4 PAGE FOUiT.. .THE DAILY NEWS. Sturdily Xmemhe, ' IN The BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anuj SO "YE want a JOPV 7 lO RATHER I FoE Call that a It' ! "fe rll hC rV- l" " A 3 THAT fOU Dancing WEV WELL, I NEED AN ft wa-ohcw JOB i nn c(K an u.l., ii u ir no trtnn I r- x HIM -riL " I A WAITER AtsO A f AT tT OR i n L OPEN S ' V5 I Ll CSWr l, va,ib v. I I. IV (II ANQTurB r" I WHICH O'VE WANT'' Season Is Now On Fop real foot comfort ami to get Mi most enjoyment out of Ihe, evening, drop In anil be filled at the Family Shoe Store. We have splendid DANCINQ PUMPS From $6.00 Upwards. ONYX SHOES FOR LADIES. Family SHOE Store "The Home of Real Shoes." Money Orders 4On Norway, Sweden and ' Den'mark"at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for thr.t Christmas visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets. Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread i,s your best food, Eat morn of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Avr. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD WerWWt received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry", fcize cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. KING fiEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Real. Prices Reasonable, Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. . REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING.. Eliminate the draught around your windows and use lesH coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Window. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 1M. ANYOX IS PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS AND . OTHER FESTIVITIES Proposal For Skating Ring Proves 1 Too Expensive: Tobogganing j Planned j ANYOX, Nov. 9. At the nieet ling of the Community League Vouncil this week it was decided to make a number of changes in jplans for the Christmas feslfvi-tics. The secretary's report had ito do with the progress made in Iconnection with the big sporlsj rnneprl nmi hnnnnet hilleil for ;the Community League would be l.n&fc at a (rallinrincr nf cninn spring.. Children's Dine BsBiBsBBaalaWVEHBaBQiTflBJ BSSSa SBSiXlfjgBMTOijiHH ;ten mailer was read. It w w. Wednesday, November 1 1, when him.lrod and fiftv .nnrl.men. aerage salary at 125, but could n ii .... v .i ...Itake some sleps to nreoare a iu Ibe morning. Ten Years Ago j In Prince Rupert j - November 10, 1913. Stewart A. Bud Corley has left for La Paz, llolivia, where lie1 will prospect for gold. (service were not required and no damage was done. 1 A. It, Tomjinson. gmernment hortirulluratist, .suggests the formation of a Harden Club in Prince Rupert. U" Sport Chat For the fourth successive tune IMIss Joyce Wethered has succeeded in winning the English Ladies' Close (iHf Chaniion. ship, and the pre-eminence of Mis Wethered among lady s golfers was never more apparent than iu. the 36 holes final for the reived from St Helen". Hall, championship, played at Oanlori Portland, Oregon, and quoted ,a1 """" A fiirure for altering the lower ,uru,M' esumaie u equip. tennis court into a skating rink for the coming winter was presented. The cost had been figured by J. Smith and would antount to approximately $1,200. This did not cover, the cost of pulling the I II was jiisl Ihree years ago . i. - ... . f . i ment necessary for classes ofi,,,iU ,,,R oun w" wa tliisnalure. The matter was laid . t ii-t l becnpie the most over for future consideration. jf""""' plar of all Ume de. A suggeslion was made that a fpa,p'' Mi Cwil ,'H,ch in ,h toboggan slide would be a good 'a'''' championship. This thinsr In have in Anvnx. and Ihe '' at SlierinEhain. When, on i it t . :mii ci if ii . iiui l: i n Lr II4 : ii. i.n:rpiary w .is aiiiunriztM ii an- in.