chief lource of Prince Rupert' prosperity ivSjM wniilil Jx-fonii' Imliiii'il ...i ,.i.. I, ....... .....t nlnr. for l'lnvr nlt ami u ; iifiVli'hIy M'i'il lo I .' Ill'lllltU' Of llll' milll i, 1)1;; il lllul III tllft Kill'- j:ai iiri' liarvi'Ht from I i cil. or at lul in I he .,! ,;i . i fun ilcriwil tlu-re-,i walk iilonir Hh hUt- ; ' ,'lC Willi I toll 1 1 1' re. anil , v. i iiiuloulilrilly Ko,.i lu'lpmy yon In ap- .ur till In life. No u .1 luii, or il..- iiiii o Mh' daily ilorn sT'Wl)ll ftllll lo ii kV-nji fil, in for .mill Mil Imilpil iin in lo wlii'llirr lln'y icclr i pfiiri' riitinir or w i: 'iii'ir ovrreiiat on; i - up mill iliunx from ' I Im rk thoroughly wri.flr wiili nniiir, warn llilng rmiM JhHr i ill Miiillnsr when Ifiry v a in no luirhwarif. Iu ganio. This week .Mil liavc Ik'i'Ii lirioik. oon Iuito lioon roiulnir wii iihI llioy arc i!uy 'I' a man Uio rrrw tic jump. 'Jim A.linirul ,-pt ih iii particularly t humor lioraiioi I lie ptil I lntr it over in jroiul Cnrr llirouuhoul llin i ri'iiiamoil firm ami .;t been tnarkoil Jiy ihn 4 pi ! it iti ' R for Cann-ml .la rati-lie. Skip-ir Hia lio woMllii'r r lniiil-illl ha lili ol ul oiy ulral. In hI h ? a . 'I rarly morning fli mi1 urlerfi-ivil foinowfial in- hi'- tnif not in any iijiliri'i iiilijo extent. llrnllcr nro nil hoi up otrr Mi.ii i iiii i roller in in fy .if liir siooith. Tli -ii ! h liooni ftpi-el. Wl'll IJll' t')llllliIIMla (III! .i Im'.-ii liaulnu in ilin I at a rapid hir ami hauliiiir in a little wdli tin aim ini'llnn. i iininl iloi-i or trot- i lioon ilomir very roo iiImi. Ii 'lil imine oliorinir wnlof'fi'niil aliipyurd al. lio n i It of tin cu4in il, ami Mie local yard toil ori'l'y rmitcittly. At the Mrl.oan Yard the Tilli S. i JiaviiiR it now- frock filioil to hor frami' In tlm way of a in itio paint, while I lui Oiyjteon, jowrwil hy nkippor Jim, i In Kn flip on I ho way prior In leaving ifor the high fpolft aaain, for tlie purpop of having a lillle glu-iliirk hero an. I (hero In keep tint hull lozi'thor. . Fish Business Iiirlnr the week "3.1,000 ioiiihN of hnlilml hat heon mnr-keloil IhroiiKh the local fih ex-rliiiiio. IukIk'-I price paiil for Amorirun wax 15c. an. 1 1 .Sr. anl Iho lowont c. anil Sc.. while for Oana.tUii nli tin-liialii'l price paiil wax lie. ami". an. I the mc II..V an. I 10c. .The ai rival were: lleje-laml, OiiniiioinM'allli. Toilily J.. Hi tiill. Mil.ln-.i II., Itclianco I.. Itoliunre. .Marx, .lohaiina. I'air if Jafk, iilion, Viola, Maivin. .Mlirlnea?. Tillie S., poie, X. A S., Kmiyoni, Tnoilio, Yollow- utotie. .1. . ToiM, Itravn. Star. Yuliirou. Ilihla, imi.Iii.w, Joe liakor, Nirrnen, Allianre, . A. H., lialnier. Succe, pelican, Anna J tJapi' Sjiencer, Fiflior, Minlie llM Alary n.'i lie, Taplow. liallic. Xiitional, lyeo, Minnie V., floc-jiil. Inex II., W.T.. Cay- Iwetin, Wnmlerer, itraylimr. Ford. Kvolulion, Lincoln, s. ami 'alah. Senainr, Scnut, Caju S'ar, ., Lillian .l. -- New Craft Building A new Ixmi i Ih'iiik liuilt on the .-mrn way on In.lliiitf line. 'Hie limi'ii.jiiii are SH ft. x K ft. lieain ami lie will Im powered wild a in-l: li.p. Fay A Ilowne engine which will gie a peei of een kmil. The forepart of the hoal hit a ral-e.t i.-rk with am-pie rahin arciimtiHMlatioii. 'Hie latinrti I 1 xf HnprlOrfpt. (ion. .Vcwcnlill.e, wii oer al I'orcher llainl on Vedneilay uilh a parly of mIiIm-it. an. I i at pnenl out on cpit'ial duly for the admiralty. Manufacturing Weather The manufacture of good (weal her m-oiii lo ho alxmt the 'only fliiiil the Imy ran ho up lln, iireordiiiir lo ohcrvathm niadnhy Iho eorot service. T. (J. loim-aii, with the launch Waiioy. ai'companiod hy II. O. Crewe, the zonllomau roponihlo in n do. ttreo for the von- excellent brand of weal her at present lioiriR en-'Joyerl, ha reen mftklntr roftnlar iiuornlnp Irij. lo Iho' vicinity nf TuekM Inlet. Su;iickni looking ,gaili:ilH imic. i.o.l in hiixo ami hakoH