. a Ana THE DAILY HTIYB Fin vmaiir. T SHOWING Curious Costumes at erade Dane Last Night i nerfecl end of a per-Ihe children of 4 ..111 ha P l.tiMinla lll'll Willi lllll IMIM til I .. .rul liaariaal Im.I Ilttrkl1 IIOIIIC Til li d Avenue, iri in or watch n child- - ....I., .Iniinu aalaa.n ;llplre of 111 Ladle ...l tlii..la fl tt'iata iti . r . 'I I. f I - ,li I w li litlt flk ar-kind of rontume. i lie dance Hiemep , ,....ny enjoyment for ..i,.-.. 42 . ii. li HF"r .niiii- in uir .' origins! Mini ,; i,eii h uiniciiii ieni ,. li Ill nirij IIIHIV-I- a .. The winner were . I ..I V..I.I-. 111 r 'I (til a t" I'll! .Ill t'i lMiy. Iavil Wc- i: r.rne.i jiaicu- i: i. v- n, iinir i.iim. r ai uiri. .na kii- ... i . . iiA..i r angemetil were ex- j' led oiil by a com-jii ruinpned of ii . JHIiJi, Mr. . Jli'i.1, iili Mr llailey. Mr. p. mi Mr II. I. John- Hie Judging enuiuipneed in wa led Iiy Mi II )"l Ml I'il.ll. The i iirrlitra provided Htl.J lie Jlldlie Were 1 ll XI at T! Jtl t HllPtllll MP .. ..' il.a. t r'l.,11.... MOVIE THEATRE Vr.fl Ulll tia all...... . aiilllirr. It.rtlriila-a . i v . i .a . lCVarla. lap lliat m..,.lol' aat-- 'THE brilliant colours of the A Orient are to be found in the gauzes, silks, laces and Chinese figured chintz, now so much in vogue for window hangings. (em You need not feel that window grime and dust must damage your most precious draperies. Wash them in the rich Lux suds. The creamy lather gently dissolves the dirt, and gives you back your hangings with colour undimmed and texture unharmed. Sold only in sealed packet $ duit-pruoj t LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Toronto inn; inni " fr iary OimmHtMi of Bay LUX Mm All Children Entertained by Thf various cominlHec were Elks on Annual Flag Day at Acropolis Grounds Yesterday nioriou sunshine Mated diwn on the Arropoli Hill .aiuiiA.v ,ux i". ""rfci rrtnimi ypMeruay aiternoiw a uie. r.ik i:igeu wieir annual 1 il.. I .. . a . a a 1 I a- . . ni a luiiiipumi u iiir aiiit-iii Tii - iaa wr itnt' nip ilia 1 1 iinr ii an I'l-uw-s 1 1 1 1 1 iva ri iiv r x'u i tidaiiiiiitr '"f lorKoiirn ny hip i.rowirr mil in wiir iHaniiinjr ior in day nl wi i'iiivp mil .11 a l m a fa ai a iti aati i inni I ij.i.niinit a i iiiiiiiini irvaaaa fiH.i iitutwiiiiuiii - - ----- . - - ii - jiajbab rn tiiii- r i iiiii ii . 1 1 i i nun ai ii u wwrn iiiii w ri r iiia' ii i n nw iiuiiiiiiiK Ji tnlMil-( in piithi iiiiHiililifo at uip frrr ImniUi. rar-?. wrt at "iS.noii ami It vri ijilr Tho tnse trill ' tiiLat in aiin iiiaiiiii rihi a rn ai I'taa p bb.fi ic a aaia. nxirrt will It IWITta py ID M TT lir AllaTU.l. If Fl. HIT IUT (lmr inlmoun Cluiuwl. Dante trlrt, tu ml I1S.VW0 fJu. f i . ...it a .ii. u .1 .. l"jrnfiiiirf in Ilia mi rm vi airar una iuitiicI) a a . BER SALE XS341. flinrra mill Ik rrrrOrd Lr Iht rr-ilfr. Iml Ulrr lliao WmO it uimauml InU I. 14 8ltr v.wuw irri ui truir, iiriiuufa, i rr will I IVird for I- limber parurulurt) iif Um CUlrt Frr- 1i-ii(1iTi will Ik rorrhrtl br tha n ilia loin my or Auru-4, till. Il-Iu nf llratnrai X llf In ml run ami oiutaltto prirrx nwanlril nidi ram- of inlrl to Hip JllUlllfall-fa. Wrlf lll)Pll. II WB H Kial iIm) ami will lt a ppainit memory to pIi uml pvr' of I lit- lliiiuxumt or Liiiilipf wlio alli'mlpii utilil Hip yar nll aroutxl a train for amillipr Flatf ay an annual iiil wIiipIi lis now firmly 'lali!ilitl il vniu-larily nml iIup in Ho youthful lift- of Hip pily. in li'inalli. II wan IipuiIpiI Iiy Hip liarnl ai1 Hie clowim ih1 wa tuar1iu1lpil Iiy Fire t.liief Dan .Mohoiml.l ami W. II. Derry. 