M COL. MCMULLIN A PRFFFRFNriA GIVEN SENDOFF Is Business Rulng Smoker In Battatllon' Headquarters Last Night In Honor of Departing Officer ? ULL 2 Commanding You At n riiokrr irln in Hi nwf Paying ,'l - FOR. hdpiar(rr in lb formrr Land ,llepilry oflle on SWnnd Avnu. IZE C . lh .Viidli ll.C ftegim'ent rv n I ruiriK lid-oft" IttM mikIiI In CL J. II. Mr.Miill.in, oftWr .nm- Dividend inntidlnif. ulni T Iravififr Oil a (vek tut Yirloria in. Ink up ii fi'W .ollioir an UrinfnilPtil of pl-ovinrial pnlie. Major J. CIGAR ,V. Nirhnll ami Major John Me-reJM.r, o-upid Mi ehair Tf if not In h mmr( of Ih rveninjr and OCNCRAL CIGAR CO. LIMITED hn prent included metiihr TPOLltO OPCPATtD BY IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED ;nf Hi hallallinn and Iheir friend Including II 1 4 WorMnp Mayor !4. ' Newlon.TIip affair wa aln In lh 4. Newspaper Advertising ulyu uun i muiub mi 5Ui iujn ' LOCAL NCWS NOTES nalur of npenirijr Ih new head- ' Anions flio -in nu lnl niirlit I"r in prreniaii'in ni h LANAIilAN W ) nn Hn- I'rii Hope, I rr Slewart, Ir.phi f'-r lal year No Idea That he Took His Own wrfp I'earl l'eleron. Ilmlia ,n ""' rprlivf wfnnrrs i:ol. is the Solution -:- till.L - 1 1 I ..II.. Life by Jumping Into the Sea Ilar.l. It. A. HolTinun. 4. V. M'Mullin ma.1 li prr-orilali.mn -:- Uiri-hun aii.l W. A. Allan. ,0 following markiinrn : A. on Dav of Capture and Friend of ('.apiam V. Hullnn. . 4. M. lalo, , (rol.l; in-'lal nniJ Made to Work r hn I Hioiishl io have been :.l. 4. II. .Mr.Mtillin will In- Vri; William Uroun. Itrsl. drowned from tin Col.I Stnrav morrow n.ornlnx on Hi I'rinr rnonlal r.up. Iwn -rto.na an.l March tri.ti,.it: lr-MRf a The "hiir"IS. dock, declare Hull there i rx.lti Hii.rt for Virtorla wlnre li mrJalr l.liarl I.rmon. The largest and most successful business I os lr. warrant Hie auinif ion will lak nvrr III nrw ilillii a ""'al A"" ''P "' r.on: if' few !. tnan-ealinir thai he had eommillml Hiiieidc.liii,rinlrr1nr of nolle Mrn. Malcolm l.amh, spoon. of today their entire success concerns owe f- hat me mil of t ,lrv nV.l I! mtd bn od ni ueh j Mr l nlliri nml fniTiilly will not I lio.c ronlrihutinjr In flir .i.kLs e" 7 ,J,iL .. '" he had a hil.lt of takine lii',, wuinp fnr at lea.l a mouth. program wr........liavr Oay., fl. II. to judicious and consistent newspaper ll"flll"W Hill"'" - ..."I "lllr-t no I lir 'rulli and arc nl Ihai ly li Im'I lrn llk- j Mayor Nrwlon. I'ril nillmly. W. II. W'alilorf, nhiliilion of advertising . .7 . . . Inir of In lan fnr lb rwotnv i Hoi liarn. Ml P. A. Mill. I'. rninriMn, and Kr?nnl S. I.. in noriiiiariu in iimmr ami M nol m Ilk i!I.arnrl, J llrown. Ilary lra- Warrior wilh a lrif lalk rulo- J fifrr-. . "mil .urn .Mi.- I..