nun ram THl DAILT WIWB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa BY COLU-Y- FEEL. BLUE- 1 VAVTER- I WANT , WO J oUGHTO'. I TR ivmmi J I IVE CEEtS LAVreNtrWo R p i ! TWO BOVLCO M- L I FEEL TERRIBLE MACOE. ALL. OrV fO S-j ' ECC AN- ?OME CeVT TOO !Af OOM'T EAT CtVC TEN POONOt) TO jrj TOAiTl A Klt-tO WOHO? 1 ! TtOfet CCiCb i i 3 a." n ? Vi? ?! I ft SPECIAL UNTIL THURSDAY. Ladles' High Lace Black Kid Boots ns illuMralion . Alt nit?, Per pair , $7.50 ''HtMi-, Our Shoe Repairing Plant i po-um 111 J a lT fiTut SvKt. Inc. di-oni:. fati-ifarlinn unar-atiloed. I-'.xin'ii workman al- wn)'s A trial mi-oil.llir ile.l.Joh. ALDER PLEASED WITH INBOARD. I OF TRADE WORK Ten Years Ago i BUY YOUR Family Shoe Store In Pi'nce Rupert i Daily News Classified Ads. or Sertds In His Annual Subscription Third Avenue. February 3, 1913. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Arfv'rtlmnt Takon for Latas them BOe onoes Phone 357. . With Nice Letter of Appreciation P.O. Box 166S M. Herman, tin- local oijrar maniitiicluror, li.i- rnnn.l huine WANTED FOR SALE I FOR RENT from n"iri!liiiiB that i it niToji.ary A I I lin iii-i-t nm nf the IrparU iy?,i.s,. ...TV.. T"' iiiwi In move In more commai- KXIIIItllliiX MAN Aii Kit WANT-l!l. K'lll SAI.K. :m x in Worktioal, Mill IlKNT. ,rrom Kelirtiary I. Iriiili- held ta.l iirfrhl. a loiter wa a Shoemaker read from W. J. Alder n follow. ItitlllH i'iu i J m . j With hxmmiIu,. unit or-nniinir in II.P. heavy duly piirIhp. Th entire Hmr or any portion THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY herewith ahilily. Ilolii- In I of It n Pi-M s Iiy Hip "AMHERST1 "Kiii-lo.ed my lifm .. lor for dm ni- tin- in in ni ofy l I-'" li. -m ii i i-i-nix, riiiiiiii.-iii-o Man-li I. Writ p. t x in W'orUioal, hull mily Wainlerpr' r.hili. sioitm houl-ed r-t"iu ii-. LLHintn. SH0U, I mil"'. Malum .alary ami iualifi-n-lton Mill wiU ntriko loli or ele From $5.00. Wallpap ers Tin- officers, of Hip ltoard arc I In- firl (rue-d In reitcr there In Kxhttiilii'ii Aikiii-tioli. :H x H Salnioii Tmller. A II.P rofttna.' M. M. Hlcpheim. mm-p llio riwnt fin. l'rineo ltiin-rl, H.i'.. lioo.) ontfti, 7,Vi.oo. "LECKIE" in hi cou&THlulalPd on the result Hill HKN'T. Sieiim-hpated. SOLID LEATHER for i Ihi-ir effort In market tin' WAMi:ii To nurrhaoe S x Salnnvo Trollee. B II.P SHOlt, Mr. niil Mr.'J. O. M l.ennnn ukH pji-Ip oiiHloe mt..ftO. niltl riMMll. iy dav .0 Week; f rem SS.00 per plr. tut tf the inrlor. 