lurday, Auarusl II. 1923. TOY S! at Reduced Prices New goods will arrive shortly, llvmiiuiilg miitl go. Itis-cttiilintic'il lines must go. Prices Cut in Two Away below cost. See our window. Now i your opportunity lo get something for the children at wry small tosl. One fourth off on ull toys and much more on others. Gill Gold-plated Safety Razor Price $1.00 Hf re U the bisect rarer value in twenty year. Through a fortunats pur chair, we offer thit gold-flated genuine rruJe-itv Canada Gillette at an unheard-of price. Complete in every detail ette Tricw CiUVttri are ncx " ttxonit" or "Army Utue." They ire newly manufactured genuine Gillette nock. They re ttacttr 11 repretentej irul ,e guarantee ihem to be perfect In material an J worlmanarrip. Get yourt toJjy. None to Li to Jeatcra, ORMES LTD. The Rexal! Stores. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay toliigc on all mail orders. "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT Special Teapot Sale We have been fortunate in securing an assorted crate of Old Huglish Teapots which we have priced exceptionally low. There are several stylos and sizes to choose from. Prices run from (I0c to $1.50. TJiey are now on display in our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box-1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store.'1 WE CASH CHEQUES. Ag'cilWs For: IN. and S. ENGINES M jTerm, Arranged To Suit Purchaiera. Phone Blue 01. THE DAILY NEWS RATION BACK RAIN PROVES WELCOME 0 FROM EUROPE! VERY lUon There Keller Thin He Et-of Indiialriet Hue Been Hampered SMOKE nc Itd-i-Miilrd liatllelleldi Operation lleeauae f Water France Hhortafe WAS AT rilKSIOKNT II AIUHMH R'NKK.M. AT SAX HUNC1SCO "I iimiimI general condition in France ikI miirli better than I rx- iecleJ." -.tilled Wilfrid (.ration, local iiutluett muii, mIki returned to the city rattnlae afternoon by the t earner Prince ltuierl, after an absence of Ihrre mouth during which time he viaitcd halertt Canada, ( tilled Statet, Knjcland, France and Switzerland. Tlictc two t-i.uulries teem lo he' on a Kood fiM.linjf. and the cole teem to lite well, and hard time are not very aptuirenl. in ruurx', the Ituhr titualion and the llf- Ileultlc atlenditiK a aelllrinetit of re INiration problrmt tend to make the air unul t Uil. In the ruurte of hit t rl i. Mr. Oratto-i vitited nidi centre a l-oinlon and I'aria. He also wat over the battlefield of. France and ut in Ithelma for a liiuf.-TMa-rk of the mar Mill remain HKtj on the trchitedure of the IMitijon of franco that wat occupied by I he Germans hut a quick recovery i tllll in uroiirett. Former battle- rn:tn))tare once again well cultivated licit!"; There in no difficulty in in ",hee place a tome eiile on thit aid think Mr. (iratlon wat in loudon at the 1 1 mo of a furiout Ihundrrtlurm which !wat drtrribvd In Ihe Daily Newt lately. I ".Neediest to tay. I did not get any -lccp that ilia;''." taid Mr. (iratlon. Ixindon and France Ixiulmi and France are very huty til ic Mr. (i rail on taya, and are filled with thousamlt of louritta. Mr firalloii nude the iataK- to l.i:nnH' from New York on the Cun-artler .liltunia. ami 'returned on the iiiitanu to New York from Southampton. doing eutl. Mr. (Iratlon tiiilcd Win-iiK'at. Toronto. Montreal and Ottawa. H-nditiK -x day in Ihe latl-mentioncd . u.v which i hi native1 home. Montreal i. uh'Mit the hutietl rily in Canada. Mr. (ration think. Winning it complain ing of lurd timet and Vancouver doe not ti-iin any Iimi height. In Toronto there urr a great many huildingt for .ilc. At llardir.f'a Faneral American eiliet Mr. (iratlon tiitetl ttcrc Ni-w York, (ihicatgu. Minneapolit. SI. Paul. !.'. Attgtlet aiwl San Francit- o. Hi in San Fraiwiteo laat week it Ihe occasion of the late I'retident llartling'K funeral Mr icev Tlie tcetMrt in ami tile Palace Hotel wcr niti-l imprettive at Ihe olieuiet were ii roxrN. Mr. (iratlon met his family at Iatz Aiigelc brwiirnl ttttin north to Yancouter. Ilio daughter. Alice, will .