V rlrv tilnv V paqi !rwo You Can Learn More THIS PORT GRAVEYARD OF PLAYER'S from a teapot test of ! IS GATEWAY ! PACIFIC OCEAN FOR A I K A Moemenl to Have Proper Pro- NAVY CUT "SALADA" I couver Uland I So Declares Juneau Publication neiierl CIGARETTES 1 vnrmniA. March :. In Pleading for Prosperity of Iprol.-eiion for the iirnyrd j Territory iof tin- Pacific" on the wel ! ; r Vancouver Maud wiDfi advertisement The fact Hint must he nck- afoveMrn- of here-. The Than we can tell you in a page iVfluc-ted ,nowcdgcd is mat rr 'te,.iejyi , Mens n small Mvcr JlfM TRY IT TO-DAY economic and logical def IO.nll. , . Mnriel.l lml I It". of southeastern Alaska, our ITadfl nJH (( , wj( ihf, facilities Willi 'prince "Upertl,,, itlRt ,nd;Hiircr 1,1 1. if t IT . IIMII !e ielMil, n the Arika ing tine of slre. What is to lI'Mierman. published in Juneau. mix oc aid U n arsT lal lb The Daily News I'.ven :nrl Strum:. Hie spokesman will Ih aide lo i" niii - -r st. I'HINOK II I IP KMT - MUTISM COLUMBIA in Washington durinir the pat weather. winter for Ilie Kctrhikaii-S nllle Resolution Published Kvery Afternoon, esrepl Sunday, the Prince slmled Ihal llu iiilcre!, Prim e The llotarv I'Juh ha taken Ihe lluperl Itaily News Limited, Third Avenue. lrt is nalur.il gateny for this mailer up. Mtiixt the fnllowinBj Editor. dilrlct, bul he singularly nked reolution: I II. F. PULI.KN. .Managing ...... . r! iuinres to place an omliajrofron v neren iiie- ri ,m,-. Ibis natural wileway. .VSJTfcv'al Vanctmver llnMd i adjacent to SUBSCRIPTION RATES: and gnjkLxjlircn of Ilie t'nilrd Ihe most important treble rMit City llelivery, by mail or carrier, ier month SlnlesT? rel Ihal Prince Itu lippronctung ttie Tr oi ' By mail to nil parts of the Hrilih Empire and the United Stales. rrl f not the soil of our owii rn t'.uiiada: in advance, per year $fl.O'. country. A Si-alfle ha prosper. ul vherea sid coal i wMI To all other countries, in advance per year $7.r' hxl lLrotijthalnkan trade. so vvHl known to present rave ikiner PrrnWmTp1. lul Ihal " il to iialglr during the w litter TELEPHONE BS nmy7'tli3!tewav of sotilltvaslcro mouth;, All advertising .hould he in The Unity New Office on day preceding Alaska is" Prime Ituneil ami nd wheren the eitlnir pro phl.lication. All advertising received subject to approval. friend "f thi lislriel will work viion rr mter'oninninmiii"n Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. if send our pridaL.l)iroogh tlii hHwccn liuhlliousi. life savins lri if they lov.3Ajaiat iid widi Inlion ami other hore pnints ie to ee it iniw. ndioillcd In be Insoffieieal IM DAILY EDITION WD Wednesday, March 7, 11!3. Prlm-e Itiiperl i aiieafl !u mites unreliable, and has prnvl In be front, Ketebflsan. Seattle i over Magazine Publishing OOii miles from Keichikan. In the rxIWiTfherta the life Mvins Ana Canadian Public. matter of lime. S.K. Alaska i ."piipntid i'ilrt mleiiale nnd The iercnuml miction of the admission of foreign litem-'two days nearer Ilie C.hicngn. ,St. flen. Ihrimth said lack of inier- Iiiro i, r.s.ii if:. ,to..in t.eino- ilisa-iiss(d. Yeserdv a despatch Lotii rt eastern nwrkel via cnouniinicatinn. u!-le: from Olliiw.i told t resolution being passed in the llone of Prince Hupert lluM: via Seallle, "And wherOi shipping is Commons l;.n.iinir a heavv dulv on American publication and Already it i Ibe boym center of lamely depentmt for protection "Superb Qualify' iHrii ul.iil on the advertising sections. As most penple read our fih Ira.tc awl for Ilie reason oil Ilie BOtxl omees oi ine i nn-o American m.igaiine here and will l outiiiue lo do so een afler thai il is l ho natural oort and Slates govertuuettt : the duly goes into effect, if it should he decided to levy it, there gateway of this ilirict. Ilailwav Ite il resrthr.1 that the llalary will he ;i considerable added expenditure oit-lhe reading public. er ice le(iins there. CJiibof Wlnria jrr. on reeorl a While recognizing that Ihi i a debatable subject and one Strong's Duplicity favorinir lintiwllale repce 'nla- in which the cne for xejusjoii has h grct deal of merit, il miil In the hearing on the rectal of linu leing mte to Ihe federal be remembered (IihI most Hrillsh writers ell their literary the e(ue in the Jooes Act d!