YOU WANT: MEN'S FURNISHINGS. WHEN m&l Mela I am now flied up for bul Ml 99 net In my new ttor. in a hurry STEVE KING Pbone PRINCE RUPERT Third Ave. ALL NEW CARS Opp, C.P.R. Ticket Office. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PUINCE IIUPEHT. H.G.. S.VTl ItlJAY FEMILAITY 3, 1923. Mlli('i Otrcvlatlw. 1M7 (tr.rt ! SMi. PRICK KIVK CtMh " " "' ' MRFRlVir. OF DISTRICT GET TOGETHER vlT JLa JUA m.1 1 JL JUl 1 UVER PLEADS CAUSE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALBERTA AT OTTAWA . v- v m rm a v. mm w mm rrnnir vak imbermen at Annual Meeting 'wmm akh AiiiALbMiAiiun Dominion Government Deal with Assembly Dock and G!VINGWAY XJffiL! No Intention Remove 'Railway Worker Have Returned Onshore Shipments or Lumber in Many Districts Changing and People Order In Council Brought Down; Drydock to Vancouver - ! It SSIXliOIIF. Ki l.. :. The by Premier King In Common j Ieniier if Ihe population in the OTTAWA. I'.'b. :i. Fred Stork, of Jrnn Hiijifil, nu-niLer . in malum lliul h great volume of lumber for v In- lui'l i-rei-ivc! rem i'i inir tli ll'I I AW A. Feb. .1. ill oreopied arB app.'-r- I" be hii- -tinier fur Skeriiu in lli Ilnniiiiioii Miiiiainviit. ha- Ix-ru arlivv iu cun-iiiM-liuH v. t - Imrue market auiil ! nliiufrd through lln- , .filnl'l ie uf uliiimitijt lum tilled till- HMkHlVHIIIM effecting deryoing a change altli'i.isih (be - with lirre to Ihr efferl that Vaiii-ouvfr ii-v rer-pintl i ... iii.. - provided for handling il. and feeling that it ,b-r rrmii lbi di4rict by .,- '"n "f ,,u' (;r",l Trunk with the industrialist ami 1111V rtnt niakiiiftr pflurl to .'rrurf the removal of lh Prinrt" llu(ert lie. Uu .-miH Aalerlorne market Mint lumber inan from SoA.vOO to t.aMi.ono iiiainiali-i. Hr.- a .iiii.lli .... anamaii .aumiai iiaiiway i-in. drduck from it jin-M-nt fitr to Hie tllMl. Irniiiiul. The M,1 1 1-1 ru t vh n lil have In look if thf indiitry fi'ii in nuantifv ." " ""J" ill,liM' thf ru-niM ...MH an -vt to anv r..-.... rf mn I"" member went al onre to Hie miniler of railway- and disrus-sed "ii l tin' extent uf which it i capable, the ml- r fix!Id. be ly frdiali.ii "f 11m- nv.tnn !""'", re vrttli II..- I nnrh ami IM-tian- ' the nwtlrr with him ami received frotn turn .in a'-iiininoe that IU r till..hi )M-iHtiHi at iU won mil meeting almiv I In-. Ittii' tf . laldrd in tin' lluU'r of imiuikiii-i 11 I ill- mnnM ' IV I MM'' I' there was nollmifr whleer in Ihe riinmr that Hit- drydock was in 11 1..-- 1 1 i '.nliiliitii reipicktiug Hit railway vanuii l.y I'rrmii r Kiuc. 