TufiJay, July 3, 1023. RUBBER BALLS Milli-r llnller Hall urc in a dus by themselves. They ,,,-e in Murker rwWier, mure elulic ami will bounce higher (ha: '' rill r ball ever Mm. Large ltiiiueiit direct (rum I l"i, lu'iu e fresh mill iloully elastic. Thee hall' are'iirieeJ within the reurh of all. A hi ir;;iuver nut!, he hail. Reach Sporting Goods We have u 'oiiiiteU hue (if the llotu-li goods which wv -ell at catalogue price. Jientl for catalogue. eMflaeMvs.Jjd " Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT l' T7 -A Put it in your pocket and pictures. KODAK FILM LdSo" your size is here. jAh a is Self Timers, Carry- VUflI. jnK Cases, Triads, ACCESSORIES Portrait Attachments they rc all in stock here. Let us jiki.p vor plan a Kodak Outfit FOIl GOOD IMCTUKKS AND U)TS OF FUN ORMES LTD The Kox.nl. Stores Phones 200, 82 and 13 i Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blackemlths, Pattern makers, Tounders, Woodworkers, etc Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant li equipped to W.idle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work ' i PHONES 43 AND 385 nCIirnnI A All Your life often depends ma.,rionE.iiuiin: uPOn good tank V.'i7?iin iinn mnkuiir tanks fur hunts during tho past ten year 6ml we have yet to gel a complaiiit of faulty "nVHAThWE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN DO FOR YOU. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS 8econd Ave. Phone 340. REGIMENTAL RIFLE low : W MEN COMPETE FOR ' .M. Hrown . M. Dalies . V. Hvttl ... Vj (t-UIKTOII pnpflin nnnrol Al 11,.. l..,l nf II. n t.'lMil V.ic 27 22 2l II. Wilfcou 20 M. I.atuli 2t II. W liil.- 15 20 23 17 CHILDREN'S PARADE i-v iii- hHiid of the l'irft Northern ll.-Kiniful. from thn old uov Id Plus 1c Per Piece. a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service Alt of your wshlng Jo pf ctnt or your Ironing vtrythlng rtturntd drjr You timt'ly touch op fw outer girm.nti such as waists, blouses, hous drauss, with hand-lron. Phont ua todajr, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. i li -i - Local and Personal B. (J. UnlerUkert. Phone!, tf ll.orn II.C. llcuiment held on thel "7M. unoeiw.er.. i-nour MeXii-lu.l ihiilti. mi Sim,l:ii- W M.I351. W llrriwifcvwon' Ihe first i.rie nf 10. . M. :iv ex. ( he cr-riiii nr zi '" " "'"-u 'i'ck for Seattle on a holiday t n.'M ii n. I Hilvpr i..i.n. nml V. Mil. tli.J llnr.l nrize of visu. 1'lin M'liiN wi.rn fiil.l J-or a transfer or coal, uau 200 5011 000 Til. "I &-3 ur ,10al ,,oleI' uco i 1 . . . la ?k n ?'!: if. Lasey. 2278 17 G2 For Plumbing and HKAflMJ, 70 W. Longwill. Phone IJlue 270 ir. P.O. Doi 730. tf 2370 T r, sfil Why not suDscrthc for the HELD ON SCHEDULE 0 i2Maily New anU have it sent lo I your home icitularly f tf .Suve Money I Huy our Nanaimo- WclliiiKlun Nut Coal at 13.50 a Ion. Albert 4 McCallery, Ltd. tf Some 200 Kiddles Marched to Mr. Ceorce Vtnv itlurin-.J AcroDolis Grounds Yeterday yeslerdayafli'nioon from Van Morning 1 In- rlnlilifUH pat .Tie. licadiHl couer by Ihe (ieorge. aleamrr Prince If you find you vannol gel lln daily Ncwfi reiiujai-ly, call in and imni-.it bmlilitiBft U. the Acrou. ubcribe for it and hae it d tAiti. Hill criiiitttltf ku ihiIImI ii fflliM'reil to your home. tf in M.ile,ot lhp mijiihat hwy fall '-'pt. II. A. OrmMon, of Ihn of r n. Some two hun.lre.1 chil- li?hthouc lender Newinjrtnn . ' I.. .. tn.il in li'ii,laiii-i. IWh returned ye-ieniay aiiernoon Inlil vm iireenU-.! with a fla at from a holiday (irp lo Victoria. i In- ruintiMMirenftnit if the iiarade.l ' an. I with a baa of' peanut unon Mr. and Mr. J. It. (iitliin urrmil at Ihe AcriMiolH arounds. Hener"A.arlmeuU. who Ime been bollilayinp In -.Vancouver, re- HOTEL ARRIVALS InriKNl to Hie city on the tar Prince Ruoert I ilena Siiii.lay i-ciiin? Major and Mr. J. A. Mother- iMle I.. I'lll, manager To Hie wHI. II. MKr. J. McKinmm.PreiHier mine, arrne.t ironi ine W illiam F. tieftiit, Joepb Can- north on Saturday eteniii? by (he mm. C. X. IJeebi and II. UiliwrMprmr Hubert and aiie.i u-r mi.f li It I Juneau on Ihe Prince l.oui uiiir. Port SiinoMw; C. K. yetfrday morniiii? Y.miii; unit I' T. SIhiiwimmI. s..al J 11 s.ii UMrl.ursrr lr. w. I. Neririii reiuriieu 10 V K. f.. iniiHi .Kinraid. Ile.elsl.jtw; Mi ')' r) rime .Mice on II llerfltan, Hveporl; II. Griteli-P"rla)' afternoon after pen.I !. Inerne; Mr. and Mr. H.HiiP the j.at few weeks ab.n? the i n.-i i nif..... i ...lVrlerii Afa-ka ooal a. 'in-' a .Wei: Ur. and Mr. I. . far north a Kodiak Island. I.earnyil. Any ox; V. S. Moure. Aiyoj; J. A. ?(eilien. Stewart; S. HeMHenen. Chritiauia, Norway: II. AiuWpii, nfhi Mr. ami Mr. II. (I. Iittllt lamifw: I. irn. I.. M. (ro and K. W. Knote, New York; llale I.. Pill, II. Mar dona Id and Mr. and Mr. (leiinre I.. Crane, Premier; Mi I'. N. AHi- m.. 'I'tiroulo; A. It. Champliii l.eii.ire Mejer and K. Champliu. Paadena. Cat.; Mr. V. il. Ilel. M.ler (2. ami K. 1UI. ianpe. m;.; Hev. and Mr. T. I. Pnlor. llHelioH: S. It. t.inablon and Jnme .1. h.iiildn, Port t.- iiiKtn: Mr. mid Mr, s IL l..r.l f family, .vrlli Paeifie Mr. and Mr. II. Kendall and family and P. Paulon, Dominion: Mattel It. Allen, IVIkwa: (!eor?e I ni-lhiy and (leorse Mrl.auphlin, Sinitlier: lan W'lialey. Terrsiee; Mr. and Mr. Iuncn Hrown, Sol Ituliin and W'. J. Nroelaml. KI- ni.Milon. Oba Shield and V. .Manuel. Prince leirs:e; Julia Whuleti. Mondmi. W'l.; John V. Mnrrion, liaano, Alia.; Mr. an. I Mr. I. J. Matheipn and Dr. A II. Hayiiis city: Jame l.andi, C;ii(ir: Kmilv J. Sprmde and i:iie L. MrNab, Sakaloon. Central II Mellonaht and II. II. Carter. K.-no Hill: William Holland, arella. Alaka: II. C StralfoM, Stewart; W. Ilearn. etty; I. i. IVnelioul. I.o Allele: Oharle It. Kehol. S.riiurfie.. III.; I.. Harfm mid M. nerslifield, t....ll.: Frank P. Kenney. Victoria ; Harry llawkin-. San Ki-anei.-o: Clar en. -e t. I ...wan. uuenri. John Pinder-Mo. or?anlicr of Ihe .Northern Polytechnic In dilute, returned on the Prince (ieorsc eleiilay 'aflcrnooii from a lour of variou poiuU down I lie eoat in Ihe inleret of the In stitute. -r Maler l.lfc'ind Meiilien. on of Aid. and Mrf. M..,M.,Sleiheii who ha been receivinjr . I real ii nn I at the hand of eye necial il. in I lit fotilli, relumed home on Ihe Prince Ceorife eslerday aflernoon. t (i. P. I.oan, of Ihe provincial noliee foite. ailci lty the Car di'iia on Sunday nilit for Anan- dale. He will be located on Ihe Xaa Itiver for the next tlnee monlh while Ihe almou fihing eaoii i on. ' i ; i GjuI F. llalar-on, son of Mr. and Mr. A. llalvaiouf Kihlh Axenue KaU I visiliiu? the cily after