rkem raw BRINGING UP FATHER oy Ueorge McM an YOO MA.C A.HT e?EM;-a TO LIKE TO AK A 1 I FWnALLV tC row I'D UK.C TO A C&KTAINUY PCRMAt YOU vi: .r.rr qurVtion I HAVC WKITTtM, a IIP T Pf90FC?OSr OOFe' www -wi-s r-rwr- w-jtv 'Vnj r FVC I IAUU1 t Wn PARTY iou AN EVaUTIOHlWbtO CENC?ALLV DO YOU fttUCVC IN 0N1AT IV) , .l TONICHT TW .N tNICR ATI ON 7 UtSJtCl f j WF r AT wca: evEr. T.,7 I L oCne in X5U f tJI f HVE TOO S tVHWINIVT . r ANY MORE I r JnCri'' jt PLtLA"3AMT KV O VfcC W C ' , I THINc TO TELL MC SPRING IS IN THE AIR. See Our Latest Models In Spring Footwear 1 Mjnjk Our rtaiiffr in (Jiialilic ami Price m i- Hip l.nnrrst in the Norlh :f uia Family Shoe Store I I'M tst-v FunM linitl, 3 7 "Shoes For The Family." I After Evtry Mtal I Daily News Classified Ads. M,T, ANYOX LIBRARY Boat Engines fjggfjYi a CENTS PEH WOKD Iff ADVANCE. No Adf.rllitnwnt TWn for Le-aa thtvn ROc I.' Hloh School Students Help to REWARD I AND PARTS IN STOCK. FOR RENT WANTED Catalogue and Prepare Them In work or 7hurJj lareh a Culiimliinn Pr.ipi-llors. SfitSi'i WANTI'Ii. Mm IK IMM.I.VIts Hfwar.1 f.t In, for Circulation II gives i nil RKXT.- id., .-niiro fWr r an.( Vimen ta play, im-hi-- iliivvn lo r.'xIS and .hi) iMtriltiti ..f it iM-.-uil". I'arn llrhrlitic. ai4 while fHrMuttlttn ItNifHttfj lo I ha i ! . the poise ih Irnin(r a n J tools fr. Writ rovf-rynf ?fMi ralliotna tifv una AN VOX. Mar. A I lit I.-. that liy Uan.l. r.ri Cltfh. Sim mi steadiness Tollill 1 ! lit?t Sll.'lftlllU J) Itl regular imflinji nf lli Any" Iio.-jUnI mi. , makr fluh or I for wilaouf. Motor (UrlM-t Jtirh Ian tut I 'i in k. mean success. fath.i ineh new manlla f Frldsy, pMrrtil Twlicru' Atcil ion. i'lar riMM.tv M. M. .Irpltn". CoKff:,'aMeoir. M.f Mtrvh I I'arniMn He (-' I Uuli li In II helps digestion, rope; 7 ifurj aorhors; 2 M u Itisctt fil " shaft rolmill . hol.l in th nrw trlinal, lltr allays Iblral, keep-Ina S'I'KA M HiNiIrd Klnl for twt,! MALE HELP WAKTED Moeks; ntM pair oars anal ofsal :-IO II.I. f:itif.-it.v ilitiin suasion" inrUnlcl fin rn-( llic moutb root ltonir M. M.j rebuilt-and .piirttiHnl. pike pole, all laken froM tM; IF. li-oiirapinc rcpnrl ff-.tit thf run- and moist, the tbroal Wl' have an opening for a livtt Power i.iir.lic- nnd SfoplHHH. old f. y Until store al !w vontir of Hip . hin. lihrarv rnm-iiiillM. muscles relaxed representative in Prineetlil-perl Winrli.'-. -prorkcl ri:tiii. IU XorlKern Kvrltaaa. uli.i vinfct Dial altout and pliant and Ibe inn UK XT. Kra4 Hal in iUk and vtriitily. Helliaft Mocks,-halting-,and iitilli-yv.thrust-. pillow llialf tf flip lfuk "i-.lfrt'il ptveitl-, neres at ease. A Mattel Work. I ahiltty i desirable I.Hl e. TUITION ly litnl rri.