rAa$ sec LI $nncc (George otel TORONTO .In Centre of Shopping nd Business District 250 ROOMS IM with Prlvtlt Bath BUROPEAM PI M . WINNITT THOMPSON MAN'S. DIR. J IWMMiuqoooonoognooaootHK PRESERVING Apricots y Hook your orders now, as ill..! line is due lo arrive ..next week. We cannot name a price as yet. lint wo will 'guarantee It not lo exceed $2.00 (Mvinjf lo Hie hislily per-'isliahlc nature of this fruil, we will hae" very lillle ex-Ira stuck, lieyond the orders booked in advance. ARRIVING FRIDAY. New (ireeu l'cas, 3 lb. Tor 35c Fresh ltapbcrrius market price. Hothouse Tomato, lb. 30c Jlead Lettuce. 2 for . . 25c Yakima Ittitabafroes, 5 lb. for ., 25c ;New Carrots, 1 lb. for . . 25c New Hunch Heels 5ct Large Cauliflower, 35c and 40o. Harllclt Pears, market price. California (iraveiistcin Apples, iharkel price. C.asaba Melons, market price lec Cream Melons, market price. lilng Cherries, per lb. . . 30c ('antelopes ... 15c and 20c Also Plums. Peaches Straw- -berries. Loganberries. Banana. Cabbage, New Potato., iireen Onions rlorida Grape Truil. ele. Rupert Table Supply Phones 211-212. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Hand and flravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. SffSJSBJBBBBJSVBBBk1BBflHMijBiBiiiiiieB I II I USSBBBBBBBBH i I l Thptjllls rVJ.nrf... .... ...... , , CoapBrrd wltli cnllnai sited piano Vor the email apartment or crumped living room, the DOHERTY SMALL PIANO will be a favorite Quality and tono have not been 'sucrificed for compactness. for Rent, only $7 per month. Walker's isle Store Ltd. .Mini NOTICE) TO CONTRACTORS. ANTOX GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. tlrr fur Aiivm OnVft'iiiimut niiii.itii. m ..-in be rrn-lVFil Ly tin1 Honourable the Mhilatcr I'ubllc Works tiiylncer irri'iriuirtit 01 ruunc orh5, Vlrtorla, B.C. June nth, lUSJ. m TIMBER SALE X 5294. LING The Tailor Phone 649. WE DO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Opp. Post Office Corner. Kven If you don't live in a glass house and throw tlones Your WINDOW Or Wind Shield May Get Broken. T. ROSS MACKAY Will Fix it. Everything In Glass. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phone 109 For Appointment. P.O. Box 953, Prince Rupert. HOTEL HUDSON 773 Seymour St. (Near Hudson Uay Slorss), VANCOUVER, B.O. C. Westergard, Manager. Late of Winnipeg, Brandon and Moose Jaw. Modern-Fireproof-Central We Appreciate Your Huslness. ADVANTAGE ;0F PRINCE RUPERT Trade Map of World Issued by Department of Interior Shows Distances to World Ports iueoay, Hie I7iii day or July, mj. for interesting map of the world orn.M 11 Anjox; in ttYt r Atlin Hmwi . y. L WW"""- l"e ui.iriri. hi: nmrrinr imi inn ... i .". ' ' ... , . I . iv tviitirci (Hill ..r Tender may be oeVn on ikI aflcr 1 it e " ' ru l ""Malices between cm ua.v m tunr, ivi3, ami rurtlier In-mhihuiihii' rotiiiR t.r le obtained from Itie lteiuarfiiM.ni ,.n't.f Vladivostock Nome ... . Yokohama . . Hianshai . . HoiiK Koiif? . rie ienur win oe rereltel by the ?. MIllNtee nr I mt4 mt VI.1..H, i.t.l l :i 11 1 l!i than iKjon on llie ivth Uay or July. IJ, kin-nniir.. for the iurrhae or l.ireni-p XJ(ii .,.r'II,'-"P"ri' 1111 euu.vuu I it I or somre. on an on. I Itainv ;i liarni-d IsIaiKl In the Skeena IIOit. 