PAUR BIX .TBI DAILY IIWB i MUCH REVENUE MARRIED BUT FOUND ! WE GIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE MAN , SMOKE AQEMENT OF RENTAL PROPERTY Intrusted to our care. HUSBAND A WOMAN If you need the service of an agent of known reliability FROM FISHING! and experience who Is a good collector of rents, thoroughly Miss Blanch Hunhes Asks for conversant with rental values and leasing conditions, will Divorce Because Mistake attend to repairs carefully, water rates and taxes when pay Alaska Oets Larnesl Was Mad In S due, see that Insurance policies are kept In force and who Part of Its will remit to you promptly and render you detailed statements, Territorial That Income,Source From Tlll:.TU.. Y.I.. Marrh li OLD CHUN consult us. lly liiiHillan l'rv Mm-: H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. .11 M:r. Mmvli 7. In thr sir. forih thai tli? "man" pltc iiiri -iti'il Insurance. Real Estate. Mi--Mlnnrlie Rentals. mill niD'-hiiir yonir from July I. inin M wiintan. H'lrt. lo ItiTfiiilMT 31. lUSS.'rf- M. Iluirhi' of t'ul viinuo a-ciiiin to n IVrrttory Oninse. NIM ha "lartitl tin aii- nulineiii uH hiTc In hr IUinii- rrHii LAND ACT. laxv on various inniflie of III fMirt'ir irry I.nun. hi- hM-l with ho NplkP pf Inlantlpn IP Apply U Ltaaa land, imliiKtry vtrr iil-ihoi In lianpv i nasi land ni.trtri. Kerned- ihroo timoK tarjff tiiliwl hniiiiiil rur m'Arn n as TOBACCO mr t'l-lrlrl .if l-rtnee liuiwrt, ami pituate rfionlh mid ktwtw "hr io'ait tii ine raM -non or l rar-c iMami. rnan dial fr.iin any olltrr tntlulr'. Printing Mir nn Lit sja. nanre a. i.oa-t Dinner ImihM IhHvr Iii-i-m in skirt like Take otlrr that Alfred K. Wrtplil acrortliiiH ! I In- otllriiil nulil rr. a.iiiiir aa arm! fur lfrrd ftwanaoa. tif port of llif Trrrilorittl Trvnntiry. hi,rir, i.hf nxi'i-ri'd. I'riiM-r i.-imI- tu ftunert.atfly fur urrunao.i pern tl a tun manner,to lea lte(a) llciuniio fitim lie fNliortr of rfiriHtnr ! li'T MliiiNt The Largest Sale of Brand in a r imi whip iiiauled u rriiira al the land.:MHhel ciaiwienciup rn all klnili atiioiininl in thai H-rlol porxoii known ! hrr an William any Canada nf l..t J. thence aoutli i rhain to htm io I.h;i. t:i.;io. J. Mouttim," li"in tlf mi-1 Looseleaf naler mark; thenee northerly atH ea-te-rlv llinmuli frirmN in New Yurfc minI alutip kiw water mark 90 rliam.; tliepjrr Seroiul a a rrxriiue pnoluri-r ! ; hain to a point due ral cf the liimiwlrl x n rry nirr yoimv " Billheads tvirtheaat eiiener nf i.nt sap tn ihr norm llio miniiiK iinlimlry whii-h. i-a-l miwr of tfieare waUierly iltiriiiK I In ifrioiJ. ttirnoil man, nnitKypajtl ! her artal Lhr If !hiiii' ami weMerly akmr blph water mark 3 liaiu-. morr or Ins to the rota I of into lln TiTrilnniil-lniiury Hit lii'i'itini' onimaeil. Sln il"ribrl QUALITY Letterheads 'rtnnH-rn-rfiirtii, and cootaminp; la perra. 