rn.iay. m:iV PAGS POOR THE DAILY NfiWB i iFSJ BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMani We usually talk -ii. I V.. J ,. I" I I i HI Tukr. -xj-nr I I 1 i Mlir i or M l I I II III 1 IT III wnw 1-3 irx'M OJI , I I I V.i I I MUVT A. FtW Ln i 6CRE about Shoes WIUL- J INSTRUCTIONS TO VOVJ OSQUNC I In this Mill' spare lull for WHIU.E. IM AWY OO TOj 1 r I- ! Hjjso TWV ' MR wca oh the . " ' irA -.t J I he mi-xI r,.w (lays may we -rov,ll nt. 5 'f t III .r-UTU "r- lit) II - . H11V- .iriirv ; Vrt4l A M pTMC TwO yttX I'M MlV'fHl lll.ll Villi gne AWAY The Nurses' Home Campaign YOUR HEARTY SUPPORT. Family SHOE Store Shoes Fop The Family. Im tm f alx- It 'aii "f Ho' niiH" Iriiil'M' ave in SCOTCH ARMY CATARRH 'hr rii lo meet I In-111 111 n liae , bull iann- lo le .playi-d at Aero News Classified Ads. BLADDER Daily i.iiIh Dili on Sii.iiImv ifliiiii'ii MAN IS HERE TVatCTT n't' The Amereinii-. il i nn Eft WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvsrtlMmMt Takexn for Lxsss Ih.n iv .M-.I i. an' ri'Hily I" up the 3 CENTS I BO Boat Engines The I- will Urmmrm erVowei IrrleU .i-tialli'im.- nr. Lleut.-Col. Stewart Touring Pacific di.tlal-d I" llli Nni-.e.' II WANTED FOR RENT 1 AND PARTS IN STOCK. Coast Expects to Hunt Columbian Propellors, 26i20 Big Game I 4li;ihHM.. ntrht ;ifr ii'-on i" WANTLO. -Men and Women to Hill Hh r. turnisbed rooms. SPORT SCHEDULES Inches down to 12x13 nt ..li.n J. I. idlihtltl V:lhW learn liarberlnit. Paid while! wt,h ,,r "rl. bom Inches. '-' 7"nn. .......... 1It, f ., UU1H JUNIOR SOCCER learning and tools free. Writ cooking. Alsi housekeeping BASCSALL Tohin Hronte Phafllng p to Mi .. l-onon of Honor. ';'- . ,,.,,,, ,, . s.. ..f for catalogue. Moler HarWr suite. .Norfolk R.mmos, phone nler 1 54" In slock. pained lit hi. wife. arrived in ' -,,;,, lllk,. ,.,,,. -r.r. Collfge, Vancouver. H.C I Hack 320. If M I Paragon Reverse Clutch to . ,lv from KinhN li Moy.lafl ,wur,. I lay will .-lose will. SEASON OPENS SI--Sons nf I n ,,, t fit 214" shaft (rebuilt . la" m I"lie train lal night and ,.,..,.. ; ,., i-.i.il.i. IKMiCHS will le reriet up In IIOt-XF FOR KKM. 71 Fifth Jim. are regilered al the Prince llu- May It for IM fMirehe nf Avenue Kaf. Mange, healers. .1-10 1I.P. Clutches 'rebuilt lion hnthtinic. I Olla .. S.-J and Power Ourdies and iierl lintel. IUI. nn.l Mr. Slewurf j Fifteen aMrnelive boo Hi will Public School Team Defeated me srow now at KelehMlnx blinds, for ale. Phone lireen '1 Oralio ni - an- ninkimr n f.rolnnel hoiiilny'. the exhibition Hiai. Cavk Hay. Apply IWix 192. Ii Winches, sprocket chain, iulH'-il in Hl?h School Last Night f i:na,i 1 lour ..f Hie Pacific i-..hI ami e lliHiMitiz liirludlnK fhtthne tell, Iftfl I(ally News ofHe. 1 17 shaftings, pulleys, pillow br 3 to 2. STHM HMtsvl FUt far rent.'! 'r . s. .i-1 blocks, and thrusts. I mi-I In i-niny unnie ioK )allH.. m.Mt V11.MIIII1I n I f . and nrnllsi . i.u 1" ' J - leaner aftrtmet. M. M ronmeal nKwtern l.iinliiitf au.l filiina lflii while W AN'I KI. Fue ecr"lliinir for a his lime ha in the iioHh. They arrivcl nt The Piiblir SehAnl li'atll won Innixe or flat, rlo in. Hnue Stephens. July of. ft llliiliclll Sons nf 1 an.l ll.e firl game nf ll.e Junior preferr.!. I'eriManenl tenant: Mimical .hi the S.S. llepma The len rifini will be under ll.e FOn HB.VI' llnuekepg moms IWMIV lle entire trip arr.e Fool hull l,engue s.