( .-iitil wro ulrfn.ly perieiM-e n.M ali-olnlely e. '.i triMiil t'triiilitliitii. Tli-' llikl. BOARD. s.Hltal. I litr line are fh ile- XflHTIIKitN mM. TKOtlNtn !-( E S-tiiM. linkciil hI -rlli-nt I It i. fill. Inlan.lr. HJn Stnm) maiwl in 'every Ihxi,aM aa stilitte nf H.ft. KfMriafwriM. I rk In jtrffiariim l(tf- hooks Avinuo. Phone 137. If see ml Ksmlfed In lores. Tti Cofrimeprlaf, Housetinf and tr oirrtiluliuit, nn.l :t.-Juirsl Ihe nant man. we will aivc flerermJ Kdnettlon. TVrona-ti. Ironworks Go. Lid "itnic vnlu.'ilil Iraiiiinst in liliru y SEWINO pearl ten I rotirse Im salesman. ly up-to-date and prartiaal 'ZZ',' ', ral.iloitlinir. In I lie i)ii tlsj..n I'l.AlX SKWIXti fmif. tHa. bft an, opfMiHunity In es. Bourses frvan fttntisiils by )uallfled in-.BfysT m.' whii-li fullowcil lln-i roitorl. if r.-;ioa.lbl. Phone lllur ?0i. fak-ltslt n iroikl (Mtyinn nussttess tmefors. prepared t'iiSi Waterfront. a pointtvl mil Dial n toriinl .if willi nliamm of a.lvaneeieHl. fur remtrhNad standard K4it- jj, Phone 313. I lie ti fw f it If- i.n llio xrhoul vin. r lvi. i Hen n. r. Itran, Wrife. trivinv atre aivl full sMloaal, Katrtneerinir and ts.-t-fninterrral lilirary dltclyp inik-lil prmlttfc hanirvk ih in 1 iia..f. J. Mahoiiey. (i.'ltee. K. partirHlars Hmpire aeneies e a in inalfons 'Sm, ',' more inlrrrsl on tit pari f llic vrrn. Siipf .m-.I t'Muiin. H.V.JS,,-,. fVawfnnl. T. Ltd.. M3 firanvllle .Hreel, Kvenina elasas itondtirle.! at W-.iL "" !pa rent in what Hie eomnriltee eleven ao.l Iheri' wax plenty .4 II. 1 Murphy, i. Ae.-nej-. H. Knr;Jh, VaanoMver, H.tx Anyui and innef Htiaerf For, was eiiileavorin? I do. the ohje-l '!" fnuie wa fiirnKtie.l liy l.i.l- ,; ( , K.jl.eprstall. Ir furWir nartfenlars apply American Express heinp lo eneourase Hie hoy anil orvtietra. Ainoiiy lhoe n,,,. -- Havtill, O. Ooper, W. FOR SALE J. W. Raadtn. Ineat atreni flirU Irt re.iil nnly rvt. whole, pre-enl wece Mr. inl J(r. -lolm .,, O.-ir lev aml ll I' O'- Yor.Nfl STUAWIIRRIIY (Oamtt. Anrtii. IU:. or lW lMrf.i v. Money Orders ome an.I ennille leok. temwny. Mr. aiMt Mr-. II. Lain- ,,,,,,,., belt, plants for sale. Unf. Wallace I Hock. Prists Hnprat. llefttre the l.usine of Hieime, Mr. aSkl Mr, l-i I. i.mhvh. 1 rleil vartehf for lrlnea Rupert U.L Issued eteninsr w einalelAd. one, Mr. ami Mr. I. Han-. Mr. .in. ttfsiilH. Price on ANYOX fjn.h. NORTH F.RX Polyleehnic Itieliluln liiin.lreil iloll.