ran row TOT DAILT MWB V BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMj IBlh THE EEST GOOD SHOE. r . i 1 r- m THCRCt A DCTECTTVC ill ny ou AM tr 13 MKr.rAOU"3-NO Of t0XMJ ONE WOULtlvtt 1NVICTUS' WANNA C1T A DltXiUlC WON'T LOC' kmov xoo Atee w. WTHACThOONC LlKC ANY Jmo now CO lOCvi I V.HC- viwro- 13 TirH UivC-3- V. J ttiCk T I , c'.ANtr iZ I wu-u Rr.cOtNV2.e Mr. ITC-W. MKF A-E.TLIMWI ' .F ' Ik I KKvf7 ' T I I V - II I ataTat. ir - .jaaaarv V T II vr- vi .a I - I Cull in ami ur new lal "The Slav. Sm.iii. -Irona and mod-rraldy priccil. tin n m' sii.M now mi from $9.50 ma mm w Mtarn ,j.saau , 1 1- ' l Iv tin' fnicl alu in li.ii today. Shoe Store Family . wtt fuiwi Saawc. IX, i 7 I Third Avenue. Phone 357. P.O. Box 166S. BOOKS ADDED TO I'rrii(til H. V. r.. I.op j ni-. n - I llminriirv Sirolnrv Kr.ink Itilih j PUBLIC LIBRARY 'i'rr'r ".; 'i I-. "r-"Perry, lien Slf Daily News Classified Ads. ., nl I. ,. Marin anil M:Hmnr I" followinjr honks have rr- .. ... a CENTS FEM WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvcrtlMnwnl TWn fnrUw than BOt For Marine jcrnlly hpn placMl on ilir lioli' !"M u, 01Kt to COaTMct SKEENA CANNERIES WANTED FOR SALE I PERSONAL rirn tri . - Equipment K :rp,:,y now opening up ly ih-wriplioii rner re- j "II SAI.L. I.OHamf outfit, in. Will. FltHI. a friend of lUiiok." Iiy Arthur Kilion: "I.ifi of iinrvi for Central llrililn rliidinir row. flo an, f,nr-nilie, Jo-ephlne lavMon of Wiiini-r. Itrfaat. Urn of Guaranteed Quality. NVIs.id." Iiy John I.anp. Crews Already at Balmoral and :.lumhia hy tinlitiinit firm.) hotie ?iw eah lake roiiimunieate "with F Kll , . History and Travel North Pacific Making Cans Salary. roinmi.ion atxl e-j II. llolt from 'iimiei. now re-blinv i. I A I.iltic Tour in l-Vnnw." hy in Readiness for Season l(-lHH- ptIMl. Ioh openiNKforj Alio bull, in eteellenl rondi- al Powell Rier H.C. Ik la a i ,., 'MARINE lli'iir)' Jaf'." "" (Hiriluia iraMlwttrlhy l;i.l of rmm al-Irejla. lion, no name, bull neure P.O. I Ini ?!?. RUPERT iSiwn," ly N . s. M.iMpliam: Crru - hav arriM'il at ttif 111- I Kiri'iM'e nol - II. tun. beam. Il?& rat. TUITION e In.lr. i Sli-rp 'Trail.' hy John Mnir; moral ntul North 1'arifk- rt I iMH-fiumry a keenne. W'rM, I'bee remarlaMe karcaiiM a . r.hin.1." Iiy I-:. II. I'arkr: "W'il.i nrf on lln Skfi-na Hir unit j tfivtoa- full iarUrilar lo ran lie etn al Jaek Toner' NmiTimft.N INH.YTKCIIMR In-atiltib a.-Tw flrf. I v V Ironworks Co. Ltd I.if in tin HM-ky Mnanlain. hy arc now -nunirl in I hi- iiuikln ' PtMiWr." en iMrty Xrw Marine a. Seal (nr if nf I if:. Jtmrlneerinu. F. Iliulon: "nic HtoH of a of mm preparatory to opnimr mgh. hefnpe W'ewnextMy . I UinilWPllUI Umi.nfcinlil .m.I I F.k ..I ijmiinonl.' Iiy Sir Fram-it Ynn-hiMhanil. up rr tU ean. J. K. Unr4. inir WHMI I SlItAWIIIHHV MUimp. (bi-rl 1-itucaHofi. IWniHrh. iaSt.M r.TS II plant for le. I'nex. mnnas-rr r I lie hilW planl. hn AXTKD. .Men and