I . ..r I... ilaini.liiiitiil I. ..I...' Iiai.l .1. Il.n.u tiil.lfi . .... 1....I I.. f..ll. III'K III lt IM'II llll II l'l llinfri a iw I Strut economy 111- departmental expenditures. . V11 inreressivc effort to earn out Hie policy of the former 1.1 . . .1.. 1.. 1 1. I ill mi 1 a Iih t'rni - n... . .... r Ml Fin lfer -II llll.-lllldll III IOC , 1 urobl.'ins wlurli the . m ifr ut-i 'to Hie ngrieiil rul Itiic? 1 it,..: lit nil Aii inriease n the volume of ...1.. e. .. 1 n . I . t mi iwuUn . I . I I- .l . I. f Mr l,owe amis. Ill II hV Kl V W VBBMeM m em SHIP DAMAGED ii. 1 . . 1 . . 1 1 r I I Conception Yesterday: Left Two Weeks Ago WAX I'KIHH). Aug. 27 1 ill 1 1 111 1 f ,i rr llln.liK The FISH PRICES WERE HIGHER AT EXCHANGE Day's Total of Arrivals Is 165,500 Pounds Including Trawler Andrew Kelly's 65,000 Thirteen halibut boat old She . t ti ... 11... . i ....... 1..1 ; r t 1 .L .1.. - - - - mmcr. 11011. j. . in mr ,".1111.11... iwii ... lump.! uuu.. ;t Close study of western conditions a a basis of wider fKUYlNllAL fULltt W.- I .... Hull itttia if liiu 1 .! T ii ' ml 11 ill" 7IH3 - t 1:1 in J familiar.? lum- r Willi v .rii iriMni iroiu ... ..j 1 1 v vsrv ".Jin. i a I . ...!..... ..Iti.ud i n iii'ici it 1 imiinu in iii'iin . ...... a . .1 ..1.. II i wnmrji nimm n nitun. 1 c Slnrai-e Co.'h A. Collins of rorl ueorge is going ti-aul..r Aii.Ii-pw Kel v. arrived W IHlCMey nay. rrpiacuii, n. IlY. IiA linn t. I'niiiler. wlio was stationed. at ,, ,, ir. Willi, miiiiu" niniii(. jl . 4 . , - . iiiimi I i Ir I r fl" ill I II. I II - ----- ----- r ai r.d,.,. n operation t d r A.nertcau boats ' ITince Hupert nf clerk to In Mi a.la. lulled Male and one , ,.., tuti. . ... M.eclor Parson. U , foreign countries, has , , 11-.... I vur Uueen Cliarlotlo larioue. i.,, City will be . V""" . V." rhaiue and nine Canadians. 26.-'. 11 uie suiuen 01 inuuiry iiy mic . . . . . IihiVihI afii-r nv i;oii.iaiiie iv. mlulsler .....I. and I. he slated riu.c. .Inln.l .iiii iuiiiiiitk i r 1 n . i rw m i j 1 1 . r - - l.l I'".."..-. ...v.- ... .. t I ii. ir.nv anJ Meaven. who lias i.eeii iraiipicinu In'llllltl iW I JS U rll 1 1 1 IT Mil lllliri' I.. I r v m I Anitlt .lli American fi.l. hail a "'""-" " "Pi;; ..Uan.aVe In pr.ce.l Ano.I.er change has been made , h tiKjKiry lie hop.sl to di- ' c, , .... ' .'with the traii"er of J. A. WII- credil r " llam from Vanderhwf to Stew- riass inn. . Arrival" and sales: 1 ' am srhnnner I I Abelo. owned nni u.ac, aim Hie Los Atigeles Steamship Co.. pounds, at 12c. ...I I i.m. Ii. llil twirl l.ntifiilinil 1' I H 11 n uueen 1. uarioiiu iviuiui", uu. terday rolllded with the tanker Vuiente off Point (Vinceplion. in damage, lo too vessels is es- litiiln.l ol I., .If (iltlllit'll lIlllllll'K The Ml Abeto left Buckley Bay early two weeks ago with a go nf spruce and hemlock. The inter schooner F.l Cedro with a argo of 1.170.000 feet cleared "i San I'cdro last week. The El 1 . 1.1 .1.. . ..1. -ii. I'i'iti was prouniuy coining ihmu. hen Hie accident happened. 0S1.F.MS AND HINDUS FIGHT American Mildred H., 31.000 pounds, nl l.5c and 10c, lo the Allin Fisli-rries. Taloosli. 2t,000 pounds at I t.5c and 10c, to the Pacific fisheries. Hatel H., 12,000 pounds, ami llravo, 7.000 pounds, at 15.2c and tic, lo the Itoyal fish Co. Canadian I Tillie S., 2,000 pounds; Verna, 2.500 iiouuds, and Agnes. II., 5,- 000 pounds, at 12.2c and lie. to the Canadian Fish A Cold Slor-Hiie Co. Thelina. 