Mr h (0 1 .,lr thv nzm nwi PXTTV FTVU RMANENT CRIPPLED BY PROSPERITY IS JUST ! AROUND THE CORNER WATER MAIN to Say Speaker of Legislature i Addreaalng Hit Constituent I msiauea on ruin Avenue 1 at Stanlch est and Dunsmulr Street, Began to improve Alter Council Decide Taking 'Wa-tlves" j VICTOIIIA. March 50. -roa. ;iMfrlly in "jul iirotiiul llii Tor- .f n iu . tnf." ai.l II. l..l..f... m..I U 1 1 ppil uilli Hie iihiiiiik inj The Medicine Made From Fruit iif itiilii'lry n.i.i i in.ilnrintr in. .itiii iUo IhI.U'llvi'J.y-tr, !IIUflt'IM Wilier ..r mi You can p rl.l of lUiPumatlim. InilicatP, that llrillM ('.nluinMa l i nyi' Vt hclwi'i'li Mr. I i u ran In. fr- of piin -of awutlra hand ami fre.t -of arhinr armi, Irm n Hip i( rif (TiiimI llmo. Him. l-'.j fl vifM iimr Afftn-u I'liice atxliintk. A. I'liiilltic. iiiiinlxr fur Snnnicli.) Huj.-iiiiiir flrPi-1 I.el wen "I'rull-a-tivpx" willrirhe HtPran.e toM a mwlinsr nf hla cirililiipila' it ii .iiU ll' ifUi piiiip. nc- of UliPuiiiilinn oiitufthnayatPin ioi in iliicl-ii C.ily (Hall. (ItPtuti prrmanPiit rrlipf. Mrillli'hilllllf llli-WM pro "tor otrr lliiw )pp, I at IVilnriiliinn (tronl iipm, Mr. J'ml-iii IP rily o uiiril hy Hip fnlinil to lust with I'.lif tiinliui. omiiliaalroil, il"rdinii ril, r k- In-: ubIi! nfnl Finally I lecip u try "t'reit-a. nil.I hp ilcrlarp.l Ihftl it n Hi . I mill it li ,i HI Ill noHcp1 Pa". IrnprotPinMit.Ilffuri! uilng half 1 porniuur.l a ln, I riiily nf Hip (idvpriiliiPtil nrnl nf il n.I .1MIIIC i,. i lr Using " Intil a liipn" improtfaf; all llin rfoili In pp Dial orly alrp Jlli in- I .' .. nuilll nit tliPtimp. I can bow walk atiout Ino prp takPfi l PXplnit Hip Ptior-nmtn 4 Kiwi -id l-i i ' li AxetniP. niilpnandilorliurpiiaruufhlHiPplacp". iron nrp rpamrrppa iIu'pIi il 'n i lie vamo :;.;!) Al.i:.. MUNICH, Ix.rnp.Onl. lmp Iippii 1 vintr iiiilfiiiplicil fur n IP i Iih" lit .!) mn Uki. a t, G for .7l, t rial aiu 3. ninny ear. Al dmlrr or from I mil a Utra 'h v Mr. I'nnlftip rofprrptl In Hip r. . Ilio ,. if. Alii. limited, ltlaa,Onl. ppiiI ppMip nf fl. II. I'ltrilpyJ Mill 'I, I'. ...r j i.f I rfrmpralip menilipr for lr)ul-tnalt, .V CnM SI.., .. nl 15.5c ore I Hint II. .'!. Ill anil V. .1. IUiwpr, K.C.. llllcl IV. ill MiP . V 1.1111 ilf IpihIpp nf Hip fiMiilin. I'un-(rary I II n 'i.onn nitd lr-trrcd tin. iHiiiinl, .iiheil I 'W i.f In Mr. pnnly'n II.. lit 1 (Miiinda. 1 " . ' I. il in ! li I HUM Hip l.iilu'ir (Vmlrril Itcnr.) Iii.l ('aiMiliiin I'ihIi ,1 cij Sliiran '' air ill ..H ll.lllitl pciiiip Ihrmiali dm invpliealion hi Ift.Hc himI !ir. Ik. i- nr. .try I.. ilo hy Hip 1'iililip Apprrtmla (Vtmmi4 Avid- II., fc.iiHl nl li.7c prmnila, .I .lir .v fill Ipp nf Hip l.pilalnrp lianiNimiP-ly. a nl 1ii in tin- I'.aiiaihiiti l'ili l 1 Iwp Mr. I'auliiiP ilpplarpl W'IiMp It ...I hi ..rU had Hip iM.nrii finii,pipripfippil iliffi- . . IImi.1.1. lH.oi.0 pouinK "lln.lM.. iniiin nl firvl. n. rmw l,ii m...