'htm" an leaxiitK 'h.'olttul Hair. TELLS wi.iv ur rra. urn r ?06l.6Pt.75. I ho rhiiol ALIIltP 5VAM.. trrt-y ! and a liiht i-implex bailie or poll las aaiik in Ihml (ilnco. ipfiliMnl Envelopes h.n. "Ijr" Mt'iyhi'd only Hboul ALTREO li. WttlOii vt-nui' rnnn -H ainotinnnir to . . . . AtWt I K tMiumN. trn' a fflsslf miw fawiary TP. ipip 3l'.M7l.f?l. liirmiK' InifK from Business LAND ACT. railu-Tty brouahl in l 51.1 iO.rl.t vrar Mi old.lluvrh.' sa IvMttJ th Packages 15 & 25 Also InXz lb. and from thr Xalional rorrntn Cards Notke af InlaMlan U Apply t Luit Land. On Atari Sd. I;n. Ihry wn- In Hanre a. l.nat lnd litatnrl. Itemed ua r.i''ivpd l;tt.3?I.JI. Of irp IMorlet of PMik. nupert, and situate mnrrlrd by John Otiajrh. Npul llio lal nanifil IIm ln-a n inr arti cnort or l"r.rr Miami, otpo- iini. Hi Ihe entraaer to Hidden Iplet. C.My :ir.rl. In Hronklyn. "Hint . Korl ffturn wrf hiiiii-.I t.. M - i. I Ml h i Take Kntlee that lfr-t F. Wrlrht. i n" al Cowan&Latta aitlnr a a pent for R l-hard l. Oammnn. 130.1 :t ami (hi- OiURaclt. irarr "hii" aar lAdiiy- rim Iiii- ! ri Mn- i itt Rose, I'rmre minert. ueentiaiiiifi boatman. fivt, ami thr name of "hi lend- ! apply fur nrrml-lnn to lea.e tt t.ns. KuriMiratlHiii fee in the Limited mimwinr OMmwo laaMa: i.aarinieneiiir at Swi-i'lary'n nMrt MalHNl rsl parent an I rank Houston and S-tiiod liiH'ti.i (Mirtlmi II WESTHOLME imt planted nn the went aawe nf Hounton. THEATRE Prince Rupert, B.C. l'ear-e manri. nmintlle the entranr tn ttiniru l ho audi I prrttui trfmonl Hliaalarlh Crirr itwor liu- r.-liirinil fism a ' ; Hidden Inlet: taenrr north s rnaln- tn mar thr Junr of On !8. name yoar Phone 234. aw mark tnenee wirtnerlv ahwr w; ihip and liippinr into Ho- lllnlii'lin and Nan-.. -Ii- and Tonight water mark tn a rwant tn eftalM north of 56.l?l t. I dry wrnt Ihr-xivh antdhrr war- Irirln. Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Ihe initial nnt: thenre ea.t 5 malm hlrh wpier mark: thenee Mtaihertjr pVm hv fur la law e-,l by Ihr ria re rftituut, wlnrli wa jwr-formiHl nirn wpier mari re main, panre or ie.. hv I a I In-r John O'lMMrd In tne point nr rr-nmetiremeni. awl rnn-fai'iinr 9?l li'ttmlatnrr proved to In i ANDERHOOF tc acre, mnre or le. Mirttjr of St. rhen-na'n CaAhattir . ;tvMox ri'Viimi- iMtNlurrr or Mmt I in Name of i:hurrh. in llriMikln. which Ml Dorothy .pptlepaf r. th 'otal for h" hienniitttt Al t Ki ll t. WBHiHT. lluhr altrttaV'd. Ibry IKral for A rent heiiii- ?t;.H5.7. Mont of iht llir VandrrhiKif lloanl of I 3 ply luted Jawarr it. tlt anti'uiit ao ndliTlil in IV??. a waiir m llrn.ikiyii aixt man in I'radr ha will a lr.inf ly arnnl-' LAND ACT. hiit rwfiprn undrr the met I M roil. rd Mrtlliou l.i H. (1. IVrrr. M.I..A., Itut I tea-eml i it, of that yrar. pponintf Ihr exalaMinliinw of a- Notlca of Intanllan to Apply to Ltaaa Lanal. italliil il.rKl.lM. aw rtantpannl DALTON ,m In ieinri hanve &.or imi rrmre I.and niien.fil.trtri.ana nerasrd-KHuave I."