H.S.WALLACECO.,LTD. DollarDavs AC 4 Mi" Pillow Cotton, 2 yard for-r- - JhJ1--- Hemstitched Squares, cavli j $1.00 Law White- Hath Towels, pair $1.00 ' Lar?c Colored Uatli Towels, I pair $1.00 . J 8 inch Crash Holler Towel- Uu?, 4 yards $1.00 Stamped Goods, big assortment, each $1.00 . Splendid Assortment Good Prints, 5 yards for $1.00 .Foil flange Ginghams', I yards $1.00 Heller Quality Gingham., 3 yards $1.00 .' Ileiiulitched Pillow Slips, . lair $1.00 5 ' Corset Covers, 2 for $1.00 LING 1 he 1 ailor Phone 649. r we d$ day cleaning and pressing of every description by steam. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Opp. 1'osl Office Corner. DFriday and Saturday Dollar Days have niacle bargain history in Prince f Ituperl. 'This is one that excels litem all, for we have cut uudLifta.gairi at standard prices on everyday needs. Conic caauLir you can. VMneaj r'lannelclle, good iilulily, t yards for 1 $1.00 Striped rianncleltc, 3 yards for $1.00 56" Madopobiui, 3 yards for $1.00 3ti' Longcloth, 3 yards for $1.00 Ladies' Summer Vests, good iiuality, 3 for $1.00 Silk Hoot Hose, lllack and Colors, pair $1.00 Ladies' Cotton Hoe Hlack, Drown, While, 3 pairs for t $1.00 Children's Cotton Hose, lllack. While, Urown, 3 pairs for $1.00 Wenched Table Damask, yard $1.00 Hemstitched Hank's, White, 18 for $1.00 Hibbuns to 33c yard, i yards for $1.00 Children's Middle Wash Skirts $1.00 1 taliy Millions, 2 bolts, !S yards in each $1.00 Assortment of Gloves, clearing up old lines. Per pair $1.00 Knitting yarns. 1 z. balls. Full range of colors, seven for $1.00 Ladies Cotton Combinations, each $1.00 Ladies' Cotton ' Drawers, li pairs for $1.00 72" Hleachcd Sheeting. 2 vards $1.00 We have hiany other desirable bargains on sale wJiicli 1 limited space Will not permit us to describe. "KEEP HENS FOR LAYING, NOT FOR LOAFING." Our next car of FEED arrives Monday. l'er Sack Ogilvic's Hiph Grade GJjjcken Wheal ... $2.85 Oglivie'e Scratch Feed $3.45 Ogllvie's Cracked Corn $3.00 Ogilvic's Fine Corn-meal $3.00 Ogilvic's Shorts $2-00 Ogilvic'e Hran $1.90 Ogilvies' Crushed Oats $2.85 'c also have Haby Chick Feed, Ogilvic's Developer, Harley Meal, Feed Oats and l'gg Mash in slock. (Less 10c per sack in 5 sack lots;. We arc Agents for ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Canada's Hest Grade. Rupert Table Supply Phone 211-212. m CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS HtllhBV OIVK.T that a tHif- llon of tlx- kilcn Maud llrsrrve urveyri ixii cji. inure i. Una uttirlct. I cancelled. 0. It NAliES. lx-Mity Minister of Laud. LawU liriartnipiit, Victoria. B.C. gwtti July. J3. Open for Business IN THE NEW STAND. Next to St. Regis Cafe. Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Working Shoes from $5.00. Canvas Shoes for Men, Hoys nnd Children,, from $1.35 The Best Rubber Boot In . Canada. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. Next SI. ltcgis Care. Phone 41. Tlir'Lltlt? Doherly Coaparrd with ordinary sUeJ piano; WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? You can have this littln favorite right In your- own room at less than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. CROP PROSPECTS ARE ' men t itrnu nntMlT DULL YLKI DIUuIll According to Report Issued by Bank of Montreal Conditions during the past week have been fairly satisfactory In the prairie provinces and pros. peets continue for a good axerago crop, says inc nam; or .Montreal ' crop report. Ilust is prevalent in' many parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan but the procnt coolt weather is expected to arre?l developments. In the other provinces crops generally are fair to gootl. Details of reports re-' ceiveil from each diftrict are as follows : Prairie Provinces Kdmoulou District l'rospects continue promising, grain lodged in places. Calgary District F.xcellenl conditions continue, wheat and oats practically all beaded out. Harvesting should commence in three weeks. Lethbridge District Kxlreme heat past week caused some damage to crops, hail on evening 20th with tcnnsiderirhle damage over fairly extended area. Wheal coining well under way in two weeks. Saskatoon District Owing to continued wet weather wheat not ripened as quickly as usual, lied and black rust in evidence. Slight damage from hail and saw fly. Coarse grains promise good cron. Plenty of hay ami pasture. Winnipeg District Prospwts have changed considerably during the past week and South of Cana dian Pacific main line damage from rust extensive over the whole district. "An average wheat crop is hoped for. Harley ami oats promising. live moving DIARRHOEA and Vomiting Doubled Up With Pains It "U art' tuditeiily attacked wild Uurrutx-a, 4)M.'iil-ry, colic, tumps ut aiu In the itwnarU ir any lwoem? uf llw buwel do iiut wasle valuable time. but at once procure a bottle of Dr. Tuwler'a titrart of Wild Strawberry ainl ee bow quickly It will relieve Jou. Mrs. KrneM MurrU, 3 Webb St.. ton don, out.. write.