BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa Dai Ladies 5C "too think I DON'T sAV CO tOO TUlMW 0C3 PAROON--HC tp "SEE OU MOORE SOnNA "that Cot vm I'M COIN' TO PV VVIILHAVC PAT lH VlbOOT MMflNCj AftftASkX TEACH NT VIFE. con; to cve fOO SOOO HOHCV TO CTkmC TO MY AOVAHCe? TO COME MERC AN' OTHOIO ih PARtt -en -o njes, rOTHEf?'t TO "'mc; . z Ill P sa- L- s.swA a 1 TCACH Htk TO I U'"XT I xVp havp a now One Strap the well hL i i av L - II f r .nl T 'f -w i Pump, all patent, klifiwn uNY.V make. Just nrriei. i nil In nml Iry o'G) pair on. m No $8.75 heller shoemtlklnp polble, so why pay more SPECIAL Children'. 1'alrhl. I Mary Jimp at $1.60. SPECIAL 1.allies' or flirls' Hrown Kdl Oxford, nil size. at $6.50. rsifus hwci, isc lU .rr in. I III! ltj Family SHOE Store "Shoes Fop The Family." MINE PLAYS ELKS AT iMiimiii(iifflMmiimsiiv CfilUC flC P A M All A 1 ANYOX AND BEAT 'EM Beecham'sl ,Jr:J w-v - m 11 T 1 A M.. A I Pills 1 DffEATKKUlIUi jLo.iijr icwa viciOdii icu -rVUS. s (Eight to Seven Result of Spirited a CRNT8 HER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdmllMnMnt taken Summer fit lor Let Game In Baseball League Keep you r a h.n 80 ii!i!iiaftiiiiBamffliiiii iitainHHfiiiii 1 Good Senior League Baseball ANYOX. Jump 1(1. The preil Game Staged Last Night COAL ;niicprlainly will liapppn of hpI,baseball,i) Hip of wIkiIp what other came mjalily nearly diipli-l j 1 Extra Inning Required to XVANTKtX Men and XX'omtn to II lit HFXT llirrp rt...Hied SPORT SCHEDULC (tilliiK tin The f Mini score al Decide secret of this sriiino's apppal II' learn llarberlng. Paid while miMleni liiinse, fiirnisliPd, close tin- end of Hip renli miiiiiifsj l he fan. Nn mallpr how air-tiptil ivn. ti.. rlo.l l ,l M Single 1" "W" n'""0 ",,,r learning and tools free. XX'rlu in no Fiflh Avi'iiiip I'jist, durum BAICBtLL Hip iraiiip may Ip. how prrnrpi. li i ...ii,. i - ti, i.i,k..i.niilltowinp so far thi spaon m Ih- for calaloKue. Molrr llafber July mid Ausnisl. Ph.nie Senior satisfaction! Ilppp.nt Ipnm may Iip playintr fnr iniint." ih i ..V II... .,.... anlpl.wi f'pnior I.ens lie liaeliall irainP lnt CollfKo, Vanroiivsr. H.C. lied 710. JlDiJ on pihI, al any nuimpnt imp lau iilshl wild the Smis of Canada Si fill s V S order. ItPlriR filled pypry Ihf ciitilest iii.I applaildeil III1 XVANTF.I). Five rooine! mixlern KTKAM HtsatPil Flat for rent. fit lay for Inon may rip and Hip firpwork play. I liiires. strike. MalliPson: lull were utiahle lo sinlain the home or flat, eop In. House llesner apartments. M. M, -Ort.lbi v i. Iip on. TIip lal paiiip to Iip slattpd hae. McKeown. Ily Hip lend they had early in Hip nr.i- prpfcrrp.1. Permniipnl tenant: Slpphens. in