Frily December 14, 1023. HOLIDAY SPECIALS DOLL DOLL- -Height lit lneJicf, composition body, uiuviiiK eves, jointed U knee, hip. neck, shoulder, elbow anil wrist. Kxlru long natural curly hair. ltiKiilur price j5 no Sale Price $2.50. "OUR SPECIAL," u, formerly advertised, only $1.50 TEA SETS Lithographed Kiiamelware .' cup-, and saucers, covered teapot, open sugar. Megular price 1.25. Special 75c Aluminum 2 cups and saucers, 2 spoon, cream jug nml (ray, large covered teapot utid trav. Itegular B 1 iric 2.(M, Special $1.00. Hberial price also on all oilier lines of dolls and children uu sets. . i p A gift That's always acceptable S-wiiig SeU hi Leather Case wrlli pi 1. 1 y lining and gooil, ijualilv French or Tortoise Shell Ivory accessories, uirlifdjng scissors, needle.-', colored silks. Humble.. .ro het hooks, elr. From $5.00 to $10.00. rM.iiiiriire Sels in Lcalh t mid Lealherelle Hull, each with ft rompl-le set of hrsl grade Manicure implement, From $2.00 to $24.50.' OUR XMAS CHOCOLATES HAVE ARRIVED. - "Moir. Gaming.. Tape and Shaw and Willard. in fane) jimI plain loxc From 75c up to $4.50. I)ur fain v hove (re prettier and f.lie assortment is greal t Ihan in '-ei eiil vearn. ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Rexall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. We Prepay Mall Orders. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE 8CREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satiifaction Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. Phone 109. Helgerson Block. . Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hour-: 0 a.m. tn.n p.m. $P'ii Kwnings hy Special Appointment. A Wonderful Stock of Wrist Watches The newest Yri' Watch we have i a in nil I8K. (iold Waleh which cm In' used in Ihree diffefnul vas. My a very simple allachmeiil it can he worn a u finger ring, changed in a iniiinle lo a wrist wnlch. ir litniK as u pendant iDjnnl the neck. Price $80.00. - Wallham IKK. while gold 15 jewelled wtngini shape, $85.00. A t .(iriUMi solid UK. gold adjusted, $55.00 to $75.00. A special value octagon MK. solid gold 15 jewelled ribbon watch, at $26.00. "VOI her watches from $15.00 to $38.00. A' We personally guarantee each one and will, have the faclory exchange any that are ttdr' satisfactory. Bulger & Cameron, Ltd. "ofSTrHATLAST BY NO MEANS ALLOW YOUR BOWELS TO GET CONSTIPATED If UU allow J'utir leU to become eall(atel you lll have lilliout attack. lk lieailadiea, coaled MiKiie. foul breath. sallow coiiiiltion, i-ek floating- before in M, tilu of I lie cjM dull nt yellow, heartburn, water brah, tic. Keep your Uiel rertjlir Id u.lnr Mllbunr Liver I'lIU, a ly Mnt you lll be able to keep well and have mi more trouble wltb your liver. Mr. I. luibin. llalbrlle, Ka.k, rlte! wa very badly troubled with r.,nll. pallon. of leu bad bad Iwadarliea, my Uiiirue wat coated, aud I felt anjlhlnr but well. After tikliiv ujn.urfi' i ....i I'lIU I hate felt much better taltily did me a lot of rood." Mllbiira'a iJtxt Liver I'lIU are lie. a viai ai an dealer.. .,r mailed dlrert on receipt of prlre by Tins T. Mllbuni Co Limited. Tin tm, Out. METHODIST BAZAAR SHOWER YESTERDAY many Fine Articles Presented For Affair Taking Place Tomorrow Brief Program Many ladW allended the shower al the M:llixlist Church parlor held to aid the annual church liazaar which will take place tomorrow. An exception ally tine ioi or iloiiaiioii were made. j iicip was a iiriel program which iiuliiiled a ulo by Mies .Marjorie l.aiiculer, violin solo t W'tolwrih, and an instru. menial trio by lrnfe.sor I'ryee I... WtMidworlh ami Mis I.ancai- er. A debate on the subject "llfolxe.i thai a cranky tidy wife is preferable to a (touchy trood rial tire one."' resulted in no de 'i.ioii bfinit nuide. For Hie af, fu inalivc Mrs. John Man son and IV II. I.inzpy took the platform wlnle Mrs S. M. Juhnsoii and 0. (".. Hai-ker spoke in the negative. KU KLUX SAYINGS BANKS PROPOSED Vol M.ST'lWN. Ohio, Ilec. It. If iUm briny dieued by Ku-Kltix Klati trailers in this Hv are MO'itmed, Yt;unxetown will have ,KlwVKlan sav invs naiik, govrrnrtl ami con rolled liy Klanoiiien and em