1'Imi, Tyv-rilr, ir llMiiinsfnn I'n-ilArwnoil. or with Ui li-fl for 911 extended In or without hoard. II.Miie trip if, x l'leutirp fciAt 3V4 Shoe nf tin tnlwiiir (Kllriiwiil Repairing, (ii-i1Ii fnl iikhIH. iiiikI ISlMlklllH. Also llailw-kl-pilliil Hip llillo. Stale. Paints nart favorably on Hip rily j h h.inraln. Apply X.Y.. rnity Uroy. IJa.ii. miilp. Norfolk Hom-. IMiom-Jtte-k Irt it i lliat 'it Xewn root rovvlHiat Willi nam, f5. anil very apparrnl ,1 linnv. or PIhwio OH. tf aiti. if will laki- a unilivl north to got I5V fool dory, new, never GEO. HILL laxors or tfven jimlicc out of th The Man in the Moon jnVAXTIU). Men and Women to ti.-pn uiipmle.1: cot MHi.tM, FOIl IIKXT. -Jleain healeil lr niii ini-ial or I tout in ion komth-iin-nls j I larn Harberlnir. Paid vkhiln Pricp ;o.o. ire ppp in r ctleral lltoek. M The Shoeman. seas Window oor Hi, lr.nuouK work SAYS j j learning- and looN free. Writf tM fa I hum one inph lino, M. Stephen. Third Ave, anil iironauanila of Ynnrniivi-r. a j for rataliuriit. Molrr Harbor cool aiiin.ou for nn.M. Opp. C.N.R, Tlckel Oflka. - vmi' Ill RTF.AM lloted Klal tVr rent. -iiliiiorli-il HM it is hv tlio hulk of m-ii .unniri-ai vmw. Golieee. Vancouver. H.C. dory uiM-hori; Kit feel Hlb ihf ixiiiilalioii of H.i:. llowwi-r,!'10 ' f""1 Hip lnailHnrlm of paid.-; i - r.Pt ,th trahanU. I leaner aiartiiienii. M. M. WA.NTKK. llirl for hoieorkt 8leUten. lik. tin- finfr that fell in tli-L"' ''II Hallway ii i-abip. ily Mi. J. W. Nirholl.. tlli -hum. l'l-ini-i- Itiiiii-it will wt re. Automobiles POM IlKNT. -Four twioie.) Glass Anin. -i. i'Iioim nr.x. :ii y Meam, American Express -iilt if he kirks hard Piiouph. nr.iiAiAA vorkcr wnnl tin-I Molp lonrimr, imnd Urea. healml flat. Apply Smith and "If I run I"- "f fuMAiri to you .S. to-Miup Krnn from opr-". SEWItxQ Jul ovprhniileil. Tenna. 37a. Mallei. if' a uiiy linn', lot itir know. What a ilirrreiil Uilo ChPvrolPl, lioo-l ire, iMerbtn-irally Money Orders PICTURE FRAMING it .wrwilil liave itp jT I'f.AlX SI'.WIXO I.inp. Pricp rihl. 37ft.iMI. , KOH XAI.K. IbSVPllfioi I, be.. ROAD TO CANNERIES hail cihIpiI ililTiTPiilly. rpafiiialip. Phoop I Hup too. Nnl liahl delivery, with aMixi-. furniliipe. Pare.. Phone Issued on A speciality. i Iiar' wirinjt; immhI liren; Al-valer-Kem Ml up 3IMI. Nnrwnv. WAS URGED ON MEMBER 'I'lfr.ltK'i nn .wukpiiinif on NURSING tsuilion. Temi. TUITION x!r e n X, Uiii Ciiirlolli llun... Ilurrnli J7Vio. Denmark at Lowttt for I h taily Httakc! (IMADI ATi: M'flSi: avallal.lp for 'Hie above car- wHI lie donhui-elraleit NHRTHHRX POI.YTKCIINIC In-j Current Rat Mr. Pattullo In Hearty Sympathy daily vMI SILVERSIDES or hourly nnrnlns. al may limp or wilt .Hlute of !.C. Knirineprtne.j vBut Unable to Give Assurance TUP. llolrtiPxK Mltrnily nnroini; a eoUlly. havo dorlArml rent by