Hip Anyox l.pacuP wa no px cppliiics ami ol hy srorr wf S Son of Ci '3 Nanaimo-l'ellinglon way. iipilhpr of IIipp unipire are no children. Apply Ihu 10V VI. iiplion o I li in rule, ami wn iiiarrinl men. In 3. II vn a wvll fllaypil pnme Hally Npw Omp. Foil nKXT llfHiPkpppln riHima 13 Hil's m K, i i Mainly a mixlurp of (rood hall The Ip.iiii: lishl and even, and was devoid of lift Sixth Avenue Kat. Ph'tne to -(iroiti v i Nut Coal it vvpII a olhpr Ihlnex loo- mi Marrpl I.adie lleinleron hpay hiltlne. Thp Son scrl WAM lill.-(la entfihp siillahlp lllue 217. If 7 -sn ., i ., inproii"! In niPiilion. TIip Minp h; Mnllix. Ih: Miellnn, Ihe flr.l rim in ihpojtenlnK frniiM fnr ill fl. plemtirp (mmiI. Mii1 Am' Oulck Firp' Lasts Longer! .;inl Hip Klk wptp rpponihlp for Mwyer. i: Wpnprslroni, r; Uronp and the (I rot In pPet up in Hip he In vnnil condition ami rtcp MOIlHIt.N fmir room flat for Costs samp as other N-il ihi mixlurp. in which all kind rtit. WeslPfihaver lirn. If wnnd. In Hip fourth Hip n- :o iintiD : Salmon, ef: Smilh. If: I'pfjili- reonaiie. w ip ihtx 1 17. Coals. ..r freak play ami kIiiiiIk had iiii. rf. hncptdilsl 'orMl !h it1 anl rot n I(ally .w. Ill ROOM AND BOARD ft-- of i jn i.'j v Phone 116 or 564. tlu-ir place. TIip fans had a crenl SinelP I.Hilie l-niie, p; O. nipp pad (ml worp only on ujt it fill' . h n, f c I line. I Iip Rnme wa. win ami I'.ashleiifh. :ili; arelli. ; Mof- nl Hie pd of the fiflh in Viliirh A.MKI. Help for Mimmer PAI.MKH HOI HK. H4 Sevenlh 8ft- Hfntl v- i, ; f Albert & McCaftery IohI everal limes, and at Hip pihI lall. ih: V. Itaslileiah. If: Mc.Mil. Hip lianek porpil lv.o. TIip camp. I.akpp l.akP. Apply Avenue W e.I. phone lls.1 I t. InUrmedlaU LIMITED of Hip Kppnlh inniiip wa liPd up Ian. Hi: Melionahl. rf: Champion, Orollii made one in Hip sixth Mr. W. O. l ullon. I IS luriiislie.) siille. wild a uPVPii-tuMPn tally. rf. rnd Hip Son Ivm and Hip riM Irt -CfJ . .'i S.: j Sp en i n n i up panic i Hip rPTr-inlar n even. 'Dip piliue a srhetl- XX'.XXTi'l. -Man or woman for BOARD rtWhltP S. V- ' iraiiip of Hip Aiijiiv llapiull nlrl to bo een iniiincs hill n KPliernl hmisework. Apply FOOTBALL PLAYED IN Daily News Office. Ill IIOAIH). The Inlander. 830 i'IipiIiiIp. and Hip iinipiri' started core n ntadp In Ihal ri.l S-tlltb S. I,. W For Sale! I them on an ex Ira innintrx. The DOWNPOUR OF RAIN ml Hip teanw wvrp HII "vpii XVANTF.II TO IIFXT- Small Fur- Serotld Avenua. PbonP 137. tf fl tllt v.