-...,.l :.. . i.. AHiii lilipri. S - r i ihc work ir,ftr a( ,h. frtv).tt ,,0.iblP P,tl m- i:ii,m..i,. Ml.i. 5:.. lim.1..!,,,, il. II I v lr ya- crnn.j.Hlnnt wppp i.aifl i m- m.,.1 in.-, m iip ' n tiait i "M praefi-I'ltfi ""M,y i,p jrtr mantifaPliirpr. nnl iiii-iii' .in I ... .I.. ip vpii in r opprn- ! lll- Jl.ll 'l II lll.-ll i. iiuiliii i.a.l Nothing Serious ltd tn i-aminnpiil (novel method to Mr. I'auliiiP oaiil Iipii'iI.I n pp miylhiiiK ypry Prlou in Mr. it !- All llll. ENCOURAGE BUILDING .npy' chnrirp thai primp iiiipp riti' i .I.THII i .1 IImtp finil lippn mixpl xvllh ffnx'rnnipnl iitKli: VICTiilllA.' MaiPh 10. - Thai liiky. MpHioiN of lhi foif In Hip rily i.n ..rrajn- Inulillni In ul- improxp liquor wpi-p pomiimn. Ii-. l..iiiB ipii ynar' lunation p -million Vnlil. A for Mr. Pixilpy'. -tap. . . I II I IIP. on all tniillin pi-...p! -.nPiil llml Iip kiiPxv of a Man Imtp llii vmr i Hip d-iiimiiI i li i ma I'-alwr Willi winp facp hail Iipii pnraljii".! Iy IipIi Alilrrman K. S. Von.lwaril ilrink nf poxprnmPnt liquor. Mr. PI ;. I iiiii u illi IliP a pi w i..' -iiIiiihIIpiI liy will lay lipfurp Hip city pnmipi. I'ntilipp iijr(rplp1 Hint inilfipiPiit uIipo il pnipr Hip ntnoufl nfl ii- I,. tic.iii.. in IliP iluanliliP of any lirpior mml.I li ui a i.ikt ilnip. hp iitrofnifni ir iir m;.i inmlyp nnynnp nil oyer. "llii ik Hip ypni mloplml "WliPlher xp have toxirimipnl illi iipIi piraonlinar hppp onlWil or prnliiliilinn rliall, The Greatest Asset iH ARRIVALS liv pu Yiirk I'.ilv." Aliipriran not liaP pprfpptiri, nnl I plappj plaln-lf "Allpr Hip jimrp ponfitlpfipp in iiliipntfon nn-l: aar W Yrk uhh rupiAl &illi n moral rpplrainl Iliaii in any laxx." tiPi'niir Imrlnci'. To pupimiwiip Mr. I'auliiK4 ucnl on. Of Anv Busi ness hiiiMina il IapMmI lo nltoH lula-Hn Mr. I'nnliriP rpfprrpl In Mr. ptpmfilinn fir Iph jai" lf IWiwpr" charvpx of PxlraxH-cancp. ex i n Boata Sell Catches al all lniiUllne. atarlP-l in tt'ZI . A ThP"P rharop cnrriP"!. xPrlcea 161,000 Pound ii rpauil till) inotinni iiihixp litllr wciuht, pontine a- Hipy -lt wprp nlarlPil ami Hip ppii'lior from a parly which. nmon ntliprj lllalij . I. . ....- al Hip local u 3 rpnpnl for hulMini: -ir4 llnnav h.til irojpcftil llipl.S.r.! I! "lis'-?.