'Ho firl peremony on arriinl al Hie groumN wa I In' raiitiir ami falolitir of Hie I'tiiwu Jark after whipli Hie orrliPfra ftrurk up "(I (iauaila,' Uie luly voice of Hie liumlreil of youiiKflTK joinlntr in entliUxiaHtiPAlly. Frank llilili, who prewiilPil, I lien railed upon ArtinR Mayor l.o. larl. The upeaker referred In I tic work of the ink for Hie children and con k ra I ii I u I ml Hie ineui- n foliA : Fiiianp" 11. F. lila-y, L. M. Fiillrr anl II. .nPlt. ilprHinpl.. M. Fuller. Sjiorl.i 1. I.ajKirte rliair-inaiiu II. Smith, H. Fraer, Fire Cliief I). II. MrltouaM. U'. 0. Yanrr and t'.liief of foliee V. II. Vipker. Clowni. .1'i-ed liilliuly. Pay H.Hi NV. II Willi-KToft The parade of rlilliln-n fronijnml .lame Killa. Hie Wli' Home In tle Arn''"'i" i Free Hoolli Ili-rt Morgan Uroiiml tn I wo full pily liloek ji'olipe ConxlaMe aIpx Mapilonalil. fwl if llnnliM-k, sprur, Ccdr, liter of the Itvdpe on the nuoee lit lUlltf ll . i. . rilil lllal-laM 1 - . . Kir will br iuura lor r " tlll,lmr 1 Arrhdearon c 1 Itii doliver porllrul.rt of Hi Chlff ror..j. ii n. Ii. C. or Ditirln rorHr, IXK Ho mldren on Ihe flK. i -rl- BC- jplalned how the Union Jack had imBER SALE X614C. wiccn uiiuie up and what sicvoii Tcii(iiT will be rernOfd by ihelfor KoKrap'hicully and senli- .V'..1" .VK,ort..n0..!"'r IlieJllnllv. 'Il.e rel..lnnn nU '"""I no irt tin mu an "tMHit 4, likltri fntm PaUUwr SU- H, htu$ ft, Con Land lUMrlct. 3 j i'ii i win be alluvfd for rr Umber r iijiri I'tiiiitiai af ia riiir rp. irm 11 I ..n lil.al 1-nMialnP ' V i ivi a wi est ol M Ihe KlkM Lodne for II aPtivitien of Mich penrrou nml patriotic n a Hi re union jr Hie cliildien. The NitiKinR "f "okI Hae Hie Kinjr" plowed Hie for-iniilitie.H of Ihe oecasion and the t I all.. .1 on BER 8ALC X 47X5. . " " Tniileri will I rforlvm by th,",, Mna l.Piflin. :f rnit, ii victoria, mil Utrrl 'I'liere were several siIm of V im.i W IMIH-ll .. Il.a .1 II J . tail .dUl) Allll fl.a.1 a. ll...al.aIW UI.tH.,M I. . I . . .. I ,, .......a. I'l.... f. I f I I .., ww , w( ifiiiivn m. cm in ' a l ll l Ifl I'l fl" I li' I . 1 1 1 1 .11 I I 111 a (1 HSlaiaitlt akn tal 1 ..t tli - ; . vii avfi ri. M....... IIIIIQ mill VHHniall H.ailivj . --.... Judge lien Self. Jack Judge vt.ii. .i ..i a .-.J,",, - - -i av nv i vi i vi i iitiiiH-r uml I-rank IXIili, Ihe nr j.e were RIBER SALE X 5378 IV I 111 mr a u III I, a. I.w it.. AirJ.iJeai'4111 llix Mayor f.ollart. ami Actlnx The Inlerniediule haseliall and .t'nirr. IH lAiaiP 111.11 llaMlll UB Takailllflll UII1I1IIM 1 Hell IIHkk lilrmu I tllV nf in...., a no. .. ai.. r . ' " ' r.i . 11 iaait'v u'at. ill iiananai v. LiiTnin A 8JT0, 11(.ir lol " i Tft ".000 odi kd.M. I-ll'tr si iV1 ,f,l,,rU',',chiirp . of Ihe proceeding . or Hie lllMtr of Ced.r, Bpruci. , v ...... .n II. Fra-er, I.. M. Fuller ami Fri iilhuly. I'arade V. H. I.erry and Fire Chief I). II. McDonulJ. Hiice Mm. F. Dihh, Mr. A. T. Hal ley, Mr. William Iteid. Mi May Iteid, Mr. II. I. John-miii and Mr. It. J. I. Sniilli. Orchestra and Clowns The orchelra c)iii'-ted of Charle llalagno, leader and piani!; W. F. Hmwn, xylophone; A. A. F.aioMin, Hasaphone: C. A. Kirketidall. J. 8avlliorn and V. Haiire. cornel; Howard White, drum; W. II. Derry, horn. The flown, whom all may not have rerognired, wen Fred fiil-liuly, chief. (Jeorge l.auilierl, (lerge H, Tile, Carl Thompson. Touuuy Smilh, Jtalph milh and Jack Cohh. T ' GAYE PROMPT AID Lads Responded Quickly to Call for Help