y IleCeinwr 1 l( iv;j. li ir I IA THE DAILY'NEWS. pwre Five. tAVia-jL IIS; V ri i.uei r uuiiitrKMtt max QXO CUBES save the Housekeeping Money I II IHUrtH. Il I'm 11 Sm tuik. oxo Umrtui. 211 Umh St. Oxo Cubes are more than the easy way of cooking. They are the economical way. They lend zest and flavor to warmed-up dishes, and by stimulating the system, enable you to obtain extra nourishment out of, tiie other foods you buy. And there it another (tin betide the monetary one the lemiljr (tin in health and ttrenfth that follow Oio cooVinf . Br f ettiof more nourishment from your foodt, you and thote around you (row rapidly in ttrrngth and energy. Put Oxo Cubes on your order list today. After a test you will never want to cook without them. CUBES In tins ol 1. II, 80 and 100 cubes. W hat vim linte liprn looking for SOMETHING NEW Good, and Cheap Vix h.ivc ,i wonderful Xinn stork of TOM SMITH'S FAMOUS YULETIDE CRACKERS, tHirli'd due l rr.iui bimluii, Knplaiul. All I tie fun of tin a the u-'live laldr. TIicm' (lrnckcr! arc the ncme of irkiiiaii'lnp aad r.n li one nittnin a ilfliglilfnl gift. ire. tlinn in our window. I iiiirueil for tnlde Ifcnration. Snip gent for-- (PURDY'S FAMOUS CANOIE8, (-1 up ih lipttilifiil Xina. loxPh. Kay it wilh I'urfly' and-innkr n killing. TOM SMITH'S IMPORTED TOY AUTOS, TRAINS, ETC, FILLED WITH CANDIES. Jn.l thr thing for Ihr Xina Stocking. To uilrixliirp llic-p famon gooiN lo Hip. pnldic of Prun e ll(iprt wr are rtfferinff them nt Hip lov"it trie rvrr fjtiolnl in I he rily. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. Wo Cash Cheques. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, jVlachlnlsts, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers,, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our pinnt Is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. RAINCOATS P. B. COW, LONDON, ENGLAND. Speolal Prices. STEVE KING - Phone Grten -85 Third Avenue GREAT BOYS' PICTURE AT WESTUQLME TODAY Humor Prevails Throughout In Panred and Sam Famous Literary Or aliens Arrayed in fantastic military eoluuiP, riding broomstick horrtPM mill swinging sword of wood, id,, army of I'enrod Schn-fi'pld and Kani Wllliain. battles willi 11k- army of Hoddy Hilt. Ilo-ir rmirlal boyhood enemy In III' famous hoy piclure to lin shown here lonighl ami Saturday. I. idle Verman is captured and hidden In the clot In- closet ol I'enrod' sister. The loy goes In sleep, it cape falling over liint. When I tie trirl ooen the door. tlw cape, without vii!il means of locomotion amhle nul of Hie rrrtrn, throwing Ihe-rnUre house, hol.l into a state of mule. I'enrod and Kanr organize a spref society willi I ho initial inn of flenrjrip HasetL Hip nicpsl and prettiest hoy in town, a Hip firnt rvrnl. A far a Hie kid aro ronrcrncd the affair is n hue success until Mr. IUelt relale lo I'enrod' mot hp r and Ham's faltjpr Hip j'Xtenl of (lie children's mischief. On lop of (hi come Hie complaint of Iieacon Hid thai hi son has Iwn abused hy llir kidy, lliry liavinp dauhpd him wilh tar. rnvrrinir hi rlolliPM ami farr willi allr.ky Muff. Kam ix lnl away tiy lii fallo-r wtiilr I'nirod in onlrrrd lo llir Jarn lo await illi tixtial lhrahiri(r. I'pnrod'i mly frintiU now arr THIS LADY SAYS THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL "Or. Wood's" Norway Pine Syrup For Cou?hs and Colds hlslily ot lr. Winxra 'ity I'lne Symp. fir ioseir amt rMWren I ue nhine rloe. My Utile Hrl. five year olil. Ii tl hrtiiirhlal lrnitle eer r-lnre he lied