-criioinaling government Ihal Mitive and reliable wares in Hie American market and so alo do many (iaiiadinn. asraml Alka hy telegraph or telephone The tinadian demand for magazine is not jet sufficiently grenl hiakins an otherwise giKi art cooiiiiuiiicalion le instaileat !- to mke ft jMissible to publish purely Canadian publications of apply. In all the I nilil Stale, et. Iween Ilie llgh!hnies ami hoe the snnie ipiality as American. Efforts are being made in the cept Alaska. Carl Stroos reire- point of llanfteid and I'clueM, baby veru Kramophone an1 'h-' East lo pul out Canadian periodical" that will replace Hie foreign senle the Ketchikan.sealtle in. uml that a staunchly-built ami latter usually win out ami become Repairs, Storti and that may le (be reason for the present agitation. teresls. All throush that hear well wer"il ee be placed at Ihe centre of interest in ing Ixith Slrons. the friend of some suitable point, and thai tlit the household. Kaien Garage Uasolinc Keep Out Much Of Seattle who lUe in Ketrhikail, vessel lie euiped with nirtderil - - FORD Serml Slush From This Country and Mr. Strong. al ljrl. the law- ;ife savins apparatus; A lilt A.M tuirrj' i worth (I Station There is a class of magnine that might well be kept mil of.yer kihhyM of the steamship Anl le it furllier reoivei grand. the country. The latest craze for sex stories has r(tnltel iHjromnaiiies at Wa-hington, made Ihal copies of this resolution ! lumdred baby Commencing Today, Ubor Charges ar f,44 t the piiblicalion of tloen of magazine devotfd (almost wlwillylit nlnin that Seattle cannot hold forwmideil to the leparlBint of "IH K nge of a bachelor girl in-rficAles M an hour to 75c. Work none nv uk' o to seA stories of the most crude and siiggeslive kind, someiGili.J huine of s.K. Alaska jjlth Public Works, the I lefMrlnten! f her waif. lord work ,ner siipem-ton ol lien I them make scarcely any effort at decency. In advertising foc ont the aid of the. discriminating Naval llefence. lo Ihe premier and --4. Traffic and idhcr Irucks. rlc. un.lcf slorie for one of ihese magazine, the publisher ask for ex,clabe of the Jnn Act, ami alo memlers of the federal cabinet. WIIK.V girt think- she i iU' slorie. wIik-.Ji woiilil particularly ajipeal lo young girls. ja further emttargo against hip- and.to Ihe senator and memhr going lo niarrj a a man he m.i doodyear Tires for Fords from $10.00 up. A'hile in-the pnl prudery has been carried to exlreftie ping lo I'rince flurert or a heavy representing llrilish iVdiiinbia in be simply hugging a delwion. Free Crank cae Service. and ofleo with HI effect, the present swing in I he opfxi-ile di- iduly. a penalty to be imooed on the fetleral parliament: Il.ie (inr b.ise washed rvr t rci-tion i scarcely in the bet interests of the nation. If .vooog ihe ho slop through that port. " And le il further redved that hn ..i ......i..1 we rrtArire. mill..... iir r.. Ik. ...I eole are to te (aught lo think and talk and read of nothing 'Hot Cart itl not tell the commit. a rommiltee le appointe,! to in. TIM' same iteople iheni'onci-1 VULCANISINQ. ACCESSORIES. TIRES- and taushl kepi itarrnt but sex metiers, what will happen to Ihe intellectual life of the Itee that Ite hiinelf ships prelt. terest ihei Chainh-r of l"mineree lo talk now ue a graniaphoio-ami coimjry? Even the most careless people, morally