PAOE TWO. 18 Years of Success Are Behind ifrfsrSm the wonderful medicine made from the, juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes and tonics. 25c and 50c. a box at all dealers. FRUIT.A-TIVES LIMITED. Ottawa. One. Of fcurf. N.T, LM4ra.Enf Ctrtelckarefc. SJL DAILY EDITION Must Laws All Be Enforoai 11 seemrrtl LJLJ The Daily News PRINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. .$1.00 By mail to,all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 ro all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 TELEPHONE 8S Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Saturday, Nov. 10, I02;i. UmLI licit is Mich, a thing a law breaking bv con sent. Laws heunif-obsolete or are found unworkable ami are allowed lo drop. Hut that of course is contrary to the real in tent and contrary to the oath of the officers who carry out the law. Just now ii Toronto there is a cae in point. A certain law has been openly broken and the (ilnbe newspaper wauls to know who is responsible. The paper points out that the chief of police is sworn ti enforce the law all the time and so are the constables. The police commissioner;; similarly are bound to insist that I he law be enforced. What" the filobe wishes to know i who is responsible for allowing a law to be ignored. Follow-ingr from that is the question whether the police commission has any right to tenure any part of the law. The answer to this is that they have not. They have but one duly and that i to ee that the police carry out the law In its entirety. Law. Enforcement Is Often Spasmodic. ':' The Daily News has drawn 'attention to Hie fact that law enforcement is often very spasmodic. This has no more reference lo Prince Rupert than to any other place. It is common to the whole country. People who are watching fur opportunities to make easy money find there is a laxity along certain lines of law enforcement and they immediately take advantage of it They find that others are not prosecuted and they reason that if others can break the law they may do the same. , One of the most glaring of these. cas?s Was seen recenflv ii the football competitions. They were allowed Hit 'carVyfc on long enough for those who conducted the competitions to make mi immense lot of money. They advertise very generally and people who patronize them think everything Iega. Then suddenly I hey are stopped. Prosecution is launched and thev are convicted and fined and, closed up. We are not discussing the right or wrong of this form nf gambling but simply pointing out that for a year or tvvo people did not know it was contrary to' law to engage in that form of amusement until those who couducled the competitions- were prosecuted. If it was wrong to conduct them this year it was wrong 'Inst year. To allow lawbreakers (o continue uuhinder.ed for mouths or perhaps years and then to suddenly, become active does not lend to create that respect for the law which is desirable. It will be quite easy to think of many other fnrrnVof law breaking. The law breakers are allowed lo continue for month until it would almost' seem that there was no intention to stop mem anil men withoiii notice there is a raid. Chier Duty To , Prevent Crime. The chief duty of Ihe police . department is to prevent ......v. ix-ioi iiug 1 1111111,11 i inn secondary nnn is done simply to prevent recurrence of crfifip Th ...... . iv.i. i id-c 1 ri ruin where a police chief was dismissed ffom office because of the IflPltA l Li m I . -ri of I .... , !B, "mHL'"'yyujjiosciiiioiis n ennvicuons within hisdi tricl. ' Islmllf habitual lawbreakers know when the police de pail meiit means business and Ihey. try olher hunting ground where lh(? luVfice are more amenable to nrnn ir... An interesting example of what may be done occurred in 1clor1a years ajru. For manv vpnrs lh reputable houses operated there, one of the most onenlv jrlarinir beine Hie Savm- vmiu ft I 1 1 I. 'it II ...a. n . . 1 ... "" tis n tow vauiieviu wild ... jfirls . , of doiibtrul reputation in the boxes and two bar one up-lairs .ajid one down. Drinks were served in the boxes'dur-jng the' progress of I bo show. Rooms wer? also spl aside in Ihe building for other forms or entertainment. It was one of the scandals of the city for manv vears mi, I ,..... ...i .T .imjun null HI-f . . A 1 . . eomnnssioir declared nothing could be done under Ihe law to remove it. , Then Mayor Morley win. elected and the Savor and other gambling joints disappeared in a very short time, never ... . ......... uinr ere 110 raids imii ttiey simp v went out ' of business. - Despaired of Life at 50 Strong and Well at 70 Mr. Jacob H. Maeksay, 33 MidW At.., Mttaiid, Out ' ' writes : "1 have used Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills for over 20 years and 1 feel that I owe my life to them. I suffered severely from rheumatism and heart failure. One doctor just give me one year to live, and even told me I mlfht be found dead at any time. A neighbor advised Dr. Chase's