PAQ1 TWO The Real Flavour the o! the genuine "GREEN" Tea is In every packet of i II SALADA as far as Vancouver! GREEN TEA II Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder or Young Hyson., Sample Free Salad, Toronto. The Daily News FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. Contract Rates on Aoplication. All advertising should be in The f)ady News Office on dav on Sutherland does not seem as enthusiastic Poihly its remote ness from hi own scene of operations is responsible. At anv rate lie does not ..enthuse over the road from Prince Rupert which commence!' from this end the building of a provincial highway through central BritislrColtimbla. This seems to be the first occasion on wjiich the minister of public works has even considered the malter-for he has only just dimvered that there are difficulties in the way and he is stalling on the commencement of the work until such time as these are. cleared away. Danger At Lakes From Accident. Those who go to the Salt Lake lo swim should be exceedingly careful. There js grave danger that some accident will mar the enjoyment of an unusually fine swimming season. Young people are, apt to be careless and go beyond their deplh and there is no boat or life, preserver there lo aid them. It is rather unfortunate that so fine a place ns the Salt Lake could not be belter looked after during Hie two or Ihree months of the season. II would cost money to employ h caretaker ttd to keep a boat there but it would well repay the outlay. A man on the ground could do so much in keeping the dressing rooms clean, repairing the floats and building additions, instructing the children,, and generally improving the place. Mitch has already been-done but it will take some serjous accident to bring people to a realization of the uece.ily of doing vet more to pro-vide for the safely and comfortof the bathers. Britishers Come To Harvest Grain. It is a satisfactory solution of the harvesting difficulties to bring people from Britain to help garner the rnip. They nr" coming lo Ibis country in thousands-, attracted by low rale nml special advertising. They will be aide lo see exacllv what Can ndn can do and what are the conditions of life under which new settlers have lo carry on. The educational effect of such an invasion should 1m- very beneficial. It should result in great interest being taken in the Canadian prairies as a place for Rritih peopeoMt it should also prevent thne coming who are really iinuiled to (he work. AH'Cntinda needs i for Ihe truth lo be told. The Art of Spending Getting: the most for your money and conquering the tendency to spend for trifles is possible only through practice and self discipline. When possible avoid the habit of buying: on credit A good rule is "Pay as you go. i nink twice and challenge the necessity of every expenditure. W Ol? if, "Ocotk ifMW SmAvi; , CAN kt Don." UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderidc, Manager i i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . 91.00 by mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year. $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year .$7.50 TELEPHONE tl ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approvals Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday. August in, 193 URGESRUPERT ! HARVEST CROP i OF TOURISTS Gordon Smith Gives Interesting Address Befcfe RoUry Club Tin need of cnillalizin? I he eeoic and lijstoi ir tourist attraction of Hip district wa einpha. size by J. Cordon Smith of Hip Provincial Land Department who addressed tin Itolary Club ye.lcr-! on "The I'rovince. in Which Wo Live." Ilt,v lobl of !ocinc tin' fine native rarvinp in the rocfc at Holla' Coola which were hejnjf uncovered anil copied for the mu-MMiin, yet these were never mentioned as I hiiiRA to be seen by visitor.'