We have Yiow been ap.. pointed Sole Local A penis for the eelrbrrted Hurlbut Shoes FOR CHILDREN and MISSES and wo now have a complete stock. Undoubtedly these shoe are the ideal footwear for children. Ask about our "nF.nMLT sendee whereby we repair llurlhut Shoes and make them a size largera great boon where crowing children are concerned. Family SHOE Store "Shoes For The Family." We Solicit 1 THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COLLECTION OF RENTS The Satisfactory Services given others, justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriter.' Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. Also Kindling in Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer PlUXM 50. Service and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, &nd and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We. ai now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Bpt Feed Co Phone 68. HOTEL HUDSON 773 Seymour St. (Near Hudson Bay Stores), VANCOUVER, B.C. C. W'eslergardV Manager. Late of Winnipeg, Brandon and Moose Jaw. Modern-FI rep roof-Central We Appreciate Your Business. REDUCE HIQH COST OF LIVING. I'.liininate the draught around your windows and use. less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER 8TRIP Foe Doors and Windows. Olass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. R08S MACKAY. Phone Blue 185. (ieorge Mellnroyl., manager off )r. i,anrit the newly Prince Rupert Cisrar Store.. ,..i.i ............ i who has been spending a vara- ,h,ns. will nreaeh al the Mefhod- lion in iclorta. relumed to the i.i i. o ...... . liiiuii y, .uniid infill ill . .IIP. city on the Prmer Itupert yesler-l nay afternoon, j Moore, assistant C.P.It. , tgeiil at Pei.ee Rier, Alberta, and -Mr. and Jlrs. YA. Orchard .in. I m. .i. . . , - n. .'i"ir .in in n irniii iiir r.asi. ...r. aim jir.-. r. uunpy: who ar- this1 Veek and are sailing by Unlived in the eilv this week (mm Anyox, left on last night's train for VhihhiW; lor Olean, Xew York, where they are going to locate. i vij- Mrs , v Apn r steamer Prinee Ituport. Miss A. M. Barbeau is sailing tonisht on the Prince Itunert fur Seattle on a brief business trip. Miss fS Kekerman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ileorge Kekerman rucks Inlet, will acrompany her. Caul. R. K. fioss4 presidenl of the i;ose Packing I5x, arrive! from Vancouver on the Prince Hui-rt yeslenlay . Ho was met here by J. F. Strang who accompanied him In Sunnyside Police Chief W. H. Mekers re turned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday aflerioiou afler spending a forfnigtjf's holiday in the south. Mr. Vicker.s and daughter. Miss Kvelrn, will be reluming home later. J. i.rdo Smith of the Provin cial Lands department. wli has Iwen here, souring data for tlw liooklel on the district which ' is being ( revised ami brought down to date, leaves this eveninz for Terrace .While there he will visit Lakelse and then slon off at other joints along the tine going as far el as Jasper. Or. Darwin, superintended of hoitre missions for Ibis proviiH-e in connect km with llio Methodist ChuVch, wIki succeedeil Dr. While is expected to arrhe here tomor. row evening and will preach at the local church, proceeding to Port Simpson later in the evening. Dr. Darwin was in charge of emigration work al Bristol previous to beinsr appointed. Formerly be was siuierintenden1 1 : Pttiritillir south In Vancmivpr in. II. E. Johnston. fi.X n oitv ii.. n; . . .i: . i-m!!. arm ui anoouver, ar- .Mr Allen, who is ehif engineer rive,! from the. south yesterday for the department of irvirine and afternoon . He is making Iheirishris, has been hem in eon-round trip to Stewart on the'neelion with the lettin'c of a eon- of missions for Manitoba amljllie Venlure to.lay to Hartley inaii:ni'WHii. 