T" Sold everywhere ' 'in boxen m m rear Your Help your liver act right Take Fairly A disordered liver throws the whole system wrong and affects the health generally. Beecham's Pills act directly on the liver, cleanse and strengthen the stomach, regulate the bowels, remove all impurities from -the system, and make you fit and well. You can have a healthy body, strong nervous system, bright eyes and clear complexion if you Beecham's Pills rnliTrivllian il is today. If there was lo'alin? Iwo Ihou. sand years apo, pcnjriV arjnic, there is no reason why there should not also he. healing today for those who are sick, maimed, halt. Mind, deaf, dumb and other wise alTlicled. As there is a close relationship between divine liealinir and psychology and as the church is interesting itself in healing more than ever il did in Ihe past, an opinion on the siihjerl from Mis-hop duVernel is hound lo he lif. leresliiiK. This is what he says: According to Laws "AH healing is divine. This is I rue whether a doctor, a psychologist, or a clergyman he called lo Ihe patient lo co-nperate. This is also time whether medicine, surjrery, susjreslion. faith or prayer he used lo assist. Cod exercises his healing: enersy in accordance with the laws of Ihe human body, mind and spirit, and iud otherwise. He never contradicts Ihe hiws of His own creation. "Comparatively few . as jet realize that if is the subcon scious mind which controls Ihe involuntary actions of all the vital organs, such as the heart. Ihe lunsrs, the stomach, the liver. K etc. This is done through Ihe f medium of the nervous system ami muscular reaction. Mind enerpy acts upon vital energy. Vital energy acts upon nervej energy. Xerve energy acts upon muscular energy. This is the chain of life. The suhsconcious mind is Ihe storage nailery of laln( energy. This latent energy, which is spiritual, menial and vital, is divine. It is the releasing of this Intent energy which causes bodily healing. How lo release this lalenl energy and apply it either hi the iMidy as a whole through the law of dilfusion, or lo a particular part of lln" bdy through the law of localization, requires some intelligent understanding of Ihe supreme law of the subconscious mind, which is Ihe law f suggestion. Idea Become Energy 'An idea floating on Ihe sur face of Ihe mind is nol a suggestion though i) may he the starting poinl for one. Only tflien an idea is buried in Ihe subconscious mind does il be come a suggestion, for when once I here II is seized by Ihe un conscious activities of Ihe kouI and vitalized. How can a thought on the surrace ne inane an energy in Ibe depth of the mind? Willi some people this-j bes done in uiel moments by medi falion while relaxing. Willi olhers a menial shock is needed lo sink Ihe idea. With others again, an overwhelming emotion, such as reUgiou ecslacy, is required to drive it deep. A sug gestion given just before passing into natural or arlifical sleep is certain lo work most powerfully because then Ihe suhsconsclous mind is in Ihe ascendancy. We classify suggestion according In ils method of application. A suggestion given in any way by ourselves (o ourselves is aulo. suggestion. Oral suggestion, and when given by another lo us Is helero-siiggeslion. Oral sugges tion is when Ihe idea lo be sug gested is embodied in' a sentence ainl spoken either as a firm command or as a repented nf firmalion. Visible suggestion is when some outward sign fir symbol is used lo bring Hie idea vividly before the mind. Medicine Is often more effective as a sym hot limn as a substance. "The laying on of hands, the anointing wilh oil, the seeing of cures, etc., are visible suggcs Hons. Telepnlhlc suggesfhm is when Ihe thouirhl is transferred without word or sign from Ihe conscious mind of one person lo the Mihsconsclnu mind of Ihe oilier. Distance is no object lo Ibis, Strange as It may seem n suggestion of healing sent by radio-mind is sometimes mnri effective when Ihe pal lent. Is un I awn re' of il, especially If he Is t tA(M 'WO TH1 TOItTJfKWB "7" Wdne tdsyyJuljr (53 r t i i ICBBt "SALADA" H007 is cool, delicious, satisfying. So easily made. Try it. The Daily News I'HINCK IMJPKKT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Kvery Aftnrnoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULM3N, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month. . . 11.00 By mail to all parts of the Krilish Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 I'o all other countries, in advance per year. .