to Tnn DAILY NEWS mm ttyb l.ld. "f whfrh nenrfr nuMiy I. i''"iilent and pmeral man-iiirr. SUFFERED SO rf-MiPii(i their entire plant v-lenlny nfler having Iwi'n rli i.piI for (In. nnl tiiimiii from Heart and Nerves 'whip i.. the rnld weather. Tin 'mine -miiIv of fUli i.ITiiI nnv LIFE WAS A BURDEN 'ni -ii(Tlolfiil in pnnlilo the plant in i'omIIiiiic wnrkln?. The turnn'.i'il linlHnu arrival tra Mr. A. II. lee, Bijn!l, om.. rli ipenuille,i aeveral .eir of "I tm drlirritm to tt yns know hl ifi.1i offal lieiusr unloaded nl Ihe ha lo r rrrtrdinr ih tod Miiburn Turk. Inlet Hurt smf n run did m ' How often tiding s of lite Moqull Fleet which Is II plant. ' chief source) f I rlnce Rupert's prosperity ItiKinv Ihe lull In I In. tniine A utiorl time ro I nrffrM iih rKtri can I I'll! Mr I III atlltv linn l.,uw, atn. nd twr Irraibl. and ft l4 I rnul'l' rX I"P. uilj Kbnut ia Vinrn rsrh plotinv lri lime niriilly in nlrhl. My h'irt m t4 had U 1 n i -j i i-.'ii 'i-;! , j ifiimiii ..ii ii,,. I., ,.!,, iimioitiK rr nim-eir n new alxde twn Ontlnr (n tlw rnd tnd mim rinl j - nut nil :i i'iv'.L. iii . mill ft .,(l hank .'i"f "if tiiiurirtmv htio. whirh is ir. tnil nrlriitKirn mild rr mr In ! I ..ii .Ii hand vliinim' ii,.- i'i'k wilh t",-l"ill.v eomplelrd. frtn nu tr'i. I lo took itw-xi iii. ' n in V) nirni sn.1 dunnr nil ln murk oil i ..I I.n-i- niee 1 1 1 1 Ii' eali'li ,, i', niltth nl ' - III lirm. My nrrt r to bad I Mi' i mi Itn- ev,-eenl .1 1;it I 1 v. 'Ih.. iTilln. Swspplnq Boats would Jump oat nr bd, ni't til ihrn i in ' ii nf the enlHi fmir, a ready linl market. Skipper John I'reToH rreenlly riflillld In milk Ittm fl.-.r tj.rnrf I We Advertise? niald tritir dnmn stun, lull rt-r Uklnn ' .1 Mi., loll. Alter latin a on ,m iMhiik m made a I r.. of prwer Ihi.iI a s fw bo if I 'iin-wltNl In ilnilHi r)eerar repair work Willi UI. Lout Sear of Swnn-n hat" no kiok Jii. rHMrnnl to hi. hafipy hunl- liny, t'jrui. Senr uriil (he Milburn's 'ri 1m-. n ii,,ii,.i iiiu jrminila. latunrJi flora hate beiui ensra?ed Heart and Nerve Pills mlir Hn .ii - in IIh- liinllo?irinff luine I week ;iw The Mwer hm Wake arrival IhuI I In- Ihihi .lift not irenerale I ran honraily ly I am s rrllnrd nun. a i.r tin- M...-,fi.Hn m tYealfiemtuy -Wffielenl M.r fi.r Hi' liaulinu I now Iff I In Ih ft nralih. In fart. kii .' r..i ihe ii.i , iiuvmir Mr. MrAfw, manager nf of Hie lm. Skipper reot tli tmi rr bn In lor thr ar.' NOT and ran dn rll of rfk mllh any plra- r.,iwili iln i.i'n. Ii tin' null, wttiMinl. hoard of the predieamenl ami .u Iiaa K Inf. IttM Ha. ....KiKfL .n - ,i. Hi.- wlrsiiftilwa.v olTrrnl Iw lr.r hi m," j ti. i'n u .iK Tin' iKHso-i- VWrn. C.npJ. IHswrr wl nmr Jay (or Itirj rrk S0 s bot at an Jalrt nr mal1. How often should III'..!!, wtln , llH- heen ill I'.ilW trn. I iip iiami iihk mrn rivei iwwi on rmtpt or prirr tty Thr T. Mil Mi !, ,.,tt llnv for lln- i,:i-l two monlli inwl irlNty i tittpt1)'- 'I'hf V"1 ro Unt. Toronnt. ont lu iii I In- u i'k . la'hrlo lirr kiii.i-r u w.irklns . '"'' )" ' li'tB filial ufi in - K hi iii tin .ii-;nii tin rrii.fli - ii. i In- Kdi'liiim :nw IUi prrnaralory to li-nvinit InK .llme1. Only ) the Ito-s."; we Advertise? &3 um rsii !. i ia. li..i i Ii .iiniis; f..r fur suiiiiii IUy. Nsls Nelson Back - i.