- .1111" i men brou man gesled at an interim meeting that the original plan for the children's day should he.' altered, that a separate day )ioutd bersel aside iand that the 'Hinger?rhildren should be entertained during (he afternoon nnd the older ones' in the evening, the aflernoon tobe devoled to games, awd the even ing lo games and dancing, and to be a costume affair, the. league to offer prizes. This new arrange ment made it necessary lo alter Hie dale for Ihe grown-lips dance from December 21 to December 17. The pictures arranged" for Ihe children's parly under" tliel original scheme bad been cancelled, but it was not too late to rectify this if the council didn't see its way clear to endorse the new suggestions. It might not be advisable for the Community League, owing to the general reduction in wages, to sponsor anything of a competitive nature, whereby parents, who like to see (heir, children the equal of other? in every respect, would have to provide money for costumes jn order thai ihey mjght be able to attend the affair. The Secretary recommended that this phase be carefully considered before any decision was nfade. , The council agreed to change Ihe dale for the annual Xmas dance to Dereinlier 17 and 'that the children's day should be a separate one, the dale being December 28. The nature of the entertainment caused some discus, 'sion, and it was finally agreed jtliat Ihe league would not foster any compnJ.il ion by offering1 il'rires for coslumes, that the af fair in the evening would not be a fancy costume affair, but that the children could attend in any way their parents desired. Rink Voted Down The proposal for a skating rink at the estimate presented A WOMAN-is as ld as she, fancies people think she is. A man is a young as his bank account indicates. IF you wilj lo know what women are really like wit howl resort lo art, drive a delivery wagon. . . championships. II.1V uay hitherlo In in do do- Lpp invincible chamidon and if ih mnn!?pmpn u-nuLinM I ing so paved the way ta her own ii.ui.rr ii mr .ma nance i Pnirl Vn si,e- The ... Elks . . were given the imnrPi...lpnl...t UliPrece,lenled success.. Mnce irrilM crown II llllk' .r,s an nn.i II.p rria aniflMDin- ' " - - I Z children JE EiTn B,hl 4,f cenr 31 nWi.j ' ! ciil .iren was again . annual New W the Hr it sh italic ,Bhfl7- Mrs.Dwyer, -ha,r-llunj rhanwdou. al.hough MNs Ii.cl, of Ibe comm.ltee. had 'lneJ ,, au,nKw, ,If.r,f , ih, i I Tbe Mas m the Mmb SAYS:- THE question of feeding is one that is bothering a lot of people. There is the family fo feed and the dog and the cat, and the furnace and the boat and the car and also I like to feed a little myself. TALKJXfJ about feeding re minds me to ask any "hiitrher who may happen to read this where all the tender sleaks go. r s SOME fool ' correspondent of course, wanls to know If John Hull is a cannibal when' he eats loast beef. ' -v T1m winners of the lirilish native championship since 1012 ore as follows: 1012 .Mfss M. Oardner. IU13 Mrs. F. W. Hrowu. lOfl Miss Cecil Leitrh. 1015.18 No championship. 1911 Miss Cecil Leitch. llJO Miss Joyce Wethered. 1021 Miss Joyce Wethered. 1022 Mis Joyce Welhcred. 1023 MiH Joyce Wethered. GREAT INCREASES this year as against 15 millions last year. In this connection Australia has taken 13 millions as against J5V4 millions, and California 28 millions as against. 10 millions. These represent, Ihe most imiMirlant increases in Ihe turnoer. A Metropolitan for Ihe province of lirilish Columbia, Arcli-bishop F. II. DiiVernel is leav- When E. Bellman was Inrring ing on the steamer Prince llu-Ihe roof of his residence, on 'perl tomorrow 'night for Vic-Ambrose. Avenue yesterday, the-toria, is business being in con-tar became ignited ami caused neclioii with provincial church much alarm to .neighbors. The mailers. He will be uway u week connection with the .kindergar- fire department was called but its or leu days. BRIER IN TIMBER EXPORT VICTOIIIA, Nov. 10. In a slnttlient issued by Mr. T. 1). Jat Julio, minister of lands. Ihe overseas shipments of timber from, lirilish Columbia for the first six months of 1923 total 220,821,891 boanl feel. as fcgainsl 1 12,028,77! for the cor responding period in 1022. It will be seen that these figures re present an increase of 78,19l,115 boanl feel, or 5lef. It is to l.e nnlcd-lhat Ihe greatest increase in Ihe forecoinc is IF you wish lo meet somc!rprp,.p,i .hfrimenls to the people al home you have lo call ,llanlir aboard, via Ihe Pan-very early, before four o'clock '0ma .Canal, namely. 