PAQI FOV TH1 OAILT IIWB Monday. . BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM? SPECIALS Solid Leather Boys' Shoes. Size fl i I, at . . . $3J2S Siies 1 to 5H. a S3.75 Solid Leather Men's Shoes. Suitable for wvrk or havy dres shoe . Siies 6 to II. at $L9S The mail order hoe ran. no! Itjtieit llur above lines for "QUALITY" OR "PRICE." Family SHOE Sore Mail Orders Pref aid . Everything in Rubber or Leather Footwear for aK meiriber of ibe family. We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COLLECTION OF RENTS The Satisfactory Services given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. lli p'rinte George I I Sotel i S TORONTO I! In Centre of Shopping 9 i and Business D strict S , li 250 ROOMS m f too -ot ejo B Ml BUiUJfEAH PLAfi M gj mtrt IWnOK. MAlra. DM. S LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service,. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize fn Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL Wo can now Supply our FAMOUS ED80N COAL in nny quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. KING CEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Pricoi Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Kllrnmale (he draught around your windows and une fcsH coal. 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. OIuhh and Mirrors of all, kind. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 168. i TICE PLEASED SMITIIER5, An?. 27. Crop in in the interior district acrordinjr er', l E. Tier, potato expert and aet-r . .1. ; .f :i I i...,.-!.... ;lhe ame variety. The prealet problem in con-inectin with farnun? here are transportation and marketing and if asTiriiltiiral work in the in terior i lo be a urcei, lhe.e " l 'en and carried a bouqut of iophelia rose. Mis-Cec.I Clarke, Luier of the groom, acted a Urmi UtTTCniAr) kridesniaid, and was gowned in Willi W I r.KlllK ',a,e ?r"n mbroidrred net over -hell pink, and a pale preen pieture hat to match. She ear- Cropt Are Very Goetd In Bslkley: ried pink and while sweet pea.' Urges Use of Certified Seed j" -M'm Cmxfirua "the Potatoes winsome flower girl, wearing: a ; frock of pale blue and white or- 'jrandie with ioke boijoct bf blue She carried a flower- decked basket filled wilh rose who ha. been levelling with J.? ,lrMm ta lh" ?a,h of f. .... ..... bridal narlv on leaving the Ten Years Ago In Pilrvc Kuprt "MILLBANK" i August 27. 1913. A oHinrtltee em -i.iiug of K. li. Daw son. J. II. liH.p.n and F. H. Mohly La t-en appointed by the Hoard 'of trade to welcome .filly - of the Uffcta with wreath- of French T1"'? Interati. ,,.. Oeologieal .-..isre- who will arrive in the eiiy next week in- the rwjre of tur of the Pacific '.oasL Mayor P&iruH. jI) Engineer Jinam, provmcui Pni: . y.' p . ... . . ftf Maosj. Indian Acent C C. Perry dajri ' here on an official inpee- a i.nfeere vtlwr.tnr In ,lwklc "'""w yeienuiy io ueekie . and the tiher were Mr. , , smom. lioiu x. Mr. Tire the oat ! ay erop,. ,... . , it n-i.i i.n ,uinnc. i particularly fine while jrrain erop- could hardly be ex-j cellel. An earlier oat be think would be more suited lo the Io- rality. Vegetable throus Oilier,.,. . . .l ltMU Ikmtnli .... -- - Mrunei. i A reception immediately f'6" ffj" e at Sha. bwinjr the reremony wa hebl at alUn. Il wa d-Mle,! that the . , lite home of the brwle parent. P-er-lK(Ue wa- not on Indian ,i i - .... - : i . ; i m i i iiv-iiia iii.triuiii trtvv , ... i . ,u .i aled with mauve and jrohl flow- "r ,H" e'reVth' . The bride an.. ?room. ,tand. H.S rather than ,,Ped . 'one in pro.lelion. On the farm! nf, """T "'.V5 wt,,lT , 7"ral of t;eo. ouiion. ju-t out of rl ; r"vw, .vr T10!"