the wteefc or 11101HI4. Coirnnperisl. llniiehold andi wir ou J h ,1-Vi-jfttL I'Iioim lied Hi3. Agent for BROS. ..Nnv Atli Engines Uenera! lVlipH..n. Thorniurh-ly Ivoilr kU-Ii iir Ihopf uill Norwegian Amarlcin Un l.i Ipai.ku 1 Phone 22. P.O. Box' 120. i At tho Ti-Ptinviof.tliR hoard.dfli Ififil tjt'4 Ziti. ..: niirlil' train In 'take tin hi. iuw in hp. Slaiiilanl, with equipment up-to-ilate nJ practical Swedish Amtrlcae Llrn . ' eoucapa given l,l(0.X). by iiunllfied in-' it IrHdr laxl rxoninu. 1 1 1 i-oliMlliller SIOltTSMK.V olin .1.. ...w dntr7'i hprp. IIP wa 'aceomanipil candlnevlan Am.rfcari elruexAre. KtuuVmU appoinlod in utffl lion. 'I ly Jlr. wtiO 10 h.p. Palmer. 30o.fl. Llna. hit-'h 'to-pri'iJ' riflcH nfti'ii J(. lUiimPy' i poinu for reeoanixed 1 1 h.p. Kerro, .landanl JUIu- I'aliullo I,, UI-J.-I- I In- 4niililinv of Koiilh npxt wpPk hish iiowrn, iinauinatioii. on a holiday trip Oliver TypeviflUr ewtional, FUtaineprtna i h.. ftefral. I pyrle IftO.O. and (In rond from I'riiii ltuiMrt lo Sefi-'jrp Inklns up hpr reniilouoi-lierpi Cary Safes Kerro Commerv ial exam malum. h.p. with clutrh. 75. The Very Latest and Best In th i-iiiiiiorioi', rMirioi lhal Mr. SAY ffc yi..irolf: "iy tty day 1H h.p. Calmer, need mtntf i.vening cmmn cinducled all FIRE INSURANCE il'aiiiillii pxprp.xsoif, liiniVi-if Mr. Mannin? . a export lo ! in' in-r,5.V(ff tluinoi. in . . uollinir Anyox and Prince 55.0(l. Itiifiert. (lioui-iily in fa'vor oT llie i- :j " ii Kf lit fAr Vii-toria rrtair. For, Hjojwt hriMiy In Iiprte? flrt iiwlor. ami Ihon if il flltieter MEN'SWEAR llml no inilivi nniii-Hiii'. iohIo 1' liol impmvp xfoadily il tiiki nil hN npw jso iu the head Automobile Motors J. W. Krrtln.parlk-ulam local aply to Dybhavn & Hinsoi Iio -ivcii thai tho work would ho won't ho fault. olflpp of Hip i orept Itraikh. Mr. .1. h.p. MiiiMutker; with mms-lielo. aaeni. your Anywx. H.C. Ihe i-iiiiimi-nii thin our. Ho would Munpin? and family will al.o hi: I or Ilireclor.j Third Avenue .do hi iot to urso it. WHY i it people ni or M-oru eoiupaiiy him at that lime. lit h.p. SloUrlanl-liaylon. IS4l. Wallace H.C. lllock, prince Ituperi Prince Rupert, B. C foe my up-lo-dala Slock of '1'ln-y woro told ly rr. P.-itlullo to liro of tho lory adoiil two Electric Motors 0 llhal ail olTorl was lid up inado to men tioinjr in loo with nnc The C.I'.II. oloaioor lriirro A h.p. Siuvlp pliane. AUCTION SALES. Ih' i tho Kovoriifuoni to pay pari woman or two wornpn roadv to Mary i din- from Hip north at 20 h.p. :i iha. Confluctd in your home or it Suits and ii.f 'In- ro-.I. iik it would opon up liar oacli ollior'o oyow out uxor t..'