..')7 for Iho firat yar - Mi Hnirheii -aid. hrr UMprrl ovrrnrtM nl Iftjunr lorr hrrr. Ion atmr huabMld tidd lor Ihr aulonKbil' north of I'nrrber Inland, f ran Hat iiirli'M or thr raw. Lot lf. nanrr s. Coa.t niairlrt. in thirh "he" wan rft-ararrd Vitru- veneer Take .otlee that Alfred F. Wrlrtt Hta. K. arilnr AnaVrt of Assisted by Jnck Holr, M c,ie! a a real fur Tbomaa. a laad and rrtiuvMril I'rtnee Hutiert. oemtatlon Mia I man. in Suhorrilif fur Itn luily . vrr aitrndmaf ihr annual ihm to apolr for nermltiMaa in iea tke hrr lo U-avr "him" and rrtum af Ihr Prmhytrrian Churrh and a large brilliant at filliima rteserllied land: Oamenrma ai lii ma Tiled at the Mtei rnmer of ! hrr parrttl". whirh hr alWI. HX. If: Inenee vet S rtialaa. mnre nr Itr" prt(tnJlle' to kond ftr hrr ie.. in hiv water mark; tlienee rmnbrriv panellin ali-nr low water mark to rkala: tNenee hrs bttaittrv Mirkrd ui. ir A warial wra bM Iry ih. 'On the High Seas' eai i rtialaj to nnrtbweitt eomer nf ltt ti: theare natrterif to rkaina alona TIMBER SALE X 47t. rl forth that ninrr lhal IMMr IJbrral AmMarteliain In r Oun- Ihiph water mark to point of eommenre-!nieni. hr bad nut rrn or heard from latiinily Hall lal Saturday muli! Give Beautiful Interior and ronlainlnp In arre. more or "eali-d li Hdi r- mil toe n-relrl b INe a 'Ina Mininter ir Land-, at Vtrturta. aaler htm." M. H. I'rrry, M.I..A. ar an ad- Effect and Can ba Applied to j HUBERT lame TMlllt..or nntrau. ihan am it ii mi imn thr iai'find ut day I m ton ut i XITt.warr. MUe Huslarp furl hrr i. nhr drr. Comedy Admission, 35c anrMtl th Walls very Rapidly and-Easily. AUHU) t. NVRMlh , to iiii ohm feet ut llecnlork. apran- had bren infdrmrd and brliri-d Atent. and i i-ur. an area & noaa im tt. Hated Iiawry It. IStS. near I'llinan. -keena llli r. Kanae 1. ioat lhal HHratnn. whitr holdinir BOY COMMITTEE TO Land Ituirirt. CANCELLATION OP MCStRVC Twn J rar wta e aPWa1 for femoral hiNkwrir ottl to hrr an a man. For Heasonable Prices call MiTICF I HEREBY CIVFM that Utt Further of I finer.lurtl. liter of Ike Jataf Fi" wan in fa?t a normal woman. ACT AS YIGILANTS arrertniy the land entered by ri ler. Vtrtoru. Hi , or WMrwt Fore are. br ai(i "hrw had defrauded ami Albert & n.