PA01 BIX Till DAI LT SMWB Bat itrdi.y ' WC GIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE MANAGEMENT MAPLE LEAFS I SAID HE COULD Walerfronl Whiffs OF RENTAL PROPERTY enlruslod to our care. If yon need 1 lie service of an nffent of known reliability and WESTHOLME THEATfiJ experience who is a flood collector of rents, thoroughly BEAT ADANACSi conversant with rental value and leading condition, will N EVER BE WELL Perhaps tuu've got the potnl. ti ' lomgni, oaiuraay. ai and 9 attend to repairs rarefnlly. pay vvaler rates and taxes when Writ of course Nellie is Tom due, see lhal insurance policies are kept in force end who Closely Contested Ladles' Basket. do(f. will remit to you promptly and render you detailed state ball Game Last Night "Fruit-a-lives" Restored - William Fox presents merits consult us. Grotto Won Over Lewis Island Arrlvss H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Elks Him to Heallti The isiwer boat Soey. sVIdit - Trie Greatest Race Track Drama Ever Staged ed bT tlNld. Lunelle arrli-H.1 in Rental. Insurance. Real Estate. tn a ;raini JuM as keenlv ami 1W Attnt pti 1, MostauL (Kirl from Lewi Inland on Vtd- elonely contested n llie corc of! 'Tor tliree year, 1 was a irniM iK-silay lal. Uimhle is the it i,. i 'i ii i. ii.-i. ,i. i anil ,i wvuiu inuirair, uie tftrrrnmlprp: my general proud owner of a verv fnir Mlplo Leafs defeated the Adan-ar health was try hoi. I cunsuliivl a chicken ranch on the island and in lnt nt.'lil's Ladies' r-hyairlaa and loW his m.'.lirinc claims lo raise (he rinesl. rocs- Thundercla basketball iraiiie. The Cana. I did not Improve;nn-1 fin.tlly he told lew dial ever pul on a pair of dlan girls llius jrained a posllion me that eoolj n( e neni spurs, and (he fines! ehii-ki.ii. Printing at the ttin of the standing which At (bis lime, a friend edfised me thal eer pul n a topkiml. Ju will at least ensure lliem a to try Trui'l-aHi'tea" After lallng lo io siimv no in reel iig. ran lilay-ulf for the championship at botes, I was jr-allv rrliere; a n,I hruuglri over n frw ryu vvhu h 1 n ,m" -um.'nrny,' Usr mnuil the end of the season. Victory this fruit molieine m,lr ne cimrlmtrh, nre In liseil us miiiin.l,.. I.. Large and Distinguished Personnel, including '"pii.iii wi un' Looseleaf : V w" viiiaiiimj un doplei apiwi- last night was. much desired Jv Wt My dices!ion and general health Iiseal hen with Uie nlij(s-l i.f , n-rouraglng MARY ; 'lion In IlK' UIKl. r'lm. d iir lu ll i .h. both learns are Bow iplra.lhl". CARR rrH-. otrio- at .v-w W f.iuiliiti-r ur frluiT and groat iiatll lliem lo do . a tnili lll.lM-rt. was put between OASPAIIU DfllAIIlL of "Over the Hill" fame the up ladies Billheads lenders lu be plainly market! cn the IM-Iler lu the rut ii re and t d' M,.,.,,- vi ,r ,-ii.nopr --icnuvr rnr e-lialr. for the advantage. 