- -i lake great leaure lu rertunuieiidiiis' I r. Kowler'a burnt of Wild strawberry for what it lias done for me. Some time ago beadarlie, tlirn started to vomit and Ml to lck I could hardly und II all day; toward evening Intense palm fame In my bowel and I waa Just doubled up the pains were o bad; the perspiration stood out like bead on my forehead : then the diarrhoea started and I really though! ! ii going to die. My husband went to the drug More and got a bottle or Dr. rowler'i Eitrart of Wild Strawberry: he gave me fouf de), at Interval, and by noon neit day the diarrhoea had Moped and the I -a In wa alt rone ton. Sow I will never be without 'Iir. fow ler' In the houe." rrlre see a bottle- put up only by Tim T. Mllburn Co.. Lluiltel. Toronto, Ont. DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening, From P till 12 o'clock. Commencing Wednesday, Aug. 8 Easson's Orchestra. Admission Qentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and dance your sorrows away, and remember your miseries no more. L. J. MAlim:.V, Proprietor. Phone lllack Silt. Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeal orders being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal ' Ouick Fire! Lasts Longer! Costs same as olher Nut Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED TBI DAILY NEWS JGILLETT'SW lOOLYEjlX light. Wheat cutting started in south. Pasiuro goiMj. Hcgijia Distrn t Prospects for heavy wheat yield are not as bright as la-t reported. Hut spreading in northern sections of province and several point re port danuige from sawfly. Coarse grains will aUo be affectwl by rust and ,ests. Hay and pasture good. Quebec (train crops are making good progress and a fair yield is look. ed for. Hay in eastern and southern districts practically all har vested wjlh ield aboe average. Hoots continue to look well and an average crop is expected. Apples reported a little below average, with plums and berries plen tiful. Pasture is in coin I condi tion wilh exception of Mime of the northern districts where there is a luck of moisture. Ontario' Conditions throughout the pro vince continue favorable. A goinl general yield is expected. Fall wheat is nearly all harvested. Yield and ipiality above average. Spring grain crops. Including j corn, promise well, mil rain Is t Potatoes now growing well and a fair crop expected. , British Columbia ' Wealher generally favorable, but rain needed in parts, (irains ripening early and cutting general in Okauagau ami Knmloups dis. triets and Vancouver Island. Hoots and potatoes fair. In Okaiiagan Valley all tree fruits developing in riviidid shape, es. recially where trees properly (limned. Slight hail damage. Apricots and early apples moving. Merry crop below average but equally good. Pasture generally good except Vancouver Island. In north crops above average. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. OKiHY ISLAND Clear calm: barometer. SH.'.tO; teinpcralire. 05; sea sin-jolh; 8 p.m. spoke tuu Lome v5 miles from Oiler Pas. sag no ilireclion; H p.m. spoke sleaiiu-r (Jueeu botind for Ketchikan 3d miles from Ketchikan; H p.m., spoke Admiral Nicholson, discharging at Hidden Inlet. DKAIi TIIF.F. POINT Cloudy, calm: barometer, 2'.) .1)3; tcinicrn lure. 55; sea smooth. Ill LL HAHHOIt Cloudy, light west wind; barometer, lemperainre, 58; sea snioolli; 8 p. in. spoke tug (ape Scoll tune miles south of Otter I'assnge bound, for Swnnsoii Hay: 8 p.m. spoke slcaim-r Hedwood 3l8 miles from Kelchikiiu bound for Seal. tie; 8 p. in spoke steamer Admiral Fvnns 5fti miles from Seattle bound for Seattle; 8 p.m. spoke steaim'r Mogul -57 miles from Tacoma bound for Taeoinla; '. It. m. snoke steamer Venture left Surf Inlet northbound; 1. 