ber 13, 1932 Luxor Cake ” M, “ with Magic Baking Powder to all housewives, both vexperjenced, is: Use Powder. Then there tamty about your bak- Miss Ethel Chapman, ¢ Home Seetion in the ( mer. lified statement is pare Miss Chapman's recipe tor "LUXOR CAKE pressive because thrifty e makers have learned Ul ipman’s advice is ine ti al. en fo 1 cup fine greamuleted suger 5 : tenepoen 1 venillea extract CUD cag yolks Me « ip lukewerm water 1 experts ‘ - ves and ‘y teaspoon Magic Soda the Dominion share 1's cups pestry flour (or 1 tablespoons Magic less of bread flour) and 4 teaspoons Magic Baking Powder i ‘» teaspoon salt igh opinion of of them Magic is all other bak- Sift suge Mensure out 2 tablespoons, pour ar Add water « with @ eRtract end set aside. soda to egg yolks; beat Add . eugere © at « time, beating in well, ie c ape Add flavored sugar and beat. Sift to- : - ecther f t, baking powder and salt. Fold carefully into misture pour in ungreased angel cake pan. Bake in moderate oven at 350°F. for 40 to 45 ert pan and let stand until 1, when, with the eid of « ag beater until foamy minutes cake is r. te spatula, it will slip from pan. Remove oa r ell crumbe and moist crust from sur- id 2 , face and t im three layers. Spread a ral Lemon Cream Filling between layers. : lee top and skies with Marshmallow Seven Minute Frosting. (Recipes foe “OONTAINS NO filling end frosting are in the Magie ALUM This Cock Book —see free offer below.) statement oa mery tin sb your PREF end for the Mag ric Cook uate Wabies Book t hen you bake at home. Powder is {ree sare tandard Brands Led., from alum or any . : t c rs Salads sagen I and Liberty Street, dient Toronto, Ont. Special December Clearance ADIES’ COATS — ——<————— = — ——_——— ure the very latest stvles, all beautifully tailored, heavily 4 pleasing selection of colors and styles, well lined and never shown such values, and the reduction we are of ONE-THIRD OFF THE REGULAR PRICES, make ents outstanding in price and qualits $12.95 . $16.50 i... $22.50 DRESSES very desirable reductions $3.95 ; se $7.95 We offermg some at special are models Mprect : r For Your Christmas Requirements WALLACE’S Third Ave. & Fulton St. ‘he Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ~ BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. — THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball tonight For day and night Taxi ser- vice Phone 32, tf Canadian Legion monthly meet ing Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 8 p.m Anditorium, 7. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. A nice se- lection to choose from, at very rea- sonable prices. GORDON’S HARD- |WARE = The Grawing of a Hamilton | {Watch took place last night. Mrs.| |Preece took charge of the drawing | Miss B. F. Stewart of Smithers | box and the five-year-old boy| arrived in the city Saturaay night |Stanley Wozney drew. the lucky | ind is spending a couple of weeks !number POE ae A Moh gk as ~ S that makes me mis poaes | erebie now is the |church parlors, elected officers for | _ - bought that for Mice B siti hoo! | yeuse 1 struggled | the ensuing year as follows Mi P¢ A ‘ 1e O01 | along inarun-down > ergin. a : at ‘hs Jaeealiaiiaihaied Gebiition. Ghee, t President, Mrs. W. T Kk ‘ , ' ~ | } ped known chavs | Vice-President, Mrs. C. D. Clarke | { da‘ yin *Fruit-a-tives’ . n ; , i; ; : — Pea would Mave been | Recording Secretary, Mrs J. 8 ug Va er where ©| well, I wae constipated, bilious and suffered ao c i Nev | greatly from severe headaches. ‘Fruit-e-tives’ Irvine ° “ ) f nas ar ’ | toned me up generally, They really have done Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G Y on wit er par-| Me the wor 1 of pox md.” : we 6 6+) eon!) ee V. Wilkinson { Mrs. (¢ Per Fruit-a-tives .. . all drug stores Treasurer, Mrs. G. F. Davie | Secretary of Christian Steward- ship, Mrs. E. P. Jenner B } rie H. R. Bray, Vancouver barrister.