Wednesday, July 11, 1923 i THE UAlLlI JiWB Mother knows that Lifebuoy lather Joes down deep into every pore, removes impurities, and protects the health. She knows that Lifebuoy keeps the the skin soft, pliable and glowing with health. She knows the scientific, antiseptic protection Lifebuoy Health Soap affords against the dangers of dirt. The Lifebuoy health odour lumithrt a few trcondi after mebut the protection remaint. LIFE BUOY HEALTH 11 "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT IT IS YOURS Five-sixths of the timbered area in B.C. belongs to the People. Each year it is increasing in value as the more accessible timber is cut. In 1922 there was received from the sale of such timber the sum of $620,000. This helped to keep your taxes down, and to build up the Province. Green Timber is British Columbia's assurance of perpetual prosperity Why Burn It ? GAVE TROUBLE TO DEPARTMENT Neglect to Extinguish Fires Dlgby Might Have Caused Loss and Ugliness MASONIC PARTY at It VtM Ihe provincial noveni- mcnt ahoul 5 to put nut firpi eft liiirniiiK in MikIiv Island it"' Sunday hy can-h-xx picnick-i. ANlaijt lilri-l Forester I'. Sharkey ami u crew of five men spent Monday there cxtiiicuishinir Mi rixiujr aiuflanralioux which If ill lowed (o sro, with warm weather ami f.iiHiuiL- hrcccx. iniKlit liuvi destroyed a lart'i! portion of the icex nun mcnarcii properly on the i-land. Mr. Sharkey slated yesterday dial Hie department J i I not de- jire lo iimlitiite prosecution here hut If the precnt neplifsence con milled il niislit !. forced to do o In Ihe interests of forest protec tion und preservation of scenic laUtv The officials of the for- Pl hrniuli were not desirous of heeoinlnir detectives on the trail of Min.lay pfruirkers hut there Mitt hi lie nothing 'clxe for ft Mr. Sharkey referred to the treat -liowintr that local school children ha made In their forest ;roleclion cay and the inter el I hey had demonstrated ir, forest protection. In view of thix, it n that the adull hi lis opii opinion ilo ilo tTie their should xhare in uracil fully fMilainiiiF the Men. There w IHtle Irntihle in extinituUh imk a CHMll) lire ami the M.-iviii" might he prenl. A few iniiiiile. tare at the end of a nicnic dav iniahl he instrumental in the HviiiK of iniieli timher land and the prevention of possihle tie. tnili..n of property and los o iff. LEFT FOR ANYOX urand Lodge Officers and Local Members Will Finally Institute Enoch Lodge letm,i (iniiid Warden A. Maiix.n or the Miixonic Urand l.'Mie of Mulish Cidnnihia. Iix- iihi. Ileputy (..rami Maxter ' H. Monro and a arty of l" al nieiMlM-rx of the craft left on the launch Awwke thix itwtrnin? lor Ano where they will wir. " I, .an- hi the rercmoitiei lonisht f fnmlly lll-lltntlMU Iji.k-i ImIli A b. A. M. The parly will !' I'.n k l.y Hie (i.r.p. hoa I loi....r ",w The Avvnke made a mm ml (rip here t lake lliem north. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, July 11. Hijih . ;m.-, a.m. 1 0.0 fl " i :: p.i::. ly.o " l-'W - 6:01 a.m. . " I T :T5 p.m. 8.1 Huh l.'VV Htirh II vh Low Low Thursday, July 12 .. IS:5 p.m. .. rt:U a.m. IH:3fi i.m. Friday, July 13. .'0:33, u.hi. t;i:3l p.m. 7.: it a.m. IV .15 p.m. Saturday, July 14 Plus 1o Per Piece. i U.ui. p.m. 1 7. 1 3.1 7.0 I:I0 a.m. 20.7 ll:(7 p.m. ... 7:St a.m. H':.3 p.m. Sunday, July 15 I :IH a.m. 1 1 : 1 3 p.m. 8::'!i Xli.S 1 8.0 i.rt 7.0 1 8.