Kid-' ney-Liver Pills and I have been usinj them is needed ever since. I am now 70 years of aje, welfh 217 pounds and can work as well as any ' younr man." Dr. Chase's K!ney-Liver Pills Ona Mill a Armm VIUi Kn. .TI ... Zr. A Co., Mi. TortTnToT i ALD. COLLART RETURNS LOT Aik that Council Have Trans, fer to Him Declared Void ' and Rtqusst Is Mtt OlTerinp to pay all legal costs necessary to Hie proceeding1, Aid. Theo. Ciillarl at a special mectinjr of Hie council ,yeer-lay afternoon asked the city lo co-operate with him in action he i taking Inward having trans, ferred Jarlt lo the oily lot block 30, section-2, which ic acquired last spring for I50 following Hie acceptance by the council of an offer from Paul I'aillandicr who failed to go through with Ihe deal. The council acceded lo Hie request and look Hie steps askeil by Aid. Collarl. Was'No Sale The following slaleruenl on the mailer va submitted In Ihe Ihe council by Aid. Collart: 'in Ihe mailer of lol 76, block 2w, section 2, afler consulting my solicitors they have advised ine thai said transfer is void :i ml that I arqiiireq no interest in I lie properly umier said transfer. Having acquired no interest I cannot quit claim bark and Ihe only remedy is for m lo sue Hie city for a declaration of the court that the transfer i void, for cancellation of the registration and for Ihe return of money paid. "I asked the mayor lo call this meeting because I wan! action at once. 1 would ask Ihe council io insimri some sonri-i lor lo admit that Ihe transfer, i void and In have the regis tration cancelled at once. "I will pay Ihe cot of the action ami Ihe city solicitor' . fee. In any even! I will have lo go ahead with the mailer and I am asking the council lo as sist ine in gelling it settled at once. Afler making the above de claration. Aid. Collart retired from the council chamber and the following niotion was of fered by Aid. "Perry: Resolution Passed "Thai V. K. FiMier be appointed solicitor lo lake up the case regarding lot 76, block JO, section ?, lo give Hie city's consent lo the admission Dial the transfer lo Then. Collart Is void. also that money paid on account of Ihe purchase of said lot bo relumed.' , Aid. Monro, who moved at last .Monday's council meeting (bat Ihe transfer lo Aid. Collart be rescinded, seconded Aid. Perry's motion and it was carried unanimously, a clause being added lhaf any taxes paid by Aid; Collar! on Ihe lot be also relurned lo him. FINAL LIQUOR CASE IS OVER Mrs. Blddlecome Alias Peggy Stevens Is Sentenced to Six Months at Okalla Mrs. Iliddlecome alias Peggy THE tVn4Y NEW3. SMtniitv, NoemUr io, io: Your Government Say s: "Get this Booklet" This Itooklet should be in the hands of every man and woman in ths Dominion. It tells how you may buy, on easy terms, a Canadian Govern ment Annuity which will provide you with an income for the years when you may be too old to work. You may never wish to stop working, but it will be very comforting to you to know that when you approach sixty years of age the sheer necessity for working will not be as present as it is today. This System of Canadian Government Annuities has ieen in operation for years and is highly successful. Don't you wish to take advantage of it? No medical examination is necessary. For full information, fill out this coupon and mail it as directed. No postage needed, us it is Canadian Government business. Mail this CouponNo Postage Needed To DmWUTJlKNT OK UUlOl'It, A.VXU1TIKS MUNCH, OTTAWA, ONT. Ilea petti tmr llr "Handbook of lafonMtloa ud full particular a to roat u a Caaadlaa (orrraJiirar'Aauuilj. Mjr ago lat btrtbUajr waa . ,, . . )rar. Pull Xtnr (ut Mr, Un. r Ml.) Toat Office A Jdrraa -. ....... returned to accused. On the oc- of accused -was. accepted, casion of the sale. Constables Magistrate MrClyinonl decilcl llucgard and lluggte and four! Hint a direct sale fur cash And id her men accompanied w1tne. not an exchange had been made Lights Were Out jr.nd gne his finding accordlnwly. Under cross e.vanUnation.jix month was Ihe minimum Stewart staled that the lights inisenlenre he rotild nuke under Itie room where the Iransaclion the act. lie conhf not be M-aed did lo Hie cancellation of the look place were out. Malches'uy hi. sympathies in finding bis egislralion of said transfer aml;vere lit by Constable lldgvles.fiinlgment from the evidence urn. iwo separate purchases wereisenled. made of beer and gin and the) latter was not exchanged fur thei former. . ; (Vmslalde Ituggb-s under exam-j inalion-in.chief, corroborated tliel evidence of Constable Stewart but. under cross-exanunalion. was not positive as to whether the beer and gin bad been pur- HIS CATARRH YIELDS TO YICKS British Columbia Man Qreatly Relieved By New Salve rnaei ai ine aine time allliongh icis is pqjhi for common nothing wa purchased by the colds, sore Ihroat, bronchitis, pany wiyn ihey returned with ealarrli, croup, lonsilitis, grippe Ihe x-fir. and all inflammations of the testable llucgard testified