Voran 18 ly ap-to-dtle ami pmci!!,'" frf ' . i-le. rVly for I'rlMeo Hti-erl Waterfront. Sociology Iroaly nrrixmt oh ltH mn and learn liarberlnr. I'al.i hie "f irhren Ky qualirie.! in-lnicinr. "SlrrlrJ Arlirlc on tho I'rob-rm i ip llio ily tnilay. learning and nl free. WriU dilriel. priee f.o.h. Hi4enla rvfard i-i'1kw f" Atlas-Imperial Gas of I.nlor." Iiy l. lllooiiifill. SamUpit. fin.tfcft r kmm or fnr .mnwitlfo.1 .iaiul.J V.I.. "' 1 Engine In the i'our of I he MOM few frr ealnloeue. Moler Ilarlwr - - 'i i- ..1 f r.4ttt.li. Co. and Heaps Engineering "An Introlurtioii In nnnnlir.,, lay manager, ami eiw of (Vle. Vaneonver. H.C aJiO per lo.l. Apply l'jrl. J rational. Knaineerina: ....i - Co., makers of the Yale Iiy fi. A. Lninp: "The IVcay nf-naarfv all Ih Skeeaat Hlwr It. Htail. SaM4l. It.tX. Uinimeeeial e i a m inalioav, Marine Gas Engine. r.apilalit Citilizalinn." by Webb.'pianl!. are expeote,! from the W AM KIi, Saiarl Salelnd)'. n rim sai.k. - ntaraatef.) . i. IXemna- rlaaaa (Hand led al ' Phone 313. fMnry iV IWairiri. Uoillh tari al once. JWnl' l.adie Timothy Buy.' KM caah. .tnvai- - and PcIm 1 Hum.' mm aii.iii" Literature J Resuly-to-W'ear. 'ITiird Aene. I. S mil iW. Vimey rvfuewl-cl faranor parlieiilar a4y la TKe few i .Moilern llrilih I'oolrv." bv !..'PIONEER CANNERY ! for any aniHint nol a reft re. J. V. Kapttn. tMew aaent. I"nf ArinAVne' "Tmniiniiin n k i .. ;'iiu WAVIF.I to a.-j. with enle.1. Hefer-Hce. I nkn Hk. Anyot. U.C.. or Hie Director tnMM w-. Vr llook,'" by Henry Van Ijke. limim-Miirk. Apply Mr. ti. II. MAN OPTIMISTICi Stflilher. laiapman A I'Jtmp-man. Wallae Hlock. Prince Huperl. Mnnro. Useful Arts ;il Fifih A.etme Kji.i Smither. H.C. H.C. American Express Feret rodnrt: Tieir Man-u i fart lire and I'e," by N. I". A. E. Noel Says There Will be a MALE HELP WANTED FOn SAI.I. line only SA k.p. SEVINO Hron: 'Tiesel Ijipines for lind Record Salmon Pack I Heavy Imiy Imperial ila-ottne Money Orders WK le an open in v for a lle PLAIN HKWI.Ntl kf. Price. and Marine Work." by A. I'. Going to Balmoral enaine for 5IKt.0fl eh. For repfr.senlalive in Prince Hti- raaoiabl. PboB llbie ?9a. r.halktey: "Prartie;.! F.leetrieity." further particular write Jidtn Issued ierk and vicinity. Sellinir on by T. Oort; Wrinkle in Pra.-li. A. I. Noel, prominent -an-neryman llamtn, c'o OIhi a Sitwd AUCTION KALES. Norway, Sweden & al Xai?alion." by S. T. S. I.eeky: of lite S.peoa Hier. uilSly i ieirlle but el- Maehhte Wori. Seattle.Wsh. MOTKC TO CTtiCTM A.ll.i:. ..r Aviation." by V. W left la-! nighi for Hatnir.il IHTience nail alxxtlotely e-seiitjjaj. 69 Condu.'le in your home or al IIH ICeOCL. Denmark at Lowest Hir line are In de. .ttl TM PaBe: internal iabnlion Kn-pine." here be ha .uwrtl an ap-pinlpenl cur room. Hood alo aold on W for I k -i. mini in every HAuetwrid and HAI.IHHT HOAT for al mmiaion. Current Rates Jiy . I".. Wimieri. fyf fce. -eolIMn; i w a .. if von. ar tm"1 handled in lice. To trmkl rondilUo. I.IS lui H. H. Jl EMM HI 03. Auctioneer, "4 Urn tltm Agent for NEARLY Mr. Noel i an itU res idea I if the .