'riir irdi-r hunntl Iboir jii al i'iliirii. to he moved to Vancouver. The aroveriiiii.'nl w mil contem- , -t j v j.iii 111 ii lumber n-cn:l.l wharf at Prince taIWIlH Slid i)IIM-MIl.l aim Tm. !.n.lwiKhafi-ii in.lnj oim- r.rtiririitiiii: ' laliliK an Mich action. HtiM-rl aiut In preside aperi.,! bamturk wi In wrarh .lniml. Of awMrd uf tin art.itratorn. and iii on tin' llulu lim--. Skein' itiiiii.iT : i alri'iy nir in i irp export frrigbjl ratm on lumber Hr IIiihivIiI tberv v..hi Id h no HrHI.I. t-t: ... - m-iih- 'Iliix nrJiT utakrn il rlrar tiiat Ue job lnily ensacetl in 5TAKE NO PART k a r 1 u r from iniirior poiu4 to Prlnrr dlMrtilly in jHlln' tbr clant uf1 i.ffn ial 'iiiirtiiiiniiii' ri-frrrinir to tin- lioltlrrs i'f Hi"' nld ttlurL will It-inline to an iiiuneiiM lot ordt-rii l fll llii uillln of thin Humeri. liatr tin ilaiiii uhati-vi-r tin Hie, tlml .'lineeliou' iiiiixirs lii'riiiaiiy irv orreiiilntcncc in nirciiiur alo protested the dlnlrw-l 'I'lir oitlliHik fur lur?!' iii-u iiliM'k wlm li ntmlil lr iuxt In ii'hl Ui Krcin'h INVESTIGATION lrin-i iin-. with inaf lcr iicrlainin? to GOOD SPEECH k u borne ly the Iimn- walorbi-mr fradf frmn IIiim purl uri' on lli llulir. ilii'lari-H tli l.v I!' II.N.II. irfiiiiiaiiy. hum il 'o'licy and interview in, of the nrnvlttoe m wan rrT iH'iiurai'iii'Z and all iiiiIIiit urdt-r wan. thai vtliiii iiiii'iir roKi.taiit-r llii- j.'i-MT on Ifn-ial and othcin in! to (In- w uf charge placed fey the 'lint . ni'i-iliij I li' lumbrr ninl -ary .....iM.ii.v . mil in Hi minuter nf flnaiui" Hi.- cerii mat tern Board of Trade Say Such Action iwiimiIv wharf vliirli lir felt 'iimid Trunk htm-k aiimuuliiii.' tn rout "uiiiii II... ruiiiiiv i.r inuc Would be Outside Scope of irrnir Leaner in ueoav on TUr aiiitiial p'ncral nMrtinr uf en full-in wimiIiI ronir al ii" far v.. n..i.... i. i.... r.ii.'ii J.ivr. i in- iraiiiit-r ui winrii Their Activities Addre Mm- " itinn Mil plarr in thr Ik'miii ifcili'. Mr. Hub roM.rll . ... ... in lit iin - to cwliiuMr Hi IISFD RIFLES uBirr uf Ihf rwrrlar'. W. K thai Ibr railway aultinrHir wcrr ' ,, -,.1,.l,i .. n .i.u. - kmaUmiialum. .um.uii. t-in. nl i-. The lniKir4jw..tracle al ill fejru- t!n-rr jrn.iiaUioitir In ll firujoct. Im niadi in tin' eurrfiil i-,uc of illiain. and irMMil wrr WW I In- li ailiT I I' Wit I Vl. Tli' rriiara- l HiHMTt lix-al luiitlxTMM'n trait a lonti- LiMIr H!iyrtfJ thai. lit,,,. ........ 4i.i lii- i-anana nafiic m hiiiik ON GERMANS xzftzp; RM-iiiii-r fi-nw Interfair pninU. wbil- wurfciiiK m a-.MDiWf .fMM,lMl .j,..,. (. wiUi lb- -rrtary -tale of Hi- -'(! :.i. l.urliamrlii t'rr.iilfiil R. K. Imfcr in tlif wharf mailer, thry nhouWI tint 4I 4,... -rfa- i.. aifrmiwnt of atiial?aiiial..m Ji- lit' ri'iimvMl mil lee wbipli ray .ii.-.l I it v projiosed to fomrt Uir rmmUkfB r4fcr -" h 1 ll tlirl 'llltf 'lair. jr vs.;reft4.jn ti0mtanv , iii.-l.irhini. "P",-Nwli.m Threatened thtm' With Bayonets rorui to in vei tjKU: , Ifce tooth of nail. nrtra by ! Officers Elected - I fr 1 iMM'a, I 1'iltli'lli'; p.. and Used Butt sehfWTTnirM'iv; . ! MM-iMiraMBh Taw ifc atiiiw f.Uv ff fl- ' uiu-i Ends of Guns tV. K. William- i-xirepi.ed the l y !!.. tiii-Hin tn ffrWd-nl K.