-i,ii'l ha - I ii'iirai'liMau. I: i iiiiiIppvIoimI m -li m - ,.f ilisl I'.im t joliHiiv fiovi with ' 'l lm A.liiiiral li fnilcil lo jrc' Xe Xelon, nkippi'r nf Hip! ' Innnrh T. A X. railed mii ' the Canadian and American Manufacturers i.'naril jim.i'H"' luirtMTTurri for n while, uny niMiii.o in radio mrie porl are in.I ffim iw. - "Mil out v the Heel wiree to lol S.ilnnlay with fn mink and WHY 1 Hi.- 'i'iiiimi -.-I Duncan Visits Fleet llhe Innnrh Xartwllnwijr. whirli oiKno oiler ikin. which In- lind appropriating fifty per cent ' '.'i"lll ,,t,. i 'r f' I miiBtt CririonHv imr h-fl port for soiilhem lown lal eiuiaht on Hank Inland. , The more dollars in Newspaper Advertising a inleii.lenl nf 14.. I'uhl,.' I i.iiii... :Saliir.Wiy II arfear lhaj the kin were nf an exreplionally for the . . . . . . i : m . .... a i i year 1923 than in 1922? ,'i.l W.'t i.- mii nlnu .k.i.i . ..lo ..r .., ,. ih I.trnnrai has ni hl corknrrew - t- " 1 n.l I. .. 4 .1 I f .'LI I V If ' " I lie i1. InilV .M,,.,,,, (le. l .,i l lHiriutay " Hr "'""-'" .-l-"-r - l I, "M.iati - nil .iKwtn td hmI il for opening iiinriiiiiff. ' f.'.iiii,Miin i hy t The fcitinrh liie Rupert. r.itt. i- i.teniirul ,,.,lrn f ii. ii..,. ,.! "" e- iv ikui ir- icotten lo return il. Ileorsre Xewromh, wn mil far There's Reason -.iiin-' i- a sno.Tii.iii "f nil the Ihe nh retiHlion plant nl . I-. liiri.'iiiiiB in .M,ci ;,,j hilli- ' Hie. I il-nKi-lmers) Inlel on Ve,tne,ay lail ,ltr iw. of ihe ,.f unite .m.-fiM Mie pa,-!Tiie4t- nd Vial l-lta It, tJnpl.!'"" "veral oniciaU ..f the Itu-Arrtiie. pi I- hate none in whirh the ehsHrlral wli.T in ihi- f,ltlMt,pr iirivniwe and Ihe irete. relurneVI lo porl on Weil-fP"! Marine roduel. Ltd. nprAJJQP thev have implicit faith in the riiMrnlii of Ihe fleet m beinit nee(y sil froji a departmental 1J LdsJM.J hJ la pulling power of Newspaper , il-- . It.ine Vaid enrine in oolhern water The halenut' ttoal Vi ian of ;! JitiililinjT a new,';kel. . Seattle i- oterhanlinx in ('.. w - Advertising and in the future n, 1 -.x. hiai- he Inuiteh llli llni.v kkjw-r On On Mr. Pools I lay. trade conditions for the coming year. '' ' inlert;..itits M liill-Jnne-. wa .iter lu tlhe 'I ke one and only 11.. Ii. I'oole, Eagls In Port Kull.lke .in Siili.kot M-I ill (tie I walfcina h. of the A t lift l'lll- The lialilml ehaer I'awle. '. The has itself of i tsrd are etpeirlaHoii that the ire would 'erie, ha W"t himcelf drn?Ke daily newspaper proved worthy Hed I'ierre i in ily Hi l.e 1H for skatinir. Ilffon r-;irrio Mm- vnotliht of tnihti.