided to place my present up-to-date stock on sale at greatly reduced prices. Come in and view my sale stock of EVENING GOWNS, WOOLLEN DRESSES, HOUSE DRESSES, BLOUSES IN SILK AND CREPE DE CHINE, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, SUIT CASES, TRAVELLING BAGS AND TRUNKS. The models in Heady-to-Wear Garments are smart and new and their cut, as always, is perfection. They have an air about them, an effect quite different from any other clothes. I have for you, in fact, all the. elements of perfect salisfactiuu. Mrs. J. L. GRAHLMAN 714 Second Avenue West ;:fl ii4