80e a boi. 6 for $;'.., trial Ue?. monlnile wmil wunders fan !' to "lllienrhi." anil mii.t I., Comedy, "His Wife' Son" Fox Letterheads -rived al llie orni-e of iIh- uuderslrord The line-ups and seorlng were At dealer or sent postpaid by done by keeping eottslatilly u' i Gazettt n..i lalrr lhan It o'clock, noon. Monday. as follown: Fruit a titra l.inill,-.!. OUa. It. amission oac snu ic "y;l or any' tender nol nc-eeisarlly Maple Leafs Miss Louise Envelopes ':. J- A. MOTIIMIW KI I.. Kisher, 0; Miss A. Stephen. 0: W. (iilehrisl. Mr.. V. Wermiir. Fish Business 1 t:hli-r In-ors-ior of rihfi Mis M. (liahaiii, ; Ml.s S. Mrs. ilenrge l-ek and Mrs. Molton's Rank Bide., Vancouver. .ir- I luring llie tuisl week at' noil' Business Caldcrone. 8; Mis innu Myra llarer. Miriinon, lK"lim. or lialllMil has Ihvu mm DEPARTMENT Total It. i Ladios of the ll.iyal I'nnilo ii.-....a. ii.. i i -. i. OF LANDS. ,n. ini.'iiaiii um- im-ui i i s ii Cards NOTICE. Ailanaes - Miss V. Shockley. 0: Mrs. lien rSelf, :Sitluiirt Mr. . j Kxcliaiiire. Canadian National Application for Orailnf Parmlta For Tht Mies P. Trfiiniyne, 2; Mi A.l J. 1 riiell. Mrs. A. Aslnria. Mr 'llie hlifhest prif lukl was ir-and Railway, AtMill-iiiin. rnr an imiiiiii.oi 1P23. Kelly, 0; Miss :. Mikdiell. I: II. I'.,y. Mis. J. M. KarW 8c. and Hie lowest io rrate live. finc-l?.5e. Rose, Cowan & La tta tx on the cnmii Inure within earn Miss llirni . 7. Total 13. and Mrs, liawtlmrii. AUil 3e. rraiina- aninri ur me rrmmif of British (...lumbla. miut be riled with llie Imlrlrt Lee lii-ll was I lie referee. In the po..Lpono, jmitii ttf ,. The arrivals were: llidfe. Anl-ler. Prince Rupert Limited I KaiuliKiM.nre.ti-r at iliin,iTranhmok.,l-rlme riiir-rt,fort William Oeorre, Intermediate League Men" I.ensue (tic SI. Andrew's Hilda. Mennaid. Prince Rupert, B.C. l.ak. Vancouver and Vernon, or with the I In- two cellar team in the 'Mieicly ilofeale.1 the Klks Iht Johanna, ileo. Foster, W.I.. Mal 'ommliuiier r Grailnr, Parliament Phone 234. liiilMinr.. Victoria, B.C.. on nr before InliTiin-diale League also put up to I. thus taking the leadership mimic. Fairway. Weslfjonl. Vul- DRYDOCK van-ii i.,in, iwra. gooil close mateh, the (ii-ullo !' Hie I.ojtua. Blank form tinnn whlrh to aulimlt n. oroils. 4'.re.enl. llalllr. Iiai.y. ell.-alhina may lie ohiaHied rnn the District winnitur oer 1 lie a score Itolh gxiues were played in llie HliaiH-ellor. tlkbsoli. Ilinon. Aii- lorcMera at the above named tare. AND "r from the Department of Lands at Af 2H 25, As a result Hie Klks' Home. idtvw Kelly. Sllka. Tellietno. ; Victoria, B.C. n. n. NrF.t. Klks have dropped a HUle fur standings to date: Vivian. llellNliee. Wiri-lo.s V II Hit rxpoiv Minister of l.ancH ther In-hind and Hie Prrtdto are Men's Section J., YelloR-sloiie, SHIPYARD Iiriiariment ir lamia. Victoria. B.C. Nalioiial. Vul- 3 January I in. t. al least even willi (he second V. L. I'ts. rtw, Iwigle, 'lahotmi. Ileliiinci-. ply plav team. Hie Knights of Od-uinliii,' St. Andn-w's . v 3 V r-is iJlenr, Venus, I'rlo. MINERAL ACT. any. Operating Q, T P. 20,000 Ton CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. in niiiiiher of victories. Sons of Uunada .... 