terre } PAGE TWO ——" . = SS ae ee Ni ee Fike: Gift Slippers Of Cosy Comfort For the Whole Family SLIPPERS, the gift that finds at Christmas, one that betrays the thought for had in a warm weleome comfort the giver giving, a friendly nterest well worthy a friend ‘ pert HOSTERY, a gift always acceptable at Holi- day time FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Box 1584 Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods. paid in advance per week 1 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States advance, per year 3.0% paid in By mail to all other countries. per year ; § up ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per insertion, per word ; it ate 0? Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Se died Sonia lf Local readers. per insertion, per line il aitiidieatsitie 25 Transient display advertising, per inch. per insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Cireulation Telephone —_.... Editor and Reperters’ Telephone idles od Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ven Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1932 PERIOD OF CRITICISM DAILY EDITION This is a period of criticism. When we suffer we look around to’find out the reason and often pitch upon the wrong one. At any rate we are ready to criticize anything or any person and try something new just because it is new in the hope of a change for the better. The danger of this attitude of mind is that it is just as likely to make things worse as to bring about improve- ment. However, a change is often beneficial even if it is not a change for the better. It upsets a lot of theories which prove impracticable. CIVIC AFFAIRS It is clear that the time is approaching for the civic el- ections because the Ratepayers Association is again ac- tive. This organization is a great safety valve for voicing pent up emotions. The present association has lasted lon- ger than‘any similar organizations in the past, possibly because of the continued depression. At any rate it does good by drawing attention to the ratepayers’ side of civic questions and thus bringing about a balance in public questions which is eminently desirable. It is now about a month to election day and it will be wise for Prince Rupert people to consider well the ques- tion of civic representation. It is to be presumed that a mayor and counci will be needed, if only for ornamental purposes, At any rate no harm can be done by being alert to the situation and seeing that the best available men are placed in the field. COMMISSIONER PROBABLE It seems hardly likely that it will be necessary for local people to act in the matter of securing a commissioner to take charge of the affairs of the city. It may be looked upon as a sure thing that the provincial government will act before very long and that governmental affairs will be taken out.of the hands of the people until the financial condition of the city is restored. The change will not mean that the city will escape any of its just obligations. No efty has ever escaped payment by defaulting. All that it means) is that a person will be appointed who will be responsible to no one but the provincial government and who will be ruthless in the matter of collections and payments. iijare purely material TASK OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES | Editor, Daily News: With the annual election of school trustees at hand it is to be ihoped that the voters will jcareiully the three representatives ithat are to be elected. A policy of feconomy is necessary but at the |} same time the children must get an jeducation that will enable them to }meet the demands of modern civi- lization The qualifications choose for trustees accarding 4@ j the | property qualifications | first le ition Surely the essential is an interest in edu- selfish end. And {surely too the parents of the chil- jdren now attending schoo! should | be the trustees. That is so that nding the primary schools hould be the care of the trustees s well as these attending the hieh hool not i interested in children It seems that mast of the econo- s of the present been at the expense of the primary ls. Manual training, a very misc ee} practical training, has been drop- | structure implied selection of} board have; Yr | The Letter Box 4 “ THE DAILY NEWS — he Dictatorship of Mussolini in Italy of Temporary Nature During Revolution and Reconstruction H By Victor Basso-Bert—Artiele 5) After having engineered the revolution in Italy and having brought it to a suceessful conclusion, Mussolini set himself eager!y at his new task of outlining the program for the new social order. Rome with its twenty-seven cen- turies of history afforded him the best retrospective | background that anyone could desire for inspiration and aime. * quae Although absorbed by the volum-/(atorship is a thing of the past I) * law. They must possess certain | ; | } | ' i } | inous and multifarious duties of his juce is today merely the Premier eixht portfolios a. one time in the of Italy transitonal and eventful period be- The socialization of the mean tween October 28, 1922, and April of production and exchange, as ad- 3, 1926, the date of the promulga- .oiaq by socialists, would substi tion of the first law regulating the Page ar , tute state ownersnip ior priva corporative state Il Duce found ' ff rvise | Owner hip, state initiative tor pri S sient time tudy, supe ise - ‘ ; . oe ’ _ ar ate initiative. Pascism on the con : lirect the tad nent o the nd direc 1e « ishmer f th sve |; Seana Sean. rigid itundamenta rincinies of the n . a mee .P ; tructure of the corporauiy e state. The constitution of Italy wa | gl ul] the economic tack mended to suit the new form of ~— - ; ; operty perform th om er - tes . ¢ an Geatined by nature’ w were all new. In fact all the laws, , Pie mn , | ‘mination of private initiative. As if the country were amended piece vy piece Tuesday, Decembe; 13. 