00 millions r 1U wi i rutwt timnu. Inc. WANT to hear from owner having farm fwr sale; gle particulars ami lowest price. John J. Illark. Chippewa Falls, 'seoniu. INFORMATION WANTED NEI.S H0HKHT KHICKSON. probably fisherman, will learn something ) his advunlage by writing lo "Inquirer" Itoule 1, Hox 20 I., Long Heaeh. California. 200 FOR RENT STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartment. M, M. Stephens. FOll KENT- Housekeeping rooms 110 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Itlue 217. (f FOUR BOOMED FI.AT to lleht. Sleam heal. Apply Smith A Mai let t. f FOR It EN TV Modern house, five rooms and bnlh. Apply Munr.) Itros. tf MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhnver Uros. tf HOOMS TO. HENT In Wallace. Hlock. Apply Slore. lf ROOM AND BOARD PALM EH HOUSE. 106 Seventh Avenue West, Phone lied U9. Furnished suites. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf PRESENTATION MADE TO CHIEF MINTY ON HIS LEAVING CITY On the I .eras inn of his leaving the cily after a number of years here Chief Minly of Ihe provin cial police was yesterday pre- senled witli a travelling baK. Hie evenl took place iu the in spector's . office yesterday afler noon at four o'clock. Inspector Parsons olllciallng. Mr. Parsons said il gave him great pleasure lo make the pre. sentalion. Hp hoped the move was of but a temporary nature i and thai It would lead In Chief Minly replied, thanking Ihe Inspeclor and Constables. The following letler prepared by a commillee of constables was read by Ihe inspector ami presenie.i in .vir. .Miniy, "Dear Chief. The Constables of this .lis. Irict wish you all prosperity and happiness In yoyr new sphere of duly and us a souvenir of happy days past and with Ibe hope that it will be useful in Ihe future, have arranged for a bag with your initials on, ln'be do. livered In your home In Vancouver. They would liked In have been able lo present Ibe gift here but 'i was Impossible lo arrange il In lime. Willi re. newed good wishes fur yi,ur allure, "A. -KAINT." "H. P. PONDEn." "Commillee for CoiislubleM nfj Prince liuperl I'oljce Disici." Mr. Minly leaves for Ihe south lomorrow nlsrhl ami will proceed lo QiifMucI where he lg lo located. FOR SALE 4lUt- Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advirllwmant T.k.n lor L... ih.n OOo WANTED WANTED. -Men and women to learn barbering. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. Mler Harder College. Vancouver. U.C. IIAIIE OPPOUTINTTY lo buy cosy home, close in. Has, front verandah "it southern expos, ure, living room, kitchen. Iwo beilrowm and large all to; all Ctrellenl coitdilimi. Standard lot on grade. - Price for quick ale, nine-flfly. Terms four-fifly cash, liulnnee m.Milhly. Owner, p.i itx 38". City. Ff)ll SALE. - Iiimiig riKin suile: bedriMini ulle; kiUhen utensils, etc. Phone Black 288. FOR SALE, condition, lirren ISO. Small lu?alrr, gox Cheap. . Phone If FOM SALE. Canary, with rage. U(M. sinaer. Phone mark sol. ; FOlt SALE. Two oln no, oheati. My slock of F'urii cannot beaten for price and duality. When you buy furs here you make LAMB 4M Irtrl of iTInr. lint. , (I CUOIDIVVI, VQ fT.l,, r.l.M ClMrMl lUMi. . irxl m, - T -I of tnrrr. Br., .-v.,Hi,..a to pbntut ito rwDuviui w. .ti "ul Cnmmrnrlnr It t p.