3vli:.....i chains northwest or Alder creek Ctat IHlrl(l. ;. Itauge & . m 11 Two (i; venrit will l, .IL.u.l r.. .... inoval or tlnilier. lllailLMion I .Madras turlher nartlrulars of the i:iiir Il .nlnnil... rr, liriona, b.l, or Olslrlct Forester'. rni.,ii 1 rlnce Hniicrt. H.C. HaicuUa I ' la. I i-oioliay Hrisbatte Sealed Tenders will be rerelved by the L. . , rr "i .anus, at t lilnria. Iml laleri".V""j than noon 011 the toih day of July, 1913, .Melbourne cut lu.uiiu Jarknlne Tie rr.u.", .n Honolulu situated alHiut ( miles from l-aliinc lr..l..il. vi.11,1 v 11 il..... r . . . ..v. ' """"" trin. Anck dill Three iS'i Aear ultl t Mll..uMf iv. M 1 1 . . 1 1 u.val ..r f " "CIIII1SIOII niul in. in ui ui'ikimi 01 lrn collars ftu.u0),l lilli will tie refumleU on their reluniM'rieulal ports I. tVI.UIIIUII, The, lowest or anv temlre imt n.ra sarny accciueu. P. IMIIIIIV tui'ther narlirulars of ihe Chirr i..r...l.1ll J- ramleii ter, Mrii.ria, n.c, or liislrlrt K.irf-i. f 1 1. .... ... Plm-i. Iiru.rl HI- "I I .1I1UIIUI TIMBER SALE X 5040. .Sealed Tenrler will ti ,..(. A 1... .i.l,. Minister or ijind .1 vi,i..ri. , ,L.',Ml Havana than noon ou the teih day of July. t3. iTriliidad tor tne purrliase or Ucenre X50KI. to v... v...l Ctlt 3S BOH reel r.f Wi.rii, 111 i,. r m .'Vtt lOllv Cedar. 8.(inn run iilr..i...V , lufm,,. I. ...... M....r .. ". ... ." ...... it. uu ....-. rn oi roies and riiinr. and ISO V!1Jp..li Ties, situate on an area north or I. It. ,V PalP'rdlo I a.1 Van ll.ri.1 tL.... ... ,. - Ji.ll .. . cm., nurr, ivailfc ,.uiliiu One (1 1 vear will l n..uu.i .... Il'utita Arenas nmval of timber. further particulars i,f the Chief Tores. irr. f irioria. D.C.. ur IlUIPIrt I7nr.i. mice iiuperi, B.t. Colon . . , Kingston . .New Orlean.- Iiio Janeiro ilquiipic . , It ierpool l.OUil'i . f 1 1 Wi 1 rr tv. mud J ru'bnc .rks. iiiameni' 8,;" .nil Sj P'"" Perl is pmndnently in iiio ndiovtwr orricr: Government Arent. dicatnl and an abridged table o of t.olllt House Yaiirnnver. ami i:r.i.n,.i..i.ih Ml ... Am-nl. Court House. Prime lltiw-rt "Pi'l'iaill sailing miles closer lo Australian ports. To 1. II. 3906 I88'J 3815 1705 5335 5535 00 10 I5 7025 7720 8220 8210 8280 U080 U5iO 0282 C051 7105 2380 13(H 02(10 01 13 IIIO 1325 I30D 111 10 5771 5352 5531 0300 7735 0220 5030 7270 8503 5725 8022 'J 135 NUMBER OF KOREANS Dresses. Mail Orders Promptly Ex-ecuted. We pay delivery charges KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices lleasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS ED80N COAL iu any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Go Phone 58. ilistnnrev lans, eriririlloii4, etc, rn "ll'Ws this poll to be lieatlv 500 miles closer than Vancouver to and neariv "of. n"uMiiK is , a comparative tahlcjV -important distances in Illllllnul ail 1 IIUUIIVUI To Vnnc. THE DAILY NEWfl Wednesday, July 1 193 WMGIEYS Take it home fo the kids Have a picket in your pocket for an ever-ready treat. A delicious confection and an aid lo the teeth, appetite, digestion. A Sealed in its HP Purity Piekagefn -J jtbis province. Itul they have been 1.80 ro-'arded as f.liinese. This fact !!ir"l,I',,l "l in a levral suit this rn ;""jveek