no.e. throat or lungs. The in lhat the beer and gin bad been Kredients, Camphor, Menthol, Ku bought at the same lime. Six calypln, THrpentine, Thyme and dollars was paid both for a dozen Juniper lar make ick equally iiollles or hfpt ami a bollle of eifeclive for inflanuiutions of gin. The beer was returned. !lhe skin, such as cuts, burnn, Simply an Exchange !sores, bruises and skin ilehing. Peggy Sleven slory wn lhat' -Mr. Adam H. Daliiel. of Kit the constables bought a dozen chener, tri(ih Columbia, says: "I bottles of b-er from her for which Iried Vicks for pnnnl catarrh one they paid rt. They camr back night and in the mornlnir mw Steven, 88 Fraser Street, u-ns!nnd said lb., beer was loo bulky throat was clear. Now I am nsinir loiiod guiuy oi sciiing iiiinir uuo ami asked tr tliey could have n lUKlit and morning with great senienceu in six monins atfwiiikey. S,P ,ad no whiskey but relief and have nuK uniffllnir Okalla Prison Kami, by Mugis. jgave them a bottle of, gin In ex- Viks is all lhat it is claimed In iraie .vici.iymoni in ine poiice cnansre for Ihe beer. It was wo and more.' court yesterday afternoon. Ow in ir to the physical condition of prisoner. His Worship indicated thai he would recommend lhat Ihe case be taken up with the Attorney fleneral with a view to having some arrangements made for serving of sentence other than in prison, W. K. Fisher, crown prosecutor, intimated that he would be pleased to make such a recommendation. rii case, which was Hie last charge of Ihpior selling arising out of the activities of dry squad men in the city recently, was defended by Milton Owizales, Defence, under protection, admitted that' there was a sale of beer but maintained Unit 4 lie gin alleged to have been sold was merely aiiVxchauge and (could not, be taken iindeii the' act in a sale. I James Stewart, provincial con- nuiiiir, iiii wiiiM-ss lor ine prosecution, told nf buying a bollle simply an exchange and she wan VicU is a valuable family rem. paid only once for the beer. .oily kept tm hand in millions of Milton Gonzales, In argument, homes and used cnntjintly fur siate.rthe case depended entirely nil Ihe daily ills and hurl of all on wneuier the conn believed '"o inmlly. that accused -phi or exchanged' M nfll drug stores, 60c n Jar. Ihe gin whether the eShlenre of For a free lest size package, wrile ine crown or defence was anpt. mcw ciiemial Co., 311 SI Paul en. am exchange, of beer for gili M.. ., Montreal, P.O. did not, under the act, constitute' Though Vick Is nw in Can ii mi ir hi gin. ,n imnvniuai could u" n nns a remarkable sale in not be herd responsible for an H" Slate. Over 17 nfll! ion J.Irs exenange. lie would lie prepared ,,""ii yearly. lo t.i.. argue Hii .... point ... successfully ' ii me conn i.eiieved 11 was an exchange rather than a direct sale, ' Exchange Means Sale V. K. Fisher, prosecutor, re. SPECIAL SLEEPING CARS FOR CHRISTMAS SAILINGS OF WHITE STAR STEAMERS To connect with I J.. II.. H.i t It I. II- r. . . . ... 1 1. 1 ii . i in. un- ipi-1 mat ine evi. mie Mar i.ine salting froni i.lence of lln frown witnesses had Montreal, November 21, and from been. corroborative. They had Halifax December I) and 11, nothing to bise or gain in con. jspedal Tourist Sleeping Car necllon wilh the case while ac-!il be operaled from Kd'monlon cused knew what was facing her. lo shin's .id. Therefore she would nut tin the these rnrm l.n,.M .......... . . of In from accused at her resUjbesI defence psible, There was leave Prince Huperl via Canadbin ilence for ,H on Oetoher 5 at ujtio reason lo l,eeVe (he conslab- National Hallways, November 7 p.m'. Ihe bot wv produced Ines were not lellirigiheinilh. The December and 7 court and lilenllfind by wiliies quellnn was whleh evidence WTi For rale and' reservation, from hi marks. Some beer had.the most worthy nf belief. Crown rail or write City Ticket ortlrn 1 l"""''.d first but there counsel nfollaled that an ex, Canadian National iVallway i8 was an argV,menl thai loo much change would constitute u ,c Avenue. Prince liupeH had been paid for it and II wasjiinder the act even if Ihe glory H.C. Phone 60 r 7 I Dtpurlnxnl f Laltr, AimuSUtt firencA. OfU. Premier-pr Gold Medal Beer The Nw Wonderful Beer There is only One way to prove that PHKMIKll 001.11 MKDAI" HHKIl in best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This ndvertisrrnent U not published or dhplnyrd ll the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government , of Jlril h Columbia. DENTISTRYi- Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7. 8, 9 Smith Block , Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Htore." WE CA8H CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. ' Phone Blue 81. i Shockleys p"'"g Ii Are now Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanall, 1.0. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPtA' 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work:" GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phona SS3.