f I t Saturday Jim? ( It PARE 8IX THE DAILY NEWS G.T.P. BOATS MINISTERS STUDYING CAPTAIN GRIFFITHS I DIVINE HEALING PLAN IS HERE WITH SUEJA Phone 370. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. Phoni j;t Combination SAIL THRICE WINNII'F.il, June 10 Forming Head of. Coastwise S.S. Co. on a group for the study of divine Cruise to Stewart and Anyox CANNED WEEKLY NOW healing. Presbyloi ian minister- Will Meet Principals Bankrupt : Stock ol Winnipeg alliinli'il a luni'lieon - of Qranby Co. clas- o hoar a shoe! discourse on psychology and metaphysics from ilapt. .I.mie liriffllhs. head of. of Summer Schedule of Canadian lr. ftrorpc Jack, of Islinlmrgli. Coalwic Steamship V Itoirgc . or FRUIT National Coast Service Starts Srolland. Till vas the first rail f Seattle, accompanied by Mr- , This Week of it kind on tlic eonliiieiit. Or. liriiiitli. arrived in the eity ve j Boots mi Jack explained thai hl roure The Secret of lerda.v afternoon from the south Shoes Fffeotho with ll.c S.S. "Prince (alt with I lie physical pai l of it !apt. tiriffilli-' prhale - Special lliipert" southbound from Prince our doing and it relation to Hi Its Success tine yacht Seuja. since- ami m i llupcrl Thurs., Juno 7, the Grand inotilal and spiritual life. Tin. Ii were taken on here ami I lie. 1 only, tin trabapplo, Trunk Pacific Cut Steamships. Maid, made it nlitduley apparent 1 f"' A"" H"w- G THE SALVATION ARMY "" LADIES Now Is your chance to get In on these only, tin Plums, uV)i-1 will inaugurate the tri-weokly Hint die limh wn roniplololy believed that of which tUipl Drown, White and Grey Kid Lace and Button BaT will not only Korvice and In future boats ditniinalod In nil it condition fcee,.rtfri,h,. .j,,., , ,,irrKl ( '"- i'.' IV, only (in bet Munte Peaches leave I'rincc Ituport for Vancoii !) the miiitil and spiritual force was hope for the worst.it went ,. . numei l'e , re arryiiitr lor Patent Leather, Velour Calf, Vlcl Kid, Lace ButiT sliced, I's, (nil, er every Monday, Thursday and of life. This basis was the fouii alter the worst -in the stum, . oner Hold Minion Cut., the Boots. : i. - I.. Oil Vr and j'"" t only. I in lit I Monti! Apricots, Saturday at II p.m., making di-cel dation of all mental nnl spiritual in the gutter, in the prison- White Canvas Strap and Oxfords I' connections at Ihat point for healing. The next lep in the I (alls. Iliey Will b'- hack here nextweel, k. Vicloria, Seattle and all points course ihall minutely Willi the It is still this all '"" I'"" $ doing .1. T. I'.rahbe. to nn-et cei-lent and Black I only, tin llaiiistcrly Farm Hast and South. Hoats will ar- Ladles' Brown Calf Oxfords and Pumps riltielio.ii of the mind in it Ihree. lrniili of the iu.. aiol II. s. ltlaeklierrys. 2.- live in Prince Itupcft from the .i 1 1 .mil bull...i -Hie. per t,ttr . , rulil nsp'el st;b-oni.-sclou.s coneuu. over the world Monro, geiieml mtmaui-r. h Misses' and Children's Patent Leather Instep Strao PJZ South Monday, Wednesday ccry und super-consoioii. Ho will in on the Seuja with Capl. I' I.. ; 7.V M... II . t"Z 5 tins for $1 und Friday at 3 p.m. ill ga tb hearer urany inefdent Q YOUR contribution to The i.nrfilh- U Klewarl ami Anytiv. I .g.' S2.45J Kl in I In own exi-erienee. showina In iifftli his remilm SALVATION ARMY Annual how' oV I'pt is f.n Men's Brown and Black Calf Lace Boots It . .thorough knowledge SUMMER EXCURSION SFD VlfC i pnp a I annual inspect loo cruise to hi llio-s1 laXvs. whirh wen- I he real OCIVIt rtl I northern interest. 