at Salt Lake Will ami lnl Kergiti were inlruiuenlal yesterday afternoon in rendering prompt aid In C. Woodruff, who appidenlly fell from the diving tioitixl into the Sail J.ake.. Mr. WoodnilT had rlinihed iu the loji of the diving hoard and while preparing to take a header inlo Ihe lake lost hi luiUiM-e and fell. Hitting Ihe water at an awkward' angle Hie imparl caused him to lose hi lo cal li and upon coining to the Hiirfai-e he palled for aid. Will and Fred Kergln, who were on Hie float A al Hie Hint, immediately took in Hie itiatiou ami promptly dived to hi us. ilatice. liolh ikoy. displayed rrniai-kahle cnolne and tnon (had (he diver safely on the floats. i I f LM Tbe Man in tbe Mora SAYS:- IX coif the Miialler Ihe neore Ihe liigger the head. , . THOSK pearly leeth lhal snne woinen wear are Ihe iirtxlurt of Hie ilenli.l; that loety hair i the product of the hair Ureer (hat wonderful f iiire'.iric eu posilc. ' "a . u. JLi IT I hardly complinienlan t.. yourself if -m t.ay a riMim remind -U of prison. Wli Ueii Ut nay heallh. wa here for the asking. Atiw'we av lovdlli in here for Ihe VK have heen wondering what ha happened to Mr.. flrutulr. Plie doe nol sih'ih to' hae 1mmi liing around here lalely. ITS eay to hit the high spol- htil harder to make a lnone run. Al.Mf'ST every man who i under a ho womleVs wlulever luality Ihe old nian HOipt thai he Mhould he risen the poI. lion alMve. Some people are inleie(ed ii forestry while oilier loik tip Hie family Iree. THFY ay Hip easiest way ! fill your sloekfrig' t lo tari liontlegirlnp. Till, population of a great i hoollegger and i Ihe ii.,. jvonr .w, .,Qi. people, TIIH time may come when Ihe woiiiph will nol read the bargain advert jemenl and Hip men the cporl new, hut It will nol he in Ihi generation. - -- DHY weather never inlerfere vvilh Ihe prop when n young man sow hi wild oal.. Kl. . ,,-..-W. j Ten Years Ago in Piince Rupert native gardens at Metlakatla. Blind Man's Buff J7 VEN in this age of enlightenment soms folks-spend their money blindly. They buy with their eyes shut. They grope in the dark as truly as if their eyes were bandaged. And all the time a powerful light is being thrown on the very things they need and want! Advertising is a beacon to guide you in buying. It shows you what to buy where to buy and when to buy. At the same time, it protects you against jraud and inferiority. Merchanh and manufacturers who advertise deliberately focus thousands of eyes upon their Wares. Their Values must be honest and their prices right, or they could not advertise successjully. Don't play blind man s buff with the elusive ' dollar. Spend a few minutes each day running through the advertisements in this paper. Then buy the products that have- proved up in the light of advertising. range today. Private Lamb, with a score of won uie uamnrap (toon. ALL NIGHT STORM IN LONDON PICTURESQUE Writer In London Time Tells of Electrical Effects Though it nuiy ho rather late tr. refer lo London all-night storm. Ilirre i justification in the like eral agreement it was the greatest in living memory. Hour after hour Hip thunder and lightning were almost continuous. ine frequency, indeed, wa extraor dinary swift emanations of elec tric lint, one illumination folj lowing so soon upon another that the eye had not lost the impres sion of the first before the, next Mid perhaps the next appeared, it wa a presentation to the sight 01 Ihe throbbing pulse of a galvanic Imitcrv: nml il was the sinews of