8 , t K ' FloaUng Dry Doch Lord ktlriHMirr NOTICE.inuin Bull, Irish How. Lineups ind scoring: Valhalla 7 8 J Uliarlie Starr has relurml t.. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmlthi, Paltae. Orueral Miuate In Jorirr Ilw ami skeeua Vrrda Minion Mineral llvlion Claims,of (iroltn- Ii. Graham. It; II. Odd fed haw .... 7 5 7 tlike the whesl at lh p,u-ifi,- makers, Founders, Woodworkers, EU. liaiire i Coa.i lii.tmi. located on Bald Ilarrie. I t - Hill, 0: P. Mc- k. or p : '. 6 6 fi Fisheries after spending a f-w Electric and Moiiuiain. I'orrlier Island. Acetylene veneer Take .Xollre that I, Alfred C. ttarilr, lowan. O; A. liny, 0; I',. Clapp. S. of K ft Q a weeks In the soiilli. . Welding. F.M.i:.. teas I. aeon for mvfeir and for 0. Tola! SH. k. or o : e c Uordoii Menion F..M.C. i61i. Ford Hubert-' 4iii. r.M.c. sniKI. A. K. Wrlthl. F..M.C Klk- .L.Cidy, J .Crnw fonl, 1. W. V. A 5 7 5 Knight Is Brighter Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds f !'5K, lieu. Ballt, F..M.C. HJJe. Michael M.ia.l.l.n. r.M.i:. 4ISJI. .Veil MrTavlth. 0; II. Mrllunat.l. 7; S. llazetl-Jones. KIU 3 u 3 W. W. Knierli. (he kw-p.-r ,.f panelling F.M.C.SiiSTI, intend.and!vtv John daya A. Mcleod.from tit F.M.C.due li; W. Lauibie, 7. Tidal So. Moose '. S V 3 Hie prhy jHirs. al ' Ho- Wi- Hi Marine and Commercial Work heci-or, to aptily to Hie Mlnlnr lirrorder foi A. A. Knsson refereed. Ladles Section Fisheries, a irilflrate of Improvement, for the pnr revaluing In. PHONEI 43 AND 3SS Hi.e at ouulninr a Crown Grant of the The While Sox won the Junior P)thlau SMere J I 9 slreiiarlh raiadlly. Hill has n-en at"ve claim. Lcayiii. game over the Talcons llnyal Purple h H Gives a Beautiful Interior and rurllier take notice that artlon. imliavtMted for nmn- wvk jia-i under section ST. rorniiieneed te- by -7 Itf. l. or K mu Jie tit 7 5 7 Effect and Can be Applied to . hot nit; iMuau-e ot aura i-eriinraie o wilh a IkiiI utLark of in-urili. Ininroveinenta. SlnndiiHcs'to. date: Valhalla 7 5 7 knirvvi) a)iv the high bool the Walls very Rapidly and I Dated thla h dax of )aauarr.Jlt3VE. BASKETBALL SI. Amli-cwV ., ft rt fi lurworfcrtis. sitiad as However, in pile Eaalty. Senior League lliwu-kali- :, 7 5 of this gin Mill has sltiok tin-job ! W. L. Pis. L. O. II. A. Ill in The Only Safe a manly manner and For Reasonable Prices call j"..dls r 2 10 i minor has if lliaH he i l. lo-awarded Last Call I Sons of Canada 2 5 1 Place Albert & McCaftery Intermediate I Hie Crw-s of si. Slani-and Hiding SporJ Chat j St. pele, wHh two handclasps. Cull, C I. :i l ; LIMITED pORyour is the money one everyone L !K. of C. t in Phones 116-5&4. for about the lUnk, licotlo it 10 LtM-al outdoor smo-I oiiIIhi-iasls Dini-llv aHer writing litis, Klks 3 7 6 are inclineil lo ln'iinun (he the Whin" man was orib'rej by It is safe from lose, fire or theft and is av-ui . Ladles' Leaque prospects for Hi,, foiilieoniing his ij.iflor io (In- hospiial a a whenever you want it. Bargains Maple Leafs . . 