Saturday. -November 10, - Will you be One of the 2,000,000? r "Ten years ago almost every woman baked her own bread. Today, in most of the United States, the majority patron ize the baker Five years ago almost all washing was done in the home. Today almost 2,000,-000 send their entire family bundle to the laundry. And nowhere is this modern method more popular than right here in our own city. If you were to call any day at our laundry, we could show you proof. Why? Because the service we offer takes all the washing completely out of your home. Think of it no laundress to bother with; no water, tubs, and soiled clothes to struggle with. Just a minute at the phone, and your washing is taken off your hands. ' We have a number of services for you to select from telephone and have us explain all about them. Regardless of whether you employ a laundress or do your own washing, you will find this service will save you time, and money, too. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 Send it P.O. Sox 1646. tLtMVcA to the 608 Third Ave. Ti -as it should be gunanj HEATER TIME IS HERE A Make your selection early while our jf line I complete. All styles and sizes, a both plain and brick lined, priced fromit1:-. $12.50 to $45.00. Nuy now and have your henler ready for the first cold snap. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. ) TV . 1 ans urmR9 Too! rABOB TEA is primarily a man's drink., It has the body and flavor that make for strength without bitterness. It yields a beverage of wonderful "bouquet". When a man Is tired arid worried, nothing will set him up quicker than a cup of NABOB EE1. Tel.S. Beautiful Winter OVERCOATS JUST ARRIVED. 8torm Collars Detachable Belts Latest Style. Steve King $22 and $24 As a healthful sedative and nerve soother there is nothing better; as an all-satisfying thirst quencher, it is unrivalled. Nabob is the password. )0 J. Myur, of Ocean Falls, has Just had his 32 fl. logging bull rebuilt at Hie Suiia Yard. A new upper deck ami cabin ha liet'rt put on (he boat mid the whole has been repainted. It will undoubtedly be a useful acquisition to logging opera- lion. The boat measures 32 ft. long x C fl. A in. beam and will be filled with an eight horse power engine on lis arrival al Ocean Falls. .. Qoldbloom Visits Fleet W. Oiihlbloom, the honest fur buyer, visited (be Mosquito fleet on Weduc'day morning on a lour of inspection. During Ibe inspecting end of the business a kindly disposed I rapper offered some benuliml furs al wonder fill prices mid Ibe great Onbl-bloiuii look a clianco. Willi Hie result of I he purchase, snugly stowed uvvay in his pocket I lie THE -DAILY NEWS. PAGE FIVE. SAV iff fedllMSi Another Sawmill Capl. Swedemark, managing director of Ibe ' Murder ' Cove sawmill situated on Macauley Islaiid, ha been in the city dur ing the greater pari of Ibe week Oil business. It j understood that Caii ha been jiejiotiatimt to get inio i ne nany ,'juare export busiite, AccQrihpg- lo ecrel service reports Ibe odd are ten lo on in hi favor. The halibut schooner llosepoiut. Capl. Pete Jlorvik, left iorl on I'uesday morning ..with (ieorge Clothier, provincial government mining engineer aboard. Mr. Clothier is on a regular depart mental inspection 'rP. Elldla In Port The power boat Klidia, Capt. Jack Oland, wa in port during the week from Lewis Island. .lack is one. of Ibe several suc cessful ranchers on Lewis Island and I taking a prominent part in the marketing of the product of the fertile island. While in Hie city Cap look the opportunity lo renew old acquaintance at which' he is very proficient. , . The sailing schooner Kelpi", spring regalia. -... Dustle Makes Rescue The (roller Diislie, Capl. Hry don, came Into port on Thur.s. FOR 15 YEARS WAS blixHl for Hi rvaii that ltil nUI iml well trlril rrnmiy r rlirlit lo the wit T llir tronlilK ami riniilflnly ami r- luatii'iilly drive ihew dli'ar out nf Hie ytrm hy rleanshiR "lhe MimmI ami iniikltir It nr ami rlrli. t Mr. V. W. II. Srhiilu, i'nubroke. ont.. wrltfa: 'llavluir ' Iwmi Inmblml with day morning having Hie. trnller I'ele in tow.. The Pete bavin? lost her rudder. Capt. Hrydon was enroule. from Hella Itella lo Prince Rupert ami "found the Pete in mechanical diflicullie ruinu a rudder In Kumelia In- lel, Kllii Inland, where lie had put In for anchorage. Gap made a thorough diasnpsis of the. mechanical work which proved I hat I he Miner was fn a very un healthy condition. Even after thl Important member of the box of trick v bad been fixed 'the sprocket did T!el ilmt nrn- I'he Admiral of the Mosquito fur buyer sot Into an argument jp'rly with (be jinxette. and fleet report that the antic of (lie weutber clerk have been of the fleet Invited Hill to step much against the halibut fish I ii if durinif (be phh! week. The extremely bad weather experienced locally over lat week end waa Keiieral