Whan You Want A ' IIIMirU IHIIII" Ol lllfll t. till I'MlffM lUIIIUil ,,.111 II III IIV 1 ' lin n produced for rtorl lo California. BRITISHERS ON AMERICAN SHIP From Their Side IS AMERICAN TERRITORY Men Cannot be Taken From Steamer While In British Port Is Atertd Ih t il... ..I. -... .. f -L I I lie new PUlplllPni wnicn pH-el through here mump wepk ! go from Hamilton. Ontario, in. ... ... - f..ll.. ... II lff I'l w mnwr F Mill.. in is rrrj;iiUrl ii. I'll iinry. iMily Mail uolc " ' w n' i.i)ina Ii- was nrrp. i .i ipiartcm and a- . u it. i . i .. IIHMirj imi llic -,. , Wilfrid Caron Fell Overboard nd Waa Not Afterwards Seen "i nun;. j(,iy n. a few li'-.i. ndi-i xlnrling on the nv-iii. ii.mi ,,vne lo the fur iioilh th. strainer Arclle, under rntu-"a Hi ( I'.iuii. Il..iiiinr. lost her bin feu II. . fh.er. Wilfrid (jiion, .vlio ' hi nl mill ttiu mil Kfi'lll 'Wji.I. I'll run u-.i. nun llf 1 1 I'll obi Ami trusted miti- ROBBED TORONTO MAN AFTER PELTING HIM WITH STONES; ESCAPED VANCOL VKII. July II. John McKay of Toronto, who N on '"il here, n, (he police he was '"'iiibai-ilpd will, .tones by a ;"") man ami woman In 'iilh "iiniuMM- luMt nlKhl who robbed "" "f :i.()ini. McKay Is in Ihc lml'ifnl and Hie couple escaped 1,1 '"i nub mi. .bile. PRINCE OF WALES TO VISIT CANADA THIS AUTUMN UNOFFICIALLY '"Mm ).. July il. The l'llnce "f 'ab-s, it whs learned today, "'ten.ls ,t v I 1 1 Cu n in I a in the uull"ini. Ho will go in his Jiri-vIb enpuclly ami will not ueeepi iU dficial vngugements. mI l.kaa. ai.llje Itiaerai ia nlatll lit. " , ',!" r e ' v. Z Ihieklry. bol of Hie M.- V ii mo- mrimiern Ol uic ., .. m i,, m.i ,, .... , . pii niiioer i iu urine ", (VISITOR WAS GARBED Angus Robertson In Country to Take Part In Celebration of First Landing MnX l lli:AI.. July 1 1. -Willi a pasMMiKcr lil composed almost wholly of reluming t'.aiiiulians, ! (ii.-Iii. Iiiiu a large number for "n- ii ml I he Weil. Hie wihh Star Uominioii liner Meganur iloeked here yesterday nfler an eventful o.ui(ie from Liverpool ami (llagnv, Amoiitf I he passengers in alfon was Annus lloberlsoil ii. ... Word Reaches City That T. A. Kelly Is Planning Erection of Plant at Atll Inlet WiimI win luntilil l ii Ihc f a mr Prince ipnxiuciioH iteniiie.. allowing mr ai- nrriii lansr i..,iiii .um. jibe mil I us or finished lui'ila-r at r.timli-a urtlyui limber iliirh lirrrtofore fen not im-pii for pulp null ii llic roasL luriiPtl out. . ' The Marll mill hImi boast. uniiin dctiidm ta ,wwv of a romplelr mai-hiiie hi II jJIjU uuiunn iu .wtiiel, will ,.Vp .,Wr U,e -, WAR TIME WAGES Hi "t. .. impii. ipprlr. m ' war limp wasp- of Hip lnlrr II. . i f . I k.l... 1 1 " I "till 1 1 I eiii "Hi ill ' p " "-"." . ...... , .lu.i,v iuv. il liaiiwwy i-.niuriir ami m. Mr"" of Trainmrn 1.11- ii. iniii i llfKlbrrlNNi.1 Itailway in Urttl'li Iprnlor) -UW-mihi o. . e ran a ... l.mi, fr rPHllr.. H.prP b, !-p Ijiu IIIP "I iir.i.Miii.iii' i.j .iiY -" m , ,pn. rp iMi.y a- n-ual lb- i.cb has hem in ev- rmen w ,n. aii.1 the mill employe . prr ikvmi.Ip.1 on Ihc prbaul 'i . llll ItPW ltllllIKMI I'., il. riioinp-on f 'I'pia a ..led. He Ul M Ri,J(,wM , , wliirb ill no-l In li-'- in Win- HIPf!. Mv vM.po M,e Rut back to " ' ' i .01 "n 1..1....ii.,l..U-! Totalled 181,500 Pounds; THIRD OFFICER ARCTIC LOST oflpr rrrlal on Mit ef Iiimnw- Canadian 3,000 Pounds Hon lo Hip plai.l. Hip company w Irtiiorli i:panllne Inning nrrlvp.l ! s p v p n IitiIv nflcr- cllooiri "'"Co. '"I in. hi. .it aiiemr i eon i i roule lo I'iclou, lo ,, Hie Seoltlsh couvenlion vnlcli is , js10.t (j( being held there Ihlf week lo roin-inetnorale the 150th anniversary of Hie firsl landing of Scottish emigrants on Caniiilian coil. The Ill-ill -.Ii Atlantic Mpuulron. together with the Canadian Homo Fleet will be In allendancp during Hip n k, while there will be nu- American markeb'd r.H.ooo p.5c. lo main Hi '-ity John ur i luri. a Inrge Xo. W3 horizontal riving from Hip 'Jiiceu Chariot --aw and a lirxe pliuipr. A new Islands lln morning thai I. V M.ilfr lin nlo been installed ami KHIy. tin wpII known loggim; Hi - mnrliiiierv nf the entire mill man. I Manning the erection of '.a un.len.