- a S. : Ilk failed lo pet another in uieecitatiiip auAlher inninu. Id nlhpl Hfiti-.. IJot DUO Hally ROOMS MhllPSt ilheir half nl Dip eighth, the Mine ..n.. "ip piahlh Ihe tlrnllo sllll rp Npwk Offlcp. I lllfh (. I,.... v? ' ; 'unnptiup Hip wimiinf run aflir ANYOX. Junp Irt. In HIIMIIiri malum srorpiPss wiiiip... .1 hip tn ST. K1..XIO lini'KI.. Hot ami .tll Oil iitt'iifwiin nf ruin I It n ftililKnll THREE LOTS two men had been olrurk out ly """""- MISCELLANEOUS. walpr In every room. T!eain Fitzpatrick. f!rpnwp. crllinp a enthusiasts walrhed a irame thr.t TIip fealul-P play of Hip rvenina heatpl. Haifa reasonable. 7 xvwu s. - .,:: Alfred St. with PYRO FATI.Nli;tiIIF.flS. Th on was ilevniil of anylhinp hit to cpntre. stole rnnd, pol f-euH 'wits a perlaeolnr iMie-lmnd Phonp llnssii Sift. Mt Sepon.1 3 Hlth S '. .... ' - .t DWELLING third on a pael hall hy ralcher. lional pxcppt oihly for IU- lealrh by Mtiii AnHa. Hip tirul inl woii.lerfiilf safely flrl. Avenup XX'I. 1 1 OAK V. (Mill, ., f .l..u.-.b I..- "It..!,...' 111. ..-m iuvenlion Ihe few and soi ire.I the winninir run when of ugp. A xxaiip fi..x i. and 2 Greenhouses C. Fereusnn placptl a safe hit lo 1 Prison fAr UniFJk. w!.p-MlH,,'".:'";r... .1....'ii' a lone"'"l''''Ln backward run. Jark itfMMl liien wanle.1 In plar Hip TAXI SitMT)W shorl Hpht. TIip Kit sMrlcl ififMin i'u, t ii inn i smr t.i iiii'j rapid sellers nn blif roftimU-lon. (lift) ftrt. h.'i Wl; '. f- Or Owner will exchange for llatchfnrtl va the lull man and Tail 67 Phone. Oraudson lo pitch, and he wn evenlnir. Iiatiup a happy cmiiliin i ... . . ....... n; .. , i...i ii.. Send 3c. slaiMp. Apply Junior I)well ins ami Lot more centrally nlmn of pp and Ip ubich pn-lT" 'Call OeorK" or Oust) taken out in Hip sixth and re- ilii l.:... ...... .!-.. . i- r sldP WPftl d'lWII H IflP rP'llll f al once lo M. J. William. Ross Brothers. J ii locateil. placi'd by Filztialrick. TIip piih l.lifir.1 mill .ti. ii.t- i.iiip. i.n ihr rnlch. Skidepalp .Mission, il.C. lUjJuout. ' I hi siilp between Hip of Flve-puengrr Tourins Car See us for Particular!) wa then four lo imp in ravnr oi KalpoU II. I.i.U lone. pilrlipr for lb 55 XV'hlli F n... m...., i.. II.. liu v,. 1'rompl and BXPKIHR.NCKH MAMCUIIIST and Day Night Service. Hip Klkx. The Minp pilrhed loh 4 Falcm XVIi' f i .aj.ii.oiI I..-., tfif 11.0 1 1.... u-liu.1.1 "is, .-vi-rnni iiiifi,i-ii nml nml Shanipoolnif. Ilelteiiliiil work Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avenue Oliver Typewriters. MatliPsnn, formerly of Port ,,U ulll. omp iH ftemils r Cary,Safes. ISiinpsnn. who showed a lot of Ihal side acliiPve.!. II.p third IHni.,ri,M" ''! ;"l a specially. Phone Itlup 171. AUCTION MALES. J ' ... ..... ... , t., ;t7fli. liinmni nvniusi fili. .fip FIRE INSURANCE. '"luff" and had Hip hest of them f i . .......... .... i . Wall pilehe.l five innitis fur Hip Mrs. Coleman. 