PAGE TWO. THR DAILY NEWS. The Daily News Quebec to Repeat Carnival Success piuxcn nirpF.nT - jmmsii Columbia. Published Kvcry Afternoon, exrpt Sunday, the Prince llupcrl Hailv News Limiled, Third Avenue. II. F. Pl'LLKX, Managing Kdilnr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: j City Delivery, liy mail or currier, per month' $l.00 fly mail lo all pari, of tlie ltrilih Km pin nnd the Unileil j Slate, in advance, Mr y?r 'fO-00 To all other countries, indvanre, per year 7.JfP Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 j Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - 86 : Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Don't VslnoMtiy. Dee. 26, 193. Opinion Divided On Closing Port. To ay the least of it, general opinion is miieh divided in the oily .-i lo the wisdom of the action taken at a public me3t-ing lat week when it wus decided to request the federal authorities to Mom; the port of Prince Ituperl to American halilmt filft-rmcu. There are undoubtedly influence in the city that are much opioed to such a course and they will probably be heard from; Whil? there were a larse number of fishermen in attendance at the meeliu? where the closing of the port was recHiiwiended, the representation of businessmen individually was small. Hy Moving the jxirt. everything may Ue gained or every-Ihiug may be lost. While it is much to be questioned that uch acltoii will result in the 2c tariff and other restrictions of the United Slates being dropped, it i quite conceivable that further reprial from that direction may follow. It is even questionable if Canadian fishermen would gain their1 point if -uch reprisals diil not follow. While crryone here would very much like to see the 2c tariff dropped, there i a very distinct opinion that the stnkj put up in closing Ihe port may not be worth the game. That is the problem thai vexes all. By letlin? thing take their natural course, Ihe view i held by many that influences now working in the Pnited Stales and (Canada might bring about their own redress. II would be a pity to upset that course of events by any iiiiloward action that might b? taken here. There may be much lo gain through closing the jorL On the other hand, it i- not hard to conceive that there may be much to Ioe. Ottawa's Stand On The Question. Thai any request from Canadian fishermen of the Pacific roasl asking for closing of port to American vesels will le given the consideration of Ihe authorities was the advice brought in despatches from Ottawa this week. When Ihe department commented un the situation as it did prior to receiving any request there is reason to asume that it may be favorably dipos?d lo such a move. The same despaleh, however, indicates that Ihe department is alive to the situation and is not to be led into nnv action on nceoiint of what has b?eu done on the Atlaulb coast. It behoves lhoe interests who are not in favor of having the porl closed to get busy at o:ice and submit their represen tations so that no fnUe impression will be left at Ottawa as to Ihe concensus of opinion here. So far there has been only one resolution passed and that a'ks for the closing of Pacifie coast ports. "Faith Cures" And , , . Hypnotic Suggestion. ;V "1 told you so," or remarks, lo that effect have been very frequent since the announcement was made by a comniillee at Vancouver lasl week that Ir. Price's "faith cures" had been largely a matter of hypinltie suggestion. If such was really the case and the committee which passed that judgment was representative of Vancouver's best clerical, medical and legal talent it doe not necessarily mean thai Iir. Price is to condemned. If lie is an expert hypnotist be i only following a recognized practice that in many raes has heretofore proved successful, especially during the Oreat War and this in spile of the fart thai he made it to be understood at the time that his cure were not hypnotic but divine. Many of his patients, it was reported, died in the course of the past few Months following the treatment. Against this it is known that several ;tce now enjoying good health following cures. It is quite possible, that those who did die might have expired, anyway, in the natural course of events. MANY NAMES STRUCK OFF Large Number Did Not Qualify Properly as Householdors The civic court of revision met in the City Hall on Monday afternoon lo further ennsMer the lak-injr off ami the leaving on of name, on the voters' list, present at the meeting: were Mayor S. M. Newlim. Aid. Then. Oollarl. Ai.'