10 TUB DAILY NEWS paoi TnnKi LUMBERMAN COMING LOOK OYER GROUND Local and Personal 1EARANCE SALE ( -:- I l;lM.illiy. ii i.i niiil..it Iiiii.I.. ! iiiiiii i.n.'i ill uiu ii Mnuniill U. G. Uncerlakers. Pho.ie II. tf umiI timber limit iii iti,. neiph-'"" 1 1 f tar City. Kiinkalclie- Hayuera, Undei laker. Pboue Majestic wan. wliu n with tin- lumber-IHUli 361. . If - pmH. -ay. 1 1,;,I either liiin.i.f r I,,. ,arlii. i will lie irr Niirthcfii l'.i lianii. aJv. hj Electric Heaters here Ihiii rmiiiMii .urn r U, hink rlacnifiml xrdlMMl. - 4 iimt ih irniiiii.i wild a view to ope at ill mi Ill" eoa-l lie Only Ipii d;iy !. hat ! M ' '- I In- lii -I and nui-t niiral Klci-trie. much iiilere.te.i m tin- lundipr vol to lodl enUrv aiofk At lr. i" '-"i''. 'I'Im'ii' are Inner when eery home in.iiTl ami uniercil Hit ImIIv inrndnu itlrotM. Umm' lit anil hi electric heater. .! , in' m'lit him i-i'Kulafly ho foi- yournlf. Aia TraJliw ;. . i.li-il i Ii--..iiIhhip fhi line, we tune de Hlill II" wiiriit hii., h. t iri in re Cohiimtiy. IK nt lluwe on blind ni pi-jen thai make il Kuril I "li'vi.niii(i.iu hrre. I u u invr II wan ifrrtrifd at Ilic inwlinr r;li'lllelll. Mali' Price. HOTEL ARRIVALS if fhr lUxinl of IVudP mUyihiv I rn.w $12.60 7.70 Prince Rupert aSt awKdS?5ilida'"tlin.liiff Jdnj H.7r. 13.75 lr. A. K. Kin-n.J . ml A, J, Milllxr of tit I(Hi"I. 16.00 VVulkiiiHiiti, iirt f.iniiiiin; i. A. ;'.i.mi 21.00 I.atinii-r,- Viiiii-i.iiv.-i'; Mr. (Imi Wru. Fml Vrinii(t naila l- lni-r and iIbuicIiIit. 'IVrrarr inriit un U4 I'riiM c John for Jlr. and Mm. p. k. Iinnnoy, lluk)r Itay vlw-rr h- will Join I'nur ilroriNi; Jaiiii' H. TIUMnr, ilf. WVrwty Kho loft for lhl t liirfii; It. O. OiiiiiiiiKfuun, Port point a fw w 2 r.niug1im. " Csntrat I1w ImiFM rjifr will oiii-it tor H. Viclidlonn. Him 1 1 hi'r. butnmn on ITiur.ly. I'i4irtiary uitdrr p- Manit'mrnl. Wll i I i d IIhIi- li-fl on t niKlit I lam ISMMula, formerly cook at j 1 1.1 1 ii Tor HtUMlUNt, 1he YbHt UtHh. manavper. 2 Distinguished for their supreme quality and'delicacy of flavour f.ow Kxprnnf, lnr I'rire I', r iIit tl a pa'fHMurcr if..i Irrrm-i- on haat niitlil' (rain ttHna-A I' tloo.1 lniiir-.. jp 7ancy Frozen ttk-r Mi. Otii I Sr. tin. I Mi-. II. A. OHlilH. wtfr of I'omadop t o. tin. Pure Sir - U i.i. oriiiolon of Ihr 'i-wina berry Mm 8Sc. tin. Fuller' ji.'ii. i vailltia ff Vlelilrla on lli (irorery. if riiii.'..p nrr mi afirnmui ar .ini..inii-it hy tir family and ReKirt from Port Siinjiwin lO for 15 Herring Mr. r.roflon. -ay tlal the tfteriiuiioeler lia - heen reciidrtMr a low a ten Mi-- ii. I.iii ford. iu arrivi'd and twelve degree an, riiatiti 25 " 35 fi.nii Si-atili- (Itio wl, ails to lia teen ike srhieipal -oorl ni inahi mi tn ritMi John for I he Indian villa cf. BAIT Hui-kl.