3--X lille S v . ''. jCijpssin? al limp. Hi arm went hy Clirrie on a penally kick. flrolto and a replapnl in Hip FOR SALE Conduoied in your borne or nt fl-Pflk-i.s X -, Mail referced. TIip line-up follows: our rooms, flood also sold lack on him in Hip seventh, howw on tl sixth hy Ale. It.iy. Wall nuide -fMils Dybhavn & Hanson Vvpr. and he w replacpl by C. livP slrikiHiiiis ii nd allownl n F III MM'. Oropprjr bii.lne.. (ommlsflon. 12 XVhlle V. t u Fei-ffiion Kph Hip umiirp F.Ik JSnal, lc-: backs, Hal-Hon similar miniher of walks. lint carried on by Hip late Axel M. H. HEMMIflGS, Auctioneer, 17 Falfon - XV' -1. Third Avenue. jwere not alloplhsr alifactiry. and ftolierlnii: half backs. truck out hop bailer. Ferpuo, cmpr SpvpiiIIi and Third Avenue 20 KeAttla Prince Rupert, B.C. and Hip hasp appoinlep wa Crawford. Scott and t'.rerar: for- Thei-p ii a txewtl crowd of Fill I on strrela, slock an.l fix-turps. (Del.ny Allen's Old Store) S3 XX'liflst Sox 'lased in foiirili Sinclair wanls, McKenzie. Sellars, O'Oni-liell, Phone black 13S and Ocean 471. f i Hip and A. spectator. P. iMfttriP ami F. X' Xry low rental. Im-inptllalp Sfl - Falcons - XX'' - siilisllliileil for he remainder ltiiiMrlsnn and llonlieo. Phone 31 Hcmil I I .Icon r I werp unvpirps. 'Hip nsesoii. v of Hip name. The pilch- Mine ioal. !p: back. Sr lellllls liii.k Ihe field a follliWs: 1 1 lack tt7. if MAIL SCHEDULE A' ' jpr' rpcords for Hip trume wpi-p: and I'yiine: half back. Yalpy. Orotlo Hawthorne, rf: M-IihiikhII. 3XVill Sox (.ilnie and Jerome; FOH SAI.H. Ml for aalP StriUe forward. ebeap. on Ik. hy lijaudson, four: -Jli: niliiUMir. .'Ih: Walls, For the East-Mondays. (J Falcon - X twaddle. Cane. Slewarl, Oreen- Make in an offer on lots ft. l-y Filzpalrick, threp; hy Fprsiis-in. 9 Seoul t p nml ; F. Smilli, e; Hoy, s and W'pdnpsilays and Frl-da. pIpvpii. TIip llk had fiv well and FoHips. 23. 21, lllock 17. Secllmi 7 and It While Sox p;,Haiiilnsrhild. lb; Clapp, If; closes' al (J.I5 p.m. hit and Hip Minp eleven. Ilat-tpriPs: Astoria, cf. lot ft, lllork It, Hellion !i. From the East-Mondays, 17 Falc.m v- XV' fl Touring $445 Mine, Mallipsou, Fprjtusou SPORT STANDINGS Sms of Can ad i Fiiriihar, : Write Tliomas llnlmes, parks-ville, 'Ibiirsdsjra and SAI-imlays. jo Scout vs l a TuuriiiK. wild starter . 530 and Oi-pciiwpII; Klk. liraudson. Men zies, rWiilt, tU; Jack X'aneoiiter Uliiml, lit:. f,.S0 p.m! U Whilst So. Ilunahoul 405 ; Fitzpatrick inl Jkidy. 1,'nipire, Senior Baseball llnlchford. cf: Astoria, c; II. 2H Falcon i XVh '3 '- FOH boat. 20 SAI.F.. Tndllnjr Itiinalioiit. with starter 490 :V. Olson. The Irani: XV. I.. Pel. smilh. If: J. Kelly, lb; A. Milrhell. From Vancouver-Sundays 31 Si-out v. Fa, Sedan, Willi ftailer .. 