pn two TTTH DXTTTT irTVTB 6a'"Ml FMh a The Daily News PRINCK ntJPKKT - BIUTJSI1 COLUMBIA Published Rvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince llitperl Daily Now, Limited, Third Avenue. II. R PULLKN, Mnnnjrinff Kditcr. SMOKE (Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION IjJDSahirday. IVbrunry J, Win. was discovered in die ncifzhhnr. JIGGS SOCIAL Ii'MmI of'k'al" till I die rust nt in I it 1 11 k iiinl transportation hns in (he past always handieappd development. DEN'S LATEST EVENT G PORT SIMPSON HOME or ,ul on .bl. Affair and Raise FOR INDIAN GIRLS Goodum ALMOST COMPLETED MAssirrr. k.-u. 8. on Thurs-' lay, Jan. J5. a JiFirs sis'lal wax Everything Will be In Readiness held in III'' Church nt Massed In For Occupancy Before End raise funds In complete payment f month CUT PLUG fur installation nf ccctrjc liHlils . .. . and vWrinR In Ihe church. Tin- poilT SIMPSON, I'eh.- .1. - entertainment riimiuiiroil al m i lio now uirl home hern is near- l.m. the iarl nf Jijrjrs lieiuir laken jn(r a-iiiil l ion an,I the conliac- by the llev. Mr. Oilled ably assist.. r, Mr. Onnel. cxncrlx In have i d by Mrs. Oillell ax Mairnie Miss Ji rewdy fur occupancy before J Marlin made a charmiiur ilaiifrh- March' I. II ix a splendid iii to ler. The Jiffjrx cafeteria wax in ,aie JmiMiiifr and the -int rnt-lot i rharue of Ihe cook, Mrs. Pointer. m-ciiix to be doinir ery (TimmI an Irish Mi-s II. ham- ilnwii I In- linrd .'lieekinit 11 l"t!i an.rihe naid. Mrs. Ilaybould. wrk refeellnp rrflit on local CATHOLIC CLUB il i'"'- -ulex. the rtor-. Winn 1 1- 1 MapKie, Mrs. Hilled, looked after workmen. Nov Ily Sinsliiu and Paid (ilaved ce II lie, ,u I itn.l I: N the home cookinsr stall and The buildm? bax a full sire ' y. lireenvvell and II. Downs I n 1 1 1 n forwards, with M1111.1v !auhler. Mixs Martin. dix- Conrrele basement with a firxt ANYOX CONCERT The Anyox Hand, anil II. J. Itulliou unanls. I, pensed die ice eream. Pie bill- rilif healins plant put in by; sor Mrlnnes. with hix(Mfrice was representeil Jiy l.rainl ler. II. Pon.ler, ti.ok the ticket nl sieen A I.oiiRwill or I'rince Ilu-tlie )' IIKIII oli'lieslra ;-.ttm renlre, i'liorlw mi.l ljii-011 DollarDays door on n special salver. Tin; pt. The fir!ll s,r,,v rors are Splendid Entertainment Qlven In The iTariimiiy t,,nr. itorwanls and WimmI and I'edvin propram wax ax follows: ,lf maple Jhrouirhoiit, while die Smelter Centre This Week Tlii' S11I I on Siter, with (runriU! .Picture show, (i reels: dorinitoriex are laUl with e.lped AXYitX. I'eh. :i. On Wednes-'s. Airlvemia .III,I IMJOnneil. I Ouessinp number of ieax in liuiiiiy 1'ievo.i mill his Old rjr. . . ......... :.. ....1,1 1.. ....II II... I'nll... ANYOX PREPARING bnllle Tor children, the vvsners - Thursday, Friday, Saturday ; The -will iicvv huiblinp have an lie Mens Club made its firsl bid '" " leine K. iMinn (Kiris . ami A. m.lependcnt electric liphtinp lor Ihe favor of Anyox amuse. Juvenile Dancjtiu Duo. FOR YUKON NIGHT Ward (boys'. the Itnnnie i:iiaiiuan and Jean Msif-feil plant, wiring beins dune bv nenl seekers since ilx fnrinaliou Oue.xinir beisbt or Jiw' top h,,. Waul Kleclric Co. nt Prince, a'Duple of months Tile ef. - Valentino AND COMEDY PLAY a airo. hat adults). Dr. Dunn bcinp th' iluperl. Provision ix made Tor foil wax an ambitious one and Mrs. W11I sou and Max Marrow. Your Choice fiearexl. 