3D a.m. moke steamer Prince Ituperl iu Sea foil li Channel northbound. Noon OIOHY ISLAND Clear, calm.; barometer, S'J.l2; leinieralure, 07; sea smooth. DP.AD THKK POINT Clear, light soulheasl wind; barometer, 2li.W3; tcinperalure, 05; sea scoolh, HULL IIAHItOHCloiidy. Hold west wind; barometer, 2l.t2; temperature, Oi; sea smooth. FORD TO MANUFACTURE PAPER FROM HARDWOOD DirrilOIT. Aug. 10 l.alcsl at tainment at the Ills it limine plant of the Font Motor Co. I the manufacture of paper from pulp produced from hard wood! by (lie "soda process." Heretofore soft woods have been looked upon us Hit' mily kinds mailable for paper Manufacture is being nrried out on a large scale, with plans tinder way for increasing production as soon us iicweiup. iiieui ran be lnlalliil. The pro. ces. enable n riuiipuiiy Id uc i'.l of i lie setup pieces from Its liinly buibliuz ptaul at IUer (loupe, lliii elTeelliig a new Jerii.iioy in liimier t'oiiservatlou MORE HARVESTERS COMING TO CANADA LONDON. Aug. 10. There are a.;ioo harxesirrs for western Can. aifa due to leave here in Ihri-e ililTciiMii hips lifivvccn now and Sunday. NOTICE One Ke Wong announce he tin taken over Sing Lung s laundry ou Sixth Avenue, Wel. and will not be responsible for any account! contracted by Sing Lung after Ausust St. ml , When you buy ndrtilng you iy CIIICULATION. and ee that mi v NOTICE. Take .Notice that one litonlh afler pub-hralton of I lilt notice. Pacific cartage 'Limned profxwea lo apply to the rteglitral of joint si rk Companlea. at Vlctnria. for leave lo rhange lit name W -"S. fc. PAn-Kit I.IVITIH." rvcinc cAnTfiE ijvitco. Per Wllliaiui. Manon k Ounialet at SoUcltori. Victoria. B.t: CANCELLATION OP RttERVC. .noticj: is m.ni.HV i;ivk that u re etlstlng over the lamU formerly needpil badly in most localities, cancelled. Hoots are in goiHl condition. I u(.. ,,,.(,, . , I lietmty Minister of Landt, Most fruits above the average. Un,, tietnment. Itaspberrifs only fair. Maritime Provinces I Heceul rains lliroughoul the .Maritime provinces hae Im-cii :ood for the crops. Haymaking has been delayed sonu-what. Prospects at present in Non Scolia and P. M l. indicate all round good crons. An excentioii- t.k an awful violent I aMy Urf!,. j.,.,,,, (,f ,,ny u ,(t,jl);r liarvesteij and prospects are very favorable .for a large apple crop. In New Ilriiiiswick hay and grass pasture show some iniiroemeuf . tilh July, tffj. LOGGERS' CLUB Minute in tli" Liiipres Hotel MuiMing Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and (old Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black 51. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, DUI, Phone 680. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. NEW REX Cafe On Second Avenue. The best place to cat. Good Service. Nothing but the best. Under New Management. Friday, August 10, 1923 I The House Foot Comfort Hints Footwear should be changed fiTitieullv Ui,. more injurious lo the foot than wearing the ' line? ;"e ? hi and day out. The long life of our foolwe ii r v!' peiuls iiu giving o"r shoes u rest. Your finjt rnfi ' change of covering tin1 amc as oilier pari or .!jri('.'.;., WHY NOT A PAIR OF WHITE SHOES? Women's Whlto Sea Island Canvas Pumps ( u, ,. in i. .i.t.. c i., i r m. women's rvnuo sea lainnu canvas oirap Kumpj nj q( loras iuiick Kid (run. rriceu hi Women's White Sea Island Canvas 8irap Pumpt fine 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 y . wiltiil leiillicr trim. Priced ;.' Women's Smoke Elk Oxfords Sport - llniwji t r run. spruin heel. Ilegiilor s 7 . T . Pru-e l A complete range oT Footwear Spn nils fur t ... of Hie family. W.J3 i: i Mil UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Prompt iJcliverv In all parl of Prince II Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall 0r4i WESTHOLME THEATKi ' Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Thomas Meighan The Qood Luck Star "TheNe'er-Do-WeF Adapted form Rex Beach's famous novel. Strong uiii eludes Llla Lee. The str or a speudtlinri vv!i the while lights on Hromlway shining. vlioe .f caused the lovelighl to finite hi Ihe ei' of l girl. .Story of stories. Star of stars. Picture s ' COMEDY "BUMPS". FOX NEWS-CAZETTL Admission 50c and 25. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 lo 0 Phone 575 Lady Asiutint We Don't Ask You to Buy Wo leave thai to your own judgment but we do ak Id drop into our toro und insped the new urrvH a Ladies' Fall Coats These ara In the newest detlani and colors. Autumnil shades In Velours, Bolivia Cloth and Polo Cloth. P"ice1 range from $20.00 to $85.00 You will o delighted with Ihcsc newest garments i Hie ctiniiing vvcuves of this season. Mnku n point of ci''n our selection liefore they gel picked uer, for c M tlicm lu go fast. They ought to ul these values. Jabour Bros.. Ltd. . aSf Corner Third and Sixth. Phon