. perry, ami City Cb-rk Jones. The nieelinir was adjourned 'until Thursday for Ihe reeonsitle-a-lion of certain mailers. II was derided lo strike the fol. lnwinsr names off the volers' list, Ihe re?l..tratiru not having been made in accordance with the art poverninjr same: Anjrelo Aslori. Clara Anderson, J. V. Bird, A. L. Box, Reginald Beaumont. Holier! Blanee, J. Kouloieus. (J. F. Bur- rill. S. V. Cox, K. Campbell, K. J. Cobb, It. M. Clarke, II. M. jFyole. K. Crairjrs, W. Chennski, !J. A. Donnelly, Shelford Darlnn, ll. A. IkMld. K. DavMon, II. Duff. IK. fialsoren, J. I'. F.lfnrd, f. J. ;Kvans, II. Fraser, T. fiiilhrie, V. !iilehrit, T. C,ovenloek, II. F. iOlassey. (Dr. H. II. firant. C. Ous. lafson, A. It. Hunter. A. llealey, R. 'Borne. YV. K. Iliitehinsnn, J. A. 'Johnson, J. .MyhiH-Jone, T. Kin, P. Ii Porte. II. l,, a) Lamb, III. M. D. Lamb, T. Irt-jltane. Mrs. Beth Manloriald, D. jMcCullouh, H. McfAven, T. Ma(k-lenzie. It. F. McN'aujrhtnn. D. Me-(Kellar. A. McDonald, V. Miller John Mowatl. J. It. Mitchell, J. ..May. C. C. Mills, I). Milne. C. '. Mairs, Mrs. A. Nelson. A. Oswald, Stlffr Sequent attacks of indi- Eestion. hilinnsnpc 1i trouble, sick headaches, and constipation. Take a few doses of Beecham's Pills which cleanse and stimulate digestive and elimi-native organs, and tone and invigorate the entire system. y, Beecham's Pills Sold vnrrhr In CAnadaw LargetbSah of Any Medicinm in the World, I. trinUti i L. C. Perry. H. Parr. F. Piker. C. by man. The Man in tbe Mom j SAYSi- -J CHRISTMAS may come and Christmas may go but monthly areounlH are Ihe uearesl thing lo perpetual motion yel devised imlrmllm. mn4 4 , SVUInf KrM,. i. Tim. mr vat ttm a "Voanr tat" oJ llan. 1. SkailntlathIiklMriMCrB4aUUailMC4fTlh tj. . "Ntlk"wi Wara thUycar MikcChtit. rriattaatdttaeaa Whatman !r.. J. Wilson. J. II. v ', Pringle. J. W. Ralcliford, C M.. RUSSIA i turning- Iter eyestol Itoss, W. Robb, J. 'Skinner, F.ltlu trade jo.ihllitie of the; Sehaffn,efc,,W, ."silltlij JI. S'olber?. ! Pacifie coast. Kven n Soviet J J. II, Thompson, A. Than, f!.?oernuienl waken u: occasion-; I bane. T. While, W. W. Wood, A. j ally. Widam, W. K. Wright. W. K. Williseroft, John-Walsnn. It was derided to leave Ihe following names on the list: T. Fortune. W. Fox, lieo. Frerirbs, K. Ilenn. II. Brien. J. F. Ouinii. J. O. Johnson. J. F. Ritchie Jr.. J. A. Ten?. J. II. Tail. J. WoUten-ludme. I.. Mcllar?. PERSONAL GREETING FOR'PASSENGERS Every Passenoer on Canadian National Railways Received Xmas Telegram WINNIPEG. De. 2(1. The mokestark of a railway train i neither suflicienlly. larve nor stationary to allow Sanla Clau to make a trip Hi rough in to visit nasseneers who are compelled lo fravel on Christmas Eve. and so, while they are on board the train, lliey have to be satisfied without sifts, but the spirit of Christinas crept in and diffused itself throiicli the sleeping cars of Ihe Canadian .National Railway all over Hie system, from coal lo coast on Christmas Kve' and welcomed travellers when 1 hey awoke from sleep the following morning. Every passenger on board a sleeping- car of Ihe Canadian National Railways, received a real cheery greeting when he awoke on Christmas morning. This look Hie form of a telegram prinled on one of Ihe specially decorated telegraph forms of Ihe Canadian National Telegraphs. II was handed lo each passenger )n a sealed, decorated envelope and read a billows: "To nil passengers on