xvhen nit Asiatic client vis. ,,09, iled I be ofHee of a well known barrister and K.i:. The lawyer bail 7J80,( .,.,! IIU, for j,t,.r,,I.l.it.r ,, !., : '"'"'"se duly repotled. llul he SU JOHN HAD DIRTY ESI TRIP THIS WEEK! r.itr.1 I H,;t;. Vessel Arrived From Vancouver, 8850 ana islands This Morning With 70 Passengers 'hat IJ.C. has re Koreans ii,,. "", -i M V- baxe been cenerallv er i.i . "''!,f:t'r,i '' Vancouver for H.S. Wallace Company, Ltd. SALE PRICES on Hats, Coats, Suits, , rioiiM i'uiiii ami i o person ar med here from the Islands, the most uf I heiu being loggers from various camps. The John return lo Vancouver via the jiirvu uiarlolles al 8 Ibis exening. JAPANESE FISHERMEN IN SIBERIAN WATERS TOKIO. .Inly II. - The interest aken by I he husiness commuititv of Japan in the fisheries negotia tion with lltissia will be uinler- sloiid when if is realized lhal the value of the products 0f Japan - e iisiiermen in llusslan walers s 30,0(i(i,o(io yen annually. There at e more than I .one sailing and sleun trawlers en gaged in the industry, and about IH.000 small boats, Jimmies" men am wnmeu engaged number 20.000. There .are six fishlnu grounds, one on ihe 'coast of the .Marilime Province, where sal mon, Iroul, herring and drain ate laken, and-five on the eoas! of Kamsehalka. where the catehes are similar, hut n uns occur later Iu the season. FINED FOR FAILURE TO REPORT FOREST FIRE NEAR SMITHERS SMITH I-US. July It. At Sinilhers loda) before Stipendiary .Magisirale lloskins, Allen Itutb erford pleaded guilty to a con traveiilton of the f orest Act in failing lo report a forest fire. II was fined 25 and cobIm. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. A. Hobday and .Motley Kbler Vancouver; iJeorae Mlnchlii, Terrace; Mrs. W. II. Penney and V I.. Ias, (Juiiisbewa; M. IS Rosenberg, Ttcoitia, Central W. Iturlnn, F. (tfson, (ibarles Miller and U. (Jlfjelf. ORIENTAL QUESTION IS DISCUSSED BY MAN SON ADDRESS TO LABOR MEN (Continued front Paso 5) Stork .said, bad been Instrumen tal In tieltiiijf Important leNla- lion. Orieulal licenses bad Iteeti reduced 10 per cent1 as a result itinl. what more itiinirtaiit. notice wits thus serxed on the Oriental that bis sun was beciiiniii In el in llrilish Odtimbia. New Ibinas were always beint found lo correct and next seiou it would le iiii.sible lo do inon alou these lines, Mr. Stork referred In lln . ;tablishiiieiit of I lie Hoard of Con- I Illation on the civic waire dis- pule and expressed It.e opinion Uial the iiilnisler of labor had ur I ril iIkIiIIv in havintr the bnai'd e-tablisbed nit the mayor's reipient re.-anlle of oilier op-position. Halibut Close Season .1. II. .Meagher asked .Mr. Slork if the halibut i loe season xxotild Im elfecllxe Ibis year. Mr. Slork replied thai as far n he knexv it would be on .November I this year. Paddy Sulliwili and (ieorue tiuey rotmraltilaled Ir. Stork on Ills aellvilfes epeela ly as regard. 7300 ... 1 1 . . . . . W hoal , o" miiK ne nan neon in - Jlbe country .was a mystery. II ""iiiow Oexetops that a number of Asiatics, understood to be Chinese Gl'jund Japanese, are Koreans or else 3, Siamese. It is also f.Mii.l theiv HH. nr(, Kilipino in the pro- Jxiiice. The status of the latter. j however, presents no preal diffl- r 'ol''",l' as ,,,,,v a"' wards of Uncle HJ2,S;im and may be easily shifted ';JV'"r."'s the border if any angle of OO'JO exclusion included the islanders. 