(5 3.0 (5.0 21.0 t.7 C.2 Prosperous advertising means retrulnr rnnlinnou advert lain. 1J a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your wishing 80 ptr cnt or your Ironing vtrythlngr rturnJ dry You simply touch up a ftw outr gtrmtnit such s wilsu, blouses, housa drsa(, with hand-Iron. Phon ut today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. Local and Personal B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf Hayners, Undertaker. Phone 361. tf Pioneer' Picnic lo IiiVliy I- lanil Sunday, July 15. Everybody welcome. Save Money I Iluy our .Vanafmo U'clliiiKton .Nut Coal al $13.00 a (on. Albert & McCalfery. Ltd. tf - Mix ItuVcrnet Jefl Jasl uisMit for Nitwaua where xlie will he the tfucxl of her brother. Horace DuVernet. II. U 1-rater, iux.eclor of schools, in sailing- Ibniiflit on Prince John for the (Jueen Ohar- hdte Islands. If you find you cannot et the dally News regularly, call in and subscribe for il and have il de livered lo your home. If C.l'.ll. xleamer Princess Alice. Capt. Oruiixlon, will arrive at S o clock Ihix afleruoou from Al aska ports failing for Vancouver at G. KI.KS. Jlcjnilar nieelhi? M. !).!.. Wednesday, July II at H.3U p.m. Klcclioit of officer .Social following mcetiu;.'. Address by Dr. (Jrant. 102 The llitth School failed lo field a team for laxl nuht'x xchediilcil liileniiciliale League haehall same and fnrfeited the match In the Oollx who turned out. 'IT. It HACK ia.M. 1 acrex, neAe Hill Farm at the lowest price for vearx. ?350. Clear deed with all I axe -paid lo end of Ihix year. Apply McCarfery-(;ihIion. All Mooe are invited lo .attend Social after .Jii-lallalhiii of Ladiei LegR-ri On Wednexday. luly II. Ahoutidn Metrn-;e Hall, liring-a friend. IC'J Mixx Ithoiia Sauuderx. dauh- er in oipiain aumJerx, -uper- iulendeut of the Marine I (emit al Prince Huperl, j a viitor in ""Vert the city fur a few dayx. She i jhejxuext v(,.Mi'xt(iimtaiivf..lih. MIIIhii. Ilaiiiiiliire, Itoad. Vic loria Colonixt. . A reporl wax received al laxl niht'.- Tradex ami Lalmr Conn cil meelinir from, Hie Labor laj eeicoraiion ii'nniiiue.e and a committee C(.ni(iiiL' of T. IUi .Mackay. J.J. (iillix, Harvey Fraxer ami S. . Macdoiiald wax dele-ualiNl to tuocecd with arranire- meiilx. L..N.IL xleamer Prince Alherl, tlajit. Neil McLean, arrived from a.. Vancouver ami (H-eaii tallx al xix o'clock yes-lerday afternoon ami r lea red at midnight for Stewart I I i :.i . . . t . fl inn u xjH-ciai ifii. i;u ner reiurn here lonii-'lil, the Alherl will dix- charffo car'A' coiixixliiitr of coal and lunrtier for Ihix putt. A farewell lea' wax jjiven hv Mrx. J. A. Smith lo Mr.-. V. in lion oil the occaxion of her leaving Hie city for Lo Anelex on Mtttiiilaj- evenfiifr. Thoxe pre :iil-.vvere Mexdanie. M. J. Mc Neil, Mel d, McUairery. Nayjor. a V lb. tin C.YIL xleamer prnn-e in- u .-.. Capt. W. S. Mooreli'Uxe. ix 1 n . - Ihix aflernoiin al five o'eiorj. from Vancouver and way ports. Mr.. W. It. Penney, wife of I he Cumhewa forext fire ranker, arrived on the Prince John tinx inorninp from the IxlaiuU and i-reixlered al tlie Hotel Prunr imdxworlh, Itexner. Kearn. . I o. i. ......... ir. i i ... ...i ... i . ...... ..-.r, ,,,-,, onion. iji,.,,.. ui.1Ml ., illn ,t. M ' ku.l til. It. It.-rt .at- n L, l II.. .Mayor V. II. Ilayward, foriner- I lie iiidxl iiiiporlaiit Inixinexx morniiip. She i mi her way to Vancouver on a vacation trip. Molorxhip Hclliiiuham cleared for Ketchikan laxl uixht afle- loading einiily oil harrelx at the lumher wharf. Tlie vexxel hrotihl a carload of fresh salmon and halihul -for Iran-hip-menl Kast yexlenlay morning. It. Y. McXaujiliton, 0.X.IL lis- tricl paxxeiitrer agent, leaves on lonUhl'x train for Smilher where he will nieet the Wisconsin Hankers' excursion party which arrive here tomorrow iihilit hy the regular train en.. route let Alaska. ic-v. a,n UllUkA U9 IU till nie local ira.lcx and Lahor time of arrival of the Canadian otilicil x liixlllului- a campait'ii Seotli.h