5.!5 FARES VIA CANADIAN liaimi'stal ion of divine o era- is a wise investment in practical l , I .ii. k' .not be -lire ..I iitir p.. i '' . Table I.oik ..1 I he- e- Rupert Supply (foil ill JiiinwJii lifi'. wa of the pro NATIONAL RAILWAYS !ng!io t helpfulness to the uliM' Christianity. NORTHERN POLYTECHNIC Boys' School Boots, Leckle Red Stitch K Phones 211-212. . INSTITUTE EXAMS. $35 I - S ministry. M. Annual Service 'The Canadian National Hail-' Appeal I The folhivt in etaniiM.il i..n- ways have now on sale Summer MQ STUDENTS IN " UNIVERSAL TRADING will le held in Hie Kind Kilwunl CO. excursion ir.ei uit'UT'iiviniiy Kerr linancinl rep- s, lo.l; Shoe) Mela! Ilrnriinu. ;ltw fare to Winnipeg and Points SABBATH SCHOOLS resentah".' ask ..nly that he be Wednesday and Thursday. 7 I., Outfitters To The Whole Family. 'in Kastern Canada and the United whiet. to We Prepay Mall Orders. Satisfaction Or (lie wiih Kiveu funds in i,.m 'IVuewriliiiB and Slim - Money BkL Another feature thai will Enrollment Increase iSlales. Presbyterian Summer i serve the roinnunnly for anoJher hand. WeitneRilay eveniiia. 7 inn doubt appeal, to I'rinee By 8,000 During Year year lo 9.30; tteam Knglneei m Inert low i?pe is the very lMUlT AHTIII It. tune If, Hial lliurstiav and Friday evening- 7 j Special F.eurMn Fare to Kd with th 'rel lei ians .-llll lieli-i' in etlu- to 1 1 p.m. AH iudenl wi-Ihii.-l. nionlon and Calgar-. STRIKES CAUSED MORE Shoe in lii!i cation, ami I'lui-lran elueat ion. i- 411 for their corlificale- inn-' 'privilfge of .(ravelling s i.'irortion via direct rail lines or evidoiN'ml by I he ivport of it LOSS OF TIME DURING In- in ihir place prnmpHv fiv WESTHOLME THEATRE travel via I lo.i nl of Sabbath School an l iinnules lieinre eiamiimln Men's All White Tennis itirool if you rail desire in one you direction may and H Yoillllf l'eople"s SiM-ietios present- MAY THAN IN APRIL Tonight Only, Saturday, 7 and 9 Shoes, good heavy sole Hie other via Varioomor am! CoasJ cd at the lieuoral Aembly $2.75 Steamship at very little additional III roil uli its seorelario. Itev. J. C. FISH ARRIVALS lo M . OTTAWA. Jim. Hi. In.In-- . llidiortnn and Ite. C. Myer- Brown Canvas Shoes, from cost. Tickets are good for . S1.35 stopover at any point en route, and under I he -hairmaiitiip of trial dipute can- .I greater I line Tll, Kiwis Kxc hane handle.) llev. It. II. Cochrane. lo, in the mouth ..f May than in Men's Fine Shoes, from and bear final return limit of, Hi 3tm po,,,,, ,r balfbiN and "BURNING $4.50 October 31st, No one .hould A deiioininalion that ha for it April. Horing Ma Mo re exi-l.d ,5IM) WHtnn ot ..IniMii roiititueney l.ooo Sabbath at one time or amllier :it dis- .,,,.;, f,,i,.. of stopping, miss the opiKirtunily LECKIE SHOES, from S5.00 over and visiting Canada's New srhfxil with over .'ISil.OflM teachers. putes involving :'.7ii; emitloye -s ,w- flmercan per pair. !lla vr-iMinl Joer National nffi'HT and pupils is wer-ranlol an.i time om- or 65.1 88 workJ Senliiiel. S.OI (ounds, at SHOE REPAIRING. 1'ark. full informalion at City ill streiui: its iiuportano lug das as aeaiust -'2 slnki- in',, , Mrf ., , ik i.-rtfir SANDS" Ticket (mice. 026 Third Avev and glorying in this field of er Fisheries tf vice anions the plalie youth. and 3I.