Mr h y H- ' THI U11L1 wwww ALICE ARM WON IN HOCKEY GAME SMOKE Defeated Anyoi Laat Sunday by Score, of 10 to 2 Leading Al.inr:In aKnT Northern Mrrh League 7 The Northern Hear of Alice Arm How often GDENS walked n(T the local ice nn Sunday can Willi .1 10 l ? Iiockcv victory over'the Anynx Mini1 arid a ft result nre riW leading in the Northern League three Fames lo ohe. Th game wa (!. o.l on heavy Ire and i Arm wa away In I he lead nil the lime. CUT We Advertise? PLUS AI the end of Ihe first period the local team wa ahead 71 In rill nn.l at the end of the eecond 0 lo 2. 'I lii third period wa a slrenuou. afTair nnd the Anyox learn tried desperately In add In their howing The fifteen minute; was filled with hard cheek-, inj? an.I frequent pill hill Ihe NOT ruh of (he Anyox player If crumbled againl (lie leant play you "f 1 lie Alien Arm. II wa Hie How often should roll llilnl consecutive win for Hie your' local leain. The Alice Arm learn fought hard ami deserved llielr counter. WE Advertise? IhHr teamwork pood ami ask ior several lirne lliey .scored on perfect passe. They showed pood flitrrelene, speed :in. are the Canadian and American Manufacturers slick handling, ability. WHY appropriating fifty per cent Ihe Anyox team ilo showed POME MIT qualifier of jrom hookey playin? more dollars in Newspaper Advertising Iml they were tarkinz in rombin- for the 1923 than in 1922? LUI) allon plav. Scleral timed the year Anyox men eyed individual play, some of which pot through of which imp an( ed, hut I hey mostly broke down There s a. Reason on the Alice Arm defence. II. K. Krrgin. M.P.P. rvrerced the game In true parliamentary have faith in the style and with commendable they implicit aBBBaaaaaaBBaW aWaVBBaVHHHHaHaVMaiHaVaiBM I smoothness BECAUSE pulling power of Newspaper 'rneteil out no penal I ie. Advertising and in the future i The line-ups were a follow: " 11 w , ia.i- h.ld in the transportation of-, A,iv. 'Oat .rm- -H. u; man. ADIES trade conditions for the coming year. . ' undersfoo.1 lliejc. T falconer, d: . Aiid.-rnn. H ' ,r.w.; A. 1 alciner, l.w.: II. liray. Al ihe i:e Plant, roerinsr' .--a..-. Isuh The daily newspaper has proved itself worthy of iTERTAINED;Hi.- imti'mI from lehrimrv so to; Mr. and .Mrs. C.ha. Wins- left i . ci..t.i.. . t...i..rt- hi'iinry S inclusive, I.TSl ror the itirtli liy the lal Ixial rii.nii .1- n.rin f this tremendous responsibility and trust. ehorl liine of coal wre t)wtrii,)i(iii will 'lid a month otil-iile, . ilh. .nviir an, M at Card Party and pro.lufiiin 1.131 horl iiHin nf lr. W'lntr hnlidayliiir, while Mr.; scorer --nn' T. Vil nn. I : Men who spend millions of dollars on Newspaper oe. .3,7 1 a m-nX VnW- ilf WlBir will IH (Xjiper Jlnuntatn u ndr'on, I. K. II. 1 Mr; .1i . light oil were WCHVi-ml. in n4- uod Ci.nthilie Iiuinex4 willij " yrm' Oalman : A. l al- Advertising yearly know what itjias done for them in .flit... t.t i im itiM nr - ni..n an r i.M.Lint j.p iriin. i ,nleroii. II. the past and feel safe in trusting their future fortunes aa - monitim iiiiniaie. moniiy laruu i" mere. i'rlray. I. nee on F day March , . to the advertising columns of the daily press. ' K5,k4.L""" ""n-'nKI n, inlil from III llld.leh A dane wi to liavelen 1? ,r?"l . '",'",B rc-k mine, from Iel,ruary 50 In the new vymuaxium on sj Sport Chat -iwiiii ine or uirai , Kehn.nry ft tnHM. nlli of March !. hot ouinjr I . .., ,-, ,.,r., inw I.- i;h,, ,a- laMal for tin the mimher .if bMkr.all (fame r fill . Ilia; in.nt.fil ..f IK.. x.-r ... . . ' J. linmlli Jo llic 771 n T r.S.nifl wel airemiiy ipiie.i. u wan II won. ani.ear from present nicni L ijo've r .nv.x . The News i.n .