speaking, cally.all of his canned salmon Hid "other ornaniations in this play Jat muic. And will srarcelv wish to have the young people fed on iich trash a through Prince rtuperl and thus city uune penple have the lemerily li. comes in these prurient publications. The police ftazelle wasisavcs two days In time and 25c Ugrel Ihal day by dy In every denied Ihe ue of the mails in this country,' but Hie. Police jper ease In freight. Tins-is the Ten Years Ago ; way Ihe world i gHltosf better ROWE'S The Man in the Moon fiazelle wa a high class family journal compared with some of proof that S.K. Alaska products and lieller. Pilncst Kurrt In Ihe publications that are sold here. If there were only a few of jmnst go through the "natural SAYSj- I them, uo uNi- would object much, bul'the craze for that Mtrt of gateway" just a truly a water N't I one care for a model thing is increasing and Ihe number of sex magazine is ever.flow downhill. March 7, 191J. Sheet Metal TO hubanl any more. Hie re are on the increase. They have neither literary' merit, artistic value Best Customer m-''t si.nie people yoi other mrtilel Ihal at-trurl Mayoi- f'mi i til l i b-avinii for would imiisine they bad been sn many nor any other meriL They are simply Irtlhy delaiieher of the! titxf. i,melhing lo a dd Ion Ihe iHlrH girl. VancouviT on a hurrie.1 buine- young oeople and waslers of time, which might be devoted 'o:uiir f the so.i'allil un.Ameri- as ns King 'futenkha-nien. trill. He Will be tfone uHlrtll a Works lieller and which most could not be devoted certainly soniclliiiig an fwdicy f building up Canada KEEP Ihe Iioom fires burning week. to anything much worse. ilin rnaMnn town like Prince TDK difficully with public but let the ot,l flame die. (Non.Llmlt; jllupert as against real American speakers is that Jiry keep on . . , . Henry llerry. iee-preHlenl of r ree i raae is The old r- t couiirtunities like Seattle. II I talking afler they have finished SOME men Ihink long skirts roalian Asbeslo Co., Ltd.. of Great Ideal. enough lo say at this time, Ihal what I hey had lo say. wnubl mean a returru.Jrt feminism. MimtrMil. relumed eoulh Ihl Free Yriile, as nearly as possible, i Ihe ideal of of many Canada is our .best customer; a mornimr on Hie Prince lieorge peopke in Ibis coiuilry and it wuild be Ihe bel thing for the (xinadri ha,grown, so Jia (Mir A.VOTIIKIt fault , is lhat some after having spent a few days in I Ml we nn. v country a a;whoe. iie -more resirictiOns are placifl upon jjrode with her: as lie pro-r, of Hem have itolhlfifr wvrth A MAX may Ihlnk thai he is Ihe cMy. lie .ee a great future Our aim tr:idc. Ihe biglier prSfp Ihe people have lo pay. II usually is a undoes the fnited States Im.i. tomr. all the M.at while to iy. nobody's fool- but if eft lie has for the eily and say 1 means of makigg money for the big interests iuslead of beueneHM man; therefore, whatever of la wilt We" man i not )el met Jhe right girl. whnleaiile hoie in (Una y filling Ihe workers. The difficulty today is I tint we have a debt good we can do for her. let alone be here. Ihlnu in Mi IIECKNTI.Y (NNt represenlct incurred liirin Ihe war thai has lo be paid and the interest die fact that S.K. Alaska limits It wns rej-ir(ed Sole agen' on which Ira j be kerd up. Thl places on the country a val very geographical situation nml thai in Sicily the girls gel roar-ried THE old adaire that one half Air Pump-: oveihend at Ihe aiie of flfk-en, and of Ihe world doe not know how The llmlherliood Cub indoor I'urnaees. Mi i thai only heavy texes cKpense can liquidate. It is trade uilh Chicatio and the east since Ihal I lne there have been Ihe nlher half lives, Is of no effect haeoall learn lal nlghl defeat I'Mtay c;isj,.r to colled Ihal lax bv of ;arket means an imporf duty than any Ihrouirh