PAGE FOUR. MM 1 Bargains ! FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Dec. 14th and 15th.' High Shoes in Hrown Kid, flat heel, medium round lop, nil sizes, Spe-rinl at $6.75 SLIPPERS GALORE. Make yiinr selecjinn parly lo avoid disappointment. The Ideal fiift, Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On -Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for 'Hi at Christmas visit to I he Old Land early. For Ticketj, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybbavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread is your best food. Eat more of it. Kept by tho leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wood; guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone S80. Service and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing,, and distributing. Team, or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.. Loggers' Club Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant, la oonnectlon. James Zarelll Proprietor. BRINGING UP l THK DAILY NEWS. Friday, December 1 I, in'! J , . . . III' itTo have. H lovely: T I . I h-- I fd 1 . ' (yn' Qltu itl rT l lii w . " I HAVE HERE IN THltJ PACK ACE THE ORADPOiP KWUH I HE. PURPLE Atso MAUVE ONEt i WAR PRISONER IN GERMANY Charles V. EvIU Tells of His Ex. perlences Among Boche at Various Camps At the llolary Club luncheon yesterday Charles V. Evilt, told of several years ho spent in trprman detention camps as a prisoner of war. He was altar tied to the Eighth Middlesex Ilegi ment and was taken prisoner when raiding a Herman' trench opposite Arras at three o'clock in the morning. He was Inlerro gated hy orncers and pul in a room in the. Hannue de France. ill was the first taste of Herman hospitality for the blanket lie was given were Tairly alive and when he complained .he wits (darned for having nyi'de the blankets lousy. Every day he was interrogated. Then he was told Iip was i see some friends and on being taken to a room- be saw Capt. Strange and Lieut. Durham, both of whom turned their tracks on him'. When the guards bad retired lie w-as quietly told by them that there was a listening apparatus right overhead, so they began to talk and told what they would do if ttiey ever got a chance at the Hoc he. Also they filled (he Her nial) up with the strength of the allies, .and what wojild. happen if Ibpy were at lacked. At Karlsruhe At Karlsruhe' Ihey joined an other group of 200 officers and. were able- for the first time to send wires to Switzerland telling they were prisoners and asking for parcels. It was two months before these began lo arrive and meantime Ihey were taken toi camp midway between Dantzic- and tin Polish border. They were spit at by the people but lid not mind that. Already there were ion officers there. The .food was very poor. They were given, coffee at 8, soup at 2 and ogain at fi. The soup was made, from mangold wurt-zel and kol rabi. Occasionally they were given a few black peas or potatoes and once a week a black loaf. They all became very weak so, that they did not care lo go out on .parole and the growing hoy often fainted on parad. They could 'hardly climb the lairs. A school was started, a library formed and classes in rench, Oerman and shorthand occupied their attention. However, it was difficult to concen trate. The first food that arrived was some bully beef and biscuits and it was the best food Ihey ever lasted. It was followed by ried- Cross clothing, pyjamas, snap and other things. They sent and received Idlers and post cards an. I by means of a code managed to get informa tion from the outside and give it. P. R. Red Cross More food and clothing follow ed' and also dripping, bully beef, tobacco, and cigarettes. Later. thanks, lo the lied Cross of Prince Itupert Ihey were kept well sup plied. Tliis was the first op portunity be had found of pub licly thanking the local people for what Ihey bad done. Their health Improved so that they were now able- to go on paryle. hlle on parole Ihey could not escape but once their cards were returned they lost no opporlu riily. They dujt tunnel" beneath the wood pile and a number managed lo get away but all were raptured texcepl .one and lie Capt. Clinton, got to Itounvuii;: where he died from, exposure. He bad nrade eight attempts In es cape. The punishment for at tempting to escape was eight days in the celts. Mr. Evitt said he had1 fornwd' FATHER HANCJi-u V ,r-NOW CONEtXJWNTO I I p I WALL TO HATCH fl 11 TM PAHLOR VVsNT L I FH ' "J- V-1 z. i i thf. chamoclier i ji i i i i i " t i i .yea-., 1 1 HOW. ARE TOO L If w ioca CONTO CRtTONNf OECOA-f -tll3 l ON THE -v 'krrrr . .. a plan for escape but Hip suitable linn did not arrivp before. the1 armistice 'and their liberation. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- "Well, rm full but I'm not sorry," remarked the celebrant when told by the hotel clerk he was sorry he could not lake him as "we ar full." WHF.X the rhaffeur hears the lady silling with the gentleman behind say "slop," he knows it is not a direction to hjm. 'H h.ivp heard about the girl who wore nothing but a coal of Ian and the druggist was buy trying to get rid of It. - THIS gnme of resigning in order to- run again is the latest in school board politics. - SOME people are born rulers. They ar constantly before the people seeking public office. SOME peoplp are too selfishly engaged in malting, iiioiipv for themselves to bother their heads about civic affairs. SOME, people's eyes ar, so weak Ihiil they can't tell the truth when lheysee H. ONCE a person makes up his mind to be a prominent citizen by thp political route it is diffi cult In get him, to do anything else. IF we coufd import Henry Ford into our city we'd soon have a place-that would be worth while. Advert! In th'e Pall- New. - nutX TWA. TLtltetviuocudit Jr l Sport Chat j 1H Fresh from their victory over me i;iiis nst Monday, the Teachers will be nut for another conquest this evening when they meei me .sons of Canada in the Senior League fixture of the basketball schedule. Should Ihey win tho leajnie standing will be Hed up iir an interesting manner nnd all three teams will have excellent chances for eventual championship with the Canucks still holding a sligh lead in points. Under I lies,. cjr. cumstances the meeting Inntght should be of unusual interest lo fans and there will probably be a bumper turnout of spectators. In the Ladies League the Maple Leafs are scheduled lo meet (lie Kaiens and- the Colls and Elk will battle in the Intermediate match. ... - - Scoring records Jo dale- in the. Senior iiaskethaH League W. Mitchell (Coll ), . 85; A. Lane rieacbersi. I.',; J. Mitchell Teachers and E. Smith (Colts) 36; H. Menzie (Sons of Canada) 32; Eric Mackintosh (Sons of Canada). 31; A. A. EasMort (Colts). 30; ?. Mitchell (Colls). 28; Don Graham (Sons of Canada), 23; W. Lamhie :Tearhcrs) ; Harry Aslori (Sons of Can ada) It; Balfour (Sons of Can ada) II; H. S-. Hum (Teachers) H; Jk Kelly and Sidney.Hazell- lones (Collsj, ; A. Milchelt and C. Woodworlli (Teachers) 2 II. H. Skinner (Sons of Canada' Intermediate League O. Itly- Ihe (Colls). :,:; A.. Mitchell, High School), U; J. Koliy fCollsi. 38: W. Wnithall (Orollo) 31; I). (urvich (High School and ft. Smith iColls . 30; V. Meagher (Elks). 20; W. Cavalier 'Elks-. ' - V MMM UMt Daily News Classified Ads. S CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. N' Ad-atrtiMmamt T-ltam for Lmmm than ROc WANTED WANTED. Men and women to learn bartering. Paid while learning and tool's free. Write for catalogue. MHer Harber College, Vancouver. l.G. ; PAUL LVS 1IHOW.V CAPE- SKIX MlilVn- InLan I... ..ll..t, - i j in -i nr i from counter of Itailv NVwsl oflJce. Pleasp return. i won SALE FAtt.M . i-ym s 1 1 v. mo - - - - -. ' l ."- top ami bottom, land, dark I loam soil. LrHMtion and water good year round. Illver through properly. Present crop fruit, vegetables, hay Mock includcil In price. For further information apply W, Prpttyjohn. Lawnjiill. (jupen Cherlollp Islands. H.C. SASH and Door machines, motors, shafting, pulleys, etc. for sale, being Hip equipment of Filer s Planing Mill at Cow Hay. Apply to A. It. Williams Company at the Mill. 2(t FOH SALE. Two drper. bpvellod glass; Pasy chair and pirlurp. Wplaway, Sixth Avp. West. tf FOR SALE. Large hpalpr. Phone Orppn 25 1. FOR RENT FOIl nENT.-Lanre shack, fur nished. Apply 4I0 Sixth Avp. East. Phone Illup 2I7. tf STEAM Heated Flat for rent Desner apartments. M. M. Stephens. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander- 830 Second Avenue. Phone 1 37. If LOST LOST. Mink choker. Finder pleaso return lo Daily News ortlce. Iteward. REPAIRING ANYTHLNO IN CANVAS. Plione 780. P. LeClaire. Cow Hay. I'J; O. Shenlon 'F.Iks., Ifi; Lamtiie ((Irollo 15; M. linden-Ich (Collsj, It; W. flray (Orollo), II; (I. Anderson (Omlln). H; II. Herryman (F.Iks). 7: T. Eraser (Orollo), 0; E. McLean and A. Phillips (High School). I; D. Frizzell (Colls), I; L. Anderson ((irotlo), I; E. Craggs (Elks), 2; Oeorgp Illll (Ondlo) Ladies' League Miss Caroline Mitchell (Teachers). 