'jNP Dnii'U'r I'Atraoriiin Jack ,oninp and eilueatinn or iry - ei'rw.'il several Hours or (ioimI AX VOX. K.h. :t. Tun,- 1- 11 The rnreleria wax then il-'tenty Ticrnev . native pirls. I III ills. Prom die opejiiiiK ov er-lure .... .any mix mt) in iivily nil llie Any. dared to be open and the menu J I by the orchestra t" Hie first "rmii- WH lli 'llil. se days. In fart, all coffee, Jpx -f-" ' Juslue lp.o.l.ite .... Hirt tIPirK, ,X STEWARTEND0RSES bar of 'The Kinjr" Ihe enlerlain- the vvirilO enterl-nn- LOT A. LOT J. inenl went with the swiim of mini, viinipe 01 i'.i.iihik: 1 ne meiils have followed eulerlain. I Till Tomatoes. 2's. '.' I in T"inl... -I rninu-I ne competition next item wax fur a bachelors.1 hat trim-; Dili DULMxI sfF EV VAIICV VALLtl DfcLT success I'ardci.larlv R.-..I was!Ji",,f','IlJ' ',"''",;',1'(,.,':1.lh, ''"'iiimiI-. and the pair,I nape Mend- I I'm Pumpkins, fx. 't in Corn. the -inpins or Mrs. O. M. Watson; "" ",; 1 "I ll"'in and the successes I Tin Peas. r. I Tin Pens. ; . arid after pravc tlelilieralion on: and Max Morrow, who were en. V.'. ' ,!" "".I Uirl achieved are 1 ns.ble fo, I Tin Corn, tV I lin Iiiiibar.1 I i. , the part of the judpex, Mexdpnrcs 'Will Do Everything Possible to 01 airain and apnin for the ; " i,i,-,uvu, ,n ,ni,h n(i(l I Tin Spinach, 5a. I Tin Crahapplea. Martin and 1". Wilks Co-operate I.awxnn, wn In Advertising . manner in which llieir duet selec .....-o. mf ,u,.,.,., )lk). .r s, The I Tin lief ii pee Henna, LOT K. I'djudseil the winner. Product II. I l.lerk Dewdrop. towns: tions wer- reiiderisl. r.o,,.i,iiinily Leam.e will Wnvnliy LOT B. 3 11ns Peas, r -. The spcllins conlexl, in which Co,,.-.. ,,,. A ti. I 'I'lie Misses Sullon and Messrs. .,: oreman ,,,,, ow 8)-mna.iui t Tin Tomatoes, 2H's. a Tins Corn. .'.. srtnie terible tonpuc twisters were A letter receiveit by the board oT .tnr Mnruie M.-l li.nn 1.1 Inn- ... O'lTonnel! and McKenna vver ' ion lliursilav event ntt. I eliru.iry ? I Tin Pumpkin, 2Vi. LOT L. asked by Or. Dunn, of trade from was won hy Harry Zefferl, sec. liHppily cast In a sonv which w-' 1 with a "Yukon Niicht's DnlerUin 1 Tin swet Wrinkled Peas, 3 Tins Tsutiatoc Mrs. Wan!., . . ,. It'taryof the .sewart Citizens entirely in keepinjr Willi die ai nenl." Wllilll everybiHly will ell., ' Tins Wax or (even- jViiKerlisenients'it were Axxocialinn, -wa reail , at llie lion and Hie stape settins, which BASKETBALL lieavor lo pill over successfully. I Tin Mnby Heels, J. Means. J's. iui meetinff laSt AT ('iIiiw Ibe screen, nlshl rtx fnlowx: "In ilepicled nn old parden. with a l.nemelir com mi)lees have tins I 'I'ln Spinach, LOT M. Mr. ltri?Kx,lcin(.ritbe only one In reply to your letter of November winr il I u in i it:i 1 -J with (raily col. in baruX and noliiiiis will be. LOT C. I I in s si' fiel all riitlit, I In mail scx.wal ha.ljl.1 I bae been inxtrucled by the si'x right. citizens of Stewart