1909 - et Acquaint Cook — if she forgets— Beef in Brief OF INTEREST TO WOMEN ——We are repeating, for a limited time only, the offer of a British-made, 14 aluminum cooking spoon for the retura ef only 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Mootresl —— private initiative the primary fac- ity, of the Renaissa: inued J or of production by Fasciam. Mussolin) widing I Fascism is essentially a Roman ~?f), ol us versal ‘ . : fluenced by niuses belonging | world Like he spiritual Caesar, Thomas Aqui Aichae} fhe ci angelo, Leonardo, Nu Gar ha vi | Mar Ost Mm : ' tatecraft and ¥ : b : nkind { f Christian Dally hewn Want-Ad« Dring result matter of fact Fascism conside! The changing of the economic complete rc-| ed. Home economics has been j vision of the legal status of all th |dropped except for the few wha/ factors of . production and ‘began it two or three years ago/change, and ‘of the relation he- land who are now at high schoo) |tween men and the stat Unde ri The commercial class was limited | he new scheme, party polities be- ing course for the university ation 5.C |and many children forced to take |came absolutely unnecess ry ithe course laid down as a qualify- | private property and private ini And | ‘lative this although the last principal of | he high school recommended the | yndicates. becam ‘utting out of the senior matricu-}°rgans of There are eight attending/ ‘eneficia! instruments of this class. When one considers that/ der and peace there are eight hundred attendin: the elementary ;eight in the senior matriculation | egories and classes. The indivi- there seems to be something wrong} duals, categories and classes are ith the system. There are 10 tea-| he instruments that the nation hers at the high school for 250 | ses to achieve her greatness. The upils and five grades. Yet the| nterests of individuals. categories proposal has been made to close nd classes have t standing r« ye division at Seal Cove where | Oenized only wit! conditional! there are two teachers and over 50} understanding that they are sub- pupils in four different grades rvier and essential to the As it now stands all the five | erior interests of the nation trustees have children at the high! The chanzine ocial system ‘hool and it is doubtful if one of} after a revolution requires an iron | i at the public}: ule—a dictatorship. Mussolini a Maybe this accounts for| \imed the reins them has a_ child schools. the situation the truetees next vear need all the sympathy agement that they and the. ind encour- will get but there should be members who are interested in elementary the hich the latter sunnlving material white collar tobs EX-TRUSTEE ————___— - — _ _ Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert } the schools is well as in sehool. After all lw te tends for ree the December 13. 1912 J. A. Meeker and D been awarded the contract for the building of a new two-room building at Seal Cove: The school board, al its meeting yesterday, re- tenders for the job Meeker and Clarke the lowest Other Mitchell, Currie & Emi! Kauffman chool ctived three that of Messr of $4635 being tenderers were Watt and Teddy Lege a lucky ticket in Majestic Theatre of $10 in gold winner of a drawins and won was the at the a prize Magistrate Alfred Carss sailed this morning on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where he will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with his family COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran- teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. schools and only} olini, is above the individual, ca | ‘ommunists wert about to proclaim There is no easy task ahead of! the dict j Clarke hav i ‘taly being wi il¢ remained undisturbed he ‘abor organization through the the propulsive production and lso f social or- The nation, as conceived by Mus ot power when the proletariat state itorship of the t that time and chaos. lr of turmoil he has maste i§ now wel ten years task in a 80C ial accomplished his The new undrr way and the di rly Way order A Man's Best Gift Assured Income ; } } | , orl 104@ HE LOVES $ Wh VIGOROUS HEALTH— F ! 1 that lively, anirhating feeling of Hid] physical well-being-—-ts the right- | . ful heritage of every normal man Surpassing all other Christmas remembrances is one Ht ind woman. To lack your fair f it} hare if vim and vitality is to gift which Life Insurance makes possible—a definite 1 iy : " . ‘ tial be deprived of life’s most. pre monthly ineome to your wife and children, guarding i ty lous gift—the boon of perfect | for and pri HT] health! Chiropractic adiust- them forever agamet wunt and privation, ' i ments in such eases frequently work wonder W. C. ASPINALL DC, Green 241 Phones Green 549 Exchange Block Boxes of Stationery For Xmas We have a nice selection of appropriate gift stationery, something that will help your friends ta remember you after Christmas is over. out fail Other gifts for everybody, old and young. We weleome your inspection. The Regal Shop Mr. and Mrs. John MeRae " 58 — Phones — 558 Useful Yuletide ‘Gifts | p . : , ' R "“ Aluminum Roasters Copper Tea Kettles upert ‘ dio $2.00 to $3.50 $2.00 to $3.25 Service airs Make of Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. mle ey Third Ave., Prince Rupert ; Out-af-town business solicited ‘ainda Mail orders carefully pss moa, il Phone: Blue 932 Carving Sets filles Fishing Tackle | Prince Rupert, B.C Can you think of any gift which will bring | such peace-of-mind to your loved ones! With Life Insurance you can give them the comforting knowledge that you will continue to support them —even if you cannot share with them all the Christmases in the future. } The Life Insurance plan is both simple and secure, | Whether you decide on an income of $50 or $500 a | month, the exact amount will be paid regularly with- | | as long as you stipulate, And, your savings, thus put into Life Insurance, | can be converted should you live, inte a pension for your own old age. Any Life Insurance representative will help make Christnas memorable with your thoughtfulness. Lite Insurance Service One of a series of messages sponsored by "Vine | ove un ri bee "Ly amid \ J Lie Life Insurance Companies