-. $."0 TELEPHONE 98 Contract Rates on Anplicalion. All advertising should lie in The Daily News Olllce on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member df Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION tf Wednesday, July II, 1923. i" 1 I. . Our Forests and Why We Should Protect Them from Fire" FIRST PRIZE ESSAY. High School Grade. (Ry Jean Hnllidny Mackay, Age 15, Irince Rupert High School,. About one hundred years ago, a playful little breeze, was blowing through the boughs of a great Iree, standing by ilself on Hie side of a, hill, and as the breeze snug and danced anions the. branches il blew the little cones off Ihe Iree and they dropped lo the ground one. by one. - For many, months the fl i f f I e seeds lay there, and then they sent tiny roots, down , into the ground, and Utile shoots grew up into the air; For many, many years (he little plants grew and afterner ri hundred years, instead of one solitary Iree there was a mighty; forest. . ,Nmv, after -A century, these Irees were ready for the people to use. This forest was very beautiful and very valuable, so many people wanted to procure it. and many men came lo look at ii. First there name a great pulp and paper manufacturer, who rounteo nis money oy the millions. He looked at the Irees and as he looked, the trees faded away and he saw in their place millions of rolls of paper to be shipped lo every part of the worm, apu ne inougnt what a wonderful forest it was. Then another man came a man represenling one of greatest railroads and as he looked at the trees, he saw railroad ties, enough to stretch across Ihe Dominion, and he also thought what a wonderful forest it was. For many mouths men came, men representing aeroplane manufacturers, railroads, builders and contractors, lumber companies, great papermills, men from all over Canada; and during these mVuiths the great trees waited patienllv lo learn how Ihev were going to help the world. Then, one afternoon, a happy heedless partv of youiii-' people came lo the forest ami built a campfire, and after a loveJy afternoon they went away leaving their smouldering fire. That evening a breeze blowing through the forest fanned Ihe embers into a bright flame, and the fire grew greedv and licked up the . dry grass, then ran up a near-by tree, and in only IwV) days all that was left of the mighty forest was a smokinr mass of charred wood and cinders. This is just one little forest fire, and vet a great deal was , lost by it. Think of Ihe logsers that would have been employed and no matter who used the, trees, employment would have been given lo thousands. Our province would have been enriched and great good done by Ihe product of, the wood. ' Last year ther,e were over twenty-three hundred just such iiiiiuvui me awiui destruction done l.y Ihem! Millions of dollars were lost by these fires; men were put nut of work' If those trees were protected and saved, think of l. nr.,i that would accrue. Men would be provided with work, more pulp and paper mills would be built in Rrilish Columbia, more ilimlicr mil Is wiin I.I lw l... :u i , . ' i . , -I, Hum- iruUK woiiKi cnme and new ..., , , spring up; inereiore, Mritish Columbia would pros ' per-in every way. tnlTi iS ? f"ffirienl rTnn w,l' WP "'""'I'l Protort our ..... , . , uniitf we would nnng in a new era of hanni ""V' l"-'PT..y to our province, the best in the- whole "'III I IMIIIl, ALL HEALING DIVINE SAYS ARCHBISHOP Enerny I Contained In Collective Telepathic Suggestion There is a btxmI deal of dis-eussinn both in Hie public press and in religious and olhr circles in regard In divine hcalinjr. .Many peopjeare thinking about il and ii ilikely lo he even more a subje; for consideration in inclined In be skeptical ahoul II. Many a dyinjr infnnl has had Its vital energy revived by a mother's love working through telepathic communion. May Understand Better The next generation may understand the healing power In radio-mind, but even Ibis generation may realize something of Ihe energy In collective lelcpnlhie suggestion. When ten thousand people concentrate their minds j on Ihe healiiiif of one person, t ti , pyscho-dynaiuic elTeel niul ln tremendous. Vrayer for the sick is not air outgrown superstition. Absent treatment i nol a foolish Tad. "The suggestion of faith is whn an ordinary suggestion is reinforced by the absolute confidence thai Ihe desired results will be ctTeeliually obtained. Th" suggestion of religion i when this faith is founded upon belief in floil. This is the mnl powerful suggestion known to modern science because it brings Ihe suhsconcious mind into touch with Ihe Infinite so (hat Ihe latent energy