-one u veritable Iran- a awmiH at Alii Inlet. Mr. Kelly Condition! Not Much Better on loniiatioii lhc in'rormeul ba plenive tindier holdings on Leviathan Than on Vossols ill mul of an iHrrap in tin Hie Maml an.l at prceiil oper- halibut 181.500 ....... i.. i,.L.. l.m. nnii.. lie will M'tiniU nl the Fi-li Kxrbange t la i rvlnni to Hie rity In a few ilays. tnornimt. FISH ARRIVALS Catimliuu fares were nrv lit hi luii limits offering only U.utHi potimN. Two larsr srboon-icis. the IMoneer and Allen, were IM DimiPFJflllP PI AIH i"ponsibIe for Hie most of the in l lui uiiwyvu "'""i American landings. Arrivals and sales: American (!ralini:, ll.lHUl poutul?. nl 11.5c and 1 0c, and Kaale. 5,50 ooumls. at I l.:ic and 1 0c. to the ,Allin Fisheries. J. 1'. Todd 7.000 pounds, and .Alias. 30.0110 iiiMin.U. al 1 1. 3c and inc. to Hie Month Fisheries Caii-ailicn Co. , i Hilda. It. 000 tioumU, al I l.l'e and lie, nml 'Allen. 0H.000 ooiinds, at CI.Hc and 10c, lo the Canadian Fish & Cold StoraK" pounds, ul llio l'acific .'Zirm'SSCOTSMEN INDIGNANT Maritime provinces, will unveil a morial which has been erected al Piclou by the Caledonian Society In inciiyry of the first landing of Iheir ancestors In I'llllMllll. Mr. lloberlsoil, who was gaineo In the picture.siue plaid ami M'1 o ramiliar lo the Scottish race, left for his ilcsllnnllon direct by train last night. Ho Is hero only for I wo wei;ks ami Is returning lo F.imland by II"' ""U'0 from Vork, July i'l. Canadian Margalice. '.'.Soo pounds al II. Ic ami Inc. to the lloyal Fish Co. Ilinlie U.. 500 poumls, at I Ic etui 10c. (o the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. NO SPORRANS SUPPLIED LONDON. July II.- Indignant complaints by Seoltlsh members lliul Hie War Office, had railed lo provide sporrans for the klltio regiments brought a reply from the tinder secretary of slate for war Hint full dress uniform were. too expensive and would provided. Advertise In the Dally Xews. TAXI P.R.FISH MARKET L 99 Phone 671. in a nurry FOR THE PIC-NIC. Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Phone Roast Ham with dressing, Btit Oar and Best service H PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Sausage Dally. In the City. Rates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited Vol, XI" . l'MIXCE HLPEHT, M.C WEDNESDAY JULY J J, IU23. ytlrdty'( Circulation, 1511 tlrt Salt! 807. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 1MPR0,. IMS MADE TO BUCKLEY PLANT STRIKE MATTERS PLACED BEFORE DOMINION GOVERNMENT BY EXECUTIVE Buckley Bay Mill to Finish Part of Lumber Cut There; Big Plant Overhauled and Extended !" r. "'T?"''?'.!"?"".!?. !!:", "I::; ANOTHER MILL ON ft" TimlilT I.O. OIK iumhih m iim mvj ii.ij inviHi) uiiu new M,iin), il ix expected. Nil' I'laiil rrume cutting niter a ' .'.'own or three week during which tunc I lie ulil machinery I - dt't-ii lhuroi;,hly overhauled ami rliwnpeil alioul ami mm li w rutxl'lllf III added. An rcMilt, I lie mill will now be ubl In QUttN InAKLUllbo ISA b.i now followed taiada's lead and i arranging it M-henie of lii-nrnnre (or ex-soldier". A poler display w,i up1 to -inrt n campaign for 11. Premier is Asked to Investigate Strike: Union Officials are out on Bail: Workman is Beaten vp SYDXKY, July It noon . John Mcl'hersou, one of the maintenance workers at Number 1 Colliery of the Dominion Company, was bealeu up by strike pickets there early today when on In way to work. No other clash with pickets i:? re ported. A strike in four small independent mines north of Cape llrelou ha added ;i."0 men lo the strikers. OTTAWA, July II. In a wire to Alex. Mclutyre, vice- prcidcnl of the sinking Cape Ilreton miners, Hon. -James Mur DEATHS FROM GREAT HEAT Storms and Lightning Add to List or Casualties In Central States CHICAGO, July 11. The list or deaths rrom excessive heat In many parts of the country were added to by today's reports or casualties resulting from storms. Twolve persons died from heat and five deaths wore caused by lightning In various central stalos. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League SI. Louis ll-o, lloslon I -3. Cbicauo 0. Ilrooklyu 0. I'illsburg H, New York !. Ciuciunalj 7. Philadelphia 2. American Leanue lloslon-Delroil rain) . Philadelphia :t, Cleveland I. New York :i, Chicago Washington I, SI. Louis U. Coast League Los Angeles ;i. Sacramento I. Port laud 111, Oakland 5. San Francisco CI, Sail Lake 2 Yernon-Seallle (ravelling.) womenarekilleT IN POWDER PLANT ALTON, 111., July II. Twelve not be persons, seven of them women, were killed uml '-'J injured in an explosion in the plant of tho Western Cartridge Cu. doch, minister of labor in Hie Federal (.overnment, slated thai his department had been endeavoring to induce the provincial authorities lo withdraw their ; troop from the strike area. ' ! HALIFAX, July II. Dan Liv-iiiKlouc, district president, und JJ. Jl. MrLachlau -.litni-t sec- Iretary of the United Mine Work ers ot .nierica. two strike leaoers urrelcd at (ilucell iy on charge of vprendim: faNe information, were released today on bail and are to appear in courl next lueMiay. OTTAWA, July It. The im mediate recall of troops from the Cape llrelon slrike area, and if necessary the calling of a special session of parliament to deal witli the mailer is asked in a teller seul by the executive council of the Trades ami Labor Con gress of Canada lo l'romier Mae-kenzi" Kinif. The letter asks thai a royal commission tie appointed innnedialely with widest power lo fully 'investigate, every circum- tauce or condition in liny way connected vvilh or leading up to the calling out of and the presence in Cape Ilreton ul this lime of military forces. STEAMER IS ASHORE IN COLUMBIA RIVER POIlTLAXD, July 1 1 . -Slennier Sydney M. Ilaupluinu is agrouml in the Columbia lliver with a carco of flour and half a million feet of lunlier aboard. RATIFY TREATY PA HIS. July II. Tho French Senale Ibis afternoon ratified Iho Washington treaty for tho llnillu-tion of naval arnuimeiils without ruservalloii by a vote of 287 lo 3. Oriental Question is I Discussed by Manson Address to Labor Men Fred Stork Tells of Work of Session Recently Completed at Ottawa and is Complimented There was u full attendance of delegates at last night's liieeling of the Trader, ami Labor Council, which was addressed by lion. A. .M. Man-on, attorney general and minister of labor, und Fred Slork. .M.P. ror Skeciia. Mr. MaiiMin gave a telling and enthiiialic address on the Oriental .situation as il exists today, abundantly fiirnihiiig facts and figures to show how the menace is riing and appealing to the council lo use every energy and means at il dipo.-al lo carry on flic fight against the penetration of the yellow races in British Columbia and Canada. Mr. Slink stave an jiitcic-l uir account of Hie late session of parliuint-nt. rrfin-riii? lo IcsMflalion dial bad mmi .aiiriiipioiJ anu pas!eil icularly in reference lo Skcrna lilritl. The reccplion that Mr Malison and Mr. Slork received u. il I lie coiis:ratulatory remarks MAKE CANADA FINEST NATION 'lint were lpiiderp.1 Ihein follow- Governor General's Idea of What ins; llieir addresses imlicaled thai' Would Make Canada Great is l lie council appreciated I heir Expressed ork and more