7155; ed Hie rontrol tif the 'Oriental in 1 5 0 1, i'' al "".f11"'1 Hll Irirkery." declared '.Mr looo.V u o f w 1 c,a,, r,,,all- lepers iu district Nil. 2 bad been delayed until next ear so that local fHicriiien could l pixen the opMirttinity of prepar ing lor il. corse WaiMcll sisked if some piMxision could iml lie made to ward having boats registered in Ibis district before granllng I In- sas bit licenses. .Mr. Slork said lhal he would be willing lo lake litis a xxell as nllicr suggcsfiotM lip if I he council' xxMtild place litem before him in a concrete manner. He wu nlxvays willing lit meet the rounril. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS After dirty passage p tl. lnlmum LIVlNfi IN PRnVIMfP :" V". "t-atner Prince r'01"1- r'a'1- """y NH'len. nr. hii e , i m il mis morning at I o rh.ek also some Siamese Arc Here But W Vancouver v, Ml, Mystery is How They Got Here i.harbilte Islands. Fog ami slurmv weather caused .delays and th VA.VCOl VKII. July 10. .. ill' w?.- '"T-"l hwt.iI xvonld surpr.se many to leart.l f." "1 .1 .."!'. M",,,,ay firkt t rirai.claaa .An4 r-rtuod to li n arr4 Mcon4la lo li in acr lT-rmiHkn now eoiria4 t ur erd landt only. Ianl puttabl for airlculturat purpiM and whlrh I non-Omtxr land Partnrhlp pra-tmptlvn abollaiitd. but artl of not mora than foul mar arrar.( for adjacent pcf-amptloo. with joint raaidanr, bu aarh maklnd ntcruary ImproTamanta on r-ctl claim l'r-mplora moil orcupr rlaimt lot flr ara and maka impromnla lo alu nf HO fr acra. Includlni elar Itiv Hill .illttatl.n rti afl a . tifort r-clTln Croan Oiant. ntt.rt prv.rnipior in ccumihki no. laaa than 1 yrara, and haa matt pro .rtlrl Improvamanta, h ma?, ba "i ui.naiin, or oinr caua. w rrantad IMarmMtlala rartlflcata ol Im fr...mnii anu iranaiar ma claim. Record without parmanant ras. danc m l luot. protldrd ippll rant makra tmprorrmanta to attant of Wt r annum and racorda am tarb yaar. Kallura to malt tmprotamtut or rrcr nmt will oparaia a fox faltur. Tltl rannot ba ob)lnd In , than & taara. and Imn.n. f.f tie 'S9 rr acr. Includlna I actaa clarrt and cultivated, and rldnc of at lt S ear are required. f're-emptor holding Crown tlrant may rev.fd ar.olher pre-emption. If h tequ'rea land In ronjuneitnn with hi furin. without actual nrrupatlnn, pro. tided atatutorr Inprovemanl mad and resilience maintained on Crown, (ranted land Uraurvered area, not etreedlut ID ore, may l laaaed a hotnenltea, till lo ba obtained afler f'jlfllllri real-dentlal and Improvement mndltlont For rrailnr and Indiiatiial purpnaea arraa eiceedlnf lit acre may ba by one peraon or company.' Mill, factory or Induatrtal ata on limber land not icdln( 41 acre may be purchaaed: cnndltlona Inrlud imyment of atumpaf. Natural hay meadowa Inarraaalbl by dialing road may b puichaaid conditional upon conatruciton of a road lo them. Hebat of on. half of coat ot road, not fireedlng half of pvrcha i.rlre. la mad. RC EMPTORS FREE ORANTI ACT. The top of thl Act I enlarged o include alt peraon joining