10 3 0 sinisoii. niere are iwo reasoir previ-ulhe measure. Hi- will Open a Savins..Vcousutt Ailan-jcs . i 18 for Hie pessimism- firs-l, Uie di--parlnr.i likely 1m- there a wet-k until and baild vur (uturt. Kaiens 0 12 0 or ntaiiv or last Fishermen! year's things havi-i lilowu over and lion-lias Junior League plaerM from 1 1 - eiiy aiil. heated his sores.- Kditor. THE ROYAL U A N K ONE THIRD OFF Tiny Tims ,T 1 G spittlid. Uie dereal ilayliihl OF CANADA White Sot I 2 8 sa1ug al (he rwnl reren-ndum. CANCELLATION Of RISIRVC. on our entire stock of Men's Falcons :i l However. Uie first im-nl ioneil M'llll IS IIKIOIIV I.I.IS lhal 11.1 8 J ,M i:i.VajU, Manager, You need Suits and , , BREAD lhal will NOT Overcoats. Our n-n-rt. aueriNia i iar miiki. eoaerefl l. GO SOUR. We make BREAD thai Winter Sale ends tonight. Dolls i i , condition is (he on.- (Inn j . pare)crlletl. limber Llrritre u. isiiu i. rau l'i inn- Hutu 1 1 III .in. h Iniosl si-i imi. uml it f will NOT were reme. U. II X GO SOUR. Seize llie opportunity lo get idled, doubtless iKtml) MIBI.Ier or Land PYTHIAN SISTERS some We Make i u new suit or overcoat at a .-n-rangeim-nt land. Iieparlmelil, migiil lie maije to OM'ieome Virlorla. B.C. genuine bargain price. ilk Lu.... .at SQUARE, WHIST CHAMPIONS the sailer IminlRNip ror in years eirrf- iff- . i IRISH, Boys' Suits, Jerseys, Stockings iasi mere na le'ii siKi-esgrtil RAISIN, and Underwear' all II 1I I I T HI I II 11 Sf; .Defeated Royal Purple In Final sevsuiis. wiMiixil flie sJia hour - - -a v- w I V RYE BROWN,BREAD.and I offered at r15 reductions. Play-off Last Night St. in Mie ei-ning ilaVil has Ix-coim-so 4 B. & K. Pastry Flot SALE ENDS TONIGHT Andrew's Beat Elks prized in latter years. TIMIIR SALE X SSSS. Th quality 1. alwny. of ,e m INSIST UPON GETTING ELECTRIC IWcul ing the I,ailics of Hie It i M-i-r,. win i r'-imrn p. ill. high etatndard. at is Inji- that All Croctirs 4ii.'iiiv of I'liiuo Mlnltr or Laiada al Vli'lurla. u.,t 11, i BREAD. Hoya I Purple in Hie final pluy-olf JlilMit's star baaet.arl and rool-jbiill than ihssi isi tni' slii day or Irlnnai PURITY and B, & K, PRODUCTS Phone 667. Acme Importers by a M-orc of 5 lo i, the Pythian l3. for Us- pvirlM ,A l.l.eiu. . .. . flayers have deaarlel iiur-jing lo rul alu.iiiii frl of ilar. -,. it-... r fill! isislci's last night won Hie chain-plulisliip lleliil'H-k and BalMlu uii an arra a aw. -a.aaaun-Aval iftltllll VaUsi Electric Uie inisl fiw iiioiiUis and hi llie M.iilh' of Hurk. Lhaune) Window Bakeries A. W, Llpsln, Manager. or tin' Lailii-s' section I(In- ranks of Hie huiMliig Senior llauie-To t. t Loaal l and lii.lrl.l of Hie Fraternal Whist League jean, will be alluved for ! Third Ivenue. Tel. 359. P.O. Box 667. i lns.key league have also Jx-eome liNii-al or Umber. ami are now fully u u 1 i fic(J lo iiirioi-r iianiruiars of llie I. r .,re d'.iphilcd. II l questionable if