board train. Ihe ofbeers and employees of the Canadian National Railways wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Bright anil Prosperous New Year." Signed II. W. Thornton, I're- j sideid." .SHOPPERS are anl lo "bulTabM-" when biryin meal these dav. -t h will protobl; Har UrtHj la aa. net lonrial tk( WUtrr Spl fTraa. is stain to hare irl. tire carnival thatthiU on, drawinr it riiitors Into the ray vortex, to that QUEBEC be truly representative of the- wonderful sportioc even the valla which ranc to latif Mrr centuries a to lo attraction of the ancient Capital. The lucre of the their sjed atmosphere, and lend thenuelve to the fete, doe races held in Quebec last year has enrourared the j By reason of its even and exhilarating climate, it orfacixeri to iponnr I very 'much, bifter profram for arceuibilitv and natural and artificial opportunities for this year, and a comprehensive aerie of iportinf event! sport, Quebec la the home of the winter sport for the will be held on February 21, 22, and 23, in which all th ' continent. Each wintry season, more people are at-sports for which Queoec i so naturally adapted will beUrarted to it, and tor lone periods it becomes the social represented, and culminatinc in a crand masquerade ball , centre, as well aa the tportinr centre of North America, at tbc Chateau Frontenac. In addition to-the interna- Practically ev'errthinr that is carried on is on an cln tional races lor tee Eastern JJoc Med Derby iropny, there will be events in snow-shoeinr;, skiici, ice racing, cur lint nd skatint. The whole of these events' will take place within the Exhibition Grounds, and it is proposed to once stain tire Quebec an ice palace. The people of Quebec take, and naturally, a treat pride it their wonderful old city, and the ancient capital is not so large that ita people cannot fet 'together on wrcasion to fete en masse. A carnival in Quebec is not to be 'orgotten, for the whole populace absorbs the spirit of the scale Quebee is the soul of hospitality. A hundred rinks invite you to skate, at far as you can see, fir-clad hills invite you to skithrouth their myriad rloriou glades, of toboggan slides there are not a few, and there are many excursions which simply must be made on snow-shoes, As for evening entertainment, the ball room of the Chateau Frontenac is the scene of a dance nightly. There art moonlight excursions, events on all illuminated rinks, music, song and dance, a thousand things to do. get WHO waslh man who stayed up all Xmas Eve looking for the corkscrew he had bt year 1 'ADDRESSING MASONS IN TORONTO SIR HENRY THORN TON CONNECTS CANADA WITH WORLD'S PROBLEMS. (continued from paee one) task which confronts the . Commonwealth of British nations and -f liir Pordf of the United Slnles. We m i-anaila tiaxe a great dominion stretching front sea lo sea and from the ireat Lakes In what my friend Stefan-son railed 'the Friendly North.' Our heritage is a proud on! our land Is THERE is one dilTen-nce. be-la n.i upon wn.en nii- tween fi-P-h milk nn.l M wiU.r,"rr "a O"siowci rr l le-sing. key. The former will turn bad win,tt la,"h ,,a,,,, Hierearelhe if kept loo long- rr'a, Prairies of the west. With ". .' v llheir walng fields of grain IF Ihe American fih tariff an'' ,h' "tagnifieenl mo.inlain to jugglers had a nlnrh idea of"" w",, wherein I beexe . are fair .day a the American fish". l,",ri,', mineral treasures Ihe like enmen there would nee.d ' ' """" : ioiii.rrnrn.i for Canadian retnlialory meas ure Itefng ajopted. . -r i Vfetiot ,.'VI ho 1fiL m tut' llm driving of the golden spike not later Hutu Hie end of May. Provincial Constable Donlillle is back from ver. Charles Vancou- llarry Zcdnir, a Russian, while handling Meet this morning', had Hie misfortune to drop a bar on his ankle, lie will upend Ihe. next few weeks In I lie hospital. and we have here in this province (of Ontario a manufar.luring di- itrirl which, il seems, lo me, will "HACK lo the land" as n,-, n" day. from