an abence of' Vonie. four year. Since leavlnif the cily be lia been married and now re ble in Seallle. John Meltae rclurned aflernoon by Ihe Prince (ieorpe from Ihe oulh. He at tended Ihe Maonie Hrand l.o.l):o convenlion al New W elininler a a local delegate ainl alo eiit a few day holidaying al variou- (itiiil -- I. J. MallnW'on, cily lirauier, eluriied on the Prince (ieorK'c yeler.lay aflernoon from ic- luria where he wh connecled wilh Ihe (I.T.I'j leelounent !l'.o." aemenl aiipeal. He wa acroni'anied by" Mr. Mallieison and family who will lake un i i heir reidenee here. i " . i ' The ('.. P. It. leamer Pnnce. l.ouie, Capl. Arlhur Slaler, wa in jiort froin7:l5 lo '.t:30 yeler .lay morning tu'il li Ixmn.l from IVaiieotner lo .oUlhe;WeYn Alaska iii l. The veers paen(;er Vapaclly wa entirely taken up there being 2U . paeiiger in all, inosl of them louiit. BRER Lieul. F.llioll, of the Salvalion Army, preached al the Melhodis' i Church on Sunday night. Mr. Jame Sturgeon was a paeiiier for Vancouver on the Prince Ueortre lal night. I'. Carton ami Mi Alifc NeUon ailed for Vancouver on UC Prince Geerpe lal night. Mr. Walker, of Hie local M-Iiool Icacliiog laff, and Master Walker, vailed on , I be Cardena Sunday ni.lil for Anyox where I hey w ill visit w ith friends. audi Mr. W. E. Villi(riofI family left on (leo. Hryant ! launcli If aria on Saturday for Port Simpson where they will pend their u miner holiday. The Maple Leaf girls baskr!- ball team, under the rupervismi. of Mi Mills, were iu cbarjee ..f the rrfreliment ' ftlaud al tin- Acropolis Hill grounds yesterday. Mrs. J. C. Spencer, of Port iinp-.'M, arcomnanied by Maier and Miss Spencer, relumed homn on the Canlena Sunday nighi af ter having spent several week holidaying in Uje south. P. II. Asbbury and :latf S!. lepon, H.C.M.P. were p..enger by Hie Prince Ituperl Saturday night for Vancouver where they will attend the (i,W.V. Dominion tonveiflion as delegates from Hie local brancji. Miss Ann McKittoon, for five year, a most popular member ; the local school leaching UTs.! sailed last night on the Prnice (ieorye for Ihe aith enmutej lo California. Miss MiKinnon", reignalioii and depart ure from the city is much regrelled by her. many friends. A. E. Kinraid, Ihe llevelsi. V-inurance man, i visiting the city in Hie course of .ne of Ins regular lour of the pr 'vini-e. He; arrited from the East on Salur day evening and will sail for the south on the Canlena tonigh' Mr. Kincaid is a Past tirand Chancellor of Ihe provincial Knights of Pythias (lraml l..lg Special Dominion- Day service were held in the Anglican Church on Sunday. In the morning t In service was of a patriotic nature when special music was rendered and ArchdcuCon llix pave an address upon patriotism and tlu Dominion of Canada. Hev. Dr. I.angfeldt, of Edmonton, was (ho preacher at the evening service. The untimely showers yester day forenoon and aflernoon mitigated somewhat against the success uf Ihe 5-ons of Canada Dominion Day tclcbralioti. and gale receipts were not av large a they otherwise might have been. However, Ihe committee expect to ' break even. Harry llrecn, secretary, hail not yet reached a final statement this morning. , .Miss Until llix, who ha been alleliding Macdomtld Hal) house hold economic