. Here be sujrpested lha: the native village of .Hctlakatla should be hovn to visitors as Hie first Christian native villaite anl the home of Father Duncan. Mr. (innlon Smith quoted tli. .publicity bureau at Vancouver as t-ayinir that tourists this year would be worth 30,onl1noo to Vancouver ami ilistricl. This wa as much as 75 per cent of the value of the mineral output of the province, half of the lumlxT income ana hair ns much aian is the product of the fisheries. This jiave an idea what the tourist crop meant to the province. Cater to Visitors Peonle were ant In Ihinlc llin Railways Paying jtourisls are not appreciative, of ror First Time. jil0 common things about. Th For the first time since their aquisition, the Canadian jsailinjr of Hie rishinp boals nveant National Railways have paid operating expeies for a period jnothin? to people here but to the covering one mouth. Huines ha inrrca.ed partly as a re.Mill tourist it wp.s very inlerestinu. of improving business renditions and partly as a result or the j Prince Hoped vis the place improved management. Gradually the system is being put into that made the halibut famous, businesslike shape, service to the public is excellent, and little. Mctlakatla was where Christian, by little the country is being relieved of a burden which has jty was brought to Hie Indians, weigneu; it down. yH there was no literature An the There is yet much to do, for there is a big bonded indebted-.subject. People on H ships ness that has to be paid and the interest on which is n charge askeil where they could see totem ajrainst the road each year. If the railway fails to pav, the country poles. Kilwanea or Massett were must. The people of Canada are doing well in Mipporiing their the nearest places. He said be road and in co-operaling with Sir Henry Thornton in placing it hoped those at Kitwanjra would on a paving oasis. .ne. preserved intact and not ' , ' (taken away as was done at Alert Completion Of Hay. These meant a great deal to Provincial Highway. ithe place. The tourist industry Dr. Sutherland and the government of which he is a mem-'wa being spoken of as the. fifth her are to he congratulated on the completion of the link jn industry in Prilish IVdumhia. highway joining Vancouver with Seattle. This was a very neces-t,n, mountains, streams and nrj jMirji, aim pui jiruisii i..ural)a,jii line' with .the talesito ffame were attractions. it was spinn, encouraging visitors to.niakr Jhe trip right through ,pouile to sen tlie scenery and still retain it, something which It is also good news thai before; verv long it will be nossi - (could not be done with the ojjier Ide to drive from Vancouver to the Canadian prairies without go-.natural resources. ing into United Mates territory. This is also a verv necessary work mere is one more necessary work iii which Hon. Dr. Everything Young Mr. Smith reviewed Jhe other resources of the province mentioning the newness of every, thing. Mining bad developed within the last few years ami pro duction would increase im measurably. All the industries were making progress. Practi cally all the gold production had taken place since 11)01. In this district it was not until the development of the Hidden Creek mine and the building of the smelter at Anyox in 1011 that copper production commenced. Prince Ituperl also wa a young city. The land here was siilMlivided in 1809 and the city was incorporated in 1UI0. TbV people should be proud of her record. The grain enters of Hie! Pacific would soon get their train from 11.0. and would look! lo this port. In Vancouver men of breadth were welcoming expansion here. There was a won derful future ahead of Hie city and district. ONLY TWO DELEGATES FROM VICTORIA FOR MUNICIPAL CONVENTION VKVrOMIA Aug. 10-Plans for saving money ,y wbillliug down! Nicloria's deleg;itinn In llin .an nual convention of the Union of llrilish .Columbia Municipalities were announced by Mayor llegj. nald llayward. "If the Union's ronveiilion is held in Prince Ituperl, as I planned, our delegation should not include more than two men." the Mayor declared. "I shall urge the Council to send no mom (ban this. I do not think we should attempt lo semi five dele-pale, the number cnl last year, so far as Prince Hnperl. If, as ha heeu suggested Hie convention i moved lo Vancouver, we ivmibl send more." The Mayor said be, would ask Ihe Council lo deal with Ihe ap-poinlrneiii" of delegate. nlghl. He added thai he would nol ask that Ihe cunvenlion be moved to Vancouver as oilier Union leaders are suggesting, but declared that Vancouver would be a mom satisfactory neeting place. T1T1 iAilVHEWB GRAM STOCK , FORCED DOWN Price of Copper Shares Will Depend on Solution of Ruhr . Problem ! 