-y Bay where he will talt . up a iiiiliiui itn mrnoarai'iicr At the meeting of the ltoar( of with tin- MaII Tiiidwr Ca.. trade I art nfcrht a reohtion of thank to the enlertninment ltiaiLT0BCe0 C0KMHY.CAN0.UMITO I'riiii'i' ltiiMil nuijr Im- inrludi'il cuimiltfce vra- na ..! for their $30.00 per ton in Mm- 4(iiy' flinty loiir whirh in effort a in arinjllr loiiiv Im-iiiu oi-jruiii', In lh !. Tp after the viHiR? luiifttiertiieii. Hoard "f Trailf ha hwn Mtd - WHAT TO HAYE IN THE Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. lu lln iM fo-oHrati'if lliiy nuiif in thin I'lili'iiainilitt way. ty leirter Un dMetWM'iil are ceing of ralliil.utili.'S f FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST - - - work Great of Ike iroim-ml 'i.mti-I Slaughter PRINCE RUPERT Mr. a ml Mr. A. I.. Carrulbrr men I for the bliililint' of ' A Safe Remedy for Colds Absolutely : unit fiiiiiil) i-yiKi't tii Mil next ihhiIihhi for lite Harellon Kerry. Essential; the Capsule Ki nlm in.irniiiK for Victrta Bid have in be in tiy Fi-liruary Form Ideal of Ihti' Mr. Uirriillior will MatiRH1 19. ln M.-w .lot! m iiwiwHor nf - In llM- Utn of rrtU'lly .-.t re.l. r tfoerr I. ur mrulier ut Iht- ruuil n.i l'ri'tu for tin- provinrial porit The Board of Trade lat niiHil .- . . . . Lh - - - 1 - ' a a mka 1 ra 1 .la. Ha-ii ,.i,. ini'iit. deHded to preeut to the lnUdir raMmM. iuu utrm tbry ir. literary, an Eisryvkiuedia Ameri-,ij "tm-rr r.jj.. tl,j m.ininr i. n..n. Shoe Prices 'I In- ;.T.I'. ilejyner I'riure rao vvfali Uj&ihv-lr 4lUr- audif1 tert 'nlr ir.wt.ir V .-..M GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY t JWlitrti il tirl I.. r..r Mn rr in rjn- l.'lui. laiilain Nedden, ail for r.ir wfiift. IMeyHaVe no iMirtirn-1 r ( u iw WINTER SERVICE. Hi.- l.Mi.'.'ii Charlotte 4idand and lar Me. The Ml ion - taken lunr, tmS lh.u xr,.uUW un.. S.S. PRINCE CEOROE .,i l. pro.. 1 1 ..-i t .i. h Friday Viiiirotivi-r l.imtilil at H o'elnrk on the ugsreii"n of Mi (iraiit.j Ai ihr rir.i ..mi.i.i k.i. ..r t ra ..r Tin." fi.t-. i'il ..aif. W'r tin- wurjialli and are i a uit mi s M hi s.,,,-,. ft..v iiii.in Fall-, Powell I II.- full..1111(1 Iibm- iHtoketl pa Hhmrian. JstIih'. nun taloity jrip In. im ili Ik- it . . UAfurnilurn il iiTnni. r"r- . . r- ik-: M. .1. OeotL Port Clemeiil .4 lnurtHiMMl at tar n-liff it im1 tli- .i'i'l'.ii I'.l Id g.i Hit' limit. 1 nerd ready ra.-h iini'k. My rn-tire cjairk ntill itb wlm-h n iuxleirl be offered for lork of IIKill tiltADK SMOKS will one . It. II. he.. Mi U. kill ford and .Mayor ha run aitwHi nnu aihtux, .iit. -iia. h p.m. AwttMi.. m4iiile.l bk, u( ,,,,.,. ,1jM. )irlp S.S. PRINCE JOHN, In ..nh ami South yuecn UiarlolLe Mi. F. K. WeruiifeT. Ittirklry Hay Alderman S. II. Maetlonld land 1 1. lu tra ued . in CemtU week at tagpering bargain prices. I J hi I'i l. :i. 1 7. r.it ami Mr. K. II. Hihimm Arthur Sin till fn eo-operate with'''" )'. " miKHly i- better r MEN. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE. Ma-.. II. , the Hoard af l.e in all mat- nKr' '' Wy known unp in r.n n. I have got the largel ttM'k of .Men'. .Shot in town. eiuli. run, cunvrnlriil lu kr. . or rarr. Iluiiilrt;d. of .llili .a-l to fit ucriir.ilely, a only an you ttM? "" fihrV. ITiey tl ft .p. i-i . .i ni Sin,ii.ix .ii n:im P.M. for M.V to v,. m, , , luM The CP.It. learner Prinee i m'H .lioemaker run. At irii that will Miit will . wtrk in en .iteml ion v.itli of your purse. I'll i-..I''ii W 1 il-II. illl'l'i I . III lf I til III Ull con-a m inrt nurw. HmhimihI I . 