'M.'IV Inict for Iwo patnd cruisers to I lie local drj1 drk. Mrs. If. A. liuess will arrive in the city this evenini from Stewart to meet Mr. (luess, vice-president of the American Sniell- iii? & Merining Co. Mr. liuess and Dale Pitt, manager of the Premier mine, plan to visit Slew- art before Mr. iues returns to his headquarters in Xcv York. .1. A. Kirkpatrirk and his son Jack nrried from Vancouer on ttie Prince Rupert yesterday af-teniTTrrrnnd will be remaining in the city indefinitely. Mr. Kirkikutrirk's older son. Cordon. vi'lio crr.'iilii.'ileil fivim llio l'niior- sily of British Columtiia lhisear is now locale.l on the ijueeu Clinr- lolle Islands with a yeodclic survey parly. Visitors to Shawatlans lasi evening were inlerestetl inwalcli. Hig the salmon jumping in the inlet leading to the lake. The fish were there in larse numbers and the kept up a continuous splashing and jumping, particularly in the idaces where the stream was running fast; Seiuiuir frnals are there and a good many fish are being caught. - -A quie wedding was solotnni-cd last evening al eight o'clock by Rev. (i. II. Ila.'ker when Miss Mary Frank of Campbell River became the bride of Robert Clifton of Hartley Bay. 'Hie official witnesses of the event were Miss Violet Robinson and Robert ReiH-e. AUtut a dozen friends from the south accompanied them. They returned south on BRIER 0 thi daily aiwa "J BRINGING UP FATHER i SKSkK II HELLO- I FlHtT-Ktoo lll HOW gtK . UmKJT HOw Hls Y HOW ARE Lfa--X ' W,PE? SWC " Local and Personal B. II. Undertaker. Phone al. tf Hayuers. Undertakers, Phone 351. tf Brother Bills. Miss May Reid for Carnival Queen. Save Money! Buy our Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal at $13.50 a ton. Albert Jfc McCalTery, Ltd. If Mrs. A. Dominato and family arc leaving Prinee Rupert to join Mr. Dominato at llanall where lie is now loealed in the eirmNiv 1 1 he Royal Lumber Co. TONIGHT- Tomorrow Aright M Tablata ata alaa MhIim, rallava biUasts attaaaa, too ami racuUM Ota allwiaaiiv arcana. "n yau faal liaa. -tsttw Than KBs Fsr Uvar Ms" Archbishop p. II. Du Vernet (sailed by the Prince llupert last iiiipht for Stewnrt. i C Whatman Sr is bookel la sail tonight on the steamer Prinee llupert for Vnneouver. r..P.lt. steamer Princess AliVe. (itpt. Ormiston, southbound from tkngvvay to, Vancouver, is du.i i nun uie norin at i this after noon sailing for the south at fi. After haing maile a eonmlele inspevlion of District o. 2. Major J. A. Motherwell, chief iiHp.M-tor or fisheries, has returned to Van corner on the patrol steamer ivMirhy. II. 'P. Cross, who left on last night's train neconipanjing the remains ?f hi mother-in-law, th late Mrs. Matilda White, for in. terinenl in Saskatoon, will visit Winnipep before reluming to Ihe eity. j K. A. llaggen, eilitor of tl9 .Mining and ITnglneeriiig llword. liini'inncr, win i parsing IhriMish the city on the steamer Prine llupert this evening re-turning south nfler having spoit III past fortnight in the Stewart nislriet in the interests of his .nililienlion. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. LeslU nf Siimiu'erland are visiting the city in the course of a trip to the coast and are registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. Mr. Leslie i- C.P.M. agent 'til the Okanagan Lake town. They will sail for Vanc'iier on the Prircesi, Beatrice this afternoon. - The annual picnic- of the St. Andrew's Society will be ln-l.l n Digby Inland on Sunday, August I was decided, al the. monlhly meeting of the society lat niehl. t'he meeting alo instructed lh- entertainment eomniittee to prepare u syllabus of musical eveii-ines od addresses similar to the prozram during the winter three years ago. Northbound from Vancouver to Skagwuy and other southeastern Alaska ports with a full list of hMirisI pasenger, the C.P.R. oast liner Princes Louise. Ciipl. Arthur Slater, will arrive in orf at 8 o'clock Monday morning. One of the passengers eoming north on the steamer Is Miss Julia .oe. Uljra, HL !io ttllier passengers on the shii ,will lie Dr. and Mrs. Davies of .Vew York, Judge and Mrs. Ceo. Slater of w York, two Chicago Miring parties with eighteen in each parly ami sortie of the Si-lers of St. Anne from Victoria. Church Notices j Presbyterian Church, Morning worship al It oVIoci, Subject : "Courage willr Friendship-." Kvening service a .10. Subject: "Some thoughts on the Itessurreclion of Lazarus." Preacher Rev. H'; R, f!ratd, l.F'. Sunday School will mil meet. Stephens. FOR RKNT Housekeeping rooms 410 Sixth Avenue Last. Phone Blue 217. MODKRN four room flat rent. Westenhuver Bros. BOARD. tf BOARD. The Inlander, ti wecouo Avenue. Ptione 137, tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMF.R HOUSF.. I()(J Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red 4 10. Furnished suite. HELP WANTED ? 