10; Miss Myra Harvey (Maple Leafs 30; Miss Leonn Parker (Adanars), 28; Miss Sundae Calderone (Maple Leafs) 20; M,iss M. Casey (Kaiens), 15; Miss Mar garet Oraham (Maple Leafs) II; Miss A, Morrison (Kaiens), 13 Miss A. Kelly (Maple Leafs), 10; Miss II. Hrnrhu (Kaiens). Miss II. Hihharil, Miss N. I'ryce, Miss M'. Lindsay and Miss K. , Harvey (Teachers), t; Miss A. Stephens (Maple Leafs) 2; Miss Vera Shnckley and Miss Pete Tre mayne (Adnnacs), 2; Miss Willa Dyer (Adanars), I. W. .1. Jnfferson, nihnagir of the Somerville cannery, ami Vic lor A. Hisboii, book-keeper for Evans, Coleman & Evans, Vancouver, passed through on (he venture this morning enroule to Somerville where Ihey will lake an Inventory of the cannery. They will bo returning south on the Cardena next " Subscribe for the Daily Nhws 4, "PIQS IS PIGS" but PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE out of Mae of Ablerlra 15-75050 by Sprlngilale Tornado 28-87 1 tC are the best. .Litters of l, 13 nnd 17. Wrile- J. L. ltarge. Quern Charlotte City. M.A.MA.A. TTT MISCELLANEOUS. O. A.VKEItSOX. Sailmaker 8all and Tarpaulins made to order and repaired. Third Avenue, opposite Piqneer Laundry. Phone firepn 3U2. P.O. Ilns 723. CHIMNEY CLEANING, Moderate Price OLD NICK Prince Itupert Clgsr Store Phone lllue LOOK HERE MR. TRAPPER. Jlere Is where you gel the big pricp- for your fur-. Sep me first nnd lhl bpfnre srllimr tUp- wherr. i IlkP you to makp tiKiupy. ! W. GOLDBLOOM, ' ! The Trapppr s FriemL' Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. 0n nought. SJMd or Exchangpd H. H. HEMMINGS Auctioneer. Furniture nnd Crockery. Third Ave. 'hones Illack 13d and fled 412. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone. (Call Oeorg?, or Oust) Ross Brother. Prompt Servle- and Comfort Day in Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue m CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS IIF.hF.BV 0IVM Ibll Uw rrwr! mtrrlni Clxniifl lilnxl ltuatrl il ih mouth or nnli.r cantl. IUn 4, VxV imirin. iihl rnitiifrljr mtrrt-t by Tlmlwr Llrrnre ,Xo. lfll it rnrn. lirpniy .Vmuirr r Uii, I.rwl Itrf-triuirnl, VlrtnrU, B.C, tiii nn, LAND ACT, Nolle of Inttntlen to Apply u Lm Lt4 In lunrc t. Skio-ni liul liuirici n. mn1ln Itl.lrifl i,t lUxal. ie .c.llrr IMI :nrl- ST. Murr-hr. t rllirn huiw-rl. II.C. iM-rnn.lli.u liiniMr inirnd In apply for prrnil4in lo Wi Ilie n.llilnr (IrsrrllM-il Und: Omiinrn rlim l a Mi nUiArfl 11 ihr iihmi knuth eatirrly p..inl mi i:iMfH liUml, inr II- ...... , MM narunrr i.aiiai; inrurr loihittina IIhi Mmiiinlilr i,f iiw hon line at III III uatrit mark aroiiiwl the itlamJ, rrmniiui io h,iiii iir n.nuiM-nrriiK-iil, anil ronialn-ln vmi limiilriMl arroa, iiBir- or l. illAHI.hS s. MI'IU-HY. .Xaino or Apptlrant. J, S.W JOIIXHO.X, '' lialisl Mcivwntor VTIh, ttli. WATIR NOT1CC. (Olvaralon and Uaa). TAKE .XOTICR Out W v,,.. Indian Arrnt. Iium- aililma U Prior. HurxTI, ll.r, . Kill annlr for liranr. in lak and imi ralluna a rtnv or u.i.r uiiiianirii imr on Mrllalatla i-'iiiuo oi lain iiki-aii iriiiian iluiv. f. whim now 'rleriy ami dralna Into inioian iiiy, atMHii- on and a hair ml If norm or ilifvalnrv li,lm Tii u.,.. will iMiliveriMl from tl Uk at point 7 r ooriiM-iu r MMiaaaua Imllan Mllavo, anil will bo for ,0. iiieally irHe niH.n Dm land dcsrrlbfrt a Mctlakatla Timnmif, Talmporan Indian Hit. "TV, .o, f. Thla nolle n oad on Vr.""""1 ,,M' lw"' 'y f .novhiiiimt, . i, A r"pr "f hl """'e "' " ap. plu-alloii piirxiant llirrlii and to u "Walrr Art. ii I a . hi i. m...i i. .... n.'.Hl. !.''" w,"'r KP"rpr at ITIim- . ' "J, rinin to ma appl ra- Hon inay l flint ith ii,h Mld walrr r .n.l.rh,,, ''"rll""''!'! rtiilldliiM, Vie-f Mt '.,'. Wl,,"n. ,l,lr,y Moll of thla nolle DeeMlilier ! . W. K. riil.l.lso-, Applleanl; Iridian Ant, Af-nr. By George McManu? FiveRoses FLOUR When Moving Fl-ur onr On-pr fir "FIVE ROSKS," :. The World's HpsI John L Chr stie Agent. SLIPPERS Warm Fpi Slipp. ) a nice Xntas rvpii I st vpral kinds of irath flt slipppr fn ttfh Gum Boots and Rubbers for l lie Winlpr XV a GEQ. HILL THE SHOEMAN. Next SL Regis Cafa. Third Ave. EPSON COAL We can now Suppfy our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any; qjantlty. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 84. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Healed Hot nnd Cold Water nates by Day pr Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL. LABORATORY. A Mayers, Chemists, lurglsts. Oro ShlppurB Agf't- . TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A.