1 i. i .. , : I n-li-.l Stale.. Ma'ry.'TIaHl. Hlaler, i late in ar- the fixherie r .iinuitlre of the cikw vrm - to uareliaur n-oml or In fine well., from $5.50. nxinii fri.iii Alaska I hi week and llnard. ' tKvu. Uel Grip Fit from oruw' lirur LOGGERS. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. . . i in eA vimtIihI" in rl early A MUni L C MM. We are well .toi-ked with our own :ieeial Loggers" tily Ticket Office, 52$ Third Ave., Prince RuperL Phone 260. Un- lfliTii.Mii. The following A tiBrKj hot Hiaj Hie lltianl lloul., iniiliing ltt'tter. at Reduced Prices. We iiiii.I yet ..ill iii leu day ii.i...ii. Iiavi- hooi'd iaati of I'raiJr pun lm- m eopie of BOYS. r.i tli.- .oiilh: V. llaiiKon, II the Ouiinera ll. iald inl IVfre.-i-,ew trim'. Slm"ndouu Hurtiain. in nil line. .V-ia TradiiiK '. i Ilig nil in prn-es on ull llo." .Shoes. Our Red Slirli CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY i'.ai.lii'k. P. W. Kuril.. ami Mr Mfterial etlilion nt five rent - for hard wear. Sixes 1 to ."iVj. Sale Price $45. K.hiin. f. i Viiiieomer; i. Rurie. a ropy v& refeireil to tb'pul-lieity The aeerelary of the Hoard of Hoys" Heavy Waterproof Chrome.. Sizes 1 to 5 la. -r . ' -' H.'ii.-. jr., Mr. II. A. emmHti'e of the Hoard of Sale Price $3.25. IJ.. LlllUCl ULI I IVU I ilrmi.l .n ami Mr.. Cro.l.ui for Iratle at the iimnUiH lueeiitur I'rudr i lo take Hp with the authoritie the matter of the e Hoy." lire. It.ml- in ltla.k ami Tun. fine calf. He jr. . .-tatrtitdltnenl 'i.'t.n'ia. i Witliaiii la-l a(.l i.i'm.., niirht. ... of Mle llli-i.l-oRh-e sG.r.O and 7.m. Sues I lo ."'. Sale Price $3.45 to $4.95. .Irirfi -hi an.I Mr. Iiiii.- for .- from at Seal iiove with m-w to SHOE REPAIRING. Sailings PrinceRupert a llfi'iin I-all-. At I he mei liiiw- f (be Hoard of Trade lal nivhl fimliiiu out why the delay. 1 I am personally on Hie job again with the best equipped voteof S.S. PRINCESS MARY. h .hoe machinery i Norlliern it.G. I am anxious and cau For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Thursday, Jan. 5, I hank w tatx to Hie hoy H. H. Ive who ha If. ii forest give you tpiick and expert service. Feb. 2 and 16. ! eier ami otjier entertainer 10; Church Notices rauyer for IJn proviiM'ial who aave their -ervtre. at (he Juneau and For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Skagway, ttovernmeul at Ouitndiewn. I. '- Jan. 1,15, 29 Feb. 12 and 26. -iimkiiiic cotM'ert . 1 iiu-.L uiulil lolilllt oil the Prill.'.' .1.illll fin McArthur's Shoe lo help entertain t tlte illinw Store .Hiiekli'y Hay. haxiiii.' ! t trun-- S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE SAILING TEMPORARILY Presbyterian Church lunrtierttieu. nferi'i'il I here to look a Her Hi.' WITHDRAWN. Mi.riiiiiu w..i-liii al II o"- Third Avenue. of liiiibi'r lak.-n out hy M-alniK 5 rl'H-k. SlilijiM-l, ' Kill... PreiitiiM Mr. ieorite Hover an.1 laui.ll- Lines. the Mnelt 1'iinti. '... for all Steamship r Agency ml lul... I..iii. tinii. Sunday ler arrivetl fruin i'erritv lo Join Full i. ' - i l Ii ..ii. Krliui.l at U'.:io. Kteiiinir er- Mr. limiT wliu arrived in Hie W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, Mre ill ;..lil. Siilijix'l. "Where itily I hi week l.i attend the mi Kiik I'iim. Chili.