cominir from the iliient hii i oe oiijeci or iiavliii.' dele- for overhaul here. The vexxel is llll-. Ill I lie IIOIIIIUIO I llli:l'l..xlivii..el.,l hi.uiioir uiiiiio liom in Vancouver on Seplemlier 10. litis afternoon. Cant. McCoskrie. ....a ii . i ... I , iiinrii r.axi ny way of Prince harhor inaxler, went out to Ittfperl. the cily council will ho Triide Island Ihix murium; on axke.l to nxi,d in the enlerlain- the Pachena to pilot Ihe l(i.M 1 1 he ileh'Kitles when Ihcy .M. freiuhler into nort. vixh fi-ince ituperi. OXFORD BEATS CAMBRIDGE i ineniner for ttiiurau in tlie I.ii.NIkiX, July It. Oxford de- I'lovincial Letflxlalure, of liri- fcated Camhridire at Lords in an tixli Columhia, 1 temporarily inlercolleifiate. cricket mulch tnkillfr the p act of William veslenlnv hv lurnimil as xirirlnry In m. of- runs. fice of he Ayctil-Cenerat for llrilixh Columhia. Mr. Turnbull ha leliirned to ".Montreal and ha. irotie inlo huxinex. for liim- xelf there -- The imxlwie x;leamhip & Haw t.' lu? Mannion arrived in Mirt from Anyox yexleiilay with the har?e (irillin. lo he re- palled al Ihe dry dock. The .Mannion wax lied uo Ihix inorn-itir' al the coal d-ck. Mrx. Itri?;x, wife of the Huck- Icy Hay doctor and formerly Mix. Molly llunberry of Ihe local hox- pilal xlalf, arriveil from Ihe lx- laudx on the Prince John thix STEAMER CAPSIZED HALIFAX. July ll.The aux iliary xleamer AriMjuiha of Shel- hurne. Nova Seolin, eapxized. lVo men were drowned and three were' jitt last iiittlitV O.W.V.A. ineelintr ll-i--ktl up in a dory. jwiis the receiving of report on jllie recent Dominion convention il Vancouver from the ileleftalex. 111. II. .Iimxon mid 1'. Axh- lirldiJe. 'IVentj-oii; new iippli-cutlonx for ineinherxhip wux also received, 'l'liere vva.xja good at-tendancM at tlie.neetfn8r'iitid Leo Gonnorx. the prexldenl, wax in the chair. Rllhaeriho fnr , OhUv NVwa. H EMORRHOiDS Do not auffer another day with. Itching. llleeJlnf. or Protruding rilti or llemorrbol Is. No aurclcal operation required. Dr. Clme a Ointment will relieve jtu nt one? and afford laMlne bnflt. 6i'o a bo; all dealera, or iMmanson, Bates & Co.. Limited, Toronto. Sampla box fre. SMOKE IPAQn THAU 0GDENS CUT PLUQ packet IB lIlHlld.lMCi IL 1 jaYK 1 If you roll your own, ask for mm (iroerv lebel) Keep Your Vacation with a KODAK For your selection on our xhelvex a complete choice from the handy little Vest Pocket model al $6.50 lo Special Kodaks with superior equipment for superior pictures. At your call in our developing and printing department painstaking fitiixhing you'll be glad to get, TAKE PLENTY OF KODAK FILM. ORMES LTD. The Rcxall Stores Phones 200, 82 and 134 Coast Steamships Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART . FRIDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, l eave Prince llut-rt dally r.trcit Sunday at 6,J pjn. rur I'rliuo (iturre. Edmonton, Winnlper. dlrrcl connection ill lulnl Eastern Canada and t'nltrd Slates. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Offlca, S27 Third A, Prlnca Rup.rt. Pliant ZtO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, June 3, 8, 16, 23, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, June 11,18, 25 j July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SallliiM t'rtuu rrlnre iluprrt, For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Falli, and (wanton Say, TueiKay, I P.M. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alert lay, and Swanion lay, Saturday Noen. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walea laland, Sunday 10 P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naa Ftlter Cannerlee, Friday A.M. 3 nd Avenue. l. larniley, Ag.nt. Prince Huperl. B.C