?" Tl.e frierul. bride Smither,. be ai.L he w ,ri,h;onbe,rmany eobbler ;K,lat.e, which ranklm"lh'r wa ''"nnngly gowned amontr the fine,t e- anywtiere. ,n Tt" T'"" , !,lh Wark, '"at. and he reee,e, He co,,vince, thai the Uulkley, . . . ilhe gue).l. aMted bv the 5 . r ' .V!. .-TUroom' rmither. allire.1 in a c,-'" "" Friday aerow nnrrnKUMr,, r,f Dalv and srev ene'll hy Ml Hreee M. lor the rnwinff oi mt potaue. , ' rtf (hk bee. bat trimmed h- ..k. h.. r n..rtrirraal". r.avinJr!nh "4,rir two varieties ftartjciilar, attention to, the eelec. l n of eed Leave for South dam had nnnve fih- TERRACE NOTES Mi Marion Ilanna wImi ha been renewrnr o4tI ariu.linlanre in tow thf week, rmlHuiel her Mr. t5ttbrL(aeowmp'infel j,y TTie tea Uble wa eenlred n1, ""Wren arrived from Fjijt. i ..i. ti. ... i . laittl imi Keulnr A an i.Miiceif flu superior-!.-.V j,,'ty 4r " V ! ' ttr f certified ,ee,. Mr. nee u ; mentioned, II. L. F'rank. of Ter rce who xecurcd a juantitr o ecelet (Kdaloe which are u- 'ffrown from ordinary stocks lone aiHi .aim ireanier. jn. . - - - idintr at the urn were Mr, i;.' after h tea ..n TlinrUy when f f ... II. . r a I hr mriHf fpiniln arianl t mnf fruimi .Tni A."f iiie. ti t ft I 'l raielio. ner.. lnA iViin and Wf I " PUU' e Mr. J. J. Slrutzel enjoyable afternoon if. i.. k.ii ieul the ice. They were ailed by Mr. F. Calher and Mi! Mr. Wm, Mnjr ami Mi Lil- Kathleen McfSeer. flian King enlertainet rbarminsly 1 . . .. ... ... ....... I ' J . ... . . ... . i.aier. .nr. ami .Mrs. i-iarse ieji rrnmj uiitiimh hi iea. for Seattle en route lo San Fran cisco, where rhey will reside, lh bride travelling in a gown of crushed roe flat canton crepe. with wrap of cloth ami Prince I Mary blue elvet hat encircled' lorohlPTii .liont.t havei immediate iwilh V- altenlion. Mr. Tice uJrgeM. Inl, he Prov.nre alo run a pic-the.eday '" "f 3,r' of bish priced labor Cla,rk '"nnerllon the farmer must do all they ran''l,h acnunl io oerrome ine ingu coi ni pro-jductrnn and in no wuy ran thin Shelter be ilone than by the u of pure. eed. iMISS .MARGARET MC COLL ic MADDicn m cnimi io mnAiuLu in ouuin Former School Qlrl Here and Teacher at Anyox Wedded Last Week at Cassldy, Vancouver Island 1 The bride being well known in Prince llupert, where be received' -her eleinenlarj' and public nchonlj 'education, and later in Anyox, ' iwhere he taught school, and was ,alto on the staff of the ftxanhyj stores the following account from a Vancouver paper i. Inlereoting: llnnnuly Union Church, Van couver Island, wa the ncene on Thursday. August 23, at 1.30 ,0'clock of a pretty wedding, when "Margaret Dnff, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ieorge P. McColl, formerly of Prince llupert anil Anyox became the bride of Mr. .William ft ray Clarke, elder son of Mrs. II. O. Clarke, of this city. The ceremony wan pcYformed by flev. J. Fielding Shaw, of Lady-;tmith- and the double ring eere- mony wa Used, The church wax I. WW ! i ..11.. .1 I ... I- u iillllllll lirrid ill iiy iriflMIS) of the bride, early autumn flowers and greenery being used. Charming Bride The bride, who wa given .In marriage by her fulher, entered the church lo the strain of the wedding march front "I.ohen-', .grinV' played by Miss Kathleen Velxli. The bridal gown wa a.; model of white canfon crepes and the bride wore a white Jgeorgctte bat with tulle stream'. BACK FROM THREE . WEEKS' CRUISE TO II. 1.. MelHtrxh ami Major (Sib. oit of Prince llupert arrived in J Terrace on Thurday evening. Those registered al !h Ter-race Hotel are Dr. Dan Mrl.el-lan. Vancouver; A. F.. Ilalph. Pfince Oeorse; . Ooodenough, llaielrbn: A. W. Parker, Terrace; Aileen Stephens,, Prince