- i" itimmI jnanliiP'. pl Hip fnlivvnit.iMr. lo will an plwlioii. J The leading men in control of any organization are the most valuable fttuT Hi in ' -iill rpiiiMin Inull "What M-i.irui nfl i n.urp I iniirh l'i '1i -nl I'faclloii nf Hip ipxpniiP-nrfHliH-inE UihI. I'Piml FAILS TO fNOVE CITY COUNCIL asset of the concern the power to plan, build and execute. llcroirn i hi i.iitjj'.'rwi inivni llial titliM Imnjpp on ir aanl i'Uy!lwa Hi.' Auicrican pioHi-r! inla pay Hwir Iu&p arul up (piinMniiPil from puirp oiip) lVnim9ti.-.i i Hi .iiki Iht crcxvfrpw nhnulil Poro'imsp IIipiii In l.uiUI. lownHH.i. liii' for ri.Hi'i If Hip poutipil i ippruinp la linil l-cpri ulilaiiiPil williniil illfji-1 Hiiinl of 'Hip S.'iiiilnr unt tronltmip Ipxyins nil fliiproxPiUPiit lull) nn.lcr Hip Miprp upalliPC Thereore, it is quite logical to place a definite property value 'on pimllaf"pr.i - ur r (li'ii ji.iiniil". tax it fmiil.l allnw lliit li-n-ypar I'omlilion of Hip ( 1 fpw' tiny. IHpnpii rti..inipi - in H R.-i'-'l a xninption nnl I proMii.p In ura" No iTouht ip tiiimttpr cniil.I ha x such drains, in their relation to the particular organization, and it is IaI nf I ' I nun imhhuU tax . il l-fpii iIohIiIpiI. A" il a niany - Arriv.ii- hi.I alp w- n M-l "TIip pppx-nl imprnxpiilPiil lax of Hi" aiiinalurpit xxpcp nf lux-payprn. busing wisdom and propriety to insure this against Toss. l0XV: iiiuiipliiiiali .irfii-l. Iiiiililinur Hp hal imi axiloay l SpiihI l.ftiKi t.niiiil. nl jnlprpy anil if il i inprpnl, irtalp fr liPinc rppiil in niiniit IH.Ip 1 lln' I'm ifii- l i-li-'ni aituip prnMip, liuil.tinK will l.p i-f Hip pflilion. tip '!ri'lnrlii till in.irp Making t-ow Wages . nun iMinn.l- id I H.fii I ulii' ipiilP aurP llial HiU nl In l ii- PiM-ifiP I'mlipripa. I A Ullpr frtfn Hip UmiipH Motor council lm.I Hip inlPiiliyn of il"- No on? disputes the advisability of Fire Insurance for property. '.nil n.iiiiil, al I H.7-1 V.. Uliny il liu'l not liei'n rp- lusr tin ppoplp s will a nil cimni.' u . Life Insurance the individual for benefit the of the business i)i. i iinuiliiiii I'inli ppiiiiir a fair I wire of Hip rily iiiarp ilpnl lo nil Imt I on ihh on in ii ira;.-' ' Inimiipai. anil Uoking Dial il 1p ihink thai a rp.iirUon in Hip rain ipi:.:: - ill i m.m in iiiiiiiiiK. :i' If t nl iiniiipr'illiin in Hip future of pay of Inlxir from C.V In &np is even more important. Fire may never occur. Death must wi n-ci'iv.rl liy Hip council Ul mi hour i Hip will of Hip ppoplp.", ' rpicirpii i.. hip iifi:iru i.pclarpl lllPVlr,,'",,'0" "'' come. And there is no salvage to human life. Is your business i .wall. ii iiiiiiii. lino iiaifi-y, " -!..