-1 ,.i,i,m ! t K.. .. r r m.h... ..... bUld4fr Of TJ.. $fl th. , 11 : j" ' 'fin ii . rhAIni htnra v 1.11 k.. . " 0r of ukl T.L.; Uwor ,w art of rnthri Inkrt .. thr J , nsntnmrMiMtil. .oou;.h,i. ., tuitn or e-x, THOKH a, Itn.tT ttt TiMnUr Hw. mi LAND ACT. MU tt loloull u tpplf U rim In Coail Liivl luttnri h , IMrt of l-rttw li.ih.ri . .. I Ifm WMI Ut AIM ItlWI m ,Blr Hut I Jh- t ii f i none itiue hi, zoojn, j,nirU ,tm fiioie ij,... LOST LOST'. While rowtwjul in Prince Ituprrt harbor. Finder plsp phone Oreen 102. HewarU. LOST. Earring drop, caipe,, and Iwn pearls on rliuin. Hewanl. Phone fireen tog. 29 u. r i.umtoo ii mtu i ut FOUND FOU.NI. Two kry on firing. Apply Daily New omre. REPAIRING. ANYTIIINfl IN CANVAS. Phone 7H0. P. LeClairr. Cow Bay. CAN'T BZ BEATEN. 04nmrwir (I I tKl i u tlx of AIM lolt. itxiui m . nr ttwn h t.i of i - r Miih II. II rbilM; Ibrorr tti mh rUHM; ihrmtn norm , m. lulKiwInt lb iHlk llrr n 1 (vim nl nmmmtrmm, r ; tl.Si tcrr, luof or tru, 1HOMU A. It: MY ! f An..u' t'to4 lilk. mi in UMl UM lHtlrlt Hi inrt or rmr nit" . (I Ito towt of Aill lm i I V"i CtorlUto I.UI T V'.le- llMI I ttoa.it I V. f Vtnrnuvor. nf. i ' m orriior. inirixt to ini ' to Ira Ito folhrain iJs-1 l tor' Canvorlnr it I -. i i n a S lMf lm nr A HI ntL IN ' ' noritoul of Ito xsoImm ' lJ! ttonrv f. II IK mnr nr tr. In Ito t Mil lnli; itonm wmiv ".' W ooritorljr. livl MlavlBf Ito pMni of rwwnmfrtifi. k lot Il.ti imi. mnr u f THOXir ti I rid pipmtof tMs no mistake. (.all in and look! land act. nronnd. I "(t uei u t W. GOLDDLOOM, ! la ifn Und buiiia scoria Aveniie. cruni Cote, rm ttltix. cjl , Tn woiir th v. 7nv x TAXI W1 emiifr, otrwpouoa tahtorr Mf. In apply for prmiion ' Tail i7 Phana IroUowine iroltowlni; drarrltod drarrltoil UoJm Ut4n immi ummrzim (Call Oeorgs or Ount) Ross Brothers. Prompt Se;n e and Oinifor! Day .r Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE. D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue. Prince tlupert, B.C. Hours: 10 to 12: 2 to t; 7 to 8. Phone Blue 035. Ilesldence.- Green 136. CHIMNEY CLEANING Moderate Prices OLD NICK Prince Hupert Cigar Slore Phono Blue Utfa-HoUmr Estu-Cuttin? DuiC.....M.J. O uni jsj 1'iauai Ask Uour Hardware Dealer STMONDS IIMOSni CAtADA IAW CO. UMITtD it IunmI HI. ki.4 AiMira !.. HslML ijm, 1 il noil MiniPd u ito aoott ilr af OP H 10 tbajni; ttonco tnh t ' hor; ItoAfO fcnovtRf ator I IJJ rtni tiwormrnt atvl rnttor m)rt or kat, . m W 1. nrrw Kan,if AioCas Dua Tib July. Il. MIHtRAL CTt CianricATi or larsoni"''1 MOTICt. A ., Xn. 1" Vliwral Cliiro. '" , srna snmnr nituion t Rj -w I. iMUfirt, Wtor .M-al4: XV w Rlthi on What r.hantKl. Tlk Hnllf lh.l Wblta i. i . . i ' ' iia tame ini.tvH d.i fx a i1" 'h-r-nf I. .....I. in lift. VlflTlt f AUCTION SALES. if iniriei nf Id.j ' ,U,',Z Conducted at your home ot our 'WJL''1"'' ' roons. Hoods also sold on com- ; n fnritor u !'!- mlsyifm .nixlrf Section . tllllM t' ' r ' ' nusinn. rnrt xhm .unt of art: H. HEMMINGS. Auct oneer. iin'PtoMwnla. Furniliire and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Ited 113. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders, taken for Splrella flood Mrs. J. W. Orahlman Kaien Shoe Rtore. 711 Second Avenue West. Nollca LAND ACT, ! f Intanttofl tt Apl to 1 ,, Coail ail l.nd MlrVt. P of l-nre Hup". ij In irlri In Ciitntoa Inlrl. 5lor s67 T.k. ,.tl. thai I Th'Hl' ' nf Vinrnntp II C nrfuDal' 1 I I filled this 10th day of "t-?J,, r. 4. Mo.ti:Tt, rfL Orfaor. Inlrnd lo PI''v f. n Wm he folio inr A '1""1 hor: i Cinnmi-nrlnir it Ito ',h!? , T.I.. SHj thenre 'f!! JrH ! rhalna: ihrnrr nurtlwrtjr 'M "''V i fidhmliir tli alwro of Ctrni'h' id ll.e xlni of niiiimjiwwis'nt. a lalnini is.ll arira, iixilf f flllxl Smumtor tlltl. Ill' - 1 MINtNAL ACT. CCRTtriCATI 0 latfROVl IIIIKtf- SIOTICI. . . .,, u Hair. Half Ho. I. Half ". 1. Halt .No. 4. and IUII. -v ("lalina. ,, jiitinl simalfd In tto SHU ,r'" w lllion of Coait ni.trtn. "r.' Seymour lnl-t on Witviain W inllea Nnrlh of fort llaMt . T .Vollre that I, T'4 ! Frw Miiwfa rerllflral' ,' lend, silly- day fmm V",f,Ti " o pldy lo ll Mlnlnr Her-r.ler 5 llflrale nf Improvement f'"'" m of ntitilnlnr Crown Oripl M riaima. ,, afi" And flintier taka frSK iindrr Serimn St miial U fori Ihe liiuinre of ail Iniprnvelnenla. . in. I"' UaM ihla Itlh.day f 'uLf.iftlt rrtt Miner:! CcrWKUt "