&53 working days. GEO. HILL Miotic 2C0. Alias, S2.QON iMHimla, at ISJse This total idiow an inereae of ami lff.Se, lo the Canadian Flah A ni.in - .1.--a. i w ..in . n tv 1 . Shoeman. nearly 8.000 in the ear. Tlio HOTEL ARRIVALS The When buy advertising you A idd Storage Cm. you The lilk ol Oo- ii. i lure win i, Third Ave. buy CIRCULATION, and see that oM.ra-litone.l SaklMlh school. J. I', Todd, it.ooo 'pound, ami charm. S ill ,li I .. has. Ih. been ceptaenl by im--stbat Prince Rupert Opp. C.N. Ticket Offic you get it. If Wave. K.60O pounds, al I t.le Cast Includes Milton Sills, Wanda Hswley, Robert the pioneers would hardly Mr. ad Mrs. W. C. Palmer. and IO.Se o the I tooth Fisheries Cain, Jacqueline Logan. mt rcoaniie. New days mean new- Sail Franeisro; Mis Anna C. Canadian Co. inet boils, such as graded rlnxd. Mitci ami Miss Atttetia Milco, ;ond lessons, a program of week Stockton, iM . I'ele Jelteli, Kel-M. Canadian MERMAID COMEDY- "TRCASUnC 0UN0." Dr.E.S.TAIT Clean Up and day rdiioiis nliiealiou, and Hie 'liikan; J. Iloekin, A. C. Ft bet June, I.HIIO pound, at FOX NEWS-OAZETTL. I I !i. ami II,-, (l the Alliu J ih- Admission 50o and 2Sc Mie of i:anadiati Standard Fffi;-i-Oiicy Knialil. James '"lionimtn and J.! tl'iamiii- f.r oliler 4y. I.. Turiibull. J ancouver; F. K. j erie and I Ik- l.'anadian iirls in Train-iins WiUon. Iiubupue, Iowa; J. W.i Salmon i DENTIST. Paint Up Now Krn. I .'.oo ...ini. ,.r te.lv a' for (ililci Kill. A;el. Iterkelev, CmL: Alex. Mc-I Helgerson Block, III !.- I.. Mi.- Mlii, I- i-ln rie. Lean. I tlgui y F. ilinits. KjiI- ' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. uoral; Clark i. Islie. Cleveland. SPECIAL! Office Hours, 9 to 6. Wt Phone 6S6. Martln-Senour, INSIST THAT IT IS Ohio.: It. Omnelly. Hole-in-Wall , System Run Down 100 l'ure I'alut. Central Open Evenings Only For Alabastlne, II. (iee, Ot-eau Falls; It. Mc- Special Appointments. Sanitary Wall Finish. I.o.mI, and J. Mr4iregor. Ku-kn-loi. Blood Out of Order Kyanlze, Fraser n ; A. M. Kijip, Port Essiug- Good Quality Vurniali Slain. NeuTone, Mny p"i " Lm-isim ran duss, ImiI Scratchfood,$2.SS LINDSAY'S Flat Wall Finish. WIRELESS REPORT i 'Si'l kiH,w ritrujr mh4l tlwir Iruutilc , Wheat, $2.70; I.. So. s ruk. It luirutr cirtu , Vltrallte, 10) lbs. 100 Ibt, per ptr laUMi of tbr fcluud. Cartage and Storage Barretts Long Special,Life Kiiamels. Vallev lllOilY ISI.ANU.8 a.m. Overea!, All the) nwl I. t (! I"nl- I" bun I j SPECIAL PRICE ON LOTS OF FIVE SACKS OR 0V bp ttie f v.Kiu an. pul U IhYhkI Hit . Ptittt other Fttdt also rtiatti Phone 68. Sliinglo Varnili, light soulhea-l wind; barometer ;trr luM. on Cartage. Warehousing, and VJXt'.i; temperature, 5ll; e,i Distributing. Team or smiMith; C.ao i.m. .nke -l.-anier for llii I urpu thtrr If Ix.thlnr on Co.Lll Motor Service. Kaien Hardware ICE I'riticens F.i.u ..IT I.iih-..Im lliu-k Mm witkri ptity to Mill The Brachman-Ker Milling Coal. Sand and Gravel. COS Third Ave. hound for Su;uioi lla ; 8 p.m. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. We Specialize In Piano and P.O. Bos 1646. Tel. 3. poke oleuioei r.onloa liouiid for Furniture Moving. ltno Inlel i.'. mile ulli of II rrsutalrt the Uiuih, llir O'l ltoe inlel : 8 (..in. poke ii.amer lMieto. purllM llx IiIwhI tuil luoc up CREAM Ouei'll til i unlet, nor III of Seat-lle Uw eaure jrirm. bound f"r Seattle; 8 p.m. Mn. II. Vo-Ar. Port l'it. Out,. rlU I FRESH FROM THE OAR. spoke hI.