the "fin" lew year iru, and, now, wtien-ever tte lrrl a ullrlit develiiis a very naty nurh. but all I luve to do la dive her a few 1iii r Tr- Wood's surway rine synip. Also fur niyelf, amt tlie oilier clilldirn. rau find imttilnK l equal It. In fart. It wit only a hlmrl lime ar that I rave It lo my ten iiMiiuh ld .baliy, and cuuld linnKsllately Me Hie dltrrrrnre It made In her. w, I always Seep Mnrway rine Syrup In Ihe iHiine, a I f-f I there l iK'lliliir tn rqual It." Price SJe a iM'ltle; the larae family tin ftOri ut lip tmly by The T. Nil l.uro r.oH Limited. Tirnto, Out, IN PROBATE. IM THE SUPREME OOURT P BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter of the AdinlnUtritlon Art; and In the Matter ir lite UMale or AuMave l.nurln. t-reapd: lntilate. TAKK MITICK thai I apMnted Adiiilnlatrthir 4r the KMale of iluUvr t.aiirln, nreard. anil all parties havlnn rlattn attains! the eald Kstate are lierrby rrqulri'd to furiiHh name, prierly verti rii'd to me, on or iierere lh Hi 4lay -uf January. A.n. 1UJ1. and all iartlM In-ih'bt.d to Ihe F.lie are renulred to fay ihe amount of their indMrdneiia m tne, rorthwtth. TIIOS. V. lll.HF.. -orTlrlal Admlnlitrator, MAYOR OBJECTS LAW OFFICERS Takes Exception to Action Liquor Squad Jn Using City Offices CLA8M OF AUTHORITY of City Solloltor Explains Wide Powers of Attorney General When Locals Fall Mayor .N'fwlon look rxrrption at ypMwtay aflrrnoon ntppliiiK of Hip itrdic romtniinn lo al-lrg lark of ronidpration on Hip. part nf I Jm altnmpy.g-pnpral tor dip cornmiHioti in opalim? wilti loral mallrrM and, aflrr rnnoidpralilr dixruHfdon of oirr-aliono rpcmlly in.liliilrd from ViHoria and ifiKlnirliitn rom-in? lo pity nlllclalH from that dirWlion, a rrnlulion wa pann-pd on motion of Comtniionrr H. V. Ciampron, rcnnd-d hy II in Worship, inMlruclinff rily ofll- rlal lo refup lo co-oppral with any nuloiJp ant Imrilipt tin-lil Elicit limr a Hip mallpr in hand have lprn plarrd bpfnrr Iho rommixoion and xpptirrd il approval. TJir mallpr camp tip in cn- tipclion wild Hip paaninjr of an arrofjnt for doctor' Jpp jn pay- iiipiiI for mrdiral rxaminalion of a iriMinpr imp. of Hip pproni rrrrnlly conviclPd j a rpult of provinrial liquor nflWrM' nppra Hon in Hip city which Hip mayor aid liad lMpn ordprpil hy ;Saiit and hi faitlifut dtr. lit . P f,I"c,ai ,,nKnmv,n jrPM of Hip rliildrrtl in Hip liPiph-cu''1 "i ',f' hnrtiooi) having iiprn forliidilpn lo play with hint. Hoddy f tit t ' jcar kill PrnnNl't doy. wtiicli i Hoddy llitU U frhi..pn aeceM . Commission Ignored It linn? u:i a phaxp of police work." Hi Worship said Hilnw. Ilm rhil.t ii.ln inmJ nf!""18' " "" tn "'f-rl' lo dla' ' iwirrow an.l i.ionrnine. Hp hnriP ""Irial.o Hip .loir uiii. ii.p tp.i r m.p rpceivp inMrticlion fiotn Vic rliildrpu in Hip nrishl.nrliood inj'"ria M!c ' 1 "f " dayS i-lMVlacular fuarral procpion.:"";0 "M"nn,r ",at Ini.nir-lw l ll.p iro in ,,r Hip Mack ,ak,,n a?am' thnM ""'allnjr wl.rrp pnr.Nl da. Ili fatl.pr fffl,"7 ot 'I",,M'' Pn,'- own Hip properly, Im it -quite at lihcrly lo do juM atiout what hp plpawx. Loses Shack iini;ini. .oiiip requeM. iroin iVicloria should and would r- rpip our support nut. on hip oilier hand, hohip miglit not rp- cpivp our "ur. endorcallon. YpI px i.. it... pp.i -I-iPiv 1...1 i,i.l,,,c" "loinieiion arc pivrn our Hly .Wrlal.. wlllioul llie Ifallirr J.uy. Hip hd 'wlierP url4.y llrl.W. eeu Ijenijf llf extended fAIPllOf.1 j father Hrrie and demand hi. jeion of Hip properly jul a Prnrod atnl Sam are In Hip hei(thl of