!u thin afternoon. I li.i. 3 pliaw. . our room. Goods aUo sold nn :ln- property of tho tirand Trunk Hip nairip man Miwl of tln - - I -rtl Ii h.p. iiujrlex phase. romniisalon. Dry Kindling li'.oiinont Ut. now ownod hy hookH and wri-pn phhiro arp Prividont ilitrfioii. of lh Miscellaneous H. H. HEMMING3, Auctioneer, i tin- Itoiuinion. Ho wti nl ronly alMiul ttiOM ami ppoptp. I loan I or Trade ii ariernooii 'lire vuh-Nitixiog plairf: hlrvcfc-miiiIIIi 823 Third Ave., -Phones: and Overcoats f -iiinioii thai fin thin? to do ; :t-.'. :iijioinl,ed : II. (Irnii. S. V.. pr. blower; iiletlriviiisr 011I-ril, Black 615: Qrean 471. l niimi w wninnn: I wa to kop haiinivorinir away all X o'iiJ'' upprnn lo' know wliy If kpr and II. I". I'tilJpn a oommil-Ipo fro buaiiiPK. iiiorluuity. liiiiiiii injiifL.u llio limo milil roxiill woro oh. i lhal timtrPf. a ft or il i put lo draw up ronolul joiio for 'IV o idiiiivle niai-hinPK. flpp CLOTHES CLEANED at Specially Low Prices. t a im il. into boardo. i -all-i iinpr. prPKontnlion al Hip Hoard of masinolM- tranforotei for and prenned by latest 8TF.AM For Sate Cheap. 4. Trartp i-ouoniiou at Vanoouvor. ehiriciiig liullPriea frmii liulil pretminir process. Tho kiuilii . , -: - 8 lilts called for and delivered. lonili'l fi ( 11 1 oi-kol. A vnriply of aulo-molHle FEBRUARY COUNTY fJ-JT.WAUT in .al.l In ! Op- C.O.M.M. Canadian Winner, iiiul marine piiiipmi-iil. Phone 649 -hip -hod ' lirnfih. Hut Hipp Slownrt li.i Thor Johnson j COURT ON MONDAY llio yoixN. , cominsr from ioloria for overhaul 11 UN Mill Me you oil ellip-iiieul LINO, The Tailor two nod (hr. - h al Ihe local dry drl, in for any pur r.e. Norlii-prn TAXI planktnu 111 iiy; 1 r ... pxpeided hen- iipxI Tlnir.ilay. llxrliaiti:e. rcloptntie tun. - 1 1 i . IJii: Canadian National Hail- Two Civil Actions and Five Next to Glennle. Second Ave. way, ai-corilinu'... lo iPtPirrapiiH'r . . '1ip vpoHol will bo "kIvpii nifniiul i9 Hirond Avoniie. Prinoo Phone Number Changed to walk-., en . Naturalization Applications inPolion and overhaul hern hut llnpert. II.C. 67 report, ha decided on a policy, Pacific Ltd Coming Before Judge llipuiup polley that wa in forpp dirk official. Ii.-ivp not yo ppn HOAT lll'II.DINil. repairimr. and (Call flooriro Ilnj Cartage, 1 Young ndviopil a. to the pjlcnl of Hip Five-paMcner Tourinir Car liofor,. Mr. Ilanna look -liar?e of machine rtliop, nilualcd al Phone 93. ! work lo Iip don. Prompt Day and Nlnht S.