-titer .ch'Kd in ValK- '.iter, ami lr?. Orallon will rrtnrn If the city in about a inoiilh' lime. A (toy. nl this cilt. wIhi tircoiiiunirl Mr (irHtlon on hi Kortpiii tour, i ow ii:uik at Albany. New York, with 'ilt ton. He will be coming MY.! iff the neat r ii I (. rt- lo take mi laixl mar van. ou . r. 'PRINCE RUPERT IS HONEYMOON SHIP "our Set of NelyeJ Arrited from Yaacovter on Steamer Yetterday Afternoon Willi four wirt of bluhing bride iml tmiling groom. aUianl, Ihe G.T.P. I earner Prittre lluK-rt. (jipt. II. Donald, m her urrital here fnxn Ihr toulh yes- i nl.iy, wat a real honey moon thip. Following up t-nthuiiatic mciks .f arrwell on the dock at Yancouter prior 'o. tailing for Ihe north. Ihe fun wat kepi up throughout Ihe toy age north mainly through the actitilirt of the 'cnial Akipier and hit merry -m:ikiiiK Jtiiccrv and the nrwlywttlt could lunl-ly call their litet their own. The honcymooncrt, all of whom were m-ently in the vmlh. were t'iipt. ami Mrt, Jack Smith. Yancouter; Mr. ami Mr. Paul N. Whit ley. Yancouter: Mr. and Mrt. I'.irl Kirkpatrlck, Yancouter. ii ltd Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Omnorton, of t 111 -k -city. Caipt. Smith is the ton of Mrt. Mary Klleii Smilli. M.I..A. He and hit bride nrc making Ihe round trip to Stewart at are Mr. and Mrt. ICarl Kirkpatrick. Mr. Klrkiatrick It Ihe ton of Tliouut KlikiMlrlcW-, the prominent Yancouter mill man. Paul Whitley. IIV, it u memlicr of Ihe ttalT of Ihe I'nitertitv of llritith Columbia. He and hit bride are making the ('..N il. triangle tour und left for JaMK-r on the evening train. Mr. and Mrt. A. M. lUinnorlou are taking up I ht-1 r residence here, Mr. Cainnortoti King chief engineer on the lighlhoute tender lllrnie. Id- Plus 1c Per Piece f a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All) of your washing 80 par cent or your Ironing everything rtturnod dry You almply touch up a ftw outer garment (uch at xaiata, bloua.a, hout draaaea, with hand-iron, Phona ui today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. The advent latt night and thit morn ing of Ihe lint real rainttorui in two montht It timely for it may poatibly mark the eml 01 a penou 01 waier thortage on thit part of the coatt that. continuing much longer, would liave had a limit teriout inert on many In dustrie!. Far from bemoaning the ad- tent of heavy precipitation, mott local people will welcome it. lor the drought tituatloiiii had already become acute. The Dig Hay taw mill, at (leorgrtow ii. hat been abut down for two montht lor tack of water; the vtlialen pulp and lumber mill at Swanton Hay, and the Pacific Mill, at Ocean Fallv hate both had to curtail oH-ratlont recently, lluck lev Mil hat been tcrloiitly hamiM-rrd canucrirt on Ihe Skeena Hit er liave felt Ihe pinch, and just thit week water had lo be taken from I hit city lo internet: in tank cart. Other intlustrict liave Imi been affected more or lett ter ioutlv. Peculiarly, the inienor agnruiiurai ttiiti l at at rCTC 5IY valley during the past few weekt liave IH1NAMAN Ijtilj jlA had more rain lliau the roast. Juvl now rain it not wauled there for much of the bay crop hat been cut and It lying in the lieldt to dry before being taken in. Hain at thit time would iH-rlinp mean teriout lotset. Fortunately, during the recent dry I Dew. aliat Ah Joe. Chinese, tpell, forest flret hate been few. In the! ,,eauiM guilty in the ioliee court thit interior, nu account of recent rains and those earlier in the teatoii, the menace wat not to marked at latt year. How ever, the dry pcll on Ihe coast wa partly resixmsible for the two teriou forrtt firet that occurred a few week: ago at Anyot and Huckley Hay. The rain arriving toilay will Ik- a- nreciatcd atxl the hope it geueraly e pressed that it will continue. SONS OF CANADA WON AT SOCCER Defeated Crnllo by Score of 2 lo Ml In Mght'a Cilhuly Cup Came. The Sons of Canada look the (inl into rump by a score r 'I to nil in last night't (iilhuly Caip tenior footliall game. Some very gil Mxrcrr wat displjyrd in the lirst half and the teams seemed very evenly matched, honors at lr a nbv wat concerned lining dividetl. Th vmt srnrt-d through Marks. In the second half, the play wa ragii-d wilh the Sn -showing rxrior ity over the tobaeconikts. From a cor ner kick well placed 'by Alex. Mitchell, Eddie Smith scored the seooid for tlx Canadians. The plating of Dmi. Frizzrll, 111 voung goalie fr tliesSms, wat one o' Ihe outslandoiK'etttrrl.of the game. He wat ettual to the occasion at all '. iniit ami sated several dangeriHi iltrmplt fntui rtxiuliiig for the (irollo J. Campbell, firotto forward, wa inlereil off the field in Ihe tt-cond lull or kicking I he ball after it had bee. tacvd for a foul kirk by I lie referee. W. F Williseroft wat referee. A :iapprrtoti and J,, Jackson cWt-re litis.