I f TITE DAILY NEWS ran viva UY YOUR STATE CONTROL "WHAT YOUR PROWLINfi WOLVES AT t 1 KETCHIKAN, ALASKA OF INDUSTRIES HUSBAND NEEDS" Man Claim to Hare Been Sur hoes On rjlirfit my bun In ml mrni liom looking e III and worn out rounded by Hungry Animals NOT SUCCESS that I thouj-ht he would feint. I Cloaa to Town from knw U.rrr had bwti eomHhlnir wrone with him for com time, Irli. I WnltM Shoem.iker Australia It Already Ridding Itself yhat but I rould It w,i.not Finally ct him he to ronf.'d UII nut nrr KK'IV.IIIKAN.within I hp thri"- tinlp limit. j of Incubu by Selling Out he tlrnl and we all ovrr. 1 Nnl IhP ilve of lite t.rnlilhilion How often "AMHERST" made Mm gn to lied. Nt Irnfflf, Mil, Mio Vannl. hungry. LID LEATrtEn snuLj, V9lll.'HTO.V I. Ily WotW morninr hr Invlntnl upon pfiin to IniulinC nUi of l.itth- lied can From $5.00. i .miiliHii l'rr . I'.ntilr.il of in. but -lUiouh he wa an)-l'iiif ItidillB llniil frttllP and Hi. Imibii-Imih well. knrw that hi trouh'e LECKIE" ; I -1 ri li t-onriitttrttt, ImiI!i wa j.attly due to worry Whom-for nf our rliililli'iml ihi-. UD LEATntn SHOES, M iiiinionufutllh unfl S)Ii. for ttmr tnonih Ixfi.w ltr b. NNnllor An-S-rmin. en',iip of rr;rri $5.00 per pair. I'-nu llalnrilH f MIfl4f Urn out of work. Thi put its Hie r.ili;p. t.iitil. p..-it nml m l i ilv (i An.lrali.i, i- U-irinnittu o heavily in .leU th,t the rrorer W'bIjt Oitnpniiy. not uly nw Shoe Repairing. In Uw fator. ny T. II. I and butiher rfud In jive v iile on Friday.. nfl'-t rmon Imt, more crrdiL It wa W'ar out of i diiNiire. rltn-f of Hip I'nr ljilrri w at one-1 1 nt pniinix ur-mtiiuli'd work that worried my hiiiUnd. We Adver tise? ll-i.HI Of till' I .S. l1.irlHIOMl He wouldn't eat l-u-r he wa Iy a IkiihI of tin- pp.-i-ic-of EO. HILL nf f otnriHri-p in it report wliirli frald tlre would m.t be enou: h animal, alxinl lw.. hiiinltP.1 lint- ju1 hcen iiifi. food for the rhlldrrn. We were yanl olf llt t'.hnn-nal l'..nil run.I. The Shoeman. Operate Factor! o poor that w hal to krrp tit ppoilp (lie Smrti-v Mtn.Piy. Third Ave. j ctillilrrn from whnol Waure thry Andprt-on wint lo IM- fifiini m a ni VI.a.,a t 1 I'lK' AiirlrNltHCI ifovrrniiwiil hsl no rlothr. I kn- that If I lair Friday nflpriifHiii I., i-ppair LMi ml llnr could only et liulnd ii ipprnli' n ehippiini my itronc Irak in of Hip i-.itiuinii i. on and wHl wHI ninl. upaln evrrythlnit wou'd a litpnrit, a jit inaine. He liad luirdly r..iniiii in-pil le all rlrhu lie i a rarnratrr nilili- i:.rt of hi- milway. mi-l by tradp ar)i whrn In rood he<t MfV when ti" IIOIVh. a park nf NOT I lie mill dMlilnl-ill. Pvnrnce prniliii-liol. ram irood warr and he in al-way wlp t-lii-inic in on linn. Tln-y arian .ii nf iiiar anil nii'tul. All of Milcr and indastriau. Hut rill. ii iiaiii I A riri'led ariiiiiul him Indian fnli. lli- Slater