-ily tort.kiiMwriNl'Ihe iiy rrsrle wa. forineily j this tremendous responsibility and trust. ii the ways rival it wa found tery oft andillii week. We've leen wailititc .I 'hi- v.vd ha Hie 'somewhat heat,' full oflto yrel omelhinir nn him f'r nHtinl .v the lati- t'.apl. Selij:, oimI Ihi. i .In- firl round trip, Men who, millions of dollars !oine4inie spend j mi' in I'Oll- nowf Iwid toil nn atiwdute crimp now. Here it l: A on Newspaper tinder the new roiumand. Ar-corH n Uie pr.-iTl A ii. hai-pini'. . l..r few I days Km airo lMlt..Ihe eiieierinlemlent lihut IftltA lo eerel i'rio.' ac- Advertising yearly know what it has done for them in Nlcs Fue Catch Pls-Openlng Fish Plant headiptarter- rmi.plaininz of U.e onrini,y..n nt,ard the past and feel safe in trusting their future fortunes I rv. .,'! .i i' i I, wUli 'YWr lllWK'r Marine l-lmi-,;.inff evmpalhieed with him ilher and the went to the advertising columns of the daily press. olf vIIIhmiI IiiN'Ii. This the u ih eadaeoa. I'le thai he jhl- .aiil ' . .. . .laMatfril lin. IJ.e e hn mi..1.111 l.n.l .ll.uu.1 ..ti M IlIH.,1. 1.1 " " " nvaVer ai'iard I'lie while eomilikT the Ainerteail flnp.jek Something New !.-. i,r llml he fell ' over! '' ",ar'" (,Ur ;:iie hill into T'liinl Avenue. Of oimh. wa on a ImihI ttliii li run on The Daily News .e.iiir.e everyone marvelleal nl til lo a roek and km k- ,1 a hole in I lie lull I nil). 'Hie -lliiil- w.iliilerfiil e-ai, in faet he wit iipiHe the hero of the flh ' liMiien nn. ate.l tJ me pie-hioil.e. alibut Gear riimever. I lie limn ha i '"'"d f Phone 98 P. 0. Box 1723 """I- Haj.-Jaek m. he li ontliMiiHl a ton long- ami lle i .-rrel ervM-e hate ln 1.U.J. w nl'H " tM Ihe h"le up ami liiitimt mih-II. iI a rat. Kmnilry le '"' "n- Imported from Aalesund, Norway llinearlh Ihe true faet of Ihe " emne. II appear that the injur. Call in and look at it ji-tt!1.e. one o feidinir evlna fre-.h The lialiliul lwtal (iili.ou. ('.apt. lone iiHiritinu umi wa demon. I'ele llan.on?" alia Hm Itn.ii ini; Dane, i the N. M. Mil. '.Iralum lo.n 4rwl lif onlooker on can THOR JOHNSON 'whal a wonderful foolhaller' h..,''" undertroliijr a cneral oter- va. To pinte Iii "Mriii' ?ifl !liHUI. I lie liow of llie Jioal I lond Ave. Next Glennie's lie oTeri In kkk piere of iee lieink eainniillurteil with red there lie did, The Takinir (aim to make il look like ul. little .now here and ai ! hay. u flyinir mil the weather to In- , iioi In thi it i pei I run he Irtiek hi toe on what limn egg.. manner propoed l kid the halUml In lerfere wilh hi. nmiiiimiK pro- of ire tnil lie llioiivhl wn a piece !i tta a two Iiy four wttli a iey I'limh on deek. und Ihu cave irram. i ION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., UTD. hailing the hook. ' , Stilinit from rnnrc Ruiwrt. . iiteriiiit wlneli that wa nailed Hie to' Ihe - - Re Nellie Morrison j "The New Wash Way" .dor I.. .Now t reaiifl Dar. ii" n Tail. Tin l t r.M. MMvitr, victoria, r.lliuf ai ssanvai Hen Fruit Arriving I'erhap do not know il ' you Pari simsMn, nm Ritar, ii and Alia Arm, sunda) Mulmrlil why Ihe walking lo i hark on Oc.kU and Naai Harkaur . .'irv . i ' l, Mtr