throughout the northern part of the province. The deep sea fibbing jrrnund. according to the opinion of In- coiniriK skippers, came in for mure, than Ibeir share of wind npd rain which greatly interfere.! with fihinr activities. Am a result Ibe Anding of halibut have, been mi (lie liirlil Hide. I be halibut schooner have been up ntfainM Home lough gniwr but have pulled tbroiuh safely thanks to Ibe Irtislworlhinc of the crewH and boat. The bad weather experienced ha kept a number of the email Canadian fibbing schooners storm bound in sheltered Hnchorapc while ninny of the American boat deemed it advisable to suspend operation until better weather bad - broken. Consequent upon the - bad weather Wednesday landinps only amounted to 7,000 pound broiiKbt In by the Can a. diau schooner Traino. while with heller weather condition prevailing on Thursday the landiiifr jumped i 125,000 Miiind incliiilin v the catches ot Ibe trawler !. K. Foster anil C.irruMier owned by Ibe Canadian j'ih & (a. Id Storage Co. Willi the trapping eaon well advanced evral. of tlie little fellow have put out diirin; the week for dilant field of ex ploration. Natives In Port The Cow Hay anchorage ba been crowded over Ibe week end owing lo the Influx of native boat from the- Skrrnn river. The Indian have been buy fioliitjsr in Ibe river and creek I for almon wh ich I hey bave , mmkiLciI and alleil down for .winter conuniplion. While in 'port they bave taken ibe op-jportuitlly n do mechanical work )in Ibeir boat ami alo to pur- rnase necessities ior ue iiurinz the cold weather in the way of stoves, healer, lamp, etc. A number of the boat left por on Thursday lat loaded down to the walerline with Implement of comfort. Prior In winter beaching seerl of Ibe halibut lioal have been put into com-nilsinn during Ibe past week for liunliiik purposes. Local Shipyards The X. M. Mcl.ean yard report business a very brisk. Willi two boat on the way, the Ooreen Urol tier's new C." foot halibut schooner in course of construction and the Lilian M. for overhaul, and fourteen boal contemplating repair york Mac expect lo put in a particularly huy winter season. Tin popular yard resound. with the ijp of aw and the thud nf hammer. The Horeen boal is rapidly taking shape and the keel and form are now in place. The, Lillian M. i umleivointr a Ihnroiixh "spring" clean and will hi! olT the way in about two week. It will be a case of first come first serve for (be oilier boat on the list. with the old man. The Admiral aboard Ibe flagship of (be fleet and discus what form lh fee Thanksgiving entertainment should lake but the noon hour struck at the. psychological moment ami Hill hast fly beat it to cater lo the inner man, of. fering no apologies for Ibe ud. den departure. Cement and Lime Arrives The lug: R.F.M., owned by the Marpole Towing Company of Vancouver, arrived in port on Thursday hiorninif with 500 Ion of "black rthtihonil.." while, the Prince John, unloaded 150 barrel of lime for ltt Albert-ilcCalTery interest. The lujf Ciiiriner wa also in with 175 Ions of cement, 3,000 sacks of which was shipped lo Terrace for use m connection with ibe building of Ibe new bridge over Ibe .akeena al that point. - Capt. Louis Locker on tlifM bridge of the good boal Lewi Island arrived, In port diirin? the week from (Jrenville Channel. Loui was in after grocery and oilier supplies to tide bim over Ibe cold and dreary winter day. II i on Ibe card that Cap will do a lillle trapping in Ihevicinily of Ibe Channel juM to show thai there j no hard feeling toward Ibe fur hearing creatures. therefore the flywheel would not fly. The Pete I to undergo a thorough overhaul. Capl. Hrydon i in port for Hie benefit of hi health. Ducks Qalort The water around Ibe Prince Itiiperl Ilowing and Yacht Club headquarter are swarming with all kind of fat and prosperous looking duck, according lo an official report just issued, by Fandy Finlayonc. pumper in chief. The report further stales that the ducks have become in lame they wander into Handy' kllcben and help themselves lo Ibe delicious dainlie.s contained in die colossal larder. The tide ha alo' been eel tin;,' very tame recently and wandered into the old llazelinn lo Hie lime of one and a half fcii on Wednesday al. Sandy stale that he was compelled lo stand al the door of the Hazelton all nishl lo keep Ibe various row boats and ki(Ts stored therein from creep- uilo the bay. - " The power boat - Wigwam. Capt. Claude Ketchum, has been busily enjraifeil during the week towing lumber from the (iporpe-lown mill lo the Hig Hay Lumber CompanV. New Engine Contemplated the power boat 'Oswego, Capt. Wilson McKinnon, is lo have a new engipe installed. The present five horse power Vivian engine i lit be replaced with a seven horse power engine of (be same make. Fish Business During. Ibe week 37(1,300 pound of halibut has been