to to ored tfslit Slobes. baiKiintr from ANYOX STARTED -pared to Hi'liieve Ihe ohjei I de. Tin Tomatoes, t'. I s. tail. express die liuili nf an ase.l apple tree. On ?ired an eveninjr of inunceiit, Z Tins f'irn, S's. I Tin Iteliiinnle S .Mr. Ilnylioiilil pave a uoniliyou our wholebearleil very in support tliis the youncr ladies were sealed Inn ami ideaxiire for everyiKxIy. ? Tins peas, j's. loll. recitalion, endlleil Jlrx. Ji??s llhe action you have taken in e. t, re I il.. i'il. ...... i...n.. I Tin S's. Pumpkin, ami lo the lilt of die were Cake, brinpins In lival relebri. cant to idiilkley Valley lieef and son? Mon I 'tin II.F. Crahapr svvtin? gently by their ar.lentiSe"l0P.Lea?u SUd. 'W,,lies A,,.,. from Hnml LOT D. I lies. The buller and Ihe umid we willjlo eterythiuir we can to Tin Iminbard PI, companions. uIhto tin mi I roim rroiii. an 1 S Tina Tomatoes, 8ts, sanir a duet. The Keys or Heaven, co.npcrale with LOT N. in you advertis on Wednesday A musical novelty which went ! i, , IIm. MUr,.. autuiMe.l.! t Tins 1'jrty June Peas, J'. which was wvl! received ax beinjj ing same. l 't ins iamnt'll'n over his; was I'rofessor Mclnnes ''""'e will journey lo I'rlnce I I'm l'uiukin. 2U, very appropriate fur die oooa.iou. ANYOX. Feb. 3.-liaskeihall llie isenior . fsT sorleii as ord nn1 his one man orchestra, lh u,,,,,.,., al (,..,, ,, j ,,,, prM. I Tin Spinach. .Ml attending lite valhrrins STEWART League opened lf , ;,.. . LOT E. I Tin Campbell's I' Prnf. performinK on a mouth or-iiiiu, were axknl to represent a liook or schedule on Monday ,.ih. will, ' . Means, nenul i' t Tin Harlletl zither, cyrrjials. snare drum ;,. , , Pear. 2's sunn and several were really ex-eel flood has' and bas drum at one and die ru,,,,",:'...:::l'-kably clever eomcty will be! t Tin Crawford Pearhea, J's. L0T " en I. 'hividway been made H Tins V.C.. Pork ;in,l P same lime, which kepi his head, " presented, hul "..verythinB comes I Tin Apricot. tV There were some cakes, etc , on the development f,f 1( Mohile Men s Club went up the L .. t Tin LOT S. jmain.l Crabapplea, tS's. bands and reel p-oinfr some. u( Wljtv.. lft mine over on (be home roo!(in;i on (i lacier Oreek mid the -iiifii-r i'.iio. llie imi'iier leuill LOT r. I& This Pioneer Sardi slall Jimmy Preyoxl, with his old Nisrhl" and "Charlie's Aunl" are which were disposed or in a hitfh values ntriiiineil rn-enriy was the tavoriie chmre for a " banjo, was a treat and received will, on the lap of the ujms, however, I Jin Slrawberries, 2's, key apie, e. srnod way by Aiicliont-er Jiaps. A'ouid fioinj to die ixincliision us was also the Mine in the name several vvel.ieserv'd encores Tor arid tbinus wliich have hapiened I Tin lUackberries, 2's. LOT T. assisted by James die duller. The 'iurt Mie piiipcily will sisni be on widi the Klks. The dope was all 1 Tin his fine playinp. an In- written of lo heller ad-vanUige. L"inhard Plums, tH'l .iir riniirp o any III i very ral ilyinc amout or H3.e.T die shijijna- til. (i. D. It. Tay-lor ritiht as far as jl went, mil (he I Tin ( A feature I rabapples, Z-'t. lowiiiR Imiilly aphiuded an. lines, pHi ketl in wax