school at (iuelph, returned lo Ihe eily on Ihe Prince ieorge yesterday afternoon and will spend Hie summer holiday' here visiting with her parents. Archdeacon and Mrs. it. A. Ilix.! Agnew Place. Miss llix was high-' ly successful in her examinations Inking 71.07 per cent on the finals. i Applications for Ihe iosiuni of a lady assistant in llio Treasury Department, Cily Hall, will be' received up lo i p.m. Wednesday. Tend,;. for charier of lailticli ,JaIy 4' i9?; w Mnm. lo Provincial 1-isherie Depart muni fur mil ml mi SkeeilH llit er will ne rc-mveu ny unri uou-stable Miuly, Provincal Police, prince Itupert. Chatter lo ctvin- luence July U for approximately ou mouth. Applicants to slab? Irate, per tiny and full particular 'of launcli. also where same may lie inspected.,-! yd . 157 155 AeluiB CUV Clerk BBB lid BB. 41 fitaT-Owkl. Ktkm CATAHnn of th BLADDER P.rKf.n.ule (umvl be vi ome & Bewan ofcou nUrftU " ' ' WMi kill PAOL THlUi I nacr nc .Sailinor frnm Prinrp Runerl o S.5v Prince Riinert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points,) Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I nk I'rlro-e ltux-rt dalljf rirt-pt Sunday al CO pjii. fur Mire G.orrr, filmxnloh, Winnipeg, direct connections all pulnts tsikro Uuidi iDd I'nltrd Sutes. AOENCV FOR ALL OCCAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cit Ticket Orrics, E27 Third A, Prlncs RuptrU ntni 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, June 3, 8, 16, 23, 30; 'July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, June 11, 18, 25; July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20,23, 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency f&r all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C, LTD. StllliijM Tain I'rlnrr ltutrt. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Ocun 'Falls, and Swanson (if, Tuesdar. S P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alort Bat, and Swanson lay, UUH11 Mown. For ANV0X, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Waits Island, Sundif 10 P.M. ' For PORT SIMPSON and Nais Rit.r Canntrlts, Frldsr A.M. s tnd Arpiiue J. Barnsltr, Agont. Prlnrr Kupt-rl, B.C DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 6, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE 'The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 91. FLY TIE IS SCREEN TIME Wire Fly Cloth in 21, SO and ilO inch widths?, priced at 30c, 40c, 45c per yard for Mack; same widths, 'kaU vanized, 50c, 6Cc, 75c per yard. Screen Doors, nil sizes, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00, Screen Windows, in 5 sizes, 60c, 65c, 85c, 90c k $1.00 ea. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. GrowPtottiesJip this Wonderful, luxuriant ptonlas that ivtrybody will admlr can b. grown with tho slmplt hslp Of FERTABS. Thoio "pills for plants" pro. mots full, tualtny growth In all fiowtr. plants, vegetables snd ferns. You will sea tho difference during tha first month you ties them. They contain tha proper nourish, inent In correct proportions, snd they ffrtllUe tha plant without wasta. FERTABS and ardlnary car and attention will give you garden worth while. tr them where yes bur istrsMds IN 2Sc, 7Se i tl.SIMCKMB FERTffiS 1 in lfll,S FOR PIANTSD THt'ANDaiwilSCOnCO.VANcovviM. i