-aou nl I he no children. Apfdy lhi m. li:iv niH.te 110 Sixth Avenne IEmsL Phone ilHiice of Hie I,ji 1 lie nf llie 1-- OrMln v. Hi nlinenl i the CN.lt. y- AernHili Hill grund lal evening Ilvily .New UfaVe. lllue 217. If 21 Royal I'uri'Ie. -Sons nf Can i- over the High Si-lion by n Iranwcrks Co. Ltd ii in. Committees In Charge WA.VIF.Ii- flirl llr al A.iKn - I .il Slewarl ha nnllilnR birt -cure nf 3 lo 2. The game wa a MOIiKHN four rone flat far in Hls . The tnrion i-miiiiiill.c 2 S..r. three in fantily. iUm wages V4. rmlitiihlc and IM rent. Velnhaver llros. If In h iraie for I lie C.-mailiati very one i. cliaree of ll.e camial n O rot u 1.,1 . arrange-men! for right ly. P.O. Hox HA Waterfront. ini-i youngster shnweil laleul lltal. pa ami i particularly i ii.t) are as follows;- I fatly .New s. 121 FOR RKNT.- Front flat in Smith In -Son of Cni, Phone 313. I'linrr willi and rr-c.f Willi the lieai'ly nf iiMM-e prnellce exfr-ieitee, Cxeculito himI iin-hniny & Mallet Hloek. t -OlFs v. Son. of the will le eapalde of much Ill ieakinir er- 'Jiirerl. FOR SALE II. V. Ii. Ieiine (cliairman , Joe So llrollo v. (.1. iri- rrmleivil Jiolh mi Hie lioal Upi-rr. V. Ililili. II. Itrt-en. Iter! development. OH Hie whole. I he 'MATERNITY NURSING aiul feain the colonel exprei Public School ln.y- seenMHl lo Fril.MTt UK for Sale. Apply rear InUrmse-Uu Morgan ninKI.. M. I'uHer. Summer 'he opinion thai I lie public er-vafils hair-man have a heller knowledge nf the of Hi I'.iglilh Avenue West.' MATFHM TY Nursing done. I'uanee I'.l!t)w1u k May Would out of town. I'hone far Iheir ohler g'i of Canada were more lln thai. .of game . I;, . Mann nn.l K. V. BOARD. n Cells v. Iligii !- I Hack I IS 'rniirteoiK nnil painlakin? for tit" Ma'Vinln-li. rivals. l. fair rnw.l of fans Ju' omfort of their panenKers llian i-ririilioii . Ileiil flmir-man was in attendance. llOAIIIf. The Inlander, 8J0 MISCELLANEOUS. I -While Sox 1 COAL , n the OM Coiinlry. , R. . Itenspn. Aid. It. F. I iil.1 fliirvirh uriiml for the Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf It High Sehool i. -Iji Accorilin? to Cxil, Plewart there IVrry. K. Crazir an.l .Mrs. V. Public ri-liool in Ihe firsl half FA'I'F.HT Miinn-urisl ami fliam-ixioiiig. a-fi, vs. Ilib r.rf a trreal number oT unem-plnveil flHbuly. and a if aio Mi lbetecond, Kddl Rexglenlal wrk a Sfl- -While Sox ys Sroitanil and I'.n?- unexpected, a fiMMball eleven, specially. Phone lllue in Iwilli tiporls V. K. VilH-rfl Mr I.can piaking ll.e.tlitrd counter. t?l, July l.inJ. uiul In- ii ol llie oiiuiob I ha t, trliairmau , and llej J'flfji , Throng If-Felix Hall and Alex. comprised of one-artneil veterans Mrx. i:..leinnri. 1K S High rVlM-d f.reat tar isfartjon! Repeal (here are a number if hrxllhy lliuilhs and allrnc(iMH lien Milchelirihe High Srliool oldain if Ihe war, is lo lie organised in AUCTION H&LZn. IllCell. vs. High F '.nliT- li-inx Tilii'il .