lje lioen noticed nhoard and the'e have Jed In Iho helief hefore Hlaled. If Ihey are on falling expedition il Im Dial Ihey I either do not got any hie or if nioy are gelling the koo. the I'oxlllltt liilil ho shipped home hy wireless. . Bill a Sick Man William Sliru.ll, provident mid hianayor of the Shnili.all Fixheries, ilualed acm Iho Mlroot fponi Iho Little Flatlron nulidiiiK on the waterfront, went down In huim on Thurday imirniii', the f i r I time for several day. Hill ha heon homo iok willi MiifTloillH can o.1 through wearing handkerchief in hi hip jiockel with holes jn Iheui. Hoji will Miow- hi ap-preriatloiifif Hill return by making the" invalid a few fur lined hanky.' from the trimming clipped fininJal winter' mills. I'veryboily i happy once again now that Hill U on hand lo di. pene n little humor. iapt. Jimmy Thoma, an Iho hridge of the Lleaunr Mar, i piling iii record in Iho fUi packiiiB game. Jimmy i roiir- n v Iho ea in the. inlerct nf the. Canadian I'lsli A Cold i to Company. 4. CapU Khort Returns Capt. Khnrl, kipper of Iho goud fliip .liil II, lia returned lo port after an ahenre of e. oral innnlh during which time lie hn heon very liuirli itrrupied in rhaing Iho aluinn over al the Hippo Inland. Cap. oom very well alifiod with the world in genernl lhee day and ay thai even Iho altinin ran lolixer the good when Ihey put Mieir mind Ho report thai the trolling oxer (here ha heon very good indeed in fact mi good I tint ho intend to re turn in tin- near future. While in port the box of work will bo given the once. over. Presentation to S.S. The chief of the uerel Mrvicr wa prevented with a beautiful model of the biil of a mermaid during Km week which wa near ly the caue of a bul up bo. tween thi iliKiiitnry and I lie ad miral of the fleet. When the old man aw the work of art being presented to a uhoiilinale hi i-jTo popped out mi far that if omooiin lammod the door they would have fallen ofT rompletely. I'lie preeiilatiou wn mude 011 behalf, of the hi;h boot- .jual a an acknowleilgomout of I lie oul inspiring paper read hy the sorrel orviee chief, at Iho lal mooling of Iho finance rommil-lee In otlle about Iho sale if Indians Celebrate Opening Banff-Windermere Road I. Indltim, fdlji rtrtNndi the Jndfe' tleeasre. 2. IJeutonant Gwrner NltM smk 1 the lpe of rncp- to the drlifht ef the oldrnt members ef (he tribe (3). 4. CarNe-SicKlmeel and the Indian thief. 'IIK In.lUn iKnunV. ilnl nrl iin.UmnnntrttJv. la evpr ready to ahow hit appreciation of the fact that ' Palp fare (1 a tri.nH a hrothrr to him. More often ln not, he takm advantafe of hia fetedaya to ahow this iTtHiauon and lood-wlll in almpie ceremoniea woicn '"or the white man by bratowinf upon him the name one of their own, and a aeat In their family and council 'ilia. The in!nir nf IK. U.nir.Vlndrmre Motor Hlth on Juna sink k....u4 ik. .lirln nt a larffs Pder of Kixitanav Indian from various reaervea, at vermere, II. C. Here they entertained and were H-rtalned by a hoat of vUitors to the district who, "'K attended the opening ceremoniea were eaany ,im l)y lhe K,orlel1 ' country to itay for a few daya. " orcawon tne Kootenaya nonorea ufuwniu vvriiur W. f!. MIKn ( n l ,V.n k.rf anirtatML with -aaui uovtrnor Brett ol AJVert, st tM eeJtuHl.l by making him an honorary chief oi their tribe. Hoberi Randolph Bruce, a leader in Windermere and Kootenay development was also asked to enter the circle, and after the smokine of the ceremonial pipe and listening to the liturgy in the Kootenay language, was dressed In all the panoply of power, head-dretM and beaded clothes, and accepted Into the tribe as full chieftain, being given the name of Cuf-No-Sir-Klmeet,. which signifies "Hed, Sky", after a famous council chief of the tribe who hu long since passed away. Mr. DrXice expressed his plessure In a lsrgeiwe of tobacco and a gift of a one-hundred dollar bank note