Whn Yiu Wnt,V TAXI P.R.FISH MARKET Phone 671. in a hurry FOR THE PIC-NIC. Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Phone Roast Ham with dressing, PRINCE RUPERT ttt Cars and Bast Service Fresh Sausage Dally. In tha City. Rates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited VOI, MM NO. It". IMUNCE HUPKHT, B.C., FIUDAY. AtMSUST 10, 102:1, Vlptfir'i CircuUtlon 1S92 tPt tlt S40. PJIIGE FIVE CENTS. PRESIDE HARDING BEING BURIED TODAY LONDON DOCTOR BRINGS DEAD Funeral of U.S. President Taking All MAIIIOX. f Hi i4t. Aoir. III. would look llirir Iul on Hit face of Warren 0. Hurtling, -".Mil president oT tin United Slates dawned wild thousand who loved him r- ( 1 1 1 wailing (o pns Mowly beside I lie bier resting iir In father's home. Hefnrc the shadows of evening Meal aero, t he wiilc peaceful scene of Hit valley where lit wan horn, Ihe' gales of Hie lomh will have closed at I ! a flllifl til Ik ti fa 1 11 it ft mill v Y Ut it till IIIIIVI Ul I Mill' VII i sorrowful vjiirnan who longed for i tn w n ait nvrxn ' ll' I tl IIW I' lit I'. lo LUMBER MILL la. nsiunw rrvm uiitruviiii .11 Blate - -. NELSON. Alia. Id. I la ma ue id estimated a' i5ii,nnn wn caued i by n fin- wlii'h ilctroyc. Ho. rMlllivnti planing mm. -crul .me .. ... . . i i... i a ,. --. ,p.-i.,-., .,imiv ilir.j nvn. Ui 111 unuLe RAILWAYRATES no Hie BEING DISPUTED I OTTAWA, An-.- III. i. I J. Me Gecra argument fur llrilih i diimlli( in Ihe freight ralcn her hearing hefore Hie Canadian Jlo Privy (.oiineil t'fiiiix uiifinilicd .that lal ewnlng Ihe cuuuel for Ihe for we( wa a I lowed lo eonliuuc tin morning after oine dieu clou helween romiM-l and the chairman. The rue for Ihe railway wu expected lo he hi reached lodny al noon. NURSES HAD PICNIC TO DIGBY ISLAND,,U!,,' a,ul i,uin,",,ri,c m s,",,J Miss McLennan and Miss Lud-gate, Graduates, Honored by Other Membera of Training School Last Night In honor or Ml Mary Me-I.ennau and Mis llaiel hudgale, uraduales from Ihe Nurses' (raining school and their friend last cvruinir since,! a dciiic at IHgby Maud. There were i'H persons present and Mrs. Donaldson. Mis Jackson, liud Mrs. Iliilihinson lepreseuted the slalT of graduates. The trip was made on Ihe launch Oh llahy, Cad. Myhill Jones. The liarly h'H al T.'JM and was homo by 1 1. 3d. The entertainment Included dancing on Hie iu;iiniitine wharf to the strains of phonograph music. leagueTaseball National League ltoslou , Clneinnnli (I. Hiooklyn 2. l'illsburg 0. l'hiliulrlpliiii I. CliieiiKo 2. American League Chirnim 5, llillailelilila 21. Cleveland I, Washington 2. SI. I.ouls ;i, Hoslou . iH'linil II, New York 3. Coast League I.us Angeles 2-2, Seattle 5-U. Sacraiuenlo 10. Vernon H. San l'rancisco II, Portland II. Sail l.uku 0, Oaklund t. Bulicr.be fur the Dally News. Place This Afternoon Work in Country Stopped Tlit" dav when Iiiiiii:iii eve behind him and Hie long, long! ill I III CTfl!l IlltZ Iv i II ill! II 4lll imjvu. ifi Biiivo'in i i i i i 1 1 v - the end of Hie public ordeal Hal lot irelelietl over more Ilia ii a week of ceremonial ami 'pageant set aide her own wih ! alone wild licr dead al die I. '('day Hit' face (if I lie dead chief uio viible for Hie IhI Ilinie to"hov" who knew liim a? i ri i ll imr. .