-v ,-ry noil "anxious lo work" ynuntr men Self I'liairoinn . II. V. Iiine, ed il Iwti goals in the second. Ihe rily of Winnipeg. in- While Stx 1 ifay 'ii ji.iul women over there who woubl II. P. I.ii ll. Aid. Mackenzie, V. J. Campbell refcre-eil nnd the - Condu.Tled in your home or al si- HlRii eVhool v W i In' unly too willin? lo conic to V. Roberge. II. V. Il1aey, Joo lliii'oinert were A, (tlnpierlon ami America is. about to set a cur room. Good also sold on Colls v H14I1 ' Nanaimo-Vellinglon jCajiada if al all pnIMe. The llrown, C. II. KIUn. Mr-. F. IMId. F. Heminond. lasle of Scotch football. Six commission. Augu luli.ir nmirki-l in the iM country i and Mr. II. F. fllajoe. Ihe leAl.is lined tip as follows: Seolcli Firsl l.eague AsMirlafion H. H. HEM M HQS, Auctioneer, While S..X t I' Nut Coal IiiImoIhIcIv ox.-n-rowileil at the I la tire- -T. M r M eok i 11 cliair-Mrs. Public School -S. nurvich; C. fiHillmlt players have accepted Third Avenue .3 llhti Srb'.-I - W ; " ire"nt lime. man . ". II. i'rry and II. MrKinrtoo and C. fimeron; N. coniracts lo play Ihe (tame in (Det.ny Allan's Old Store) CI Oils . Ilix'li ' Onii !, f I.ai- Longer! :ol. anil .M-n. Mewan are. ai jNiwIliec :heiioskr, W. Wralhall and M. iiii-ririi where an effort is lo he Phone black 136 and Qreen 471. WhMe Sox -it- ( oi nm ottn-i X it yel. iindcrnli'il a lo lli.'ir future ,dcrliainst F. Iild rltalr- Oamaditin: V. Menrier. hiidl" made lo introduce football a lept'fnl r an inoternenla tint Ibey intend t man . aiul C. I'iiImhii. Mclean. Ifido liurvN-h, ln Mr-Kinnnii played in Scotland. The players TAXI 1 High Sebo..! - White V Phone 116 op 5&4. -lay Hi Prince Rupert end virin. :. 'I. Ilrui . president of Ibe od Johnny Martin. will leave filagow in June. Tail 87 Phone. ily for nofnc lime In order In tak.-in J. Junlee N. Kifulnr; Fair llonnl. M. M. Mcl.arlilan, -ailed ITIzh School 'all 1 o-urg- Oust) Albert & McCaftery some nf i he local ln'aiily mi rider of I In- Flk. and Mr. Kas and V. f.avalier; II. .Mortimer, One hundred year ago, the Rose Brother.or May il . a'i r. I.i-piui'. Ih iiiI of Ho- lloyal I'ur. Frl Kergni and Jack Mr-Xnlly: "Rugby" pawe of football wus Flve-pasxenger Touring Car IHSeoula v. rab'f LIMITED Iie an' iih iiiIm i x i-x-officio of all llandd Hell, AH Xiaker-on. evolved .luring Ihe course of a Prompt Day and Might Service, tl- WhHe Sox vx S. ALL READY FOR riili'tnillif Alex, Mitchell, Felix Halt game al Rugby School. Cnglmul. Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avenue 1U Fnlmns v Wint- and Teddy Tile. which hits jti! ereele, a lublel 2H . Sowla ' I al. lo comioeinorale Ihe event. The FURS. FURS. s II - While s.x v- Are You Contemplating INTERNATIONAL HAS-BEEN inxiTlplton read: "This stone June VICTORIA DAY BASEBALLERS 1 eonuiiei.iorales llie exploil of NOTICE TO TRAPPERS. i -Faleiins v- Wti '' Chat j Sport William Webb Kill, who willi h Ifi.n l -ll ynur furs unlit on a rv(ils v I al' Building a Home i ,T0 PLAY ON SUNDAY j fine iliregnl for Hie rules of have een 11,,.. I ,iir every de- 1 1 Wlifle Sox v . S" Celebration Program on May 23 xi'riilimi hi .if in furs nl best 'and To .iM.loiixt I'lili thai dexpife foiilbali. as played in lime, M Falijim. v. Wh 24 Will Include all Manner I ri- i-x. Hrintr 111 your catches, look Ihe ball In his arms nnd 19- -Soput . Fair Thee aio good Huildin of Attractive Items Canadian lias-been tm'-bal! ihxrill liHiiilli.il 11 learn ios W. . thus originating Ihe GOLDBLOOM, 2? M. K wilb il, Wblje fillet at low prices: players or 1 lie age of .'15 or ovei-lniii xi-e-nig .1 I ' 'ii- -. 