editorial ARMISTICE DAY. Kite j cur ago un armistice was signed winch led to (lie pence of Veruilles. Five years ago fighting stopped in France ami Germany mid the most horrible war of history ram? to an end. Five vcars have passed and yet the countries are slill discussing the lerniH of peace and IrjM'K 'o force. (Sermany to u realization thai she was the! losing nation. Today we look hack on ih Ureal War somewhat a an event in history ralher than u a viuil factor thai still n. fliiciicing our live. While it wa necessary lo fis hi, yel victor? a well as vanquished till suffer m u result of the con- l f i . ill i ifl'T llliuillliri J l.ti-l Haul, nun iruuil llicl, The world has changed .... ... , ....... ....I .' ...ill ill l III'" Jlllliu itllltuil. II. J 1J"VK U. VI .-II. f'i ryCMrKl"' ''Hoard and the work will before the ev i -VT effects of the Vncurre..ll with the great even have passed away. , , , , , We Mnl always remember,,,,,,, , , ,.S9P, Ihe wonderfn bravery of th?!wmjM ,)(. ,,erc for . men, he frals of endurance ..... ., ' .....I ...ff........ II.. . I ....a frii i it i in i ii mil - Int. I. Tl.n ...... ...I... r....-l.l ...ii. j in men wiin iimimiii here were heroes whether h?y gave their lives or not. Once a year we remember their great ded ami Iheri we lurn again to the hatlln of lifammUfrry on. H doe nol'do lo dwell too long on the prist. The future is be- fore it but now and thru turn and glance hack and let Ihe mind dwell on Ihe great deed of Hit yining men who fought for us, IS ACQUITTED MURDER CHARGE Salvadore Varln Fought Wan Who Died from In " Juries Later VAXCOtVKH. .Nov. 10. Sail vadore Varltt was artpiillrd yes-lerday by Ihe alxe Jury after leiiKlhy deliberallou of I lie murder of Kiiule Hansen who died of ItijuiK'." salil to have been received when be ftniKhl with iiim over the Inllcru vvlfo lasl July llan.eii and Mrs. Variu were km hi o have been .bol Ii Inimical nl wheii Ihe iuarrel with Variu look place on a Vancouver street in lliu heart of the cily. The Varlns had been married I wo months. In a letter wrillen lo bis wife, while he was hidiuir iu Seattle Brentford 1, Portsmouth 1, after Ihe assault on Hatiscn.'i-'.xeler tlily 3, Brilol Hovers I. Varln olfercd lo lake his wifo'.Mihvall 0. Heading 0. back If she. would "lead a bellelNorthamplou i. plymoulli 0. life. (Norwich Cily 3. Newport Cily 0. In aciluittiiiK the prisoner Ouccn's Pari; I. (iillinKhaiu' I. neither Ihe Jury nor Ihe Judge added any cominent lo the verdict RUMORED SUICIDE OF GENERAL LUDENDORF Was Paroled After His Arrest In Connection with Royalist Putsch HIlltl.lN, Nov. 10. H U rumored from Munich that (eneral Liideudurf committed suicide tlpon belli paroled aHer f HIPP HKTlfF TO bis arrest In connection vvllhrmtr Vr...." Hut abotiive loyalist Putsch in Munich, C.1MI. sleamer Princess Ileal -rice, Canl .dpTe, arrived from Vancouver and wnyporls alt 9 'clock this mornTmr and returned south at I this WMn Vmi Want A TAXI BOSTON NEW GRILL 99 Third Ave. in a hurry The Laical In Restaurants. Private Boxes for Ladies PIhhk and Party Use. at Oars and Beit Servloe PRINCE RUPERT Best Food. Best Service. In tht City. Rates Reasonabls "Take Her to the Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIGHT J VOL. XIM., NO, 200. PIWNCK HUPKUT, B.C., .SATIKBAY. NOVF.MBKIl 10, 1P23. VMUrdty'a ClrtuUtloo 1SS2. trt U1 20. PRICE FIVE CENTS. E-CROhti PRINCE ONCE MORE IN GERMANY INQUIRY INTO P.G.E. AFFAIRS