operate raMrnawK ami 1 Ynrvr that it wa impomiible for imi. rUi.inc in nil Hie t in. until Money Orders in iclorla. Mr. Ildrpiliri- l any man to do rood work li iIpHiMiI llial a tii.llle -villi. How often should ( SflllP 0iprille eleven Hlrnlr e wa ill and worried. I ilrrldrd to pprak to our old family iWxtcr. wolp. wIipii nrtinil uilli it Sli. Issued on ndprlHkilW- rHiiuitiji fmp el- , who had rrtlrrd from pracl:ie. -n wrrvh, rnn li dnno .uih-Ii IipI. -niriir prodnctim. In aci-foWl in-' When I eiilainnl how (linn Ke(chi- we were (i t- in Hollywood rW.1V. J W CTU 1:11 IV -in it South Wale din1-I aituated he cladly oflrrrd to lo kan, And adjotinn-d Hi.- nn-. tiriK we Advertise? . ilarly ri.nilii.-t- tnixtna nt I if r. all be rould to help na, although ltip lie rnme In town l.n- a nfd-. 1 1 1 1 1 i u e. uunvoi he with didn't like to Interfere tl-e Ilium a caHintll. a bakery and it j W'lr-n Andcmon rplm icd I.. ( Current Rates dvtor' Finally he new prartlre. .ii'.i..r miiKf n n-a-i-d upHii aij, 'What your hunlnnd rw-d I ri-lii- with hi- jriin. tin w.4m--I.;iH are the Canadian and American Manufacturers Imii In .n. Ii iiihTfTi hi t wild in- li--l:ri,.t md WHY d'lMtteil, .n a rood tonic and I know of Agent for liMiltial nlrrpriM i nnm ' nothing better than Cemol.' I knuwn. appropriating fifty per cent mnrki-d. himnvrr. that il U - thought that if our oH family ., dollars in Advertising - A I I more Newspaper ativrnMU enntrnl ineiyi dortor reoomhtrnda Carnot it mut -non Im 'nnfiaxHl t puMw utiliJ be all riifht. On my way home I CHURCH ARMY PAYS for the year 1923 than in 1922? Una. rot a bottle and before the firs i ie. lot tie had been ued, my hu'Uand METLAKATLA VISIT Oliver The l-olallon and roniparn-j Typewriter Man a rhanred man. After he Cary Safea iim- Viliih or .MKtralia. re)inrk-'Mr. had taken four bottle. hU appetite FIRE INSURANCE l-.ldnilae, "ha Itii ur.-l retumod, he had more Thirty Three Natlv Arrive There Reason I hi lorn in ind'M-iiii. Ihe irnvrrti-nipitl merry, that tired look in hl eye From Kltkatla Later Oo-Inn s a rnnaliluli themdve-i dtappeered and what in mort Im-tiortant l to Port Slmoson I I 0 11 Wa hae bwn more wage In- rriilre for hii.inem rnler-.ii. muvii a nanson than doubled anj he is now miner-Intendent i - ; Third Avenue hut I lil Iriiilrnny i piviiix of the wol worklne 'ritiity-tliroo iraiip mpmlierl they have implicit faith in the uay with the ltnirnxriiinl of hop in which he formerly worked of iIip Ansliran Chnrcli ariflv. r. BECAUSE Vine Rupert. B- O. . . iiiniuiiirauow ami I ran.porta- a carpenter. Thank to Carnol ;rrpl at Mi-lldakalla ftmi KiuJ pulling1 power of Newspaper luiii. our trouble are orer and wc are katla Iht- wek and an- t) w Advertising and in the future and contented Refused Eitend onre more a happy ! to lioldinv