ler. Viriiaria. H.i... ur IHtlrirl lor. H. r. meet the champion team of (he Hli-l-c is euougll IIKllerllll in l-rliw.' Hill-en, h.i:. .Men section next month. town toilay lo muster a dwnl TIMBIR SALS X 4440. j j Thu follow-in,' were the players Dr. E. S. TAIT win look pari in Hie ladies' Senior nolhiiig ba.i-liall of a ta;rue.4eam F ootlial raying M Hurler Seate.1 or Telida-ra I and :il al 'La irl.sia.rMwlld not l.t laK-ri It-e SPRING G00DS DENTISTRY I games: 1 llijan luMiii on Him ail, il.p ,,r u ,u..- players 4iave also left Out Oiere for Hie lunliaae of l.lrrllie X 1110. rul. Pylhiuii Sisters Mrs. Ivarson, always have been i.iao.Ouii reel of sprura-, l adar and Hem ! ntore soeeer ailuale on an area ailjisulny Timber icaplaiii, Mrs. I'.. J. Large, Mrs. players in town than hasehal. llllli. Lijiirtlieua lllllt, Ou.ell ARE ARRIVING DENTIST. I ha I.ille Manila I ami lilalrlrt. i b-rs so, pi'itportloiialely, (here I w i )ear, win ue allowrd fir re j Helgerson Block, in.'val of limber. q PRINCE Dr.J.Maguire I PRINCE RUPERT TIDES are more left now although int lurilH-r iNiriii'iilara of On i lnrr f,.r, . RUPERT, B. C. enough to have as good a league ler. Vlil'.ria. M.: vr Di.lrkl loranler. V orflce Hours, 9 to 6. I'rliue lluperl. B.C. i Sunday, February 4. as there was last summer. Th Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block. Phone 686. High 117 a.m. .11 fl. rul tire of sport fills year, like TIMSIR SALS XSSIS. j Open Tuesday, Thursday and Office Hours: to 9. 15:20 pin. 2I..I " the futuro of everythiuV else in Kral.-d Teiidrra will, be rereltnl by lis), Saturday Evenings. Phone 676 Lady Assistant. Low u:2 a,in. 1.7 " Prince lluperl, 1 depeirdeiil on Mmlater main of un I ami.the icth al'Vlrturla.dar ur Ik,I'el.ruarr,l lal-r, Homespun i'l :t:i p.m. 2.1 " ilevelopmi-iits (hat ever,l'"ly w . rvrroae t,, .ireiice a 3ir.,, to rul T.Sli.Vuu fret of S.rure, Cedar. Imping for in spring. Things Ileiiihsk and Balaam, alluaud ihi an area LAND ACT, .n IIk- laal almre i.f Berraford Arm.' may not Hfler nil 4urn out quite Oueen tharl. lle laianda I ami Plairlrt. , iNotlca af InHntlon to Apply ta Laaaa Land. so blue ys iiiesi-iit condition To (fi yeara will be allowed for re ' In llaiure i, Iriiue lluitil laisl , Lady smith - Wellington COAL lloii'i-rt,Il.lmiil.IH-nirl, and Iter.irdiiia lliuti uii Pl.lrirl Uaplain or Uvr,l'rlm'4 I'll! miijlit iudkale, l-riim lor.l urllu-r slrtorfa.ii liuiN-rl.auiiiH-r.iiartlrulare B.i B.C... or of IHalrlil Ilw hlrf lurt.lrr,lore-, is the leader for the dress goods Taki' N. Ili r that I. F. II. cuuiiintiiani, There i. hrlahl of one ray of Vanroio'er, Inieml materials o4i'Uailoii Brnkfr. for TIMBER 1923. have We Bulk on Dock $12.76 Sacked on Dock ... $13.75 Un afiily for iM-iiol..ii.ii leaM I In- fol-'Iowiiif hope, however, land lhal Is Hie SALK X 4S7S. Bulk Delivered $14.25 Sacked Delivered . . $16.00 di'Miilieil land-' Coniiiieiirinir al fart that tin; Intermediates and Staled Temli-ra will be