her, will come hack to other wnv. because neople do not protest a strongly neaiiist Ihal us as citien of the I'uiled Stales a nuntoer or iiupilrie. from 11.1 p-pers in Prince lluperl. There ed the Men's Own by 17 In IS. ROOFINO IN UL I" ns i'L-iiin-1 many other forms of taxation. Iiirecl taxation i;ten fold. as In ihe i-ost of gelling lo everybody knows everlhint and The Hue.up were a follows: ...a ..uri. I nlwav an nuuoynnce to those who have lo pay. Already it i: - that- delerlalde land. ' a whole lot more. llndhertioo.) Cubs Vance. econa v. ehanl bejMv enourli. Hv nlacinir 4 Ilrooks, Wehlier, Ives, lingers. the lax on Ihe eoml we consume nirt miimn the 'v is iinl fell as keenly a il would be if each person were f I P An I I I I KAKTKIt will be here soon and When you buy advertising you WHirten und enillh. Men's 'asked lo njn a lumn um. B keepiiir Ibe x heaviest on lux- iwljlJilll 1 1 1 LiLt then we shall see jomie hats buyCIRCULATION, and see that ihvn Smith. Eingobl. Weston. i.e!.. :i ; ...s.ihle to i Ihal are haU. you get II. tf Sherman. Seoll, Myth and f'.lnrke HtKTH make Ihose who use tho-e luxuries pa rI I if IT 1 rtTVPlT - - KtCf IN 0000 more than those who live plainly. CATIN0 0000 DllLtLY YAKlEi'l BY j IT was away down in Minnesota t te that a husband rilcided hi sympathy wilh the man who A Charming Woman is Healthy Wlngfleld Gets Mine When T-I "I Now Feel Fine" ran away with his wife. Here BOSTON lor Co. Falls to Redeem Ll- people hale lo admit that they Health civph the only true and lusting Mrs. P. G. Murdoch, Box have bllity been fned. benuty to Iho IVrfert dl-KfKtioii Good complexion, 433, Pcsrtage U Prair'ic, GRILL and assimilation of food Man., writes: ! The Taylor Mining Co., Ltd.. of IIAIIItY Ponley (lie. politician looks are "I wi troubled for yen Vancoiivi i , lost, all interest und U still talkui? at I'oljliel meet-claim iK-cetiBary to ensuro pcrffct htnltli. For Open Day snd i. with, bilioutneu, conitipstion, in the liol'ly Varden mine, Ings ahoul Ihe poor grade flov-Allce mean relieving ailments of tlic diKCHtivo 3rd Ave. fhose 1 Lidoey and liver troubles I Arm, last' week when they'eminent whike. Who care? powern - uuch n biUouines", con tried many different lundi of failed lo make redemption trThe poorer il j. the leas will be good utipation, nick hrndnclicH, flatule'nce medkine, but nothing did me freorge Wingfbld. Ihe Nevada drunk, Heocham'H Tilln have jiroven their worth much good until 1 tried Dr. hanker, who held a mortgage on! 4 Health to countless thousands of women for Chaie'i Kidney-Liver Pilli. I Ihe ixoperly. Winufiebl now ha' Trust liusiin i be Ibe many yours past. They nro convenient, new fctP fine, but am never a clear hold on the mine and 'its sjwirl ut the aou in Canada, Kcntle in action and positive iu their excellent without theie pills in the houie, cipiipnii'ill and il is eeled tllit Judging from the action tiding Take result. Dr, Chate't Ointment fiat relieved he will iiwke some dimition of l-aken in the Dominion Parlin-Ithe - my hutband of piles, property at an early dale, merit. What I am wondering is, from which he tutd to suffer ISMcidalioii is rife as to whelhei' what will the poor old trusts Beecham's Dr.JJaguire badly." I Mr.. Wingfield will start up oper- look, like afler they ape busied? lalions al Ihe mine or soil it butt They have been engaged in Ilie DR. CHASE'S until his arrival on the iat. II sport for many ear In the I'.H. KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS 'is md vpected that any definite lull no yreut esploaion Ijave Sold iannounceiiieui will be made. taken pluce .o fur. Pills 25c-40 pHU One pill a do, It Cenu a txi, all deslera, or lniuau, tvtrywhtr A Co., TurottUi. in box S0e-90 pills Ruhscrllie for (he flally News,! IN s.rrw Imrnes the ronlllct u