1.000 pound at 12. Ic Point and 10.5c. to I ho Cold StorHge MISS BETTY BARROW MARRIED SATURDAY Popular Young Lady Becomes Bride of Gordon James Reading of This City A very quiet wedding took place here Saturday afternoon when Miss Betty Barrow, daughter of Arthur Barrow. B.C.L.S., became I lie bride of Gordon James Heading, sun of the lale James Head-lug of London, England. The simple ceremony took place at the May S.OOO.AnpUoan Hectory, Hcv. Archdea con Mx officiating. .Mrs. Heading, who Is a valued employee of the Indian Depart- Ilose Point, 3,000 pounds, at n,ent. Is one of the most popular I3raud It. 5c, and Mayflower, 2,- young ladies in the city. She has 500 nounils. al 12.3c and tl.2c,iVed here for some years and ro the Allln Fisheries. Mali, 3.000 pounds, al 13c and 11.5c. and Ingred II,. 8.000 pounds, at I2ranil ll.lc to the Booth Fisheries Canadian Co. SLIDE AT KWINITSA SATURDAY EVENING Eastbound and Westbound Trains Delayed Passengers Transferred to Sepclal Coaches on This 8lde A rock slide at Kwiuitsa caused "delay U the" C.N.R. westbound " L .t .l . .... I .1 M Agrat. Postal Deliveries Stop Icial coaches were sent out from ...1.... ll 1 vero n ronf cl at Agra. iasi . .v ilKlit. Firearms were used and n-ached the city al 5 30 a.m. yes-!' casualties are said to have ferday. Saturday nights east-H'en i-'en heavy heavy. bound wits delayed and did not Ml business iu the city 'ecu suspended, and postal Series have slopped, CN.II. slemner Prince George, 'Id W S. Moorehouse. due fi'uin Vancouver and wav norts at "in afternoon, reports on time. l,ll9 leave here until 0 yesterday tie. 'morning. No other trains were Inflected nnd the Hue is now clear again. p. S. Honney, district forester returned from Swanson Bay on the Cardena yesterday afternoon. has many friends from whom she has been receiving congratulations. Mr. Heading is chier clerk iu the local forestry office ami Is also well and favorably known here. The yonjig couple intend to reside In the city. CLAM CANNERY FOR Ti r 1 1 I 1 i TRANSFERS ARE MADE Constables to be Located at Buckley Bay and Queen Charlotte City: Constable Ponder Here Colonel McMulliii. of provinnal police, an- MMiiiiri" thai two new pro- r " liB? ",M,..ru'ujealelie- i.ilallitig 100,5ml ioumtr vinciat police otution are beinp ' 1 'entatho Ml l..,. i:.ri11,liu- 1 1,1. t,,,. opened, one at HucUey Hay and "ii Hie Ht. 1...... ...1.. ..111.' lli.ir au.l in a.lililion. Hie Oaiia- Hie other at Oueeii Cliarlolte City. ".'"Mian KUli A t.ld QUEEN CHARLOTTES Capt. Babblngton and Associates View to Using Product MASSF.TT. Aug. 27. Many hero to bring Hie passengers lo. miles of Hie beach running north- tlie eitv and lliev arrived al 1 1. 10 . ward from Hose Suit has been work at 6nce. A double shift is lo be started In Hie Massell Timber Co. s sawmill at Buckley Bay this week and by the next steamer from Vancouver a large crew of men will arrive at the plant. The output of the mill will thus be practically doubled. It is now turning out 125,000 feet daily, most of the lumber being exported by the company's steamers to California. Whan Vu Want A a 31 1323-' " : " P.R.F1SH MARKET TAXI Jly W Phona 671. 