GOODYEAR TIRES sre better, last longer, ride easier and the famous Goodyear tread m ‘ makes them safer, Hich 2:15 am. 186 ft 4 15 ; ‘5 ft. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. / 13:44 p.m. 21.1 ft. Chevrolet Dealers « Low . 165 am. 93 ft. Phone 52 and Black 379 20:37 p.m. 3.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER Unindentthed German, Fully Armed, Detected In Wilhelm’s Castle Man Discovered By Servants Hiding Late Yesterday Afternoon in Tower at Doorn Had Loaded Revolver and Dagger HAGUE, the forme) Holland, Dec. 13:—An attempt to assas- rHI Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany is believed been frustrated late yesterday afternoon when a arrving a loaded revolver and a dag yer, Was found in a tower of the former Emperor's castle at The man, a German, who has not yet been ide onti- Mfied, had scale the high wall of isti¢ i CCT Dd wrvants or Brother Killed ay of the former. i al ‘ ' mself ir H wl ake REQUEST RENEWED, Katepayers Asking Council to Present Bytaw For Feur } Aldermen Again Amendment Beaten, Some Caustic Comment in Regard ilieved to have | Lake he | prohibiting Walstein G. rn PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1982 Tomorrow’s Tides JEALOUSY OVER GIRL Pete McLeece of Rose Lake in Car- iboo Runs Amok and Shoots Himself After Murderous Attempt VICTORIA, Dec. 13 (Canadian Pres Jealousy over a girl is be- been the laying and a Lake, near William provincial have been advised Pete McLerece ran amok and cause of an altlemptea cide at Rose sui- police fired fived 10t it J. L. Carson inflicting only flesh wounas in the arm, and narrowly missed John Rose. McLeece then shot himself » LICENCE. IS UPSET Territory of Alaska Enjoined From Imposing $250 Fee on Non-Resident Fishermen SAN FRANCISCO, (Canadian Press)—The States Circuit Court of has reversed a decision federal district court of and issned @ permanent Dec. 13: United Appeal of the Alaska Smith, of Al- fee of trolling Alaskan treasurer of the territory aska, from collecting a $250 from non-resident fishermen operating in waters The decree was issued to Wood deeree . Wrigl by Wi ite coil DEA TH SENTENCE UPHELD BY ARIZONA SUPREME cae Wright Menierial P%, a Mrs. Winnie Must Hang PHOENIX, Arizona, Dec. day in denying an appeal ELLISON IS DEAD | Prominent Vernon Rancher and | Former B. C, Finance Minister i Passes Away VERNON, Dec. 13: ‘Canadian | Press)—Price Ellison, aged 81, |member of the provincial legisla- jlate Sir Richard McBride, died Sa- turday night from the effects of it memorial det.:cat Con »morating the first flight made : 7 ol , , a oe bronchial pneumonia following a Your and 0: e Wrig in Decen 1903, a 150-foot gran- long period of > feat tee imn ated at Kitty Hawk, N.C. Orville at- I ? was recen'i dicated aad home near here was destroyed by OTrotner iS aes fire in August and this had proven ture for many years and minister | | Of finance in the government of the Ruth Judd February 17 Higher Tribunal Says Execution Penalty Imposed By Jury Affirmed at Phoenix Yesterday—Appeal Was on Grounds of Improper Instruction of Jury 13:—Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd must hang on February 17 at Arizona State Penitentiary for the murder of her former friend and room-mate, | Agnes LeRoi, the Arizona Supreme Court decided yester- to the condemned woman | against the death sentence, The State Supreme Court up- Maeld the jury in Superior Court | which decided that Mrs. Judd should be executed for the “trunk murder.” The appeal was taken on the grounds that the presiding judge in Superior Court had not instruc- } ted the jury adequately on the law | of self defence. | Attorneys for Mrs. Judd, it is be- lieved, will take further steps to save the woman from the gallows. She had not been informed up to late