for the celebration. This being oyer the sports were resumed and prises were swsrded to the best-costumed Indisn on foot, the best costumed squsw, the best caparisoned Indian ot horseback, and to others for nestness of tepees and the best travols sod papooae U baby trap, ana for taeli demonstrated skill iu atUstle sports. r thi daily iron Dm own nmom 1 Ask your Hardware Dealer ISfMONDS niMomin CAtbi 11 cm uvrrro M il M.Um. X . I7t emptle, entitled "How 1 licov. ered the Sauago-ji" the Itoll?" Iho IiiihI of the mermaid wa caned by hand outof kelii, wa a work of art, in. fad ft nearly broke everal heart to look at it, and wa fitted with wave nf hair ileignoil from eawoe.. After I lie ceremony, and o eral drink, the Admiral offered Iho chief a couple of iKirt in ex change for the gift and upon be ing refined became over healed. Thi i whore the (iil over the im. I nearly came in but were able In produce a new bottle of another brand and tlm keep the old boy's mind off the idea. F reeman vs. Admiral The following letter ba been received from Capt. Hiiome K. Freeman, skipper of the, launch Narbelhong, in reply to the Ad miral' statement in Whiff lal week ro drowning man drowning. Thin i1he end of Iho story ab- Hilulely and emphatically. "F.d. Whiff. In hi, leller. ronlained in Whiff lat week, Admiral Johnnie llewar some what forget. himself which i very iiuiioiial even when be i half sea over. The Admiral Miouhl know me well enough, after the rare I took in dragging .him up, lo bo ure I would ral-her hae rut otT hi wiXNlen leg than have stolon one of hi nlorie. A a matter of fart I am informed that Noah told that one some ii.tluO year ago, before King Tut "ould play a mouth organ, yr before a rat had nine live. am reluct antly led to believe that the .nil of a publihor' imp prowling around the environ of the water front ha heon the mean of getting Admiral Kewar and my- ef embroiled in thi omevvhat nhurhing controversy, l.uin pro Niing to Ailinirul Johnnie llewar that the yeiilloman in ipie.jnii hall he lied lo a proliihi.tionil platform and ral adiifl in I In ea of M'audal. Shher Hi f If it her. Thanking you for the space donated anil willi no apol- ogle. .'Signed) llisome. K. Fre-. man. The lug Peggy -U'.Veill i ex pected lo arrive" from Nauaiimi, early ill the coming week, willi a barge load of coal in tow for jibe Alliort-.McCalTery interest, j The molorhip Magnolia, Capl.S (Nordne, arrived Jn port on Tueday morning from Ketchikan with a cargo nf fresh salmon for lllie Allin Fisheries, Ltd. for shiimenl over the Canadian Na tional Hallway lo New York. Mayor of Porcher Here j Hilly Miller, mayor of Porcher laii.t, arrhe.l in poii on Monday morning with a little of the island aboard. The portion of lhe Island on hoard consisted of "everal rrale of eggs but unfortunately Iho main part of Hip rargo wa ronspirmu by. Its absence and ns a consequence Itill had In go hack for il. Hill reports that every lillo thing is !.K. bill thai ho ha had a lot of trouble with his fowls frnm a idomeslic slnmljioiiit. In some 'uiiaccounlahlo manner the crock noM egg I .coo mo mixed up with ome of the selling eggs and a a consequence Iho hen sued for jdivoroe, Iho disappointment be ing too hard for them to bear, Vlo Marckland Better Vic Maickland, of the Cub, who has been under medical cair for some, time past, is complela. ly roeovi'i'ejl, Vic has been busy trolling for Iho past few Weeks and recently called into jmicI In see what was doingtind incidentally In gel u lew jxlds and ends for Iho little old floating home. - Waste Paperbasket Poetry Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of oh.tinge, A dogs' not worth a licence Ptill'ering with the mango. When lhe door was opened, The riowd bogair ltl cheep, To see Iho.. mail ill apron Dishing mi lhe beer. Subscribe lor tb Dully News. 4- Blind Man's Buff VEN in this age of enlightenment