-i the 'nlieali..ii4 that there will he Daily were' "Jrriler from eiiit " idiince for the present at eal. no Senior Ua-eJ.all League in the eleveriAlind mirie TlM yearly lalctncnl of the Aparl from thi reaon, there city rlii. yoar allhough. in nil e, Hhl.ftan. fu. !"""' c.l.; n., n-.i-pilal for the year end. Jwa alo the of the Colli, iirohabilhy. there will he an nn- Phone 98 P. 0. Box 1723 lw nnery' follow ;, ,wl,lh.r a(i is. in avail. and n Lndie,' lrrl from I'ririce proved and I lar-er fnlerrnediule filliiiidred. men: Neil r r-ft,,p ,h,mn , lo lie II l vr a jiuprl ron-lderod. League. Of oure. if condition lir. ,rt. i- iii.niiinn. Luiwh nf hmmn mMinlln? In prnpmed that they will arrive lnproc and more men come to inert: I 'mi" n; ii.i iMfiiHi .uv on Thursday, March 13. and that town there i the chance that LMr. I'd.- - ii )', ... ..... ... n daiieV be PomliiuiHl llh the within the neit to month II,men: j. T.. i M.-y; l..e,l"! hlit f,o;iK. hJi.ket-b.ill enm In thai there may be nincienl material VM. Self, laveratje rtellM- Hr daiy I I.-'fiirllt. the trip may .e a wuccm fi- to form a Senior I.eajnie. if i he ffivinK an in i'r a ire ok natirially. i j ly, da, 'v ivfiv hmitt V of 5.S0.ini. ! Several or?anization are men- Vj'.'l, a- -''OK ..f -a- Ihe Catholic Men' Club are tjone.l a pihilile for the In-Lannintr .I.- and ci.f n .ili. i of Hi.- MiiitUr ilanre big- lhintf for the St. innediale League indu.linjr the Hal- v afi.T whi, li m-iiiiiliil hy ill.- Mine I'Juli lnce I'alrlck hay lianee hich will I- KnlghU .it ftdumhiH. (Vilt. Son al least two rluhs. There will be 1st. :wa .liiiuitf-ii in umi uii.iiiil of tin- new hall nil I lie Uel.l in Hall, lriday(of, Klk. lirollo and also a Junior organ ial ion this i Hoolh 'fnrkingl.ul. teller of 5lin ) b.i.i. 'Ilo- hill i.".k pl Lml ik-enl, a ninhl. March Irt. !ir. II i coni.lere. probable year if the Lacrosse Associn- tales. W..; i in V I felllr i.-.iiHlly iiillilll'l from I he Iteacli "- " filial al lease a four teum league lion" determinalion of last yar! Oliver WendeH II..line, jurist. Shoes ! led "if Mr-r- llni'-lni. atleiidiiiK. iirone votlnii thai The .an.injr of the dilTerent inay be oranied out of the I carrieil out. Jack leinpey, fighter. and I'r.'v ..r. aikhii m. ...... w. ' ,ol enhiv team in Hie Anym lia.kelhall 'material at lutnd. It in yet n I'.aesar Klchurt;, farmer. ed ami fifty all ended, ,,,, (p r,.frP(,m,.nl. IwIiib League al present follow: je early In peak defiriley of Warrie An.ler.oil who wn Woolwortli llldg., skyscrap.-!-. ier l na ihe Mik. - nf ,,. i. . Mllli ii... ......i,, ou-ei- Sanlor Ltagua ,h sea.mi's program, however, J'rince llupert's star short lot Harry Payne Whitney. F.-nile-titan When buying; Shoes you Ini ers llo-'e and .leon TNm Mayed W. L. l't.'for the annual nnectimr of the "for and who recently sportsman. wnnt your moneys worth. let. Hit-1. Champion,; . - i:ik .... It many years Henry Catiot I.mlfe. politician. laeiall League m not scheduled left for Anyox, will go lo Seal He ., I Ilil-flleigl. I red Ari-her. the well.known Smeller 7 I 3 A tn lake place until April. on March IS lo jftin Hie Imperial r Ii. Ilrentjen and Mc- eiitei iniiH'i of Aiiym, who lint Mine .... i 3 3 n Prosperous advertising means Our Prices Oil Co.' team in Hie City League nii, Mr- II. Stewart, lieen in ai''l deiiMiiid an a re-cilalioniot C.M.C. 0 1 R 't he season will not commence there till Kiltie regular continuous advertising. r II, Armour. Mr. and from lime to lime for Ladlat' Laagua a early tin year a last, it is nij.Hi, writing from year. Senlllc. quality considered, can't b Minn -a, lr. nnd Mr. will rlllil I Hue (i 6 I in local r. llr. iU. oiell H expected, because liaylight Saving; stales thi: "Warrie lias always bat. I Mr nml Mm. J. Hurl I. of I'l'irul inn. iiieiiiory cull lire, drown rt I S a will not be iu etfccL Tor been corvsi.lerod one of the Im'.i Illack or Tun Calf, from Mr, . iiiirk, Mr. nnd ulaae iirieni.e mid deportment lilue llird .1 2 3 die same reason the season will ball player in I'rince llijfe -t Pnabom S5.50. lnipmnn. Capl. and Mr.. III the ii.