- men, and Ihe teams took the Held a 'allows: Sons of Can.sda I). Frincll: H -Irowii ami Y. Mrnziet; Hamilton. V. imith and (Uirker; II. Astoria. Hert Long. J. Marks, W. Mitchell and A. Mitchell. (irollo S. (lawlliorur: II. Hamilton atxl A. Hoy; P. McGowau. J. M. (aim-IkII and J. Andrews; F. Hardy, J. Sims, S. Krskiur, J. (UiiipIm-II and J. Joyce CHIEF ENGINEER OF LIGHTHOUSE TENDER BIRNIE IS MARRIED Mr. and .Mrt. A. M. Connorton Arrived From Sovth Yesterday and Will Make Home In City. Angus McKeurie Connorlou, ch'ef engineer on the Dominion cot eminent lighthouse tender Hemic, and his bride. formerly Mitt (aimllnc Walton Powers, of Victoria, arrited in Ihe city Jester- .lay afternoon on the .steamer Prince HuiH-rt, to make their home here. Mr. and Mrt. (atnnorton were married last week in Victoria, at St. Andrew's tail hoi ic (atthcdral. by Hev. r'uthrr Wood. The bride, who was given away by Jier brother, wore a wedding dress ot rtory crcix: wilh veil and orange blossoms and carried a botinuet of Ophelia roses and swansonla. Miss Mar garet Frank, bridesmaid, wore a dress at corn-colored talTeta and curried a bounttet of sweet xras ami gypsophila. The groom was altendetl by hit nephew. Clamle (aiunorlon. The roupFe hate been sH-ii(ling a honeymoon in Vancouver und the Sound cities the bride travelling In a pretty dress and wrap of gray morucnin wilh but eustiite. JOBS FOR FIFTY MEN AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Ollticull) Kiperienred In Obtaining Men In Prince Itupert lo Work at Various Distrlrt Points. Fifty men are wauled nt the Protlu- l tin I lailx.r 1 1 urea ii IimUiv to lake jobs olTcring in various wrtt of the district. Loggers are wanted for the Queen Charlotte Islands, Surf Inlet and Alice Arm, teamsters, swamH-rt and mill men are wanted for mills up Ihe line, and laborers are wanted for Aityox. An order tvat received from the Dulhie Mine. Smithers, lusl night for machine miners und men are wanted for the ('piled (irain ('.rowers' mill at llutlon. i-ust of Prince (leorge, which is about to ro-oH-n. J. M. (Utinpbcll, superinlviideiil of the burr.-tu, rt-orts diftlritlty in getting men In fill the' runilrenunls. No unem-ployetl iire'now registered. OLD CHUM TOBACCO MONTHS IN JAIL AND TWO HUNDRED FINE morning to a charge of having opium unlawfully in hit x.ssessioii and wat '.eiitenred to six montht at Okalla witn a line ot nmi ami, tailing payment o. the line, ail additional three montht in iail. Cily Solicitor Jonet apX-ared lor he proM-cutioii and l W. Palmore. oi I'atmore i Fulton, for the detence. Arrnv-d wat arrested last night by Ser geant Hailry and Constable Mardonald in Ihe course of a raid on premises near the comer of Fulton and highlit ,t venue. TEN HALIBUT BOATS SELL 104,000 LBS. Prices are again Even for American and Canadian Fl.h at Exchange Ten halibut boats told catches total ling I04.IMMI (xtuixlt at the Fish r.x-change Ibis morning. Three American schooners had 3.INNI pounds and seven i la nail ia ns. 67,(MX (xtunds. The highest price, 13.1c, was mid to an American boat, but the average for first class fish was alxmt even for American and Can- xlian Ixiatt. Ihe latter had the advantage of price for second clas. catches. Arrivals and sales: American California, X. ixiunds, at Ulc and tic. lo Ihe Athn Fisheries. raigtr. g.lltrtl poiiiids. at 12JW- and Ulc, lo the (Jinadiaii Fish Si (a.ld Storage Co. i HeliauCe. W,mt xuixls, at 12.V ind Ilk-, to the Hooth Fisheries (airudian (ai. Canadian Dorrren, Ili.lNNl ixihihIs, al 