ploym? KUnNinrn, it l.orame known loday. The proposal i be in,: disciifstHl by Klan mem hers in this city, following Hie recent election when Ktau can Pilate were swejil into oftlce iii-liiifiitr the mayoralty candid ate. NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new dl lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, white hltht. even belter than pas or electricity, has been tcled liy the t'.S. Government and 35 leading uiiiersilie and found lo be su perior to 10 ordinary oil lamps It burns wil limit odor, smoke or noise no punipiu? up, is simple, clean, safe. .Burns V aid am t' common kerosene (coal oil I he inventor. G. A. Johnson 57t McDermot Ave.. Winnipeg, is of ferine lo send a lamp on 10 jelay's I'lll'.K trial, or even to pivc one rithh lo t lie first user in each locality who will help him intro Mure it. Write him today for full iparti, -lilacs. Also ask him lo ex plain how on can Ret the agency, land without experience or money inline tarn to soon per inoniii. CHILDREN! IMPORTANT! .saiila Claus will open the Melhtdil Bazaar next door lo Bcnon'& Studio, at 2.30 p.m. Saturday afternoon. Big Toy Boolh. 291 Tile's Slore for Special Prices on all House furnishings. tf ANNOUNCEMENTS Melhodist Church Bazaar, December !. Third Avenue, next Benson's Studio. Public 18-10. School Concert Dec, High School December 20. Xmas. Concert, Hill f.o I. o. D. K. Tea Dansant in KIks Home, .New Year's After, noon. (Jneeii Mary Chapter l.O.D.K. Dance on New Year's Night, January I, mat, in Elks' Home. t THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE. J Local aoi Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Haynera, Under takera. 3S1. Itaskelhall tonight. Kames. Elks' Home. Ptione tf Three Toys and Fancy Goods. Spee- ial reductions at Tile's. If I). S. .Cameron is collecting license fees for the city. Olier Hesner sailed la.l nikld by the Prince George for Live Turkeys. Up-river birds. So deposit required. Sherman's. Phone 81. 291 If you study economy China- ware and Dinner sets at reduced prices at Tile s. If lry .v.uusi-;-eiiingion or Telkwa Coal. More heat. Less foot. Pliilpott, Kvill & Co. If Hal unlay .Special. Local milk-fed fowl, cleaned and drawn to order, 25c. lb. Huperl Table Supply. (i. U. Taylor, manager of the mill at Surf Inlet", and Mrs. Taylor were in the city on the Venture, this moruinsr enroute to Vancouver. Toys. Xmas Cards at half price. Xmas slockjn?, large size 50c. Large slock of Fancy China and Glassware. Denny-Allen ' Co. 296 4 K. II. Crawford, Swanon Bay lo?iriii$r operaloraiid Mrs. Crawford returned :'oulh on Hie Prince George last niitht after having spent several days in the city. George Bryant, who has- been pn a trip south recuperating from hi recent illne, i ex pected home by the leauie,r l'rince Huperl tomorrow afternoon. The Tatooh, only halibut boat offering at Hie)" Fish Exchange lhi morning, sobf her catch of IH.0O0 pounds lo the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. at 17. Ic and 9c. G. v. Bruggy. the Alice Arm merchant, reached the city from Ihe north on the Prince George last night. He is here in con nection with a civil action which was heard in the County Court this morning. Union steamer Venture, Capl. A. Johnston, arrived from Van couver and wayporls at 9.15 ami sailed at 10 o'clock for Hie Naa Miver. The vessel will sail from here for Hie south at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. J. A. Aldrich, Smilhers mining loan, ami August .Johnson, North Buckley rancher, returned Jo the rily on Ihe Alai la last iilglil from the Ketchikan Hot prings where they have been spending the pa si month .A A special meeting of the city council is called for this aflcr- noou to consider disposing 0f llie oM steam electric light plan! at Cow' Bay. A bid has been made for one of the engines bv A. It. Williams Co. of ver. Hie firm that N takintr down (he i;jer jdaning mill. Passengers sailing last night by the Prince Geort'. "'i- the south included W. A. Hayes. II and J. Bianchi for Vancouver? Mrs. Hazel Counley for Ocean Falls; Mis. Bunn for Seattle; K. B. llarliiey and Mis. W. II. Buckuall for Powell