WILL BE SEARCHING SAYS PREMIER OLIVER Former German Crown Prince Crosses Into Germany And Is Rumored To Head Monarchists CONTRACT TO mi iiM.il iiifiiiii:! mi? iiiuiiiiii I fn II IApV.vvhcre his eslut? is situated. It LULxTJu LfUIjIV "t "r "'tlck "'is morning. ; TJ I K HAtiUK, Nov. 10. l Hull Repairs to Canadian Volun teer Will be Wade Here as Well as Machinery Overhaul Tiie contract fur hull repair! to the C.G.M.M. steamer Canadian Vtrlunteer. now in the local ilock i... . i .".im nu ,.. ni rx AAiniTnii PAmrnlii mw ivunmi ruuiDHLL ENGLISH LEAGUE. Division I. Jlirmingham 3, Wet Haiu-U-tU. Bolton V. I. Chelsea . Huntley I. Blarkburn It. 2. Hvrrlou 2. Shefrield I . o. Hnddersficld 3. Liverpool I. Mlddlcsborn o. Arsenal 0. Newcastle f. I, Manchester I. N.tl C. 0. Aslon Villa -t. (Preston .N. h. I. Sunderland 2. Tottenham 3. Noll Fore I 0. Wet Hromwieli 2. Cardiff . Division II. Iliailford C. 0. Leeds 0. BrUlolCily I, Blackpool I, CovenlryfC I. NcUon 0. Derby GTl, Stoke I. WUh'Fulham 3, Southampton 2. ,11011 i;uy I, i;ryiiai raiacc z. Manchester 3, Leicester 0. Port Valcl. Clapton 0. The Wednesday I, Barusley 0. South Sidled 2. Oldham A. 0. Slorkpurl C. 3. Hury 2. Division III. Northern Acringlou 2. Wignn Horn 2. Harrow I, Itolherhnm 2. Chesterfield 7. WuNnll 0. Darlington I, Trauiiicre I. Durham C. 3, Crewe Alexander I. Grimsby T, 2, Wolverhamjdnn 0. Halifax Town 3, Ashingtou 0. I.ilicon Cil 2. Bradford 3. New Brixhtuit 0, Hartlepool 0. Ilochdnle 2, litncanter 0. Wrexham 3, Soulhpoii 0. Division III. Southern Ahenlare I, Briiililou and Hove 1, itinirtirtiM'tilli 0, Southern! I Swanea 5, Merlhyr 1. Swindon 1, Charllon 0. Watford 0. Luton 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Division I. Aberdeen 2, Porllek ThWIlcs Airdrieonians 2. Molherwell 0. Ayr fulled 2, Hibernian 2. Clyde 3, Morion 0. Dundee l. Clydebank 1. Hamilton 2 .Celtic 5. Hearts 4, Kilmarnock I. Oueen's Park 0, St. Mirn-n 1.. liallh Hovers I, Falkirk 0. Itauirers 2, Third I.aunrk 0. BE ADMINISTRATOR OTTAWA, Nov, 10. The Canada (laielle appolnla Chief Justice James A. MaedonaM nf Ihe B.C. Court of Appall as nd mlnlstralor durins l't absence from the province of I.ieul. fiovt'i-nur Midi 'I. i A.MSTKUDAM, ov. 10 The Hutch government announced ! today that the former Crown Prince or (ierniauy rroed the !. ........ r... ii.:. .... ....i.. ... iu 1 1 ...." u:i...:.. the Hutch ami (iermau governments granted (he former (lerman crown prince permission lo return to flermany. UTHKCIIT, Holland, Nov. 10. Humors circulating here are mat ine ex-crown prince oi tiermany na gone iu iiermany to jdMrict with Ihe exeeulion of put himself ut the head of a mouarrhil movement, liul verifies- , (jueen Charlolle Islands lion is lacking. which have been delayed in ar- PAIU.S, Nov. 10. The entente allies will inil vigoroiily!rivjns at Ihe odlce of Hie in-at Berlin thai Ihe former crown prince who entered (ierniauy HI.Cor f,f fiherie.4 on account today be expelled from (lermari territory. France and Britain jf recent lormy weather. The exchange'd views during Ihe past few days on the subject. total indicate that the pal Sensation In London '-easnh has been an averaje one I.0NHON, Nov. 10. A senaliou wa caued here today by in quantity of salmon taken; Ihe news that the former crown prince of (Jermauy had returned The total for Itf22 was 1)01,1(17: lo his own country, the general place himself al the head of the workeil up by the monarchists. The