r..eiieil by Ilw I a imwI Jauusl on lh- norlli nhor uf tan. WHilali i ..I .l amia al M. I..IU. it. in brown, ma later lain love abolil lull a mile fruil llie Juniors have pot sulfered so IImii ihkiii ..ii the K ird day or lebruary. tan, mauve, light ln-ad: llieliri- lsrtli 3 i-lulli.; tlwltt'e weal YELLOWHEAD LUMP I In rlullia; tlH-nre lo .horn lino; theliw geneisilly liy ih outfii'W or peo-pU.' I.I,, rul for v.o5,(iiio Us- iur.iua feel or i,r l Unruie,lt-Mire X I6TS. riillouiiiK tin' .num.ill,', or Hit- .liore bm Cedar. green and Alice blue II.'lului'k au.1 fronn Ho- eiiy the Senior Bal.aui. on au area alluale.1 Bulk ' I" Milhl of as on Dock $11.00 Sacked on Dock ... $11.75 riMlllliellrtiiehl; and CMIIaillltlir ini Us- orlli Arm of lu lake, llleralle Bulk Delivered $12.50 Sacked Delivered ...$14.00 Bi nw more or F.!.II. l VMMilKM. rairks. With llie seliool .IIIcmIs llav,Twe Haiiar' a. i .mi.i l aud lalsirlrl, Price, taking year, will Is- a Hosed for re per yard, Name ur 4.iaul a xiealar interest in the liuital or limber. YELLOWHEAD EGG W J. JKMHISOX. devHlopiiii-ul ami orgtanUaliou or rnrilHir iMiilriiiara of lis- i hlrf I urea A sent. Imiid Jan. ii. il ulhletic, iihii'Ii be expected ler,I'rlnee klrb.rla,nuis-rl,u.. or Plalrlil loiealer, Bulk on Dock .... $ 0.75 Sacked on Dock . . $10.25 may $2.50 and PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. or the younger generallon lids $2.75 Bulk Delivered ... $11.25 Sacked Delivered .. $1.50 . TIMBER SALK X SSSS. vnTli l iS'UFIiLBV nut a Court summer ami, ufier all, they are . . , f and Aual nndei Uir irn- juavt us imtioiiaul older v i.r r,..,.l.aiula,r mm 1 py uie as th( Irbsla. not later 1.1.hi. or llie "Taiallmi Art" and Amend-lunula Mijil.ler . Ilian Prince Coal Co. llmreor ami "1'uklir Hrlsiol Al" ones uinj can Vfovlde just as His--'" - .a ..i war. n. IVfJ r, Rupert purrhaae or I Ict-liie X avs, lo ...ii llie r,.i-llinc a.taaaiiienl roll for llie ton.) .port ir lie public will 7ilijinu feel or spiuie. Cedar I rliu i- lniierl A esroiin-ni lll.lrlrl tur llie SR. PETER BLACK, AgenL year..i-.i'io. orrire hiii i In ilw at Um;ourl 1'ratlnelal liousa only i i-aliiti' ft. 'Hi ere - Is no I iii'iiiiw-a.lied ami aim Buike.1 i aav.uuu Siiruie. Iilar l ret and H M llem or Jabour Bros. Ltd. Sole Agent for LADY8MITH-WELLINOTON A YELLOW noailav Bullilliir,llie rrlioe vial luifs-rt.da of Frtiruarr,II C. . on Wed,IVJI, reason why (here should not bo ailuale iM.iiiidarr uii .r an l.oi area I'.aillnliiina, MiiaiiM..ii th just ii ,iitlmiMmi in' IIM'. Olleell i:liai'Li,lln l.laii.1. I .,..1 l.i n'l'lisk In Ilw fi'M al 11 iiooii. iriii. "w HEAD COAL8. Phone 16. Main Offlcei Central Hotel. f Tilt.lutiit IV'.'J al frtiur Jiupon.umi iiviiiuvm b.c. January uiiil ui n - a ua itll Willi the llii'ViHIIIgsJf V''Wli r in T."r.i.i'ii ii ur t nmiii'i -ilar-m-if te ll-sllowetj I'm.'f Corner 3rd and 7th. Phone 645 Judlfl if 111 1 t ,f Hi'tlaloU i i viitorfii b.i: ii UJl- ur luairki Cvrealor. en