lliver: Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Crawford for Swatison Bay. 4 Alaska Steamship Co.'s steam er Alameda. (.aid. Johanscn. oulhbound from western Alaska port to SealHe.was (u port last night from 11.15 to 1.30. The vessel had a full list of passengers including the following who leharked here: John J. Donovan of Dawson; Dr. 11. S. Davis of San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs, Olo Wambo and Mis. Maggie Collier of Ketchikan; K. II. knoll of Chicago; J. A. Aldrich of Smilh ers, and August Johnson of North Buekley. Bent 's for Bargains 20 per cent Reduction For (hi; "Kiddies. in Toyland at Tile s. For Holiday. Shoppers. surprises for alucs at CHRISTMAS SALE Genuine Reductions of 20 per cent off all Coats, Suits, Dresses Bargains tf Xmas Tile's. If Mr. and Mrs. Newell and fam ily arrived from Sniilliers.oii last night's train ami sailed for the south on Hie steamer Prince George bound for Los Angeles. Judgment in Ihe sum of 15.20 for the plaint iff with co:s was .men Hits morning in tlie County Court by Judge Young in Ihe case of George W . Bruggy vs. K. Olsen. S. W. Taylor of Williams, Manson i Gonzales, appeared for the ptainlitT and Hie defendant was not repre- ented. JAPANESE TO SAYE ORDER TO REBUILD Various Methods of Doing With out Luxuries .Suggested by Chamber of Commerce TOKIO. Her. 12. Hie Tokio Chamber of Commerce believes that Japanese generally should follow the example of self-denial of the Imperial family in forego ing all court luxuries mid formalities, as a. mark of sympathy with the people in their stricken condition. I'he chamber has suggested that Hie following be observed as a matter of economy: Abandonment of all formal dress for business dress for one year. That giving of presents be abolished lo a large degree. Thai marriage ami funeral ceremonies be as simple as pos- ible. I hat plain food be eaten. drinks curtailed and banquets eliminated. That number of Servants be de- creaseu ami eacn nuMubcr of a family work. . ' Thai cost of production . be decreased as far as possible to place on market prod tie Is nl Llowest prices. FLASK IN HIP POCKET CAPK MAY, Dec. H.--PoIice otllcials report I hey have jus' unearthed Hie most unusual way of selling liquor that has come lo their notice. Foreigners have been coming in to ihe city of tat-' selling overalls to wotk- nn-M. ","" 1 I'olice 01lf(, " ollicials were w?re nuz- It. King. Miss O'Neill. Mrs J M puz-Alexander, G. F. Palmer. "ir!zU,,,i kn0W w,,y ",e lemand and Mrs. F. E. Cohlwell. John Hunje. E. Fala. M. Sanders. Mrs. F. II. Newcoinbe. T. II. Johnson was so greal. Investigation developed that a pint of liquor was concealed in the back pocket of each pair of overalls'. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, December 14, High 0:38 a.m. 18.9 ft. I8?33 p.m' 17.1 " Low i::5 p.m. . 0.1 " Saturday, December 15 High 7 35 a.m. 18.6 ft. 19:50 p.m. 1C.1 " Low 0 18 a.m. 6.9 " 13:50 p.m. 9.1 " lillil iir N TaW-QiKI It Ktirn CATARRH or the BLADDER ft. teauM r EachCansule fumv biar.oiitSJT' BmurtofeouHitrMU 20 per cent Reduction BENTS fcHfa' Ready-to-Wear THIRD AVENUE "The Hoover" Tel. 3. It Beats, As It Sweeps, As It Cleans Show her that you really do care. Christmas is at hand the season when these thoughts find fullest and freest expression. Give her a Hoover this Christmas. Sold on Very Easy Terms. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. Box 1646. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours. 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant Shockley's pla!LMills Sole Agents for Royal Mills, Hartall, B.C Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co Hardwood Fraser Mills Fir Veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruee and Cedar. Spruce and Cedar Shiplap. Spruce Planking. Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Class. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. Stocks and Bonds All Victory and Oovernnisnt Bonds. Bought and Sold. We still have n few shares left of the PREMIER MINE at $2.90. . This is the greatest dividend producer in Canada, Phone Black 85. T. McCLYMONT Third Ave.