'AW MILL and Planing Mill Men wanted. Wages loe uml 15c. AIo lumber pller aud truck loaders at contract inc. a thousand. Also men for contract logging sawing at ll.JO skUkliug and draying abotil quarter mile, .(. lnlled Oraln Orowers Sawmills, tit-lon, lit I. i f LOST OST. (ial and est, blue wllh white stripe, roulafniug gold watch, chain nnd knife, slUer cigarelle cae, tobacco fioiieh and two pipes, tlween litho. lie Church and Hotel Prince Rupert. Owners mime H Meke. Finder please phone Oreen IS5. OST Fl.il hmun loull. MA8SETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday ResorL Fwr terms aimlv orot.neln...- Mrs. J. C S. Dunn. MAILSCIIEDULE For the East Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays, closes at S..KI o.oi. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Sal-unlays. 4:30 p.m. From Vancouve Sundays .Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Fridays . ILP.R. Auaust 3 ami 37. To Vancouver .Mondays To Stewart and Premier ....P. M. 3 P.M ... 3 P.M. A.M. 3 .10 To Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays . 7 From Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays , I ridays 9 Sundays From Saturdays g To Alaska Points August 3. ft. 11 1? qi .....1 p.m. Arm - I '"..iillU.I for From Alaska Points J1, August H. If, 8. nni, 2il To Queen Chorion, Island m DaImI Points August Atltfllbl H U and t A.. . i' . . Saturday. August it By George McMapas NOT TvtE OMLV 0' l Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adr.,tlMln.nl Tk.n p L-.. Ih. 0e W ANTES WANTKD. Men and women to learn bartering. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. Moler Barlier College, Vancouver, B.C. IinilSHKF.KPKR wnnteiL Middle ageil lady preferred. Three in family. To lake full charge. Apply box Lift, Daily News WANTKD. Strong lad to deliver groceries. Limey's, ftrocery. FOR SALE I'OR SALI-L Cabin cruiser "Va-liero." Speed mile; SO II. P. engine, elect rie light; toilet and hath: pibd hone control; finished in leak and mahotruny; recently oerhaulel; with new tanks and Altwaler-Kenl ignition; power iliurny. Apply . Northern Ktrhanve. In:' FOR SALH. T. C. Duncan's fixd raied deck cruiser "Nancy." 10 h.p. I cycle en pj ne, doulite ignition, storage Lai- r, generator, etc. complete with dinghy and all accessories. Phone Red 2'jn.' FOR SALi:. New hull, ii feel by CI feel. Seine boat model. Constructed of first class material. Bargain. Address, T. F. Johnson, P.O. Box ;h, Ketchikan, Alaska. FOR SALK I ll.P. Fairmont engine, speeder type, late model, nlinost new ami lu perfect or-tlen lii cash or will sell on terms. Burns Lake Oaraxe. Burns Lake, B.C. 193 FOR SALK. I have for sale several Imals pood for pleasure and work al exceptional bargains. They must he od. Alt-ply N. M. McLean, Cow Bay. FOR SALK. Fruit store on Sixth Street as a going concern. Oood opportunity for 'rson who ran gie it their full lime. Apply FulleT's (irocery. If (iOOl) Home on Graham Avenue, Seel ion 2 for Kale. 7 rooms and bathroom. Apply Mrs. B, J. Sutherland. FOR SAI.K. Sinjjer sewing machine, good as new. Cheap, Phone Black IMC. x FOR RENT FOR RENT. -M Alice Arm, p.Mil-room, barber shop and cigar slore. Living room upstairs. Also beds for rent. Apply Art litaudiii. Bov 11, Alice Arm, B.C. 