- m1 l lilillpa pnmmlt- lipanl anil hail provtil for lilmpir protected against the inevitable? Hint lalmrprw hint Iippii niakinc Ipkn than llliO a inonh, TIip council iniikt nprpp Ihnt ?76, K0, s4 85 or a Oil a month una not -.uf. in-lent lo kppp a miirric'l man hihI llin family in n city, likr I'riiicp .A sir any Life Insurance man to advise you with regard to lliil'i'il. which wax nn iixipiiixi I ncP lit liP in. II xrat inlpot Business Life Insurance. ,ip for a fIf-ri'i'PcUiitr man lo Imlil hi Iipa.1 up ainl pay hix xvny .inVlpr mh-Ii con.lii7ona. If tho railvviiy cninp.-iny p.'iiil the .i(ri' Iip lipanl il pui'l, it hoiiM l" ahamiil, Imt that xvti no iccmi UFE INSURANCE SERVICE why Hip city cli'iiil'l follow i'i cxninplp. The pnipliiyppH hun iiiip1y iikpi for n coiifcri'ncp In iiM-u Hip nfaltPr uinl lmil nol Baker's ihrpulcncil a ulrikp. i'jimpanii -i I'xprywhpro wpr" followiic Hip l-olirx- of coiiMilllns pniployppn on rpiliictinn' maila in w-asca wa un-Uhout rconnmy hy reducing unlnapil in Hip railway yanl aBaiiiat firciiiPn and policemen Cocoa nich a ipipxlinn ami .iicli a policy,linril nf. tu'inp snore than -r whp-. TIip Pinployppa wnnldl ami ilPniiyrnap rharpca were hpnn?ins In a Union. rholllll IIP fnlluwl l.y Hip 'Uy1," ' c.uiici,na.i ipp,i n pcacp ami liarniony- Iml hp pnuhl almiit "lo'acefup. That was hut AM. Slpphpn aUn fell lhal iiinril 't l. onli wax- ii i".oli- I'oaiil nf ilirpflort. of. n'oinpany nrci.pi nothing hut Irmihlp if Ilia a small muller howi'ver, n rom. Hip Civic niplnyppa' Union could is the ideal drink Jor potting chiUrtn riliatioa Moanl coniil now n nh-' W'UI, "' lia hiiIi. new hfali' wait put ind cffc-i'l. Ho Iiar' l lo Hip trmilile lhal mlfrht Iip Hip cnue of much trouble. laiiiPil wii xvilh i Iip poiLcnl of umol lo ail.ilrali'in..VIiPt!ipr H fell mire. In.wpxer, that if Him arir. I'crannally, Iip won 1.1 like The only rpnann Hiptp had not Not only doe its delicious flavor and eroma appeal to trie ll.p council. IIP fell i-prlain Hint wain en m or not ami jaiuntr i. oiincil rniilil lio VIh wii it hail o nf Hip council ujirec In a alrpady Uppii imuhle was hecaup palate but it supplies the body with a considerable amount Hip largi' majnrilv of Hip Pitlpna "' wnuM have racc.1 a fino .f m.vlp a iiii'lakc thai il woiil.I he ponrilialion hoanl in Hip lini of nf Hip pood quality nf cilUpna of pure, vrliolesome and nutritious food. favnii-l -lu ll a rnunu. I. ial '' I h rniiuoil w icniiy In ri llfy it ainl mihuiit !u an amieahle arranpiiiPiil heinfr that comprikp.1 It mpnihprahip. ypl In iintrt u ciliicn who aarcc-t "l HBnuikl aiilllliiif like llial a lioaiii of conciliation nn.l np-poliil rcaclip.1. Aid. Manlonal.l dpfpndpd Hip Children, owing to their almost ceaseless with mirh a larKP ipiIiicIIoii in'''-t "," uufalr for it il rcprPuplitative. All. Macilonahl, alalinir hia Union uinl olatPil thai