- rithl man, nje will prlv'e etmftie. Full el of 8r. Make Third Avequ ilb A THOUSAND Norwegian American Una the Ske-na Wvr bavin lived f praatical rvwpe ii jiljeniii. . me an affer. A.II.F, P."l. Ibn (Dennv Allan' Ola HamI I t Smodlth American Line PEOPLE USF I IRRARVifor yr bip and pporlwnilyto f--tablieh Phone Black 13C and Qrwn 471.'rmnm ml 'I . . a Knod ftajriiMt Niine f Irt dw I Scandinavian American witft chance of advanoemeol. FOH SAI.K.- IVHeoo ii Pkoito-raph TAXI I UK- IHIWi I. tmM. iwn II Line. illlrle (he bU4jlies of R. 44111-ninaham Meeting Last Night Heard Satis-factory r Jc. iriviuir a?e aiKl full "'l XI lle-i:reiiikn: Oliver Typewriter and eVm. The la' parllctilar Knirire Apeocle cheap; ue.I two inoMll. AIo Phone Number Changed to ilTTS T7J r' Safe Report from Librarian wioier he lia pnl al Victoria 67 i . r.u. Cary Lid, 5 i3 (iranville Street. I'""'- " t Tbir.1 Avenue am.' i" FIRE INSURANCE as to Work with hi family. - (Call Oeora lln, M ' p4 Mr. Noel -lated that ee. bo-fore Vaiieouvcr. H.I. FOIl SALK. Iloal ami enaine. Hve-paener Tuurinr Car Hk k aSnMaf ia mtm-tm " Al a meeting of the library wa he o oplHiiilic lo New and uetl inachiner). Prompt lay and Nlabl ServKe. Dybhavn & Hanson board iat nisht. the Librarian proTMrl foi the oeamin and lie i he.Ira. auiniK-iiled by A. A. I'j- y hern KirhatMr. Phone Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue with hi -aviipbofkr. Itefre.li. l reported that eloe to a lhnuand lookx for a nvord pack. The xtp oin. Third Avenue wtenl- were ered at nudnik-It'. MR. TRAPPER. people were now uinsr the li. roil look for Prliiee Hiifiert Ihie A r Prince Rupert, B. 0. The affair W- in pra-rc from FOH SAI.K. Sail boat and Kvin Von want the he I lo-ire poi- a orary. me exaei nuHMier Iieins year wa ai-o yiHul and he looked 9 o'clock until m the riMirnina. nide. I.vervlbiny doe for ble for your Fur. Here . be 'JHi. The aerae number nf for much pnKre in the cpy. book taken out each day during jMr. Hel l McLvoy wan I be winner IS5. Pullef), Itaity New,. dace In Bel I lie hi llri n it i ft a... 1 .of a 1m of rlnH-olatc Wliirli wa lieM calrh. I'll treat riabl. February wa 135, the hishe.l WHIST DRIVE FOR RENT you iraflled. W. QOLDBLOOM, number in anv day being mi Tiasia sail THE Saturday. February 2 i when SI 7 I TO ItF.Vr fV,m.leley furnih- "The TrapKr' Friend." were taken out. G.ven Last Night In Emad H.I. CHANNEL ISLANDS cl nnviiern bone, tit rotmi Thml Avenue. aaataMar- of Trwl.i ' Hew WASH WAT A number of mailer were di--il-ed oy uogiciiowi t.ooge and balbrooni. t3a.im er HkM l Mar lanlii-.!. li. formerly Iml left oer lo ASKED AID BRITAIN month. MAIL SCHEDULE alati -lluatr l-l rnme up a noon a lha library There wen- alniiil 76 ht..ii-pnenl lloue, H room and bath: arr t ll. estimate ha been paed by I he at the whi-l drive aiveu LOMMIV Mnr.