particularly I heir . ' errorl s in eomballiiijr Hie Orienl-i JOHN'. July 1 1. Address- Jar mrtface. S. iC MWJfrnaM. ing the Jrns? Moy's "club, here, president or Hie rouncjl, was in overnor-Ceneral Mjn? said his Hie chair. ,wisli and hope was lo see Canada Extremists on Both Sides i inspired with Hie an spirit as In oipiiinsr hi address. Mr. wa ful,l"l llie Canadian corps. ' vvar time wi"' rgintent.s Trom Mansnii --aid be was a treat be- lipver in merlin--- Ibe reorp-enl- a" provinces doing llieir jobs alives or labor. There were in ln" "l everjuiuia else the r:nit ..r i:.),,.r iitn i.. ..n,u- Hie Canadian circles, i.imm.Ic who lacked rea-1 sniialilenos and sanity. There were reiis ami rauieals anions employers jul as J here were among employees. II was hoc I wo extremes Dial had mitigated in Hie past a?aiust agreement. The proper alliludeor all should be "lo live and let live." but this had been prevented some times iiy extreme employers and labor men. Ilovyev'er, il was very satis factory lo nole Ihal today labor and employers were celling more and more together. The Imperial Oil Co., for Instance, had set .. i a . .. i I memlable organizations. Other lo Ira.htion. The lOovemor said be was sure tha. ucb a spirit was all that was needed lo make Canada the fin.:t nation in the world. SEHLEMENT OF STRIKE LIKELY Provincial Government of Nova Scotia Agrees to Arbitration SYDNEY, July II. The miner of Spring Hill have decided not a giHMi f.iiiiie anu uau oecimic. .. frjiu a iiiuiiuiiirin ui uiir irciriiucit! to ils employees. He believed, in mutual ro-operation for it re- ulled in no strikes and ruin. Keven hundred mncrs of West-ville decided lo .strike.- International represenlat i v o Curtis of Hie steel workers, whose trike began the trouble in Nova nig employers were louowiug jscolia. announces that ho has llie example of the Imperial OH persuaded the provincial govern. Co. The more lliey did so. llie ,,,,. i i nw.,.i ii irit li,i..r idler would become conditions. Oriental Question Opening on his topic of the Oriental question. Mr. .Manson declared that it was one of vital importance lo British Columbia II had been talked of to no end by politicians who had accomplished little. Many of them had been insincere. It was too vital a matter to play with, however, and il must be met sincerely and squarcty if it was not lo become master of the situation. Primarily, the Oriental ijues-tlmi was one lor (he Dominion government lo handle but Ot-lawa wa .u remote Hurl the ser iousness ot llie mailer had yel been fully grasped. The member for Eraser Valley in llii!iiver. House of Commons had suggest ed that all Orientals landing in H.C. be shipped into Ontario in order lo bring Hie people there, to realization. He sympathized vvilh such a suggestion. Question of Japan There was a delicate problem involved in dealing' vvilh Ihc Oriental .menace, for relations vvilh (Ileal llrilaiit's ally, Japan were brought in. However, he agreed vvilh the member for Skeena who had said in Iho, (continued on page five) proceedings proceedings' in arbitration ami Curtis is hopeful of an early sel-tlement of the dispute. SKELETON REMAINS MINER AND TRAPPER FOUND IN CARIBOO 150 MILE HOUSE. July 11. Tho skeleton remains of Alousa Edward Lucas, an old tinier of tin; Cariboo, was found in his shuck a mile north of the 153 .Mile House. He mined and trapped in Hie Horsefly district und was al oue time a Hudson May not employee, working for the com- Ipaiiy far north on the Mackenzie TWO MEN KILLED AT HALF MOON BAY IN A MINING ACCIDENT VANCOUVER July It. The provincial police have received word of a second man killed In the mining accident at Half Moon Mayi The man Is Durf Cllberf-son. Ills body, vvilh (hat of E, Dow, the 'other vleitluVj being ' brought here. ' '