marketed, on Ibe FiJi Exchange American were high at 19. Ic and 1 1.5c ami low al 17.7c and 10c. Canadian were high at 16.7c and 12.5c and low at ICe and 10c. The arrivals were: Forward, Fairway, Augusta, Commonwealth, Virginia, Agnes H., Cape Spencer, Caygeon, llotespil. Tramp, llolfe. Taloosb, Lincoln. X'oand, Point May, O.K. Foster, .lame Carrulhers, .Seattle, X. and S. Bill Shrubsall Away HilL Shrubsall, managing director of the Slirubsall Fisheries, left on Hie Canadian National boat fop Vancouver on Sunday night last on a combined pleasure and business trip. Hill consider Ihat a change of water for washing does him more good Ibah anything else. During his absence Ted Shrub-sail will be the man at the wheel at the Shrubsall owned by .skipper Hill Shelim, , and which has been anchored in! The Canadian halibut schooner Hie Cow Hay Ingoon for the pas! ;Caygeon. flapt. Jim Morrison, few months, hn been 'recently j will be overhauled on her next beached in Hone Yard creek. II trip in. Cup is leaving over Ihe is reported Ihat Hie old original week end for the high spots and i to be given Hie twice over hy'on bis return the mechanical her skipper during the winter end of the business is in be month n readiness for Hio thoroughly srone over. The en gine is a 30 li.p. Krisco-Sland-ard. Jim bad at one time jllinuphl of building a Caygenn II. but now that Xma is loom- the building" idea and will hang up his slocking instead. He pro bably thinks that maybe some TRnilRl Fn WITHFf.FMA kh'Hy 'iiped i son win 1 T eilher put a new boal ' price for . building one Tlirt I no oiIht rvnuily like Hnr-! . ,,. ' il.k Ml.ul lint-pi I li I mil I... vita iirh rrlirr to ill utifrrrrr rmm Minna, nail rliriim mil all iilHr ilisousr. r lltf or the in hi Paddy to Entertain It is reported that Paddy llaymond, vice-admiral nf the Mosquito fleet and chief of the Lookout Point Irish conoly, is to singe it Thanksgiving spread on Mpnday next. Invitations have iili'it'iitv tuin mm! lint til the f.'n rir,u.,ii . iititiii u-liii'h u i . !ptmi!. T7r M L7 is your Health Insurance Policy "True, it may sound far-fetched. Nevertheless, in the case of "CEETEE" it is your assurance of putt teooj, and wool is the only sure protection against winter's chills and sudden changes in temperature with consequent doctors' bills. The "CEnTEE" label also insures a finewool underclothing That will not shrink That will not "prickle" or irritate the body The only Canadian-made" underwear That is reinforced at wearing parts. That is knit to fit the natural lines of the body. Mde imly by of, Ont. Sold by the Best Dealers The waterfront crib tourna- nienl now In session for a brand, new Thanksgiving turkey has; been hanging fire during the ing ery near be is poslponingL.ppk ln , sov(.ral ties hav ing to be replayed. Doc Clap. I perton, skipper of the tournament, has been oxperiencin's vome uimcuity in gel link! I lie various opponents together. However, it is honed to gel the play completed to-day in lime for the winner to purchase (he bird for Monday. tun i trim rvmiMtiCi n.i.1,1 u.ti.k irnfl'V olllcers- and lh- event rviIH paJlly Kilmartln was arfeslod iiiriii.ima iiorium, urn without t-.iiiiir.oHiiiiiess iiiue nt im me uu "i m rcmie on octohcr ' on a aiiYllilnir lo On imp iniiiii I finally tlx-; n season. nine iiioiuIii ar, am) lrti of It icr, t aurrly lh to tliank you Fur tt)U ttotitlrrruj iuillrlnr ami ironily n'rouiiiiriil It to anyoii anf fer tnr. from tlm satnv roiitl ait .had." H.H 11. I nunuradiiol stilly by Tht T. Mllburn Co., I Hull J, Turonlo, Ont, PADDY KILMARTIN IS ARRRESTED AT FERN1E: IN JAIL AT NANAIMO I lie feast Is to bo rbarire. nf sellinir llmior nt Port xxwka arn-r I iid MartfJ t uve it iind potato cocktails will lie a Nauuimn but a writ of habeas a rr-iii-vH i.f my trouble. Tint wa feature. I no gravies or t ne corpus in Ins favor ws granted liavii IK. I had various ilislio will h .suitably Ibv Mr. Jnslic H 4 M.ipitimnlil in colored to match Hie vests of. Vancouver reqillring the nulhori-Ihe guests. The old man (mean- ties to produce their prisoner and lug the admiral) will give an prove their right' to hold him. W. appropriate address during the(l. Thomson of Vancouver is bis evening upon the advisabijily lawyer. Favoured by Lad let thia year are; Veata and bloomera to match: in CEETEE No. 225. or TURNBULL'S No. 420. 7 For Men: CEETEE No. 220 fine pure wool., CEETEE No., 02 a caahmere and wool mixture Unch-r-' elothin,.,,. Worn by the Best People -tU SALE on Coats Come and See Our Prices Demers Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest in Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. of putting rubber heel on soup LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. ' prince George otel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS tw iti fMvaia cmm PLAN I. WINNItT 1HOMMON. MAN-. PUI.