llupert; .. !. McLeod, Prince Itu-perl; W. It. Owing, Kalum Lake-. H. H. (Irani, Prince llu- linn Pinnurn nun 'r"' tiirisiiin. nLnV uAIUmlln tAIIAL Jan Maron, (ieo. VHon. Van- "coiner; It. A. Harlow, Prince llu Mr. and Mr. Frd Scaddon re perl; John Thma, Vancouver; turned on Saturday from a cruie co. Kaldal, Prince ltupert; P. W of three weeks lo Ihe bead of Anderson, Prince Ituperl, (). A r,anlner Canal I" l'"lr launch Smith, Kaluni Lake; K. Hale Dawn. They report Ihe weather .Loveland. Colo.; T. Sarloned, V. wa fine which gave them oppojv. V. Delcnrl, Vancouver: J. tnnity lo see the grand ncenery F.aslhatn, W. F. (tierg. Prince down Ihe coast at iU be.t. There Ituperl; M. MeCnfTery. Prince wa good trout fishing.' rtuperl; Alono Hull. Seattle; Daily News Classified Ads, S CENTS FEN VVOMD tH ADVANIX, No AUetlainnt Tkn for Lmi h W ANTES j VA.TKH. Men and women to learn bartering. Paid while tearain? and tool free. Write far catalogue. Moler llarber OWege. Vaneouver. M.C l.DY lMHtKKKKI'F.R will lake set of botk. to keep at night. Term moderate. Apply Hot 111, Doily New. If WANTED. 5irl with knowledge of bookkeeping. Aply in own handwriting to Hot I in, Itaily New Oflice. - - " jr WANTED. Young lady wilh koouleilge of bookkeeping. Apply Hot I I?. Daily New. ?03 WANTED TO HUY. Three or four rfxirned hue. Apply Hi 139 Daily New Office. 201 r.lltl. WANTED for Ice-cream parlor. K. K. 0nfectionery. FOB SAUL FOIt SA I.E. Launch "Nadlne," 23 fL x o fl. Cabin cniier. Hollar built. Ealhope h.p. I cycle. Find cl rondilion. Complete with dliighy. storage battery and full etpiipment. (AM. O. Korie. Phone 3rt7 or He.1313. If FOR SAI.K .New hull. Id feet by fit feel. Seine boat model. Constructed of firl cla maletial. Hargsim Aihlre. T. F. Johneon. P.O. Ibv II7H, Ketchikan, Alaska. FOIt SALE. I have for ale sev eral boats good for pleasure and work at exceptional bargain. They mut be od. Apply N. M. McLean. Cow Hay. FOIt SALE. Two cow, in calf. Apply Win. Sim. Jap Inlet. Porcber Island, H.C SOI FOIt SALE. Loin 19 and 30, Seal Cove Circle. Apply Alex. Smith. Merville. H.C. Mr. .1. A. Weekar, Prince llupert; Mr. O. (L Walker: Mr. O. H. While, Prince llupert. Terr Oruie, Mr. A. II. Hayne, Mr, li. J. Itaudo, Ml E. Porte, Spokane; H. E. tttoilbourne, Vancouver; Dominion Chautauqua party; D. Sfieilson, Hegina; II. E. Allen, Hanall; Thoma Snell, Pilmnii; I.. F. Chord, H.'ino; Win. llobhiii. Vancouver; I.. W. Stone. Van- reouver; .J. .M. Siegfrietl, Wraii- n..fl 4 I 1. . tt t .11 t ril, .ll.lSKil, tT . .. .tinio, tnii couverr Ja. Hloek, Oi P. Hrown, Seattle; Frank Heule, Vancouver: II. Direlfy, S. II. Haxter. Edition (on; Mr. and Mr. W. Kielh, Ci. Oihson, It. I.. Mclnlo.h, Prince llupert. K.A. niovir, Winnipeg; W. J. Leal, Edmonlnn; II. Mayworth, Vancouver; O. Hanson, Lake Kallilyn; C. II. Shockley, Prince Ituperl; John Hremner. Prince llupert. SM1THERS j Mr. and Mrs. p. William of Decker Lake were in (own for i jfew .lay. While here Mr. Wil 'lianiM wa a. patient of Dr. Ilau- jkiuson. Mr. .1. A. Porleou I enjoying visit lo Montreal. F. T. Appleyard, who wa em ployed a car checker on Ihe rail way here,; ha been Iraiieferrei lo Dome Creek, operator. Hi brother, II. W. Appleyard, n Port Moody,, lake Ihe position viti'uleil. w ny not' Htibrarihe. for the 'Dally New and Have II sent lo jyour uome regularly r u ro? T STEAM Heated Flat for renL Itemrr aoartmeuta. M. M, Stephens. rii 1 uouesreping nom 410 .Sixth Avenue East. Phone) Ulue 217. i MODEIt.N four room flat for; renL Welenlmver llro. ROOM AND BOARD tf PAl.MEIl HOUSE. o1 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Ilisl U9. Furniohetl suites. OARD. ItOAHD. The InUnder. U30 Seeund Avenue. Phone 137. ItjtL'jSlVl..', TAXI Tail 67 Phone. f(UII (JeorK" or Uut) Ross Brother. et Servii-e an he City Anywhere Anyinie ity or Ntirht Standr BosUn Oellr Tklrd Avenue HOLIDAY RESORTS MAstmr. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. For lerot apply proprietress; Mr. J. C 8. Dunn. AUCTION XALSS. irftnuucira in yitur mtiiie or w ortimlsslon CHIROPRACTOR 3rd Avenue, prince ItuperL H.C. Hours: 10 lo I: 2 lo 1: 7 to H, Phone Illue 025. lteidence. fireen 13r. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesday ami Friday, close at 5.30 p.m. From the East .Mondays, Thursday and Saturday, 4:30 p.m. From Vaneouver Sunday .Monday Wednesday .. Fridays Friday (1P.II. Migut 3. fl, and 27. To Vancouver- Monday To Anyox, Alice Arm WedneilayH ... From Anyox, Alios Arm Thursday To Port Simpson, Alio P. M. 3 P.M. 3 P.M. .. ..3 P.M. 13, 17. 24 10 P..M Tuesday. Mall close at t P..M Thurxday 10 P.M. Saturday A.M. Saturday 10 P.M. August 8 H, 1H, 22 and 29. Anyox and Arrandale. Sunday j From Port ftlmpson, Alios Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays To Stewart and Premier 1 riday g Siinilay 7 fl P.M. .8 Arm P.M.! AtMe P.M. Km. From Stewart and Premier Satnrilay H P.M. Tueadays To Alaska Points n no T'tfcW Hsr tut- t t rim mm . frmnii i If i i- r-l . iNltf. U ' IS) tSm. f. t ihw So H t mm Imtrf Ki ( eH. ! tm KM nkuriuii tWw rJl be it--,. srH orr Iwl tar trihv pti' tUri OffMl. i rT r sie v- 7f mat t - nonet ImmbI to I ' I : nil tl e cm r r- I4tk hay im?. .' II. B rot ai laiasiw''- In nrem DWirtri, -? It -' t r.wt u a. fea) A iliMtha be taut - ' l .-oi kfxtt U H Vjh tjm ; .V Crntiar of tnu ta v - r im fa v e U t: fi tin (skii luril ! ..arf V,. as m tI. Oweiiittr !? n a i tf l Urn la. I 1. M.I P i roe iwrwatar "f a 1 1 " Ikrsi.uhl tlltlOM- -. vm .to tr re jii Kl f tiiM e.:. tl tte naaxtekr (ier and fi fuM4 Ifcru (Mem ler ow ' tat mtAtt fi e - )dria lb irr , . tm t li 1 irSSH P ;. i i atattt si iw I r t -ii lr-- Ie4er and tiiidtnnr fci f1 r M. H. HKMMinOS, Auctioneer, tc borrat ttr rra'o W Third Avenue .7. ' (Dsi.nv Allen's Old Store) imtirsst ia it- -- R. D. TASSII, D.0, . Chiropractor Dru ire K ne w wkim n li r-'4'i"! vitMMht)r of u M N OTICC. n rtm trrra -t ?!1' Z Ihe t r rr i. ti- -Tllle of tU laenr ttf l roir Hi Utt. i 'TZmt it. Mifiiii ot ii 'r,irc ntr &ut lit i. Tue I"-' " lrliflfl or Till "rtf? ir "T '. "-lurlot bsm pn.lorwi I n " !' " tttrr the MlXf" . CrwItHMl run the at! land la II '. "T.'JTn Untll. The iirn ' ''': a dated tt lit ABr",V r vo. iuriirirf! eniNct. nueser uo wsta quick CMAatorri iil", Tlka Ntrtlra that -It Ji w to arriy rw r' It I pnlnl II rnl,n j .ail. U low 'iter mirk of Pit' Fa!rtT:,a anulbmctarlr ni " '; ,m' , ul -V I wnt IS rbiln. fh'il 'J, af U tf lot- por w l. ",. a rtss 100. lbnro apMii"-' - tf ItH-nra !Mt)eaMerl ."VJ. i , -Am . . - . iei. io ine l"'" "'r' . bt ....... . . ..... j mitrp miM tht toil ", Jnty, rAtkiia c fa llabiairloiv LANO CT. . .. . . U IMM nr mure nuri. Canlilna Till J'"?'':. af Tlka .lollf. Ihat W in pw- -, U. applr rr pent""-- iIinvfnrti" ' ""'fuiLmmr,.' ZZot a.iMial plained on u iiyff tain C.of. llirnr aotilh 5 wr.l SO ctiim. UHltf 'lr'" ,Jarr; QUtfN CMAH10TT nXS Tika notice mat W. l y". lW1f ; AngusI 3, ft, 13, 17, 2J, ,, 07. m,pef, rr from Alaska, Points- L,,: , August H, , 8 22. d 21). Mind, B.C.t O'l'do'i';'" 'r rff'1'! 5 To Queen Charlotte Island ll,Sr Augul H and 22 5.30 P'M. " 'lni n"rUi lh'n.H . V irMm n . .. inenre s rnimi ...... M " unarioite points ninirrnirnl. August o and 20, rouvrr, H.C. minrr. r ; iivT r the Mllilalrr er li""' ,i S" I Dittd July ft, W, 0. M