785 I Mine Jipalpy, tlrpenwell. Fpc- Sons of Canada .... 3 tl inoo rf; i.'ii. feel birie; 3H h p. ennlnP. In ...P. M. Scpl.'n Coupe with starter . . 695 'piiscm, Anderson, Olson, IVirkle. tills I I .00 1 Score In- inninus: ish condition. Price il.'.O. Mumfays 3 P.M. 3-XVhlle Sot V- "' Chassis 345 i Stewart. MalliPson, Pynne. (irol lo It 3 nnn 1315 1 M Owner leiivlnK. I'.inilirp l.ati-icara XX'Mnpsilays 3 P.M. FO0TBlL Chassis, wild starter 430 FJks Iiowim. Cainfihell, IhIv. Fihlnif ami Packlnir flu.. Intermediate Baseball Ondlo fl I II .1 (l ft ft Friday A M Jurte . t Truck 495 iflrepiiwell, Mclnlyrp, .MiKenna, Colin 2 0 limn s. life. ... n o ft j ft ? Naden Harbor, Il.C. 1 13 Frldilya .3 P.M. 10 -Son of caiis t "'3" Truck, with xlarter . . 5E0 'llraiiilsiiii, WhillPkcr, ThorJpy,' Whilp So 0 nno FOH SAI.IV- l borouli-brPd llos- Saturdays 3 P.M. Fiisland; lb " I.lahl Iiclivpry 430 Kilpalri.k. lliah School 0 nod BASEBALL TEAM TO lon bull lerrior pups, one male C P.II. Jiiiip 3. II, I A and 25, Junior Ls(u Maht Delivery, with Jim" Junior Baseball and two female. Fur Information, To Vancouver stnrler 615 MARRIED LADIES OF Falcons S 3 .17! PLAY GAME HERE wilfe John For) I h, Mondays 10 P.M. 11 lllili KelwHil v I F.O.II. Ford. Ont. uU 3 3 llox 2t, 'IVfrnrp, 1 1.0, 12 Mail closes 5 rrrp Clrtppp'''"1 . J Tuesdays, V. M, U i ANYOX PLAY SINGLE S. E. PARKER Sox .1 120 The Pod Simpson baspball Thursdays 10 P.M. FOIt SAI.i:.-FUlilne bnal, 37- ' Dealer, Senior Football lea in will arrive in Ihe rily toduy Kalu relays .... A.M. PRINCE RUFtBT TIOII Prince Rupert, B.C. XV. I. I.. Pis feel limp, ft h.p.' hl'iivy duly Unencumbered Outpoint Their lo play a return inileh loimirrow Saturdays If) P.M. More Fortunate Sisters by Orollo 3 ft I f, imirninir with Hip Sheik s, a local CiKlnp. Price lea IhaifValne C.l'.ll. Jiiiip 7. 10, S3 am) 3ft. Saturday, Ju" Twelve to Eight Sons of Canada .... 1 I I .1 rwirrepalion Ihal met Hie Simp-sonlaris 77 ciikIiip. Apply N." M." McLean, II I I L Ift Bs. a, V. ft I 2 I la-1 Sulida)' on Hip diamond Cow Hay, Alice " To Anyoi, Arm It ' ; LADIES! ANYOX, Jiitip 15. TIip -vpiiI of Hi oiibhior season was Hip Intermediate Football al Ihe in.rl hern port. Tlr-I FOIt SAI.F..-- Owinler. wall mirrors XX'Pdnpsilaya 0 P.M, I.OW ' SSWSSMHHtmiHMWtVH1 Pulilie School 'i ft I t Hi tils will line us follows: I'aniP of bnsebull laifed by eain up nml rpslaiiraiil rnnpe Iftn From Anyoi, Alios Arm ?ll I I i FIGURED VOILE Colls 2 ft I I Port Simpson J. McKay. I). 17' lippresenlimr the ladies of Anyox Hie lit I. Apply Mrs. Unas. I'.iii-prP Thnrsdays tl p.m, Sundaf, Ju" His-h Scbnol 0 0" 0 Musjrrave and i:. Oreen, v.. Ilrenlzen, Married vs. SiuiHe. 