-.J. ,.'... ' ' - V inii Mm- llanuiliai' rrar ISSS rt-nnlK-d aa fidhW: i pinion tlial tin- work van not I . tMib f..r UI. rtfrt, mad., in ! RFfFPTIflN HFRF iirw f rruarm. r.. r. inav. COBLENZ. Feb. 3. The within th.- -.'..pi' i.r Ihe acliviliee ronnri'li.iri ilJi lh aiMiiblv ... ; h r... i k u. I.. i.M. Vlw.lNvaiaVM. Muf llanmn. French troops threatsned of the I."aril, wlneli formed wax hll Hh wtiarf. r.Ml.i.-li..n ..f frriiihl ral ft Nl, AKhN ii.t' V ' i .t.i.i'lll htlollH' In I horrrlarjt. Tivanurrr. W. K. Wireless Mesaace of Thanks Was with bayonets and used the to wliolly w il Ii mailers of ii.l ii.. Iiaalioii "i riiHirt f- m NuiioiimI Hi- i- jUiillaai- itiitilii-i. and In SiM'ii-lary Wil-i ON PRINf F nFfiRHKi t Board of Trade butt ends of their rifles at I rail.- ami . ..niiiii-i i i' aud related I'" I,. ii..irinni-ii1 liriniij KtrnMii A. V. W'lU.m. llBTIl- I"! lll elierVetlC Work. Office From Prairie noon today to breakup a rubj. .1-. . h mttiii;- .ml. u . Hi'iiiu: 11 1. .mmw. iianaii; I Visitors crowd of 3,000 Germans, J. W .... tl. n t! Bl.l amM.a.w fMM ' ll.HII .! I ...v.v. r I...I S M 'J IIVHI i . who were noisily protesting .ipilui'ii that 111.1r.111u further 'II. Ijllfl " Ihr I'l iiicc Itiiftrl , J. H. Mnraan GROSS FOLLY Alberta Utlnn Stiamer In 1 The member of Ihe Wrutem against deportation of officials wi-ulij - like washing ..( i.r... r. .Lh It.-! Prince Hn-jtei'l ; llcnrite l.illlc Connection with Produc- Helail l.umbenuen'n At-um-ialion befors the Rhlneland dirlv Iiii. ii . X i.. lli- ..I Ui.. lerrace an4 lle.irjte Itnyer. .ni- tlon of Play ;lur i.arty who iilel the rity on high commission building. Tin- ii '.i i- iu-lr.rl4-d t . . i 1 1 Si ire .Vcl bory. SAYS GEORGE i I liuri.d.1) nu'lil api-ai-enUy up-l' ri'pH ii ,,r 1 1. TUomoon .. n tii a to pat- B. II. Allen mm mointd to r.. Seattle from i tini ialeri the re.eitioii Ibal wan RESULTS aud J. W. .ic!ii,II- explaining Ihe eetreiieiit Ibr Aaawaallari on tin- Vicloria on tin- i..T.I. steamer ll.-nder.-d Iheui by !be I'rinee llu FOOTBALL urn "( tin- li.iHr.i iii recant ti'f; WWinbcn Korr.i freetion Hoard ar Vic Former Premier of Britain I'rlnee lii-nivi- l.-niorrow, will nee'jierl l.oai-. of trade and (tie Nor. lo the malt.'i'. -tatinu that it was I I th. ! i- ..I'll I..Ha.( Ihe making "f .. movinj: ,iclure 1 thcn Luiiri-crman's A.oeia-ptay ENGLISH LEAGUE. -nil-nl.- (hi -.-oh- of Ihetr ac. liatr oil Moll. Dlt-ict Problems Disappointed Over U.S. tinder then very eye. The lion The following wireleen Division I. livihei.. Mr. illlaiii" cc-fmrled haviriu Debt Funding i.ieonr.- has Im-i-h choKen by ihe 'in.ave wa n'cciviil tins morn. Notts For. I -. Arsenal I. nil. ric-d Hon. T. I.