| Reeder Secretary. Mrs. Helen p ne D Co who who has been here in connection|..~ .. ' ttn’ | Macfie i ed with the prosecution of an income Supply Secretar; Mrs. T. H ' ty f i X case in the loca] courts, sailed|.." ] b re Cardena this after 1 | Shenton } : D 5.6 ar eng L verno ; . " € 1b 1001 on} Associate Helpers Secretary, Mrs { i ig | Mis return south i \ 1G. A. Edgcumbe r : ayes w SD Vai c | Mission Band Superintender M } te ‘ I ’ incouver hsurance/ ° _ - Buck ; ee ’ : , | Miss McGregor to & a pe 1a ju r, who has been on a brie{ Baby Band Secretary. Mrs. W. B I Stewart in connection with.} ; ee ‘ : : Cornish rer I idjustmer f losses arising Mite Box Secretary. Mrs. D. San- esR (¢ ) of fire in the business sec- , turbane n week. Was a passen- Temperance denis Mrs j the Cardena this morn- Sr de : : cents _ 1E. Unwir tUThIing soul . . : ; Missionary Monthly Se ’ via —— Mrs. James Krikevsky McAleenan, proprietor of Auditor—-G. A. Edgcumbe { tewart Hotel, who d h M ired and sustained broken t Mr hen he jumped from Se¢ ~ ‘ i M i. s window of his burnine| . f Mrs. ¢ ! disastrous fire at mm « re { N F. I {cl 5 t Tuesday morning, wa [: &, “ay { ; BK I imer Cardena this x N 8 ha ne going throug to Var N Myr wn ne will enter hospita n, FP. 2 He is being accom anied ith by Mr McAleenan SAATERS M: 5. G. Lawrence as nurse Mr. McAleenan’s injuries are such 1 B t he is unable to rise from bed — os ve turn — ” — return .porth nex For CoLps. W * M ° SORE THROAT ETc. { { B Announcements C.N.R. Trains | For the East— Mentholatum The Healing Cream MADE IN CANADA '' Monday and Frida‘ 9:30 an Wednesda} 10:30 a.m ? , ‘ i foose Ha From the East— . a . ru Thursday and Satur i 8 pm A et et nd NOW om } Ha oo —_ : e Ch ° “Mose Legit Wem Years JONES’ This Christmas teow Y e Give amily Meat} mi Tickets Da M Hall eat Market 1Pound Bes Round Steak Combination Tm 35¢ of Butter Specials 2 ibs ot lt is sure to be appreciated — Chops Cc Peto e FB. Nie VALENTIN DAIRY 6 Ibs. ¢ | ey : 35€ Phone 657 Set ~— to , SOC wmusmnmmeser accion wus an. lbs. Be 99¢ ider Roast Baby Beef 75¢c 2 Ibs. Pa Ip 6 ibs : oe : . ror oe 75€ Hotel Central Ltd. meer eh ie a On, Gee cerns , ’ ; mete : 99 a 1 Sous r 50¢c Rates ane Spacious 1 Ib. Pe Bu Cc Shoulder Lamb, 5 Ibs 75¢e sample rogms. |; all orders $2.00 or over MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store 18 Phones 360 PrP. O. Box 575 We deliver 1 tit} Peas Onions, 4 Ibs 50c Veal Steak, 2 Ibs 50c¢ Open at All Hours 1 tin Peas Special monthly rate for Sirloin Steak, 2 Ibs Rooms and Meals FIRST) CASS (CARED Uh Hotel Central Ltd, 957 — Phone — 957 ——-= ew First Avenue & Seventh Street For Advertisement. quick turns Try a went) FREE Radio at McRae Bros. Owing to technicalities we regret being unable to give away a radio by drawing a number. Therefore we are conducting a POPULARITY CONTEST by VOTE upon eight points of Victor Radio Superiority. EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE GIVES YOU ONE BALLOT Number the points in order of their importance to you. Sign your name and return the ballot to McRae Bros. The first perfect coupon to be received will win the Radio. Contest Closes December 24th PERSONS HOLDING TICKETS will please bring them to the store to be exchanged for Popularity Ballot. Gift Stationery FOR CHRISTMAS A large and varied assortment to choose from. We will be pleased to show them Smart New Styles at much lower prices to customers. Ormes Lita. Fhe Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 The Rexall Store after —a Diamond! What lovelier gift can you offer? Spark- hing and beautiful this month; spark ling and beautiful when our grand- children are grown. In our wide selec: taan of good stones, in their exquisite settings, even in dainty Gruen Wrist- lets, you will find the perfect answer to that puzzling “most important™ gift question, Stop in =r today! John Bulger Jeweller Dramtiond rings at new Ww prwes S25 and up att ? th