IN busy wortshops irfdilic.iari sai.l when In, .llnr.1 Provide Ml of thi.,e things on" ii.p l.nmi .Lin .whereof our pnlalion have ' ineed. ThU.js a country which ' WF. read I lint Canadians are lo train on h'v; batlteships. Rather a lough diet to say the least. WHAT has beeome of Ihe old fashioned politician who always advocated free beer? AN excites Ihe ambition, of nin who love hard work and who are wilt ing to wrest from the soil a for. tune, and lhoe fortunes are Ijere Prince Rupert Outlet "We eomelo Ihe pacific coasl. The citizen of British Coluurlda regards Vancouver and Prince Ruperl for I must not. forge! Prince " Rupert "---""' as the great out Australian has perfected i . "-"- a device fur Ihe ,,-e of coal oil"",H1 . ,.1 ..r a " .0I l"C. in aulom'obiles. What we need now is some building inventor lo invent an eaii de cologne Ten Years Ago in Pilnce Rupert December 28, 1913. Morley Donaldson, first vice-president ami general mailager production of the Dominion of Canada and he wants lower rates for bis grain lo (he west. He is not particularly Interested in lower rales of grain for Ihe east and he has bis aspirations and bis psychology and his tempera men'.. I think it was one of t he Canadian statesmen who said that Ihe problems of Canada would always have to be settled by compromise. No one of these sections can have all that it wanls. No one of these sections of Hie d.l.p., who arrived here can reach lis ultimate destiny yesterday morning accompanied and achieve that whlrh it desires hy general superintendent Me-df other seclions are not lo be ban nnd stiporinlenilent Mc- prospered In a like fashion. In Conclusion In concluding bis address Sir Henry remarked that he did not think It was an Insuperable pro. Idem Ibal all of the people of the great Iwonlnfon, wilh Ihelr different interests and Ihelr different aspirations, could not be mnrshalled under one flag and march together. Prosperous advertising mean regular continuous advertising. "s. aaaaa v-- asTaV3TT Where the Sun Shines Most of the Time TUB Union Pacific System and SOITIIKHX PAOIFIU operate Through Standard Sleepers Seattle to San Francisco AXII Los Angeles THE SHASTA and CALIFORNIA EXPRESS Leaves SenH'e H IT Arrive San l-Vano-co 2nd Morning 1 1.30 a.m. Arrives s ngeles 3rd Morning nn. THE OREGONIAN Leaves Seattle 3-30 p.m. rriv-s Han Froririro 2nd Mornincj S.10 a.m. Low Winter Rates on Sale Dally. Gonnertions from Vniicouver: ( Slramer n :l " "n1 M P m' (i. X. Train" 8 a ni- : P-m" ,2 u' n-m For Rttes and Reservations Apply Any Railroad Ticket Agent, or write F. S. Elliott, W. H. Olln, Trav Freight nnd AL fien. Freight nnd Pa genl Pa" Agenl O.-W. ST ATIOfi SEATTLE, WASH. Santa Claus Is Delighted With Our New Stock or Tom Smith's Yuletlde Crackers. All the fun of the fair at the table ou Xnu IVa Kver- cracker contain n d-lightfnl gift and are iui-irtrd direct from Iondon, Kugland. There i nothing elc like them in the Cracker line and Ihey are the rage or the British Me. A maslerp?' or art and ju-t Ihe thing for table decoration purpose . Also Tom Smith's Imported Toy Novelties filled With randie. The race of our boy or girl will register delight if .Santa Clan is told lo put one of the in their storking Xmas Kve. ' Purdy's Famous Candles in delightful lxe. Pun)' Candies lead sis ihe candy market (inlay. If you ny il with "Punly's" you'll say il right ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Call in and we'll be glad to show you. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Cheques. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant BARRIE'S Home Furnishings The Store of Quality and Reasonable Prices SOMETHING NEW KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL. A new nnd different finish for floors that ii washable, sanitarj mid exceedingly lough nnd durable. Ak for color card. Pints , , 80c Quarts $1.S0 Half Gallons $3.00 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tt. 3. We Deliver. fox 1646.