-fall.ill", lAWe'rla Motion Iiii'lure 4 In. nf'mp al the board of trade office A.ton Villa -'. Mancheelr I". 0. inimiler nf land". I. Z.'. PLYMOUTH, Feb. 3. "An Kdiii"iil"ii r.r Mie mining of from F. W. Hitler, editor of the Oldham A. -, Hiriiiinpbani 0. LEAGUE WILL chief fi.i-ei.ler thr ivn-iii.c. act of oross folly and the rerlain -rem-- ..r the CoHipany's I'laiiie l.uudwrmaii. one of the Division II. and K. 0. MaMNinir. di--iriet wrong way to aopeoach the jlli-Xl Jilrtlire "The Scarlet Keep. IIM'litllel'H of Ihe (itirly: Clapton iirient 2. Hull lity 0. f.H-enlei-. oil i.f- reparations problem," was ,1-r." f ..r the pun-nee of Ihe; "I'vervlioily i talkini; al-cait tlie Port Vale IlUM-kpool 0. NOT INTERFERE AT VANCOUVER (.-. luiu Hie Jil ri.-l Tin mailer Lloyd Oeorse't characterization men. the -learner will be wonderful entertainment 'oy fa Division III. (Northern! f Vkillidrawiuu un 'ar dc of the Ruhr occupation in l ranaullantie lin-r, buiul fnrjn- 'liiureday iiifht. l'lnae ac. Accriiiuton 3. Uorhdale I. .ai liii. ntal i . t i i. l n.ii .hi mull here today on his return ii'.aiiaila. wild Ihe leading- char- .-.-pi our many t ha like" i:helerfiebl 3. Southport 0. Question cf Ruhr Occupation Not ilemtnl Almost Prompted a tiuriM'i -ale- Ha- urgiil and he from holiday spent iaeter- of Ihe Moi y. lli-rk seeiicn I - rewe A. 3, shiny ton I. to Come Before International Riot and Brought Prolett !,i-li'.'it reul I- v.iiilil ite .-ttlaiii-ed. In Spain. "It's a sue way land mleiior m w- will In- taken BEAVER SEASON OPEN Imrhaui i-ity 0. Nelson I. Tribune From Patrick II..- ii....iiiIiii.iiI of au ul- not to pet reoaratlons, I land -"iiii-' uclora. will; Ili-aM'i-' i- now lesrul liritii-Uy S, Harrow 4J. vi...r enuiinill.-c r.'traiiliitir think," he said. make the trip I.- act their part (hi"iii;h"ul the proxinre. The Halifax 3. liariMifiofl I. PAIHS. Feb. .1. The council of . al VI.II. l'. li. 3. Van-; imrl from llo- n"ilh wa taken Discussing the funding of wliile llo- -hi" i' in Ihe i-trails ras.u ojieiied elerday wiul will Iran mere II. Llnvolu 'Mf 0 the laNijrtte of Nations at il a -iiniiucr bold un thai till hul lia.1 recene.1 III t U th United State debt, th Iieiwe.'n Vicloiiu and Scullle. 'ciiliini.' until March Ji. W'aUull 0. Wrexham I. ne'rrt tiifnrmal -cs.ion just he-fore a ii - I (he 1'acifie IMst im.iI. He had al-" aikel llial former premier laid he felt Division III. (Southern) adjouruiiiir today declined I.- -Alien dcfcul-u nivalin-- I tuiii. the term were hard and ho 0, Norwich City 2. they nf at. ail'i.- iiavincn' lo put Ihe reparations aud the f'-ui (.