-..', fhaiu.-tl Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. I.all nf -lan.l; nl ii, .uiiiee or nimi in.-, i ii k of the NoHli.'in Willi liaiui druu in hi -..i--! . , . . KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH Mil' i Hi ..I lli.' IIh.t ,,f Life?" II.C. I iiiriii.i in..i -Meiali..n; - -r-nilt.. . VI fte., . uimi.i Vuil,ale i ill Mr i King George Cafe BY EATINQ GOOD I'i .a. Ii.i'. It. v, II It.iiiaiil, li.H. en..i.iy. inev i'XpeM hi re-1 f'lyiiionf thi in.nil i nj.- An it i -peill at (he turn I.. Terrare liniiuhl. i .... I will .'..lut).ly in- mi.Ii-i'l liken l ANNOUNCEMENTS l.v it,.. II NEW CAFE Thi- A.HoeialiMl Hounl of .,. ,.UV1. i',.in.. jftOSTON Kn.-Ill- "I I'Mlllll- ., ..-! Trati. will meet in t'4iriuti-v ;n 'n... We serve the Beit CHOP Branch Store ami ,'H ami the eouwil of Hum Opening .ul.- Hall .. SUEV and NOODLES 1 1 u.i il n inn ! i nlay . I-. il y '.I Wl" Pdnl dele-1 ,;,.,.,. ,., .,,, GRILL uate I., all.-ml ami prepare iv.,.,. ,,f Terra.'.' ami -auinill. ...lul i..ii- I.. !.,. .idmHIIcil there.in i' tn i Cor. 8th Str.t and JZnd Aillu. Open Day and Night. V . tt:.. y.'.n .. V V.,1 1 1 1.1 1 St.! ii p.....in.i.' nun J- Aider f t. H,IM ,aVV,ni I..Iiiiiii1 t Phone Blue 471 3rd Ave. Phone 57, iii.im'.I our lie.hp Ii Sl.in In Hi'' i i'IU''!' "! . . . "o ll II..' Ill I h lOI IU, Illll u 1 i 1.' i 1 ' - Ha. ... ii i v I,. I h, uili'i'iiir la-! infill nit. V ' "'ii IIHt K Mil SI I I. .111.1 I.I lllll iiilll. ' it I'I mil' . lueillliii "i tin- iinai'i Will I... ,atiiiK iitl.'ii.l.'.l ii..-f.f nmiiiui . j ill JIIM' I'.n il .1.1 ollf I.U K1' ll.lllll'IIIH1' II,.- .1,1. ul the Van- in,...i,i, Hie N.mII atlli'llliw I in,:,. '11' A-.-M-iati.. Basket or Box of Chocolates W il- .ii if It.'in.., uli.. til till' i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1'1 making Ull' - Iilal..'. iiii-ehaiiiriil in li.'i.- I'.ii the -am.' i"i I.ir Hi.- I ore.I (.ranch II.'.'. '- ! I'l'llll'll II, III. Largest Cash Purchase lulu', inrliiile III.. .iiii'i- ','!', ' "Miiiiiiiriiin Salunlay, February 3rd. ' i I.iiiih Ii. . eHiiu - an-l A .'i.cr iikuiii 'llir a,,,,,,,,., il,.. i.. l,.ii-iMu (4i Un. .e- Trade lo iiili'i r.i Hi. in ni -liiiliii'iil ni Otli inl,.i . Im. arrived and may will malt a von l tal niulit tiie muii.'i' t .i..i..-of ilK'i.1 ill either ul mil' -lure-. .'.' uinl will lie r..iinii.il -ul.In i. a l la. ill riiuili'l'- liter -i'IIIi'IIH Ml .,t I ORMES LIMITED 'inn will. Hi.- I.,, .in- that ui'c wa- i.'U.I, tuii ii.. lii'llIK IKinli ' .'Millie of III.' taken, tin ti.'Ui.t l PTf VBIssV IiVyvMjsVsfl 3rl Ave. and Sixth 81. P.O. Do 1680. ilepai il' - I"' .1 - li.'i .' ami at.ii t hi-y wi ll' wilhi'iii -.it . ,uh..ii drink f mlik WasttLBT CB Phonea 82, 200 and 134. III ...M. , '. Vi . Hie yu- i'ii ami Hiut iln- w.i- ii , Pioneer .in, i'i-.' exaiuinal i n a1iMi are of trail.' and commerce Druggists. Two Rexall Store. in my Im I.I in Hi.' l ily today tiy Will.I I..' Wll Illll Hie -'.. ,i, r..i'...i Hi..,., u, I , : of I In- ti.i,i