- ' i.Mr. .ir. anil .ir.. nn pii. iii .n "..n'-. w i k ri" .r iiatinv. rt.i ill n 1,,,l 1 ..in. Crolt ami Harry Alria are Colonel Speaks 'I' "'"""Uf. In liarlmr from Hi . amonfr Umi who or urrom- r.ol. MrMullln. in rn.lvinir lo Think it over! Itrv. panyintr Hi o. aI liakrlltall' - norw,r ,on liim. mui h iirtlinir o i.,ow,r r',iir Hi lih n niroiou lo Anvnt. ill liiu parly a ,!! innPionary '..i. .., SllM ,, ,irijiiUii for iUf iiorlir on ....... a i. ..n jr. rit ani.ifia Hi Inlian irol iimih,'I,iI. III lM.iH..,.rjnr. iiujr, jp, ltll. will rner?ri,nll nn.l i-r-- Advertisers appropriating 50 m((tv International are and ?ilatln4l fnr i ar nw i.,j , (1r snr r.-irtririg Il.nl .U.n.1. In - . .. .. ... " ' - fui in inn runir man in in Ij ):ari in iihr ltt, rPn)a,n ..n a. ml of III!,. .,.n.ii.r y .,... ... .......... cent more dollars to newspaper advertising - ..- per ariMia, In.l.an rn. ,...,., , , IM(int !'. Mke Oood Reading in tr.l(r, dy .M'rnrri'il. FISH ARRIVALS this year than ever before . hop that III ranp wonhl r- llirilli: 7 ! of popl ur ur.J by w .)4 nak CUCDI fPV Urtl MfC AT rrh fnrlhrr iiifprnninls an.l mnrk.l r.vllrir tntd Mr Klrrn. JI1LIVLVLI IIUUI1UO n 1 i:ihl ...al ' , Dial inor younir mn of Hi rily Because Have Learned by WHY? They poun.l or iiiiiiimi ai in i in uM join ,, a 0 tlen I ho it ...jiw l Mm. i-ily. Mil WCCTUni MP TftNlnHT aav no Mr in fal for niiiiuui..i. l Ai-namr mi moriiim.. fcri an,, ln,Pr f lh-hallal Experience That Advertising Pays Hi arrival wr: n n., colna- in th Frnn In Hi north rounlry.; American ffi.r ..r a' lvryon t- r..i.i om ni rialil war r ,, ,rr har. 1S i .... .. j... ... i nu.... IVtn.in IKivlf' Shrl'l, ll. ltil-'- J'ir III.. W.ftml imiiikm; n. r,fn.,hmrnl nr rWlUI RMfll .llipr "I .llllitp - - I II "L- Sim, n.ooii pound: Viking, A. rvil in abiimlan. Tli :oin You can profit by the experience of others n. I liy r !h mot . . ami III, lo Ortrt p.HimN; al n. C. V ,,,,, iri Coinpnd fr-wr " "" - " 0iare rilly of morn 1. lhan Hi lowl brrdi nMinl llial Hot will l a lh Pirr l l.h!!.. ,.vj f. ,, Tlrikri.f n. W ;of man ....... . .... Anna J., SI.OOH nih4s l Cnmrrw nn.l J W. No h.dl. Th ilf U ,rnrP'rw Brrl. w a t A.I -. an.l I or. tf lb Iloolh nmjlslliio anlu.al, Mr. Hfn a' !"" I"1'Tn vr.ion of lh pl.t l ihri liuiH.la V. , iiiiTAni innriTV Phone 98; We are at Service ,.y. Tnd ofln will follow Aivt.li. ft.ftmi Hiin.N. at Id.lr iljAilllUDA TAIwllI your ln for ,vral mil..' " lT i"':" ,.man and Ilk-, lo Hi Omadiaii l i'li v M of shoc rui . Mly. but liim ' ' JUNIOR CHAMPIONS lh lark of lh mmkoii word. (Vi.l.l Slorav Co. hlin, ahd )' fl wilh hi ; IJnhn MarrMiior. who a inl Canadian The News r..rld br.w. . nih,. Ip. A - f Mr , , ,,K . ,Oim pmind. nl ll.l WIXMPI'-ii. Mar.li 15. Mani Daily llfc-li 'V, . nil tnk.n lh iradimr Pa,t and lo tli Allin I iliri. lol.a Var-ily horKiy train won Hh m a u lrnanl doir. !lma. lO.miil .noiind: and Ahltoll r.np nnd junini Iiork'"- Kirntty ar lakrn mil "f I rap r. ooo onnd. ut rliampionhip of wlrn ranada linpririi. T II ll..oi.. r was a paincr Ki Imliai hn-tit in with r,.r it..unri ..ii Hip I'nm flunrrl lie and Rr i.. Hi.