Irsday. Hereiiiber IS, IPJ3. lj Gifts The Famoue iMtfPle Leal dirt Ml' i I H, ...a . ilka. .6l,JDIZ.a MldCct KaJiolite Km 'unun, Clrla anil Uoi 1 x i, jk . t In rin, : fcfe' - .1 tkl toll li.MMll.4ut : a.tlUUin,4) ts.v Water bury A It-SUe Jewelled Watch IHluk it , HiMik mn't tit m mmk h trtmt. A r.4fct Mrfc ti Uki. .., M,ta fttii t ,KJ tS.M for Every Member of the Family HTHERE'S no gift like a watch, nothing used so much, consulted so often, carried so lon. The Ingersoll you give now will b; ticking Christmas Greetings throughout every day of the year. Your dealer can thow you hgtrvAU to fit every punt and purputc. Sizea for men, women, boy,, and girla. Radioliie dlJa that teE time in the dart. Jewellvd modcla in niclel and joW filled caK. Prkei from j.oo lu f i j. 00 Reliance 7-Jewel Watch T I" f I tfU mMat wikk ipfllf J 1 Ik r uk H4. SittH im, (la M aiW4M,it) 7.M a MARSHALL WELLS B.C. LIMITED. Wholesale Distributors of Ingersoll Watches. Also 18 17 linger and Wm. lingers & Co., Silverware, Carroll Street, I'hnne Sey. 7200, Vancouver, H.C lave You Tried? Rupert Brand COCKEYE Valmon Jandwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Ihockley's N!lMilk Sole Agents for oya Mills. Hanall. B.C. Lumber h Fyfe 8mlth Co. Hardwood Fraser Mills Fir veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Sprurc mid Cedar, Spruce nnd Cedar- Hhiplnp. Spruce Planking. Sash, Doors, Moulding. Class. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. Stocks and Bonds All Victory n,nd (lovernni-ul Hnnds Nought nnd Sold. NVj&Tldl have n few share left of the PREMIER MINE at $2.90. This is Hie greatest dividend producer in Canada. T. McCLYMONT hone Black 85. Third Ave. MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. AINCOATS P. B. COW, LONDON, ENGLAND. Special Prices. TEVE KING Phone Green 85 Third Avenue MANUAL TRAINING INSTRUCTOR TO WED Bride-to-be of Donald ftoss Is an Expert Swimmer and Tennis Player Annoimeemenl is made in Van. couter of lite ppagement of Miss Kathleen Helen Hutchinson. daiifftitcr of Mr. and Mr. J. F. Hutchinson, lo Donald Alexander Oeorge Hoik, son of Mr. IP of Viclorrsi and manual Iraininir direelor In the Prinee Uuper! Public School. The weiMinir will lake place in Vanronver during Hie holiday and (he ronnle will '! Ide in Ibis elly. The 1 a native of Toronto arid has been rpsirienf in Vancouver for Ihe jiat lr yearn, the nio-l of Ural period lieinif spent in Ihe emtdnvment of he Canadian Hank of Com merce. She lake a keen inleresl in athletic and i ah expert swimmer a well as n adept on-n it dayer. The Man in the Moon SAYSi- Tlli: llrilioh Labor Parly in all rlflil nnd will pursue Hie ore j.ath in the Old Counlry. Already Ihey have iuei n "coiiiiiiuniciie," "IULVDY? Yen, anxious!" ay Ihe HrilUti Labor Parly. ONLY lime will lell whieh parly il wa llinl won Ihe llril-ih eleelions. .NO (Miner was Irejiiml free lhan hp onee, jjid herself lo (.real llrilain and laid Ihe foundation for another ' area! (hale by borrowing money from ber. i ' I II Kit I". are ppojdp in his world who Imagine lliey were enl here lo mnke ovrr Ihe eon-seienee of their f1low. TIIE lel of Prinee IluperF worlbine lo beeome u eily jvill be seen in Ihe manner in whirli she ind C.!irilma and in whieh tiP looks after any few who may be homele.os and help. es, I SOMEItODY wants lo make i money in Ihe Stale so il f pro. !poed lo build some more war ships. THE Unlled ?lale-. will eo-operate In splllinp Ihe reparation problems hut no one dare whisper il beraue il may then beeome known. IF you wih lo sep a jriod eonlel, mIIi-iuI Ihe ne haskel-ball truinr. IX life as in (be game of Itnlniinlnn, feallier are ''an important factor. In life, lhey4 indicate wbifb way Ihe wind Is blowing. , TP V A f ien i ean go I In Pilnc Rupert December 13, 1913. Oscar Wicklund was found iruilly of man slaiighler at Ibn Supreme Court iisshes last niuhl in connection wilh Ihe kfllinp of Clarence Howell and was sentenced to five years' im prisonment at Xew Westminster penitentiary. A resident of Poreher Island lias buill an airplane in which he flew a ipiarler of n mile. A Kirmess "entertainment staged last night nl Ihe Wei!