-cciiniiKiy rrrj man. woman and child in Marion kIimmI long on the shaded and Kiel street ! nay (lie lasi hoimr. No man could fay how many llmus'ind walked Ihroiipl' iihujii room aim kuiph a' . . i ... - t . j . .. i . lniMrinri.i III i.l,! II.M ,,-,,,. Jibing Ira I no eaiiiti In lo .add thousand from distant place lo throng already gathered. Im! whistle Idew and dunging of IliellK were Milled. Eventually Mr. Harding will come hack lo live here. close lo her dead lull loumrrow in Wah- linglou she face a new and terrible ordeal. Intimate family Irea ore, cherished hy her and huhand mul he diper-ed new urruuuding in order Hie inauiriu can he ready (lie new preldeul. Tribute of Silence WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. -Marion will iay Hie Irilmle of ftilcnre lo Warren Harding a hody i eutomhed Ihi afler-noon Hiere. l'rviii coat lo coal from holder , lo hoiiler every wheel of Hie federal government and nraelically every one of in- llll. I Ileum r. tilill i.iiii iiiiv? of nmueiueiiL will ho closed, ha-ehall game po.lponed and oilier eveul. deferred. Ihe day i one of luiiuriiiu;; and prayer with IlititifJinil galhered in place of worship- indeed Ihoil-aud upon (hoiii-and. Myriad ilimrli hell lolled the mournful ineage and the Iraffie on all railway, telegraph and telephone line came In a halt at the hour of eiilomhmeul NEW ,YOHK, Aug. Ill This I I he olllrial day of mourning for President lluriliutr in aceordauen Willi " J're.iilenl Coolidge'x pro clauialiun. Itauk, huiue. hou.e., and commercial In.iHIu Hon not eeulial to the puldio welfare upended operalion .Memorial service were held al all city churches, Irallie on the streets Mopped two iniuule. al noon. Amusement centres arc alo dark. Other cities throughout Ihe. United Slates for the must part adopted the Maine policy. Even lug newspapers are not puldish Ing. I.ONOON, Aug. III. - Several IhoiiMiuil eilieiiH of Ureal Jlrl-tiilu. and llnitei) Slates gathered al WcslniinMcr Ahbey lodny al unoii to mourn Ihe death of Pre sidenl Harding. Hundreds who were unable Id gain admission lo the cool receses of the build ing Hned HieMreets und square In the vicinity of Hie Parliament llujldlngs. An overflow crowd gathered In the Abbey yard and heard Hie funeral music played by the gical orguti is ' REVOLUTION IS FEARED IN GERMANY UNREST IS SHOWN LONDON. Ana. III. A despatch front llerlin ay: "lleport from all liarl of (trrmaiiy todaj Miow unrest among the worker to he increasing alarmingly. In polillcal circle fear are not con-realej Ihat revolution may break out a suddenly a that in November. I 1 8. did.' LABOR CONFERENCE OF WHOLE EMPIRE , PROPOED NEXT YEAR Sc'hVme 1s to Form" Labor-Pollll-i cat Oraanlzallon for Whole British Commonwealth WIN.MPi:!. iit. UK lligtil Hon. Arthur Hemleron. secretary of I ln llritish Labor I'arly, write to J. S. WiMNNworth. MA'.. of Winniocji, thai Hie HHIih Labor I'arly pnpose. holdinj.' a llrlllsh Empire Conference in London next year if the liomiu-io4i wi'l co-operale. The bin trallieriiifc: .vlll be held during the lime Ihe llrilish Empire exhibition i therewith a view lo Ihe formation of a labor political or ganization for the wliole Empire. Mr. WoiMsworHi is taking the mailer up with all Canadian political pirlies and consulting labor rcjanjig Ihe reply he will give. DIED LAST EVENING AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs. Matilda White, Mother of Mrs. H. T. Cross, Passed Away at Daughter's Residence Mr. Malilda White, mother of Mis. II. T. Cross, 223 Fourth Ave. West, died last night at 5.30 o' clock at Ihe home -jf tier daughter following a hum illness. The tale Mrs. White was 73 years of a tie and was a unlive of England. She had been in Canada for It' yeivs and in Prince llupert for seven years. 'There will be a funeral service in Ihe H.C. Undertakers Parlor at d o'chick Ibis evening. Itev. C. (1. Hacker officiating. 