99 v r . ? . Fresh Killed Poultry. in a hurry Fresh Killed Meat. Phone Fresh Sausage Daily. PRINCE RUPERT l til pa ana eeii -mi tvi Lihinry In the City. Rates Reasoi ' "'iniiiiciu Biiiid),,'.,, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A Trial Order Solieited, Ml, AMI... 'W, -- PRINCE nUI'EIlT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1923. turdif'a Circulation 1S04 SlfMt PniCE FIVE CENTS, ILL DEVELOP TRADE IN WESTERN CANADA OK IN IRISH ELECnONS PROOtlM AITIMV AIL PARTS OF COUNTRY mister or iraae ana Commerce Proposes to Extend Business West: nTTVVV.l A i : ir. L7 -linn. T. A. Lowe", recently aiinoinled , I. ...... .I......--...- ....II. II... I' ..I..... IIIUMIT III IriHir uii'i .muni 1 1 i , w-t i.-?iii 11 1111 nil- Miuuw1t111 14 GAMING HOUSES ARE RAIDED VANCOUVER FIFTY ARRESTED VANCOCVEH, Aug. 27 live alleged gaming houses managed by white, Mack ami yellow men vveie raided and fifty arrests maile of men of all nationalities by a special clean, up squad of Hie city polio tin Saturday uigl.t and Sunday morning. i Mile. Modeska, a Russian beauty of noble birth, who is staying in Pari due to the bolshevist rule in Rusia, has been accredited! as having the most alluring eyijs in Pari. Voting is-Brisk ThroughouLall Ireland Today: Shooting Took Place in Dublin is Unexplained DUBLIN", Aug. 27. Voting in Hie Bail elections began throughout the Irish Free State this morning at uiue o'clock. A lively outbreak of rifle and machine gun fire occurred here today. The shooting is not explained. Balloting was proceeding quietly during the middle of the forenoon with national troops patrolling the streets. There were reports of an attack on- Mount Joy prison and various posts occupied by national troops but the$e reports are unconfirmed. Polling continues 1risk in all parts of the country. At Wnlerford the office of the Waterford News was destroyed by fire this morning. The paper has been republican in politics. DOUBLE SHIFT AT BUCKLEY BAY MILL I SOCKEYE AND HUMPBACK t! SEASON IS CLOSED NOW 'jSkeena River Sockeye Pack Will JUDGES FOR FAIR ARE APPOINTED be Some 25,000 cases More This Year Than Last Willi the pack totalling some 23,000 more eases this season than last, Hie sockeye ami humpback fishing season on, the Skeena Hiver closed Friday even ing. The use of Hie 5 ft inch mesh gill net is now prohibited for Hie remainder of the fishing I season. Fall varieties such as cohoes and t'hums are now being taken although a large number of the fishermen, especially natives, have stopped fishing. CANADA'S TRADE WITH fcxniDIUOn Ullice nounia aj II1IAVV.V, .vug. .vug. -1 ;. Victoria of Names of Those hade within the Empire is in- Bflach staked For Manv Miles by Who Will Officiate Here creasing. For the twelve months. fnlltminir imlcfs to officiate at nimitlis. Itnitorls from Hritiijh I '.. .. .S I I..! ..I SIMLA Aug. 27. Heligious "uny or in em being tourists to slaked by uapl. n. n. naouingiou none an.i i'ds iu the united Vrovlnees are g ' ,S' .pq!iy ner,, inoami associaies ioi- ine imyu IfnlnniU lllir S lirUll-U L'llIlV 111 11IU IllllhllllT I III" It It TM'I U' l" iifiini n -v 1 . " IIU'J t'mw ----- ... " . . .....I nun ending July 31 Canada's The provincial department of tu other parts of the llon, fishing. Jusl now Hie captain is Department or Agriculture,- ic- vlsitlng at lll-elen Hiver six miles toria. north or Massed investigating, Poultry -.