-ir wa vole o tie Mr. M. fierranl, Mr. atnl Mr. It.j, datklfftil. l.0n per ItMbl or or ItJ.. ew term si art a on Sweden & Norway, iieu in proetirinjr Meiure ror iiewan. Mr. ami .ir. ii. Kairien. .. l.o ft). per Apply fUpl. J, Monday next. Murrb ft. aiwl Denmark at Lowest lite wall of lite rla ro.tio-'. nml -Mr. and Mr. Ilriirhl. Mr. nnd' mplimnlary In Mr. an.t Mr. it. fiiitou, Sfmd'pit. (til. al inlendleiB aliKteeita stHtukl to purrliawe several leat-lier re- Mr, f.olliorne. Mr. an.l Mr-. T. ;H. H. JIBK. vImi are leaylna A enroll class, al Current Rates one. Kventny Trrr. ... frnre look. T aid Iherorii- f..ejr. Mr. an.l Mi-- il'.Veill. Mr. 'in the nef- future, for Ontario, IIAI.IJII'T IXIT far snla. St I t. rondtirted at Anyn and Prlitra milte alren.fy Mppointeil lite ami Mr. A. Ilol.ert-. .Mr. and Mr". Palrlek ettlerlaitie. at her ffias.1 fMaMltMi. IX-IS hji. IfZi For further f Rupert. particulars, a-faslera Agent for niuiWr u- inrreae. to ix. (he Mf. 4. VilMo. Mr.. Jlr. and ,home a fem nltriifo airo. A enjflne Full ! af urmr. Make tw J. V. loral amdy Ksplin. Norwegian American Line aildiliftnal memherM heintc Mr. Mi ..rl. Mr. ami Mr. J. IiI.-hhiiI evening In whirli muii me an lTer. A.O.r. I'll. Ifctt nveitl .Vtivns .if In tke Tir r set ra Msns hii-' Swedish American Line FjI. Conway and Mi' I!..("-. Stifli. Mr. and Mr. F. Morrow. iiiKian ami ilaarin? preilorninal - 099. dTias or, Wallare IniMtk. Prince Hu- Scandinavian American On lite enoiplef ion of flu- exert- l,r and Mr. YVhalenr Ifr. and ,ed a .pent by all who werM Line. FOR SAI.K.- Kit- UtiW yacht l-rt. Mft. 71 nisJ&Tf inter, bnine- II. II. Kin'. who Mrs. I.earot.l. t:.i.l. an.l Mm. invited. Among I hone plll tn willi sails and risr trine rom- Oliver Typewriters had anliripaled trivin? a remime f'nilteroit. Mr. and Mr-. . Mor- w.-ie Mr. and Mr. Turokin. Mr. AUCTION SALTS. plele lric ?7S. Pulleii. 4.S.. iwatait " Cary Safes of early H.C hi.tory. react in- 'hi. Mr. and Mr. K. MormiiK. 'and Mrs. Oerur, Mr. an. Mrs. IN- 0 FIRE INSURANCE xlead an enlighleiiiiis: article en- Mr. ami Mr- .1. lir.-.n Mr. ami N rttml r.iir. Mr. anil Mrs. J. Wil- phone lH. '.ondiifted In your lotto or al las nejass i life at a lille. "Well, I ilidn'l know llial." Mr. M. K-i'n.i Mr. and Mr.. O. son. Mr. an.l Mr. J. ftflty. Mr. FOIl SAI.K. -Iloals and engines;kfttr rooms, floods als. snltj nn written iv Kdward Kok. for a K. liwyer. Mr. and Mr-, t:. Kern-land Mr. .1. Munroe. Mr. an.l Mrs. New a ad usavl luarliiiwry. ommlsskm. Dybhavn & Hanson M. H. irreal many years identified with son. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Mnnn-e. Mr. ill. Km. K. Haylor and (i.'l.itl- .v-.Whern Kirhaan. Ilhone HCMMSfjas, Auctioneer, Third Avenue the "Ladies Monte Journal." To an.l Mr, ii. I."slie, Mr and Mr. j.lell. ftlfl. Third Avenue the majority of Itiose present. K. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. K.l t (Denny Allen's Old Store) Prince Rupert. B. 0. tin- arfiVIe proved A arreal source I lord well. Mr. and Mr- H. itu.-k. Ihe ltdi.--' AM nf Ibe 1'ninn K.Nnt.tXIl IIAItY r.AIIHIAfllt for Phone Black 136 and Green 471. of inrortnalion and inaia-ltt into Mr. nnd Mrs. V. terar, Mr. and !t:itilreli. vkitli a nuiiktier if tn- ale. J bone I Hack ft I . fW TAXI llte i-usloins and in-liliiti.nis of Mrs. KaMrey. Mr. and Mrs. T. iyile.1 aiiesl-. sahl riMl-le In roil HAI.K. Itiryele and Tattle twi' Ii at very n-iiiarkaltle eoiinl ry, lite ftltcpinan. Mi and Mr-. ' Mnt-iMis. J. H-uun, who la leavittM Phone Number Changed to Ijitnp. Phone IIW. On Netherlands. This asltllc ami -h'ns. Mr. ami Miss Mt-Knitfhl. j Anyov r--ul in Vanroiitar. 67 ROWE'S fitericelie nation, as whs Minled Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Mr. j Mrs. llesan was Ibe reelplrnl nf LOST (Call ieore Moss aasr t tf i- out. has piven In the world, and and Mrs. II. R. Kins. Mr. audi a small lok.-n af appreriallttH in .. li'l. r.:.Artllf.' '. '1'tn.mi n fT . i " tf i-ertainly withotil ilue credit, Mrs. V. Hire. Mrs. II. Illiapinan. r.-r.fiiion if her unlirintr er-viees I.HKT. I,aides liohl IIiiik. f'ri- frytHpf I'sy and distil iiervtea. 'issssi lani many of the men and ideas wIim-Ii Mrs. .1. MrK'av. Mrs. J. Weir. Mrs. as a member of Hie l.ailis' Uy afternoon. I'lmter p least, Stand: Boston drill Third Avsnus 1.I urtksr tvani. e Sheet Metal hate made itself and oilier na- W. K. Kve. Mrs, V. M. Kelley. Aid and linndi oroinil. Mrs. J, relttrn lo Daily New tlflice. nt FURS. FURS. 'eJtK- Raprn lions, parlii-tilarly IIhp I'nileri Mrs. .1. Mrltonuhl. Mrs. II. Ilnr', c.loke made ia presenlalion, IMalti of America. pre. Mrs. HiiHipltries.. Mr-. J. Iiavies. which wa fi'tiuwiy naknowledxeJ fzames of Ihe Anyot-lliierl flur speclalily U I hi- making up Works .vit only ftecnise or lite ep. .Mrs. ami .Miss Senff. Mrs. Krfiste. by Mrs. Itefian. Imirnainenl in Ibe liy innasiiiui of fur itl i-.-r .i-- 1 ipl inn al lit' joyalileness of his inslriivlive Mrs. A. Crone. Mrs. P. Stevanartl. last week, Hie Mnyor of Ituperl lowest prire.. f ..n have raw-furs Tiasta Silt "Tt Iiaper, (ml fur Hie reason also Mrs. Ilreti, Mr, and Miss Aflnr the Iuis&H-IhiII sanies.in was inlroilueeil In Aiiyot-lakrl lo I to made up ii to liny writ -( If it's thai he is lo leave Anyov shorlly, Ynmiar. Mrs. .1. Iilllott Mra. Ma-Mr. witieli lliipnrt um( Anyot eonlesi. hall fans hy 1I. Walertnati. His le, send, or hrinv tll.-in to Vlisf.isr SftM TrtHt""f Is..-!