i-.'ulied end all present is in elm 1-3 e of the wort Ion? scores did not malcrisliz LOT Q. t.rlke.l of was the danclhc of iton-o i.IK:- BKreeii ji wax a nfosl enjoyalde which is being baciril J.y Ixtslern and both winning teams just I Tin HarllcU Pears. even inn ie Chapman and .lean Moffett. LEAVES ANYOX 2V. Pineapple Marmalade capital. inanuircd l, no-e nut with Iwvi I Tin Crawford two Hide Birlx who saw Ihe Pearlies, IV4'. Strawberry Jam. d'inciiiif art of Yn lent inn in tlir poinls Ii the immI, the Mine ANYOX. I'eh. :f. Mrs. O. M. 1 Tin l.oB.'inborries, 2. Ilaxphcrry Jnm. SKIDEGATE COAL T4ie Slewarl Liberal Axsoeia- winning :'0.H. and Ihe Smeller LOT M. l-rtiir Horsemen jiieiure and set Watson was a uien-cr out on Hlack CunTint Jam. iioir lias clecitcd die rollouinu .3j:i. The first v about an imitation. They iirsic- name was die last trip of die Prince (ieorire. I Tin strawberries, 2's. peach Jam. MINE PROMISING ollirers for die year: ('resident. handled hy . A. Ilerry and the (iced it llieinselves and the -np- I'oiiihI ror Seattle, w her she will I Tin llaapberries, 2's. Hlackberry Jam, II. Kenvllr Viee-l'i-esidervt. Miss idailse received festirled lo Ihe second one hy . SU'warl. Doth visit' iuderiiilely with her mother. I T"i lloyal Anni Cherries, 2' ( i ali.-ipfile Jelly. Kate liyan: Seei-elary-lreasurer, eeferecs were .a I is far lory, nnl Force of Ten Men Working on s'H'cess of the imitation. Always eaver and readv In itive Hen iwrence; Kxeeulive lbs. Tans were treated to fast, Property Opens up Oood Vein corn-inillee. A clever litlle skelrh entitled of her best to the different or-Kanfalions A. Patterson. I". IlirrU clean basketball. of Steam Fuel .1. McIikI, J. p. llavkinsn, .. 'A Dome'.ilc Traely or J.n.50" The Mine (.nn consisted of askimr for her assistance. save Miss II. Champion. Miss Mrs. Watson will he (Prolan and D, Mrl.eun. L a n ii e . Swanson. I'ercuson, Rupert Table Supply Co KKlDKfaATi:, Teh. 3 ArraiiKe. Violet Knloji and P. Drnudsoii an Corkle and Slrwarl. irreiilly missed in Anyox eulei -Inlnnn opporlunily to display llieir bis. nt circles. merit are in prosp'ss for the ile. L. S, Whilhaker. formerlv The lks hail !.!, Ilupn, llnb-ertsn, olnpinent of a coal mine al the manajrer of Uie Jiatfk of Mori, Irionin ability, which they all did WlllisiTofl and tlody. PHONES 211 and 212 P. 0. Drawtr 1712 A irreal deal of (be -oulb em of Skldepale Inlet and treal has opened a general slore very ncely. The Catholic Men's Club played u force of ten men working there lere credit for the performance and Hen I'ilrpalrirk. Oreemvelt, lUlsil BOILS its is due . II vvh'i have opened a nod vein of steam success ya n. I'ilrpalrick. O'lUmnell ami Har-r.ey which (lives promise or be. I The first i-liurrli service U'led as stutre mtinaper. Paddy 1'itrpalriik. ina extensive cnoiijtli in warrant held nl Premier look place ever la! (laiuted the scenery and did Ilia For die Kinelter, Dr. riiiiunonx. Made Him Sick thousand ami one lliinyx neces shipping. week, Itev. Jvdwin Moss tieiliff in Hrown. W'ooster,' Ilerry and An- As early as (he year IK02 charge. sary lo put on a performance