-uiii.i Admiral lingers My r.o-m i run dun sail mx bluwl, St. Regis DENS OF B.C. ilieiur(iiiu .ii Kelchikan uorlh-boiiud. out of nrdrr, ind I turrersd tretl dtil fruri in In uiy lKd Mcb nulls we f rtl, The Height of Purity very miserable. rrlmd luM uw to try DID YOU Vegetables IlKAli THKF. POINT. t;iear. Ourdurk Hluu.1 Billerf, H I Itl botllr Cafe calm; barometer 2U.78; temperature, nil tstfer :t- uard I tuMid II M; sen smoidli. duOis dm sued. I kt-pl on un'." I Letluce, Celery, Tomatoes, taken Itirte, and rww I tec like s dltrereal ' HIT.I. IIAItllOH. Overcasl. - Prince Rupert's Leading ItadUhc. (ireeii Unions, wciOKa. freih mirlhwest wind; harme-ler. Restaurant. Spinach, Cabbage. New Car. Stove WOOD 20.t; temperature. 5:t; sea My bauliiMi aUo Ks.k II algl II ba THINK A Bakery Unsurpassed. ruts, licels and Turnips. moderale; 8 jilo. poke l.iini. i I iilll turn up" Third Avenue. Admiral Kvans t:i5 tulle- fioni for In paal 41 car 8. B. B. ias U-rn Fruit Seallle hound for Seallle. maaufadurrd only by Tlw T. Nilburu Co., to you iMt Vt tiuve Just received i JJuitled, Toronto, Ont. What the smoke-filled valleys meant car load of up river wood, Noon year? Slrawlburries, Gooseberries, guaranteed seasoned and HHillY 1st M in. iea-l. EPSON COAL l'iiieappie, (antelope, dry. felze cut to order. liubl .iiillie;.-l wind; li.n .'Uiel. i , What the timber charred, burned, and black"d Cherries, Aprieois, peaches Also Kindling In Sacks. :'9.f(5: leni..-ralure, r:i ; -en to YOUR future? I'luius, llaiianas, Oranges, smnolh; 0 ;i in. nnke lealn' i means Lemons, and Grapefruit. For Prices, call Princess Jl. .. i jee lefl Huledale m tr0' Wo caa now Supply our Our ifuality is good and 8.:i0 a.m ii ! 1 litiouinl ; to..to am That the wages paid last year for the H FAMOUS EDSON COAL our prices are right. Mpoke Mle.un.'t Prinre- Alice ilu.-I'riuce along the Orand Trunk was approxlm HydeTransfer in any quantity. Hup. i I i in. .ui Ii 'llliaBnSVViBVBrxlBavBl. f $383,000? liouiid; 10 I ', a.m. -(i. ke -leaim : Prince Rupert Feed Co F.W.Moersch Phone 580. Venture iin- Prime llii"tI t of rtnu' Service and Quality our p.m. niillii... ,nil. That the forest will remain a source Phone 58. Phone 13. P.O. Box 123. Motto, HKAII THKF. PUI.M :iea.. to you If kept green? i iillii; bari.ii.. ii-r. .".1.811, l"Ui.. i Ulllte 5M , -. ,i .in.m.I . Then be careful with fires. Do not destroy 1r HI I.I. II Miliiill Cb.udy, fn -ii FRESH MILK DAILY HOTEL HUDSON inirl hwepl J. mi, lilti-i.llieler, t 1 1!' r. -ty own livelihood. Dr.A.H.Bayne 110; leioj.r i ,,i .re, fill; -e:i Hinder Cyspart-d v. in v ain- tii'd piano From 773 Seymour St. ale. Our Government Tested Near Hudson Hay Stores;, I'i.i tip- -in;.II apartment or Prevent Forest Fires Herd of Guernsey Dairy DENTIST VANCOUVER, B.C. TACTFUL LAD rrampi'd living r.Mr ill. till) Cows. C. Westergard, Manager. DOHERTY SMALL PIANO Rooms 4, 5, 6 Helgerson BETTER MILK. Block. Phone 109 Late of Winnipeg, Iirandon "You have a i NUggesI will to) a favorite. BETTER SERVICE. and Moose Jaw, my taking .o in iarluersliip. Quality and tone liuvu not been It Pays STANDARD DAIRY Office Hours, 9 to 6 Modern-Fireproof-Central What's Hi.- 1.1..at sacrificed for compactness. Tuesday, Thursday, Satur. We Appreciate Your "Wouldn I ynu rullier Iiiim-your J.'.ir Hale and for llenl al Phone Black 51. day Evenings, 7 to 9 liusiness, dauglii. i- marry ..ni purl Walker's Music Store Lid. tier Minn . ., ii- I'lerk ' Juilt.-