'i9 FOR RILTF.mr room furnK-ed bungalow, complete witli nil modern conveniences. Ctoe in. Apply Box 132, Daily News OftVc. TO RKNT Furnished rooms, with hot and cold water, by ilny or week. Moderate rales. Norfolk Rooms, phone Black 329. tf STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartments. M. M. AUCTION J1ALSJ. Comiiieted in your h cur rooms. (ooitoissiori Ooodi slur ,cJ H. H. HEMMjnos, Auetl.M Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Phon, Jltck 136 .nd Gra, 4)t CIBROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, DC. Chiropractor 3rd Avenge, Pn . r r Hours: 10 to t:' i'tiMi lrt i). flesideiiee. ., t lHO ACT, NMk af Ultstlaa ta lf U fmAM, la MaaM I4M fHMr. , 7 in of hanW. . . I lbr aarlfe mm! nf loi nr. l'tf r Tst UaflfV tflM I eonlulHiiig itlMuil tt&.oo, bunch lwondjr:, mi, of keys d Idler addressed to i&JSSfttZ J2 i . j. rrneiisson. Juneau, Alji. lU.mi reward. Adke P.O. Box 'JHH. JMU TAXI Tail S7 Phone. (Call fieorg or Oust) Ross Brothers. Five.passenaer Tourinir Car Prompt Day and .Night Kervire Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue HOLIDAY RESORTS p ar f I -A ; 1 1 n.t . trie! Ihrtwr ...miii r . , Ow ra.l Ui . J i . ISII: lta si la t.-.. si in N IANO ACT Ottkt af IstMtUa a Atalr U Una. In Skavaa larf lii.ir, r inn f rnn h m UK- knrtk ra4 if ill . . Tata S.rflra, ifcal ' fnr pasTfMwkia K pi.r.io . antra mi fa raaiiw It HultM I tllaaali -m rnlkiWNtr le 111 )Mw(liat tamer at rth rlalas ia t....,r iMfil. fl eMiUUriar t Mra or Imi. "1 H It I I t I r-H Ai rmn r is, r,"j xr niftf itn n o t i o r, Xniwr 11 titnrav nivrx iMt ir If ettrlUoii atit h tnM hr II " ' nmM la the lftUII" PrmlMra nf RMll.h ..luml I V in. far as rt ta l t'wprrt i.ncii iro.rnMT. nl ' 1 ISffi ' s.llm4M IK- ... - t I law la, 4j. ttt Hw ' r ItissiMiwI (ll.floo l ! id " 1 .brninra ,ia jr fnr .the r.?t: c '"Ml lmfmml. imrwIt ti t i.f raruin roadwiT" win fe ' ami Um ri4.ian n.i l.in.n. r mm P.M.1 "r philt si ' cirinJ o. IJ, 17, SI liremMlir, tnt rermminr tnd l ili"rum menu for (U r,t ot ih t rfo- Ifor mslrr Mkl Sjli. mil xtlHtU n rtrr.ninr the irr art n In l 1 m1 eiinflrmlnt t iperial ' litesdays. Mall closes al I P.M. It firmed iir in rmri .f w ,n " Mimiripii -wtt r. Tliursdavs i ours nays 10 () n P.M. i Ar ami l i.M.mani n m. t Saturdays A.M. "r m vaisuurr tvuw r 1 ."aiuruays , to p.M. An for Urrnwina mwr t, i n !.P.R. AllKUsl 8. 11. 1H. 22 '", .,h roM of eaminf and 29. Te Anyox, Alice Arm-. Wednesdays From Anyox, Alice Arm 1 hursdays 0 P.M. ..H ivniuii its smkuil. . n.i r, i irrilkma in the ,Jit i ' 1 '! fsniiU i.f prlnrlp.l ami "f ' hiA bjrUw irr o be md' p.r! ' ' .Psleit iha CJUT of Prln nupTV"" IU e, Jb1t, till. jn,ja , ttoitriu.r for iha ArPH'',rli!U ' Muolrlpllly of th Clll rrw Hnpn nimit.frnl mufti NOTICE. II l ...Z - . ....i.-, w i n 1 nr. .MiTTr.n w n '11"" j - Ilk. I.. - . .... ... i--...riMM Arm VTiJ". .'a? rroTlMuns. . ;7 v ' i laniiT inn . j liilir-ii , buifi iiviii- ,B ':.j r . 1 II), Salxllvisl.tn i.f llirre """J,. ," - naiiiiint-iry pnsir or ma " ' ,., !Crlineale of Title rotrrinr lh" ".' I'..M, "''" iwm pnslurNl n ni u ' 1 - . .. iiiai ia i ik. rier in p"i""j . i I. .11. t.t. hik ! .t i ..i.l.n.all i r .; Stewart and Premier rriioni reninmie f I, l f H ... ..II. si. I r..iir. l 1 ,,t . ' " infill-, i iitr .iimnsi ... ' . ' , M . Inesdays . u dated iin ifiti Aunist. !' ,IJ Lml llariirr Offlee. rrinr B.C. ,i ir M M Rupert" Ill AUUU. 1111. II. f. MACIEOP n...i.i,,l -I Till'. OUtSN CHARL0TTK LAND DIITSieT' TIM .tollra Ihnl V 0 Mi V')"1'; .)''?; iiiver. II.C. i,s.., tiOner. ii Mir-1, Ililanitu iiiivu'ii . . r t sun-!, ?. .'?...!'."'!' TZM r..i ."..lif ,. p.m. .ni"(s-t:, Mr nni. Wnir.ni " From Ounan r u Migimt (, and ;n. To Naas River Point arlotiH arioiu I . . . B.1.,1. Potnla . . r rat iivrr over and nnd un.las iimior ilia Hie foiinwiti fnllnwInV !' ';,.. . ,nf Und, ,,,, vn fM,$)i w 0f'fl PU111I. H.C.: OlMliienrlnt if 1.1. v l'e julliat mrner of Mt",u"h,wr nl- .... TiKnlil JL :J. 1. 'V thrtire V.T" SO " rhu'ln ... :... 'l"(!,,, f,,i I linra.ln va I II P.M. rnams norms lurnra no m. r"' From Naaa m... Uw tu mains Kinih, m poini ., , , mama Bsturdays " . 1 n - A.M. lilMWtllKUl, W. Ditid July II. ttll. 0, MMf'HW.