't'he reason for Hie low price lot (Sranhy is, mi far as we ca: ee. general market, condition," j says the Wall: Street Journal.' "People who had other srcurilb to protect sold (irauby and forced ithe price down, 'fins is true c. every other copper slock on thai board, and Cranhy is no ccep. Hon. The company is producing. 3,000,000 pounds of copper a month and is showing fair prof, its. Allenhy Copper Co., control of which Oranby otdained this spring, is expected to begin ooer Minns In the fall. Consequently; everything is progressing, vell,j Not ri at its own, property anil lis Mihsidiury. Of course, i he price of copper is about 2 t-2 ents lower than ft was when ttranhy was selling around 30. However, Cranbv can make srood orofits with copper at 15 rents, and In dications are that the price of Conner Will hold between 113-t and 15 1-2 cents Jurgig the re. mainder of the year "Recovery in quotation on copper shares will defend to a considerable extent upon the pro-press made in arriving at somi practical solution of the Ituhr and reparations problems. Cranliy can be expected to art market. wie jn about the same wav as ether copper share?.." COPPER IS BELOW FIFTEEN CENTS BUT DEMAND KEEPS GOOD A ew York despatch lo Ilur-dick, Logan V Co. of Vancouver say export copper sales continue jn fair volume. Price c.i.f. P.uropcaii ports is ll.'.iO to 1 1.95 cent a pound. Domestic sales are small, hut - iuuiiiries. especi ally for last quarter delivery, are hetier than last week, there are no otreriiig at . less than 1 1 4 cent deliver d, but it can not be Irarned that bil of lt- have been rejected. Substantial sales of domestic delivered were made by customs smelter at I Hi ' cents last week. , Despite, reports, that condition in ernutny are more, unsettled than they have been, (ierman leonsumer bought 1.250.000 pound of copper, Saturday and Monday. France nNo rouliiiue to huy in fair volume, so Hint sales for export Saturday and .Monday total around 2.50U.00O pounds. o sps to Ihe Orfcn! have been made for a few day. hut iiKiuiries from China and lapan are active. ROTARY CLUB SHOWS RESPECT HARDING president Hugh Grant Speaks Appreciatively of Late President of U.S. At the notary Club luncheon yeslenlny President Hiigh flrant made reference to Hie death of President Harding and the mem- own life exemplified the spirit of ifrrsa hmhhi ui mivurv air ii Mion PROMINENT WOMAN GIVES HIGH PRAISE MRS. A. C. MANNING Wife of Northwcft LumWrmii J0-T0 COMPANY: GentletnenI have used your wonderful Jo-To for some time for indigestion troubles with the most gratifying results. I keep It in tbe house constantly and would feel lost without it Sincerely yours, MRS. A. a MANNING Jo-To quickly and harmlessly re. lieves all stomach distress and suf-ferinr such as gas, acid, sour stom ach (heartburn), bloating, and all after eating distress. Guaranteed absolutely harmless. Sold at all drug a lures. service. from ihe C 4VfXt Chilliwack District With the Cream left in lime out of retperl for the lat lamented head of Hie Inited Slates government. Ir. Cranl spoke of the presh dent a a safe and sure pilot amid the turbulent water of the pre sent lime. Mverynne had confi dence in him. He went to Alaska to find out the true slate of af fairs there wheie two factious were striving. for supremacy. They nil felt sorrow because a great and good man had gone. The Itotnry president spoke