- E. Greenwood Vic-vvith other experts with a view to, toria. " . locating a site for a clam cannery 1 Women's work Mrs. W.. J, which Is lo be erected somewhere Honavia, wife of the, deputy iniu- in the neighborhood. He has been Ister of agriculture. working on this scheme for some v .1 ' time and is said to have inter- H. P. Gibson. William Hunting viewed sufficient capital lo nuiko and it possible lo proceed witli the F. 0. Wilson were Stewart v isitors in the city over the Buckley Bay Murder Case will be Tried Here at Fall Assizes Evidence Given Before Magistrate Held responsible by a coroner' jury for having caused the 'death of his countryman, B. llirala, by stabbing him in the breast at the binikhoiise at Buckley Bay 011 August 18 and later formally committed at a preliminary trial before Magistrate A. R. Mal-lory on a charge of murder, K. 'ishada, Japanese, arrived in ,the city on the Prince Albert last night in custody of Provincial iCouslnble It. P. Ponder. He is now locked up 'in the. city jail and will be taken to Okalla prison where he will await jury trial at the Supreme Court Assizes lo be held here this fall. At Hie preliminary trial lllroln at Huckley Hay, Nishida pleaded not Kuilty. Accused being unable to s'ak Knplislt, Sam l'.nnyu acted as interpreter. Jeremiali i.ha:e, mill superin- teudent, was the first witness. He told of being informed of Hie murder, finding Hie body and taking accused in custody. He was in bed iu a room not his own. Dr. J. A. Hriggs told of view- tirr lliu limit ..r ifnni:i I li0fA ireet inleresl Britain's the1"" over- was a large incised wound in right chest which would have caused death. Healh would have beeu instantaneous or almost so. J N. Inabae told of an alterea-' I Wirt Kulu'DAn V a Ii ill -a 11 tut 111 ru 1 n WILL CONFER OVER LIQUOR Britain Will Not Reply to United States Note Until After Imperial Conference LONDON, Auy. 27.--Owing to seas dominions ami possessions have in Hie shipment of alcohol lo countries of North and South America it eems likely that the long deferred reply of the Brft- rollmv,rdHalerVH.ct-rrf-'a- sa7 Ha,e " Hughes outlnited ?- bottle. He Nishida go m r st nilr jliimrivlintr lriatM Inln of the bunkhouse followed by . ' . 1 . , llirala came back soon i.iiiirti i n 1 c nm uc ijfuuru and fell down. Hirala had been ',' holding a bottle. Witness saw 7"f '"" iiliiila klriki. will. Iiis linml I WO r iimm iimp H .li.l not see a ll,al questions raised by j.njfe jUniled Stales including extension Nishida!"1 lrm,nai wa,fr ""u,s l" Mrs. Yei Inouye of coming into ner house anoui 11.30 with blood on his clothes. He changed his clothes and went to bed. Previous to this, Nishida had left her house with aknife returning without one. Witness identified the knife. fomizo Tanabae declared! Nishida had come into the bunk.) house about 10 o'clock. He spoke' with Ilirataand they had a row.) Y. Fugimoto look Nishida outside u bottle was broken. Nishida had a knife in his hand and was swing- ing it around but he did not sec him hit Hirata. llirala got up and went over two beds apparent ly looking .for something he did not find. He (Hirata) ran outside quickly, came