-ii r rul ii if. A Hireling 1'ink . 2 I I S probably not be a Ions a- formerly and no dpubl lie will meet willi New shipmenl of the famous M ami Mr. Jack till. lie.mi .-ill'i'il r.'i I lie purpose High School .'OS n but I hi should id no harm. in hi first sncces appearance Tred-rite Welts for the II r unl Mri. Oray, Mr. of Hint: ."i I-. and i lo he InlarmadlaU Laagua 'I be general opinion is that a in a big city. COFFEE folks. I. riiinn, Mr. and Mr. High School 5 S o 10 thort snappy eaon would probably young; ii iii Mr nnd Mr. I.. Mneller f 3 2 0 be quite a successful A - ' jL VACUUM tH SHOES REPAIRED WHILE Mr iiiiiI Mm. A. Mor- Afttr Every Ahal " Three former Prince Hup: 't YOU WAIT. li, 1 tleiieral Store t 2 .' I past year' program when llm alhleles, llillie Itly'h. C.ha I. FMlame it Molfell. II. (jeneral OAicc 5 .' .'I I Inleresl commenced lo wane to-ward llaleit, I'.ve. iirefn. Illylh and Tom Moloney. w.--e McArthur Shoe Store I ( ,e Plant f. ? 3 I he end. members thi winter of itie Iterry W ler and I'allcr- Tim I 0 I 0 4ir robs wbH WRH5LEYS NexU X.H, Office. 3rd Ave. Plrales' hockey team, champiaii le - -! fleary. flreeiiwe r. There I every reon lo believe Ihuiiphrey. I.iddell, of the Seattle Amaleui' Iloikfy the vacuum tin thai the Junior Haehall IOFFICIALS LEAYING League. The pirate- win fv ffj which . n. rho -ley. Seidelmati. League will equal arid possibly ( pritrves ii Siimli II ay.ilen Chew your lood I ANYOX FOR COPPER exceed past year in Interest and place in the league series and NABOB arc now plain- off w h he We Are Now lnM, iaih MiOuarri. Open well, then use site. There j plenty of materia! Ililck, 1,'iwry. Creel- MOUNTAIN NEW CAMP Wanderers, second place am, WL and ma At it the For Business In Our WHIG LEY'S to In sight anil pnrl nf all kind They Westfor youtobuyt for the eily rliainpi,.nlini I'niiliell, l, Ciimpl.ell. i being- encouraged in the NEW PREMISES aid digestion. won the first Kami- f In play iiilili. Moore. Sin rut. AN VOX, Marcb 7. The fifteenth school. II I reported that :t -"iri, Tlminp"iii, llug. It bIbo keeps of I lie iiioulh will make (lenrge Johnstone U to Interest it IT by Ito I. On 3rd Avenue, where wo leitiiun. N ut, 1 Hpiilrlck, the teeth clean. i In- departure of the first lot of himself in llils branch of sporl) i'urdially request a continuance On 1 1 v n 1 1. Mi-liorvn d. breath SU'eet, jullieial. to be transferred from Ihl year following up the work WHO ARE GREATEST of your custom and foopoi. Tierpey uud appetite Keen. I Anyot 1" lie new operation of llial wa so ably carried ou for AMONG AMERICANS7 K ni.lwill. 1 1 he llrnnliy Company at tapper the, piit Iwrv or three year, by I Th & CmMn l.lounlain. II i not yet known W. J. Cob who is now In Seal-He.. SILVERSIDES ANYOX )jiisi Imw many will leave here, CIIICACiO, Mnr. li 7 Supe ibul Hie mine, conecutrulor, ;nn- ...... ialive Americans" that lead ilieli v.'fkly rellll'iv. of Hie pie mills, mechanical uii.l store' The. Lacrosse l.eajrue wljl probably (lasses have been ehoseii as f BROS. Krni ,.r for 4 lie W.ek of -ilnlf will contribute the majority be rcaumed Ihl year on lows: IWulera In l H lo .'G. nIiow I hut l"f to be, .transferrin, uhout the mine scaM a last. II Mayo llrcHifr. surtfcoiu WALLPAPERS, PAINTS, l.'1 of oi-w U'eri neither lh nmvller or coke pluut in Irurt that several of last year's Prof. A. A. Michelsoii. m-tenliHi GLASS, PICTURES, 'aU up ur- follnwa: being' culled upon to furnUb players liai left lh rjly but It "Man O'War, race hu-?,. ART SUPPLIES, ETC. ',' Ifi loiin: outlile help for Copper Counlaln, except U believe. Iherii I Hill fnougli lHstc Jam, entertainer Phone 22. rV lona. Tlia averuiN. ii) a imall way material for a senior League of J W .. J'oiler. labor r voiulion