'Ihe body will co forward to Saskatoon to-ni(Hil for interment, Mr. Cross accompanying i. FIRST CARGO FROM EAST TO VANCOUVER MONTIlEAI., Aug, Id. The first cargo ever 'shipped by water from Eastern to Western Canada loft Montreal for Vancouver Thursday on Ihe steamship Margaret Coughland by way of Panama Canal. LIFE WAS INSURED NEW YOUK. Aug. 10. President Harding's life wa insured for 52,100 wllli several MAN BACK The lJuke of Couuaiight unveiled Ihe war memorial in honor of the Uauadiau Iroops who fell at Ypres. The luoniiiuent i the gift of Hie Canadian Hatllefields Committee. LOCAL ORANGE LODGE ENTERTAINED LEADING OFFICERS OF ORDER Dr. Fisher and Mr. Catt of Eng land Gave Addresses at Gathering In Metropole Hall Last Night Many members of the local Orange l.l nice, ladie and gentle men, and their friends availed Ihciiisclve. of Hie oiiorliimiity last evening of meeting llev. Ir. T. .1. Wiiam-l'isher, chaplain of the Triennial Council of the World, and David Call, deptily crand master of Enslaud, and listening lo Iheir addresses. There was a formal bulge Hireling alter which Ihe Metro-pole Hall wa thrown open to the public. W. W. Wright, musler of the local lodjse presided. Hr. Fisher, who Is a prominent cleric in Illriniugham, line-land, spoke on Ihe important place that Ihe Orange Lodge held in Hie llrilish F.mpire. He urced continuation of enthusiasm in Hu work of the order. Mr. Catt, a well-known Iondon business man, game some of his impressions of Canada, lleferr- ing lo Prince llupert, he said that the port was in a strategic position and was bound lo be one of Ihe Empire's great com. increinl centres. Dr. Fisher and Mr. Call are on an extensive lour of Canada. Iliey have been away from England since early in June and do not expeel tu return uulilThe cod of October. Hoth will lecture this winter in the Old Country on Canada, They sailed;. Tor the south on the steamer Prince (ieorge. Yi'' Tom bybhavn sailed, "u Iho Pt'lnce Ceorge lust night for Seattle. TO LIFE BY INJECTION OF DRUG & fjjj RAILWAYS NOT LOSS ANY LONGER BUT AN ASSET TO COUNTRY MONTIlEAI.. Aug. 10. The gross earnings for Hie month of June qf the Canadian National Hail-ways, including the Central Vermont llailwuy, amounted to 2l.2l(i,HJ while the operating expenses were 20.03U.I52, leaving a net revenue for Hie mouth of 31. 177. HI. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WILL TRAIK BOYS OF CHURCH AS ESQUIRES New Movement In Interests of Catholic Lads Set on Foot at Montreal MONTIlEAI.. Aug. 10. - Ihe Knights of Columbus at their convention here decided lo establish a new movement for boys called Hie Columbus Csiuircs which il is expected' will reach over a million Ilalholic hoys mi the North American continent. Special leaders will be trained in eiodi metropolitan centre und .lHl,onn has been set aside lo provide this liaiiuny. MANITOBA DEFEATED BY THIS PROVINCE IN CRICKET MATCH VANCOl VEll, Aug. 10. --- AU berla defealed Saskalchewnu by a score of 18 lo I3I and llrilish Columbia defealed Manitoba 101 lo 5 in yesterday's mulches In I lie Welern Canada cricket tournament. Dead Man Brought to Life by Injection in Heart by Doctor who was Operating for Cancer i . LOMjON, Aug. 10 A few days ago a London man aged oo died of shock on thrf operating lalde in a Jocal hospital where he was being treated for cancer. For three minutes his hearl unil lung ceased lo function. A do( lor injected hi strong solution of adrenalin directly into the man's hearl mid within a few niiniite Jie revived, emerging even from Ihe anaesthetic. The operation was com pie led with a further anaesthetic and today Ihe man is making steady progress toward recovery. tricucw ncii daatc i ILLLlilL.il IIJI1 uunu SOLD CATCHES TODAY Canadian and American Prices About Even 1CS.SC0 Pounds 'Offered at Exchange Eleven halibut boats ilTereil catches totalling OH,.",00 pounds at Ihe Fish Exchange this morn ing; Eichl American boats hao 87,000 pounds and three Cana dians, 2I.5U0 poiimN. Prices were ooite even ami Canadiai. halibut hnought as gooil bids a-American. Arrivals and sales: American pounds, at 12.5c a II lo.jr. ti Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. . l. - i ;.. 