of him as a man who favored Hie League of Nations ami who called the peace confeience which minimized armaments, lie was a great Hnlarian and nnlv recently' 'rddressed the notary conference Jen the ideal of Hillary. H sliowed that the bbal was o serve rather than lo exploit. He was a man from a small town who had made good, and In his in thi awnenu cow or mitism coLuaiBia. mi aaiiaiig In the Vur rt h of Morrn Cnn1on. Drrtnl. T4i( NflTlrfr Ilia, ab Ih- a. ... Jnly, AJ). mi, lur (r 4hiiinUtritlnn m Kitr: tu .norri. oin itnonn wi riniro unio ivunt, w. Hfnw OtrU-lal All itrvin. havlnv imiiifiit, t. ld EMilo tr fMulrel to fll Urn mnx rriuru uj orriiriiKin un iit urulrr-Itrrifd forthwith. All rnti omlnr tnnnrj to th Mid Tit. I mrm K.rt. ..nulp.rf t. .... .. . i ,; ante Xn th on(l-rlrni1 forthwith. n.TF.n t mrr uupm. b.c. thi tnd day or Auruii, t3. TltOS. W. IIF.HXR, rrince muxyt. B.C. Th Canadian alfrinal U.ltv.v. . I. I Out rrurkrl to pnrrha iliir ti rrqulre. Inwnn ror llitl. Parties lhinr in prtxlure (Tlo t th Railway tbuuht run. mimlfate wlm Mr, W. II. nram, Orneral Tl- AaTiit, Born 0, Canadian KatUiijH Fiproi Rulldlnr, Montreal, y, im or ;bfore Auruii llili, uij, and rite lh follow In e inrunitaikHt! Th .wit.n of um iiinir rrrun wnirn the Tin are lo lie prwturwl. The kind tirnltrr. iimntllv ,tf Tl, either Mwn or Itewn. As far si po4U. Tka rouM Ih hiii-w1 on Can- aijiaaj i,aitii,nii unB. w. li. emir, Oeniral Tl Ar-nt. UNO ACT. Notlct sf tnustlsn to Aptly is Purchass 1 In Skeena Land Dutrlcl, Brrordlnr Ml-inn nf Prtrtre itijvrt. and slliiaio at Car-lalna Cove. ut I. land, CJI. I. I Tak Sow thai W. Jefrrriwrfi. of Van-'router, OMiipaiKw rsnnerjr man. Intend to apply for prnilion to purrba. ino fullowlnr d'trrlbcd landit Cnrnnwhrlnt al S pot planted on the smrth ,hnre of Can. talni Cove, llt-nre soaih is rtialnai llwncs weal 10 chain; thnee.nirth tl chains to hsrej ibt-nre follow inr shore lo place of com anl rrmialnlni; forty arrr more or U. w. i. ;rrrrnsosi, Marno of AwlleaM. Dated 7th Joly, ISM. V, raw 1 I MMffl JUST os tlie milk from thefoolhillt of IheSwus Alpsisfnmoustluough. out Europe, to is tin- milk ' from the Frnscr River Valley known in Western Canada for its remaikable and consistent richness. Owning and operating a condensary at South Sumas, lhe Borden Corn, pany receives this milk from the finest dairies in the Valley, puts it up in fourconvenient sized cans, and places it within your immediate reach (at your grocers) under the name "St. Charles Milk"-nlwnys ask for and insist ,1 upon getting Borden's St. Charles Milk. Use It for every Milk need VAMCOUVCIJ v 1 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! Sailings from PrinceRupert 1 SAllinaa from Prince Rtinert Peinpa Rnnnrt and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermedial romis, moncay, inursaay, saiuraay, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Ulands Aug. 8 and 22 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ute I'rinr rturt lUlly trn-l iiiMlr l . Pi. tat rnr .Jr rt. rdraaniuo. Winnlirf. dlrtci roauctioo til poinu 4ilr Cn.l tiut i:n Wiim. Drfiowii, it ron Arthur tu4 iiuluih im orihrra Xi' lfnri tl c,m Uk. CH Tlctl OffU, n Tlf Am, rrloc Rru ? 8.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, 8.8. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, August 3, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27. 8.8. PRNCES8 IEATRICE. For Butedale, 8waneon lay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. ' Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailinn Fmm Prince Iuiisti, Foe VANCOUVER, VICT0AIA, Ocaan Falla, and .-...on Bar, T..lar. For VANCOUVtR, VICTORIA. Alert BaT, and Bar, ""r N. Foe ANVOX, ALICK ARM, STEWART, W.I. a laland, Sundar S P.M. ''OH sns N... Rirae Cafln.rl.., PrMar A.M. I nd Arenno. 4. sWn.le,, A.nt. Prince nurt. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUE8. Agents Tor: N. and S. ENGINES , Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phono Blue 81.