last night as to the finding of the Supreme Court. If Mrs. Judd should go to the gallows, she would be the second woman to be hanged in this state PASSPORT IS GIVEN o Civie Affairs Heard at Last . to Civi eee eee Freeman of Tacoma who charged quite a shock to him : 7 that the fee was discriminatory . anna o 28 re m oo Mareh 2, 1852, : -unert Rate in view of the fact that the tax Ad b | t f C |the late Mr ison was educated| Defeated Chinese General to Be Al- : : ! for resident Alaskans is only $1 visa l ] y 0 ommiussioner ; at St. George's School in Manches- lowed to Cross Soviet Russia 4 . ter and came to British Columbia In Flight to Europe —. Take Over Control of Cit : The policy in the past has been To ake ver ontro! O 1 y it the age of 24 He had been cmieeal | for the territory of Alaska to im- R ia farmer and rancher at Vernon MOSCOW, Dec. 13:—It was an- . pose the licence fee of $250 per Is Discusse y atepavers and Kelowna ever since his arrival) nounced here yesterday that a year on non-residents, reducing = the country. He owned 11.000) passport had been granted by the the fee to $1 per vear after they : ee Sc ae vm onde and and for years was the} soviet government to General Su had become residents of Alaska The Prince Rupe ' Ratepayers’ Association, at a meet- mrgeet grower of wheat in British] ping Wen, defeated Chinese mili- for one year ing last night in the city oe ¢ -hambe _ , appointed a spe- sagpowne Rw a the first to na tary commander, to pass through ‘ . . p sorts “e rrig o a ' - leial sub-comn ittee eon ing of Ald. B. Cc asey Ald. take eee ance of irrigation in the mens enroute to Europe. The So- aah . .* . . . ur : viet has refused to give Su Pin Prospector Found Theo. Collart and M. M Ste phens to ibe full informa- | Elected first to the British Co-| wen up to the Japanese following . tion in regard to the « s present financial position, this} 1umbia Legislature for the consti his flight from Manchukuo last ‘committee to repert toa m eting of the association’s exe-| tuency of Yale in 1898 and re-elec-| week ‘| Dead Recently in somites to ey "tt ame : ; | ea ecent y mn ine new . i j ted in 1900, 1903 and 1909, he was Ba “ ! | R; A ae send appointed Commissioner of Lands roll " : Nation Iver rea * submission to t sSuc i “FARMER IS io October 1909 and was made Vancouver Wheat rh the advisabilit ! ‘ Minister of Finance in 1910, resign- { Los Al ‘ ey | VANDERHOOF, De 13 Grop | s¢ eking the ' = n MURDERED ti oe nos SeEG (Canadian Press) ph \ g his way through the dense fast- | mission« Sl eaieae 0 the Legislature; VANCOUVER, Dec. 13:— Wheat f of the north ountry, 16) t of Ge = . 7 - welt ' i - : a “a onal ” ' William Heyworth of Kamloops! ‘he late Mr. Ellison was a Con-| ¥@5 W€oted at 45¢ on the local ex- pou , ’ Ry . . ot ; District Shot to Death—Rob- servative and an Anglican *hange yesterday -_— ist ij! sinbow Creek, Jim Bird, an In-|indebte ; bery ts Relleved Matite | a Ce eee ee to 1 large} dian trapper, came across a tent rhe ! tne co PLANE OVE HARBOR . with the! wl } collapsed from weight of | eqame ip VICTORIA, De 13 (Can ian COLD 1S ' it ees of |SNO¥ | stews fie tha 6 4) 8| pre William Heyworth, farmer| = airplane came in from the ng He Lift flag of the tent, B rd ieliberati f F.})ivine at Birel: Island in the Kam-|} ; Sou a this afternoon about 2:30 could | touel human hand, and dis-] w wesc! nm the > ‘etaaiich: Canin aeiaaiaion Jan STILL ON: o'clock, turned out toward Metla- much] cover body of Henry Derby.