HiPir careers running a circus and mrnajrrrir. ppnriwl accpdm poe-ion and rpltirm to lil rrxm hroken-liearted. All Hip lUlier kids, ap Sam, have now dPertrd tiitll for Hip liiuch-(topular Moddy Hill. I'rnrml ineet!' Hioldy Hilln and hlx antr. The fal lny Ipusp I'piinMl ahoul crying for an ole dpit di:" and ppiimd pip him In round thraOiinjr. j At dinnpr that nijrht Iip cannot cat and retire In hi room cryinir. Pa Schoficld nolicplhls and when Ala explain lo him that Prnrod i ad because he trannnl nlny dn the lot any tnnrei and hecaune hi dog is huriwl nni jlhi idol no lonsrcr accpildp to 1 him. Iip leave Hie house im-jmedialply. rel'urninjr shortly af-icr with a hill of sale and a i paper dpeding Hie property to ilii son, fnrexer. lo Hie pnl ice coiiimiiiinn of submitting il viewpoint. As a tpstiII 'Hip police roniiiiUsjon and Hip chief of police are lefl in Hip dark and do not know .whal is poinp on. N'pver oiicp Hi is year has Hip attorney jfeneral't" dearl-ment taken up anylhin? with this xmlice comtnission. The de- parlmenl absolulely ignores the commission and issue insl ruc tions In the official that they in u I carry out. For' one, I think Hip lime has arien when wp musl call a halt and let Hie authorities nl Victoria or anywhere el-p know that Hie police commission here must he cooperated wilh before mailer alTeclititr Hip local situation "arc dpall with." Office Like Barroom . TIip ntnvor went on to Irll of incidents llrPClMing the recent liquor raids in I he rily hy pro vincial officers. Hp had walked one pvcninp inlo his office and had found it "resembling a barroom minus Ihe hollies." He hail wood pro. I what had taken place hut lei it yo. It appeared I bat Ihe provincial officers had had the city solicitor there and WPtc dpeidinjr what they were sndnir to dn without intimation 1 lo Ihe police, commission. The ir. ixvid TtMm.n. wri iihrr si,i.same niffhl he went outside the Parts ont.. mriM-; "l aniwu tea ion Gily Hall and found a crowd In front of Hie police station. Thinking, that the city police had been pursuing some of their activities, Iip stepped up and asked whal was doinp. "A couple of provincial, police officers looked nl me as if I was a fool and I had lo ask Hient what Ihey were doing. It seems lo. be a nice stale of affairs when I, as chairman nf the police cotnmis Jon, should he placed hi a posi tion of not being even acquaint ed wilh whal is Jieittg done in Ihe .city." These incident h. His Worship saUl. he had passed up hut when Inslruetions had come i ln cily Hidicilor as lo .making pro-Mentions and a hill had come up that must he paid, he thought il wus hiirh time to call a halt and iiass a resolution insisting that city officials refuse In cooperate wilh any outside, authorities till such lime .as the niaHern were placed before and approved by the police commission. JtatTles Provided For Commissioner Camerun asked Chief Viekem if the iilv Kntiel. Ustetl thta th ttiy of leeenibeT,'is" J'rtr had passed on io him the Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited instruction reganling' gainhlins' devices. The chief reported that he had. Correcting an impression I hat- had been received by Mayor Newton. Mr. Jones slated that the instruction affected j only gamhlinsr devices operated for personal gain. Raffles of societies and churches were specially allowed under the Act. Speaking of the incident in (he mayor's office, Mr. Jones explained thai the provincial officers had come to hint in con nection with