13.1c and KLV; Trains 1X(I pounds, at V12c. and, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Kaicu, IIMNNI pounds, at I2.Sc and IC.'x-, and Nrba. ixxinds at 12.1c and KLV to the Hoyal Fish Cai. Malamute. lilHI) xiuikIs. at 12.1c and l(Cc. and Mayflower, 5.51 "Ml xjunds, at 12.7c and I0c to the Alliu Fisheries. Annie May, 1,'(HI oumli, at 12Jk' and lltJx:. to the liixith Fisheries Canadian Co. NEW STEAMER SERYICE WILL START TOMORROW Steamer Prince Albert Arrives from Var.ruver and Tomorrow Moaning Wit Sail for Skcena Hirer The. C.N.H. Reamer Prince Allxrt. (aipt.YN'eil McLean, which arrived from Vancouver yesterday afternoon' at live o'clock, with a general cargo, will tomorrow institute Ihe new local service announcement of which was made early Ibis week. The strainer will sail early tomorrow-morning for the Skeeua Hiver, returning in the evening. On Monday evening the vessel will sail for Stewart and, reluming here Wednesday morning, will sail in the evening for Ihe (Juet-ii Charlotte Islands and Vancouver. The Prince John, Capt. Harry Neddcu, will alternate with the Albert in this new-weekly service. WIRELESS KEPORT (8 a.m.) Digby' Island raining, fresh soul lieu si wind; barometer, 1"J."1; temperature, 5.1; sea moderate. Dead Tree Point mining, calm; liaromrter, 2?.75; tenixrnilure, .V; sea smiKith. Hull Harbor cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 21MI: temperature, Sfi; sia smooth: 8 p.m. sxike steamer ()l una 320 miles from Seattle bound for Seattle: X p.m. sMike steamer Jefferson 3MI miles from Scuttle northbound, K p.m. sxike sli-iimer Princess Hcutrice off Ivory Island northbound; H p.m. spoke steamer Prince (leorge oft Pine Island southbound. I Noon) Digby Island raining, strong south east wind; barometer. 29,70; temix-m-lure, .17; sen moderate: Princess Alice due 4 p.m. southbound. Deud Trre Point cloudy, calm: bar ometer, 29.19: truiwruture, G9; sea smooth. Hull llarlxir nvervust, fresh south east wind; barometer, 29,90; lciiix-ra-lure. .VS. light swell. E CZEMA You are not when you use Dr. ( hsse't Oint ment for Ei'irma and Milu lrrllt-Uous. It rrlievra at vnea and gradual! v hraJs th akin. Samnle box Dr. Ctiaao's Otnttnnt fre If you mention this paper and aend sc. tisinp (or postage. 00c. a box) all dealer! or KitmanixHv, Ji (Xv. LlmlWd. Iunn'" Travel East! SUMMER EXCURSIONS ON SALE DAILY. Union Pacific System The U.P. follows the original western trails covering scenery of the Storied West. . SALT LAKE The Mormon country. DENVER The city mile high. CHEYENNE The Plains country. THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND HIGHWAY ami many other attractive places. Double Track Steel Equipment Good Weals. A TRIP IN COMFORT Have votir summer ticket read "L'.IV one way. Ask any railroad ticket agent or write. FRANK S. ELLIOTT T F. fV l. A. W. H. OLIN Asst. G.F. & P.A. UNION PACIFIC STATION Seattle, Washington University of Toronto Toronto Conservatory of Music 8IK EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O, IXJ, D.CL. Ckairaaaa. bvl t Cnnm. A. S. VOGT. Mat. Dm. Frinrit.L REALEY 1HLLAN. Maa. Dk. r..C.O, Vic-rriariJ. Th. aM.t rcmpr.kriui.rif SekMl ( Maaie la tk PflaUa. RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st, 1923 HUliMt Artbtie StaaJaraa. Faealt ( I.t.rt.tin.t rrntiiK. t'Mirpii faeilitin ft nalti mm f Hm4t la all kraacaaa f Miauj far rr.Irui.aal ma 4 N.a-yr.(cMiaal Brad.ata. Well appointed Residence for young women student. rUriLS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME. The ConaerratoiT Ynr Book and Syllabus. Womm'i Calaadar aal Calendar it the Marsant Eaton School of Literature and Expitaaloa wilt k Mat to any address on request. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOR 1924 will w h.ld th DoadaLa. aeeordlag to locality, ia Mar, Jaat aad Jaly axt. ADDRESS Cor. Cll.r. 8L aa laJ.rr.ity A T.r.aU. IS IT WORTH WHILE (!' Keeping timber for B.C. Industries) Keeping alive a prosperous payroll? Keeping fur and feather in Keeping timber for manufacture) Keeping a green forest r . . ... Then Prevent Forest IT PAYS Fires IIJ I I fUJ s-1 a v rt: ,