-hnlme Theatre by Miss F.lhel Oray was n Treat suceess. Those taking part included Miss flora Hurrill, Miss Mabel Vjericlc, Miss l.lly Shnihsall. Miss Vbr-t ence Orny, Miss Oladys Kemp, Miss Moyu Halley, Mis .leuri Hailey, Harry Flelcber, Miss Muriel Pal more, Miss, Mamie Oray, Miss llernice I.nvelte, and Jame X. Kelly. QUEEN CHARLOTTES A local resijenl of Port Clements was fined fifty dollar, for contravention of the Liquor Act. The charge was laid be. rore A. II, Mallory, S.M., by the provincial police. Chief Joseph (Irny, one of tins oldest Indians of the, Skidegalo band, died recently, at the home of Chief Councillor V. il. Russ, TIIE DAILY NEWS FXTJE FIVE. Here Is Your Opportunity to Say It with "Clothes" this Yuletide. Useful, Practical, Sensible and Acceptable Gifts at Less Than Maker's Prices TOO LATE to cancel Our Xmas Stock Why you should buy your Xmas Presents here. It was Impossible for us to cancel our regular Xmas Stock Order. We are, therefore, offering It to the public at FORCED TO SELL PRICES. The bargains yoif will get at this store In Men's and Boys' Clothing of every description will be a Red Letter Day In your life. We MUST vacate our premises and we MUST sell the stock. All Ties, Handkerchiefs, Sox, Mufflers, etc, will be put up in beautiful Xmas boxes. NECKTIES. Just arrived from New York. Highest grade Pure Silk .Neekwear. These Ties are in benuti-f-il designs and colorings. Fit for a king. Just Ihe tiling for Xmas. Closing Out Price on Skidegalo recerve. The deceased was born on the islands, Hev. William Allen, of the Methodist Church, conducted the funernl ceremonies and a largo number of sorrowinp friends alien tied. The tanker El Cedrp left Mas-sell Inlet last week, loaded with cants, and bound for I.os An. geles, California, During .November Hie Massed Timber Company shipped over five million feel of lumber from Jluekley llay, where the sawmill, is running day and night, supplying the Los Angeles, Products Company wilh timber. The clam canneries at Xaden $2.15 KNITTED NECKWEAR. lu neat patterns all tin late.-t color.. Closing Out Price $1.15 NECKTIE SPECIALS. Odd lines, in excellent materials nnd patterns. One of thee would pleae any man. Closing Out Prices 65c, 85c and 95c Harbor and at the Hiellcn Hiver have been closed down, pending enlargement. Captain Itahinjf- ton and E. 11. Simpson, Ihe managers, expect to open up the Industries on a larjre scale at tbo beginning of the year. It is proposed lo erect, a- largo cannery near Tow Hill, which. , will give employment., to. over, hundred 'men und women. - . Ilev. J. Gillelt, in Ids launch, the Western Hope, is making periodical visit to lluckley llay. Port Clements, Nuden Harbor an'.J the lighthouse at Lnngura Island. In addition to the mis. sionarv work connected with the SILK MUFFLERS. lu beautiful Coloring. Something every man will appreciate. Closing Out Price $2.45 Heavy Knit "Universal" make, 100 Pure Wool Mufflers. Closing Out Price $1.15 PURE SILK SOX. '(Indium" and "M?rcury" makes. Closing Out Price, Per Pair 95c How about a New Suit? FOR XMAS. Here is a Special "Xmas Offer. Indigo Blue Serge Suits, ' in plain models, single and double breasted. For dad and the lad. These serges are all guaranteed Indigo Blue, Genuine Harrogate Serge. These suits usually sell from $50 to $60. Donft miss this Bargain Special, $36.95 "KUM-A-PART" CUFF BUTTONS. The popular and convenient cuff button. Made in enamel in (ovsly design and all colors. I. eg. I. '.?.". Closing Out Price 55c GARTERS, ARM BANDS, BRACES. In beautiful Xmas Uoxes. Closing Out Price from 35c to $1.15 These are always acceptable as a gift. FAMOUS "KUM-A-PART" DRESS BELT BUCKLES In Stamped Sterling Silver, with solid leather belt to match, llers is something every man needs. Closing Out Price $2.45 Dress Belts, with Initial buckles. Closing Out Price $1.15 C C tfC SlLK SHIRTS Every Pure Silk Shirt in the store tfr tf tpD.UD going at $5.65, in all sizes. tpD.QO ACME IMPORTERS ! Third Ave. Store Fixtures For Sale. Mall Orders Filled at Sale Prices. Phone 359. Anglican Church, n moving plo- ture exhibition forms pari 01 the equipment carried to Ihe outlying settlements. " Henry Haldine, of Mellakntla, staged two first class entertain. ment. at lluckley Day and Mas- sett, Mr. Haldine is a travel, linjr j-epreseiitative 0f the Salvation Army, and is engaged in producing scene. from the Hible which nro very Instructive and much appreciated by the spectators, lie has been engaged. in this work for a number of years. The district superintendent of the fiovcrnuteni Telegraph Service, J. J. Dore, paid a visit to the various towns on the islands on a tour of inspection. Ho crossed the Trail from I'ort fciements lo Tel-el river, and proceeded lo Skidegale and Queen Charlotte City. Another large vessel of the Los Angeles Product Company is loading at lluckley llay. An entertainment held in the Methodist Church, at Skidegale, Hev. William and Mrs. Allen in charge was" well attended and a substantial sum was realized from, an appreciative audience. The concert given by local talent was enjoyed, and was considered the most successful ever held on the islands. Prosperous advertising means regular continuous advertising m