of the soul is quickened into "newness of life." St. Paul says: "The spiril of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin ami death." Element of Suggestion "In every cae of bodily healing there is always an element of suggestion lo release the lalenl energy of Ihe soul. However this energy may be assisted from without by diet, medicine, surgery, or nursinsr and however II may he intensified from within by suggestion, faith, prayer or intercommunion of spiril il is Ibis energy which heals and lhi energy is divine. The misls ol prejudice and superstition will roll away when we come lo realize Dial il is in Ihe subconscious mind thai Ihe finite and the infinite meet anil mingle." Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert The following learn of Prince1 Huperl crack shots from Ihei Karl Orey Itifles sailed Ibis . r - - morning on the Prince !eorge;xn n before Ihe end of lb'1 for Vancouver; l.leui. s. . .Mc-i.v,iri,i4 Mordie, rergeanl .1. K. Jack, Ser geant "AW M. Hrown, Corporal Werill, Private W. A. MnlheNon and Private J. A. McLean. .Next week on Ibe Itichrnojid ranges at .ill il Island Ihey will compete with other crack leams in ihe Itritl-h Columbia lllfle Assoeia- lion's nu'el. " Capf. It. W. Cameron, A. A. Hunter, l. Hrown, l. Sluarl and W. .1. Greer of Ihe Civilian Itille Association will eave at the end of Ihe week. To relieve shipping congellon Ihe Prince Huperl Hoard of Trade ha requested Ihe Provin cial goernmeill lo put Water Y X. front Illocks I) and II on the market. Frank Kelly testified al Ihe coal commission session this . morning that other dealers had urged him to raise bis price from 9.r0 a ton bill thai he had re. fused, being satisfied with a reasonable profit. The Man in the Mom SAYSi- HOUHTI.KSS il is all right for Nova Scolia but people out hern cannot afford to have a hig in dustrial fight on their hnnds, ell her employers or employees. TIIKIIi: may be a little business stringency in Prince mipert now and I hen but thank heaven we can sun a i mm to play nasehall or lake a trip on the wnler, - I.IK 1 1 Klna, we all like to go on a bust sometimes. IF Ihe French stay In Oerrnany until Ihe Cerrnifins pay up and if Mill nfllliiriM ..ifiiuii liT' fn tt " '"nun I IT III-.' I 1 I"" unlil the French gel out, how long It's Different it does not rub off or toil the clothes. NUGGET WhiteCleaner A Substitute Will Ditippuiat Tu i: - 1 'n -- ; in ' 1 - i i -------- TIIK cost of government is be-! coming so high that legisni a nre getting into bad odor. - v- - TIIMHK is always an open door in China and a side door for brigands to pounce upon you af. ler you gel In. SALMON PACK FOR PASTTWENTY YEARS Last year was a very good one in the salmon running industry, according lo the statistics issued from Ottawa. Following Is the H.C. pack each year for Ihe past twenty years: Year. IPO.'t I'JO I I '.in., 11)00 1107 1P0K lilllll I'.MO 1011 litis toin 1911 iDir, 19i 1917 I'.MH . M . ... ... . . ' . ... . ... . I. , I. ... ..4 Cases. t73.87 n.r,,89t 1.1157,822 029. 1 HO r)t2,2fU 5r,,303 993,000 800,231 989,911 1,0.10,357 1,100,252 1,131,830 1,133,381 995,005 1,557,185 1,033,238 1919 i,39i,UHrt ... ... ... 1920 ... ... ... 1, 188,381 1921 r.n2,r7 1922 1,290,900 1M mm Package of 1 0 now 18 Z Packages AN atlemoi was made lo have -Jack leinpey's whiskers renins ed before Ihe big fight with iih-' boiis. Ilempsey said they couldn't t et hi- goal. MOST people don't know what they want. That's where lhy differ from inc. I know that I want everything in Ihe world ex- , cept chicken pox and measles. 35 4 ,' . .is' ' '.V , -X w- Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND j SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton rioellnjj On Dock Engineers, Wechlnlete, Bollermtkert, Bleokemlthe, PatUrn me here, Foundere, Aoodorker, Kto. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plent is equipped to I.Klle ell kinds pf. 1 Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 318 FLY TIME IS SCREEN TIME Wire Fly Cloth in 24. 30 ami 3J inch widths, priced al 30c, 40c, 45o per yard for black; same widths, gal vani.cd, BOc, 30c, 75c per yard. iva Screen Doors, all sizes. $3.50, $4.00 nml $5.00. Screen Windows,, n T sizes. 60c, 65c, 85c, 90c A. $1.00 ea. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Bhxk Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Latly Assistant Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The, Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents Kor: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To 8ult Purchasers. Phone Blue 01,