- Canadian Kih ilfalins Calpary Canadians fiv lf lam nml mad lo work liil fiinhi. Cdd Sloiaif C' o Ihr . imkinic Irn to in on flM day ' f Hioir ropiiir Hi nrii'. erR Onr in Hi powrr In, lhy nre nllrl lrn ' EDMONTON DEFEATS iraK siiiKid-iinid ani tidy wild h fHfk Indian- : REGINA AT HOCKEY nflrn 'hanrd and rluldl WIRELESS REPORT lo dralli J inx In 'lirfl ilrrad in ItlXilNA. March !' IMmonlon Repairs, Storage ilrfrali-.l Ili'sina by a ror of on.-In S a.m. ir'h li.' ravlld lli-m- ; tinlliin;.- in lh firt of n tw ItlcilY ISLAM. CloUdy: Kaien Garage Gasoline it ulonv of mil imi'liKi? , Le lai. and ,lr. r5ni'' uinif ki-ri- to dii-id Hi rlftim-i.HHi'liip i.iiibnrl kI': haromlr 30.0A; FORD Service nf I In' Mlorn Canada 1rtiipi-iiiiir ;i!: roush; r.:lO Hiouglil lo III.-' Station a fer fit'n hoi-kry Irairu. a.m. upok lnnn'r I'rinr 4ohn Mlily of bin(r llarll by m limit 81 railit bound for Commencing Today, Labor Charges are Reduced from II lltt nlotnrl woio SamNpil. $1.25 an hour to 75c. Work, done by Ihr hour or t'ontrart. Ei. Mm, many nllir- Dissolve in CALGARY DEFEATED Ilfl.l. MAimOll. tn-orrat: Funl work under upervUiori of Bert Long. i'omo hark ami told boiling water OTTAWA SENATORS llfbl outba'l wind: baromlr Traffic and nlher Irurks, et under siifwnisioti nf n,t lal hut h knrw Ihry :io.:l: icmiraiur :ih: nhi linv llo. Saflrr hi inv A HiiiImt HOCKEY YESTERDAY fwrll: 1 1.r5 i.in. iok nlamr Goodyear Tires for Fords from $10.00 up. llik iioilitnp; lillr ll'in C-iiiiooiii f Hardy Hay I I .St p. Free Crankcase Service. Inal, and pain mul l'" r.AI.OAHV. Mai-Hi 15. rjiltrary in. northbound; inidniabt nxk Have your la wa'brd nut every two months nnd new In urnlrrl lb lam Klpamrr Anyoit ahram Ca Lain oil applied. We eharjre onlv for the oil. in lh Ottawa Srnalor ll Hi n ik lit iirnwlrrx, Me ,dfalOil 1) northbound: midniplil VULCANISING. ACCESSORIES. TIRES. hihilioii horky four p.m. lin rani oul- lh liowl lifdrouily on to iioIIiiiik. The Ottawa tram i pok i.lnmor t.rilTro 9:t mil of Hi rniri fir, mil Hi southbound; ii-ii rout In Yanrnur for lh houlli of Orrnti Fall uf hi Inlrrot iiiMiriahly of Use enough to gel t.mi-final in lh Slanlry t'.iip. IS.fio a.m. pok lanir found In i a Joinl :blobin olT Ilurdy Hay oulh- j nirat or H lam pf dotre. big lasting suds THE a HOTEL ARRIVALS Iwniiij. Does Not Attack li:.n rin:t. i'oim. t-.ioiiny: DENTISTRY l th iprd opinion of Prince Rupert liiibl oulhruil wind; baroinlr New WASH WAY Dig lasting auda one aluraliU lUal Hi Aiwriron lir. i:. A. I'rirnd, II. II. Vnnns 5i.SH: leniprralur .15; sa r r wolf do not aiiai'K of Kitiso's amazing .li. crrt nnd A. 4. Walkinxpn, I'nrt Mil nn hriiiim, and Mr. Klvn power to dissolve Soak an hour Kimpon; A. W. Mcl.nd, Now Noon Dr.J.Maguire Pe our Saturday AdvL trf he IH fully prmuii'iru Wilminilrt I,. I). l.yM, R. J. IlKillY ISLAND. Ilain. unulh. wolf, dirt. If don't get or more Tz?- Hi llmhrr f.anadlan you Iwi und 4. A. I.any. Nanrrni pal sal; baronirlrr S9.92 : lm- Ids Amrrican rouin, lias lasting suds, you have ver: I'. II. Walon. Salll: A. iwralur 37; sa rourh. Rooms 7 and S Smith ilock. Canadian Sfeam Laundry I'liilird rrrnrd Office Hours: t to S. no muI lionlir not used enough Rinso. II. r1wardi Fdmonlnn; Hon. T Ill I.I. MAHHOIl. I-- Ovrrasl: init iaVrn a liiiuian Uf. l, I'attullo. .Virlorla: A. (1. Mnr- Hlronir oiiih-at wind; bnro. Phone S7S Lady Assistant. I'linne 8, MINERALS STOLEN After aoaking. only the most aoiled clothes need rion, ITim llnprt: ,. tiray. imlr ao.jrl: tmVTatnr to; Wliinipotr; William niackKiivK ! nto-lf ial. a light ruhhing with dry Rinso. llaxllan; lloy liver. I M. A i i:.i thi:i: I'oixr. ciomiy: i-ritOonAn. Mar. 14. .. 1 our tlarlnrll and ' Jl rYdherby. light nulli-t'at wind: baronioli'r r 'la of puf iridium and four Your clothes don't need boiling if you use Rinso. KmilliH-: A. Wall. i:.N.n.: 4. W. S9.TU; linpralur :t7 : a Mr nf rwrnlum, two of lh But if like to boil your white cottons, use Ili'id. CalKaryi Mr. W. 1. Tlmr-ruaii, molrl 10.15 a.m. tamr St. Regis EPSON COAL aliuilil mid rart of you Tlrtiph f.r.i'k. Prim' J ilm in northbound. ;i"M ininrral. wrre rcnlly enough Rinao solution to get the suds you like. Central for lh nIW Nw. Snhrlti from Ilia I'plroKrud 4. Mai'donald, WinnlK: V Inatllulr. The rrli-1 Riruo it tnaJt by the largest toapmakn lianbd.4. C.X.II.: .lohn Smilh. city Cafe We can now Supply our uiai Miroj-rd.-d In Kvlliny in the world to Jo the family uash at hllllMtelllUn pATARRH FAMOUS EOSON COAL y wild nix jioumN of pluli-' LUX does thing. T. II. Johnson, inanaar of lb .i ih Prince Rupert' Leading In any ((uantily. All nf Hi. inrlaU lial lu sily and taftly as fine Canadian rili & fWJ Worair fcwlllaami BLADDER RestauranL liulllulC, us laboratory LIMITED Co.. nail tomorrow ufriilnir by A Bakery Unsurpassed. Prince Rupert Feed Co fimciM, for many jcur. LFVER BROTHERS lh Prlur Iluprt for Vanoou-vr. MQ1 S rvV Third TORONTO L.i. Avenue. Phone El. In Tarnniu frosrieruiu U will procrrd g.wiw.fwwil.ilfc advt rll.liiic inoaiiH to attend the Hotary convention. iiUr oodMuuoui advrrlisloif,