rnviwl ppnir. at 'In-neightiorinjr ! Tin- pol ni'lu-iilton if li Tamily."Carnot U Hold by your drurri't. villaffe. Thi-v wll trade conditions for the coming year. ANTED jti-nili-nry aray trtVin pvirtininl and If you ran ronMient!outy ; rt-inain therp for nom ibivs and I.Miiiriil. hr ). mh- rprciit! ay, afUr you hre tried K. that .will I lien ifo lo Port Simpnon. Exclusive !).ii-wliriiiHnK ilffrnl !' III it bam't dune you any rood, land liK-ltidi' mi intm-' The daily newspaper has proved itself worthy of !lmrrlnil.lT. nf lltr pnHl tlmt and return l.e will the empty rtfund your liottle mty.to htm HMnlalil nml i lirtnled by this tremendous responsibility and trust. jilir Itrilkrh Au-lralia U.k.I Iti-nl-' lrt-22 JJum" and H'-iirv Ilrown. ii n I ion A-MWialmn romiiionly S"ld by Men who millions of dollars Newspaper iknuwn lluwra "lrnl il fun-.laMfiilal spend on vicinity Orme" liriic stor and rtpiaiion" anil lM'oni Mrl.iili-n'on'j llrmt Store. Ten Years Ago Advertising yearly know what it has done for them in in.at. .., mmmm 'a tfnlral oIIhb ai-m-y fur all ' r- aitomriiu"fttl"pr , ' .nil mlmn iirinun nriMluct. Tl. ".I in Pf'nce Rupert the past and feel safe in trusting their future fortunes fciHv a) . ' i j!.iwrn 1 wn rn-alnl priiitaiily I"; j' to the advertising columns of the daily press. 1 r uii iiriiaiiualiiHi ! '''""Ii The Man in the Moon j February 1, 1913. 4 lntrt IIMmu- of Ihi rarr-IMar nol from I SAYS:- Tii.- fiii;..in-rf w. lrimi rlii ami In nlsl llii-j ) nn'iiilM-ra ..f "ir . mi'i. il ..f tin-annual inlM'-l nf lint wool lrap iluHnp j lfcHiil iif Trail,, ul 'lie i vrtlM- 1 1 In- iraitMlion p-riml fmiu al WHAT uImmji or-aiiitiu a luK-Wiiip la-t main JUT ti.xiip-M"iri. The News ,nfl MHr imii pomlHintio In utv iy mi iioiih- iiiiiii. llii-re 14 on, r. II. Motiliy. J Daily I all M of olinitraiinilf f-1 'iiml H-iMr iiin. f.ir A I.. Mi Ms-ler. Ii. It. Til'-. Ikiin.'- liil I lir Jtawrn a I inMul Jt fwlhe ork in tlrat Mn. I SiilJiprUn.l. W. I Wiliinnr. an liiili-M-niliiit jk-bi'V, it Jl. I'. MrOITt-ry. I Sinlt, W. Phone 98 P. 0. Box 1723 Empire Agencies Ltd liilliml by trnnliiltt enveril-itfiil ITS lianllv wwlli wliiU mak-ins I. I.yrafli, J. Ii. Mi-Nan. I.ee offHal. aoil i n iitr a mark in Hie -wwrld. Vou . Itaker. II. F. ' S4S CrnU1. St. Vihui.h II. !I.m-Ii. -pr. iilnlly frl llial ltfl ilti MH miy thousand mark for a Mi-llne ciit.1 S. I'. Mi M iilie. ii.o.H-iMliiin fail In it irorain. fnw etntw. tin- -irrltMlHill Iimm roMy ! -. H. Ii. Stewart and . II. N'.-l-.n nun rulllMil. SOW 4lml jieac' ba rHurnml ir EATInu GOOD werr eh-Heiil iiif-t..-ni an.1 vire- M lie. Will Sell Out In Irekintl aenl the. ww aain-l irei.pri" of tin- 1 1 -1 i It I lloanl I In- Xm Soulli ali rmrn- limiMHy l won, wiiut aiut at Hip fir-l niev4itiy uf III,, n.