very fad Mini he chose this linn lo make the move was:Mifficient to rouse thejnterest of the Briljsh people. The general opinion is that instead of being senl back to Holland he will be placed iu some more secure place to avoid a repetition of Ihe move. , GERMAN REVOLUTION HAS BEEN QUELLED i BKUI.IN, Nov. 10 The Bavarian revolution apparently ha been quelled and Its leaders Von Hitler and Oeneral l.udeu-dorf are fugitives from Juidice. Condition are tranquil IhromMiout (iennany with (lovernmenl Irooji in command of Ihe situation. LIQUOR SALES FOR SIX MONTHS Average for Term Was Less Than Million a Month States Attorney General V1CTOIUA, Nov. 10. Liquor sold by Ihe (iovernineul stores from MarcV 31 to Sept. 3(1 this year amounted iu value In $5,- 17.021. October returns which are in complete will augment this amount by 930,I93. Over a six mouth period the tlovernmenl's liquor sales were slightly under the estimate of million dollars a month. This Informal inn was given to the Legislature by Hon, A. M. Man-soil, attorney general, yester day. Searching Inquiry into all P.G.E. rii ivuir i.r ii'i7.,ii ''ri i?ui-iti, is under.lood he left Wicringeii is officially slaled liere that both opinion being thai he wioildlfor 1021, (10 323 eaes; 92u. revolutionary movement liein? SHOW IMPERIAL!; Visiting Premiers Gave New Tone to Annual Pageant In London. LONDON. Nov. 10. With the oversea premiers here Ihe Lord Mayor's pageant today was imperial iu character. The par ade wilh its old world splendor of gilded coaches, various colored uniform and floals. repre-MMiling British progress during the past century, wound its wa through Ihe labyrinth ut narrow anil befogged street. The Lord Mayor is Sir Lewis Newton. RECORD TIMBER CUT FOR YEAR EXPECTED VICTOItlA, Nov. III. Accord- fug lo figures compiled by Hie Minister of Lands, the amount or limber scaled iu British Co lumbia for the nine mouths ending September 30th, amounts to J.072,195,000 board reel, as again! 1,215,595,000 Tor the same period iu 1922, an increase or 37 per cent. ' Mr. Paltullo stales Hud the figures for the first nine. inOnlhs of this year exceed Ihe total for the whole of 1922 by 25 million feel, and it is fully expected that 1923 will be a re cord year in the timber cut of British Columbia. to be Made Railway Matters Premier Oliver tells Opposition VICTOItlA, Nov. 10. The government has ordered a most searching iiivi'slignlion into the affairs of the Pacific Ureal Kasleru llailvvny, Price Wnterliouse, the chartered accountants, are to gu to the bottom of every dollar paid out by Ihe railway to the Northern Construction Company, Ihe builders of the line. The investigation will also sift each of 51 charges of wrong doing in railway administration made iu "The Searchlight," u Vancouver publication of the Provincial Parly. V, K. Ksling, M.L.A., chief railway critic of the opposition in Ihe LsgUlulure, will be given every opportunity to examine the books of the P.O.K. railway. These announcements were madfr by Premier Oliver yesterday in answer to demands from Hie Conservative opposition for light bit P O L', mallsrs. SALMON PACK FOR DISTRICT;: Final and Complete Figures;' From all Points Except Islands The total almon pack fur the ISI23 reason in Di.