-rvio J uffaii-x. Verily tltero i nolliins Prince lliipcrt, H.C lln Two rfvil arlions and fiyo. al now under tin ftin. - Stand; Boston Qrlll Third Avenue EDSON marine way fill Ion clipaclly. COAL 'plii-atioiiM lor naturalization aro Kriipul l.ovo. Hip pfv miierin-toiidul palerina (o finliiu? flei'l MUSIC Im'I lo romp lioforc Judice Younc of oily nil IIHi, ii exported .hoii Hip roliriiary County Court NEW HEAD FORESTER to arrive in Hie elly on a WalPffMinl jmlnvf cincprii.(HO feet.For For further iiIp lUrti Arlliur and his On-bealrn Dnn'f Wnrrv! Hie Vcnliiro V"i' nan now Supply our I 1 1 noxl Monday. tomorrow nitrltl IlP-orKanled w.. 1 1 we - J W. . parlirulnra wrile Ke, FOR PRINCE RUPERT from I Oakkiml, (lalifornla. K. V. Tho follow -uilx am a : FAMOUS EDSON COAL O. Hox K1H.-1, PriM-p llitperl. DANCES, BANQUETS, Eto I iiiou J la irk of Haiiada v. W. .1. DISTRICT IS HERE lonei. Hie new cily olicllor and ' Latest1 Muslo in any quantity. Kiiik for 90Hi.;5 on a promUitory city clerk, will arrive in Ihe oily iu:. 31 Reasonable Prices We have porrlior lulat. 1 ;noo. William, Manon &. fion- Ion W ediici.lay, hut he l inance I I.I acre four moijiod Pimm- Hlack IH3 or ho. zalox ltne hf- oao for tho P. S. Bonney Arrived Last Night Commillpp ha not vol been ad- honse, bnm, chicken houip. WOOD Phone 58. iilainliff. From Prince George to Succeed vicd defiiiilolv a In Ihe dap two welU, v, ten acre under linap'n fton v. fl. Olkon, E. C. Manning as ..r th,. iirrival or .1. H, A. Fllr.-al.iu, i-iilllvalion for sale; or will Cedar liotli of Aliop Arm, ?i.'Jj, pay-iiiont District Forester tin- Iroa.iirer rrom Vetxre-viile. pxi-hanpp for I'i-iim-p lliipci-l Dry Hemlock and for kijihU old and doliver- Alia. iniiorly. M. M. Woplieim. NOTICE TO CONTWaCTQWS. Cut to Your Order. iil. William, MaiiMOii &, (Ion l H. lionuoy, former dUlrirt bi:4i hIo- for tlio'plainllff. foiior al I'rlnofl (leorno, lio i Advcrtini) in 'ihe Dally Now). I'flll ;Al.i:. - lirmn HbowiMSI. Wr rur in I'lUilidriu Ti iiriu lUiriiou.HiM-t-riiu.I'cm," m 'l lio followfiiu an applying for lo Hlireoi-i) l,. I'.. M 0 11 111 iik n dix-Irii-I Siiitabh for ciyiir and aniy. Ik- ri-ritlviNl ir I'liWif liyilli.VViirk.IKwnuraliri-m w I"" t lie Mini-Mr Mini HydeTransfer iiulnriilir.ution: Julin Woolioi forii'i-r fir I'riiu-o It 1 1 1-1 1. 1'ront.erouii advert In I n mean) .'I fl. lona x II iiiolip" Jrryfl. i). ilia lltli 1M1 ut Itliriiary, ltd. r..i I Kruiiiian; 1'i-iMlor Clynok, lion i rrixi-d from tho niton ir on la' resulnr nonllnuoim adverlinlnr First UI lakPH il. Ilonl' ine Imaia er.riii.ii fiw iuii-iuhi ami ruuailrilMi lrry. ut rvn I .m Phone 580. lleildy-Ui-Wcar (oi-p. 30 linn.. Kh 1 lIlrtUiHi.. iiiiiilrirl. mul maiiiun: Kam M. Kill. Soihian: nn- nf TeiHlar mat iio neon mi ami afi. i Kervp-n imd (Juai 1 r "r Mii'IihoI .inkovicli, I'olo; and Ivan lit- :irrl day nf IH.nur). I:l, al 11,.. Canada's Standard Rimedy for Pals 'THEthnilt fict It this t th, I, Fill! HAM". Onp rdendld Thlnl llfrirr air I III' IwinrtHWtll (rf -ultllr Wit.. Mollo. M l'i itoi .on. ' nothing,,.. I..I .....L. VI..II-1.I.. 