-w 3 iiii-iil lia li tin ( hIhi11Ii Hit lurnlnK mir alleeUHi lo farm. lii-erlor plirIay afleniooit. OSTON in? or anie imIi oxrltlny 4. u.ri.iiK Sal tnilu-ll-ii1" rl up jlit I ln fnrmrr Inlnir iimiTii. rtlitioo tatid. Tidla. In -lnw? of lite ini'iii-. iit- i"Miii iiiiii. "'riif slvali'iH Arwiy here, im jifl year: Preeidenl, F. A. F.llin; Fimt GRILL iiiiln-li n iiirlnili' ii'Hiiy unit vari-ii :i;i: ny: ::Kter day in MN-n ir.il ifirsl T Itl Iraniife-r (n We l'i.-i.l.-nl, .1. II. K.-lly. unili-rl.il lull ! ti rvfto 1 er' wwy tnu I louder and I.Hfihrid?e. SppimuI Vire IM-PsidPHtl. .Iiiipph Day and Night. l.nrilcni'il l.v i .lafl nT aHliiHU- loo-lor. . Howe: SernMtti-y - Treaurer. Phone 7, t li.ilor-. Il i- Hip iiilrnlinn of tlif 1'he I'riinv lliifierl Imbior Alex. Slmvell; Kswiitive, I.. Ilul-IOPk-V1ltlT. 'The New Wash Way" SOMF. work in order '. iiTitlif,nl lo iiml Vif i petitilo llapiall l.eusiio lta lieen form J. I. AIIimi, S. M. i iiiln-1 ri h an.I ! rnnfino llit"1 llial I hey tiuy Imve pinnHliing- to ed with IIip foll.iwinp onireri; NpwIimi and II. W. Ih'n-li. i. -i in ii..T.ii ni.- fin- tnrly SlnlP lma-. nliotil nn, other tiever iTrnidi'iil. Itfv. W. M. .Mrl.iMi.1: np iieorpe iate i i-itiiirrim'iil-. work for I Ifi name rruon. Vice . pri-nidPiil, l. II. Taylor: lle. Iv. II. Iliirrh, ri-lor of St. E rt SVrn-t-iry Tn,aurer. Frank limit Andrew F.pindipul I'.hinrh, l-l .1. Ilil -m. i'. i. M il. foninan SM.MI.nNI. nhjerU lo what oinir lo r.alirornia wlipre lie. willj Everything Washed . ii.piler. Hi'itiil fi.nii (iinewi. iaiil hImhiI new laid ?S. I nl. Fin- Uvi fi-in. (.lull ha pIii-IpiI pi'liil Koine nvmlli' -ifkins: ren-j NEW.CAFE on I hp I'riiK-p iieortre 'e.ler-d.iv o have diroyeni1 lite ernr nf the f.illnwiinr itlli-ii-i r,.r the Ii.nil ion uf health following a! nfiprnoon. Hi- i. Iipi-p lit my way. SiwitVlnir from a iiprvotiM hreakdown. Mrx. Itun-tii Everything Soft Finished e the Bet CHOP uxorliaul of I'rinci- Itiifirl poiikl nf iew lite i-.mni-rliiin Willi Hi.- will iirvonipMiiy him. Mr. and "V L 1 Ullll HUUUIlU) W -tPiilin-r I'niii.- AUierl whioli at-fei-lii in a inltiiM qtianllly. Husband Didn't Dare Mr. J. V. luler-oii, of Kilfiela 80 per cent, ready to use it at -til in d y d'irV. .ire (akin;,- Ihi'ir liotico . lib Slit and J2nd Aau Nft xilitiekiit liko irg. Tliey Leave Her Alone an- inn ViifgiiMlNe. Phone Blur 471 1,754,929 POUNDS IS ,(l one oliJi-t lo flit' Mityinif Heart Was So Bad Mixing PacificI i I'lii!" U I'.nifi," dill what I INCREASE FOR.SALAD A w.ittld ItkP In knnw i lule esifx oaf flwnprs mm w Tomato irajr. Ttuwe f. linn of rilnlnp, bo diny Thin fivure wHm-h ri'prenenU fx-llt. the sll inine (lukUir MHilllmit I lie i roinpndoti- priiRri-iiii in pnb-li,. lie. I Vn, SILYERADO MINE HAS mtilrt eio on from time lu llnie Indicate favor whii'h "Salnila'' ha 7c IP-CHANDLERY, mrtkriM-d romlilton of tlx heart anil s made during III'.'