-lk-d.r red Ttuibcr Uctnca o. Ittlt la raa Trow Mup- rt. c minlrd hrr with inli-nl liy hiditiir G Cafe McCaftery 0 h. MtDEM. and ronri-allna "hl" I rur nft Several Hundred In Buffalo King eorge St. Regis tieputr tltnlater uf LamH. LIMITED Land' ffepartnieiit. and nhi- ak'd Ihr aourl for rr. Banded Together to Enforce Phons 116-564. Virt'-na.Jlh Janitarlr.B.C. IttA lirf. Laws I 1 NEW CAFE TIMBER SALE X 4S7Z. Cafe III I TU. Marrh 7. I hi- . iiy !..! T. orf.-r. Mill Imp rrrrlinl bl tilP LADIES' DAY IN ! il'iM-i.r uf ana. al Vln.irla. aui laier ha av full-flrdaitl Hilant roin. We servo the fkt CIIO BlaaaaaalaaStaKaaBlBaanaaaaaBaBan iliau ia i Uat ib day uf Man-h. Iilltlrr With a lllrllbJf llip "f SLTEV ami NOODLES Prlnca Hnpirti "" ivr:; r-r l be Hirrtaa- uf Mreara1 t7tf- VERMONT HOUSE Week-end l. .'li I itV.tino feel uf etaadlnr aiNl rrral buudrri. The firmlx'.- RppUu"'- f.-llei jl.l Ullrki'fl tnwr. IJ-dr AfMl ll-ii do lutt wrar utaek nor ilo niirbl-ridnik'. . i --a. 'i- In! i;n. ajmwn u Tm l-lau.. Fishermen! One Was While 25 Bill. Cer. tik Strl al A ..hi. i-n itarL.iu- I lail tjmt ntalriri. Speaker but form a vrry .rarii. -i i on. i . ear IM te- alluweal fur re Third Attr. iir.'ai .-r iinite'r. Were Introduced Into Legislature rvanialion thai betietr. II lm. Phone Blue 471 Specials I iirllx-r i.atli.ntar- uf Ihe i.lHaf .r.- a nNiotj for brllrr rltu.-n-in. l'urrn ler, tiM..rii, H.i.. ur luetrtrl r I'llllir lliairrt. Il-I.. ami law-brritvr. V..II no..I BREAD lhal will NOT Combination Canned Fruit IN rPJOBATE. MO.VIPIXIKH. VI.. Marrh 7. llir romiuittrr ra foi ui.'d in i CO SOUR. W. mako BREAD that Special TH,suraeac coLUiaaia.court of niTUH I or tin- firnl tilor in Ihr ii(orj pttlda-llU of Ijlfayrllr ktgli r I will NOT GO SOUR. I duly III) I.iMiy'H Slind I'm.-. the viier of tae ttiu.iiii-trati.ia rt; f Ibr tal li-fielatnrr a woman a Hrr a niiinbrr of boy of llir in. We Mal. ai'jdi'. tall. tlaiiir f Ihr KUe uf Hubert nat rvrriillv a Pfirakrr uf thr elilulion had l"li arn -led :nnl Corner: leeel. Inteatau-. II of ni-.rrwnlalir. ."hr THE our roltvirlcal of HlrirlniK HUloi. obib- - SQUARE, I only, tin Ih-I Montr Slic'd Ttkl MiTli.t Uaal la orVr uf 111. IRISH I'l'ai'lll'e. I'n. lull. lavauar t. KrB VuaaMT. HataV Um ik ifrgii'l Ihr . hair diiriiK Ihr in. for Jor;p'r. line rp.r ri'nll. .1 day 3t I etunarv. .l. Itl. I a RAISIN, I only, tin IM M'aiiilr I'earp, I'n. K.Inled dwinlMraliir nf Ihe I .lale (reduction of h iill and a In the playiua of a polir.