- ..4 in Sheet Metal Kinir was aeenrdeil a liearly Ihlyrh, Mrs. II. UarrlnVfonl. Itie etl for honors lust Thursday Worship thanked Ihe people f W. Q0LDBL00M, 'Umm wssi i"" ' ! fin-io-to Ml. for vole .if thanks lu apprerlaliiin Misses Stewart. Mulliatl, McKay, iltiihl, the visllnrs ami Iheir "d-tnliers Aliynv; for Iheir enlerlniiiiueiil of "Ths Trapper's Frlsnd." 1 eat l.lis.tise We Have It of his active inleresl in Ihe Mrenlien. flriv. I.eitrli. Hurr, in Auynx were the Joinl Ihe evrtirsioiiMs from ' lliiierl Second Avenue. Inrk,frVii no Mrt.l.tirk;';lJ t -1 K-liool work of II.is cnininiinily (lowlaii.U. Morley. Mi-lionald, Hid. dues Is of the !ks and (lie (Vtlll-iiiiiutty and voire. the hope I hat hy next iMMS-n f.anii ' Tar and Oravel Roofing s prc-i'l.-nt of I lie School Hoard. O Xeill. Mi'I.elliiii.l. Kafon. Ilas-Inirins Leajnte al mi Infortnal winter llupert and Anyov; would MAIL SCHEDULE ,Html IMS. M Ill lltms-r sst SI" . ij A Specialty. 1 1 ss-lal hour, Mies let-. Thompson llnss and Messrs. upper tfiven in lllk's dining rnnin. he flhle to cnnlflsl Ihe Norlhsrit ir,ranker t tnoris.leni'iiti''r (olfl AnniU for Aiiloforce cislcr and Max Morrow eonlri- '. Iirowti. X. I raer. A. Ployarl, i datire had eifl Intended, lull Mrilish tVdiimhia cliiiiniiloiulilp i For ths East-Mondays, rrawe ftri. ' Ajr I'uinii nnd l-'inilley Fur-iiiiccv, lulled very pleasing instrumental '. iiraham. It. fieary. A. Sioilli. Ihe lale arrival nf Ihe Ic-utt pre-riiM-, Uioler a properly oriraniltle leainic Welnei.iy atnj Hit. MINIRIL T iln- lirl on Urn mar-k.l and vocal Kclei-lious, Miss II. A.ll. I'llf pitlri.-! , it. Parmiter, .1. this. The Mayor's remarks wen well unlays, close at 7 p.m. cf anncsTf or Vw1 isf liMlay. I.eilcli aceoinpanyinir the- laller. Iliiiiiplirics, It. McMillan. II. rccelve.1 iiinl a freneroiis ineppiire From ths East BV '-- f per la I alti'tillon jnven, l-i Itcfrcshmf nls and Ihe sinfrinsr of tron.l. I . ft. 'I'ow nsheinl, II. pe.l-the In an interval helweeii the of applause was tendered al Ihe Monday. Wednesdays ami Fridays, nulxiile work. National Aiilhciu hroiiirhl a coficliision of his remarks. 5.nil p.m. MINSK Nt lh ,J Second Avenue. very success meeting lo a - -t- t.-a.i i.'-- Phone 340. close. The Secret of Good Health The weekly rrltlffts for Ihe From Vancouver, , r mT-SMs's M rajte. IflSt.aniif I'nrrhrr ssi-ll.