-oiil lu three ii li a. tn- lint dciiiaiidcd until nft.'r wti frankly disappointed. Oliver Puts up Strong Plea at I.ill. n Town I, HrinUd llovern 0. Huhr uiie-tii.ii- on its uroKrain. Willi II will i-lewil IIUII- and I'd''- Iia.l l'cn wtually Newior1 1".. (I, Uxrter (Uly S. th is uieaus that for the present line and rwnled marketed nd relief wan Iwre SURVEY OF IRON ORE Ottawa for Better Freight Rates 1'i.rUiiiotilli U. Southend l!. 0. there is no .osihllity Of the Swuen Town i, Northampton 0 Un i..- uid I al!d for u ,,, ,.,'. , r. iln. li'.n ..f Hie re League (akniK the initiative to-warj 1,. I'alriek he- fire irolei'l Ion DEPOSITS TO BE MADE Swindon 3. Ilrentford 0. in -t.-r nllv iin-rc-., iii.'ilial ii.u between France lie llrl- wen- atd .tn Ui cliarae. hal al-. reQiel-.l for B. C. and Alberta at Ottawa Scottish Division league and l.eriiiaiiy. ' l a f iJlln i h.M-key tM-or, Mi. William- iH.iiiled ..ill Urn! I. W. J. Sloan Writes Board of, 'Aberdeen I. Ayr I'uitfd I. u.-i he finaneiiiii of the ay .-Western one. third nf I Canada League i.iiitiiue lialav rel.'d nil the Trad That Central B.O. Will ! OTTAWA. Feb. II. The u.ijM-al of Ihe inivinL' of HrilUh Albion Hover 3. Morton 0. ALBERTA JOINS WITH - tl k i.ii '.' . at It.'yilia. limber r llidu-lrv 'I'll i wa too be Included Coluinbiu front the jiidgliient of the Hoard of Hallway Commix- Clyde 8, Airdreotiian 0. THIS PROVINCE much, lie fell kioiiei'ii in the mountain freight rate vans last June was jroceu- Falkirk I, St. ilirrtn I. AFTER ..r.m a a.,a a a. a. a a. Hi-tturlnitf on the iniill.'i nf Al the uieciinx of Ihe Itoanj of ted before Hie . ahinet thin liuirniiiK by Premier John Oliver and Hibernian S. Ttilrd ljinark 0. BEITER FREIGHT RATE Illllll Lflllllll.1. 1.1 au M".-embl wharf fur trade lut nliibL u letter van II. (i. Mclieer. Ix.U The lallfr alo rejrfiiltf4l tlte inovinrt! of Kilmarnock t. Ollir 3. lo-ciirliiK STILL CHAMPION 1'rliM'e Hiierl mi wlrieli be had read Hon. Win. Sloan, mill. All.erU which i- making coiiinion caue with Columbia Molherw ell 3, Alhm 0. Partiek 'HiUIIm !. luude t). FUMm.MdN. l ib. ,i. The Al. been vkoriiiuy for llic ..ul lew i.ler of iiiiue. in reply lo a let-! in the aj.jieal. lliiililhn. 1'i.M.l.nt ' F. Duby ler fr.m the IhmihI. He ay. "A Mr. Oliver'- miu. uiuU in the urtruiuent xvre: lltatlh Hover J, Heart I. iicrta lini erniiK iil iijs i. tn'd With 'est Ellno Floras, the Filipino, Id thai eiigiiirie. Were U-HI-ataitlly Ihorouiih .uivey of all iron ore 1 That Mulish Columbia i coiulitutioiiaUy enliUed to Hanger 9. liaumtuH A. . lliili-li ! .luinl.j,. in mi apiieal t t New York Last Night in i"l nnich hu"-itienii deHiiln will be made by the de- the huinc rale- .i- other rtiiuo4i. I tin- ii- m-i nur-iii-Couii. il at OIUi. enniiiiu '- l"r44' partiuenl f nniie in eo.ura-j s f on aecunil or Iba umiuii. - j ENGLISH CUP Wat taking for equalitaliou of tliu V VOIlK -eh. 3. juliiir wa unci i e linn willi Ihe ueoluuiitiil urvev nr luiimu cuuntr.. the cual of uo.I it wa a Uiailifast liiju.tice l Second Round freiu-hl ratcn. Premier (ireeufietd eould .arlii'Hie. V'li-iii i Iiuiiijiioh, at tail .silt.mill.IllWlilll lo which tmll- iii IUe Canada. The ventral dei.oiU ol.