soms folks spend their money blindly. They buy with their eyes shut. They grope in the dark as truly as if their eyes were bandaged. And all'the time a powerful light is being thrown on the very things they need and want! Advertising is a beacon lo guide you in buying. It shows you what lo buy where to buy and when to buy. At the same time, it protects you against jraud t and inferiority. - Merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately focus thousands of eyes upon their wares. Their values must be honest and their prices right, or they could not advertise successjully. Don't play blind man s buff with the elusive dollar. Spend a few minutes each day running through the advertisements in this paper. Then buy the products that have proved up in the light of advertising. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ( Saturday, Aug. 11 High 0:15 a.m. 20.1 fl.J I3:0t p.m. I8.t " Low rt!53 a.m. 2.C " 1 lrt:5f. p.m. C.l ' Sunday, Auo 12 High 0:3rt a.m. 20.S ft. I3:a p.m. I9.n " Low 7:20 a.m. 1.7 " l'J:.Hi p.m. 5.1 " Monday, Auoust 13 High 1 :3ti a.m. 2 1. 3 rt. It:l p.m. 20.0 " Low 8:0 1 a.m. 1. 3 20:17 p.m. A " NOTICE. A ruklle Auction Ssl or Oovprnnipnl In the Tnwn or Atlln. B.C. , will lie twl.l at Atlln on WnliiPtdiy. AuruM Ulh, Ii3. ronmirm-lnr at II a.m. I'pwanH or rue humlrrd lot In Atlln Towntlla and Addition will ttv oritrcd for mlp. In the r or )u on which Im-provemi'nts rxlst. such linpMvrnienli must he imt.l for In full, at lhe Uovernmeiit vahullon, oil h day or Mir. It oouiht by anyiiif oilier than lh irnon rpHnlblr ror ranif. l".r Sale l.ll or any further Infonui-tln, apply to th ilovrrmnent Aunt. Atlln, or the Dt-iurtiuent or Uiid. Vlclurla, B.C. II. CATIICAKT, Superintendent or l.ill. LAND ACT. Nolle, of Intantlen to aev'l te Purchaia . Una. In Skeena Land lllrlct, llecordlnr M-trlct or Prince Hupert. and oltuate 11 Captain Cove, Hit lland. C.H. t. Take .Notice that W. Jerreriutn. of Vancouver, occiiiwillon cannery nun. InteiuH la apply ror permlMl.m lo purchase the followlur described land: Coiunienclnir al a lfl plained on lhe x.iuh nhore or Cap lain Cove, tlieuce aouth IS chain: thcn.e we.t to chain: thence north IS chain to liars; thence followmr atiore la place ol coinmenciuent and ronululnr forty acre, more or les, W. J. JEFFFR.SON, , , Nam ot ApplUIDt. Dittd 7ta July, t!J. Read the Advertisements. faui Fin Xjl Z COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART .v FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT, or PRINCE JOHN. roe Port Slmpaon and SWwart Monday, I p.m. Vanceuxr la QutM Charlotla ItUnda Wednttda; p.m. Staana, Rlr Porta Sunday a-m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. . x .... Ij-ave Prime Kmrl .4l jn. fi I'llUCE OKOIiaK. K.PMO.NTilN, V1; MI'LiI, all xnl Kastern Canada, fnlt (I Siale. AGtNCT ALL OCEAN STIAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat orilco, B2S Third Ate Princa Hupart. ant h Phono 20. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and 8eattle, August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, August 3, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27, S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East' Bella Bella, Ocea.1 Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for, all 8teamshlp Lines. . Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.G. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. Sailings From Prince Itupert. tot VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocoan Palls, and Swaaooa lay, Tsoedey, S P.SI. Por VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alort SU, and Swanooe Say, Saturdty tteeo., Par ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Waloo laland, Sunday S P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naae Rlnor Oaenorlaa, Friday A.M. etl nd Aenie. t. Barnoloy, AonU Prince Kuptrt, S.C 3 t V s 3