and erv mg with Ilia Majeaty's Korce. Th iimc wlthli. which th helra or davi.ee t4 a deceaned pr. emptor may pply for till under in Act I itndd from for one yr frwm th death cf such peraon, aa formerly, until on tear after th conclusion of th giaal war. Thla privilege I aim mad r-(ropatlv. No fee relating to pre-emption are due or payable by aoldUr on preempt Ion recorded after .tun 21, Oil Taaea are remitted for flv year. I'rovlelon for return of monjn accrued, dun and bean paid alnca Auauat I, 1114, on account of payment. r tales on aoldlere' nr-empllona. Intereet on agreement lo ptirrhaa town or city lot hld by member of Xllled force, or li.enderta. acquired direct or Indirect, remitted from an liatment to March II, Hit. UB. PURCHASERS Of CROWN LANDS f'rovlalon made for laauanc of Crown grant to uh.prirrhaaar ol Crown Ijtnda, acnulrlne right from purchaaer who tailed to complal njrrhaae, Involving forfeiture, on ful-flllnient of ennnltion of purchaa n tereat and tax. Where aub-purchaa. er do not claim whol of original par. l, purrha price due and taiea may b dUtrlbuttd proportionately over whol area Appllcatlona muat be mad by way 1, 1120. ORAZINO Urailng Act, llll. for ayatematlo dvlopmnt cf llvealock tnduatry pro. Ida for grating dlatrlct and rang dmlnltratlon under Commtaalun.r. AnnuiU grailng permltt lud baaed pn numbera ranged: priority for aatab llhd owner. fltork-ownera my forni oe''Jon for rang ma nag. mnL "r-Hr fr... p.rmit. to'baVhCIl; tropr or tilir. ii, Phone 376 The House PRE-1NVENT0RYJUL Y CLEARANCE SALE CHILDREN'S SUMMER HATS, IN WASH COT-TON CHECKS, PLAIN AND TWO-TONE COMBINATIONS TO CLEAI1 70 cents SHOE DEPARTMENT. Flapper Shoe-, palent two lone, wide Mnp. buckle, priced al $4.95 Mahogany calf, strap Inn kle, piu cil at ... . $4.65 The -ame iu Mi-.se' sixes, 1 1 In . jiriceij ul $3.05 UNIVERSAL TRADING. CO. Outfitters to the Whole Fsmily. Prompt lli'Uc 'v nil 'ars or prince Unper! We Prepay Mall Orders. Satisfaction or Money Back. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Tile (ircul I tiii'r;il Jeuc I Super Seiiul ion "BAVU" iJraiiiatir. Thrilling. Km iIiiik. hiirge. Notable t... uif ItnliiiK Wallace Beery, Estclle Taylor, Sylvia Breamer Miipiufn rnl ScHins.- FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 10c and 35c ARRIVED Complete New 8tock of DRY MASH HOPPERS. GRIT AND SHELL BOXES. DRINKING FOUNT8. CHICK FOUNT8 AND FEEDERS. Priced 01 from See lbee new sumlary poultry reipitiles. The Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. REMEMBER! - OUR SALE CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY, JULY 14. Here Is Something Extra Special In BATHING SUITS Cotton Bathing Suits for hoys uml girl-, vizes 22 to .V. For til if week only 750 Men's Cotton Bathing Suits llefiiiltir price t.o0. Bale l'rifH, $1.00 IteKiiliir price .tL'.UO. Sale price $1.50 Extra Flno Men's All Wool Bathing 8ults Itegular price Sale price $3.50 Ladles' All Wool Bathing 8ults offered at 20'i Discount. Boys' Cotton Sweaters, kln.ki mill blue, two for .... $1.00 In our Shoo Departmont, special prices all this week on White Canvas and Running 8hoes. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. Corner Third and Seventh.