'kJi Viruiilo. H :.. Minn lllrtueer l'i1i... quit to good for ...a riij F. ii.-i.i .11 1 irnil r-l ., unpen, h.i:. A..I.UHI lil.tlli-l liimiii-11 point mnJuchtt ot Ttmpttton't at a area I ii'jfaiii for oah. Hiiilliwri Hi:. Rhtumotio CoptuUt, Tk attl-tlitl la'-h imiiNisal murl b 1 oniiHiiiini it VERY SUCCESSFUL - XR.C'? pcr Ihfjf coalilr) Ii sbirb4 M. M. Klepbens. an iHarxl bank rtuNjin- m iriirnair ,,r aVpii.ii iin'a rluiriemi liana ut lanmia, 'CANADIAN LADY' lk klonj tie t csrrKi It Iki tcil i.w 1'a.iaiiw ! iw iifMiiiiiianii' inr Mm Full HAI.I'.. Two F.iit:lii.h prince -SorgTl YEAR FOR SALADA t Ikt fila. j. U. C.'t CMtila - Ax-lililintor lii-r ..f rottltc worm, mi in .urn kbU.(orml.drui. Thtlrscll Ii rtilin. '.) x MIW Only w lilili .nau in- ft.m-iiwi if ll fiam LnlHrliK iliiiiin in rnl 1 inio I rtmiit iki cu. t Iki ptls. lined II fiw WiM-kri. J'in M7. itai '. ulM'ii -alli-il iiihiii ! il . ur It hr HOUSE DRESSES The K.(ladi Tea Company report- IISIVO rul in ".iiii'i.ii nu- wink "iinai'li'ii fi.r TORONTO 1 Im t llioir nules have in- u T.R.C.'i Ii sol tipcrl. FOIl HAM-:. liiirupy Oxford tin- -iM-iiiif- in 1 i-i nruair-k 'tr ili-rMiaii i.r From S2.00 Up. aneal, may lkmiiii el Cia. "ut - -.nil n-iMli-i'i-i'- va ill tt irlurrMMl n In Centre bf Shopping roii,cd l.7M,2y Urn. over 1921. TotPLrroMs tiltmt kt( fiu4 Iki (IttctlKMM llanfc in tiood coudilton. p Mum ni'iin ilv -. iiii.ji ut llw riinlrail and Bukinust DUnA They fi4 that Ibwr policy or al-ay. WmVUkTK CAPSULES ol T.R.C.'I. Tk bttl tut est ply l.luey' llroccry. m ll.l'l-Tuiili 11IH r. ihi uill lw n. l flft'jlljl Im nHiMilanvl aHf-ifllleil. .Ikll'.l mil. - 230 ROOMS maiiiiatiiuiK ratli It la fit a follir box lrn Vii'i III a'liiril iltiialara of lli ti-lKlro-i BENT'S Readg-to-wear 100 with Print Btr unvryinK qua-iiy your eratUiitl, tr lor Irt tanili BOARD. ami rwkwii in ilu- rnti-liiiMM riniu.lM.ri lia- Im-pii tho rouon for Ihe---' Tf C 'c MtteQtrikiumalliai Till 4.C. TintfUUs Ce.,Tnala. aarih-llw- Mimoi nr any tefulVr ri'.l un.. ni-'-fpii-t. Third Avenue. j'ticinmioiiril tiiPieam-H year IVVt 2 Mi other palas ar my. Apuitilcirt brief It. HOAIII. Inlander. H.ln Sond P l-llllip ' ' IttauuKuuxtruKUitmtauutKxttKYi "I Public Work rnslneer fP Hank 0 M f ly.-.o-. Sold by ORMES LIMITED. Avenue. Phone 137. if I'lililla W'.rk" Peoarliuenl. Viiiona. a 1 aniiary :MI tttn