The launeli llerllia O. nrrived dear i-eader. hul Nellie Morrinnl ill rull llli' end of Hi'1 litl.jnex fl i at 'saaiarillla, Kumaan, and still aaf n -an:: 'An - i 'I, ... r anjlMMiy Us. you. Jimmy hn ' rroltt I'orrlier l-laml on weilne. i Hie properly of Tom Morrion' I Aianu. ikCkt BARNS Lit, AlMlt, rrlnca Rupart, BO. til iillii idl mH ot-r ihe liltf dekday la.I wrlh u full eartro of hen of Ihe good BoternmeiH hipj mm uhii'li read. No Mulinper-1 fruit wtiirh he diiwe.J or .ul- Xewinslon, in fik-i a sort of. Everything Washed mlopleil ilauphler it like. She 1 1 v. The.e evjr are puaranteetl you " - f - )t .iruighl fritm the- hen, j a very yirl ii inol way, .tthich i fed on Ituvril, nnd il i and doe not give her owner! Everything Soft Finished miieh IrouMe. Xellie i very: vaid that one of Hie I'orvher I, land epji will out more hair on great on randy, and il doesn't 80 per cent, ready to use inueli mailer vtoellier lhey' are a Miliar.! tiall thun i hot lie of hair whieli lo how hard Imlle.i or only half done.i QUICKER TRIPS MEAN INCREASED EARNING POWER-Increased oil, gn the tiensili of the 4,rule. They ran any ol' randy i randy In Xellie., he kepi for a longer period than II mi happened that when the Engine Efficiency Means Less Overhead any oilier willnnit lalkiuii Xewinjrton tvii In purl lat wvek hark. Nellie' rhaneed to into liil's Ciyar store, to try nnd hum a rhew of lotiaeon fur Ihe old man. ha heen The pal we-k u very peaeeful one alonir the waterfront and Mime kindly dipoied jeron 7c (nviiiy il l "aid, to the nh. irate her ome randy. That put enee of ISupl. Jud Thurliep, who Hie lid on il, and it was on en a BENZOL ilil Xellie nil. rommoii lo nee ha heen po-IM a inlinif for Ihe pal feA' ilay. Ilowvver, the lintr outide (iil's door wnitiiii: M'fiet rertire wmitd liln lo el for Ihe randy, lu faet nhe i re. in louoli with him and will Rive puled lo le n fond of hearing the lid eoiiie olf a ho of randy a reward of two pound nf Now- 22c Gallon terond hand fil nnyoue iv. a some men are of hearing a lick from hottle. Natur - - - per iiiK hi. pulled a .- ally Xellie ha iod in wmii? Willi One Fill Will Convince You Tlie r-iiiu.liaii Niihi'iia) enaklul a allliiuh tut nf il p. I Mile mil for entirely liiiminintf,her Pi US lc per piece idramer Priiu'o Jnhn, CapU II. GREATER COST fault. If meet do not ENGINE EFFICIENCY AT LESS I'adden arrived in port Thurit you her, Easy StartingNo Carbon Troubles day lunrnliitf with 'MM tons of liluine Cmitinili'il ihe dear on youiik Innn o.Hlinr. More economical than hiring a laundress. ;oil. i'o.mio feet of lumber mid yno.nno shiliirle for Ihu Allien Phooe us and be convincedPhone 8 iole Agents - - Prince Rupert Boathouse & McUlfery-inlerl-- , r Tlip Vuniiu with Cad. )iily Miller on Hie tirnUi', hot n into CANADIAN Steam Government Wharf Phone Red 391 port this week. Willi tl.OlKl Uis. The Safett anc LAUNDRY nf liulilmt Cap, rrHirle good l-arally Medl gninv and whilo lu met Willi a