-lricl .o. 2, which include the .N'aas lliver. Skeena lliver, Ceulrat division, Bella Coola; Kitusquil, Ilivers " Inlet, Smith' Inlet and Queen Charlotte Islands, i. estimated at K77.5I8 case. The etimale is based on final and comideln ficure from all sections of Ihe 881,1 13 cases and 1919, 881, 999. Sockeyes Plentiful For the dilrkt as a whtde an increase iu the oekeye pack of about 00,000 cases I indi-caleil comi.arinz 1923 ilh 1922. The oack'oT "jirin?nvta'. 'ndiiie. wlial lower I ban la.l year there was a slialrl decrease in leellieads. Gohoe show a light increase while the pink pack is down something over twenty-five per cent. The chum pack in 1923 is some 10.000 cases higher than last year. Figures per species for the two years are a follows: 1923 1922 Case Cases Sockeye ... 280.173 223,279 Springs ... 18,190 21,123 Sleelheads 1,615 1.052 Cohoes .... 59.5G8 52,790 Pinl.; 330.1 19 179.119 Chum 101,553 120,950 Totals 857.518 901,107 In total pack of all species Ihe Naa lliver shows a railing nlf this year ol 25,000 cases as compared with - 1922. Skeena district shows a decrease ot 23,000 cases which, or course, does hot amount to as high a percentage a Ihe N'aas lliver decrease. Ilivers Inlet includ ing Smith Inlet shows a large increase with Ihe total for 1923 standing at 127,711 cases a compared with a total of 92,- 090 cases in 1922. The central division pack this year is about louble or last, while the Bella Coola pack is Just slightly lower. The Oueen Charlotte Island pack lands at 11,129 cases lo dale wiiii an esiimaieti ta.uoo or :o,-000 cases yel lo be accounted ror. The total for Ihe Islands Ibis year will be Just about a quarter of last years. Comparative figures for the 1923 and 1922 packs in various sections of the district follows: Naas River 1923 1922 Cases Cases Sockeye ... . 17,798 31,3 7 Springs "... ... 3,100 2.101 Sleelheads. 172 193 Cohoes .. 7,808 3,533 Pinks . 11,100 75.087 Chums . .... . 25,700. 11,277 99.110 121,121 It will be noted thai there was a large drop in the sockeye and pink pack uu Ihe Naas Itlyer this year while less important varieties show an increase, 1 Skeena River On the Skeena lliver Ibis year there was a large increasq of 3l,000,cas iu the sockeye ack while' Hit pink' pack show u NO PUBLICATION ON THANKSGIVING DAY Ownjr ti Ihe facl that Monday is Thanksjrivin? Day llif tafT or the Daily New will lake a holiday and there will be no paper published. The holiday will he general Ihe bank and schools and business hou' being cloed. FARMS ASKS MORE LIBERAL REGULATIONS FOR BEER DRINKING VICTORIA, Nov. 10. Strung advocacy of more liberal regula. lions whereunder beer may be old was voice.! by J. W. DeB. Farris. former attorney general, iu Ihe Legislature yesterday. He declared frankly he did not like Ihe present situation, which he held eucouraged drinking nf stronger liquors under condi tiinis which placed before Ihe youth of I tie prov ince tempta tions which Ihe government should no longer allow to exist. ,beCr drinking must go hand in andjhand with opportunities foe 'drinking." said Mr. Farris. Increased government assistance for Ihe mining industries of British Columbia was urged by J II. Schoficld of Trail. TEN YEAR OLD SON TOWED HIS INDIAN FATHER FIVE DAYS niK PAS, Nov. 10. The ten year old son of Samuel Biguell, an Indian, towed his father 50 miles in a canoe. Biguell wa taken ill while trapping and hi son heliied him into the craft, took the tow rope and toiled five days to the nearest settlement where Biguell died shortly after arrival. AMBASSADOR HARYEY HOPEFUL THAT HUGHES PLAN WILL BE ADOPTED NEW YOHK, Nov. 