Iheir operations and had asked his assistance in drawing up warrants. As they required secrecy, he had sent Iheni jnlo Hie mayor's office. Mayor Newton said il had been presutnplious on Ihe part of the officers lo use Ihe mayor's office. Mr. Jones replied that il was. hi fault. The cily solicilor in the course of Hie discussion pointed out Ihe absolute powers of Ihe attorney general lo enforce the criminal code, lie had already piven nolice of hi intentions ir I ha" municipalities failed to. ad- miniler the liquor act to his satisfaction. He could enforce Hie co-operal inn nf the police comtnission and its officials. Dragned In Unwittingly Mayor Newlon look the view that, since Hie government was in Jhe liquor business and had its own provincial police, it should use lis own machinery lo enforce the law if it was not satisfied with Hie administration of the police commission. He objected to holding an official position and not know whal was going on but still having the police commission and force dragged into it. Commissioner Camemn won dered what was Ihe use of a police commission if it was un der Ihe direction of the attorney general. TERRACE NOTES Bill Noonon of Telkwa was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Howler of Kilsumkalum Archbishop liuYernet made a viii lo Terrace last week, coin- - ' - T -m. - -r ' T2V3jaUL lO 25 lor 15 " 35 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services S ail ings from Prince Rupert SJ&. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Vtfrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 88. PRINCE8S BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner'of 4Ui Street and 3rc" Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings From Prince Rupert. Foe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocein Fall, aetf Swanaoit Bay, Tutadar, S fJS. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bf, Saturday Nee. Far AN VOX. ALICI ARSt, STEWART, Wl. laland, Sunday S rJS. Foe PORT SiatP SON aad Jlaaa Rite Cannerlaa, Friday A.M. til in Avenue. 4. Sarasley, Agent. Prince Rupert. B.C. BUY USEFUL GIFTS We knuw that in our line of '"Htmola" Hath Room Fixtures "Litmino" Aluminum Ware, "Eveready" Flashlights, Pocket Knives, Clocks, Percolators, Tea Pots, etc., that you will find some useful gift, that somvone would be most pleased to receive. KAIEN HARDWARE GO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. P.O Box 1646.. tng in on Wednesday's train from the l'.ast and continuing his trip to Hupert on Thursday. He was the guest of FluVal Mean ami Mrs. Marsh while, in town. The cement work for Ihe Skeena Hiver bridsre is now com pleted on Ihe south side of the river and the teams have been busy transferrins the machinery lo the north side before the ferry js taken out. Mrs. .Walker of Copper City was at visitor lo Usk last week. Tom Maslerton made a trip lo Hupert on Monday. Mrs. Roy Pearson llazrlton this week. left for Mr. Morrison of Copper Hiver was in town on Saturday. Ihe fir.sf flow of ice came down Jhe river on 'Wednesday This Is the latest the ferry has ever operated. ' If you find you cannot get the daily News regularly, call in aiju subscribe .for it and have il de livere to your .home. if COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINOTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Go. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. THE Valentin DAIRY Cor. Mcllride an.l Fifth West. MILK, CMEAM AND BUTT Ell BETA I L Phone 667.