?, i-nu 4te at-li-iliul-d Soup dltonWril male of Itte iterir. BY THE - vnniii, BEEN BONDED only lit iln invariably Porn n i i Mm. Ili'iidi'rsoil has Million to SILYER BELL COMPANY Milburn's higrh itmlily nn, liivp"! ali-f.iNiiiil. W I Ull HV lliank n- rm a i-.-ani nf lotna-wi a n -imp rot'ipi- .ent her. Heart and Nerve Pills Mir l. c nirntittrn n She -nyx il i the nnlv onn -In Ihi- Silverndn mlninK properly u ouiuttulViUU bate an equal ri1 lo alreufiurD STATE SAVING BANKS Phon Black 114. lui lrn-l mi tar Hint rioi-n tuit al Si-wnrl hnK hren bonded lo lite Ike bvarl, Uivlrorau lit avrvea and tuilj . in.11.. into luiot.-. ,mivpi in-ii auninif J.OHH1BHJ. ii up Ui ruu-outtu l-iu. IN RUSSIA AUTHORIZED If idln-r woman would rare S.-ntll-. u Hi' Allr Ann Mr: c. Vauborn. tkui. Alia, wrllra: lc I-.. liny it... .. .hull 1m ulad Hi-raid. Tt udi'in an- now 1'i'inu "Atmui i yrar tro I had heart trouble. plus - - per piece f My fcu'bauil dJJn't dtre Irav io almw. .miisi:ov, Fih. t. -1 hljililihti-kuvinir . Knva'cMlliil foot rxli'llninn for i i Mrs 11 a aad oflru bal la May up al olrbt with bank i.n... ii n.plfin Milk tlio nreeenl luiinel. The Wlvei I tl .....I 1 l.i.l A ..!... .M.I I mi'iil of lule in inn .-. l oMtel by John lluultll, and m kuii ..ui.i .M.IU id .tun LMiliie. i thloiiwholil lltl!. for Hie bene vUili'h ki-i. IIip mnp froinjiid'i More economical than hiring a laundress. ImiihI lakeil oil IIm proppily mould Jutl falol aty. and II would III or 111'- worker unu peimaniii. ,1..... i ,v ,i u lint wan . ' ,.i i .....i.,ii awiirtimra be an hour brfnre lury rould ,a lii-i-n attlorltoi liy Hie i-otih- i ........I 'IIV II. I. IrfltlHU.II lion a-r.t i . fcfe. .Hu. Wd Phone us and be convinced Phone 8 'W wly ' "' i ... .. . . . .... .iti briii b.. to eit,. r , monr,. F.ni'h anuill Supply nur in Hip fall ol iwri. I ury ui'i ron about Hilburui Hear! and Mm fllla. I . , FAMOUS EDS0N COAL Pacific Milk Go. wideiiilile work mi Ihe properly rl lure boiMi I l'k bwa sod IrU,'"" "avP ,,ani all' l,te v H)ntHy i-iiiiiH d"wi lat mtIiik. and (he tuoro iM-ner, o rooiivuad all Wuiter. and tivernmeut proinlm-a In enrour- Limited liiind fkliilinl Ml IM-i-Ullier 3lel dvw I iK-ii-r rre auy hh-d rauiinrti. i atto tin' propip" in practice inriii. turely do arprerleie lo ood tbey Une.jnUieet will he ainia CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY paid 4-ucll B. 0. nnce Rupert Feed Co Haad Ofrica, Vancouver, Tin ploiH'llF I lltiall ultiivo doit lor nie" 'npronnl Factor! at Ladnr and Ab-botiford, ,1110 mouth oflhu iw-ur lllvrr. near Trice boi at U dealer or Phona 6S. B. C. iihe t. iii nf Wi-wuil. nl an rina oalitd airtrl oa rereii-l el prlr by T " Hon uf ome 1,000 feet. T kliibura Co. tlmlKd. Toronto, unt. ( Adverllae in Hid Dally New, (