10. Ambas. sador Harvey who arrived here from London says he still hopes the Hughes plan ror solution or the reparations will be adopted, lie says he does not want to reenter public life. He resigned because "nobody in Britain can bake turkey like my Aunt Banna." DIRECTORS OF HOME BANK SECURE BAIL TORONTO, Nov. 10. Nine directors of the Home Bank who were arrested iu connection wilh the recent failure or the bank and who were Ihreatened wi'li Jail residence pending their trial finally were released today on hail which totals more than t million dollars. large decrease. , The cohoe pack was somewhat higher and the chum pack slightly lower. 1923 1922 Cases Cases Sockeye ........ 132,000 121,121 Spring 12,117 1 1.191 Sleelheadji 118 1,050 Cohoe 31,908 21.073 Pinks 1 15,133 203,555 Chums 10,178 17,008 Total 338 lit 302,055 YOUNG HUNTER i LOSTINWOODS Police Search Party Leaves for Grenvllle Channel In Quest of Bartell Hedstrom Having bei .wisVd by hia com rades .wjj'jthan I in? I rip in (reriv1ileTnaniiel about 20 miles down Ihe coasl from here, Bartell Hedstrom, a youth in Hie employ of Akerberg & Thomson, is Ihe object of a eirch parly headed by Special Provincial Constable George Crate and Caul. John Hansen of Ihe fishing boat Fisher which lefl ihe cily this morning. Capl. Hanson reported lo the prpvinc'al police last night that young Hirilslrom had been miss ing from the hunting parly for a couple ot days and that they had searched a day and a half for him but without avail. The boat then left for Prince llupcrt lo obtain further assistance in making the search and a man was left behind to keep on the. watch for the youth, if he should make his appearance. CONSULSHEAKS BEFORE SCOTS Gsve Interesting Address Last Night on Twenty-Five Years In Diplomatic Serlvce Telling of his experience dtiriu? 25 years fit Ihe United Slate consular service, E. A. Wakefield, U.S. conul, delivered a highly instrucMw and inter- 'slm? address Iiif:iv. flip SO Andrew's Society. ' Over half of Mr. Wakefield. lime in. consular work has been spent in Canada, for lie started out in Orillia. Ontario, in 1898 and spent ten years lhre. He serv ed two years al Itaagoon. Brit ish Burma, and eiaht years ,at Port Elizabeth, South . Africa, Before coining lo Prince Ilupert. The consul referee lo Ihe fact Ilia his entircikSftrVtos, had, been In Brilih territory anil he ex pressed hi. special liking for Canada. While speaking of Itancoon, Mr. Wakefield made Ihe statement that more rice was exported irom dial centre than from all oilier rice export ing ports ot the world put to- ellier. Over two million tons was exported during a year he was there. In addition to Mr. Wakefield's address, there was a brief musical program. J. M. Sturgeon played bag pipe select ions and Mrs. Vfilliam Millar and James Mitchell were the soloists of the evening. W. Vaughan Davie accompanying. In spite of the unfavorable weather, there was a good attendance. president D. C. Stuart wa in the chair. FORMER EMPEROR OF GERMANY MAY BE SENT TGVASAFER PLACE P.MUS, Nov. lO. 'llolland may not be regarded as a sufficiently secure retreat for the former emperor of Germany in view of Ihe flight of the ex-crown prince, it is' said at the foreign oftlec and a second St. Helena may be chosen for him. i II. F. Kergin, jnember for Al-lin ir the Legislature has been appointed a member of the public accounts and .the mining committees of the legislature. 4 it ! i I 1