of I ilersoii lined FISHERMEN! this sort Ihe slaae arranKe-p' . up. .. , and Miserable iiients were splendid and the cos 'llie Intermeijiale Haskell,all i nines new and appropriate. Mr. New Season's Iairiie not in uimd -tart "I Had Bilious II. Chapman filled the sisillon of on W'i dii, silay away when Hie a Klore and Attacks musical direr(Or and did il well. Mr. nirlurd Zaleniniil, MrUin, datk., FROZEN HERRING BAIT rtfflce clashed in Ihe firsl fixture wrliaa: -"I had lifen urrcrliif and The program In full was a fol. eoulmu- Stomach of die schedule. Tin keen Weakness" s: re was auly. Willi leSU, for I lire iri, an, Overt lire Orchestra.. competition bolli sides, the duriinr Hull llnie I IrU-d n,an)r dlffrreul Just Frozen Beautiful Quality Mrs. Win. Robinson, Yon- The Co.Optimist Opcninir -core hciny nine pninls (o seven rNwdlea wlilHiut any surrssa wluievrr. ill fuvor , 1 I-,,- Hore When die NEW ENGLAND FISH her, Saslc., writes t Clonus. "I Wish I Kjiew"; JiK-Jaus, In Hl of all my f(urli I coniprlltil Company "I suffered from itomach snd "Twni llaiej N'uta and One final win - i. 1,1,w . I'red Jlrowii lu go to tlw iMwpllal. TUIa ia In iha KaUhlksn, Alaska Brans liver trouble, snd uied to hsvc Nlin-iT Toe"; The Cborilselte-, "mile a ,ii ip ivferee and kept j Fall ut Hie year, and rltu in ilw bgtixi bUious attacks to bad that I could "Colorado and You.' lima of tlx miwi. I's niy return do oothin for wetLi at a time. Sonw hlrailKe Jlilslc Lldilell, liwia II JMt UtuU alsit o weekt until My atomach would be 10 weak I'revosl and Me In nes. SIMONDS my neck and anna wart aialn octupli-d that not evea a drink of water ClosiiiK Oborus "Hy the by tha bolla whirb uiada urn rl very DENTISTRY; X-Ray Service would Hay oa h. On my aiiter't Campfire," Misses Kb), McDonald, SAWS irk and mlserib. advice, I began to utc Dr. Hilton, Muffed, Mesdames Mc. 0ns day on of my frlendi advised rus The only reliable and scientific method of knowing H1' Chate'i Kidney-liver Pills, and Kenna, Cballand ami lieske. lo try Buraeck Blssd Bitlara, and arirr exact condition of the teeth am surrounding must tay that they have made ne Messrs. O'Oinnell, McKenna, I had uaed leu llian two boiile I aa huny structure, leel like s new woman. Merry, Down, Oteeiiwell, McOuire very mui h aurprlMd al tha rsiull. f Every "SIMOUD" and I vans. 1 Il la now over iwo yean ld t, DR. BAYNE DR. I Saw U lh bighart grada CHASE'S A Itomeslic Trofl-edy, or 60.50 in louib wlili v. U. n and I nave liad KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS Keene it p.m. the Hokums' din-inn s II la potaibla to mk. oo Ixaner txilla aluca. I wlU reom Office Hours: 0.6. Tues Thurs., Hot. Evenings 7 all mrpd II It periona aufftriBg froui Ou room: Mrs. Onsuru a live d'll In lha blood." I Dental Nurse AJway n Attendance. plU a dM, JS CniU txii, .U any oVaJer. ut Ioiaoson, lute SimaaJt Caaaaa law t.Uila It"- otie f. Iiraudaou : Mrs. Onsutn Rooms 4, B, 6, Helgerion Blk. Phon A tV, r.ld , TunpuUi. Il an n.. Mtiiul t. B. b, la nianufaeiured only by Tba ti, wife , Miss V 1 aton: Norah VMcwrl.r ii.jMfca.s.l. T Nllburn Co . Lliniltd, rreni. Ant, !