- of fi. . i K-rt naer. aVrepaad. pad all lairlle l'iiidl applaiidril 4 br liaildi d who Irn-d Ut trio of BROWN, and tall. hailnp rfaMau amiwl the aM L.tate are art-rut a bo) - Classic Sh?5 RYE BREAD. I only, tin of Lombard I'luiiif, 2 he rear)' reajnr..l .. riimi.u aaane. iir.i-rn hut Ihr rr in to tlir pfaraltrr. in a lolrn rar. verinjid tn In. m or tiefuee Ihe 7lh rtai i'k, or Oabai!iM. 2H'. if ajprih. au.l all partie. liialieU The prritfiipc of thrw Womrn It.'n Mini offfiiiM'a by I.afryi'ld lii I lie folate art- reulmS tit ta) the iiM'iidnTii led thr Irielatorp o I'l'V". Ihr etudetll and farill iMMly INSIST UPON GETTING ELEC. 4 Tin for $1.00. neiunl of their iiidebiMlarM to tue furtli llh. drrlarr a "lailira' itay" In Ihrir drriaird. I hi- arhoio y wrri- ifivinv TRIC BREAD. Jelly Powders arr jtijimI buying. JOIIX . M. Ml I I IX. honor. Mn-e Mrrrh. rr Stands high in the estimation offirlal aduiini-iiTiiir. -ri:nitul a lilai-K ryr, and plan- wrrn ili.-riip-i'i Tlir rifritl irifr o' u-haiKf I'rnaee lllirert. B.r. n.. from Moukioii, had al aM.iiaj (o bn-ak tin of the public Phona 667. eu-ar ban affi--ti-il thin linr. txleil llil. .'Till ila ..f tetwuarj. !. Ihr honor of. ImtiiK tlir firt tlir wavr of lawlmpucKP. The out. We batr a roiiidrt plork of Electric Window Bakeries woman to iirmidr a nurakrr. romr wa Ihr tiyilanl e.iinnrlllr... Wc havi handlrtj llir (ilat- Hhi-arr Malkin'n lli-tl Jrlly I'owdi-i-M in AUTHORIZED HOOVER M.-o-iiiii'- from liinrrntir He.irirlil ii oalh-l oiiiid oruaiiii'l ion for rin- all flaMir. Wliik tln-y la.l. qulti' alnfit'l lo rll llir ilior Third Ivenue. DEALER. . I'rorlor Arrr dclirfril lo lli-u'1 law i-n foil-.-in.-nl and Ihr ii.i.t 3 for 25c, per doz. 95c. TJi iiialll)' l alwiir litgh '511 our c I'lld hriialr by two woincii rb-rk. lion of lh. -rliool iiami' ANOTHER CATASTROPHE. in Ihr SoviTiior'n olflrr. Mi OffriiJer arr brotiubl brfurr rlglil, lifiic llif ilcinainl fur llif Ulaei i Olnger Snaps Ki't tuuiiht in thr lli'b'li I'.. Irll. of I'rorlor, look a thr iailuiiN for Irial. but err. wove of thr mifc'ur advanei. Wo ini-aii' lo Ihr Srnalr ami Mo Iriir..- inipoitrd. if u iiii. i ar-rii'd liar a limitrd Muck on hand, Mary Kowb-r. alo of I'rorlor. AS out by ill.- fin oily A K Don't Worry! and ive hair aboul 500 lb. on Ink oin- lo (In- Honor. Mr. Man order, which will br mild al the (i. Xyr. Moiitjirlirr. tin- only old price. woman in I In- )'iiiili-, pr-i-nli-il a Had an Awful 2 1b. for 35c, 6 lb. for $1.00. oiirmiiiiiralioii from Ihr Smal. We have I'onlier liland Van Camp's Soup. Ill III!' Illlll' Tomato and Wci'taldr onlv. for Cold & Cough WOOD 25c. PRINCE r.oroiict Kiiiilini' iiacki'd in purr GEORGE was confined to bed (lllvr Oil, 3 for 35c, V for $1.00. Dry Hemlock and Cedar Hamsterley Farm Blackberry ... l.iM'al rrporl Uu It thai 'I'. W. Cjt to Your Order. Jam. Wr bate lunlrd llirui all, Ilrrni', Kneriinrtil agrtil hrrr. but thi i Ihr I in tlml brintf. THE HOOVER will -ii;i... iU.1. .1. II. MrMulliu eiilue l-uurlia PIHl -.iM. .hi liaril 4 Im' k the day of real liornr IT BEATS, a It Sweeps, as