-ratiou i extc-uu. U u.v.t be Hrilish lk.luud.iu and Alberto lo Mid.lle.boro 1. Shaffivld I . 1. iiifttmied the Ii,Utur. lie 1 'J-' IliKhl defeat, u 1 lino aid that Hie I'aallV aUiidard l-i-.llllie ll.iC 1.1 I C viii, ia aiiaun .iiv.t: Hlf lnil iiiao ;iwiniiin ii.iv v-wava.v av.a- I - '". in a flfle-.ll Ji ll.l'U't lllllfh' UriltilH.- ,.. a..1 . .... I..,ll.'.l... f I. Il ., liu.ull. M.UI.U II llLo.LI.oei. 11 kbutibj be no higher thau the ii,e.,imh Ihe waler-l' 'pioreii, in iu.i wie-. aireuu; i)iineriiiiieiii imen ..inn iu innu. -- 4 ii" dr. i,i.iii taiut. ltora Viould "' . . , ............. ia ,,,, ....... , K t,, icrt., r. HWIUI. auaran. Jtri.lot City 0. Darby 3. prqirie KlaudAfda. I' J u knoi koul by ear. Hir i"" 1 ,nr r rr: . " st : ",::'".r",.:'.v...z i . v.- 7-.:'. - ., : v n. m xu. ,a.y., 1. 1110 1. 1 Lithe p..ii I" handlc ' facililn- al a i-tiM-iim. ii"iiii.i 11 wa- .' II,'.-I ni)i In-i ll kIxcii chartre of Ihe work." tiranl iniii'i- I ha.i if it any (Jia.l.Innler lu net itHilrol oi ana nave toiieiiiiaui i. uaiwrneeu-r i 0. refugees arrive vantaK' or.i-i hi. to the iimun. ieaonaWe rule lu tue prunnee hiuhw.ui a. jiurniey i. AYLOR WON MATCH all data au i 1 i,1 I.. Iiii n n .mi pi.".-i FISH SALES i.,!,,.. and in faee iU Ihl Iroim .llpuw- .Niiiwitii o. iiiMueruetj n a i iii- ns i , , j, strainer Ude and ." 1 ' 111.. I ' II 4111 iliwru i. iv 11..M iii,- r.'il,tmI ctivMiinueiit Itir. I'lirlsea 0. StMilhaiiiit..n " aiMM.l at Pieueu eler. WINNIPEG WRESTLING crele advice I" P" 1 .1 UU', I lie Maude, Mith S,Su0 iMHinds abandoned ih H 'w Pan i-lab-d the ovince t nf It vxl Hivinw li lt .'. Sundi .'land I day wuli ' riil0 r.fuee fro in Warreu .generai uibi.ihi.'i Uaw in. ,i i-j..r lialibul, and Ihe ll.C.I'.. willi IhrouK" vthieli l eoulracte. to oiitrol. iltrUliton I. We.t Ham 1. i.Ni Miuor. 'Ibrire were it ll'li. iailwa. and I l,..,. It I olio o.'Uiids. (old III.-ii rat. lies l.uild un.l win i. wa without Mi Oliver aid the two we.t- oUei liuinpl.iu . u. Liveroool dealh. from tyvbu fetrr aud .t. I JuckWlnr, when tl" i-Me.l i. . Pas, in were appealing l.etceer U. Cardiff t l.iuall and fiflthiu birth . tinner province p" 1'ish I'.x- in la". the yradc. ul vt I or o 1 1 1 i- un in i iik . . ... ... . ui'ujian i'-av nl Hi.- ni il.. il .1, if .a ' vwS'lKht tin- course .'i;?.' in H" i mmijiijii I- ish & , That U" ' l' It w a au nil- niiainsi tne excessive raie 10 inn ii"u"ii . .i. t-eu i iiiuiiiijf iu.- v.yaife. M -,ll i il'ifciidi'd his du- and i al ill UK pi-ai'li wi ul the lanauiai Nulluiityl Wivau II. -j Oue-'ii ''. t. a p. : Jar I- i'.-. biiUI of Order foe Etport U.i I U .'" .' N L 0 Kutiuiibe fur ti, Daily Nwi.