(li"1 I ' !'' .: ,s-tj Anyoi Ktneller for Ihe week of Sunday P. M. nimVMt iw VI I .kl Man-1 1 & li II inclusive, shows ill. v r VVhen Wednesdays .,....10:30 A.M. .111 u ri' ANYOX DANCE Nature rccjuirti aisiitancc, the 1SSTI. Hint IO,fiH7 tons of ore were r vi 1 !, Assist Hnlurdays A.M. will not be tlow m in conveying to niftile you InNtfl'd. up as follows: CI.P.H. inlmmd ttl Gutta Nature an intimation of the fact. Decline of Aiiyiu ore, IH.7H& Ions; oulside To Vancouver.Mjirnli tj nipt 3. t. I.I M!V I" 1 ,. f MUCH ENJOYED rriirifi ,.rf back energy, inability to sleep well, headache, ore. (10'. Ions, i he averaiie prire Motidnr (train) 7 p.rn. M1.1v,MM nf rlist.tatiainiiif . ' . M Percha to biliousness, constipation, a general of copper for the week was Tuesdays, Mail closes $ M. itiMtsr ni tsMMta foriesr V n'"' '" lo.riKHi-. 'II. 11.11 .. .1 Sift . of -I - ......MM sluggishness minuand body and 1 .iiiii., eiitn vimvws it..." Cross Trend Covers. Catholic Ladles Have Charge of normal ,y.tVili, )V,t sign of digestive 'unrest" should p.m. (teMipiPd rridny u.fii.i-n, im. tm s "j- And Tubes Are Bla St. Patrick's Day action any Al Hie r.oke Plant. coverttiK ihe "Built for Service." Event , impel yaw to seek the aid of a reliable pcriofl from March 0 to Mareii t'J naiiinia.v is iumiii. ia CT tei . ... LtW' faniiwys tirairu 7 What a tin medicine without delay. There is no iliclltsiv.-, 1,722 sliot i tons of fl.P.lf. March 3, 10 find ?7. NelK f Isltsllee l ijrf co-i- dcpi'tid en. ANYOX. Mar. Sl.-l. Palrlrk" Take better no surer no safer than this tMtftl wire i-hurifcd. prtttlifciiiv is rotti nsase 1...... S"".'"-a r iir"ly on the service Hay was fillinsly celetiralcd in l.l.'ll fltorl tons or i-oke; .Villi with u niiulicr nf parlies proven remedy. To Anyox, Alice Arm, MSI ISPS I, aifn wsawow - it pn. -. jAnyov j imperial 'j.illonsor liflil nil Were .. ..... H and Premier I V land u hitf dance. I ho dance wasi TILa Hillllf IStajv aaiAfU ui. I ...I I .. I...M I'fM-ovcri'd. in u.l.l 1 1 1 .11 to IK.lno. ' T.rcs are the "Tln-g f'" TZ ""t'r." Ilts. of 11 in rn..r 1 1 ti ki -nlpliale. Weilni'sdyii 7 !.. !rv"-.JZWT?i Beecham's From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart .ViSvrfcl .''"!irrFs' i'ei Thnt i ..t Least. ItMl pfsnifM "JuTlnflr " and Premier- and u l.iif crowd enjoyed lliem- Tint nilfiuil troui 1 im Hidden ia.ln .-- ihMi'STut Phone 93. Fridays A.si.ihss: itiriise vw ' 'xr..a m". selven helVen Hie hours of nine1 Occk Minn, feiitii March il to IS ftt.tai": lltrtlM- I", , lh, .:., Sold by and one. Itcrrcalinn Hall was; Sold Man h 12 iiicltisive was I ;.7 . ...f..ll..in.iAU.1 At Hm.JtMfl.'ll.'S'le'""'"'"...' uA e"" To Alaska Points 'pretllly decoraled for Ihe o I 25c 40 pill Wet tons, Ihe lolut I l.r HM.re "t ...ci" Pills liiliniiK" for PACIFIC CARTAGE Ltd Mui.li I? anil 23. asion. the Kchente of dpeoralhnis 1 1 in boxtt Manh to 50c SOpilU -i i?lh, ln-iyH 11 'A Prom Afaska Points w 1 " r (l'rnp carried nut utlli harp atnT f'.IIS Miin h , 10 ami i'7 nuit ;m .