Ilinnderbnlt! believed In only by those who scarcely dare declare n.n u'niiriii. .irviiiiaa i.iv'wlint tliov had en. The later dedicated their plot in Falrvjew (Vnielery. Fralilx I.alulis, Chancellor comnuinder, was in charge und (hose assisting were William M.lssey, i relate, und W. II. Shaw, nrchilecl. Sergeaul J. KN Jnrlc, with a fcnre of 100, LeadfylTthe niarks-men ehooling at McMcholl Creek ffMllUM aaBBBBBBBBBBBBr CATARRH el the Read the Advertisements. BLADDER jja, lamaU aca CapwW art Buu ftt mi i oeo it. Urfrtft !gone by, it returned twice. r were these seeniins return hut, "secondary di.-turi-anre." in the wiu of the first ? Xot a dog harked. The earlh was very still! and hustied and timid. Children' woke a.nd liglit appeared morej than the rnm'nion numlier of light in downstair rooms to' .'dtiirate Jf not ron.-e.al lh gtahdj terror of the night. Men thought' of France and war. The recidleel.l in gear picked out these several anund of musketry, machine. guns, field arlillerj', and bursting' thought of air! t."od "fit passing into shells. Women i made Ihe many place up ;-....- say the London limes. By gen- .aids and. partially made lea. reassured, ii.. the i .. ii. Hut . i wrenched .. wit'i ...iii.tProvflUMMiH 'll; ucu tnipruvriimiu Must sky were u. i.id n.r m rmi t o.. oo.nu..i pain. There was no thunder n; vtliullun. on tlw dy of ulr. If boumt fcyl a..... . . tuvone uUirr tluu ltu iMraun ravtmHislbh. 1 H the ver nrsi ana mu 'Uitifl ior4foj: Aunust 10, 191S. otne lime; only occasional rum-! ,r ' Uu or ny rurtiwr" Inforni.- . '. 'in.. in i, f ....i., ii..., ...,i.lUou t0 tn Oovfrnaifnl Awl.J I tm I n ton tiOjisiauie rat ;.ii"i '"f iauib, or on; orrirtuwot or umli, victuru. linson is hot on the trail of WM lips. tne magniiipeni, in- Prince Ituperl picnicker 4 who N'01 incredible, sjiectacle was a have been intereferiivir with Hie fallinsr glolip of ii?htllill8:--the NOTICE. A Public Auction Sali of Govrrnnwnt Lou In Ow Town of AUin, B.C. will be Iwld l AUin on Wrtiitljr, Aurusl IStti, lJ. roiimM-nnnr at ft am. I1ward or rive hundred loll In AUin Towiislle and Addition will be orrrred for tale. Iu the rase of loll on which liu- II. CATHCART. Superlnleudeul of Lands, WINOa KUPCRT LAND DIITWCT. QUICK OtUMLOTTC ISLANDS BHSTIUOT. Taae Moiire thai the Lanrara I'Uluur k Pai'lmr Company of Kadeu Harbor laieml to apply for lrmllou lo Iras the fol- thunder made till hoiISf. shake, jluwaia dfiirlbed ferK: Couauenrint the worst of the storm had After hm. iwrthwesi turner of Lot tout, tiiem -. - 1 a lirlliterty tltenrttian 6 ctiilin to now water mark of inxoo entrance, thruta aoulbue.lerty and rutlowlnc 'd low water mark to rlialna, juur or leai, to a loit 1 rhaln. northwent froiu Hie quar ter Lot it on ibe shore Uim of L1 MOOC, llienre aouUieaiterly 4 ckaJns, 4lluniw nnrtbeailerly 50 chains, mora or ie.s, it nut point or conmiFuoenieut. and romalitlnr SO artvs, ware or leis. Dated tuli tor day of July, lilt. LAMQAHA F1S1IIN0 4 PACalMQ U. b. eabUlllOD, Al0t. CO. -1 . .... ..... Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. bite cut to order. Also Kindling In 8ac4a. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone SB0. Survive and Quality our Motto. Dr.F.P.Kemjy, DENTIST Helgerson Block. .'in .00." Phone 109 For Appointment. ' - i 'i i ; ii P.O. Box MS, Prlnc flupsrt. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOeOLCS. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices fleasonahle Phone Blue 471. Second Ava.