| association e son tion | saturday. He had been shot in the katla and finally disappeared over iwed about 70. who had evidently | in ! bot} » shell from a shotgun| “= ithe Tsimpsean Peninsula M an Gevernment Continuum n | died froi natural causes WO lay } \ n th window of his} re ee re ) Rush Troops to Vera Cruz by Mr |months ag am « ; M | Cotambia River Reported Frozen|*+ *¢ #¢ ¢ @ @ @ @ e * **? , ; a bi oh | i} Wesch wa e virile I I Heyworth had been last seen on Over at The Dalles Yesterday ; . a X1CO Cl ry De : " the council) Th Nanking rovernment of neces \ ( i 1 mo 6 | 10 Below = Denver \* OVERTURES + overnment i mbet The; China planning to train 32,000,-| tare its fie UNS. exct ve a Provincial police found that the ar s) a ‘ a |* TO CANADA > OD \ . fohn Mur-|000 eonscripts for military and na- | sesements | ovrt ise had ‘deen entered and al rere AND, Ore., Dee, 13:--The |, mE e check ( ——e P untoes . + : : See 8 . | Columbia River was reported yes ose 4 f cl t ' : val servi 7 va ee I th i urch mad yy the slayer, pre- terd ie 4 P at The + W ASHINGTON D. + which have &f ; formed the — ition shou assed = req I umably for money | terday to be frozen over at Tne + . . “— ere Ald. G, B. ¢ ges Denes | Dalles Dec. 13: (Canadian * ! 4 vas not satisfied the city he assessnien ‘ae 6 Ske : + idermen:! by at. lea *¢%¢ 4 2 @ @ @ @ @ | Cold weather is still reported Press) —Steps to ad- +e+e+eeeeeeeet W weer S | . A . nantich thin . from various points in the west.)|* vance his proposal for * : ; Y vet found G.H. Arn iform.ed the me : } ve s } Oposa or shee ning. hareitel a vation rmy ine that a reduction of 8% in as-|* DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS #|Denver had 12 below yesterday, | reciprocal trade trea- * TWO-POUND BABY BORN he 7 " ‘ umber sand essments | ulready been pro-|* BETW EEN RUSSIA-CRINA #/Spokane 10 above, Wenatchee 2 be- | » ties with Canada and + * IN SAN FRANCISCO IS * | uli tain vided for by the elty. this being in-|* RESUMING IMMEDIATELY @) low and Chicago 6 above, le Great Britai r e + LIKELY TO SURVIVE # if it came to a question of cho ng Diiehhd tn anscdiinbiaiaen tnit® . «| In California | rreat ritain are unh- . +) pereeen oy omen te COLLECTION had already been sent out to pro- # GENEVA, Dec. 13: (Cana- @| LOS ANGELES, fec. 13:—Rain|* der contemplation by * | eu \ " . ' i ady bt : t ‘ . AN PRAROTOO, De sites i iW thin kK th ut suffi F perty owners living abroad + dian Préss)—Maxim Litvinoff, #)and cooler weather came to Los|* Senator Hull, Demo- * ’ ht ‘ a hy " ia > - ice o ovelee sew » j , 7 * —A baby daughter, weigh! . aight. He unds had yet been shown! THURSDAY H. R. Hill was curfous ta know’) * Russian , foreign . commissar, #| Angeles and elsewhere in Saeeeere crat of Tennessee. He * * pounds and one ou ’ cler “ cf her the counell to why a house built foy $2104 at the ® announced yesterday the re- Sa ace ce with strong | hopes to have them ta- + + ich has been born in a loca ) JUsy sem ee . in 1919 shon ; # establishment of normal di- #/ winds offshore + DAS BOs , 1e! th an aldermanie peak of prices in 1919 should be as : | * ke Ss os P id : pital to Mrs. Lillian Hay, # four alder! . 4 rf . likely Telephone Black 269 and sessed at $2400 today. # plomatic and consular rela- #, The all time minimum low tem-| ke n Uy hortly after the e * live, physicians believe It * b ;, aoe ." ns an : antl ne will call M M. Stephens declared that. if # tions between Russia and #/perature was recorded yesterday} Christmas recess of ; Tot ones 0 D Prone Di . : ‘ =P " wee vers ° ; ‘ owe, 220 ° he smallest baby in medical # that two © ~ , aaraae An addi co the association meant to fight the # China effective immediately #/at San Jose when the thermometer | * Congress. * * history here which wi ve, # stamps, Mp! * two, he believed Give clothes, shoes, anything. assessment at all, it would have to,# #@/descended to 20 above zero. The|* ° + + | mat : y an ata : (Continued on page five.) e+ 6 ¢ © © © & © @ & Si previous low record was 22 above | @#*#*#%*#*#OO6 44 @ +reeeeeeen te? * Continued ¢ ag i : i . " ee Y ee ee iar we Nr ON . 4. A