IliPrn activity", frequently" require as large an aapa n- hen ilPciileil 'upon. auvnniaiip in aurn u ipcii- Nothing to Los fiM'linir lhal I ho mamlatp of Hip wna lilllP dancer of Imubln amount ef nourishment os adults, end fiood U'ilh audi a pclilion u wan now, "amy in tue u. TIip mayor pxplainpj Hint a pel il ion ami uputatinn fclioulJ llirouffh the firenipn ami polloe. cocoa is a Valuable aid in the carefully I'pfnri' Hip cninipil, il miut real-1 I'. Ilnta Mackay aald a pennm lioaiii of coiieliliiiii w-oiiM oo.l b INIpiipiI In hy Hip conncll in nipn hPlonttiint lo Hip Union. Hip arranged diet. But its quality must be ip lhal Hip upiipihI oimiiuu xxui wim.nroxc a nnroit wnn uu 111 ni- llin city nolliiiiu. p fuilprl In fuiriiPK In the riliipna a a firPinpn could not lrikeif Ihcy Ihil l!o cmj'UiycpN liu.l li-l I . lint.' alinit or failnl lo fppil lii -ee xsIipi-p 1Iip rily i.Iihh In lo.a wholp, iihixpiI that Hip council wanted lo without a Ihree-fifUia good and no cocoa can quite so -well meet I'll eti a pipjai-p ileal. IVimoiuy i nimiiU wra aiitijccl In punish, itnylhinii hy il. If il wouM lie a nanip a niirpPn1atixp In Hie yote of IliP 1'n ion. In oilier the requirements of dietitian, physician, ihoiil.l nol come hy t utliiik- lulmr incut. If tli rily - waftc nslur- mean l own ri In hrinitiiiK ulioul poncilialion IkmuxI. Thia wan riliPN. iiiffanlullun of Hip police nurse or housekeeper as-" BAKER'S iiun-tu Ip.h Huh a litinif ut--c Hon itiil not piialile II aj employcex heltpr rcclinj liPlwppn the city tcpotnUI hy Ahl. Markenslp. and fire dppartniPtila had Iippii .r.... MADE IN CANADA BY lut raUwr in Hi- latup psppiuli- mil llicir famine liift mliiinnin ami Km cini'l'yee, nurel) it wouM Firemen and Police succpatfiil. Vancnuver department LIMITED liirca routrnilpil hy Hip council. ,hlar.);iril of IHinc it vu in Hie hp ticller than In lei llilnjr ijrift AM. Munro fnvoreil u policy nf werp ortcaniicd and llielr & WALTER BAKER CO. Rev. Or. Grant j.-plrit nf I no law in Hie nuiur Hip way I hey xx cm iroinu al pre- nexnlialiuit hut eouM nut sup. elocicncy was well known. tWJW l7o Dnl'". M Dr. (Iiiint na til he xvua In nurcP- .oi.iliiii an I ho pian who til drat aeul. Ilecaup iiipii wnuli notjmrl such a request I'liiuintr from On Hip uinlliui lpnff put. It CANADIAN VIIUS AT VIONTREAl iiipiiI vilh all (he alaleriii'iiU M hi horan or x Hip l.alior work for 50c an hour, car Willi Hip Civic I'.inployep' Tninn con. waa Inal only Aid, Macdminld Pk,(U l CUit4 Rulw unl In made hy Arrlnlpacjn His, Tlie parly illil not lieliexe in b: Ingitif.jlumbor for the viy were lyintr utrnctrd a it wa He waijand Aid, Mnekentie vollnjf for It.