al I'rini.' Ilnprrl un.j lhal i'rrd pUkr off - allrk lirhl Ui )..u lu a4U f It Cleans. I'raerr. ..f y , arr likr. will br all do tu avi nil ut Uietii Tbaa in HydeTransfer tiiadi' jam. Try a tin of tbi Uw aiiMl lhal pre ilaiiieom. the tl jam. and you will admit thai - I . Iron Hi -I I al i.hi in hi I iiiom-iI hill-. .Mr. Ilrriir ayr hr thai Vo-aaena Ihe lunra mi UmI Ilia perm Phone 580. wr know a Koo.l tliniK when wi-it. I lia rrri'ivi-d no uolifiralioii. lit ti.n.uunvtuiu rim read) fuutauld. .aPBPBPBPPerP eyee Thin wrrk-rnd only, per Phone 3. OUaliMI amiptia auJ ruld. yiald tu ttie Semi e and Quality our Tlir eal.m of Ihr eily rlrrk tin. 95c. Motto. Kaien Hardware fralcful auvlhlua; (iruptrlii'. ut Green Stuff aiinintf lliu -a.'-U. lii'i'i' ha- !i m iiicrniiu'il lo '.oo Ill'lienrU fproul. (lilllllf lowrl , ! Third Avenue. i in.mill .in.l Ihi- aitanl fin; Dr. Wood's I'.iii-uiiibrr, Tiniiiitof . Kaiiaii-i lnrf Hrl ,. i a ler to 1 60. All a-, llrud I.i-llui'r. Niw Cab- illi.'r imU -.ilarire ri'iiiam the Norway Pine Syrup SPniNQ STYLES AflE STIMULATING liav'. Ilhubaib. Olrry.'h. aim' a l.i.i year: are.r and II auullaea pad Ipeaia Ilea Irrilalril i t.iila'- u- well us for i luldrrn. Hn Dr. E. S. TAIT Iailey. Flurlda (irapii I l ull 'CANADIAN LADY' lolii-cloi . ir,.'.r,0; vlruoKraplier. Miaa pod bniPMl kklaaP. wU the iilefu. .nut i lllSIHI. l.nw.'nt Muriel I'rieen k:.: fii- . i. av r. aiHi.So; city aM aide uatura rhwr I be luurlild at 'Hll Tilt' li'W linn - ill tin' window I ft cuuMllaUuap. -..At Juicy Small Oranges, per Uu 25c, i b rh li'ilin PM7 50; fli el ru-linii'i'r. pii.- HOUSE DRESSES a.'iio, rntfilii'i'i'. Ura. Umu. I. luirdaJe, Uarioii. N. N . H'nif uri iiil (jiiiin; in mid u-k KM III. CLAM'- DENTIST. lift our prices on eK tbu wvrk. psii-oinl rlla:--"lu Ibt pear of lf I i'ulk'l and riainlurdi From $2.00 Up. l 'iti; .mi . i.iki r. 160; polir.-oiuiili'u!i', ,,H, Helgereon Block, arrivinif. villi an a-r.l ctaVI and rtwtli, pud uta Hl;..'irt; oily tuiifiiMeJ ! ui UmI fur auiia inue. PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. irlaifiri'., tl9S jllMUItil I wm rutup lulo euuauiuniiuD. I Ltd. Bros.. Office Hour, 9 to 6. Rupert Table Supply BENT'S Ready-to-wear 'eumiwaraaj to up Or Wuud'a Kuraay Jabour Phone 686. J. V Slnuier i uulinu li'in- Ifiiic prup pad fuuod li lu U an acl-1 leul rrlliaitv I ran hiatal, i. J aCatWIiriM' Open Tueeday, Thuraday and Third Avenue. Cor. Th rd A. nu Phone 211-212. ...ianly a irrlury of tin- lied i pufferer frmu coupup pud culda.- Phona fi4K. Saturday Evening. 'Mj Hank 'if Monlreal. i.i .is. K.,. i, iv hrrr iinnling a f,llr 3i, p,ia f,0, , , ljp bf iii.i.ic... iCffcxii iliuiie dji- "lliv 1 Pliauiu i.u, LUUitPd, 'lufgutu, uul.