1 i ll nf xpnrlS ran The Trapper' Friend." feature of Ihe llupby ,?5". Falfi.Os v. Whit.' S A Inst lime 1- iineiired for iii.Ii-Ii Ibirigs ili.linrlive (( i-.-i" Lot 4, Jf Ik. 35, Sec. 8 ixmie a chtdlenue In Afnei" ;ll.n, Second Avenue. Lot 3, Illk 45, See. 8 everybody in lowu on May ft. gutne. A.I I. lHt3." ?K Senilis V. FulCfi! Lot 12, Hlk. 38, Sec. 7 Vicloria Ifay. when the Fxbibilion t Jill) The 3 for 250. biliMintr and the Acropolis. Mill The Ifnvis p Irial tnalehes in, MAIL SCHEDULE 3-- Wltflf Sox vs. Scot: 19, IJIk..32, fee. 7 250. grounds will be iiimle 11 itierca of, I'.iigliiml this enr will, il is expected, Kal'is s Vhtle Ut 7-8, Hlk. 43, Kec. 7 400, eiijo)fiienl under Hie joint auspices liri(iff oi very lillle new Fop the East-Mondays, 1) Sciii v. Falcons of the .Northern 11.0. Agri- inlenl mid Ihe Old iViiinlry will Wednesday and Hal. 12 - Wlill SoX v. Sc. 250. cultural uinl liuluolrial Anioi-la- have lo-xelyon such old guarits urdays. closes al 7 p.m. 17 FjlflnfLS t White h I Lot 17. Hlk. 19, 6ec. 7 150, tiou and III" ll.l'.M. Hlks' Lodge TERRIBLE as KlfigKcole, Crawley, lilll.erl, From the East-Mondays. jilHrotHs vs. Falron No. 16. 'Iliere will be an abund Lycell, I.owe, Woosiiain and llar-reli. Wednesdays and Fridays, 3--Ulifte Sox vs. Seoirf Oliver Typewriters. ance of noM'lly Iiii p in I In- i:x- The only new limn men-lloned 5.30 p.m. 2n VLjcpiis vs. While S x Cary Safee.' bibilion Imililinti while jilney with any pretensions lo :i -SeoJilH vs. Falcons FIRE INSURANCE. lances, radio roiicerlx, nrunic and 7 t- ItiiNis Ciifi form l Hie 2.'l-yer From Vancouver . ' August pin I jiicliiding baseball and CZEMA old South African, .1. P. I. Sundays P. M. 3 -While Sox vs. Sciu '" Dybhavn & Hanson football, have been proid"d for. Wbealley. A lb" llrilisb layiiti Wednesday 3 P.M. o KaJcons vs. While H The hig lime will open on llie will probably play Hie.firsl inaleh Fridays A.M. If- -Seoul vs. Falcons Third Avenue. etening of WedneMlay May i'.t. in llelgiiiiu where bard cniirM Salurdnys 3 P.M. II- -While Sox vs. Seoul' Prince Rupert, B.C. when 1111 inli-rniliale baneball ALL mother's elnuld know of are used mid since many of Ibe 0.'.H. April 13 ami 2.1. II- Falcons vs. While s v gauu1 will be played on Ibn Acropolis rant) li"on, Znm Iluk," oilier couiilriea also have such To Vancouver-Monday lit Seoul vs. Fali-iius Hill ground belweeii III" wraes Mr. Iv. Cossett, of coiirls, Ihe llrllish Irialx will drain) ,.7 P.m. 23- While Sox vs. Smut High School 11 ml frills. A jilney Joggui Jiriilge, Digby Co., NS. probably be played on hard Tliesd.ays, MM). close B P.. It. 8-Flrons vs. While i, We bef lo that lani-e in Hie eiliibilion building " :tl Soiit vs. Falcon-' announce Is. My luiby girl nuflferrd cruelly I'OIM Iliursilays 10 P.M. we Iimvc dinpoied of our will fiilnlw and a radio roni-erl -Waller Seplemhrr. from iicbing ecxema for over a Saliinlnys A.M. will In- given, broadi'asl ,1 While Sot vs. fir mils. adage llumlness lo a Mperiat ycai. When uisior'i treatment Hoover la' having Sundays 10 P.M. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE COY. from llie iUtlgary Herald liaung failed I ud oilier salves and liliolber new l)pr shell buill Willi C.p.ll. April 17 and 27. FOOTBALL been -pi-eially arranged fur Hie which he lo dofeiul his hopes find ti-ke IIiik oppnrtiifiily nf orruinn. W. V. nil hull fu lotions, lint Mill lliesoies sprraJ (ilelln Senior lllli- againsl Paul al (nihil To Anyos, Alice Arm i-bargi- of ll.e iiislallnlion nf lln-nei-eamiry all over ll.e fare ami sliouldtrs. May 22. Hons nf fanaiU fhankinu for you your pat-rouaifi- Ii 011 June H. The new shell WedneHilays 9 P.M. in llm panl, and radio rereitmg set ami Itiitigiue a babe, Itu than a year ier drollo, Robefls referee will be slim and lighter I ban From Any ox, Alice Arm ' would bepeak tor our sue in'rlul" haw already been creeled oltl. Inning to go through $uch his former boats ait.l lis expert lliurxilays 9 P.M, May 2fl. Son nf LngU ,f rr.nr your fill urn binti-ne. 011 Ho roof of I In- building. Musi -for fiery tkiit torture t Sons of Canada, Riissell 'f'( lo develop grealeil speed Ihun To Stewart and Premier Hie iluoi-e will be supplied by "A friend Ilnx herbal Zatn-liuk. She Junior . j lit lrHktik4rtli i-aid get ever before. The shell will be Salurdaya P.M, W'e uri afitlouw 'to close bolb radio mid oirhenli-u told mc II il il lliin diin 1 .111-vt wrll n-.iiin( rise ruj. ......r...r.. May 25,- Colls v lUfU Ji feel long and will weigh and May 24 Amusements I l llul Zini luk kavc the fiild grf sad brfui approximately From Stewart and Premise I'ollerlon refrre"- affairs, urly up our an , Hi frit tint lJ llfi s n.;i r .r'fvc.neiii 30 pounds. This is Kiinibiys P.M. Scln ln Thursday Hie fi-livilir- Public May al. of nil elllem.'iil ucounU l dt u-idei i:i' 'Hit'1 iv "i I'uk Ilia tuiti III fee feel shorlrr nod Ihree To Port Simpson, Alice Arm will be nppi'ii ial'-d. will open willi a Juvenile League 4Mf MM ytfclftt rofinnunl in ili un it fli im is; onfind lo tli Ihe old shell. vs. Coll. Marker refere kwt ItievByfc. AtM nioumlx lighter Hum Anyox We will eoiiliniiff in Dm bfiseliull Kiilne on ll.e ACrupoli if M4e ktMC lioulder irlirrt if hail slr tsn rixl m net Ily drffc Hii'liiile lliifciiicnK, hand-linn Hill In ll.e mornilig belweeii Hie itMMl, lATlltM, . Ibis psrt si wi su psrified tnil Itcslsd by .an. liuli, I The iioai will be narrow er 11s well Sunday a 10 P.M. llai'kmill. fJial, TireM, Midgi-U lllld While Sox. I iillow 11 -liMi ii-r, bill Hoover bus found From Port Simpson, Alice Arm PRINCE RUPERT TI0M ( ha' wiMi a fuller bow and 11 Anyax Aiilomoliili'x. RoofiiiK and iiik itiix me annual riuiiiru oilier lines. hmiiU will be I aged 011 Hie r' leflii r liody Ibis will be coiuili-r- Tuesb.iys A.M. Salarday .may i Aaa . it i'1-ealion g roil mix under Ihn su aced II.Miver believe- Hie miv To Na River Points High fit a m, lf Pacific Cartage, Lid lii-fv 1 inn of Chief Vlrker- i;ig if e.en (iCi rent skill fi'ir Tlmr-'taya II P.M. 15 67 J'-" I i Jlie isoiin of i-anada ami (he Ih in will prove a big advanfiig From Naa River Point Low p J5 a m rutin buii-ball team will go lo 1 ward (b eli iping grealer ijic'il al unlay A.M. !! 10 p-fii