-li ;. The fiov-eriiiiii'iii. furnace; jrnntt local bm. For the East lag Tfeen'"-uvi II. rt rily rouneil. The bill for the laft ni?bl by the I ktffHlow in following on the re- I. II. Hay A Co. if Monday. Wednesday anl iU aml .rf Mal monlth were paed including Hie Kmad lliill. Kir-1 prir.e were iiyi'iidal ion ,,f the Tieddea FOH HUNT The entire floor or ilnlay, aloae at 7 n.tn. a lumber of wiiieli have been Mr. J. McKeclmie and From won by CoiiiiJjiIIi'.'. inviletl the East Canadian Sleam Iiave (he any jMrfiori of it a'oenjpid Laundry liaid thi for the lliinran .McLean and eerond Tiasca sail year puffin? Channel l.Uiui lo make an annual ley the WanderrrV Club. Hlearu Monday. WednrUy and Fr. iniililiiia inio liHie, ciM-li a re. award were lukeii off by Mr. S. coiH ributioB Ui Hie Imperii-! beateil and will make club or lay. 5..10 p.n. MMkrHer tled Ten-Vf Lii- ' iair In the roof and fit I in? V. Cox and A. II. Love. Mr. Ilil-lianl. Kvcli. iu.t "in view of Iba lolge room. M. M. Slephen. a M iha Mil . for the utove and minor Mr. Merhaaa i.l I I iinif Mr. I la tii and r,roell IiIi From Vancouver ri ni ron ih nf the finance arpeiilry work. Tlii pill every-ihinsr made lip the coiiiiiiillee. wf i real HriCiia Ma a ione. FOIl IIFA'T. -Slrani lliiale.1 l"r. Sunday p. m. nataaaca. ' " r " in ynod condition Mrept Jlieiicef of I li war." The nl'loil tniekeej.lnj( lloolii. Wrdneday ,..inlf) A.M. mt. Mteaf ana u.a." 'i !' . for mime plaleriti(f On Iherhini. Phone iHack 3t'J. Norfolk HalurdaM ....M. ftS,".22?,,.'L.r...' - - EPSON COAL FINE DANCE GIVEN auHiiml. iira'leil are CS'Si.MH nev where I be rain at ill eorne in Hm- i-ae ..f tluernx-y and ItlHIfll. 5j CP U March 12 and U. V lirVl."Tin it. raar- ,1 ... , if i. BY PRINCE RUPERT r.l-.Ti.onu i . m" of Jerey. lOlt II I'NT.- Two hoe, centrally To Vancouver enl al liW h ilie mailer of fnurane4 for The letter of Home Secre- Manday (Iralnl . 7 ' 1 the loealetl; furnished. p.m. lr. VVeta a . r.in n..w Supply our I lie bookk wux b'fl oer until the CREW LAST EVENING one jlHiy lo l be aiillturMf' of Hie two Apply 313 I on rlli Avenue Kal Tuenday. Mail clmke 5 p. M. FAMOUS EOSON COAL I'fclimatf i paHei, itaiiib (iMini. out thai the I'nl-lei 'Hiiir.lny, Mail rloe I .j() mlMl T in :ir nunnlily. In Hie absence of Hie chairman. Tlie dance ui en la-f niulil in Kitiiidoin ajtarl from the TO HKNT IliMirn fr I.i re-Huclable p.m. depauieij Friday iwn., ccaru'icaTl oc infoH1 . l. acker. II. F. NOTICI. , t ev. Hie e Luxe Hall b Hie crew if war con 1 1 iliulioii (f nft.fMM) men. Cloae in. Plioiie Ke.lnrd.nr IS noon. t.nrt k'llrhfavr ' . ' Prince Rupert Feed Co f'ullen pr-ided irtid there were Hie oteantT prince Huperl proved in.iile by ei(, h iaut) ha borne lr 3'- &7 Saturd'iva Mrain' 7 P.M. Otieral lulttr , t . I preM'til Mr. Klrkpatrick and auuala in In to be u