'in. o ooo oiitnis ami . ntul .s. G.50U pound, at 12.3c and I He. I !o Ihe Hoolh Fisheries Canadian Co. Wabash, 12,000 iumt. at .r.e and 10. le, (o the Atliu Fisheries. SenaloiV 30.000 pounds at tl.le aiyl He. and Seoul, 1.000 pound al 12.3c ami 10c. lo Hie Pacific Fisheries. Canadian Cape Soear, 10,000 pounds al 2.1c. and I0.5v lo Ihe Atliu Fisheries. lugreil II.. 1 1,0(1(1 pounds at I2.3e and I0,5r lo the Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. Lillian M.. 7,500 pounds at' 12c and 1 0.5c. lo the lloyal Fish Co. CONTRACT IS LET FOR uuninvmuui unmLis STREEfS SECTION FIVE The contract for the surfacing of the rough grading on Fourth and Fifth Avenues in Section 5 was lei hy the city council al a special meeting yesterday afternoon lo A. Anlonelli. He hid $5.00 for crushed' rock and $2.50 for sand or a total of '51,850 for the job. The work of Ihe contract will consist of .quarrying, crushing, delivering, spreading mid rolling Hie surfacing material. The cily will supply equipment and a truck will be rented to Ihe contractor at sii.uo a day. The council also finally adopted a bylaw providing for the tem porary borrowing of ?,000 to complete Ihe work. AMERlSimNKE SWIFTSTAR IS LOST Refrigerator Washed Ashore With Name of Vessel; One Corpse Also LOS ANlilXES. Aug. 10. The American oil Injiker Swiflstar lias been apparently lost with n ci'ew f 32 officers und men. She has not been reported since early "in July in the Panama iun booml for Hie Atlantic coast. One corpse and u refrigerutor marked Swiflstar were, washed ashore ii the Caribbean Sea. CAPT. NEWCOMBE SUPERANNUATED One of Coast's Best-Known Mariners Receives Retirement at His Own Request Afler more than twenty years of service will, the RovemuieiiL Capl. Holmes Xewco.inhe of Hie Oomiiiinn Fisheries prolj-elion service has been suppcrunuated from August t." Capt. Newcoinhe, who is one of till. I.Atel iimMnni .... Him thirty-lvv'o (J'ear. He came west a a young man from New jHruiiswick ami for twelve years was senior master of His Ijiimi Sleainsliiu Co., many of I hose w ho are now in command of that company's steamers having sailed before Hie mast under him. In I'JoJ he joined Ihe Dominion Fisheries service and ' lll4 fi,'l Illllllil:lllil .u-ua Ilia fl.l Kestrel. He also skippered .the. William JotitTe and the Human. His last ship, (he Mujasptna, he couiinanileil for many years up " IHI Hit' dale of Ids .retirement which was granted oil' his own request. In the 'course jjf his long service, Cant. Newconibe has won ii jj spteudid repulation for Ihe fear- a less ami just manner in which ho. enforced Cuuadiau regulations. He was the terror of American poaching vessels many of which he captured. in KAWUl 1 imTTP I S liUl PAT HAUL QUEBEC Blew Safe In Banque National al. Yamaska and Secured $6,000 . In Bills ot'EDFC, Aug. 10. Five armf ed masked bandits blew the safiT of Ihellanque Naliouale al East Yamaska and escaped with 5,000 in bills and negotiable securities. The bandits cut Hie telephone wires and thus prevented the alarm being given. CANADA'S DEBT ' ' Gross Decreased Forty Seven Million During Year Ending July '31. 'OTTAWA, Aug. !(). Canada's'" debt was 2. 103,235,000 at the: end of July in" a decrease of, $0,000,000 during (lie "monlli., The gross; debt was a2,y2U.2l2,-777 or $3.000,0.00 higher for Hie, month. The tjllTercnev between the two. slateineuls Is explained by the. IncreusV of lioiuiulou funds dver and above thostf classed as inactive sucli as rl. ways. ' H, The gross debl dropped $t7,. ooo Ann I., ll. u .. i. i,. i. ... ..i...i ii '.iiy.val Wiili. ll ITIIUCII 1.v'v,vfl July