back and fell down beside the sto'. Witness went over and lifted Hirata's head. It was warm but there was no breath or pulse. The doctor ami coroner were called. S. Takeyama told of differ ences between Nishida and Hirata leading up to the stabbing. On the night in question deceased lied informed him (Takayamu) that Nishida had come to his EMPIRE INCREASING '-,uk,,oi,Te .H,v! ,A H licit IV .V l.i.llll III I..V Cl?.v I was suggesed by witness. ui.ohciji ,c..ased and accused had had exports Empire trouble iu Vancouver. Constable Ponder told of being Called to the scene of Hie stab bing affray and later obtaining agriculture notifies the Fair Of-unouute.l to 153.137 agaim.1 jie knife. fice of the appointment of the $351,01)2 for the previous twelve ii Accused 1. iii-vi had nun nothing ii'iiiiiim lEmpire Uie.hi,,, nd court adjourned. Fruit, vegetables, field Crops, 'dose of July this year was $ 105,., P. Vv. 81 1.100 and for the previous year If 153, 185,58 1. PRESIDENT ELECTED FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION VANCOUYEIl, Aug. 27, to nr HOME BANK CURATOR TO MAKE STATEMENT hi 11 1 uj rr ---r- - t- - - , kMllbtli-ll HIV t'aUKl'IJ V VHIiltl I 1 M i il... r..Hll.n....ilM 11 1 1 ilil I lt .....inli.!.. countries Aii.lliiif ending 11 ut 1 I lin ' . . it 1 ' .llll 1 in nn. 'utiiip- vuiumvii( END OF NEXT WEEK TOHONTO. Aug. 27. A. H. A.. Barker, rurutor of the Home Hank (iovernment the twelve miles should be thorough ly discussed at Hie forthcoming conference and the views of Canada and other Dominions sought. PRDVIMM SANK SUNDAY and told him not to fight. About I""" T" "wu"" ."r 11.15 Nicliida came in again and had another altercation with IHrata. There was a noise and a Boat Struck a Rock Grenvllle Channel In The Prince Hupert Boat House power lioal 1'rovinciai, uapt. Waller Larsen, struck a rock. while proceeding, in the fo down (irenville Channel yesterday nioriiiug at 4 o'ebck, filled with water, keeled over" and sank In fathoms of waler. The boat. which has been under charter to a couple of the Hivers Inlet can neries this season, was going to Hivers Inlet from the Skeena Hiver and had 5,000 fresh salmon 011 board when the accident occurred. Nobody was iiurl and Capl. Larsen and his ,crew of three men will arrive in the city ' this afternoon on board a seining boat. Capt. Swanson, owner of the Provincial, will then pro-, ceed south to raise the boat and bring her back to port. He is hopeful that the damage Will not be very serious. BRITISHlriSTERr ARE CHANGED TODAY LONDON, Aug. 27. Otllclal announcement was made today of the appointment of Neville.' Chamberlain a- chancellor of Iho exchequer and Sir William Joyn-. son-Hicks, as minister of health. FOUND DEAD IN ROOM SEATTLE, Garrett, 05 Aug. 27. James H. years of age, was Hobeiison of Victoria was elect-Lf Canada, wilt issue a statement. found dead in his room. Letters ed jiresidenl of the British f Hie financial status of the sus. in his cITccts indicate thai he Is Columbia Football Association ut ponded bank on September 0 in-'survived by a widow residing In the annual meeting Saturday.), Heating the extent of the recovery Victoria, B.C. J. L. Armslrong or Vancouver .koly to be reallx. by llie do-f rhosen so re:ary-traurHr ,pOsitors. Rubicrlbe for the Dally New.