'J'his wn in Hotel. IU To Stewart and Premier II Int. 1 " RATINE DRESSES. ' 1 of Hip I'liioii Church, and i. Fridays l P.M i Ii . $6.50 Up. I'tJIt SAI.F.. Fletflrlc washer, : splendid rollpftlimi wan seuureil From Stewart nd Premier Low II bed, kitchen lalile, ciis cnl as a ieull of Hie ladies' endeav. Saitinlav- ft P.M. ?l ' ' ' '' BENT'S Ready-to-wear saw. Mr. Ilrooksliaiik, Sevrnlh rs to show Hie fan how real FIRST THE BOY Ax p. XV'psI. 42 Monday, J" 1I' Third Ave. liusehull t hmild he played. The To Alaska Points llleh . 1 Opp Itank of Montreal. teams looked sinail in I heir field THEN THE MAN FOIt SAI.K.- Simmon HI eel Crili, Jiiiip :i, II. IH and -'5. Ifi in uniform and some pood pileh- wild fell iiuillress. I'lrsl class From Alaska Points-June Miw ' ' inir and calehini,' was donP by Hi" VOUFt boy any boy has the right to romlilloii. PhniiP lllack 102. 7, 10, 23 and 30. fj II " hulteiies of both teams, while the exx-ct from hi parents the laft ihcy can To Naas River Points Tusso-f. Ju" " Fven if you don't live In a . Iiehleis iiei aioially fooled Ihe afford to give him to tuij him to fight life's P. (In iilen, . Ilreulzen, .1. Tliii'day 10 P.M. llfvli ... " , house ami throw plastf oiliiokeis by m ahlilnif (he hlf'u battles when he reaches man's utate, Sumsoii. J. Ilriliil, uml .'. Kelly. From Nsss River Points-Saturdays j: n't t' Mone i ne out of lh. air just as well an BuiU (lis futurrftO Sheik's 11. . Slililll. M. Kl(',. A.M. ,ow . .10 Hi sjwJ Your WINDOW the mere fellows do il. The bal each nsvnlh up for his education lis, J. lllllHPI-, II. Sklllll.T, T. To Queen Charlotte Island Points liie were: Married l.adiea, Mrs. will nienn MW iu w bank Smilh. C. Thompson. ' Tile. J. June i:t and 27 S.30 P.M. Wednesday, Ju" Or Wind Shield May Get u. K. Iwer nml Mrs. Wene? in lea ytr. XVclr nml XV. Oullck. From Queen Charlotte Points tf lifts . & "fl a"V Broken. sliom. Sinule Midies: Miss X'. THE ROYAL HANK June 1 1 and 25. IN 07 I 11 Iteuiip un.l Miss O. lUshleijih. OF G AN A I) A JUNIOR BASEBALL To Port Simpson, Alice Arm ls.w .11 . " " 21 T. ROSS MACKAY Ilutli Iciiins showiil ciiiislileiiihle TIip While Sot won oxer the Anyos and Arrandale. Thursday. Jnn Will Fix It. ircinilh al Ilia bat and hll vrele B. J. MACLEOD, Manaifr, i iileiuis by a scorn of Ift In l in Sundays 10 P.M. Ills). 0 10 o il fPilPlllly. Yil lonu DeuliH Kelllnii Everything In Glass. Prince Itupert Ilraiich, last hiiilil a Junior l.eapue imse-In'iII From Port Simpson Alio Arm 0 ll! ,tMO Inline runs duritiK the prn JO Jli Imp ul Ihe Mrlli'iile Htn-i' Anyos and Arrandale i ..... II 10 a iKieis of Hie Kuine and bpveral Kroumlv Tuesdays ..... A.M.