tlilflih eniovalilr iiffai: Hie full Ion ilen f the luierbil i .P.H. Man-It . If. ami Jl. nna S ( Phone E8. Mf-i-. Wilkinson and Fuller. MTI1AM Heated Flal for renl. MfMnlatll l-.a-rhyt !' DC- and ullepded ulexii iMi Hie inbabi wu by i TMce lioin which Take .Halire I Mi pernn. (. II. Iliillcrwoi lh wa lnitt of the ilaud derive I lie lb-ner pari men!. si. M. To Anyoa, Alto Arm, Stewart r .r . . ' " ROOF AND WINDOWS ntualr-r nf ceremonies. Mh-m '.nine eiefiu (jie iubabitanl Slepbena. and Premier nmfimn r f.M liral r. .' aa provided by the liip - . of the lulled Kiogiloni. That I OII ItKNT. - I'roiil fjal in o.illi Weibiiailay 7 P.M. MM. On r M'1 1 EXHIBITION HALL A Mallei tli-k. From Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart CMC Mill a J' Dry Kindling TO BE REPAIRED board; and Premier-Friday . .M. I.'lirar tn11.Orilflralr nf i"miemt i4.ialniM! .f la i"" To Alaska Point ah- ' a rlaw-i and j lUtAlllt.- Inlander. 8 3d Kcoond t4 fiteiacf report from the building and i Avenue. Phuna 137. f Man 'i 1 7 and iinl-r ae.ii.ai i" " ' " ti'OtimU roiuniillee on the eon. From Alaska Points foe laa'faaaaaala Ilie aaatlalire ROUGH LUMBER diiiou f (lie Inhibition Hall' hurden Maidi .', 10 and 31. iMIaat I KM lil )" ' For Sale Cheap, preliiie wa with by Hiej tliul the ha ha-ronie o oiieroiia To Naa River Points la'ap CT. iovemmetil l air Itoanl ut ii iiiei imn int' py-l ckm. Kundays Ill p. M.: 'J'lif 1.,111'lin -t is dry scrao U "t"?. j.i lied to a.k the l.land. lo -hare. From Nallc t laUMIa iiimlii-r i Ilic Iny tor' tiivlit. It wii- ieci.U-d lo make Naa. River Polnta .. iieiieviiiy nun i can rely of 1 1 Tuc-day. k i lliiairtri. lumM-niKK -ll( -ll''ll. i In- llllllllIT IK miioedlale repaii'" on Mir roof ''.' IM-iL aud alluaii "Duild Bonnie Babiea" oe mill atijijtori ami co.opera Tn ai a I m n.n. .....an. '' l" unit tliri'i' unii rupli and wind'eM- t rl.n.niul' leak-' i Hon of Hie inttiibilanl. .w .....paw.., arm .., , lUllklllL' Ml (III f'-l-l'llt Ulillll:. aye but aelii'ii wn- ib'feri.d in I ' The World's Greatest and Safest Anyoi r aajneovr. ' iuiliilili' l"i (rafiiliiK. lJi'-muUh, reuard to the nin.-ii,.iiis nfl HOTEL My i i'.m. r.'wWjs?r.cr.".v.' Baby Food. ARRIVALS From Port Alio Arm Maia ('. platform Miac-e liit-nln Die build-1 Simpson, ;,; lillK 8lld letiVHal of i-enajil of, If you want your baby to La bright HAL swfaji aaal.iw?r a...a -aa.lll I I'1 Pacific Cartage, Lid the outbuilding further awjy( and bonnie see that he gets bis CI to. Prlnca Rupert ab.alna llu- .llOL .. I UaAat. lar 1 aaaia llajU V. KlUVla 4 I a Li. v-i- ! A. J. Walkiiiaon, port Simp. To Queen fi- iw I he hall. Charlotte Island Points ZTT'-'-''''''' Phone 93. lha nci-iil al the iiieeUiirt Mi L. lie vin ami W. II March i. 17 and I r . Jiver I'lc.idcnl C. II. Orme. Vir- Ur Pierre. Vancouver.port !:ingfoii. . I, From Queen Charlotte Points w J Ji a 'wci, I March i, 5, and 21. I lit Ia4 it. t,